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snapshot: Stretch Zone
STRETCH ZONE Tony Zaccario, Stretch Zone President and CEO
Opening its first store front location in 2015, Stretch Zone now boasts more than 110 locations in over 22 states nationwide. President and CEO Tony Zaccario explains how this leading practitioner-assisted stretching concept has been changing lives and is poised to double its franchise locations in the coming year.
Franchising USA: Tony, tell us about Stretch Zone’s offering. Tony Zaccario: Whether you’re scaling Mount Everest, working on your golf swing or sitting at your desk all day, everyone knows that they need to stretch, but rarely do they do it right, or even do it at all. Stretch Zone offers what we call the Stretch Zone Method®, a unique, practitioner-assisted stretching process that utilizes a patented strapping system to position, stabilize and isolate muscles to allow for the best possible results with
Franchising USA
little resistance from the body. Through these proprietary stretching methods, clients can minimize body discomfort, boost their health and wellness goals, and prevent future injury. Not to mention, we help improve your joint mobility and keep muscles loose.
FranUSA: Why is there a need for this service? TZ: We are told to eat healthy, drink water, and exercise, but stretching is
rarely included in that list – and we are here to educate more people on why it shouldn’t be left out. Stretch Zone aids athletes, senior citizens, people with medical conditions, and virtually anyone interested in strengthening their overall health by deepening the connection with their nervous system. And we’re the only stretch franchise to utilize a patented stabilization system during each and every stretch! Combined with our proprietary and nationally recognized Stretch Zone