Via Pentecost Challenge

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WG WG Pentecost 2012


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Take the


Challenge! Get involved

each week as we WGWG as a family of faith. Flip through this guide and find something new, something challenging, something that will surprise you...then let the Spirit work in your life as you become even more of the disciple Christ calls us all to be.

Not on the Via yet? Well, get on it! Log in at Register your participation and take the confidential self-assessment. It gives you a chance to examine many aspects of your faith walk, focusing on how we are called to Worship, Grow, Witness and Give on a weekly basis.

Already On the Via? Log in at Test yourself again. See how you’ve progressed. Celebrate the distance you’ve traveled along the Way of the Disciple, and recommit to God and neighbor during the holy season of Pentecost 2012.

Worship. Grow. Witness. Give.

memorial drive united methodist church

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Opportunities along The Way of the Disciple

Worship Grow Witness Give Via Pentecost Challenge.indd 3

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“Follow -Jesus me.” of Nazareth, Matthew 4:19


with me for a minute: We are sitting by the Sea of Galilee. Perhaps you are relaxing, wading in the cool water, or maybe you just finished a long hard day out on the water and you are exhausted. In any case, this guy walks up to you and says, “Follow me.” The sentence just hangs there for a moment. Your mind starts racing. Who is this guy? Why does he want me? Isn’t he the guy my rabbi said to steer clear of? They say he comes from the wrong places. He doesn’t follow all the rules. But, oh my, he is saying the most amazing things. The stuff he is saying is uneasy, like a rock in your sandal, yet somehow comforting. You feel apprehensive and hesitant, but also somehow free. All of this is now rolling around in your head. What are you to make of it?

What comes next?

For some, the first step is easy. Scripture speaks of this very first step: “Immediately they left their nets.”There was never any doubt. Just like those on the shore. The fire inside ignited, and you were ready. You stepped, out of tradition, security and the confines of the sanctuary. You stepped, ready to take the challenge; you stepped on to the road less traveled. To these folks, I commend you. You stepped out on to the Via with enthusiasm and passion. You, my friends, are the pioneers of this neverending journey. You are the models for Via for all others to see and hear. Dr. Simmons, the staff and I personally want to thank you. The trick is this: All of us here at MDUMC are already on the way of the disciple.

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We are not only familiar with loving God and loving neighbor. We actually do it. We do it in our worshiping, our growing, our witnessing and in our giving. We know that each of us is called to a life of service. It is part of who we are. We affirm this every time we baptize a little one or confirm a new class of sixth-graders, or welcome a new member. Each one of us discerns at different points in our life how we are to live out loving God and loving neighbor.

Via is this very idea.

Via takes the life of the disciple to a new level. It is a tool to help you rethink, rearrange and reshape your own walk. Not just as a Sundaymorning activity, but also a Tuesday-night-at-the-dinner-table activity, a Saturday-morning-at-the-coffee-shop activity, or perhaps even at a stoplight. Wherever you are, discipleship can happen. So here we are at a new decision: the second Via challenge. Things are jostling in our head. What shall I do next? Where should I go? For some of us, it will be like stepping off into unknown territory, new and exciting. For others, it will be like talking to an old friend, easy and familiar. For some I challenge you to bring someone new along with you. Whatever the case, let us get on the Via.

Let us share our love.

In Christ,

Kristi Garner, Director of Discipleship

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Worship “It is necessary to worship God in spirit and truth.” -John 4:24

ENCOUNTER Go red Sunday

Everyone wear red for a Pentecost celebration! June 3

Worship each and every Sunday during Pentecost

Traditional Services: 8:15, 9:30 & 11 AM, Sunday, The Sanctuary The Journey Worship Community, 11:01 AM, Sunday, The Well Midweek Worship, 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Friendship Court Lunch & Worship, 11:45 AM, Thursday, The Gate

ENGAGE Out-of-town bulletin

Out and about this summer? Worshiping in other parts of the country? Spend it on the Via! Bring back your out-of-town worship guide, and we will display it. We will then calculate how far out Via MDUMC has taken us.


Families commit themselves to 5 minutes a night of simple faith encounters. 1. Share your highs and lows of the day 2. Read a verse of scripture from Sunday’s sermon or teaching text 3. Talk about how the highs and concerns of the day relate to the scripture 4. Pray for one another’s highs and lows 5. Bless one another before turning out the lights on the day 4

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GROW “Let us grow in every way into Christ.” -Ephesians 4:14

ENCOUNTER Family time at home

Pick one night a week have dinner as a family. Ask each person to share an experience of hope or blessing from the past week. Write down these experiences and collect them in a container on your table. By the end of the summer, you will have more hope and blessing than you could have imagined.

Read scripture as a family

The following all mention a source of hope: Genesis 8:6-22; 21:1-7; Joshua 4:1-7; Psalm 23 and 65; Matthew 5:1-14, 28:1-10 and 28:16-20; and Romans 8:38-39.

Mothers of Preschoolers MOPS Night Out

7 PM July 12 Looking for fun and fellowship? Come join our MOPS group for dinner. Cyclone Anaya’s in City Centre; nursery provided.

Young Adults bowling social

7-9 PM June 15 300 Bowl, Bunker Hill and I-10 $25 per person for food, shoes & bowling; nursery provided at church from 6:309:30 PM.

Young Adult Men: Food, fun, fellowship

7 AM first and third Thursdays at Sam’s Deli Diner I-10 and Kirkwood 5

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Young Adult Women: Food, fun and fellowship 7 PM every other Tuesday OhhLaLa Desserts, Town & Country Village Free childcare available at the church

Young Adult movie nights

6:30 PM Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey – June 8; The Fall – June 29; Crash – July 20; God Grew Tired of Us: The Story of Lost Boys of Sudan – Aug. 10. *Guest speaker from Interfaith Ministries speaks about work with Sudanese refugees: The Gate at The Connection Center, 13186 Memorial Drive Free; nursery provided

Divorce Care

6 PM Thursdays, D221 Support and encourage one another during a difficult process. Free

Singles: Find your passion

Go to Memorial Drive UMC singles web page and learn about all the fabulous singles events.

ENGAGE When Helping Hurts: Gift Growers

A study to discern ways to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself, co-facilitated by Ray Ayers and Rev. Daniel Irving. 5:30-7PM, July 22, 29 & Aug. 5, 12 A201, $20; nursery provided


11 AM Tuesdays in D221 Experience authentic community, mothering support, growth and spiritual hope. $25 plus the cost of the book; nursery provided 6

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Everything Must Change, by Brain McLaren First and third Wednesdays beginning June 20 Dinner at 6:15 PM in Wesley Hall Bible Study Bible study at 6:45 PM in D126 Cost of book; nursery provided


New Sunday school class (families with young children) 9:30 AM Sundays, church library

Young Adult book club

7 PM church library June 13: How to Be Good by Nick Hornby July 11: State of Wonder by Ann Patchett; Aug. 15: Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O’Connor $10, Free child care

Singles study group

6 PM Tuesdays, June 19-July 24, D126 God Is Closer Than You Think by John Ortberg $12

EMBRACE Read the Bible in 90 Days (B90D)

Ever tried to read the whole Bible? Get bogged down in the boring stuff? Maybe it’s on your bucket list, or maybe you just want to be able to say that you’ve actually read it. Whatever your reason, you really can read the whole Bible. In just 12 pages a day, for 90 consecutive days, you’ll have read the Bible cover to cover, beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation, “In” to “Amen.” Beginning June 3, B90D small groups will meet Sundays at The Well, either 9:3010:30 AM or 4-5 PM, for discussion, a video teaching and Q&A with Pastors Daniel Irving and Collin Taylor. They will also blog each day with their insights, and Pastor Daniel will be preaching a sermon series throughout the summer based on the B90D challenge. or 713-468-8356 7

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The Non-Violent Atonement, J. Denny Weaver; Finding Faith, Brian D. McLaren


A History of Christian Thought, Paul Tillich


Praying for Strangers: An Adventure of the Human Spirit, River Jordan; Praying in Color, Sybil MacBeth; Breakthrough — Meister Eckhart’s Creation Spirituality in New Translation, commentaries by Matthew Fox; A Praying Life, Paul Miller; The Power of Pause, Terry Hershey; Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer by Jerry Sittser


I’ll Bring the Chocolate, Karen Porter Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins


Please Stop Laughing at Me, Jodee Blanco Love and Justice, Reinhold Niebuhr Organic Community—Creating a place where people naturally connect, Joseph R. Myers Tattoos on the Heart, Gregory Boyle When Helping Hurts How to Alleviate Poverty without hurting the poor…and yourself, Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert


American Gospel—God, the founding fathers and the making of a nation, Jon Meacham Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Your Life—How to Finally, Really Grow Up, James Hollis, PhD

Young-Adult Book Club

How to Be Good by Nick Hornby: 7 PM June 13 State of Wonder, by Ann Patchett: 7 PM July 11 Everything That Rises Must Converge, by Flannery O’Connor: 7 PM Aug. 15

Deepening faith through devotional time

Jesus Calling is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year. After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed He was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. 8

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Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view; thus, the title. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.

United Methodist Women reading program

A formal curriculum provided through the national organization. Available in our library, these books are selected based on their coverage of education for mission, spiritual growth, social action, leadership development and nurturing for community. There are four designated reading plans, depending on your reading appetite, ranging from four to 20 books a year.

Witness “The Holy Spirit will make his witness in and through you.” -Mark 13:11

ENCOUNTER Support Memorial Assistance Ministries: Shop at MAM Find books, furniture, decorative items, toys, clothes and more. 10 AM-6 PM Monday-Friday, 10 AM-5 PM Saturday 1625 Blalock (just north of Long Point)

Back-to-school clothing drive

Every Sunday in July Collect funds to provide children with new school clothes and supplies. Friendship Court David MacLean: 9

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Help Westside Homeless Partnership

May 1. Provide a $20 Walmart gift card for 1-20 kids to purchase a new bathing suit for their first time to attend summer camp. 2. Donate sunscreen, insect repellent and a can of shaving cream (camp game!) for each of the 20 Westside Homeless kids going to camp this summer. Nina Hanks, community resource coordinator: 713-973-8083, ext. 105,

Book collections

The Singles Ministry is collecting paperback books to sell the last Sunday of each month. Proceeds benefit hunger-relief efforts in Somalia.

ENGAGE Support Larkin Community Center

1. Donate gently used school uniforms (khaki or navy pants & red or white collared shirts) or money to purchase them. Approximate cost: $12 2. Donate summer supplies 路Canned goods 路Diapers, size 1-5 路Arts and crafts supplies 路Socks and underwear 3. Help bag rice and beans for the Larkin food pantry 9-10 AM Aug. 18 4. Volunteer to monitor during summer lunch at the Larkin Community Center, 11 AM-1 PM Monday-Friday. Come at your convenience. 5. Help brainstorm and coordinate summer projects for the community. 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Monday-Friday. Leonor Hernandez:


5:30 PM June 1 and July 6, Scout Hut Make 244 sandwiches to help feed the hungry in Houston.

Teach an ESL class

Classes meet two evenings per week. No teaching experience is required. Training is provided. Small classes. Volunteers do not need to speak a foreign language. St. Thomas Presbyterian Church 14100 Memorial Drive Sara Rice, MAM:, 713-574-7540 10

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Backpack collection drive

Through July 12 Bring new backpacks and non-perishable food to support 2012 VBS Mission Project: Stop Hunger. Children’s Ministry office

1000 Boots on the Ground

Hungry for missions but don’t have the time or money for an international trip? Join us June 16, when we travel to Galilee UMC in Texas City to do repairs to the campus: flooring, hanging and repairing dry wall, scraping and painting. Contact Randy Lee at or Rev. Collin Taylor,

EMBRACE Taking meals

5-6:30 PM Mondays and Wednesdays, June 11-July 2 Provide and serve a family-friendly dinner for the Westside Homeless Partnership families (approximately 30-40 dinners) before our Building Confident Families classes for adults and children. Westside Homeless Organization Nina Hanks, community resource coordinator: 713-973-8083, ext. 105, nina@

Singles: Mission trip to Arkansas July 29-Aug. 4

OGDOT: One Great Day of Transformation

VBS ends with a bang! We will fill over 600 backpacks with food items. Giant Stop Hunger art exhibit in the Pumpkin Patch; Jana Alayra Concert in the sanctuary. 9:30-12 PM July 19

Starting now, help at VBS VBS is the largest outreach program of MDUMC. There are over a hundred ways you can help with VBS, which runs July 16-19. Some include working directly with children; others are behind the scenes. We typically have more than 600 children that week, so we really need you! Jobs include: assemble craft packets, be a part of the Lawn Chair Brigade, help fill backpacks with non-perishable food. 11

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Super Place Camp

This day-camp for children and young adults with special needs is a life-changing experience. Aug. 6-8 Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Summer Via for mdumcyouth

During the summer, our youth are always on the via/path/road/freeway/trail. The summer is filled with opportunities for growth. Our summer Workcamps are amazing weeks for our youth. Great work is certainly done on the projects each day, and the nights are packed with programming that helps the youth grow in faith through small groups focusing on scripture and God’s call to live as people of faith. Worship is most powerful each night with praise music and prayer. Each night we present a mission moment whose purpose is to highlight different important causes in the world that we have chosen to support with the money brought by each youth in his or her mission banks. High School Workcamp is June 3-9 in Brady. Middle School Workcamp is June 17-21 in Houston and San Antonio. The AGAPE Choir will be on the path to California, performing Godspell. On tour, June 10-16. Homeshows, June 29, 30 & July 1. There are many other retreats during the summer at which our youth gather for fun, fellowship and growth. More than 50 of our college youth will participate in our annual Colorado camping trip July 23-31. Much is done on this final trip of their high school career as a reminder of the great foundation of faith that we have as a part of MDUMC, along with discussions on how their journey will continue. Please continue to pray for our youth and counselors as they are a part of our Summer mdumcyouth Via!

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“To whom much has been given, much will be required.” -Luke 12:48

ENCOUNTER Review your pledged giving

We’re almost halfway through 2012. Do you know where your giving is? Pentecost is when the Spirit fell down like fire; it’s also when temperatures rise up through the roof. Ensure your giving is up to date and let’s keep the A/C running!

ENGAGE Birthday gift

Does your birthday fall during the Pentecost season? Celebrate the number of years God has granted you with an extra birthday offering! Give one dollar for every year the Lord has blessed you with.

EMBRACE Take Christ on vacation with you

This year, add one more traveler to your vacation budget and donate the prorated amount to your church to forward the work of God’s Kingdom here in Houston and around the world.

follow me

Catch the Fire!



Pentecost 2012




VIA. MDUMC. worship grow witness give

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to the Spirit

Open This

Stay United Methodist Church 12955 Memorial Drive Houston, TX 77079

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