Autumn Live More

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Live More


Enjoy, E njoy, explore, and embrace your best life!


Maintenance-free Lake Living Enjoy all the luxuries of living on the lake, without the upkeep of owning a home! Kayak, canoe, or take a leisurely pontoon cruise around Big Cedar Lake. Go for a swim or cast your fishing line and see what’s biting. Relax and enjoy what Cedar Community’s natural and social landscape has to offer: • Independent homes and apartments • Cedar Lodge State-of-the-art fitness center, club room with bar, fireplace, large group gathering space for parties, screen porch, and patio • Natural prairie and parks • Scenic walking trails • Beach house • Gazebos • Engaged living Fitness and wellness classes, woodworking shop, volunteer opportunities, social and spiritual gatherings, gardening, book clubs, trips and entertainment, educational presentations and classes, and much more!

Enjoy, explore, and embrace your best life on the shores of Big Cedar Lake!

MEET OUR SALES TEAM! To tour Cedar Community’s independent living homes or apartments and learn more about all the activities and amenities we have to offer, call Cathy at 262.338.4615 or Abby at 262.338.4617. Mention you saw this ad in our Live More magazine for a free cup of coffee. Cathy Majkowski

Cedar Community Sales Director

Abby Jonasson

Independent Living Sales Associate

INSIDE this ISSUE Many reasons to celebrate Expansion and remodeling | 4 Duty. Honor. Service. Commitment. Supporting Cedar Community’s mission | 5 Hidden talents Meet Max Sommerfeld and Maggie Seideman | 6 – 7 A passion for learning Providing care for the wounded | 8 – 9 Covert operations with the CIA Couple with top secret jobs | 10 – 11 The music played on from Milwaukee to Vietnam to Cedar Community Joining the Marine Corps | 12 – 13 Serving country and community Storming the beaches | 14 – 15 Honoring veterans with a trip of a lifetime Stars and Stripes Honor Flight | 16 – 17 Cedar Ridge Homes unveiled Appealing to the next generation of retirees | 18 – 19 2019 Butterfly Release Thank you to all who participated | 20 –21 Celebrating outstanding team members Kristine Gould, Robin Kosciesza, and Deb Przedpelski | 22 – 23 “Thank you for your service” A message from our chaplain | 24 Cedar Community Retreat Center at Cedar Valley events Workshops open to everyone | 25 Out & About Events, classes, and seminars you don’t want to miss | 26 – 27

Live More Live More is published for the neighbors of Cedar Community. If you would like to add a neighbor’s name to our mailing list, please contact us at 262.338.2819. To view Live More online, visit news-events/publications. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Nicole Pretre MANAGING EDITOR Carrie Sturn ART DIRECTOR Cyndi Frohmader ON THE COVER Elmer Eggert is proud to have served his country. OUR MISSION To model Christ’s love for humanity by creating life- enhancing relationships, services, and environments.

MANY REASONS TO CELEBRATE In this issue of Live More, we celebrate the contributions of veterans to our society. While we have a lot of exciting developments that I will detail below, let us never forget those who have sacrificed for our freedom, and may all that we do for these selfless patriots in our community reflect our humble thanks for their service. It is with great excitement that we are announcing the approval of our Cedar Ridge Homes development. The City of West Bend Common Council gave their final approval of the project at their August 19 meeting.

Lynn W. Olson CEO, “Coach of an Excellent Organization”

The new project is designed to appeal to the next generation of retirees, providing options not currently available on our campuses. The new project will include 15 ranch duplexes (30 units) in a natural setting, with two-car garages, nearly 1,700 square feet of finished space, and the option for a finished basement.

The Cedar Ridge Homes project is not the only one on the docket at Cedar Community. We continue to work with the Town of West Bend on expanding the number of independent single family homes on our Big Cedar Lake Campus. We are currently developing a new master site plan for the homes; a plan that will also provide for the growth projected in our assisted living population. We hope to begin work on the new homes by the summer of 2020. Also on our Big Cedar Lake Campus, work continues on remodeling our Cedar Bay East assisted living apartments. This work is expected to be completed in the next six months. In addition, a major remodeling project will begin this fall on our Cedar Bay West assisted living building. While room upgrades are already underway, we will be renovating the front lobby, beauty salon, recreation areas, and the dining room. This project is expected to be completed by January of 2020. We continue to work on improving the accessibility of the wonderful grounds on which we are blessed to work. We recently completed our first accessible trail upgrade—the first in a multi-year effort to make our trail system more user friendly by residents of all abilities. We are replacing paved trails with a porous, sturdy, and environmentally friendly surface. Keep an eye out for an expanded feature article on the updated trails this coming spring. We also completed our accessible pathway to Big Cedar Lake. The grass paved road is designed to accommodate our transport vans, as well as residents who access the lake on their own. At Cedar Community, we continue to make important improvements for all our current and future residents, to ensure they are able to enjoy, explore, and embrace their best life!

Pathway under construction; gravel base with plastic grid for grass.


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Finished pathway grass planted in grid and pavers to the lakefront from drop-off area.

DUTY. HONOR. SERVICE. COMMITMENT. To members and veterans of the United States military— the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard—these words harken the promises made when they took their oath of enlistment. Promises to protect, defend, serve— not for self, but for country. Sarah Malchow Director of Philanthropy To civilians, these words should evoke pride. We should be proud to be citizens of a nation that has, throughout history, come to the aid and defense of other countries even when such action came at great cost. We should be proud of the women and men who have willingly defended us at home and abroad from threats both known and unknown. This November marks the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day—the precursor to our modern Veterans Day holiday. On this historic commemoration, I hope you will pause to reflect on the selfless service and great sacrifices made by so many on our behalf. We owe our modern-day freedoms to their commitment to duty and service. Yet for many, this commitment doesn’t stop when their enlistment ends. During my short time here at Cedar Community, I have had the privilege to observe many great acts of selflessness—not on the battlefield or in the theater of war, but in hallways, offices, and gathering spaces. Each day I see neighbors helping neighbors—holding a door, helping with a move, offering a steady hand, or giving an encouraging word. As director of philanthropy, I also have the great joy to see this commitment to community demonstrated through giving. We are blessed to count many individuals who generously support the mission of Cedar Community through their ongoing gifts. We are also blessed by many who have indicated their intent to leave a legacy or planned gift, as well. For many, service and giving seem to go hand-in-hand.

You may recall reading about Howie in a recent edition of Live More. Howie, a U.S. Navy veteran, was a great lover of all things music, ministry, and service. His story was highlighted in a “Hidden Talents” article in spring of 2018. What wasn’t included in that story, however, was Howie and his wife Pearl’s commitment to support Cedar Community with their time, talents, AND treasures. For nineteen years without fail, Howie and Pearl supported our Partners In Caring® program with annual gifts until Howie’s death in December of 2018. But Howie—committed to serving others—had one more gift to give. Howie and Pearl committed to donating their refundable entrance deposit back to Cedar Community upon their passing. Howie, who believed “The Lord will provide,” made this substantial gift to help his neighbors who were having difficulty providing for themselves. Through his legacy gift, Howie will support the annual Partners In Caring fund one last time, and will help his neighbors who are receiving Medicaid support for their care. Duty. Honor. Service. Commitment. In life AND in passing. Thank you, Howie!

If you would like more information about how you can leave a legacy of generosity and caring, please contact Sarah Malchow, Director of Philanthropy, 262.338.4625.

This was certainly the case for Cedar Community resident Howie Knox.

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Resident life ... everyone has a story to tell

Max Sommerfeld and Maggie Seideman moved to Cedar Community in February of 2018. They each previously lived in their own homes in the West Bend area, and grew weary of the work and maintenance involved with owning a home. They looked forward to the easier, simpler life of Cedar Community’s independent living, which oers a wide range of activities and opportunities.


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Max Sommerfeld & Maggie Seideman Max and his family lived on a farm until he was nine years old. He was the second oldest, with three brothers and one sister. After graduating from West Bend High School, he worked at the West Bend Company until his number came up in the draft lottery. Not waiting to be drafted, he joined the U.S. Navy and served during the Vietnam War era, from February 1965 to February 1969. He knew that in the Navy, he would always have a dry bed and the house goes with you. He was a machinist mate, working in the engine room aboard the USS Muliphen, in the amphibious force, based out of Norfolk, Va. During his time in the Navy, his ship traveled from the base ports of New York and Baltimore to areas that included the Caribbean, San Juan, Jamaica, Virgin Islands, Panama, and Cuba. In 1968, the ship cruised to the Mediterranean area, to locales including Naples, Vesuvius Pompeii, France, Spain, and Rome. He was at St. Peter’s Square when the Pope proclaimed his New Year’s Day Peace Prayer in 1968. The ship was in the Mediterranean in Spain when his time for discharge came. Max says he appreciates all the Navy did for him. He says it helped him to mature, generate a backbone, and stand on his own two feet. He is grateful for the training and education he received from the military, and how it helped him to qualify for a wonderful job at Wisconsin Electric. He retired after 35 years at the power plant in Port Washington, doing the same type of work he did during his Navy career, only on a much larger scale. Maggie was born and raised on a farm in Mequon, along with one older sister and an older brother. She was in the first graduating class of Homestead High School. After high school, she attended Mt. Sinai School of Nursing, graduating in 1965. She and her husband raised three children, two sons and a daughter, living on a dairy farm for 19 years. It was a busy life raising a family on a farm, while also working third shift as a nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital in West Bend. She worked in the intensive care unit, and then cardiac pulmonary rehabilitation. She retired 10 years ago, after working at St. Joseph’s Hospital for 30 years. Maggie said when the new hospital was built, it was the first time the construction and architectural teams worked with the employees for their input on designing and building the hospital.

Maggie enjoys spending time with her seven grandchildren. She played the accordion, as well as percussion while in high school. Now she plays the handbells at church and for Cedar Community. Maggie belongs to a Sheepshead card group at Cedar Community and the West Bend Senior Center. She enjoys reading and belongs to the Next Chapter book club. Maggie volunteers in the office and does transports for Interfaith Caregivers, which offers transportation service in Washington County. Max and Maggie met at church. Maggie won tickets at a gala fundraiser to the Schauer Center for an accordion concert. She asked Max to attend, knowing he had an interest in music. He accepted. Together, they have enjoyed several river cruises, including the Rhine, Danube, and Rhône Rivers. Max is involved with the American Legion in West Bend, serving as honor guard at military funerals. He volunteers for the brat fry for Korean War veterans, helps with fundraisers for the Honor Flights, and visits veterans in hospice care. Max also sings with the Cedar Community Choristers, his church choir, and the West Bend Senior Center, as well as the Messiah Chorus in Milwaukee. In the spring, he helps with the maple syrup collection at Cedar Community. Max would also like to mention that Scott Mindel, the social studies teacher at West Bend High School, has put together an honor wall at the high school, honoring all veterans who graduated from West Bend High School, with their picture (when available) with their name, title, and dates served—going back as far as WWI. It is also available on CD to view. During his travels in the Navy to different parts of the world, Max was reminded of the greatness of our nation, and the many freedoms we enjoy. In many parts of the world, this is not so. He would agree in America, we are very blessed!

Gladys Sachse Resident, Cedar Community Independent Living

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A PASSION FOR LEARNING Alice Byrne, Cedar Community assisted living resident, graduated with a master’s degree in nursing in 1944 from Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. It was about 60 miles from where she grew up in Canton, Ohio. “I was able to attend college with financial help from the Daughters of the American Revolution and a local women’s group. I felt like the luckiest girl in town,” says Alice. After college graduation, she was working in a university hospital when she saw a local newspaper headline which read “Congress to Draft Nurses.” The military was expecting a lot of casualties from the war in the South Pacific. At the time, Alice said everyone she knew was drafted or enlisting in the service. “My two brothers were drafted, and down my street every house had a flag and star in the window,” says Alice. If Alice enlisted, she would automatically have the rank of second lieutenant, rather than being ranked a private if she were to be drafted. She enlisted, and left for staging in Indiana where she was told she would be assigned as a charge nurse to a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) unit. The MASH units served as a fully functional hospital in a combat area. “I was so excited because I would be able to use everything I had learned as a nurse,” says Alice. When she arrived at Fort Knox, Ky. to join a larger unit, the chief nurse reassigned Alice to her unit at the 3,000-patient regional military hospital. She would not be going overseas, but instead, cared for the many war causalities who were triaged in the field, and then brought to the hospital in Kentucky where Alice was stationed. In 1946, when the war was over, the military wanted Alice to stay in six more months, but she was ready to move on in her career and wanted a change. The chaplain at the military


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hospital learned that many civilian hospitals and schools of nursing were in desperate need of qualified people, and he helped to get her out of Fort Knox, and on with her career. “You could get a quick discharge if you were necessary for civilian welfare,” says Alice. She contacted the school of nursing back in her hometown of Canton and returned to teach medical/surgical nursing for one year. Alice was eager to continue her education, and had the benefit of the GI Bill. She wanted to explore other collegelevel courses outside of her nursing degree. She left Ohio for Loyola University of Chicago. Alice attended Loyola part time, taking classes on Shakespeare and metaphysics. She was also working part time at a local hospital. “When you are a poor girl growing up, I was happy to be able to use the GI Bill and take a variety of courses that interested me. I enjoyed studying,” says Alice. While in Chicago, a friend invited her to a social gathering—a night that would change her life forever. There she met Peter Byrne, and the rest was history. She was married to Peter for 49 and a half years, and had four boys.

Cedar Community’s assisted living offers spacious private apartments for residents who want independent living with highquality care and assistance when they need it. A move to Cedar Community provides peace of mind for residents and their loved ones. The Cedar Community assisted living lifestyle includes: · Private apartments with kitchenette, microwave, refrigerator, and private bathroom · Activities program · Onsite team members 24 hours per day, seven days per week · Emergency call system (including nurse-call pendant) · Medication management and assistance with activities of daily living · Three delicious meals prepared fresh daily and served restaurant style · Health maintenance (weight, blood pressure, pulse) · Specialized care

Alice put her career on hold briefly to raise her four boys. At the time, the school system was inundated with children who were post-war babies, and they were in desperate need of teachers. Having a degree afforded Alice the opportunity to teach. She worked as a kindergarten teacher for one year when her oldest son was starting school. That led to a job on the resource team, which was a new program in the school system with a nurse, psychologist, social worker, and speech therapist. They were assigned to multiple schools and provided student assessments, and formulated plans for children who needed extra help. After 25 years in education, she retired. Peter and Alice were living in Franklin Park, Ill. when Peter contracted Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) following hip surgery. He passed away, and Alice just couldn’t continue maintaining a home on her own. Her son Frank, who lives at Cedar Community’s independent living homes, moved his mom to Cedar Community’s assisted living in 2015. Alice is so thankful for the life experiences she has enjoyed. “I am so grateful that I can think and talk. My legs and arms may hurt, but I have a lot to be thankful for. I grew up a very poor girl, and I didn’t know it,” says Alice, “When a person gets out of life what they want, what else is there to want?”

· Onsite beauty and spa services, pharmacy, medical clinic, deli, and gift shop · Walking trails and Big Cedar Lake access, including pontoon boat rides · Priority status for therapy, rehabilitation, skilled nursing, or memory care

To learn more or for a private tour, contact Michelle, 262.306.4299, or visit our website, See why residents are enjoying, exploring, and embracing their best life! AUTUMN 2019 |


They moved into an apartment in Arlington, Va., and John had settled into his work in the CIA map library. Hazel also applied for a job with the CIA. While she was being cleared for assignment, she was employed in a typing pool, collating employment application data of other people seeking CIA jobs. Her typing was not the fastest, but she was very accurate, and soon was receiving more varied work. Four months later, she was cleared and assigned. At the beginning of both John and Hazel’s employment, they had to undergo lie detector tests. John did not recall anything in particular about his test, but Hazel remembered that the last question was, “Have you ever done anything wrong?” The image that popped into her head was throwing a rock at the age of four, and breaking a window! But it had no effect on the outcome of her test.

Covert operations with the CIA Late in 1954, John and Hazel Campbell, Cedar Community independent living residents, were completing coursework at the University of Washington for their bachelor’s degrees—John in geography and Hazel in home economics—when the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) came to the university’s geography department in search of cartography students, which happened to be John’s special emphasis. John accepted the offer of a job when he received his degree in June of 1955. Employment was to begin in Washington D.C. in August that year.


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After a year in the map library, John was moved to the CIA’s cartography lab, where he drew maps illustrating world hotspots. On one occasion, he and three other cartographers worked through the night to produce a special map for a presidential briefing the following morning, which plotted the path of a U-2 spy plane over Russia. While they worked, they listened to a White House broadcast, denying the existence of any such plane. Meanwhile, Hazel was assigned to a covert department of the CIA—specifically to a tunnel project cooperatively run by the CIA and British MI6 intelligence. The operation

involved collecting data from a wiretap on the Russian military command phone line, which was located in the tunnels under the Russian sector of Berlin. As a clerk/typist, Hazel was one of a number of women handling a large volume of information coming in that had to be identified, sorted, dated, and filed. “We were acutely aware of the top-secret nature of the material we were handling, and for keeping it safe,” says Hazel. Hazel’s work was carried out in an old World War I Army barrack—one of many that lined the Reflecting Pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument at that time. The headquarters at Langley was not built to house the CIA until much later. There were bars on the windows, a guard at the door, and Hazel recalls a string of lights along the ceiling of the single corridor of the building that under normal conditions, were green. However, if any unauthorized persons entered the building, the lights turned red, all activity in the offices along the hallway stopped, and every bit of paper on every desk was put into locked filing cabinets. Papers that were to be disposed of were shredded by hand and deposited in special containers. Hazel recalls that the most stressful incident of her life occurred while working in this environment. Her boss, whom she describes as a taciturn, mustached, British Army colonel, asked her to type a letter for him, as his secretary was absent that day. Seeing TOP SECRET stamped across the top of a sheet of paper was not a big deal to Hazel, because they saw that daily in handling of the project’s paperwork. What caused her to have a panic attack and virtually froze her confidence in her typing skills, were the register numbers also stamped at the top of the sheet of paper. These numbers meant that the letter had to be typed perfectly the first time. As she tried to type, her fingers got sweaty and slippery on the typewriter keys and she recalls she could barely type the word t-h-e without visually checking that it was correct. Somehow, she managed to complete the page-long letter, but she had no idea how she completed it, or how long it took her. She was so relieved when his secretary returned the next day! Hazel resigned from the CIA in February of 1957, when their first child was born. Several weeks before her exit date, word was received that the tunnel project’s secret cover had been blown. A severe rainstorm had flooded the communications tunnel under the city of Berlin. When the Russians investigated the source of the power failure, they discovered the taps on their cables, and loudly accused the British (the tap equipment was British made). The covert operation received front page newspaper coverage and lengthy articles in Life Magazine and other publications. Years later, when Hazel picked up a book, Spy Catcher, in the library, she learned more about her former CIA tunnel operation. The book was an autobiography of a British Senior Intelligence Officer, Peter Wright, published in 1987. In it, he revealed that a rising young agent named George Blake, who was involved in the tunnel project, had betrayed the covert operation to the Russians from the outset. Thus, the information Hazel’s group had been sifting through had all been disinformation. Hazel also had the opportunity to learn even more about the covert CIA operation while on vacation in 2013. She and John went on a Baltic Sea cruise, and one of the last stops was at the port of Warnemünde, where they took a bus trip to Berlin. One of the first stops in Berlin was at a small museum documenting the 1950s partition of Berlin, the airlift period, and a detailed photo display of the tunnel project of 1955—including a mockup of the actual tunnel and communications cables layout with taps. Needless to say, John took a few snapshots of Hazel in front of the display.

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THE MUSIC PLAYED ON FROM MILWAUKEE TO VIETNAM TO CEDAR COMMUNITY Jim Lorch, Cedar Community independent living resident, picked up the clarinet at age seven and was able to play by ear— he could listen to a song, then play it back without missing a beat. Jim began taking formal lessons at the age of eight, and he later joined the band of the Milwaukee Public Shools Biennual Music Festival in 1965 as a third clarinet. In 1967, he was asked by the band director if he could play an E-flat clarinet. “It’s a clarinet, isn’t it?” was Jim’s response. He was the only E-flat clarinet player in the city of Milwaukee to make the all-city band in 1967, and again in 1969. Jim decided not to pursue a music degree after high school. “Music is what got me through high school. I didn’t have a real high self-esteem,” says Jim. “I was a second-chair clarinet, and there was always someone ahead of me. I wasn’t comfortable challenging anybody.” While in high school, Jim also knew he didn’t want to be drafted into the military. He wanted to make the choice himself and he wanted to be a Marine, similar to his father, who was a Merchant Marine. He enlisted 120 days before his high school graduation. After graduation, he went to boot camp at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Calif. “We were known as the Hollywood Marines—sunglasses and suntan lotion,” laughs Jim. During basic training, the drill instructor asked if anyone played a musical instrument. Jim said yes, and after trying out, he made the Marine Corps Base Band playing clarinet. The primary duty of a bandsman, as Jim was told, was to guard the general and pick up the deceased. He also mentioned that in any branch of the military, you are a rifleman first, and your military occupational status is secondary. He was stationed in San Diego for almost a year, playing at boot camp graduations, parades, and concerts at local schools. Jim was then deployed to Vietnam. During the day the band members would dress in their starched jungle uniforms and play at different sites. At night, they would “eat chow” as Jim calls it, and then put on their unstarched uniforms and head out on listening patrol to a nearby mountain ridge. For 12 hours at a time they were not allowed to speak, just listen. Jim returned home from Vietnam after 11 months of duty, and married his sweetheart, Mary. Once he was back in Milwaukee, his brothers, who played trumpet and trombone in a band, asked Jim to join the group. Jim and his brothers played at the Bavarian Inn in Milwaukee. After one of their shows, he was approached by a professor from the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music who said he had never heard a clarinet played the way that Jim played the instrument—with such feeling. The professor was starting a jazz band and wanted Jim to join the group.

Jim is proud to have received a Quilt of Valor from a couple at a Madison quilt show. Quilts of Valor Foundation is a national organization with volunteers who create quilts as a way to thank those who served, and to honor their service and sacrifice. For more information, visit


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Jim also worked at a paper company, and later for an eyeglass manufacturer. In 1974, when he was 24 and able to join the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), he joined the Milwaukee chapter. On the night of his VFW initiation, he met a man who worked in human resources for the Milwaukee County Transit System. He told Jim to come down to the station and he would try to get him a job. “I had a family and I knew I needed a steady income to be able to provide for them,” says Jim. He did get the job, and after 25 years working as a diesel mechanic and bus driver in Milwaukee, Jim retired at the age of 50. After his retirement, he continued to work a variety of part-time jobs to keep himself busy. Jim and Mary had moved to Slinger in 1991 for a quieter lifestyle and better life for their family. When Jim moved to Slinger, he played for the Hartford Community Band and the River City Irregulars, until it got to be too much because he was gone all the time. He also joined the Slinger VFW, and served as the commander for 12 years. The VFW works closely with the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Eagle Scout projects. This year, Jim received a special award from an Eagle Scout at his church. In order to become an Eagle Scout, the Scout must choose someone to be a mentor, and he picked Mr. Lorch. “I was floored and honored to be his special person. He was in my church confirmation class. There is a special place on my VFW cap for this (Eagle Scout) pin. I had a difficult time keeping control of my emotions,” says Jim. When Jim and Mary decided to make the move to Cedar Community in 2016, they were already familiar with the organization. They had brought students from Milwaukee to volunteer in the past, and many of the kids formed bonds with the residents. Jim appreciates the closeness of the community. “That’s what’s neat about this place, we always look out for each other. I can say that about anybody in this organization,” says Jim. Today, Jim plays clarinet for Cedar Community. He is in the German band and has also participated in the Choristers. “If you can’t find anything to do here, it’s your fault,” says Jim. He also enjoys spending time working on the trails around campus, singing, and gaming.

To learn more about these and all the many other activities and opportunities available to residents at Cedar Community, contact Cathy, 262.338.4615, or visit our website,

SERVING COUNTRY AND COMMUNITY Skilled woodworker and Cedar Community resident Elmer Eggert was building cabinets for Lange Brothers in Milwaukee after finishing high school, when the company received government contracts to build bunk beds for the Navy. They couldn’t build them fast enough, and a second shift was added. Elmer became the second shift foreman and senior apprentice. When the contract was up, Elmer was drafted by the Army and left for Fort Sheridan in Illinois.


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After basic training, he took a train to Denver, Colo., where he went to armament school for heavy bombers, B-24s and B-17s. From there, he traveled to work in Salt Lake City, Utah when he was injured. “I was building a garbage platform and ended up with 15 pieces of glass in my eye and 20/400 eyesight, so I was put on limited service,” says Elmer. He was sent to Pueblo, Colo. and retrained in air operations working with air traffic controllers. From there he went to McCook, Neb. to set up a new

airfield. “We didn’t know it at the time but this was the first B-29 air base. The concrete was seven feet deep to handle the weight of the bomber,” says Elmer. He was then transferred back to Pueblo for retraining on bombers. His vision was retested and he was cleared at 20/20 with glasses. “The doc asked me if I could see the large “E” at the top of the chart and the direction it was facing. I said yes, and he said you are good to go,” laughs Elmer.

On December 6, 1943, Elmer left for Scotland. According to Elmer, it was the largest convoy of troops to cross the ocean, including 23 troop ships, oil tankers, destroyer escorts, submarines, and as much air cover as they could provide. They were attacked once, and lost one submarine. “The storms in the North Sea were tremendous. As a sergeant I was entitled to a lower bunk. I choose the top one, and was one of ten who was fortunate not to get sea sick. We were literally flushing the decks with firehoses,” says Elmer. They arrived in Scotland, but because of the number of troops and nowhere to go with them, they were temporarily sent to England to learn the P-47 and its armament bomb racks. While in England, his unit was told to get their vehicles together and waterproofed. From that moment, they knew they were going to be part of the invasion on the beaches at Normandy, and among the first troops on the beach. Their job was to set up an airstrip on the top of the bluff, above the beach. “Things didn’t work out as planned. The night before, we saw planes and paratroopers go over and we knew the next morning was going to be it. We were in line and got pulled out because our ship was sunk on the very first pass over. We ended up being on the second wave of support,” says Elmer. When he finally landed on the beach, the worst was over, but the situation was still very volatile. Within six days they had constructed the airstrip for planes to land and refuel. As the military raced across France, Elmer’s troop went too—Belgium, Luxembourg, and then Germany, to The Battle of the Bulge, and the end of the war for Germany. “As fast as the infantry moved, we moved, so they would have instant support with a runway,” recalls Elmer. His troop received an honor from the Belgium government, the only group to receive one, for their efforts. When the war ended, Elmer ended up at Hermann Göring, Germany’s secret facility for airframe, aeroengine, and aircraft weapons testing. It was Germany’s most advanced and extensive research establishment. “The Germans were so far ahead of us. We microfilmed for days their books and experiments, bringing scientists over from the United States,” recalls Elmer. After Hermann Göring, Elmer was sent to Nuremberg, Germany to work for the War Crimes Commission, organizing air transportation for VIPs to Paris, London, and the United States. While there, he received orders to return home to the United States. He left Germany on November 8, 1945, his birthday. He was initially assigned to head through the Suez Canal to the South Pacific to assist military in the area on the way. But, when the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war in the Pacific ended, allowing Elmer to go home. Elmer returned to Milwaukee and was working at the post office during Christmas, when he was accepted to the University of Wisconsin-Stout. There, he earned a teaching degree and went on to teach woodworking and drafting for 34 years; he was credited for 37 years of teaching because of his military experience. While at Stout, he met Betty his junior year in college; they were married and have two children. Elmer and Betty were familiar with Cedar Community, because both had parents living in skilled nursing care. After they saw the great care their parents received, they knew they wanted to live at Cedar Community. Elmer was also sold on the expansive Cedar Community Woodwork Shop. They made the move to an independent living home in 1995, and lived there for 23 years before transitioning to assisted living. Elmer is the oldest member of the woodshop, and still spends two hours a day, five to six days a week working on projects.

Elmer’s short snorter documents his time in the war and countries where he was stationed.

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HONORING VETERANS WITH A TRIP OF A LIFETIME The Honor Flight Network was cofounded by Earl Morse, the son of a Korean and Vietnam War veteran, and Jeff Miller, a small business owner and son of a WWII veteran. Morse, a physician assistant and retired Air Force Captain, worked in a Department of Veteran Affairs clinic in Ohio. After the National World War II Memorial was completed in 2004, he wanted a way for his patients to be able to travel to Washington D.C. to visit their memorial. Because he was a pilot, Morse offered to fly with two veterans to Washington. In January of 2005, he mentioned the idea to 300 private pilots at his local Air Force aeroclub. The pilots would pay for the flights and escort veterans around the city. Eleven pilots volunteered. By January 2005, a board was formed, funds were raised, and other volunteers joined. In May of 2005, six small planes flew 12 veterans to Washington, D.C. for the first Honor Flight. Later that same year, Jeff Miller, a business owner in North Carolina, had a similar idea but wanted to charter commercial jets. Jeff, the son of a World War II veteran and nephew of a B-24 pilot who died in the war, had been a charter member of the National World War II Memorial Foundation. Miller wanted local WWII veterans to be able to visit the memorial. Miller formed HonorAir and by the end of 2006 had flown more than 300 WWII veterans to Washington D.C. In February of 2007, Earl and Jeff met in Washington, D.C. and merged Honor Flight and HonorAir into the Honor Flight Network. There are now 140 Honor Flight Network regional hubs across the United States escorting WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans to D.C. Wisconsin is home to six hubs. The closest one is in Milwaukee, Stars and Stripes Honor Flight, which was started in 2008 by Joe Dean from Port Washington. Joe saw a news story about the Honor Flight, had a father who was a WWII vet. He gathered a team of volunteers, found corporate and private funding, and created a local hub. The first flight was in November of 2008. Each hub selects its own name, and operates independently. The Stars and Strips Honor Flight is 100 percent volunteer run, and supported financially by local companies and the greater community. There are currently 20 board members, and over 250 active volunteers. “We are proud to say that almost 97 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to the organization’s mission of honoring each WWII, Korean, and Vietnam war hero with a free day planned just for them to Washington D.C. to visit their memorials,” says Karyn Roelke, First Vice President, Stars and Strips Honor Flight. Karyn has been involved for six years, and will take her 30th trip this fall. “Every single trip is amazing, and every moment is special,” says Karyn.


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Each year, the Milwaukee hub flies between 600 to 1,200 veterans. In 2019 over 1,200 veterans visited the memorial, the largest to date, with seven flights and two planes. Each trip includes 150-160 veterans. Those numbers require a well-oiled machine of volunteers, including an airport team, flight operations, medical crew, public relations, and 100 volunteers at the airport assisting the veterans into the airport and serving breakfast. Each flight includes a medical crew, tour lead, and professional photographer documenting the trip. There is a long waiting list for those wanting to volunteer for the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight. Veterans of WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War can apply to be on the Honor Flight. They can also take a guardian, who must be at least 15 years younger than the veteran, and willing to pay $500 for the trip. The trip is completely free for veterans. In the past, over 90 percent of the guardians have been family members, but volunteers also apply, pay the $500, and spend the day making memories with a new friend. Flights usually leave at 4:30 and 5:30 a.m., arrive in D.C. about 9:30 a.m., and take a charter bus with a police escort to visit the memorials. They arrive back in Milwaukee around 8:30 p.m. to a crowd of up to 5,000 people at the airport, including family members, friends, and the greater community, welcoming them home and thanking them for their service. “This moment is especially moving for the Vietnam vets who did not get a warm welcome when they came home after the war,” says Karyn. Many of Cedar Community’s resident veterans have been able to experience an Honor Flight over the past several years. Resident Lon Lobel served in WWII as a first lieutenant for four years, and later as a captain in Korea for one and a half years. After WWII, Lon returned to Milwaukee where he worked at Nordberg Manufacturing. He took the bus to work every day. There was a pretty girl on the bus who worked at the same company, but in a different department. Their commute sparked conversation and friendship, and eventually they were married. Lon left his job at Nordberg to attend the University of Wisconsin–Stout to earn his teaching degree in industrial education. While attending Stout, he received a letter that he was being recalled for service. With the assistance of the university president, he was able to get a delay in reporting so he could finish his teaching degree. He and his new wife, Harriet, then moved back to Milwaukee, and he was deployed to Germany. “We were preparing an old German camp,” says Lon. After his second round of service, Lon returned to Milwaukee and taught technical education, which included metal working, machine shop, woodworking, and driver’s education. He worked at Custer, Pulaski, and Hamilton High Schools during his 31-year teaching career. Lon moved to Cedar Community’s independent living apartments in 1990, and then transitioned to assisted living in 2016. He was familiar with Cedar Community’s amenities and services and he was especially interested in the 5,000 square-foot woodworking shop, where he was a member and craftsman for decades. In April of this year, Lon had the privilege of taking the Honor Flight trip to Washington D.C. with his son, Paul, as his guardian. It was an emotional experience for him—one that causes him to tear up when talking about the trip. “Going with my son, the two of us,” says Lon, “It felt emotionally deep within us; we were happy to have a free country to live.” He cherishes the memories from the day, including the mail call on the plane where he received letters from the greater community, visiting the monuments, and seeing those folks at the airport who were there to greet the veterans upon the return home—so many who don’t even know the veterans, but wanted to thank them for putting their lives on the line. Lon says he will never forget that day, or that experience with his son.

To learn more about the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight, visit their website at


HONOR FLIGHT ART SHOW 11. 2 – 11.23 See page 26 for details!

AUTUMN 2019 |


Cedar Ridge Homes unveiled After a year of listening, planning, and anticipating, we are delighted to introduce an exciting, new choice coming to our community— Cedar Ridge Homes. Cedar Community will be adding 15 ranch-style duplex homes (30 units total) in a separate neighborhood surrounded by mature trees and green lawns on the north end of the Cedar Ridge Campus in the City of West Bend. The Cedar Ridge Homes will offer truly maintenance-free living with full access to all of our community’s services and amenities as well as our nature-inspired lifestyle.


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In early August, the City of West Bend Planning Commission unanimously approved the site plans, and shortly thereafter, the West Bend Common Council granted final approval. The final site and construction plans are in process, and more detailed information will soon be available. Construction will likely begin on the first four to six Cedar Ridge Homes this fall, with completion by spring of 2020. We will be building these in small numbers at a time, so we expect the Cedar Ridge Homes to be reserved fast. The nearly 1,700 square foot homes will feature two bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, a den, two-car garages, basements, and upgraded finishes. If you have any interest in this exciting new choice coming to Cedar Community, please contact our independent living sales team at 262.338.4615, and you will receive an invitation to an upcoming Cedar Ridge Homes informational session this fall.

AUTUMN 2019 |


2019 Butterfly Release

Cedar Community’s annual Butterfly Release, held on August 17, 2019, was an uplifting celebration of life where over 350 friends and families joined in the release of hundreds of butterflies, honoring their loved ones. Guests enjoyed musical entertainment, an activity area for all ages, a memorial wall, a raffle, and a catered lunch by Cedar Community’s Top of the Ridge Restaurant. The support of our sponsors, gift-in-kind donors, guests, volunteers, and team members was amazing! The proceeds from the event support Cedar Community’s Partners in Caring® program, which helps to offset the costs of nursing and assisted living care for our residents who need financial assistance through the Medicaid program. Each year, Cedar Community contributes approximately $3.6 million in unreimbursed care for our residents who no longer have adequate resources to provide for their own care. To learn more about making a difference in the lives of our residents, contact Sarah, 262.338.4625, or visit our website,


| AUTUMN 2019

Thank you to our 2019 Butterfly Release sponsors! MONARCH $5,000


Allan Skibinski


The Braising Pan Restaurant and Bar

Christine Ruetten

Robert and Audrey Brandt

Culver’s of West Bend

B-E Controls

Horicon Bank

Derma Skin Care Clinic

June A. Schroeder - Liberty Financial

German Fest Milwaukee, Inc.

Phillip Funeral Home

Healing Elements Day Spa

Todd and Nicole Pretre

Kettle Moraine Appliance

John and Paula Pretre Taylor Made Floors

Kilian Management Services McDonalds

Memorial wall sponsor

Wetterau Homestead, Inc.

King Pin Bowl Lakeshore Chinooks

Lynn and Rene Olson


Presenting sponsor BSG Maintenance Inc.

Entertainment sponsor


Tent sponsor

Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c.


Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin


Activity area sponsor

Drexel Building Supply

Markus and Rosemary Frank In Memory of George Kohler and Ralph Liepert William and Marjorie Meier Moore Construction Services Sharon Ziegler Walter and Zeviah Zube

Friend of Cedar Community

American Construction Services Donald Boerner Lee and Carol Flanders Chuck and Sharon Linstrom Personalized Tours John and Jeanne Wood


Carole Drazinowsky

Lifestar Little Switzerland Milwaukee Admirals Milwaukee Irish Fest Mueller’s Linden Inn Paradise Golf and Recreation Riverside Brewery Schreiner’s Restaurant & Bernie’s Pub Sky Zone The Braising Pan and Restaurant The Pagoda Fine Jewelry The Ties That Bind Quilt Guild Toro Company Zimmermann’s Kettle Hills Golf Course

AUTUMN 2019 |


CELEBRATING OUTSTANDING TEAM MEMBERS While Kristine Gould was attending Slinger High School, she went through the typical career assessments about where her path might lead in the future. Nursing was always a career that was in the back of her mind, so she took the certified nursing assistant (CNA) training class her senior year. “I started as a CNA to see if it was something I was even interested in continuing. I ended up loving it,” says Kristine. Kristine began working at Cedar Community as a CNA after she graduated from high school. While working part time, she attended Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC) in West Bend, earning her two-year registered nursing degree. She also participated in Cedar Community’s nurse externship, which allowed her to receive on-the-job training by working each day in a nursing capacity, with oversight from nurse supervisors. She graduated from MPTC in December of 2018, and passed the state licensing exam in February of 2019. Robin Kosciesza, Certified Nursing Assistant, is celebrating 22 years working at Cedar Community. She started in the nursing assistant training program at Cedar Community when all three of her kids were in school full time. She was looking for a part-time job, to supplement her cleaning business, and CNA fit perfectly into her schedule. “I knew people who worked at Cedar Community and enjoyed it,” says Robin.


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In June of 2019 she went to full-time status and is now a registered nurse in Cedar Community’s short-term rehabilitation. “I love being a caretaker and helping people with whatever they need,” says Kristine. On the rehab unit, Kristine’s responsibilities include a little bit of everything from admissions and discharges, to treatments, updating physicians on patient conditions, putting in orders, passing medications, updating nurse managers, delegating tasks, and making sure each patient receives the care they need. Kristine enjoys working with older patients. “One thing that really stands out to me about Cedar Community is the environment. Everyone is very supportive, even on the really crazy days. It’s a friendly, warm community,” says Kristine. She was nominated by her team members to receive the Team Member of the Quarter award, and they shared: “Kristine is a very pleasant person and always has a smile on her face.” “She has a great attitude and is a pleasure to work with.” “She is awesome and we love working with her.” “She is dependable, organized, and thorough.” More college is in Kristine’s future and she hopes to take online courses in fall to get her bachelor’s degree in nursing. “I like that I have been able to work while earning my twoyear degree and I don’t have any student loans, which is a big plus,” says Kristine.

Robin appreciates the flexibility at Cedar Community. When her children were involved in school activities, she was able to shift her schedule around so she wouldn’t miss out on school functions. When her youngest was ill, she was given the time to be his caretaker. “I feel like Cedar Community really cares about me. They worked around me having to take care of my son, and they always ask how I am doing,” says Robin. Over the years, Robin has floated, working among several households in skilled nursing care and short-term rehabilitation. She is the go-to person for training new CNAs and also has people from the greater community job shadow her to learn more about the profession. Robin’s positive experiences at Cedar Community were the reason both her daughter and daughter-in-law also worked at Cedar Community. Robin is very willing to do whatever is needed on the households, caring for residents. Her favorite part of

the job is listening to the resident’s stories and learning about their history. She also enjoys the time getting to know their extended family. “I know what it’s like being on the family side. I had that experience with my own parents. It’s a lot to entrust us to take care of their parents, so I always ensure the family that they are getting to their favorite activities,” says Robin. “I also enjoy getting the residents dressed up in their fancy clothes for the holidays. It’s fun when residents get excited when there is family coming to visit. I get excited with them.” Robin also appreciates the team environment at Cedar Community. “It’s not beneath upper management to jump in and help out whenever they can,” says Robin. As a CNA, Robin feels just as important as anyone else, and that everyone truly cares and works well as a team, treating all residents Deb Przedpelski, MSW, CAPSW, Hospice Social Worker, began working at Cedar Community on her birthday, in May of 2016. She had been working at Kathy Hospice in West Bend, when there was a change in ownership. Even though the new company wanted everyone to stay on, Deb felt if she was going to have a new boss, why not try another organization she knew well. She saw an opening at Cedar Community and contacted the home health and hospice administrator, whom she knew well from co-facilitating the Bereavement Support Group in the community. Prior to Kathy Hospice, Deb was a discharge planner at St. Joseph’s Hospital in West Bend, and had experience working with hospice patients. “I found that I was drawn to the cases where people were really sick, and we needed to have those discussions about long-term goals and planning for the end of life,” says Deb. She made the career change to Cedar Community, because she appreciated the continuum of care that was offered and working with team members who live out the organization’s mission of caring for people. Deb’s role as social worker is to meet with patients and their families, explaining hospice care, and how the team helps patients and their families. She works with residents of Cedar Community, as well as patients in the five counties

with dignity and respect, along with each other. “Cedar Community has higher standards. There is always additional training, and I am always learning something new,” says Robin. When she’s not working, Robin still has some cleaning clients, and helps out with her grandkids. She has seen a lot of changes while working at Cedar Community, and feels the changes have made it a stronger organization. Robin’s team members feel like she makes Cedar Community a better place to work and shared: “She exhibits a positive attitude and is a good example of our mission.” “She is always upbeat and shows kindness and care to all residents and team members.” “She puts the residents first, and always goes above and beyond.”

serviced by Cedar Community’s hospice program. Deb feels her primary role is to provide emotional support. “So many times, family members keep their game faces on for each other, and it’s nice for them to have a person they can really open up to,” says Deb. She also provides practical help assisting with funerals, financial questions, and getting a patient’s affairs in order. Communication is a big part of making sure the patient, families, and hospice care team are all on the same page with end-of-life care. “I appreciate being part of a team that is committed to taking care of people at a really difficult time in their life, and being able to provide support and care that they and their families need,” says Deb. Deb believes in providing a wholistic approach—taking care of the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their families. “I spend time listening to people share their stories. It’s my favorite part of my job, and one of the most gratifying in my 22 years as a social worker,” says Deb. She is also passionate about her coworkers and the commitment of the team to patients and families. “My coworkers are a big part of the reason I come to work every day. They have the highest level of compassion, kindness, and expertise. Most nurses and health care professionals are motivated by helping people to get better; our team is helping people to die. It kind of goes against the grain of traditional medical care, so it takes special people to be okay with that, and to enter into our patient’s lives, along with their families, at such a sensitive time,” says Deb. The Cedar Community Hospice team is very passionate about Deb’s commitment and shares: “Deb is the glue that keeps all the pieces of hospice connected.” “Her ability to listen, and her talent to use the right words to communicate hard to hear information is an art form.” “Deb always has something positive and encouraging to say.”

AUTUMN 2019 |


“Thank you for your service” Julie Jennings Vice President of Ministry

Conversations with the men and women of the armed services often begin or end with the phrase, “Thank you for your service.” Tributes to military members and their families often laud their exemplary and, sometimes, ultimate sacrifice. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the reference to service in regards to the military dates back to the 1300s. Prior to this, in the mid-13th century, common understandings of service were “being bound to undertake tasks for someone or at someone’s direction” or “labor performed or undertaken for another.” Earlier understandings trace back to old French and Latin roots connecting service to public worship, homage, and slavery [or] servitude. In the late 13th century, sacrifice was understood as an offering of something (especially a life) to a deity as an act of propitiation or homage. The roots of sacrifice can be traced back to two Latin words: sacer, meaning “sacred,” and facere, meaning “to make, to do.” In a very foundational kind of way, then, the sacrifice of service involves doing sacred work for others. How often do we think about the actions of our armed forces as sacred or holy? Experts and news anchors attempt to make sense of political strategies and power struggles, and economic and capitalistic influences of military interventions. Critical reflection on the necessity of war, the need for armament, and the role and function of military branches, units, and personnel is certainly warranted. But, so is compassionate consideration of the individuals who submit their lives and their labors to military service. When you look into crinkled Irish eyes and hear the story of following comrades, friends, and brothers onto the banks of Normandy and of returning to bear the weight of so much loss, you realize you are in a holy moment. When you read about the liberation of prisoners of war, it is easy to be moved by the sacred restoration of dignity so often denied captives during wartime. Labors to help those afflicted by natural disaster amplify the commitments of our service personnel to serve others at great risk to themselves. Perhaps when we connect the often terrifying and violent nature of military actions with the notion that such labor is for the purpose of doing sacred work for others, we will recognize the need to adequately support our service personnel – physically, materially, emotionally, and spiritually – before, during, and after their service. At the very least, may it inspire appreciation and gratitude for those who answer the call to offer themselves in labor for others through military service.


| AUTUMN 2019


Cedar Valley Campus | 5349 County Road D, West Bend

Paint, Sip, Repeat with Camille Walters

Oil Painting Excitement with Jim Lackner

Thursday, Dec. 12 | 6–8:30 p.m.

Saturday, Feb. 8 | 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Camille offers step-by-step instruction anyone can do. She demonstrates the painting so even if you can’t draw a straight line, you can do this. No previous experience required. $35 includes instruction, all supplies, and a glass of wine or soda.

Painting on Black Canvas with Deb Rolfs Saturday, Jan. 25 | 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Explore painting a floral scene on a black canvas – trying to keep some of the black background showing through as outlines in the painting. Deb begins with a brief demonstration and provides individual attention to each student. All levels of artists are welcome. Use Deb’s painting as your inspiration, or feel free to bring a photo reference of your own. Supply list provided at time of registration.

Join Jim Lackner as he guides you through the process of painting your very own masterpiece, suitable for framing after just one class. Students are always surprised at how easy painting can be. Jim breaks down breathtaking works of art into simpler steps, helping you realize your creative potential. Spend the day experiencing the true joy of oil painting. $80 includes instruction, all supplies to complete your “ready to be framed” oil painting, and lunch in the Cedar Valley dining room.

$65 includes workshop and lunch in the Cedar Valley dining room.

All classes are open to everyone. For more information or to register for any of the above classes, call 262.629.9202 or visit Advance registration is required.

BOOK YOUR EVENT AT THE RETREAT CENTER AT CEDAR VALLEY! Planning an event, business meeting, anniversary, birthday party, family reunion, baby shower, graduation party, etc.? The Retreat Center at Cedar Valley would be happy to help. Our team of experts will partner with you to creatively plan and execute your event, ensuring you and your guests have a memorable occasion. Whether you are a group of one, or 100, our team will be happy to personalize a menu to fit your every need. Guest rooms are available for those wishing to stay overnight, plus we offer a menu of spa services by appointment.

AUTUMN 2019 |







Saturday, Oct. 12 | 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Cedar Community, Cedar Ridge Campus | 113 Cedar Ridge Drive, West Bend

Sunday, Dec. 1 | 10:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Enjoy brunch with family, friends, and Santa, and do some holiday shopping! Residents: $13.50; Guests: $16; Children (ages 4 to 10): $7



Wednesday, Dec. 25 | 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Residents: $14.50; Guests: $17; Children (ages 4 to 10): $8

Saturday, Nov. 2 – Saturday, Nov. 23 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Cedar Community, Cedar Ridge Campus | 113 Cedar Ridge Drive, West Bend To tell the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight story, they created a traveling art show that helps demonstrate the importance of their mission. Some of the veteran’s favorite memories come from photos taken throughout the day and the exhibit helps share the experience.


Thursday, Nov. 28 | 10:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Cedar Community, Cedar Ridge Campus, Top of the Ridge Restaurant | 113 Cedar Ridge Drive, West Bend Residents: $14.50; Guests: $17; Children (ages 4 to 10): $8


Saturday, Jan. 25 | 10 a.m.–1 p.m.

Cedar Community, Cedar Ridge Campus | 113 Cedar Ridge Drive, West Bend Shop for used books and DVDs. Enjoy items for sale by our ceramics, crafters, and Nimble Thimbles. Cedar Ridge Resale will be open with a 50 percent off sale on all items and furniture. Visit the train room. Tours of Cedar Community’s independent living apartments will also be available by appointment. Enjoy our famous chili, hot ham and cheese croissant, fruit, fresh baked cookie, coffee or hot apple cider – all for only $8.50! Quarts of chili to go for $7.75. Call 262.338.4615 for a tour by Friday, Jan. 10, and receive your lunch for FREE! Only those with a tour reservation will receive a free lunch.



Third Monday of every month | 1 p.m.

Second Wednesday of every month | 1 p.m.

Cedar Community, Cedar Ridge Campus | 113 Cedar Ridge Drive, West Bend

Cedar Community, Cedar Run Campus, The Cottages Meeting Room | 6090 Scenic Drive, West Bend

For more information, contact Jeremy Ott, 1.800.972.5455

For more information, contact Melissa Bright, 262.306.4230.


| AUTUMN 2019

Every Step

with Cedar Community

LEAVING YOUR LEGACY Planning for your financial and family legacy can seem overwhelming, especially when talking about money which can sometimes be considered a taboo subject. Having a plan that is based on your values and goals for your family is incredibly important. Join Elaine Shanebrook, retired lawyer, as she presents a special six-part Every Step with Cedar Community series on estate planning entitled Leaving Your Legacy. This educational series will help you understand your options for estate planning, while also considering your values, your family, and the legacy you would like to create for future generations. Attendees will receive educational materials at each seminar, helping you to get organized, and to think about what is important to you when it comes to planning your legacy.

Thursday, Oct. 17

Thursday, Jan. 16

Your Financial Power of Attorney and Important Considerations

Wills and Trusts: Is a will enough? What may be the advantage of a trust?

Who you choose to become your financial power of attorney can become a source of conflict in many families. What should you take into consideration when choosing who should take care of your finances? What options are there outside of your family?

The advantages of trusts have been exaggerated and somewhat overblown. Only your personal advisor can tell you which technique may be best for your situation. This session will discuss and define probate and wills, the use of trusts, and the advantages and disadvantages of a trust. A review of other probate avoidance measures will be discussed, as well as the use of beneficiary designations.

Thursday, Nov. 14

Financial Conversations and Values-based Planning Did your parents discuss money or financial matters when you were young? Do you talk to your children about your estate or what is important to you when planning your legacy? This session will touch on how to start a conversation with your family about your values and what is important to you when leaving your legacy.

*All of the sessions will have a short presentation, and allow for group discussion and questions. None of the seminars will be a solicitation for financial gifts, nor will they oer legal or tax advice. They are informational and educational only.

10 a.m. Cedar Community, Cedar Ridge Campus | Grand Hall 113 Cedar Ridge Drive, West Bend Please RSVP for each seminar, 262.306.7685 or at

AUTUMN 2019 |


Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID West Bend, WI Permit No. 24 5595 County Road Z | West Bend, WI 53095


Home Health & Hospice

Cedar Community Salon and Spa Services

· Cedar Ridge Apartments

· Home Health

· Cedar Lake Village Homes

· Hospice

· Cedar Lake Campus 262.306.4281

· Elkhart Lake Village Homes

Restaurant and Catering

262.338.4615 or 262.338.4617


Assisted Living


· Cedar Bay East

· Top of the Ridge Restaurant and Catering


· Cedar Bay West · Cedar Bay Elkhart Lake · The Cottages (memory care)

Short-term Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing 262.306.4240

· Cedar Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center

Outpatient Rehabilitation 262.306.2150

Retreat Center at Cedar Valley 262.629.9202

Resale Shops · Cedar Resale at Cedar Ridge 262.338.8377 · Cedar Closet 262.306.2100, ext. 4119



· Cedar Ridge Campus 262.338.2813 · Cedar Bay West Campus 262.306.2130, ext. 4429 · Cedar Run Campus 262.365.6500, ext. 5405

Philanthropy 262.338.2819

Cedar Community Main Number 262.306.2100


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