2 minute read

is full of ups and downs. Enjoy the ups, embrace the downs.

CSM: What do you think is the role of food or nutrition in healthy living?

CRISSY: What we eat and put in or bodies plays a huge role in living healthy. I believe when we feed our bodies with vitamins and nutrients, it heals itself. We need to give our body the tools to function properly and to take care of itself.

CSM: How can you maintain your consistency of weight or shape?

CRISSY: It’s a lifestyle for me. Staying active, eating well, keeping my sleep schedule and managing my stress level. I have built habits over the years that now require minimal “effort” because it’s how I live.

CSM: What fitness goals do you want to attain?

CRISSY: I want to always be as active as I am now; I hope to stay flexible, full of energy, and mobile. A body in motion stays in motion. This will be my mantra for the rest of my life.

CSM: What exercises do you consider fundamental?

CRISSY: I believe in a well-rounded fitness routine. Do cardio to keep our heart healthy, strength training to keep our muscles and joints strong, and flexibility movements to stay loose and at peace.

CSM: What gym etiquette that people must follow?

CRISSY: We ask that you be respectful to our space, our equipment, and other members.

So under this could be: Wiping down equipment after use, not slamming equipment or weights, limiting cellphone use, as it typically is a distraction and you spend more time on a machine that someone might be waiting on. Share equipment and space.

CSM: When you’re stressed, how do you manage it?

CRISSY: I am a huge believer of making gratitude lists. If I am ever feeling overwhelmed or stressed, I make a list of all the things in my life that I am grateful for, big or small.

CSM: Expound why mental matters in the digital age.

CRISSY: I do feel like our mental health needs to be strong this day in age. With the internet - we can, at the click of a button, receive instant praise, or negativity, instant likes, or lack thereof. We can’t put too much value in this. We have people making assumptions, without knowing us. So not taking these things to heart can be difficult. We need to keep in mind who we are, stay grounded, and not get caught up in the digital aspect. It can be taken away at any moment. The app could crash, people could stop following, and stop liking. Who are we then? Hopefully we are truly connected to ourselves and who we are.

CSM: Simplify if mental and physical health are connected or not.

CRISSY: I do find be strong mentally and physically are connected. I believe sometimes we start working on one or the other; for whatever reason; we end up eventually start working on both. And once we have realized how much they really are connected and we have invested time in being healthier on both sides, it’s a game changer.

CSM: In achieving fitness goals, what do people should remember?

CRISSY: Keep in mind-patience is a virtue. Sometimes our results come fast and sometimes they don’t come as fast. The strength to trust the process, and stay consistent through those “lulls” is imperative to long term success. I promise.

CSM: What stereotypes should people break when it comes to physical and mental health?

CRISSY: That we can’t have moments of weakness, doubt, or hesitation…that every day in the gym is going to be perfect, that we are always going to be “on our game”. Life is full of ups and downs. Enjoy the ups, embrace the downs.