2 minute read

CRISSY Thibodeau

Let’s get one thing straight: She’s the finest of the fittest.

Heed her practical knowledge on how you can bust your plateau and achieve your best body and career yet.



CSM: The last couple of years were labeled as a rollercoaster ride with full of twists and probably surprises. How did you show your resiliency?

CRISSY: Yes, there are many ups and downs owning a gym during a pandemic. We quickly switched to virtual trainings classes and programs to keep our members engaged and active. We lent out weights and any equipment we could to our members to help keep them healthy and strong. We still offer virtual options as well as in-person options.

CSM: What’s the best course of action to take in the face of uncertainty?

CRISSY: Don’t fall into fear; I truly believe everything will line up the way it is meant to be. But if we let fear hold us back from moving forward, we will never experience our full potential. When pushed to an uncomfortable place, we grow. We learn, we adapt and we change.

CSM: Professionally speaking, how can you exude being decisive?

CRISSY: I set boundaries and stay firm when it comes to holding them. This keeps me in a space where I can be confident with my decisions. This keeps me focused and in line with my current goals, needs, wants. Therefore, I don’t get caught off guard or easily thrown off. I feel like the lack of distraction and chaos allows me to make the best decisions for myself and my business.

CSM: What comeback goals do you want to achieve in 2022?

CRISSY: To regrow my business. We were able to maintain, and stay open these last couple years… but we have always wanted to grow. I would love to have more space for my current members and hopefully have more to offer to attract new members.

CSM: Define confidence and being sexy.

CRISSY: These are two of my favorite qualities. I definitely think feeling confident and sexy come from the inside, out. I don’t think it’s about one certain look or one attribute. I think we build these qualities from the inside out- by stepping out of comfort zones, by overcoming challenges, from our success as well as our failures.

CSM: How do you standout in a fast-paced and competitive industry?

CRISSY: Passion. Really loving what you do and not being afraid to show that side of you. My love for helping others find their “healthy lifestyle” is why I do what I do. People can sense real and authentic. I find people are attracted to that.

CSM: Career-wise, how can someone be a good influence to others?

CRISSY: Leading by example is always the best form of inspiration. By staying true to who you are and why you chose the career path you are on. Revisit your why, often, because sometimes our lives and goals change…we can fall out of love with what we were once passionate about, which is totally normal. But if we can get too complicit, we can just be going through the motions and eventually things start to slip. Continuously setting goals will also keep you inspired, on track, and motivated.

CSM: What vital lessons can you share to young people?

CRISSY: Go for it. Believe in yourself and dream big. Our lives are what we make of it. We have so much power and control, we tend to underestimate ourselves and put too much power in other people’s words and actions (or lack thereof). Take all feedback, positive and negative, with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, our own personal thoughts, of ourselves and our lives, are what really matter.