CESA Survival Guide 2013

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生存 指南

Welcome to CESA! We are so glad to have you as part of this big family for 1T3 - 1T4! U of T CESA (Chinese Engineering Students’ Association) is one of the biggest and oldest student clubs in Skule. Our goal is to serve all Engineering students while promoting Chinese culture, friendship, and communication among our members. For the past 39 years, CESA has been committed to providing you, and all our members, a warm community while your student experience at the University of Toronto: social and recreational activities, professional development, academic assistance, Chinese festival celebrations, and more. We have all been through first year university; we’ve been through those stages when we have no idea what school offers us, how to study effectively, where to go for food if hungry, where to hang out with friends after a long day, where to nap during hardcore exam period, where to go crazy shopping after exams, where to consult for future career choices... Among us, there are a group of you who have just left your motherland, you realized people around speak a completely different language, you might be scared, you might be lost... This is why CESA exec team has created this Survival Guide, which includes almost everything you could think of. From study to social, food to karaoke, job hunting to dress tips, school services to international student guide... YES! We’ve got it all!

欢迎加入CESA!非常高兴你成为了 CESA 2013~14年度的会员!CESA (多 伦多大学中国同学会)是多伦多大学工程 系最大最古老的学生组织之一。我们的目 标是服务所有的工程学子,与此同时促进 会员们之间的交流、帮助大家广交朋友、 弘扬中国文化。CESA成立的39年以来, 我们立志于给会员们提供最温暖的环境, 为大家充实学习生活。我们为会员提供社 交娱乐活动、职业规划、学术指导,更与 会员一起庆祝中国传统节日。 我们大家都经历过大一,经历过那些不知 道学校能给予什么的阶段,不知如何有效 率的学习,不知道去哪里去寻觅美食,忙 碌了一天之后去哪里消遣,考试期间去哪 里小睡一会,考完该去哪里疯狂购物,去 哪里咨询未来工作规划等等。在我们之中, 有一部分的同学刚刚离开自己的出生的地 方,你们发现周围的大家说着不熟悉的语 言,你们可能会害怕, 可能会迷茫…… 这就是为何CESA在这里为大家奉上这个 生存指南的原因, 它包含了你所有想知道的 答案。从学习到社交,美食到K歌,从找 工作到衣着时尚,从校园服务项目到国际 留学生指南……是的!这就是工程大一宝 典! 大家可是很努力地在做杂志啊!要每个字 都看听到没!么么哒>3<

CESA Exec team 2013-2014

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Master Mix Hotpot Cost per person: ~ $20 (dinner) Address: 261 Spadina Ave,Toronto ON On a cold winter night, what do you think of? For me it’s definitely HOT POT! Master Mix is a new All-you-can-eat hot pot Restaurant in the heart of Chinatown. At Master Mix, there are several soup bases available: Pork Bone, Spicy, Seafood, Kimchi, as well as Pumpkin and Milk. My favourite is none other than the spicy broth! It is a traditional Taiwanese hot pot base with many spices and chilli, oh-sodelicious and definitely warms me up in winter. Pumpkin and Milk is an interesting broth that is semi-sweet yet savory. I have never tried that soup base before in other restaurants and it was quite good. My friend suggested that this broth is probably good for our skin as milk is known to have whitening effects :) They also have a wide selection of ingredients you can choose from: meat, more than 5 types of vegetables, seafood (even salmon and oysters!), noodles...etc. There is also a complimentary self-serve sauce and drinks bar on the side. I am a meat-monster *rawr* so I have to get lots of beef every time at hot pot. During my last visit, I ordered a lot of lamb and beef because they were so fresh and meaty! I also had a lot of vermicelli and radish, they are the best for hot pot as they soak up all the flavour from the broths ^-^ Before Master Mix opened, I was stuck with only one or two hot pot restaurants in downtown and they are just incomparable to the ones uptown. Ingredients were cheap, not fresh, and soup bases were plain and MSG-filled. However, my experience at Master Mix was nothing but 10 thumbs up! If you still have room after pigging out at hotpot, Master Mix also sells desserts and bubble tea for you sweet-tooths out there :)

三国馔 人均:~ $20 (晚餐) 地址:261 Spadina Ave, Toronto ON 寒冷冬天的夜晚你想到什么呢?对小编来说绝对 想到火锅!三国馔开在Chinatown中心,是一 家新概念自助火锅餐厅。三国馔提供几种免费锅 底:猪骨、麻辣、海鲜、辣白菜和南瓜牛奶。我 的最爱是麻辣锅!这个台湾传统锅底由许多种香 料和辣椒熬制而成,真是非常的好吃,肯定能让 我在冬天里也暖洋洋的。 南瓜牛奶锅有点甜但是很美味,是很有趣的锅 底。小编从来没在别的餐馆吃过这种汤底,而且 还很好吃。小编的朋友觉得这种汤底大概对皮肤 很有好处因为牛奶有美白的功效:) 它们家更有丰富的食材供食客选择:肉类,超过 五种蔬菜,海鲜(甚至有三文鱼和牡蛎!),面 条等等等等。那里还有免费的自助蘸酱和自助饮 料。小编是个肉食动物*吼吼吼*所以我吃火锅每 次必点牛肉。上次我去的时候,我点了很多牛肉 和羊肉,因为非常新鲜,肉滋滋的!我还吃了很 多挂面和白萝卜,这些跟火锅搭配最赞,因为它 们会吸收火锅的汤汁。 在Master Mix开张前,在市中心我只能在一两家 火锅店中选择,而且它们也比不上uptown的火锅 店。食材都很廉价,也不新鲜,汤底要么很淡, 要么味精太多。但是,我在Master Mix的经历绝 对是要竖十只大拇指的!如果在大吃火锅之后, 胃里还有容量的话,Master Mix还准备了甜点和 奶茶给甜食爱好者们;)


Yooji 友记

Cost per person: < $10 Address: 280 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON Not sure about you, personally I have downtime during school (especially before exams!). Sometimes my friends and I have conflict schedule and we just can’t eat together. Under conditions like these I don’t feel like eating inside a restaurant. I just want to grab some food (something other than McDonalds and Burger King), go home and watch a movie while eating. I am always looking for a place which offers delicious Chinese food take-outs. And Finally I found it! At south-west corner of Dundas and Spadina intersection, there is Yooji! Yooji is the perfect place to go for nutritional, delicious Chinese food take-outs! I was actually so happy to see

something like Yooji opens in Chinatown. Yooji is like T&T food court (if you have been to one), it has almost EVERY popular Chinese dish that you could EVER think of! Sweet and sour pork, general tao chicken, fried shrimp, and so on… My personal favorite is their steam turbot and steam salmon since I’m a fish lover. I’m surprised by the fact they have turbot here, since every time I go to an Asian food court there is either fried fish or salmon. On the other hand, for those of you who are craving for meat, you’ll never be disappointed here! Their food reminds me so much of my mom’s cooking back in China. By the way, they also sell sushi and slow cooked Chinese style soup, which is delicious! Most importantly Yooji is very cheap, their daily combo is only 5.98! That includes 1 meat item + 2 veggie items + rice/noodles. Isn’t that a great deal?!

人均:< $10 地址:280 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON 不知道大家是不是这样的,小编在念书的时候 尼玛经常心情低落(尤其是考试前),还有的 时候因为作业什么的没办法和基友一起吃饭。 在这种情况下吧,也没啥心思下馆子坐在饭店 里品尝美食啦。这时候我比较想买些快餐回家 (最好不要是麦当劳或汉堡王啦),边吃边看 电影神马的。在工程读书的这几年,我一直在 找一家中餐的快餐店,好吃有营养。这回终 于被我找到了!友记快餐!友记在Dundas和 Spadina的西南角,是中餐快餐外卖的完美选 择!如果你去过大统华的话,友记跟那个有点 像。只要是你能想到的中餐,友记基本都有, 还有现炒的小菜哦!糖醋小排,左宗棠鸡,炒

06 虾仁,等等等等。因为小编比较喜欢吃鱼,所 以最喜欢的菜是清蒸桂花鱼和清蒸三文鱼。其 实店里有桂花鱼这件事情让我挺惊喜的呢,平 常快餐店不是只有炸鱼啊,三文鱼啥的么?当 然啦,对于喜欢吃肉的男生来说,友记快餐不 会让你失望的啦!他们的菜让我想到了在老家 妈妈的味道呢。对了,他们还有卖寿司和炖 汤,超好味哦! 最重要的是友记很便宜,一个套餐只要5.98! 其中包括一荤二素送饭或者面。是不是很划算 呢?!


热带风暴 Tropical Storm, 玫瑰花绿茶 Rose Flower Green Tea 冰淇琳草莓厚多士 Strawberry Ice Cream Cube Toast, 鮮草莓起司蛋糕 Fresh Strawberry Cheesecake $5-15 482 Dundas St. W, Toronto ON Mon-Thu: Noon - 11:00 pm Fri - Sat: Noon - 1:00 am Sun: Noon - 11:00 pm

Cost per person: $5-10 Address: 482 Dundas St. W, Toronto ON Bored after school or during a long break between your awkward and packed schedule? Want to find a place to sit down and catch up with a friend? Or are you simply craving for some bubble tea? CESA buddies you should visit my favourite bubble tea place near campus, MODO Fruit and Tea House! Located at the north-east corner of Spadina and Dundas, MODO is a spacious tea house that serves lunch combos, bubble tea and desserts. The exterior of MODO is quite hidden and dark as you walk along Dundas, but the first time I went inside, I found the atmosphere very cozy and relaxed. During my most recent visit, I went with a friend to work on a project together (yay to free wifi!). I ordered the Tropical Storm while my friend had

the Rose Flower Green Tea. The Tropical Storm is a really soft and creamy smoothie with fresh mangoes, pineapples, strawberries and bananas. It is not too sweet and it is perfect for me as I’m not exactly a sweet-toothed person when it comes to drinks. The Rose Flower Green Tea is also a refreshing and calming drink on a hot summer day. It is pink and girly because of the rose buds in the drink. I also liked that the floral smell is strong but not overpowering. Overall, MODO is a pretty and modern place near campus to chill with friends when you have free time during the day. Their prices are reasonable for students like us (I know, we’re always broke T_T) and there are also few board games on site!


人均: $5-10 地址: 482 Dundas St. W, Toronto ON 上课久了需要休息?两堂课之间有超长时间的 空档?想坐下来和朋友聊聊八卦?或者你只是 想来些小点心和珍珠奶茶而已?这种情况下 就可以去小编最喜欢的MODO!MODO位于 Spadina和Dundas的东北角,是一家非常空 间很大装修很美的茶庄,当然也提供商务套 餐,珍珠奶茶和甜点。MODO从外围看上去很 暗很隐蔽,可是当小编第一次踏入MODO的店 堂,却被那温馨舒适的环境吸引了。最近一次 去MODO是和组员一起做功课(免费无线网络 哟)。小编点了热带风暴,朋友点的是玫瑰绿 茶。热带风暴是由很新鲜的芒果、菠萝、草莓 和香蕉打制的奶昔,不会过甜所以非常适合像 小编一样不怎么喜欢甜食的人。小编非常喜欢 玫瑰绿茶甜美的外表,当然还有花草茶特有的 清香。玫瑰花绿茶有清新的口感,加上悠悠的 玫瑰花香,是夏日里的绝赞选择。 总而言之,学校附近的MODO环境优美,且现 代化,非常适合朋友小聚。MODO的价格相当 公道,是我们这种穷学生的福音T_T,而且还 有桌游哦!

Owl of Minerva Cost per person: ~ $10 Address: 280 Spadina Ave., Toronto ON (Inside Dragon City) Owl is known to have a reputation for some of the best Gamjatang in town. For those of you who have never tried Gamjatang, it means Pork Bone Soup in English --- which is a spicy and savory Korean soup made of pork ribs, a large piece of potato, kimchi, and spices like hot peppers and ground wild sesame seeds. Owl is my go-to place after a Friday night out because it is opened 24 hours 5 days a week. They also serve tons of side dishes so make sure to visit them sometime when you are craving for Korean comfort food! 人均:~ $10 地址:280 Spadina Ave., Toronto ON (龙城里面) Owl of Minerva是一家以猪骨汤而闻名的餐 厅。没吃过猪骨汤的同学请让我描述一下其美 味:用猪骨熬制的香辣可口酱汤,配着土豆和 辣白菜;那味道,夹杂着辣椒和野生芝麻,真 是美味至极!这家店一周5天24小时开业,是 我每周五晚必去之地。除了猪骨汤,他们还提 供大量的配菜,所以如果你渴望着享用一顿韩 式盛宴,你可一定要来这里。

Dumpling King


Cost per person: < $10 Address: 438 Dundas St. W, Toronto ON Dumpling King totally satisfies my love for dumplings! All dumplings at Dumpling King are freshly made every day and there are so many flavors to choose from: Cabbage and Pork, Chicken, Celery and Pork... Other than dumplings, Dumpling King also serves some cold dishes, noodle soups, and traditional Chinese desserts. Excellent place for a quick lunch or dinner with some delicious meaty goodness after your long depressing day at Skule. 人均:< $10 地址:438 Dundas St. W, Toronto ON 饺子王真是让我对饺子的爱升华了!这里所有 饺子都是当天新鲜出炉的,而且有非常多的口 味:白菜猪肉馅、鸡肉馅、芹菜猪肉馅... 除此 之外,饺子王还提供凉菜、汤面和中式点心。 在漫长的一天学习过后,这里绝对是你快捷又 营养用餐的极佳选择!


Yakitori Bar

人均:~$15 地址:1 Baldwin St., Toronto ON

Cost per person: ~$15 Address: 1 Baldwin St., Toronto ON

Yakitori Bar是一个去年12月份刚刚加入 Baldwin Village的日韩混餐式餐厅。记得我 第一次来的时候,我点了一些日式串烧和些许 配菜。那个牛仔骨串烧,搭配着酱汁(芝麻, 照烧和辣酱),是我的最爱!它的肉质香嫩多 汁,好吃极了!还有一些我很喜欢的有趣小吃 你可一定要尝尝,有Kimchi 3 Ways(泡菜三 吃), Squash Dukbokki(年糕)和Bulgogi Cheeseburgers(韩式牛肉汉堡)。这里有 着舒适的氛围,绝对是一个与朋友聊天小聚的 绝佳场所!

Opened this past December, Yakitori bar is a new addition to Baldwin Village that serves korean food with some japanese fusion dishes. At my first time at Yakitori Bar, I went for some yakitori, which are grilled skewers, and few other dishes. The beef short ribs skewers, served with a trio of dipping sauces (Sesame, Teriyaki, and Hot Sauce), were my favourite since the meat was so tender and juicy. There are also few interesting and popular dishes that I liked and you should definitely try out: Kimchi 3 Ways, Squash Dukbokki, and Bulgogi Cheeseburgers. Great food with a rather relaxing atmosphere, Yakitori bar is a great place near campus to have a drink or two with friends :)

Sichuan Landscape Chinese Restaurant 巴山蜀水 This is a recent addition to Chinatown but it has become one of my personal favorites. Although the food here is a little pricey, the quality of the food is amazing! They also have private rooms which are nice for large groups. Favorite foods: Hot and Sour Fish Rice Noodles,Fried Spare Ribs with Cumin,Fish Fillet cooked in Spicy Sauce, Sliced Pork with Hot Garlic Sauce 巴山蜀水还没诞生多久就已经成为小编我的最 爱之一啦。虽然这里的食物有一点贵,但是菜 质真是没得说!而且他们这里的包房真是我们 同学小聚的不二选择。 美食推荐:酸菜鱼片米线,孜然排骨,麻辣鱼 片,蒜泥白肉

Jang Su Chon 长寿村 This is one of the best Korean restaurants in Chinatown mainly due to the inexpensive price and the variety of the side dishes. The portions are much larger compared to KaChi’s, which is right next to it. The waiters are kind and helpful and they sometimes give out free food on the house. Favorite food: Pork Bone Soup, Grilled Mackerel 长寿村真是唐人街最好的韩式餐厅之一了,主 要因为它多样的菜式和较为便宜的价格。每份 餐的分量比起Ka Chi要多得多,而且服务人 员都很和善热情,有时还会免费赠送一些小菜 呢! 美食推荐:猪骨汤, 烤青鱼

ND Sushi & Grill Coming from Vancouver, I have high expectations for how sushi should taste. This restaurant is just located near the corner of Baldwin and McCaul and it has some of the freshest and best tasting sushi that I’ve tasted in Toronto. Of course all of this comes with an more expensive price. At the very least the lunch special comes at a good price. Favorite food: Spicy Rainbow Roll, Unagi Don, Tonkatsu 从温哥华来的我总是对寿司的味道有着很高的 期望值。这家餐厅位于Baldwin和McCaul的交 叉口。这里的食物真是我在多伦多尝到过的最 爽口美味之一的了。当然,如此美味的食物都 附加着高额的费用。不过还好这里的特价午餐 还不算贵。 美食推荐:辣味彩虹卷, 鳗鱼饭, 炸猪排


3pm-2am 530 Dundas St. W. 2nd Floor 647 973 8090


Chatime is another popular tea shop in Toronto, with a wide selection of beverages imported directly from Taiwan. It is located near Yonge and Dundas and it is a must-try for anyone living in the GTA. Chatime则是一个在多伦多很受欢迎的奶茶店。在这里, 你可以品尝到多种不同口味的奶茶,都是用了从宝岛台 湾直接运过来的原料。此餐厅坐落于Yonge和Dundas附 近,是一个非常值得一去的茶餐厅哦!


If you’re looking for that back to home for inter national students, One Hour is the place to go! 如果你是一个留学生,正在寻找一个有家的感 觉的地方,One Hour餐厅是个不错的地方!

Gabby ‘s is a pub on bloor and is the perfect place for a late night snack or for socializing with friends after class. They host a wide variety of alcoholic beverages and wings that are one of the best in Toronto. If you’re not yet old enough for drinks, the wings by themselves provide enough reason to go. Gabby’s 是一个坐落于Bloor街上的酒吧,简直就 是下课后休闲或社交的完美场所。这里有不同种类 的酒精类饮料和美味的鸡翅膀,其味道都是在多伦 多数一数二的。即使你还没到饮酒的年龄,这里的 鸡翅膀足够让你流连忘返。

Shoppers Sobeys Rosedale Dental

Rabba Fine Foods

Rabba Fine Foods Indigo


Toronto Eye Care Optometric Clinic

Bay Wellsley









RBC Pspot Printing

St George TD

UofT Bookstore Koffler Health Centre



RBC Shoppers


RBC Pspot Printing CIBC

Printland Plus




Food & Play


Banks & ATM Sherwood Digital Stationaries Print Zone Digital Staples

University University Eye Clinic

Image Xpress Alicos


Print & Graphic Depot



Hotpot Yooji 8090 KTV



8090 KTV

If you are looking for a good place to celebrate birthdays, to hold parties, to hang-out with buddies, or to show friends your magnificent singing skills, check out the hottest karaoke place in downtown Toronto, 8090 KTV! Located at one of the most desirable areas in the city, Spadina & Dundas (530 Dundas Street W.), 8090 is steps away from UT engineering buildings. Perfect for a night-out after a long day of school! They also offer Happy-Hour from 3pm to 8:30pm if you are craving for karaoke during daytime.

Besides from its convenient location, 8090 is equipped with top-notch karaoke system, touchscreen interface, and a huge music library with latest and hottest songs. Moreover, professional BMB sound system and flashing microphones provide the best music quality and sound effect, enhancing your singing performance and showing the beauty of your voice. 8090’s newly renovated venue is worth noticing, and it’s voted as one of the nicest-decorated karaoke spots in GTA. Come take a look yourself and you won’t be disappointed; comfy leather sofas, adjustable dimming lights, tasteful wallpaper, and modern furniture all help to elevate your singing experience to a delightful one. Of course, your wonderful party is incomplete without 8090’s delicious menu of food and drinks offered at reasonable prices. I am happy to say that every time I visited 8090 Karaoke, I went home with cheerful experience. I highly recommend this karaoke place to students who look for fun, relaxation, excitement, romance, and unforgettable memories. Address: 530 Dundas St. W, Toronto ON


如果你要找个庆祝生日、举行派对、朋友聚 会、一展歌喉的好地方,CESA为您隆重介绍 这个多伦多downtown最热门的唱K场所—— 8090 KTV! 8090坐落在多伦多最旺的地点之一,Spadina 夹Dundas的西北角、龙城的对面(530 Dundas Street W.),离多大工程系的建筑仅几 步之遥,实在是个在一天忙碌的学习过后,休 闲娱乐的好地方!如果你在白天便按捺不住唱 歌的热情,他们在下午3点到8点半会有Happy Hour时段,让你以优惠的价格唱足一下午。 除了地点便利之外,8090拥有最顶尖的点歌系 统、触屏式点歌界面、以及实时更新、最新最 热门的海量歌曲库。小编亲身体验过之后,也 觉得其歌曲之新,排在多伦多K房的前列。与 此同时,专业的BMB音响系统+闪光K麦,保 证为你提供最棒的音质和声效,让你的演唱更 出色,突出你动人的嗓音! 8090新装修的厅房独具特色,环境优美,并且 在约克论坛的投票中,被网友评为大多地区环 境最好的KTV之一。小编亲身来临过后,感受 到8090的环境确实值得称赞。舒适的皮沙发、 可调节的房间氛围灯、富有品味的墙纸、以及 摩登的配套家具都致力于打造出一个让你唱得


开心、玩得尽兴的舒适氛围。当然,精彩的派 对必定少不了可口的美食和饮品,8090有众多 种类供您选择,并且价格合理,丰俭由人。 小编开心地说,每次光临8090都是一次愉快的 经历。你想拥有欢乐、休闲、惊喜、浪漫和难 忘的KTV体验吗?墙裂推荐8090!!:) 地址: 530 Dundas St. W, Toronto ON

TEN23 Ten23 is located in Markham, ON. It is one of the most popular Karaoke spots in the GTA area. Happy hour starts from 4pm-8:30pm with 2 free non-alcoholic drinks, and night hours starting from 9pm to 3am everyday.Reservation is recommended since this place is really popular especially for weekends. Ten23 also has lunch service availble from Monday to Friday, 11am to 3pm. Ten23 is my personal favourite given its elegant environment, complete song selections, large floor space and convenience for parking. For reservations: 905-479-6488 3100 Steeles Avenue East, Unit 102, Ground Floor, Markham, ON L3R 8T3

Ten23 坐落于安省的Markham, 它是大多地区最受欢迎的KTV场所 之一。Happy hour是从晚上4点到8 点30,附赠两杯非酒精饮品。Night hour则是从晚上9点开始到第二天凌 晨3点。这里在周末的时候非常受欢 迎,所以建议大家每次先预约! 除此之外,Ten23还提供周一到周五 的午餐服务,时间是每天上午11点 到下午3点。 这个地方真是小编我的最爱。优雅的 环境、应有尽有的歌曲、宽敞的空 间、方便的停车服务 -- 处处都打动 着我。 预约电话:905-479-6488


280 Spadina

Chinese United Students’ Association is the largest joint-university alliance in Ontario which CESA has been actively involved in. This year being in the fifth year in operation, with our very own VP External leading the alliance, CESA will continue to participate in CUSA to organize different types of events for over 2800 members across Ontario to gather, socialize, and network while highlighting key aspects of the Chinese culture. Moreover, CUSA aims to serve the best interest of all Asian students of the participating universities across Ontario. Toward this end, CUSA strives to: promote unity among Chinese youths, strengthen the relationships among all the participating clubs and their members, and make the students’ voice more recognizable in the society. CUSA shares the same mission as CESA, since we have been dedicated to promote Chinese culture, friendship, and communication among our members for the past 39 years. CUSA also offer members a wide variety of activities and benefits. Take a look at the next page! You will get a CUSA membership card for free when you join CESA. Our sponsor won’t be giving out discounts without the CUSA card so don’t forget to bring it wherever you go or you will be missing out! 2013 - 2014 Participating Clubs

University of Toronto Chinese Engineering Students’ Association University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Chinese Club University of Waterloo Chinese Students’ Association Ryerson University Chinese Student’s Association McMaster University Chinese Students Association Wilfrid Laurier University Chinese Student Association York University Chinese Debating Society

CESA在过去几年都是CUSA的一员。同学们 可能会问,什么事CUSA呢?其实CUSA是安 大略省最大的中国学生联校组织,会员至今超 过2800人。今年是CUSA运作的第五年,也是 我们CESA外交副会长第一年带领这个组织。 那CUSA跟我们CESA有什么关系呢?CUSA 成立主要目的是帮助同学们跳出自己学校的小 圈子,在CUSA举办的活动中多认识朋友,促 进中国文化交流,这也跟我们CESA至今为止 39年的宗旨大致相同。CUSA也会对会员提供 不少优惠哦!我们快看下一页! 凡是加入CESA的会员,在入会时都可以获得 免费的CUSA会员卡。没有这张卡的话我们的 Sponsor想打折给你们都不行哦,所以出门记 得带卡啦! 2013 -2014 参与社团

多伦多大学工程系中国学生会 多伦多大学士嘉堡校区中国学生会 滑铁卢大学中国学生会 Ryerson大学中国学生会 Laurier大学中国学生会 约克大学中国学生辩论社 McMaster 大学中国学生会

Upcoming Event 活動消息 CUSA First Annual Orientation Date: October 5, 2013 (Saturday) Time: NOON - 5 PM Location: UT St. George (yaaa! right at our campus!!) Pre-registration is required, please contact sabrina.chan@cesa.skule.ca or visit www. cusaontario.com for more information. CUSA联校迎新日 日期:2013年10月5日 (周六哦!) 时间:中午12点至下午5点 地点:UT St. George校区(对!在我们学校 哦!) 因为名额有限所以请提前报名哦,可以email 给sabrina.chan@cesa.skule.ca或者去 www.cusaontario.com获得更多信息。




8090 Teahouse

139 King St E

10% off

Ajio Sushi

161 King St E

10% off

K. Zone KTV

16 Jarvis St

10% off and one free snack


127 King St E

5% off

Sparkle Northern Chinese Cuisine 美食美客

165 King St E

10% off by cash

Sapporo Japanese Restaurant 札幌日本料理

127 King St E

10% off

Tea Shop 168

117 King St E

10% off

126 Main St

10% off


MARKHAM Colour Me Mine Fruit Jungle Bubble Tea

First Markham Place

10% off

Holika Holika Hot Yoga Markham

10% off

3621 York Hwy 7 #205

10% off


10% off

Missy Paintlounge

3603 York Highway 7 #106

Pro Wave Hair Salon

8360 Kennedy Rd

10% off 10% off products

Sushi Kiku Japanese Cuisine

#9-230 Commerce Valley Dr.E.

10% off

Wonder Boutique

First Markham Place

20% off

100 Degrees Hot Pot

650 Hwy 7 E #102

10% off

Bulgogi Brothers

140 York Blvd

Free starter

Destiny Tea House

165 York Blvd

10% off by cash


Optical Inc. 視聯網眼鏡店

270 West Beaver Creek Rd #19 30% off and $20 off

Times Nails時代美甲

550 Hwy 7 E #221A

10% off

Up 2 U KTV

505 Kwy 7 E #80

10% off

Destiny Tea House

633 Silver Star Blvd

10% off by cash

Fish Soup Supreme 一品

633 Silver Star Blvd

10% off

Tea A Break

3250 Midland Ave Unit G107

10% off

Yokozuna Japanese Noodle Eatery

633 Silver Star Blvd

10% off by cash


TORONTO Castle Board Game Café

454 Spadina Ave

10% off the bill ; 5% off retail

Chatime 日出茶太

132 Dundas St W

10% off

Chinese Northern Flavor Restaurant 北方人家

440 Spadina Ave

10% off by cash

Dumpling King 餃子王

436 Dundas St W

10% off by cash

Java Joe’s

298 John St

10% off

Kenzo Ramen

138 Dundas St W

10% off

Kuni Sushi Ya

20 Baldwin St

10% off by cash (exception: lunch specials)

MODO Fruit and Tea House MODO尚果茶屋

482 Dundas St W

10% off

One Hour

435 Spadina Ave

10% off


784 College St

10% off

Sabai Sabai Kitchen and Bar

225 Church St

10% off

Sakura Sushi櫻花壽司

394 Bloor St W

10% off

Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute

198 Spadina Ave

10% off 20% off

Sushi Kiku Japanese Cuisine

808 York Mills Rd

Tea Shop 168

495 Blood Street West

10% off

Yakitori Bar

1 Baldwin St

13% off

Aunty’s Kitchen

160 University Ave W

10% off

China Garden

31 University Ave E

10% off by cash

Da Won

160 University Ave W

10% off

Famous Owl of Minerva

2 King St N

10% off by cash (exception: pork bone soup, black bean noodles, Mon-Wed specials)

Home Garden

160 University Ave W

10% off by cash

King Tin Seafood Restaurant

258 King St N

10% off by cash

Kzone Karaoke and Bar

150 University Ave W

10% off Sun-Thurs; 5% off Fri-Sat

Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt

247 King St N

10% off by cash

Mikey’s Eatery

160 University Ave W

$1.50 Cold HK Milk Tea, $1.00 Hot HK Milk Tea, $6.89 House Special

Raintree Café

220 King St N

10% off

Sakura Island

255 King St N

15% off any regular menu; 10% off any lunch menu by cash

Smoke’s Poutinerie

255 King St N

Free can of pop with every WOW size order

Sweet Dreams

170 University Ave

10% off

Tasty Home Kitchen

247 King St N

10% off by cash

Thai Express

255 King St N

10% discount off main meals w/ or w/o combos (does not apply to appetizers/specials)

Village Shawarma

255 King St N

10% off

Watami Sushi

15 King St N

10% off by cash



What to expect? Believe It or Not - your 4 years of Skule life will fly - especially when filled with awesome CESA events! Therefore, it’s crucial to be aware of the opportunities around you - academics, social, or simply fun stuff, so that you don’t miss the important ones! Timeline: What’s your 1st year like? Probably a bit of everything! No matter how certain you are about the discipline (the kind of engineering) you have chosen when you initially applied for U of T, the faculty still wants to let you think twice before you move on to upper years; therefore, most 1st year courses cover a bit of each discipline, while some courses among different disciplines are different. Why so important? Well, when everyone is taking the same courses, more friends out there are available to help you because they’re learning just the same things as you do! Be sure to make some really good friends, join study groups, or simply study together - take your pick! And, After that? Courses become different between the 8 disciplines, but some disciplines within the same department share some common courses. For example, Electrical and Computer Engineering, ECE, share the same courses during second year. Mechanical and Industrial, MIE, share some same courses, Third Year and Fourth Year: by the time you get to 3rd / 4th year, you know probably as much as we can tell you right now. Most students end up taking electives (even courses from Art/Sci - cool?)


4年的大学转眼就过,特别是有那些 好玩的CESA活动。所以多注意身边 不同的活动,例如学术,交友等等。 不要浪费大学的美好时光! 第一年 多大设计的第一年课程学的都是每个 工程都通用的知识。这样不仅可以让 你增广见闻,你还可以多想想你就究 竟第二年想要主修哪个领域。除了一 些那个领域特有的,很多都是整个工 程一起上课。 为什么那么重要? 这样当然重要了!因为大家都上一样 的课,所以你会认识到很多朋友在学 业上帮你。所以要记得了啦,认识多 点朋友,组个学习小组。 然后呢? 在第二年的时候,8个不同工程主修 的课会很不同。不过也有例外,好像 电子工程和电路工程第二年的课是一 样的。机械,工业,和材料工程有一 些课是一样的。 第三和第四年 到了那时候你们知道的应该就和我们 一样多了。很多学生会选修些artsci 的课(你懂的)。

Why should you NOT study in the way you did in High School... First Year Engineering isn’t all that tough - but is definitely DIFFERENT! We, CESA Execs, have gone through the process and, sadly, we have seen people leaving U of T Engineering simply because they were not aware of the change.

为什么不能按高中模式来复习.. 工程的第一年其实没那么难,但是一定是很不 同。我们CESA团队都经历过,也很遗憾地见 到有些人读不下去而退学。

So, what makes Skule different from your High School?

High School Probably frequent quizzes and unit tests 很多小测和单元考试



Term test / midterm, and then a final exam that is worth around half of your course grade 一两个期中,然后就一个占一半分的期末考试

Assignments probably take only hours to complete, and are not worth a lot in terms of grades.

Assignments can take days to complete (especially programming & team projects), and are sometimes worth a lot.


功课都要花很长时间(特别是写程序和小组功 课)而且很占分

Attendance in class is mandatory in most schools

Attendance to lectures is not mandatory in almost all lectures - however, tutorials and labs (PRA) often consist of grading components (quizzes, lab exercises etc.)



Survival Tips Make sure your on top of course materials. Don’t wait until last minute, it is much more difficult to learn than it is to review. Hard to predict deadlines for projects are always harder than they seem so start them early. If you skip lectures, good luck have fun, your in for one hell of a time once midterm season comes along.

要记得每一门课都不能临时抱佛脚。考前临时 复习要比经常学习难得多了。 作业的截止日期比你想象的来得更快,所以赶 紧的,别拖拉。 如果你翘课了,还翘不止一节课,那恭喜你, 到了期中考试你会想哭。这里可不是高中哦~

Job Hunting


Let’s face it – University isn’t just about Academics. It’s about your passion, about your future and experiences. A lot of the professional development as an engineer but also as an individual not only come from the extracurricular involvements from inside and outside the classroom but also from work experiences outside of school.

让我们面对这个现实吧——大学并不只是 学习。大学有关你的热情,你的未来和 经历。许多作为工程师,或是仅个人的 职业规划不仅仅来自课内外活动,也来 自校外工作经验。

600 Hours? What?

600个小时?那是神马? 根据多大工程的要求,要在工程系必要 的话有一个附加的条件,就是拿多于600 小时的“实习经验”。通常来讲,4个月 的暑期工(eSIP)可以拿到需要的600 个“实习经验”小时。但是去做12个月 的PEY拿到的经验对以后找工作很有帮 助。

At U of T engineering, in order to graduate, you need to complete 600 hours of practical experience. Typically, completing 4 months of full time work during the summer will grant you the minimum required 600 hours of practical experience. However, completing a 12- or 16-month work term will not only meet the minimum hours, but will also benefit you for your future job hunting.













Summer Research



ECC, YNCN 给教授发邮件,详情去个 别学院网站查询



U of T CC

Part-Time: On Campus


U of T CC


Typical Duration


12-16 months; Full Time Usually after 3rd year



4 months – Summer; Part/Full Time

Usually after 2 /3 year


Summer Research

4 months - Summer

Need to be arranged through department

Contact Dept. Profs / Department emails


Dependant on Program Type; Part Time

U of T CC

Part-Time: On Campus

4 months; Part/Full Time

U of T CC, departments

when to apply? nd

ECC = Engineering Career Centre 职业中心 (engineeringcareers.utoronto.ca) YNCN = You’re Next Career Network www.yourenext.ca) U of T CC = U of T Career Centre (careers.utoronto.ca)

Where to look? rd

Computer Labs 电脑室指南 打印房和电脑室指南 知道在哪里打印神马的最重要了。因为打印费 已经包括在我们的学费里面了。每人一个学 期有大概900张的限额。大部分的电脑室都有 打印机。最多人去的包括SF二楼的3个大电脑 室,GB 1楼的一个和3楼的一个。最后是BA3 楼的电脑室。 最多人去的还是要算SF3楼的两个大电脑室。 在那打印还是很快的,除了考试周的时候,那 时候等候或者会从10个人到90个人不等。 我的建议是去一个没那么多人的实验室。好像 在GB那里的电脑室。除了GB三楼的电脑室没 打印机之外其他都是很好的选择。但是GB三 楼有Eclipse这个编程软件,所以对某些同学来 讲也是很有用。 在BA也有个用微软系统的电脑室。那里对用 Altera tools来编程的同学特别有用。那里也有 一个不多用的打印机,所以假如要在BA打印的 话那里也是可以有的。

It is important to know where to print, especially if you don’t own a printer at home. Printing is included in our tuition, so don’t worry about the costs. There are printers in most computer labs and the most popular labs in the Engineering buildings include the 3 labs on second floor SF, 2 labs on first floor and 1 lab on 3rd floor GB, and a lab on third floor BA. Most students go to the 3 labs on second floor SF for printing, solely due to how convenient it is. The 2 bigger labs are located beside each other in the corridor that connects to GB, whereas the smaller lab is located behind the large lecture room on second floor SF. Printing in these labs are usually quick, unless it’s close to an exam. In that case, the printing queue may go anywhere from 10 people to 90 people. There are generally less people in the GB labs, so if the printing queues for the SF labs are too long the GB labs are the next best place to print. These GB labs are half the size of the big SF lab and they each have 2 printers. Printing is not available in the lab on 3rd floor, but if you have any programming group projects that require Eclipse you will be spending a lot of time in that lab. There is also a Windows lab on 3rd floor BA and it is an important lab for students programming with Altera tools. This lab is the only freely accessible (doesn’t require a TA to be present) lab with Altera tools to use. Many incredible projects have been completed here, such as robots, VGA computer games, crane machines, etc. It also has one printer that is seldom used. Therefore if you ever need to print in BA this is the place to go.

Libraries 图书馆指南 It is easy to get overwhelmed with the number of libraries, so CESA is here to help. The best libraries around campus for studying would be Gerstein, Robarts, Engineering Library in SF, and Math library in BA.

多大的图书馆琳琅满目,到底选哪个 好呢?这么多图书馆里面最好的要算 是Gerstein,Robarts,Engineering Library,Math Library了。


If you’re looking for somewhere to work on problem sets with your friends then the Engineering library is the best choice. In this library you are allowed to speak moderately loud. If you decide instead that you want to study independently there are two rooms that are completely silent on the second floor. 在工程的4年里,一定要组一个学习小组。这 样可以刷多点题,然后在讨论的过程中互相学 习。假如你要安静的话二楼有两个完全安静的 房间。 Gerstein would be my first choice simply because it’s located near the engineering buildings. It has 4 floors and on each floor it has open tables and closed “cubicle-like” workstations to allow both group and independent study. Gerstein是小编的首选。首先那里离工程大 楼近, 然后那里有4层,每层有很多桌子用来 学习。总子假如你想到一个安静的地方学习的 话:Gerstein走起! The Math library located on the 6th floor of Bahen is another great alternative. Not many students know about this library so there are usually open seats. However, it is quite small. Math Library在BA的6楼,那也是一个学习好 地方。因为没什么人知道,所以很多位置。唯 一缺点就是有点小。不过安静也是必须的。 Robarts is the largest library on campus with over 10 floors. It has practically anything that one would need throughout their 4 years. On the first floor, there is a computer lab with presentation rooms. It has a cafe on the second floor to allow students to eat in the library. Robarts是在多大最大的图书馆。它是有10 层以上的庞大建筑。它基本上有我们这4年所 需的东西。第一层有电脑室和给练习演讲的房 间。第二层有个大大的café。

Dress Codes

CASUAL Wear whatever you like! 爱穿什么穿什么!穿着舒 服、得体就行 =D


Wear whatever you like! 爱穿什么穿什么!穿着舒 服、得体就行 =D


Knee-length skirt or pants with dress shirt. Knee-length dress also acceptable. Avoid flipflops or tennis shoes. 西裤或及膝裙,搭配女式衬 衫。 鞋子的话可以搭配低跟 鞋、平底鞋和靴子。


Dress shirt and pants. Ties are optional. Leather shoes. 西裤,衬衫,不需要领带。 搭配皮鞋。

Don’t know what to wear to that interview or dinner dance? Here is a brief guide! 总是分不清楚什么场合穿什么样的衣服? 小编在这里 给大家简单介绍一下!


Conservative colors; blouse or dress shirt with dress pants and blazer. Avoid excessive jewelery. 女士衬衫搭配西服,下身穿 着西装裙或西裤。 避免多 余 首饰。


Suits consisting of jacket, dress pants, dress shirt, tie, and dark socks with dress shoes. 整套西装,有领子的衬衫,领 带,深色袜子鞋子。


Dresses only: length ranging from floor-length to mid-calf. 穿一条小礼服,打扮的高贵 漂亮一点吧!


Dress shirt, dress pants, tie, and blazer. Or a suit. 衬衫,便服西装,领带, 搭配西裤。 穿正式西装也 可以。



Sleeping Spots Got some time between classes but feeling dead tired? Been cramming for too long? Take a nap at these spots. 天天考试没时间好好睡觉?没关系,可以在这些 地方安心的 打个盹儿。

BAHEN basement

ROBARTS first floor

ENGSCI common room

GERSTEIN second floor

Money Matters Along with tuition for your academic courses, we also pay incidental fees every year. These incidental fees cover access to Athletic Centre, Varisty Centre, Hart House, and University of Toronto Students’ Union. You’ve already paid the incidental fees so don’t forget to take advantage of these services!

除了学费之外,其实我们每年都有支付一部分 的杂务费用。比如学校运动中心,体育场,艺 术中心,学生会所等等。所以既然支付的学费 中包含这么多服务项目,我们当然有理由好好 享受学校的设施和服务啦!

Athletic Centre (AC)

学校的室内运动中心有7个健身房和3个游泳 池,其中一个泳池是多伦多唯一的奥林匹克规 格!运动中心提供很多健身项目,包括可以报 名的运动,活动班等等。CESA的很多体育活 动也是在这里举办的哟! 有很多帅哥美女会参 加哦! 小编我可是等不及啦~

AC is an indoor athletic facility with 7 gymnasiums and 3 pools, including the only Olympicsized pool in Toronto! AC offers many drop-in fitness programs, registered programs, and intramurals. Watch out for CESA sporting events happening in the AC! Varsity Centre Varsity Centre is an outdoor stadium that hosts many sports games throughout the year. The stadium is also accessible by students for drop-in jogging or intramural games. Hart House (HH) Hart House is a beautiful historic building at the heart of St. George campus. It hosts many events throughout the year and features a fitness centre for students. The fitness centre includes a fully equipped gym, a pool, and an indoor running track. In addition, drop-in fitness classes as well as registered classes are available to students. These classes include everything from cardio fitness to dance to filmmaking. And a lesser-known bonus: Hart House offers free massages every week!

运动中心 Athletic Centre


体育场 Varsity 多大的室外体育场每一年都会举行很多大型的 体育赛事。当然体育场也是对学生开放的,可 以慢跑,以及参与很多综合性室外体育活动。 艺术中心 Hart House 多大的艺术中心在主校区中央,是一座美丽 的历史建筑。艺术中心每一年都举行很多活 动,也提供给学生锻炼身体的健身中心。健身 中心包括全套的健身器材,游泳池,以及室内 跑道。更值得一提的是,艺术中心提供免费的 课程,包括有氧运动,舞蹈,电影制作数不甚 数。悄悄跟你说:艺术中心每周还有免费的按 摩哦! 我和朋友每周一都要来上一回,真是好 舒服啊!

Dental/Health Care 牙医/医疗保险 One of the most important services that are included by UTSU in the incidental fees are dental and health insurance. Each student pays $67.73/session for health plan, and $56.52/ session for dental plan. The dental and health plans offered by UTSU are under Green Shield Canada. This means that each time you go to the doctor or dentist, you will pay for only a fraction of the cost. The health plan has a maximum claim limit of $10 000 per year; the dental plan has a maximum claim limit of $800 per year. Please visit www.greenshield.ca/studentcentre for more details or to submit any questions.

学校里最重要的服务项目之一便是牙医和医疗 保险,每个学生每个学期的学费里其实都包 括了67.73加元的健康保险和56.52的压抑保 险。这些保险项目是多大的学生总部提供的, 并且在加拿大保障之下。这些项目包括了大多 数国家不担保的医疗和牙医服务类别。也就是 说,每一次去看医生或是看牙医,学生只要自 己负担一小部分费用。医疗保险每年的最高 保金是一万加元,牙医保金则是800加元。如 需要更多信息或是提交个别问题,请参照网 站:www.greenshield.ca/studentcentre

How to use? - Your ID number at Green Shield is ‘SAC’ + 9 digit UT student number -00 (For example, ‘SAC123456789-00’ is a Green Shield ID number.) - Visit a doctor, dentist, or alternative health professional (such as chiropractor). - Give your ID information to your service provider. They will most likely file your claim to Green Shield for you. If not, make sure to save the doctor’s note and receipt, and fill out a form yourself. - Profit! Reimbursements will be sent to you by cheque via mail or by direct deposit.

怎样使用? - 你的保健卡号码是“SAC”加上9位 (或是10位)多大学生证号码加-00 ( 例:SAC123456789-00) - 去看医生,牙医或者是脊椎按摩师 - 把保健卡号提供给医生,牙医或是按摩师。 他们大多数情况下会向加拿大政府认领保金。 如果他们没有帮你上交资料的话,你可以问医 生开张发票或证明,自己向政府认领保金。 - 报销的金额会以支票的形式寄到你的家里或 者存入你的银行哟!

Annual Tax Filing 年度报税 Now that you’re pay a huge lump sum of tuition every year, filing your taxes becomes more relevant and meaningful as you can accumulate tax credits from the tuition you pay. The tax filing season is around April. If you’re not familiar with how to file your taxes, you can either get help from your parents, or go to a tax filing firm. There are abundant amount of these firms once the tax filing season comes, so you won’t miss them! ;) For international students, Centre for International Experience (CIE) hold help sessions where they will have qualifying higher students to help you file your taxes.

想想看,你现在每年付超级多的学费(今年 又涨了有木有啊!)于是缴税单就变成了非 常重要不可忽视的一个环节。当你有收入的 时候就要用到税收抵免了,可能是你在暑期 实习,打工,PEY或是毕业全职工作的时 候。报税时间是四月,所以最近不用烦恼报 税,但有必要把这个时间记下来哦!如果你 不熟悉怎么报税的话,你可以寻求父母帮 忙,或者去报税机构。每到报税季节这些公 司就会大量涌现,你不会错过的。


国际学生可以去Centre for International Experience举办的报税说明会,他们有人员 可以帮助报税。他们会以发电子邮件的方式 通知,但是以防万一还是在你的日历上记上 一笔。

留学生指南 确保自己有合格的身份在加国生活,一直是留 学生时常要注意的事情。小编我现在就根据自 身经历介绍一下一些证件的申请!

续签学习许可证和签证 以学生的身份在加国生活,Study Permit和 Canadian Visa都是必不可少的。然而,他们 各自都有规定的期限,所以留学生们要时刻注 意它们的截止日期,并在截止日期前续签所有 证件。 所有的续签工作都需要在移民局网站(http:// www.cic.gc.ca/english/index-can.asp)上 下载申请表或者直接在网上申请。首先要在移 民局的网站上申请一个账户,有两种类型的账 户:一种是通过银行(BMO, Scotiabank 或 TD) 账户直接获得的,另一种是设置新的用户 名称和密码的。因为小编我是CIBC的忠实卡 户,所以只能设置了新用户名称,好处就是可 以给自己起一个响亮的用户名呢! 先要续签的是Study Permit。Study Permit的续签手续可以完全在移民局网站上办 理,网上申请会比邮寄申请快捷安全,在网 站上’Study’一栏中按照’Extend Study Permit’的流程填写申请表、准备文件就可以 了。需要注意的是,你的银行账户上要有足够

的资金,以证明你在加国再活一个月也是没问 题的! Study Permit申请完毕后,等待两个月左右就 能收到一张崭新的Study Permit啦!这时候, 你就可以开始准备Visa的续签工作了。在移民 局网站上’Visit’一栏中,按照’Visit as a tourist’的流程进行申请。这时不用担心你将 会得到的是旅游签证,在往下的申请过程中它 会让你证明你是学生的。续签Visa无法完全在 网站上办理,需要你下载申请表,并将所需证 件和申请表邮到渥太华的办理处就可以了!需 要注意的是,交钱的时候要向银行要’money order’ 并把它放入邮寄的信封中。小编我当 初差点把现金放进快递的大信封里,诸位千万 别犯和我一样的错误啊!



想在闲暇之余打打工、补贴一点家用,工作许 可证(Work Permit)和工人卡号码(SIN ) 是留学生必备的打工通行证。

美国离加拿大这么近,办一个美国签证能为你 的假期生活添色不少!办美签其实很简单,首 先在网站上(https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/)写几张表格,之后就可以顺利预约面 签时间了。需要准备的面签材料网站上都 会说明,不过需要一两周的时间来准备,所 以预约时间一定要想好了再申请。

Work Permit的申请依然是在移民局网站上 申请的。在申请Work Permit之前要先申请 EVN (Eligibility Verification Number),这 个要求你在加拿大大学待满6个月。所以三月 份的时候就可以着手申请EVN了。等待一周左 右,EVN就能申请到,按照’Work as a student’的流程申请Work Permit就可以啦! 等待三个月左右,Work Permit就可以顺利 拿到。拿着Work Permit到多伦多任何一家 Service Canada都可以申请SIN, 小编我就是 拿着Work Permit大摇大摆地走进了College Street的Service Canada, 没过3分钟就拿到 SIN了,真开心~


面签当天注意不要去晚,不过也不要提前太 早。大使馆只让提前10分钟开始站排,所以提 前15分钟到就足够了。小编我当初整整提前了 一个小时,幸好旁边有咖啡厅得以避难,要不 然还要在寒风中默默伫立45分钟。面签的时候 不用紧张,大使馆的人都很和善,只要诚实地 回答、提供他们所需要的文件就可以了。

咨询信息 如果大家有什么问题的话,欢迎发邮件到 grace.tian@cesa.skule.ca,小编我非常乐 意为您解答任何有关留学生的问题!另外, 多大里的CIE (Centre for International Experience) 是一个非常专业的留学生服务机构 (http://cie.utoronto.ca/),都可以为你提供 帮助! 总之,相信我,你不是孤独的!CESA会让你 在加国感受到家一样的温暖!

终于明白做编辑的痛苦了,没日没夜没商量。还好读了工 科···

Content: CESA Exec Team 2013-2014 Photography: Fang Su Photography Questions? 还有问题?

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