Spring 2024 Newsletter | USC Caruso Catholic Center

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Catholic Trojan


Catholic Trojan Contributors


Ricky Cruz

Creative & Marketing Manager


Nora Miller ‘24

Student Leadership Communications Co-Chair

Miguel Mendoza Campus Minister

Tricia Trembreull Campus Minister

Nora Morales '18 Advancement Associate

Jamie Cappetta President


Jazmin DeGuzman

Digital Marketing Specialist

Kiernan Coliflores


Kaylee Toole



On January 1-5, 20 students attended the SEEK Conference in St. Louis, MO. SEEK is an annual conference organized by FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) for college students to encounter Jesus and draw a deeper relationship with Him and His Church.

From the Pastor’s Desk


Dear Trojan Family in Christ, Regina Caeli laetare! Alleluia! Quia quem merusiti portare! Alleula! Resurrexit! Sicut dixit! Alleluia! Ora pro nobis Deum! Alleluia!

In every season, the Church has a particular aspiration to Our Lady. The “Regina Caeli “ is our aspiration that we sing after each Mass during this Easter season. Indeed, we have benefitted so much from her maternal protection, guidance, and love but especially this past year. I want to dedicate this newsletter to Our Lady and invite you to pray with us in gratitude.We often forget the youth of Our Lady and the beauty of her trust in The Father. No one could have predicted the deepening of the faith of our students as well as the growth across all of our ministries!

Firstly, I want to highlight our historic Eucharistic procession through campus! This was a student led initiative which makes it all the more impressive. Our students went back and forth with the administration until they relented and gave us April 8th as the only date we could have the procession. They had no idea that we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation that day thusly celebrating the miracle of the incarnation of Jesus! It could have only been Our Lady and her intercession that allowed this to take place! Please watch the recap video of the procession to see the beauty!

Our students are diving deeper into their spiritual lives and showing incredible apostolic zeal! Our masses and Bible studies are overflowing, especially with our outreach to student athletes. More students are letting God work through them to help the needy through our apostolate. They're active in various parts of Our Savior's community like liturgy, choir, rosary groups, Divine Mercy Chaplet group, CC Creative, student workers, CC advancement, the annual 5K, digital marketing, men’s and women’s groups. This just scratches the surface of all that happens here. Dive in to discover more about God's work on our campus!

Lastly, I want you, our Trojan Catholic Family, to be proud of the work of the Catholic Center! It is my hope that, as you read this newsletter, you will be inspired to support our ministries! Because of the growth of our engagement with the larger campus, your support is necessary for us to continue to be the best campus ministry team in the country! What we do is so unique in the entire country and we strive to be the best, not for accolades and awards, but for Christ! Your financial support can provide the peace of mind to enable us to be bold for the Gospel and do great things! We receive Zero financial support from the university as well as the archdiocese. We are fully funded by the generosity of our Trojan Catholic family and friends.

I consecrate our entire parish and ministries to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Heart of St. Joseph! May Our Lady always protect us and prepare the way for us!

With every fatherly blessing, I am

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Fr. Richard Sunwoo

Pastor | Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center

To invite the USC community into a transforming relationship with Christ and one another, empowered to make a lasting impact on the world.


Faith Fuels a Student-Athlete's Journey at USC

Sophie Kempf '24

Patrick Connors '24 & Briana Connors '25


Running Towards Glory 7 Catholic
USC CARUSO CATHOLIC CENTER NEWSLETTER | SPRING 2024 11 Campus Ministry 15 2024 Trojan Saint Award Dinner Year-at-a-Glance 23 The Catholic Trojan Newsletter is published by Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center. USC Caruso Catholic Center is a home for Trojans of all ages who wish to learn and live out their Catholic faith. To learn more about our mission, please visit our website at catholictrojan.org STAY CONNECTED @trojan_catholic facebook.com/ USCCarusoCatholicCenter youtube.com/ @TrojanCatholic linkedin.com/company/ trojancatholic Student Spotlights 13 Give Back 27
& Women's Ministries
Trojan Retreats Highlights, Events, and Memorable Moments Forward the Mission of the Catholic Center

O Trojan Saint Award Dinner

n March 6, over 260 guests gathered at the California Club in Downtown Los Angeles to celebrate the USC Caruso Catholic Center's 2024 Trojan Saint Award Dinner.

We recognized the extraordinary contributions and support of our honorees: Amy Dundon-Berchtold† & Jim Berchtold and Rand Sperry. We honor them for their excellence, leadership, and dedication to our Catholic Trojan Community.

In celebrating 100 Years of Catholic Life at USC, we proudly recognized our Centennial Honorees: Mrs. Kathleen McCarthy '57, recipient of our Legacy Award, and Mr. John Katnik '88 and Michelle Centofante Katnik '88, recipients of our Generations Award.

With the help of our incredible Trojan Catholic community, we raised over $480,000! This generous contribution will go directly to the operating budget of the Catholic Center to continue our campus ministry initiatives and our mission of sharing the Catholic faith with USC.

Mr. Rand Sperry 2024 Trojan Saint Award Recipient Mr. Jim Berchtold 2024 Trojan Saint Award Recipient Mrs. Kathleen McCarthy Legacy Award Recipient Mr. & Mrs. John and Michelle Katnik Generations Award Recipients

About the Trojan Saint Award

Since 2010, The Trojan Saint Award recognizes those who have demonstrated exemplary leadership and selfless service to others. Inspired by their Catholic faith and guided by a spirit of excellence, Trojan Saint recipients are generous, joy-filled souls who are an inspiration for the entire Trojan Family.


Kathryn Sample Kathleen McCarthy Kostlan ‘57 Michele Dedeaux Engemann ‘68 Kevin A. Shannon ‘81 Joseph Boskovich, Sr. ‘75 ‘77 Gayle† & Edward Roski ‘62 Dr. Willa Olsen ‘58 ‘62 Julie† & Tom Condon


Total raised to directly benefit our campus ministry initiatives

Above: We recognized Rose Ramirez for her incredible service to the Catholic Center over the years

Running Towards Glory

How Faith Fuels a StudentAthlete’s Journey at USC

Every finish line is another way to glorify God for student-athlete Jacqui Duarte '25. In her personal life, education, and sport, Jacqui has remained united to her Catholic faith at USC. The moments that challenged her the most in college became ways that her faith was reignited.

“Now that I can race and be healthy again, I’m reflecting on and looking back at all my injuries, all my defeats but also all my wins. They all come from God.”

Coming to USC was one of the biggest discernments for Duarte, who is a junior studying Communications.

As a freshman, Jacqui was inspired by the welcoming community at the Catholic Center to become a leader in the student-athlete ministry. From the start of her sophomore year, Duarte has led a bible study for the women on her team.

“It's really rewarding to see how sophomore year started small and now we're here with this big group of girls striving beyond track and field and really putting God first,” Jacqui said.

As Jacqui continues to grow in her faith and excel in races and academics, she knows that she is racing for something greater.

“The ultimate goal is making it to heaven. I think through sport, it's just kind of an avenue where I've been able to meet these girls that can relate to me on both levels of academics, athletics, and our faith,” she said.

"The ultimate goal is making it to heaven. I think through sport, it's just kind of an avenue where I've been able to meet these girls that can relate to me on both levels of academics, athletics, and our faith.”
Jacqui Duarte ‘24 is a distance runner for the USC Women’s Cross Country Team JACQUI DUARTE ‘24

Trusting God’s Plan

A Journey of Faith

Sophie Kempf '24 had to trust what God had in store when she decided to come to USC instead of the other Catholic universities she had been accepted into. Since childhood, Sophie’s faith has been an integral aspect of her life, so she was delighted to find the abundant community at the Catholic Center. Between her studies and extracurricular activities, Sophie has found peace at Our Savior Parish.

“It’s been such a haven in the busy hectic nature of LA. It is so nice to be able to stop in and spend time with the Blessed Sacrament,” Sophie said.

Kempf, who is a senior studying Business Administration, is involved in the choir and has spoken at and co-led the Catholic Trojan Spring Retreat during the past semester.

“Everyone has been so supportive and every single person I talk to is really open to talking about why faith is important,” Sophie said. One experience that has reshaped how she lives out her faith began with an invitation: “One of my sorority sisters and I would always see each other in the halls. I invited her to come to Mass.”

Sharing the bond of going to Mass together changed their friendship and put them both on fire for Christ.

As she prepares for graduation, Sophie is grateful to have met new friends and continued to deepen other relationships through her faith.

“The Catholic Center has really pushed me to realize there’s such a benefit in sharing those moments and growing with other women.”

Sophie Kempf ‘24 is a senior studying Business Administration at the USC Marshall School of Business

Discovering Community

Finding a Home Away from Home

When Patrick Conners stepped on USC’s campus for the first time, the experience wasn’t at all like what he was expecting. Arriving on campus as a sophomore studying Psychology, Patrick was also accompanied by his younger sister, Briana who was starting her college experience studying Sociology.

“It has been a cool blessing to be in this place where I didn’t know anybody and then the person who I’ve known from when I was 14 months is right here with me and active at the Catholic Center is a great place to be in,” Patrick said.

Miles away from Long Island where they grew up, they found that the community at the Catholic Center felt like a home away from home. “It’s really reassuring knowing that he’s someone I can go to at a moment’s notice and that we share something as special as our faith,” Briana said.

For both Patrick and Briana, Catholic education was all they had known before college. For Patrick, coming to a secular university opened up ways to reach others with the message of Christ. “I would recommend to everyone, especially incoming students, to allow the Catholic Center as your home base, but don’t be afraid to talk to people of all different traditions. You’re not gonna be able to do that at a Catholic school.”

For Briana, meeting friends through events like the Hispanic Heritage Night have shown her the importance of the Catholic Center’s presence throughout the university. “The CC is very interwoven with things on campus, whether it’s through Mass on the Grass or connecting with students who aren’t Catholic. I think that’s really important.”

Patrick Connors ‘24 is senior studying Psychology & Briana Connors '25 is a junior studying Sociology at the USC Dornsife College of Letters and Sciences.


Encountering Christ

Transformative Retreats Inspired by St.

Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” & the Holy Mass

I’ve desired to host a retreat based on St. Pope John Paul II’s The Theology of the Body since arriving at Our Savior Parish. When the Sisters of Life agreed to visit our campus for our Fall Catholic Trojan Retreat, I knew the Lord was opening the doors for the Holy Spirit to stir in the hearts of our students and staff.

Alongside staff and the Sisters of Life, students embarked on a journey to discover how we are Made: Made in His Image, Made for More, Made for Union, Made Whole, and Made for Eternity.

Students encountered both the spiritual and the divine through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Mass, Adoration as well as talks and small groups amidst the beautiful Mission San Luis Rey Basilica. One student wrote, “Small groups were phenomenal, and the discussions were exceptional.”

St. Pope John Paul II wrote, “The body, in fact, and only the body, is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It has been created to transfer into the visible reality of the world the mystery hidden from eternity in God, and thus to be a sign of it.” (TOB 19:4) There is no other way for a human being to encounter the mystery of God in its fullness than through the human body, through Christ’s body, and our own.

“This experience has been profoundly impactful and restorative for me.”

This encounter with the Body of Christ continued into our Spring Catholic Trojan Retreat entitled, Fulfilled. Students reflected on how to empty themselves of what fills their earthly lives in order to find fulfillment in and through Christ.

Every year, our Spring retreat is created from scratch by students. During this retreat, talks and small groups were on the four ways Christ is made visible in the Mass: Community, the Word, the Eucharist, and the Priesthood. Using personal testimonies, scripture, and the language of the Mass, students learned how to find fulfillment in Christ through the Mass, not earthly things.

One student wrote, “This experience has been profoundly impactful and restorative for me. It has provided me with invaluable insights into the significance of the Mass. I’ve felt a deepened connection with Jesus, one that has enriched my spiritual journey in profound ways.”


With the FOCUS missionaries and our entire team, I’ve been privileged to witness the growth and vitality of our Men’s Ministry. Given the varied interpretations of masculinity in our culture, creating a space where men can delve into these concepts within the framework of Scripture and tradition is crucial. The key to nurturing this environment is through prayer and virtuous brotherhood.

We've organized several prayer vigils where our men join in a private Mass with homilies tailored to their current challenges, tying back to the Gospel message. Additionally, during our annual Beloved Dinner, our men come together to cook and serve a meal to the women of the Catholic Center. This act of selfless service allows them to give without expecting anything in return, fostering healing in a world often driven by transactions, especially in male-female relationships.

Brothers in Faith

Cultivating Brotherhood and Faith

We arranged camping trips and hikes throughout the year to explore the concept of "original solitude," as coined by St. John Paul II, reflecting on our search for identity. These journeys help men discover themselves beyond academics, seeing themselves through God's eyes.

Disconnecting from technology during these trips fosters a deeper connection with nature, promoting Christ-centered fellowship as they pray, exercise, and problem-solve together in ways uncommon on campus. These trips included outdoor Masses led by our priests.

One student summed up the impact of our Men’s Ministry, saying, “It has shown me the priceless value of belonging to a brotherhood dedicated to Christ and His teachings.”

A Growing Sisterhood

A Year of Faith, Growth, and Prayer

ethany Women's Ministry at the Catholic Center is a home where women come together to pray, celebrate life, share in hardships, seek the Lord, and experience authentic female friendships.

Throughout the year, we explored the Mysteries of the Rosary, with monthly devotionals led by our FOCUS missionaries. We also enjoyed activities like a Paint Brunch and a girls' movie night, fostering sisterhood and spiritual growth.

We began the year with a picnic in Palos Verdes and a Rosary Hike on the Joyful Mysteries. Fr. Joe celebrated an outdoor Mass with the beauty of the Pacific Ocean behind us. This scenery created a breathtaking view to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ.

We ended the year on Divine Mercy Sunday with a rosary on the Glorious Mysteries. We celebrated the Easter season with brunch and made flower bouquets to remind ourselves that we are resurrection people.

Reflecting on this year, I witnessed women grow in friendship, faith, and their relationship with our Blessed Mother. I pray Bethany Women’s Ministry continues to be a place of growing sisterhood and faith for the women at the Catholic Center.

Sacred Steps

The first ever Eucharistic Procession at USC

On April 8, we held the first Eucharistic Procession at USC. With nearly 100 people, we processed down Trousdale with the Blessed Sacrament sharing the power and presence of Christ on campus. It was truly a beautiful moment to witness as the crowd sang hymns and adored our Lord as we passed through university monuments such as Tommy Trojan and Traveler.

Above: The Eucharistic Procession passing by Tommy Trojan

The Beauty that Saves

Introducing the student Creative Team

This year, we launched our student Creative Team geared at developing students in their creative abilities while also giving them a space to grow in their faith. I had the privilege of overseeing students who had a passion for the creative arts and a deep connection to their faith. Through the Creative Team, students were given hands-on ministry experience while also growing their creative portfolio. Some of these students had no experience using a camera, but now capturing beautiful photos of our community and events. Alongside developing technical skills, we grew in faith as we prayed through St. Pope John Paul II's Letter to Artists. We used this letter as our team's foundation and a constant reminder for us to use our gifts not for ourselves, but for the glory of God.

Alongside the development of our Creative Team, we also introduced Creative Nights. These gatherings give students an opportunity to share ideas, and hear from Catholics in creative industries about the intersection of faith and art. We had over 200 students attend throughout the year and learn why the Church needs art now more than ever.

Above: Catholic social media-influencer Christopher Quinn giving a talk at one of the Creative Nights Below: Students were given hands-on ministry experience while also growing their creative portfolio.

TNewman Guild

he Newman Guild is a women's group supporting the mission of Our Savior Parish and the USC Caruso Catholic Center. This Spring, they held their annual spring luncheon theemed No Greater Love which brought together over 75 guests who embraced a day filled with inspiring speakers, a delightful lunch, and warm camaraderie.

No Greater Love

The first speaker, Mrs. Renee Bondi, captivated hearts with her story. Despite becoming a quadriplegic just two months before her wedding, she never wavered in her faith and love for God. Today, celebrating 30 years of marriage and blessed with an amazing son, her testimony echoes the message that there is indeed "No Greater Love" than the love of our Lord. Mrs. Bondi leads Bondi Ministries, touching lives with her resilience and devotion.

The event's second speaker, Mrs. Laura Meier, Esq., shared a powerful message of divine intervention during her son's medical crisis, where he faced the threat of losing his eyesight. Laura and her husband Josh, both estate planning attorneys, shared insights from their journey in a book titled "Guided by Grace." This book navigates the Catholic perspective on wills, trusts, and estate planning, a reflection of their commitment to integrating faith into life's decisions.

Newman Guild Membership

The Newman Guild extends a warm welcome to new members and invites current members to renew their memberships. Membership dues are 100% tax-deductible and are $250 for the whole year. Please join or renew your membership online at catholictrojan.org/newman-guild or contact Rose Ramirez at rose@catholictrojan.org

Guided By Grace Below: Renee Bondi performing one of her songs

2023 marked 100 years of Catholic life at the University of Southern California. Since 1923, Catholic Trojans have been continuing a faithful legacy of serving Christ on campus.

Learn more about our Centennial Celebration at catholictrojan.org/100 or scan the QR code →


Above: Students enact the Living Stations of the Cross during Good Friday 2024 Above: Runners completed our annual Spirit 5K Run, February 2024 Above: Students served in Columbia, Dominican Republic, and Tijuana during Alternative Spring Break Above: Attendees attended Mass on the Grass at Alumni Park, Ash Wendesday 2024 Above: Bishop Matthew Elshoff, OFM Cap. celebrates Mass at Our Savior during the Confirmation Mass Above: Mentor Marc Caruso '89 and mentee meet during a Executive Mentorship session


Members of our community receive the sacraments for the first time during Easter Vigil 2024

Above: USC students, Alumni, and community gathered for our 11th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration, December 2023 Above: Students enjoy free meals every Sunday after the 5PM Mass at SCupper. Above: Students had a Game Day with residents at Hotel Dieu Above: Our women's community enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our men's community at the Beloved Dinner, February 2024 Left Right: Left and Right: Students enjoy our CC Luau during Welcome Week 2024 Above and Left: Students celebrate the end of the year at our annual CC Formal Above and Below: USC Students welcome in the start of the Spring semester at the CC Ice Rink Above: Trojan Catholics celebrated the end of the year at Disney Day, May 2024 Above: Our priests having some fun during Disney Day Above: The Eucharistic Procession passes through campus, April 2024 Above: Trojan Catholic Alumni celebrate at the Homecoming Tailgate Above: FOCUS Missionaries praying over a student during Worship Night Above: Students joined 20,000 college students at SEEK 2024 in St. Louis, MO

Make A Difference

Forward the mission of the Catholic Center

Our mission here is to invite the USC community to embark on a transformative journey with Christ and each other, empowered to create a lasting impact on the world. We invite you to support our mission to continue to preapre the next generation of Catholic leaders with a financial gift. We have serveral ways to participate, including naming opportunities, or starting a Family Endowment at USC. No gift is too small and each contribution directly impacts the lives of our Trojan Catholic community.

Naming Opportunities


Your Generosity Matters

We rely solely on the generosity of donors like you to forward our mission and continue our initiatives. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a profound difference in the lives of USC students. We do not receive any financial support from USC or the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Your tithes and offerings are 100% tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and count towards your giving at USC. Scan the QR code or visit catholictrojan.org/give

TAX ID 95-2017225

EXTERIOR The Grotto at USC $7,500,000 New Courtyard $5,000,000 Water Feature $1,500,000 Eucharistic Chapel $2,500,000 Sacristy $500,000 Grand Entry Door $250,000 Ambo $100,000 Cantor Stand $100,000 Monstrance $100,000 Student Lounge $250,000 Pastor’s Office $250,000 Pastor $1,500,000 Religious $1,000,000 Alternative Spring Break $100,000+ Student Retreats $100,000+ Student Community Dinners $100,000+ Trojan Saint Walkway $10,000 - $15,000 INTERIOR OF THE CHURCH INTERIOR OF THE CARUSO


Advisory Board

Ex Officio

The Most Reverened Jose H. Gomez - Archbishop of Los Angeles

Fr. Richard Sunwoo - Pastor, Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center

Board of Advisors

Yvonne Bogdanovich

Joseph Boskovich, Sr. '75 '77

Marc Caruso '89

Rick Caruso '80

James Childs, Jr. '61

Michael Felix '83

Bridget Harris

Lewis Horne ‘80

Michelle Katnik ‘88

Susan Leonis-Jensen

Kathleen McCarthy ‘57

Nancy Novokmet ‘83

Samantha Nugent

Dr. Willa Olsen ‘58 ‘62

Honorary Members

Thomas Condon

Ed Roski

Young Alumni

Elizabeth Rojas '17 '19

Michael Wurth '13

Joseph Rich, Jr. ‘86

Kevin Shannon ‘81

Michael Uranga ‘86 ‘95


Fr. Richard Sunwoo Pastor

Jamie Cappetta President

Nysa Beliard Campus Minister

Francis Cabildo Director of Worship

Yvette Cardona Business Manager

Ricky Cruz Creative & Marketing Manager

Jazmin De Guzman Digital Marketing Specialist

Scarlet Gross Music Coordinator

Sr. Josefa Ha, LHC Campus Minister

Fr. Joseph Kim, OFM Conv. Director of Campus Ministry

Rudy Lowe Manager of Operations & Hospitality

Miguel Mendoza Campus Minister

Nora Morales '18 Advancement Associate

Xochitl Nisbet Database Manager

Julia Osiripaibul, FKM Campus Minister

Dcn. Paul Pesqueira Parish Deacon

Rose Ramirez Donor Relations

Tricia Tembreull Campus Minister

Sr. Thuy Tran, CSJ Campus Minister

OUR SAVIOR PARISH & USC CARUSO CATHOLIC CENTER @trojan_catholic @USCCarusoCatholicCenter @TrojanCatholic TrojanCatholic

844 West Thirty Second Street

Los Angeles, CA 90007

t . 213. 516.3959 info@catholictrojan.org catholictrojan.org


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