2 minute read


Australian Model & Software Engineer


CSM: The last couple of years were labeled as a rollercoaster ride with full of twists and probably surprises. How did you show your resiliency?

I showed my resiliency by sticking by the goals I had set for myself and finding new avenues to complete them despite all the setbacks.

CSM: What’s the best course of action to take in the face of uncertainty?

Gather as much info as you can, stay calm and make informed decisions from there.

CSM: Professionally speaking, how can you exude being decisive?

Compare the positives and negatives of decisions and deciding this is the right one.

CSM: What comeback goals do you want to achieve in 2022?

I really would like to expand my network in terms of modelling and push the boundaries with it.

CSM: Define confidence and being sexy.

I think confidence comes from self-awareness and being sexy comes from being passionate about who you are.

CSM: How do you standout in a fast-paced and competitive industry?

I think I have quite a unique look and can approach multiple styles enthusiastically.

CSM: Career-wise, how can someone be a good influence to others?

Helping them push their creative boundaries.

CSM: What vital lessons can you share to young people?

Everything is earned nothing is given. If you want something you’ll have to work for it.


CSM: What do you think is the role of food or nutrition in healthy living?

The same as brick and mortar for a house.

CSM: How can you maintain your consistency of weight or shape?

The same as brick and mortar for a house.

CSM: What fitness goals do you want to attain? I would like to get a little bigger and lean down more.

CSM: What exercises do you consider fundamental? All compounds, bench; deadlifts and squats.

CSM: What gym etiquette that people must follow? Be respectful of others and kill your own ego.

CSM: When you’re stressed, how do you manage it?

Usually by going to the gym or meditating. Sometimes, even just moving like a walk with my dog can serve to help manage my stress.

CSM: Expound why mental health matters in the digital age. With everything being so fast paced, our minds struggle to comprehend what’s always going on which is why mental health is crucial to look after.

CSM: Simplify if mental and physical health are connected or not.

Definitely they are. Look good feel great. People don’t realise but endorphins are realised when the body exercises which impacts your mood and mental health.

CSM: In achieving fitness goals, what do people should remember?

The reason why they started.

CSM: What stereotypes should people break when it comes to physical and mental health?

It’s okay to ask for help but you should definitely take responsibility for your own mental health.