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Talks about diversity, business, and branding

Interview Ian Carlo Bajada Photography Casey Withers

CSM: Explain what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to you and why they’re important.

CRISSY: I embrace diversity, and we believe in equality and inclusion. This is important to us as well as our members. These things are important to us because we value what others bring to our space and to our lives. No matter where or what they are coming from. There is always something new learned.

CSM: What is the most challenging aspect of working in a diverse environment?

CRISSY: I think it would be, that sometimes, others may not be as open minded or accepting as you. Lead by example, embrace the diversity and hopefully others will do the same.

CSM: What is your approach to understanding the perspectives of colleagues from different backgrounds?

CRISSY: I just welcome all ideas and opinions. I feel like others, especially from different backgrounds, will bring a whole new perspective to any situation.

CSM: How would you handle a situation where a client or a talent was being culturally insensitive, sexist, racist, or homophobic?

CRISSY: I would state the boundaries that I have in place to remind them that this is unacceptable. If the behavior continues, I would have no issue removing them (or myself) from the situation.

CSM: How would you advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion with brands or companies that don’t understand its importance?

CRISSY: I am so thankful that I, personally, have not witnessed a brand or company that didn’t feel the same as I do when it comes to embracing diversity. But if I had to speak up for someone in this matter, I most definitely would.

CSM: Discuss a time when you advocated for diversity and inclusion.

CRISSY: At this point in my life, I have only had to do this with my children. I try to remind them daily that we have the choice to be kind and accepting. If we witness others not making the same choices we do, it reminds us to speak up and advocate for others.

CSM: Describe an ideal brand that has a sense of inclusion, belonging, and equity on a daily basis?

CRISSY: I can only speak for brands that I have experienced or worked with. I love working with Casey Withers Photography and Magnum Nutraceuticals. I have seen them in action, worked with them, and am impressed every time. I love seeing others practicing what they are preaching.

CSM: As a model and an entrepreneur, how do you handle feedback or criticism?

CRISSY: Again, with a grain of salt. I listen and I process accordingly. Sometimes it is valuable feedback that is something I can implement for a positive change, and sometimes it’s just someone’s “off day”. The fine line is being able to distinguish between the two, which can be challenging. But I think in time, you learn.

CSM: What are your goals as a business owner? How do you see yourself progress in this field?

CRISSY: My goals have always been to continue to grow, to persevere through the downs and enjoy the ups. These last few years have held me to that. While it could have seemed easier to close the doors and purse other things, we chose to reinvent our current plan and grow from there.

CSM: In modeling, how do you prepare for a new photo shoot?

CRISSY: I definitely make sure my nutrition and workouts are on point, I want to feel my best when I shoot. I also get as much details on the location as I can. This helps me plan my outfits, accessories, and poses. I like to show up prepared, not only physically, but mentally. I like to have a plan.

CSM: What steps will you take to eliminate bias from other brands or companies?

CRISSY: Having your boundaries and processes in place can help eliminate bias. I do believe in encouraging contribution, embracing diversity and listening to others opinions. Be open to what they are offering, again, keeping your boundaries firm as to what behaviors you are accepting.

CSM: What made you decide to be a gym (business) owner and a model?

CRISSY: I have always been in a gym of some sort, for as long as I can remember, whether working out, training, or teaching classes. It has always been a goal of mine. About 10 years ago, we decided it was time to venture out on our own.

CSM: Was there a motivation or perhaps an inspiration when you started owning a business?

CRISSY: Working for gyms was also my “side” job. I would have normal 9-5, then train or teach classes after work. Then after having our twins, I did not want to go back to a 9-5 desk job…I wanted to be involved in health and fitness as much as possible.

CSM: Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all?

CRISSY: No, I don’t. I feel like anything can be done tastefully.

CSM: What do you think about the competition in the business and fitness industry?

CRISSY: I am in a small down, so I don’t think I am as aware of the competition. My town is full of small business owners, so I really feel we are surrounded by support.

CSM: What do you consider the toughest aspect of this job?

CRISSY: Health looks different to everyone, being fit looks different to everyone. A lot of times we hear how ready one is to jump in and make those positive changes…but in reality they really aren’t quite ready. But, you know they are worthy, you know they will feel better; you know they deserve to be healthy…but you can’t do it for them. You can just be there when they truly are ready.

CSM: Where do you see yourself in ten years from now?

CRISSY: I see myself doing what I’m doing now…just with growth. I really can’t see myself passionately doing anything else.

CSM: To those who wanted to venture this career, discuss the essential skills that they should possess and what advice would you give?

CRISSY: A love for health and fitness is crucial. A business mind, a strong work ethic, critical thinking and problem solving skills, professionalism as well as communication and leadership skills. Always be willing to change if something isn’t working.

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