Spring 2014 via

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Via: The 2014 Spring Catalog As we journey along our personal Via, The Way of the Disciple, we all grow. Lessons are learned. New dimensions of a mature faith life are discovered. We breathe new breath. We pause and reflect, and that reflection shows us our very selves through God’s eyes. We become better disciples for Christ. The more we travel the VIA together, the more sensitive we grow to the unique needs of our congregation. We learn how to encourage one another, the kind of engagements we prefer and how to become even more responsive to the rhythm of our shared life. This edition of MDUMC’s Via catalog is the result of that sensitivity. Rather than being structured around the liturgical calendar, it mirrors the semester cycle that shapes most of our lives: Spring and Fall. This collection of opportunities dares us to imagine ways we might Worship, Grow, Witness and Give every week of every month of Spring 2014. Here you will find settings in which to learn and serve, to lift up a grateful heart and to share in a life of wonder. Via MDUMC is our path toward spiritual maturity and faithfulness. This catalog invites you on the journey and reveals ways we can travel together. Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Decide to make the journey. Find encouragement along the way. Be gracious to fellow travellers. Allow your spirit to be shaped into the very likeness of our Lord. His voice set us on this Way in the beginning, and his is the character that longs to shine in your heart and through your life. See you every week along the Way of the Disciple. Shalom, 2

Spring 2014

Character Worship Grow Witness Give Ages=n=Stages

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Via. The way of the disciple.


Worship Wonder is the basis of worship. -Thomas Carlyle Special Sundays

Covenant Sunday Jan. 26 Scout Sunday Feb. 2 Easter Sunday April 20 Confirmation Sunday April 27 Pentecost Sunday June 8

Attend special worship services during the Lenten season.

Ash Wednesday Palm Sunday Worship in the manner of TaizĂŠ Maundy Thursday Service Good Friday Worship & Concert

6:30 PM March 5, Sanctuary Wave palm branches April 13 6:30 PM April 16, Friendship Court 7 PM April 17, Sanctuary 7 PM April 18, Sanctuary

Sunrise Service Services in the Sanctuary the journey Worship at the Well

7 AM 8:15, 9:30 and 11 AM 9:29 and 11:01 AM

Easter Sunday, April 20

Make worship a priority for you and your family each week.

Services in the Sanctuary 8:15, 9:30 and 11 AM 4

the journey Worship at the Well 9:29 and 11:01 AM

Other worship opportunities

Wednesday evening worship Fast-paced schedules, numerous responsibilities and millions of daily decisions can leave one exhausted and empty. Contemplative worship gives us the opportunity to open ourselves to the stillness of God’s presence amid the busyness of daily life. Come, rest, refill and revitalize your soul. Each week, Dr. Suzy Reedstrom will lead a service studying the Gospel of Matthew aimed at growing and deepening your relationship with God. 6:30 PM, Friendship Court. Lunch and Worship Gather with senior adults for lunch and worship at the Senior Adult Activity Center. This short worship service includes hymn singing, prayers and a brief message by Rev. Jim McPhail. Lunch begins at 11:45 AM, followed by worship at 12:30 PM. Thursdays, the Gate

• Receive the sacrament of Holy Communion at 9:15 AM each Sunday (except the first Sunday of the month), Landrum Prayer Chapel (east side of the campus. Enter through Wesley Hall or via the door to the right of the Family Life Center). • Homebound Communion ministry extends the Lord’s Table, serving the sacrament of Holy Communion to all members of our worship community who are unable to attend worship services because of physical and/or health constraints. Two-person lay member teams take the prepared and consecrated elements to serve homebound members within two days of the congregation’s celebrating Holy Communion. JimMcPhail@mdumc.org • Each week, read the Scripture that the sermon will be based on. It is listed in the email news sent Fridays. Not receiving the email newsletter? SuzyReedstrom@mdumc.org.


Lift up your voice!

Children’s Choirs Helping our K-5 children (and adult volunteers) grow in faith through music, having fun and fellowship, and participating in worship. 5-6 PM Sundays beginning Jan. 12, D216 & D220 • Special event: Spring showcase of music and skits. 6 PM April 6 AnnAbles@mdumc.org or Faith Hebard

Joyful Praise Dancers Older youths and adults praise with movement, participate in worship. No dance experience needed. Time and place vary. AnnAbles@mdumc.org or Kathe Powell

Chancel Choir Good Friday concert Sing with our Chancel Choir as it prepares for its Good Friday concert. Adults, collegeage and older, come at 7:30 PM and learn worship music or just at 8:15 PM to learn Chancel Choir Adults, college-age or older, rehearsing and the Holy Week music. leading worship every week. Great fellow- 7:30 or 8:15 PM Wednesdays, A102 • Special event: composer leads workshop ship. No audition required. with choir. 10 AM March 29 7:30 PM Wednesdays, A102 AnnAbles@mdumc.org Child care can be arranged. AnnAbles@mdumc.org Playing a Joyful Song Spring concert Celebration Ringers, King’s Brass & MemoN.O.A.H. Choir (Not Old at Heart) Senior adult Choir rehearses weekly, sing- rial Drive UMC Orchestra. Church instruing hymns and preparing music for worship mentalists play sacred to pop to classical. 7 PM May 4, Sanctuary, child care available. once a month. TerryTullos@mdumc.org or 9:30 AM Mondays, A102 AnnAbles@mdumc.org AnnAbles@mdumc.org

Looking ahead

Agape Singers will audition for the summer musical, Les Misérables. Audiences will experience a powerful, soul-wrenching redemption story based on Victor Hugo’s 1862 masterwork.

New Horizons Symphonic Band and String Orchestra invite adults to take up a musical instrument for the first time or dust off an old one. Spring startups Jan. 7. TerryTullos@mdumc.org

Stay tuned: Theater arts will begin auditions for the Fall show, Don’t Kick the Turkeys. 6

Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing. -William Butler Yeats

GROW Leadership Academy

Co Lentming 2014

Younger members of MDUMC with recognized gifts will be chosen to participate in a 6-week leadership program. Sessions focus on the challenges of living as an exemplary Christian in the real world, balancing the demands of career, family and faith, along with teaching the unique culture and opportunities for leadership at MDUMC. Led by Chuck Simmons, Sr. Minister, and Greg Nelson, Lay Leader.

Spread the Word

Stir the pot

Wonder how images and graphics are displayed on Sundays? Volunteers work with a producer who coordinates all the action. New volunteers always needed. No experience necessary. To learn more, contact SandraHicks@mdumc.org

Volunteer in the MDUMC Kitchen. Work beside the greatest kitchen staff in all of Christendom. (You might learn to make a new dish or two!) 10 AM-noon or 1-3 PM Mon.-Thurs. GrasonTaylor@mdumc.org 7


The Thirteen Apostles In this engaging book from popular author J. Ellsworth Kalas, a portrait of each of Jesus’ apostles as a servant in ministry, a human being and an individual is drawn from Scripture as well as historical writings and tradition. 9:30-11:30 AM Thursdays beginning Jan. 9 (13 weeks), D219 Leader: Vicky Harris $10 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org Risking the Promise: The Abraham Family Chronicles, Session 1 Abraham & Sarah, Isaac & Rebekah, Genesis 11:27-23 Learn about the story of the most famous family in the Old Testament from a different point of view. This extraordinary family is the root of the three major monotheistic faiths in the world today. Each generation has a major characteristic - they each risk The Promise that God has given to them, a promise still at risk. Sign up as your schedule permits. 10–11:30 AM or 1-2:30 PM Tuesdays, beginning Jan. 14 (8 weeks), Scout House Leader: Rev. Rick Goodrich JudyBrewer@mdumc.org The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus


Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Using historical information, archaeological data and stories of the faith, Hamilton follows in the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the temptations to the heart of his ministry, including the people he loved, the parables he taught, the enemies he made and the healing he brought. 6:30–8 PM Tuesdays beginning Jan. 14 (6 weeks), D218 Leader: Harry McLeod $12 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org

Labyrinth Walk The labyrinth is a powerful walking path for reflection, meditation and a deeper knowledge of God. Someone will be there to answer questions. 8 AM-12:30 PM (walk any time) Jan. 19, Feb. 16, May 4, Gym JudyBrewer@mdumc.org or VickyHarris@mdumc.org Meditation for Christians This class is for anyone who would like to know about Christian meditation and centering prayer. We will have time for teaching and learning, a question-and-answer period, plus experiential practice. 10–11 AM Wednesdays beginning Feb. 5 (ongoing), D221 Leader: Betty Cartmell JudyBrewer@mdumc.org

Adult Class Leaders Meetings All adult Sunday school class leaders are invited to a luncheon with delicious food, great fellowship and an overview of information to help enrich your adult Sunday school class. Noon–2 PM Feb. 16, D126 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org The Prophetic Writings This course will cover the setting and times when the books of the Bible were written, who wrote them and their motivation. The goal of the course is to have a talking knowledge of the books, an understanding of how important the prophetic writings are to the Bible, and a basis for further study. 1–2:30 PM or 7–8:30 PM Thursdays beginning Feb. 20 (8 weeks), D220 afternoon class, D126 evening class Leader: Garland Smith JudyBrewer@mdumc.org 9

The Miracles of Jesus: Meditations and Prayers for Lent Lent has a way of zeroing in on the core issues of life, Wessel Bentley believes. On Ash Wednesday, he reminds readers, “You are not what you eat. You are not what you do. You are not what you fear. You are a human being, created in the image of God.” Bentley emphasizes the way Jesus restores people to their rightful state as human beings made in the image of God. 6:30–8 PM Tuesdays beginning Feb. 25 (6 weeks), D218 Leader: Harry McLeod $10 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org Mosaic: When God Uses All the Pieces Examine how the God of the universe uses the broken pieces of our lives to re-frame our purpose, turning our discarded hopes and dreams into something beautiful and useful—a mosaic in which God uses all of the pieces. The author says, “This journey will take us along the same path Jesus walked in the days surrounding his journey to Jerusalem. We will see the similarities to our own stories as well as the lessons we should pick, like pebbles along the path.” 10–11 AM Wednesdays beginning March 5 (7 weeks), D126 Leader: Franklin Olson $7 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org A World Worth Saving: Lenten Spiritual Practices for Action


God thinks the world is worth saving and invites Christians to join in the movement of redemption, Donigian says. He challenges us to grow in our prayer life by praying about daily news, discovering needs around us and responding with love and compassion. Each chapter of this study includes well-known, inspiring hymn texts, exercises for spiritual growth and questions for reflection. 7–8 PM Mondays beginning March 10 (6 weeks), D126 Leader: Franklin Olson $10 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org

Risking the Promise: The Abraham Family Chronicles, Session 2 Jacob & Leah & Rachel, Genesis 27–36 Learn about the story of the most famous family in the Old Testament from a different point of view. This extraordinary family is the root of the three major monotheistic faiths in the world today. Each generation has a major characteristic - they each risk The Promise that God has given to them, a promise still at risk. Sign up as your schedule permits. 10–11:30 AM or 1-2:30 PM Tuesdays beginning March 11 (6 weeks), Scout House Leader: Rev. Rick Goodrich JudyBrewer@mdumc.org A Spiritual Formation Workbook for Nurturing Christian Growth This beginning workbook for spiritual formation groups is based upon six major dimensions found in the life of Christ and Christian tradition: The Contemplative Tradition, The Holiness Tradition, The Charismatic Tradition, The Social Justice Tradition, The Evangelical Tradition and The Incarnational Tradition. Its new and updated exercises and teachings offer fresh perspectives. 6:30–8 PM Tuesdays beginning April 8 (8 weeks), D218 Leader: Harry McLeod $12 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org Acts: Immersion Bible Studies Journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters our lives and begins a creative work from the inside out. Shaped with each of us in mind, Immersion encourages engagement both with the Word of God and with the God of the Word to become a new creation in Christ. 9:30–11:30 AM Thursdays beginning April 10 (8 weeks), D219 Leader: Vicky Harris $10 JudyBrewer@mdumc.org


Holy Week 12-Hour Prayer Vigil & Labyrinth Walk Pray for our world, community, families and ourselves during our 12-hour prayer vigil. Walk the labyrinth. Labyrinths are designed to bring rest, order, comfort and harmony to the mind. 9 AM-9 PM Maundy Thursday, April 17, Wesley Hall VickyHarris@mdumc.org Risking the Promise: The Abraham Family Chronicles, Session 3 Joseph & His Brothers, Genesis 37–50 Learn about the story of the most famous family in the Old Testament from a different point of view. This extraordinary family is the root of the three major monotheistic faiths in the world today. Each generation has a major characteristic: wthey each risk The Promise that God has given to them, a promise still at risk. Sign up as your schedule permits. 10–11:30 AM or 1-2:30 PM Tuesdays beginning April 22 (5 weeks), Scout House Leader: Rev. Rick Goodrich JudyBrewer@mdumc.org

Other spiritual growth opportunities Walk to Emmaus The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour spiritual renewal program (Thursday evening–Sunday evening) that is wrapped in prayer and meditation, with special times of worship and daily celebration of Holy Communion. Rediscover Christ’s presence in your life and form friendships that foster faith and support spiritual maturity. Men’s walks: Feb. 20–23 or April 24–27 Women’s walks: Feb. 27–March 2 or May 1–4 Barbara Morehouse, Emmaus Council chair or VickyHarris@ mdumc.org 12

The Gold Standard Class Since 2004, these classes have been offered annually with 116 people completing the course of study. This course is to inform, enrich and challenge those who are interested in teaching or becoming better teachers for adult classes. Upon completion of the 8-hour course (which is provided by one-on-one tutoring) each participant is presented with a gold-banded church name badge and identified as a graduate of the course in the official Adult Class Teachers’ List. Flexible schedule. MaggieParker1@w or VickyHarris@mdumc.org NAVIGATE New-member class See how to connect to Memorial Drive United Methodist Church. Child care available. Light lunch served. 12:15 PM Jan. 12, March 9, May 18, Library KristiGarner@mdumc.org

Adult Sunday School classes

Sundays at 9:30 AM Bridgebuilders: couples and singles 60+, Wesley Hall Covenant: couples & singles 40-60s, D219 Discovery: mostly couples 40+ with teenagers, D216 Foundations: families with small children, A103 Friendship: couples & singles 50+, D126 Genesis: couples 50+, D217 Kindred Souls: single & married women, A201 New Horizons: singles 65+, D127 Probers: couples and singles 60+, D220 Ragamuffins: singles 40+, F128 Roots: couples & singles 60+, the Gate 462

Sunrizons: singles and couples 40-60s, D218 Upper Room: adults of all ages & stages, D222 Visions: couples with children, D221 Watermark: couples 40+ with teenagers, the Gate 460 Sundays at 9:35 AM the journey Sunday School: all ages & stages, the Well, W103/104 Sundays at 11 AM Good News: couples & singles 65+, D220 Thursdays at 7:15 PM (September–May) Thursday Night Class: couples &singles 60+, the Gate 460

VickyHarris@mdumc.org 13

Soupmobile Soupmobile is an outreach ministry that serves more than 2,200 meals per month in Houston. It is staffed by volunteers with a slotted time and place. Much of the funding comes from donations to our Soupmobile pot, in Friendship Court, every first Sunday of the month. Pick up a savings can Jan. 5 in Friendship Court or the Well. OGDOS 2014 Once again, MDUMC and its 700-plus volunteers will be the hands and feet of Christ, traveling across the city to share God’s love via One Great Day of Service. Join us as we work with and alongside children and adults, serving the Houston community with so many projects. Our projects are designed for all ages, stages, talents and skill levels. March 8 See the OGDOS 2014 table in Friendship or at the Well. RandyLee@mdumc.org Sunday morning greeters needed Sign up to be part of this vital and expanding ministry. KristiGarner@mdumc.org or CollinTaylor@mdumc.org


It is the chief joy of all holy beings to witness the joy and happiness of those around them. -Ellen G. White 14

CrossWalk Houston Be a CrossWalk Houston representative: While we are in the beginning stages of this new local mission initiative, we want to get our members plugged in to the other organizations in the Nottingham Park area. Read to students at Thornwood Elementary and Nottingham Elementary. Offer administrative help, coach or assist in Family Point Resources’ school programs (Homework Help and REC Program). West Houston Community Center would love new board members and clerical help. KatePotter@mdumc.org Become an ESL tutor: Make a big impact in another’s life right down the street from the church, in the Nottingham Park area. Once you receive your placement, you will be instructing small groups twice a week for two hours. Training dates vary, beginning 9 AM–3 PM, Jan. 11, D126 KatePotter@mdumc.org Become a technology trainer or tutor: CrossWalk Houston’s main focus will be to offer classes in computer literacy. KatePotter@mdumc.org Saturday Seminars facilitators and volunteers: CrossWalk Houston’s Saturday Seminars will consist of parenting, nutrition, technology and finance courses. Also during the week at local elementary schools. KatePotter@mdumc.org Backpack Blessings: Every Friday, CrossWalk Houston sends home bags of food for children who are in the free-lunch program at Thornwood Elementary. Assemble bags or otherwise be a part of this new ministry. KatePotter@mdumc.org 15

The Metropolitan Organization TMO works with other churches and schools in Harris and Fort Bend counties to develop a relational community and address issues and needs. MDUMC is primarily addressing needs in the Alief community with an emphasis on Alief ISD. Our goal is to engage parents to be more involved with their children’s education and local school governance. Spanish speakers are always in demand. We have needs in the following projects: • Engineering program at Alief Middle School: Volunteers for program that introduces sixth- through eighth-graders to engineering. Working with staff to develop a program for fall that will assist students with simple projects suitable for science and engineering contests. Another possibility: help with field trips. Being an engineer a plus but not a requirement. Time commitments flexible. • Visit area pastors: One of the keys to our work in Alief is to develop relationships with area churches, linking them together with each other and to the schools. Accompany an organizer or seasoned TMO/MDUMC member to visit pastors and further develop relationships with them. Time commitments flexible. • Train to be a relational leader: Learn how to have one-on-one meetings and small-group meetings that help identify possible community leaders and issues. Training geared to beginners and can be used in other venues. Time commitments flexible. • Neighborhood walks: One of the methods of engaging parents is to have neighborhood walks and talk to parents about their hopes and dreams for their children’s future. Minimal training required. Supervision provided. Time commitments flexible. • Attend Alief ISD/TMO events: Learn about the work of TMO by attending school open houses, community town hall meetings and other events. Time commitments flexible. FranklinOlson@sbcglobal.net 16

Earth Ministry

• Understanding the Texas Coast The barrier islands, estuaries and wetlands of the Texas Gulf Coast are the result of a major rise in sea level that took place at the end of the last glacial retreat. In this short course, we will learn about the natural forces shaping environments along the Texas coast. We will also learn why it is especially vulnerable to future sea-level rise and other effects from climate warming. Instructor: John Sauri 6:30-8 PM Feb. 10 & 17, D127 RSVP: MDUMCearthministry@gmail.com or 713-806-8397 • Are renewables still in America’s future? In this short course, we will assess the potential for wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable resources as well as greater energy efficiency. We will also discuss policy considerations for creating the most favorable energy landscape. Instructor: John Sauri. 6:30-8 PM April 28 and May 5, D126 MDUMCEarthMinistry@gmail.com or 713-806-8397 17

• Trash Bash at Terry Hershey Park


• Armond Bayou Field Trip


Once a year, thousands of volunteers gather along Texas waterways to help clean up the environment. Areas cleaned are along Buffalo Bayou from Hwy 6 to Beltway 8. Lunch, water, bags and event T-shirts provided. Wear gloves, long pants and sturdy shoes. 8 AM-12:30 PM March 29 RSVP: MDUMCearthministry@gmail.com


Celebrate Spring and God’s creation. Armond Bayou has diverse ecosystem. Hike trails, encounter wildlife, view wildflowers and explore the 1890s interpretive farm. Adult mentors needed for under-privileged youth who will join us. 8:30 AM-3:30 PM April 12 RSVP: MDUMCEarthMinistry@gmail.com


• Weekly Walking Group

A casual walking group for fun, fitness, and cherishing creation. Meet at the gazebo by the restrooms at Terry Hershey Park. People of all ages, dogs and strollers are welcome. 7:15-8:15 PM Mondays, 15340 Memorial Drive, north side RSVP: Randy Hohlt, 713-201-6925 or randyh1030@aol.com


• Farm Co-op


Enjoy weekly boxes of freshly picked, locally grown, chemical-free produce. Select from multiple west Houston delivery locations, including MDUMC. Small boxes costing $24 per week feed 2-4 people. Sign up: WoodDuckFarm.com.


• Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Use the recycle Dumpsters in MDUMC’s southwest parking lot and behind the Connection Center. Use disposable cups available at coffee stations or lug-a-mug. Leave church bulletins at the ends of the pews for reuse/recycling. Care for God’s creation in gratitude and love.

Westside Homeless Partnership

Volunteer Opportunities Client Education • GED tutors: work with adults in the process of receiving a GED or other certification. • Presenters/teachers: organize presentations on topics that would benefit our clients, including household budgets, job retention, parenting, family communication and healthy living. Program Support • Monthly check deliveries: deliver checks to apartment management offices and child care facilities at the beginning of each month. • Special projects: assist case managers with transportation/errand needs, client job training or preparedness support and a host of additional client needs that arise during the Hand Up Housing Program. Office Support • General clerical: filing, shredding and mailings, as well as some computer work. In-Kind Needs • Home start-up kits (cleaning supplies/paper goods/laundry basket) • Personal finance and budgeting kits • Personal hygiene kits • Family first-aid kits • New and gently used clothing and shoes for the Westside Closest • Gift cards for Walmart, Target or H-E-B Westside Homeless Partnership 9610 Long Point Road, Suite 110 Houston, TX 77055 westsidehomeless.org Christina Yaya, volunteer coordinator: Christina@westsidehomeless.org or 713-973-8083, ext. 105 RandyLee@mdumc.org


Native American interest • Interested in Native American history and learning how we can help today? Travel in January to Corpus Christi to participate in a 5K walk to honor and learn about the burial grounds of 5,000 Native Americans. Time and place TBA. • Native American Reading Corner will resume in January and continue 12:30-1:30 PM the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, D218. • Lunch-n-Learn Noon Jan. 12, D218. Featured speaker and topic TBA. • Nature Spirituality February program from the Native American tradition in combination with the Earth Ministry. Date and time TBA. Betsy Beeson: 713-688-3346

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Caring Ministries JimMcphail@mdumc.org Alzheimer’s Support Group & Respite Care Alzheimer’s Gathering Blood Donor Ministry Home Bound Communion Medical Equipment Medical Transportation Stroke Support Group

• • • • • • •

Caring Support Ministries SheriKelley@mdumc.org ADDults Al-Anon CanCare Children in the Middle Chronic Pain & Illness Support Cracked Pots DivorceCare (series begins Jan. 30)


• Family & Friends of Gays & Lesbians • Grief Share (series begins Jan. 30) • Jobs Ministry, Texas HR Pros in Transition • Lifeway substance-abuse program • National Alliance on Mental Illness • Sex Addicts Anonymous • Survivors of Romantic Deception support Stephen Ministry SusanWiley@mdumc.org Prayer Shawl Ministry KristiGarner@mdumc.org Prayer Ministry SarahSmith@mdumc.org Krist Samaritan Counselors 281-480-7554 Ask for counselors at MDUMC campus.

Complete a Covenant Card Jan. 26 is Covenant Sunday Covenant Cards designating the amount you and/or your family will give to the church for 2014 will be brought to the altar and blessed. Attend one of five worship services as we give thanks for the abundance God has given us, and commit to give back a portion of that gift as witness of God’s love in the world.

Bring your Covenant Card to the altar January 26.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. -Winston Churchill

Give 21

Commit to giving on a regular basis Sign up for automated giving. You can set this up three ways: 1. Automatic Bank Draft 2. Monthly credit card or debit card payments 3. Online bill pay through your bank account JodyGriggs@mdumc.org, 713-468-8356 Care forever Make a gift to the Caring Forever Foundation Attend the Caring Forever Banquet on April 4. Shop-and-give Link your Randalls card or your Kroger card to MDUMC • Randalls MDUMC good-neighbor number is 1989. • Kroger Register at krogercommunityrewards.com. MDUMC’s number for the Kroger Community Card is 80045. Caring Forever Foundation The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to reflect upon how much your faith and your church mean to you, and how much they are part of your life. It is a time to renew, and if possible, increase your pledge. It is a time to continue your commitment to The Key Campaign. It is a time to consider putting the Caring Forever Foundation in your will. RickGoodrich@mdumc.org, 713-468-8356 x244 A Legacy of Love One of the most meaningful expressions of love you can give your family in 2014 is to put together your end-of-life plan, including information about your desires for your funeral. The Caring Forever Foundation has a planning notebook, A Legacy of Love, which can help. The notebook is free and available by contacting Rev. Rick Goodrich. If part of your end-of-life plan is to be inurnment in the Memorial Garden columbarium at Memorial Drive UMC, you can also make these arrangements with. RickGoodrich@mdumc.org, 713-468-8356 x244 22

Ages=n= stages Stages=n=ages

Every child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once they grow up. -Pablo Picasso WOMEN’S MINISTRY JeanIrving@mdumc.org

MOPS Authentic community, mothering support, growth and spiritual hope. $25 plus the cost of the Bible study, Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst; nursery provided. Group outings, lunch, playgroups and volunteer work. JeanIrving@mdumc.org 11 AM Tuesdays, Youth Lounge United Methodist Women United Methodist Women serves as a model for creating opportunities that invite women to know God through Jesus Christ; develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and learn about service through participation in the local and global ministries of the church. General Meeting Marilyn Green, co-chair, Corp of Sex Trafficking from Chapelwood UMC, will discuss sex-trafficking awareness, incl. 23

what’s being done to stop sex trafficking in Houston. Refreshments before meeting. UMW President Janette Bowers, 281-809-3361 10 AM Feb. 4, Wesley Hall. UMW Circle Groups Small groups come together once a month to grow in faith, develop creative, supportive fellowship and expand concepts of mission through local and global ministries. Nursery provided upon request. Circle Groups: • Betty Landrum 9:30 AM 3rd Tues., members’ homes • Bible Circle 1 PM third Weds., D126 • Common Thread 9:30 AM third Tues., D126 Sharing the common goals of mission work, stitchery and fellowship. • Mary Lee Marshall 6:30 PM third Mon., D220 • Music 9:30 AM third Tues., D220 • Reading 9:30 AM third Tues., D218 Read and discuss a book or have a book review each month. • Mission Stitchers 9 AM–2 PM Thurs. beginning in Feb., the Gate Work on projects to be sold at Hearts and Hands; all money raised goes to missions.

Tuesday Night Women’s Bible Study Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine by Max Lucado Seven-week Bible study that will explore grace and challenge you to think of it as a verb and not a noun. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. 6:30 PM Tues. beginning Jan. 14, D221 $15; nursery on request. Kathy Barkley, Kfelbarkley@aol.com 24

Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study The Girl’s Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs Walk with Ruth, hold Naomi’s hand and hang out with Boaz. This rags-to-riches redemption story helps us to see that God has a plan for our lives. 10 AM Wednesdays beginning Jan. 15, D219. $15; nursery on request. JeanIrving@mdumc.org Social Action Study Roma – The Story of a Global Roaming Nation Hosted by United Methodist Women. Presenters are Michael and Bernice Hick. Beef and chicken fajita salad will be served with drinks and cookies. Noon-3 PM March 23, Wesley Hall. $7; reservations required and taken at front desk. JeanIrving@mdumc.org

Women’s Retreat

Women’s Retreat

Women’s Retreat 9 AM-4 PM Feb. 8

We return to the Brookwood Community in Brookshire. Join us for spiritual growth, fellowship and fun. $45; includes supplies and lunch in Brookwood Café.


SINGLES SheriKelley@mdumc.org The Memorial Drive Single Vision Ministry is a caring and supportive community providing the opportunity for Christian growth, fellowship, and service, while affirming that all single adults are whole individuals and are important members of God’s Holy Family.

Reach out in mission Soupmobile lunch-making Help make 244 lunches for the House of Amos, St. James UMC and Rose of Sharon. 5:15 PM Jan. 3, Feb. 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, Scout House Food for Thought used-book sale All proceeds go to help victims of human trafficking. Jan. 26, Feb. 23, March 30, April 27, May 25 Church Under the Bridge Date in January or February to be determined. Other mission/service projects will be scheduled as needs arise.

Singles Community Bible study Elijah, Living Securely in an Insecure World Every day the news reinforces what we want to forget: we live in an insecure world. Elijah’s times were no safer. He faced famine, murder and corruption with both courage and fear. In this study, we’ll look beyond the insecurity of the world to our sovereign God who reigns forever. $5 for the book 7:15 PM Wednesdays, Feb. 5–March 26, D127 Ecclesiastes, Chasing After Meaning Are you tired of getting pat answers when you ask hard questions about faith? The writer of Ecclesiastes is not afraid to ask the big questions: “Where can I find fulfillment when I seem to be going in circles? Who is in control when the world looks topsy-turvy?” In the process, he discovers how faith in God is meaningful in the real world. $5 for the book 7:15 PM Wednesdays, April 9–June 25, D127 26

Mulling the Message Singles gather for Sunday lunch at nearby restaurants and discuss Dr. Simmons’ message and how it applies to their lives. Call the Singles Ministry office for location information. Generally first and third Sundays of each month Sunday studies that are predominantly made up of single adults: Kindred Souls: a class for women; 9:30 AM, A201 New Horizon: senior singles; 9:30 AM, D127 Ragamuffin Class: singles 40+, 9:30 AM, Dance Room Reach out to the community: Fabulous Fridays First Friday Fun & Games Bring a snack and your favorite game to share. Bring games for the kids, too! 7 PM Jan. 3 and April 4, the Gate Fifth Friday dance with a holiday flair Community-wide dance for single adults $10 per person with mission donation item to be determined 8-10:30 PM Jan. 31 & May 30, the Refuge; dance lessons 7-7:45 PM First Friday Flicks Watch Flywheel in Feb. and Red Dog in May and then discuss them from a Christian perspective. Bring a snack to share. Bring movies for the kids, too. 7 PM Feb. 7 and May 2, the Gate Singles Candlelight Dinner 6-8 PM May 4, Wesley Hall

Kick Back Koffee House

Local talent includes Pairadox, Brad Irons, Salt & Light. Bring a snack to share. $5 love offering for musicians, 7 PM March 7, the Gate 27

SENIOR ADULTS JimMcPhail@mdumc.org Prime Timer’s Covered Dish Luncheons • Jan. 23: music of Keith Ross & Laurie Davis • Feb. 27: Coach Van Chancellor • March 27: Grandmas’ Boyfriends Barbershop Quartet • April 24: TBA • May 22: TBA 11: 30 AM fourth Thursdays of the month, Wesley Hall Van Chancellor

Grandmas’ Boyfriends Barbershop Quartet

Health and Wellness A Gift for Your Family What, where & how to organize your financial, medical, & personal information. No charge Presenter: George Byers 1:30 PM, Jan. 30, the Gate Caring for Aging Loved Ones with Dignity & Respect Presenter: Patricia K. Loeffler, professional therapist 2 sessions, 3:30 PM Thursdays, Feb. 13 & 20, the Gate Health and Wellness seminars Presentations by physicians, therapists, and other professionals 1:30 PM second or third Thursdays of the month, the Gate

Know Your Health Numbers Course will help you manage your health: blood pressure, counts, enzymes, etc. Optimize health through diet, lifestyle and medication. Ask the right questions; make the most of your relationship with care providers. 6:30-8 PM Feb. 24 and March 3, D126 Instructor: Dr. Sandra Solaiman. RSVP: MDUMCearthministry@gmail.com or 713-806-8397 Day Trips Historical and educational sights, tours, and exhibits Most fourth Fridays: Jan. 24, March 28, April 25, and May 23. Also Feb. 25. 28

Donate at the quarterly Blood Drive Volunteer for the Alzheimer’s Care Team Volunteer for the Alzheimer’s monthly gatherings: fourth Wednesdays Volunteer for the Stroke Support Group: Tuesdays Volunteer for the Funeral Guild Volunteer to assist with serving Communion Drive folks to medical appointments or for treatment

YOUNG ADULTS CollinTaylor@mdumc.org Social Night We’ll go out for dinner. Childcare available. 7 PM Jan. 22 Mission Day with ArtReach [ArtReach is a 2013 MDUMC grant recipient.] Lunch included. 10 AM-2 PM Feb. 23 Ash Wednesday We’ll worship together at the Ash Wednesday service and then go to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. March 5 Mission Day This will be with a 2013 MDUMC grant recipient. Details TBA. May 3 Gospel of Mark Study the Gospel of Mark with Rev. Collin Taylor. Last session will be during Holy Week, studying Christ’s passion. 7 PM Tuesdays March 18-April 15 Wednesday Night Check In Meet other young families with dinner at 6 PM, Bible study for children and adults at 6:45 PM. Over promptly at 7:45 PM. First and third Wednesdays of the month 29

YOUTH SteveCragg@mdumc.org Our youth will kick off the New Year with a bang. Each grade will have a study focusing on faith and how we nurture and grow in it. Our youth know how to witness and will continue to serve those who need our love the very most. We will feed the homeless monthly through our LOAF program. On March 8, 2014, we will participate in OGDOS in a big way. All service ops are geared to prepare our youth for summer workcamps in June. We will GIVE as we inform and encourage youth families to generously give to the budget of the church to help us do all we do.

We are hoping for new things to happen with our youth with WGWG in the New Year! CHILDREN DonnaReed@mdumc.org Confirmation Class to Windsor Village UMC Confirmands experience worship in other traditions and styles. One highlight is WVUMC. Jan. 25 Sundaes with Dr. Simmons Confirmands get to have ice cream sundaes and grill Dr. Simmons with all their questions at this very fun event. 6 PM Jan. 26 Special Needs Summer Camp Fair Visit with specialists for children and young adults with special needs. Camps represented as well as local activities. Come-and-go, no cost. Child care provided. 9 AM–1 PM Feb. 1, Wesley Hall and Friendship Court 30

Winter Blast Confirmation Lock-in For sixth-graders Feb. 7-8 To register: DonnaReed@mdumc.org Field Trip to the Cowboy Church For all sixth graders and families. 9 AM Feb. 23 Raising Christian Children: A Travel Guide for Parents We all make a spiritual journey through life. As a church and as parents and grandparents, we serve as guides for our children along their journey. Join us for a two-session discipleship series on raising Christian children. Children’s activities offered at the same time, as well as a nursery. 6:45-7:45 PM Feb. 5 and 19; dinner at 6 PM, B203/204 GPS and church nursery activities 9:30-10:30 AM Feb. 23 and March 2 DonnaReed@mdumc.org or CollinTaylor@ mdumc.org. Palm Processional for children An MDUMC tradition is the processional of all of our children as we welcome Jesus to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Hundreds of children will wave palm branches as they process at the 9:30 AM worship service. A smaller, yet still enthusiastic!, processional will occur at 11 AM. Children should arrive in their GPS classrooms no later than 9:15 AM. For the 11 AM service, meet in the narthex at 10:50 AM.

Good Friday Service for Children The Rev. Daniel Irving and Children’s staff guide children through one of the most difficult events to understand, the death of Jesus Christ. Interactive and child-friendly worship as costumed characters reenact the Bible story. Our live donkey is always a hit! 5:30 PM, the Well Easter Eggstravaganza Snack breakfast, crafts, and lots of eggs! First hunt will begin at 9:30 AM, with two other hunts quickly following. Eggs for our littlest hunters are placed on the baby playground throughout the morning. 9 AM April 19, Wesley Hall, Friendship Court and outdoors Confirmation Sunday All worship services. Be in prayer for our confirmands as they make their public profession of faith and join our church. April 27 Something Extra Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper Pancakes, bands, beads, masks and more. A Mardi Gras Parade, the crowning of the king and queen, floats and plenty of fun! 6PM March 4, Gym and Wesley Hall


Memorial Drive

United Methodist Church

12955 Memorial Drive Houston, TX 77079


Spring 2014



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