Catholic Charities of Onondaga County 2016 Annual Report

Page 1


Creating Hope, Transforming Lives

Catholic Charities of Onondaga County


A Message from the Executive Director


Overcoming Crisis


Gaining Stability


Building Capacity


A Message from the Chief Development Officer


Ways to Give and Get Involved


Honor Roll of Donors


1923 Society


Tribute Gifts


Memorial Gifts


Individual Donors


Employee Giving and Matching Gift Companies


In-Kind Donors


Programs and Services


Financial Summary


Board of Directors and Executive Staff



Dear Friends, Every day across our programs, we see examples of the resilience of the human spirit. A man in our homeless shelter refuses to give up and enrolls in a Catholic Charities job training program. A refugee child traumatized by war follows friends to the playground. Adults with troubled childhoods learn the skills to give their own children a brighter future.


At Catholic Charities of Onondaga County, our mission calls us to “care for those in need while promoting human development, collaboration, and the elimination of poverty and injustice.� As Executive Director, I draw strength and inspiration from the fact that so many of our supporters share our determination to help those most in need. Fighting poverty is not easy and your belief in our organization is humbling. It also motivates us to adapt to emerging needs while remaining hopeful in the face of adversity. In 2016, several important projects were made possible by the kindness of funders. A generous grant from the Allyn Foundation provided vital funding for our social ventures to expand job training programs for people who face barriers to employment. With a grant from the Central New York Community Foundation, we were able to replace the roof at our Vincent House Neighborhood Center which improved conditions for the many children and youth who attend programs at the much-loved center. A grant from the J. M. McDonald Foundation supported a new boiler system at our House of Providence headquarters. The new system improved working conditions for over a hundred employees, enabling them to better serve our clients. It cannot be denied that Syracuse and Onondaga County face challenges. Our community continues to struggle with some of the highest rates of poverty in the country. But because of our success working with individuals living in poverty, we believe in the resilience of this community. We believe we can reach a brighter future and continue inspiring hope and transforming lives. That transformation is experienced not only by our clients, but by all of us who are committed to advancing the common good in our community. Thank you for supporting us in these efforts. Our gratitude for your continued support is only matched by the resilience of the people we serve. Sincerely,

Michael F. Melara Executive Director





CRISIS Volunteers dole out well wishes with heaped spoonfuls of chicken casserole. The men line up for dinner in our Men’s Shelter and offer varying thanks; some shower the volunteers with gratitude, others withdraw their plates with downturned eyes. One man asking for two plates is initially met with skepticism, but a staff member steps forward and says he’s just filling up a plate for his brother in the back of the room who has limited mobility. Another plate is immediately provided.




Our Crisis Response programs often see people at their lowest point. The programs include the Men’s Shelter, Dorothy Day House Shelter for Women with Children, food pantry, and our financial assistance programs that help those who can’t afford rent, medication, utility bills, and more. Many of the people we serve in these programs live paycheck-to-paycheck and were doing alright until something unexpected happened, such as an illness or expensive car repair. Others are dealing with longerterm struggles such as untreated mental illness. Over one-third of the people who benefit from our Crisis Response programs are children under age 18. This work is essential to our goal to reduce poverty in Syracuse. It’s an endemic issue in Syracuse; over 30% of the city population lives below the federal poverty line. Every day, our staff works with the realities of poverty. We work to change a person’s lowest point into a turning point. We help to stabilize housing, secure food and medication, and more. Our case workers network within our agency and with partner agencies to provide additional support such as job training and placement. We support our clients wherever they are on the road to stability, and we take pride in providing people with opportunities to become more independent. The problems of poverty are at once evolving and perennial, and reducing poverty is a daunting task. We draw inspiration, though, from the resilience of the people we serve and the dedication of our staff and donors. Working together, we can help more people navigate the challenges of poverty. n

A New Start Marc’s youngest son, Marquel, is reluctant to believe the model car in the window isn’t a toy for him to race around the caseworker’s office with. He is barely distracted when his dad produces a little Lightening McQueen (of Pixar’s Cars fame) toy car for him to play with instead. Marquel’s older brother, Kayden, glances at him, looks away with a sigh of the long-suffering, and returns to watching the fidget spinner balanced on his thumb. Marc seamlessly alternates his attention between his children and a discussion about his experience with Catholic Charities’ Veterans Services. Marc was in the Navy from 2007 to 2009 and Veterans Services recently helped him procure stable housing. In 2016, over 350 veterans made use of our suite of Emergency Services which includes a food pantry, shelters, financial assistance, and more. “My caseworker’s been really great,” Marc says while Marquel side steps toward the forbidden model car again. Marc catches his son’s wandering hand and puts Lightening McQueen in his palm. “She helped me find a place, sign a lease, even get a futon. She’s been the hand behind my new start.” Marc is cautiously optimistic about the future. He has a degree in criminology from Le Moyne College, past experience working as a rehab counselor, and a job now in shipping. He talks about his experience at Le Moyne with pride, saying he admires the Jesuit emphasis on critical thinking. He appreciates all of his past experiences and says he wouldn’t have his current goal of working in counseling if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of social services in the past. “I just know what it’s like to find someone who really does want to help you get back on track,” he says. “I know I could be good at that.” n

1584 people assisted with housing


Veterans facing housing crisis assisted

91,440 pounds of food distributed to people in crisis





received prescription assistance

3015 visited our food pantry


beds available in shelters

9000 meals served to children

Being of Service Janet Gleason-Rose has been a shelter worker at our Men’s Shelter for four years. She says she learns something new every day about the men or about herself. “Sometimes it’s just something practical, you know, like one of the guys shares some little piece of car repair knowledge,” she says. “Other times it’s about how I can best handle a particular situation. It’s always something.” The shelter has beds for over 100 residents every night. The doors open at 5 pm and close again at 8 am, when the men head out for the day. As of spring 2017, adjustments are being made to move to 24-hour a day operation. Because of the overnight hours, shelter workers like Janet work night shifts, which Janet doesn’t seem to mind at all. “This is the first job I’ve ever had where I’m happy to come in every single day,” she says. “It’s an honor to be




of service. It’s meaningful and important.” Our shelter staff members, who include several case workers, work with some of the most economically disadvantaged people in the city. Many residents struggle with health concerns including mental health challenges. Our staff works with the men to try to get them the care they need and transition them to more stable housing and job training. Progress can be slow, but Janet enjoys developing working relationships with the residents. “Sometimes it’s challenging,” Janet admits. “I remember one particular time when we had a guest who was very upset and cursed at me. Three of the other guys, though, they spoke up and told him he couldn’t speak to me like that. It was fine, we got everyone settled, but again, I learned something: They had my back because they know I have theirs. It was a good feeling.” n


STABILITY A baby naps in a carrier at the front of the ONA (Office of New Americans) classroom at our Northside CYO Refugee Resettlement Center. His mom is attending English class with a dozen other recent refugees from around the world. The baby fidgets awake as a toddler runs by, giggling. The toddler is caught by her father and squeals indignantly as she’s made to sit on his lap. The

All of the programs in our Stability Services are busy year-round with services for people of all ages with many different needs. The programs include Supportive Housing, Health Care Management, Elderly Services, and Refugee Resettlement. Our Stability Services are focused on helping people find stability financially and personally. Some clients in these programs are transitioning out of crisis – some were recently homeless or fleeing violence – others have recently fallen on hard times and are trying to avoid slipping further behind on their bills. Wherever they are, we work with them to improve their situation. In 2016, these programs met the needs of thousands of people in our community. Over 1,000 local seniors received vital services. Almost 2,000 recent refugees were supported through services including English classes, job training and placement, education, orientation, citizenship classes, and more. Two hundred supportive housing units were homes for families and individuals who have struggled with homelessness; 30 of those individuals were military veterans. Over 200 people with complex medical challenges were supported through Health Home management, a program that simplifies an individual’s care by coordinating medical professionals and caseworkers. When the basics are stabilized – housing, health care, etc. – people are better positioned to live independently and participate in their community. Like all of our programs, volunteers and donors play a special role in Stability Services. Together, we work to secure a better future for thousands of people in Central New York. n

instructor at the front of the room takes it all in stride and continues to engage another student in a conversation about clothing vocabulary.




Answering the Call Robin Hamblin is passionate about supporting refugees in Syracuse and our Refugee Resettlement Services at the CYO. “They’re our neighbors, they’re my students,” Robin says. Robin is a Vocal Music Teacher at Fowler High school (soon to be the Public Service Leadership Academy at Fowler). She and her husband, Lieutenant Jonathan Hamblin, have lived on the Northside of Syracuse since 1995. “We all help each other because we’re part of the same community.” Robin speaks with pride when she talks about the success and determination of her students who are refugees. She says they are often at the top of their classes. She and Jon are two among the many volunteers and donors who generously donate their time and resources to support refugees. But Robin recalls, too, instances when refugee students have faced harassment. Several years ago, three of her students were harassed in Downtown Syracuse because they were wearing hijabs. Robin and fellow teachers came to school several days later wearing headscarves in a show of solidarity. Robin has been encouraged lately by broader statements of solidarity with the refugee community, including a special inter-religious march we at Catholic Charities hosted with InterFaith Works in May 2017. The walk, called a Procession of Neighbors, visited several faith sites on the Northside of Syracuse. The purpose of the march was to show solidarity with the refugee community in Syracuse and to give people of different faiths an opportunity to interact with one another. More than 200 people attended, Robin and Jon among them.

1767 recent refugees assisted



“It takes a while to shift perceptions,” Robin says. “It takes a community to get from point A to point B. It’s a process, but we’ll get there. Jon and I feel like supporting the Syracuse community is something we’re called to do.” n

received clothing assistance

refugees resettled

Robin Hamblin and her husband, Lt. Jonathan Hamblin 6



Benefits of Community Betty Mecca nods as Eleanor Carr, Director of our Elderly Services, talks about the benefits of the programs the center offers. “We aim to keep people connected with their community,” says Eleanor. “It’s important to be involved,” Betty agrees. Betty is a fixture at our Elderly Services center. She sets up the dining room for lunch and washes up afterward. She helps the many people who come by the center and notices when something is wrong, or someone fails to show. She talks like a staff member, but she’s a client, and has been since the 1980s. Many of the elderly people she keeps an eye on are her juniors by several years. “It’s good here,” she says of the center. “We look out for each other.”

In addition to a sense of community, clients like Betty are connected to many vital services through the center. Clients can access benefits including legal assistance, flu shots, coupons for the farmer’s market, and home repair assistance programs, such as Project Fix and Project Joseph, through which Betty’s home was improved with a back porch. The center provides a nutritious lunch every day (though Betty says there’s too much broccoli) and many social activities. Meetings are held twice a week at which staff members talk about particular programs and services that are available to seniors. The meetings also educate seniors about issues like avoiding phone and mail scams. For Betty, the sense of community is equal in importance to the services offered. She met her second husband, Bill Mecca (since deceased), at the center. “For me,” says Betty, “it’s a home away from home.” n


permanent supportive housing units for people who are physically challenged


people who received counseling and mental health services


permanent supportive housing units for people who were formerly homeless





CAPACITY Fried shrimp po’boy, an eggplant parmesan sub, Greek pasta salad – these are a few of the options offered at the House of Providence deli on a spring afternoon. Many of our programs network with each other to provide services for clients, but the interaction at the deli is perhaps the most unique. The deli is staffed by students from our Culinary Arts for Self-Sufficiency (CASS) program which trains people to help them find employment in professional kitchens. The deli customers are our staff and guests. The deli gives the students practice and our staff and guests a chance to learn more about one of our programs, not to mention grab a great lunch.




Our Capacity Building programs emphasize providing people with the opportunity to develop skills that will help them find success in many aspects of life. Our Parenting and Early Education Programs support families and the social and academic success of young children. Youth programs and neighborhood centers provide children with constructive after-school and summer programs. Counseling programs for all ages help those dealing with addiction, mental health issues, and more. All of our Capacity Building programs help set people up for independence. Our social ventures, Project Joseph and CASS, are particularly clear illustrations of this. In these programs, people who face significant barriers to employment receive training that helps them find and maintain employment. CASS trains people for jobs in food service while Project Joseph offers training in property maintenance. The students are usually recent refugees, people who have struggled with homelessness, or people born into generational poverty in Syracuse. CASS has a post-graduation job placement rate over 80%. Like all of our programs, these services are consistent in their goal while being flexible enough to adapt to the changing needs of the people we work with. When it became clear to CASS instructors that students with good kitchen skills still lacked good job interviewing skills, they increased the emphasis on soft skills training. When we saw geographic shifts in the need for Pre-K classes, we expanded our offerings into new neighborhoods. These programs rely on dedicated staff, passionate supporters, a network of peer organizations, and determined participants to succeed in the goal of helping people leverage themselves and their families out of poverty. Together, we believe we can build a brighter future for our community. n

Developing Connections Our Lullaby League program offers classes to expectant women and their partners. The course is four weeks long, covers many parenting topics, and every participant is given a full layette at the end. (Most of the goods for the layettes are provided by parishes, schools, and individual donors.) The program reaches over 100 women each year. Ondalee Kelley, who’s been an employee of Catholic Charities since 2011, has been the Lullaby League Case Manager for three years. She loves the work. “I’m a mother myself,” she says. “This job allows me to be who I am naturally.” Lullaby League is intended not only to help parents prepare for new babies, but also to connect them and their children with any other programs they need. After the four weeks of Lullaby League are over, caseworkers make home visits to ensure everything is set for the baby’s arrival, and after the baby is born, mother and baby are invited to join our Precious Moments support group for continued education. Through these programs, clients can be connected with other services they might need, such as housing support, health care management, and more. Lullaby League has been a mainstay of our parenting programs for years, but it’s a nimble one, too, adapting


people counseled for addiction


pregnant clients receiving support


children supported through family programs

to the needs of the community. In 2016, Lullaby League partnered with Crouse Hospital to bring the course to parents in rehabilitation programs. “Our model supports continued care,” says Ondalee. “Between our own programs and our partners’ programs, there’s a lot to choose from.” n




A Valued Education Brianne Elias, a teacher in our Pre-K program, says she shared her students’ excitement when they went to visit Franklin Elementary at the end of the school year. “My class this year was full of great kids and they’re really excited about starting kindergarten,” Brianne says. “I’ve really enjoyed teaching them.” For the 2016-2017 school year, we expanded the capacity of our Pre-K programs by 20% to help meet the need for early education in underserved neighborhoods. We now offer six Pre-K programs in the city of Syracuse. Three are half-day and three are full-day. Our Pre-K students are very diverse; the 300 students come from 20 different countries and speak 25 different languages. Many of these kids arrived in the United States as refugees. Brianne’s class is no exception. “I had one girl this year who didn’t speak English at the start, but she spoke three other languages!” she says, laughing. “She was a quick learner. A lot of the kids have families who have been through so much. They really value education and want their kids to do well. One boy actually asked me


at-risk youth receiving education support

for homework one day when I didn’t give them anything to take home.”


at-risk youth receiving mentoring

Brianne has enjoyed getting to know families in the refugee community through her class. “So many of the families are so grateful for the opportunities they have now. They show me their babies when they pick up their kids; they tell me about their lives. It really makes me feel good about what I’m doing.” n


received transportation assistance






Dear Friends,

support, you help feed someone who is hungry, shelter someone who has no home, welcome a family in need

As you review the pages of the 2016 Annual Report,

of refuge, fund medical support for someone who is

you will read stories and meet people who are involved

ill, counsel a family or parent, help a child assimilate

with Catholic Charities on a daily basis. Whether they

to school for the first time, and keep our youth off the

participate in the programs and services we offer,

streets during the most vulnerable times of the day.

volunteer for our agency, or work on the front lines,

Without you, our work wouldn’t be possible.

these faces represent why we exist here in Onondaga County.

On behalf of the Catholic Charities Board and staff,

Every day, our office receives donations from individuals who are assisting us in funding our programs and making it possible for us to fund our events. Foundations step up to help us when a program is in need of assistance or funding has been cut in a crucial area. Each donation allows us to assist those who come to us in their greatest time of need. Each donation is a gift in the

Through your generous donations and continued

help those who are most in need. I ask you to continue this journey with us in the coming year. Follow us on

services. Local corporations purchase sponsorships

life of those we serve.

and each of our clients, thank you for all you do to

Facebook, check us out online at, attend one of our upcoming events, or stop in to say hi. Your support encourages us in our work. For that, we are most grateful. Fondly, Denise Headd Chief Development Officer

On May 18, 2016, we recognized three wonderful community members at the 31st Annual House of Providence Dinner. Jim and Christine Fantasia Connors received the Humanitarian Service Award and Maureen McCarthy Tracy received the President’s Award.


33rd Annual House of Providence Dinner May 9, 2018 | SRC Arena






Enable Catholic Charities to direct support where it is needed most

Unrestricted gifts allow Catholic Charities to adapt quickly to ever-changing community needs and use gifts where they are most needed.

• JOIN OUR RECURRING GIVING PROGRAM Recurring donors provide vital, stabilizing support for all of our programs. Gifts can be made in any increment and scheduled monthly, quarterly or semiannually.

• GIVE FOR A SPECIAL PURPOSE Support a specific program

You can direct your gift to one of our core focus areas or designate your gift to a specific program or initiative.

Core Focus Areas include:

• Crisis Response • Stabilization Services • Capacity Building

• PAY TRIBUTE Honor special people and occasions

Memorial or tribute gifts honor special people and occasions in your life while supporting Catholic Charities’ mission.

• SUPPORT A SPECIAL EVENT Participate or Sponsor

Choose to sponsor, attend, or underwrite the House of Providence Dinner or our annual Salt City Shaker.

• LEAVE A LEGACY Make a gift that lasts beyond your lifetime

Make a planned gift or provision in your Estate Plan to meet many personal goals while protecting the future of Catholic Charities.

• VOLUNTEER Share your time and talent

Provide critically needed volunteer service for one of our 60 programs, join one of our many volunteer committees, or consider becoming a Board member.

• INVOLVE YOUR EMPLOYER Check to see if your employer has a matching gifts program

Many employers match their employee’s charitable contributions. Employer matching gifts are a great way to increase the impact of your gift.

To learn more, contact Denise Headd at (315) 362-7528 or






children with physical disabilities served by youth programs

children enrolled in early education programs


DONORS Gifts made between January 1, 2016 December 31, 2016 The Honor Roll of Donors acknowledges the cumulative giving of all individuals and organizations that supported Catholic Charities of Onondaga County with a financial contribution during the period January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. Donors are listed on pages 16 through 22. Special recognition is also given to members of the 1923 Society, our premiere giving society named for the year Catholic Charities of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse was incorporated. 1923 Society members have made one or more unrestricted gifts totaling $1,000 or more annually. • Circle of Light Members have made an annual unrestricted gift of at least $10,000 • Leadership Members have made an annual unrestricted gift of at least $5,000 • Sustaining Members have made an annual unrestricted gift of at least $1,000 The publication of the honor roll is intended to publically recognize and thank all donors to Catholic Charities of Onondaga County. We have made every effort to ensure this list is comprehensive and accurate. Any errors of omission or fact should be reported to Catholic Charities’ Development Office to 315-362-7579 or

1923 Society CIRCLE OF LIGHT $10,000 and above Jim and Kathy Burns John and Janet Drescher Ken and Molly Gray Dr. E. Robert Heitzman, Jr. Mary C. McGreal Place Family/Lead Brokerage LLC

LEADERSHIP $5,000-$9,999 Peggy and Jim Carrick Jim and Christine Connors John and Mary Jane Fennessey

SUSTAINING $1,000-$4,999 Sheila I. Austin, R.N. Thomas Barkley Edward J. Barno Ed Bossong John H. and Patricia J. Callahan Patricia Callahan Richard Camaione Sharon and Mike Campbell Dr. Ronald and Joanne Caputo Joseph L. and Janice L. Charles Mary Pat Cornish Dr. Peter J. Cronkright and Dr. Judith A. Setla Mike and Elaine Crough Martha J. Cuddy Patty Derycke Michael Drescher John and Anne Endries Alec and Barb Englehart Caitlin Eger Michael J. Falcone Roger Garner George and Lena Gelsomin Dennis G. Gleason C. Brian Walton and Ellen Golden Stephen Gorczynski David and Sally Heaphy Stephen Hickey (Continued on page 14)




1923 Society

Tribute Gifts


Sheila Austin Robert and Mary Reidy

Robert M. Menz Sheila Menz

Jerry Berrigan Apter & O’Connor Associates Inc

Musolino Family Jonathan R. Falk

Valerie Blecha Danielle Bashirullah

O’Brien Family Jonathan R. Falk

Ellen Broadway Beth Broadway and Phil Rose

Virgina O’Connor AUS, Inc. Patricia Sheehan

$1,000-$4,999 Anne M. Kemper Robert and Norma Kemper Mary and Joe LaMacchia Richard and Mary Jane Larkin Jeanne Lawler William Lynn Reverend Frederick R. Mannara John F.X. Mannion and The Honorable Stephanie Miner Nicholas Marsella Candace and John Marsellus John and Carol Marshall Jerry and Mary Mathews John P. Tracy and Maureen McCarthy Tracy Daniel A. McMahon Michael and Susan Meath Michael and Lisa Melara Anthony and Joan Minieri Edward J. Moses, Esq. Lawrence and Sandra Mulhern Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy, III William M. and Kathleen M. Murphy Anthony and Eileen Oliva Ronald and Margaret Peckham Sharon and Edward Poplawski Peter E. Rhodes Mark and Renee Pitonzo Marvin and Jacqueline Raile Joseph A. Russo Matthew and Suzanne Schiro John Schmidt Walter and Nancy Shepard Margaret Sherman John and Cil Sindoni Christopher Vitale Melanie Washo

Eric Cote SRC, Inc. Bill Cuddy Mary Czelusniak James and Christine Fantasia Connors Charles Detor Angela and Ed Bernat Peter J. Dilaura W. Richard Kelly Marie LaPorta Loretto Management Corporation Toni Martin Michael and Lisa Melara Louise A. Sessa Paul and Susan Shubmehl Sister E.J. Timson Jacob Garofalo Kristin Guillory Michelle Haas Robert C. Morse Edward Hoey Kaitlyn Hoey Carrie Manolakos Lindsay Manolakos Maureen McCarthy Tracy Loretto Management Corporation Toni Martin Phillip Rubenstein Michael Melara Dr. Peter J. Cronkright and Dr. Judith A. Setla



Dave Pasinski and Geri Hall Theodore and Diane Pasinski Janet Salvetti Bartolo N. DiMento Nancy Scherer and Cathy Considine Margaret West Joe Slavik Catherine Cornue James Smith Richard and Esther Smith Carter Strickland Edward J. Moses Junghee & Nahko Sung Joseph Kelly Gelsomino Venditti Mary Anne M. Venditti Beth Walsh and Family Kathy Olson Ronald Walter Joan and Lawrence Page Wes and Deb Weiss Jennifer Cook Cathy & Tom Willson Nora K. Heaphy Marianne Wynne Kelly McCormick-Sullivan

Memorial Gifts Bob and Vickey Allen Barbara Lindenmayer Carol S. Balet Gerard and Virginia Shanley Thomas Martin Ball Michael Ball Lucy, Stefan and Roman Baranski Rev. Andrew Baranski Dr. Frederica Battaglia James Reynolds Bob Belge Mary M. Czelusniak Leon Bill Reverend Monsignor Ronald C. Bill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Bishop Joseph and Marsha Bishop Charles Block Paul H. Young Mary Virginia Bockey Costello Mary E. Egan

Allison Hughes Eric Jackson Gail Kenkel Candace Lano Lynette Livadas John and Mary Lockett Ed Luban Dave and Pat McClatchey Joyce McFadden Sharon Nauen Patricia Pack Miles Pincus John W. Przepiora and Carol Stark Michael Rey Matthew Schmidt Walter and Nancy Shepard Kathryn Stricker Barbara Walls Amanda L. Walters and Dereth Glance John Wilkins Barbara S. Wilson Michael and Lisa Melara

DeLuca and Camardo Families and Mrs. D’Amico Vincent J. Camardo

Anne & John Chamberlain Michael A. Campbell

Jack F. Fox Jon Fox

Louis & Angie Conniff Lawrence and Arline Redmond

Joseph L. Gartland Lois J. Murphy

Robert L. Boulware Robert and Annette Boulware

Conway & Healy Families James and Nancy Conway

Mike Brinkus Richard and Margaret Pinkowski

Thomas Corcoran Ronald and Margaret Peckham

Paul Brennan Virginia A. Brennan

Ginger Costello James and Patricia Hertz

Robert Bustin Marlin Kisselstein

Frances Coyne W. Carroll Coyne

Perry and Eve Carter Joseph and Adele Teich

Cuddy and McNulty Families Martha J. Cuddy

Ellen Casion Timothy T. Havener Tara Causgrove Katherine Stewart Lindsay Manolakos Christine Klemperer Marlene P. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Burns Dr. Dominick Cappuccilli Jennifer Cook

Mr. and Mrs. Domenico D’Angelo Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo Msgr. Robert Davern Mary Ellen McDonald John E. Delaney Barbara Delaney

Nora Dou The Hearth at Greenpoint, Inc. Norma Doucette Laurence and Lauri Bousquet Grace Farley Maderos Marguerite Hogan Paula Wiita Robert Rausch Lawrence Farrell Louis J. Farrell Edward Fleischman Henry J. Fleischman Betty Flood Toad Hollow Trail Riders, Inc.

Chris Gelf Patrick Gelf John Graham Dr. Jeffrey Kirshner John Laclair Callahan Consulting Associates David Cost Diane Gould Michael and Gail Graham Marion Hares Evelyn Hudson Paul and Frances Hudson Marie Miczan George and Agnes Niessing Anita Pisano Michael and Laura Reff John Schmidt Carol Spartano Martha Thompson Kevin and Beverly Walsh James and Erin Werner Thomas and Barbara Wright Edward and Bonnie Wurtz

Michael and Lisa Melara Elaine M. Briceland Agnes A. Greeley Bruce and Anita Ellsberry Robert and Kathleen Walsh Sue Ann Britt Paul and Eileen Brophy Randy Hagg Timothy and Christine Kelly Mary K. Lampe O.D. Packaging Corporation America Mary Pickens Theresa Santillo James and Suzanne Sears Michael and Patricia Sheehan Richard and Patricia Walton AA for Lunch Henry & Anne Gutowski William and Margaret Gutowski T. John Haley Jean S. Haley Rev. Kevin E. Hannon Catherine R. Wenthen Cadley Suzanne S. Honold Dr. David J. Honold Bill Johnson Margaret M. Johnson Philip J. Kuehner Joanna Brooks Joseph and Dolores Lang Ralph and Dolores Gaiss John Lascaris Mary Burns Lascaris Bernard J. Lawler Richard and Kathryn Lowenberg Fr. LeStrange Robert and Sharon Schug Cos Lombardo John R. Phelps (Continued on page 16)



Memorial Gifts Grace M. Lowry Martin F. Lowry and Ann Park

Margaret Napolitano Kilmer Karen A. Regitano

Therese M. Maher Mary Maher

Marilyn Nappi Christina Valenzuela

Carrie Manolakos Lindsay Manolakos

John A. Nasto, Sr. Christa J. Glazier

Glenn & Julia Marphy William A. Gutowski

Virgina O’Connor Ellen Bragalone Louise Campbell Jeanette Fusco Deborah Iacovone Helen Hope Kamish Nancy McAndrew John and Marybeth McAndrews Dennis McGrath Rolf Meisels Amanda Rosenblatt Elizabeth Ryan Susan Steinberger

Michael A. Marzullo, Sr. Jon and Mary Francisco Jennifer Woodruff Joann Barker Debra Brillante Daniel and Tracy Pawlik Mr. Michael Rockwell Joseph and Irene Martuscello Thomas and Joanne Cavallaro Deborah Sandy


Norm Mattra Maura Kennedy

Kyle O’Neill Richard and Margaret Pinkowski

Shirley Moran Francis L. Moran

Edward J. Osada Mary J. Osada

Patirica Marion Moro Timothy and Teresa Kuhl Raymond and Susan Grimaldi Louis and Diann Jaquin Marianne Cariota Diversified Capital Management, LLC The Honorable and Mrs. Stephen and Mary Dougherty John and Christine Hoffman Charles and Arlene Keppler Jane Gilberti Richard and Bonnie Scolaro Thomas and Maureen Barry Linda Crawford Michael and Donna Egan William Epolito Emma Jewell Anita Santaro Richard and Sheila Yacobush Cheryl Sturgess

Theresa (Terrie) Osborn Michelle Meyer


Rosemary Panto Eleanor A. Kotas Michael and Lucy Pirro Darlene Costick Catherine Ranieri Concetta Sanderson John and Cil Sindoni Our Parents David and Mary Kuss Kenneth P. Pelkey Robert and Susan Grenyo Vittorio Perrotta Antoinette Perrotta Floyd Pitman Mary Maher

Antoinette Pitonzo Mark and Renee Pitonzo

William R. Skvarch Jr. Notifier NY, Inc.

Joseph & Antoinette Pitonzo Mark and Renee Pitonzo

Regina Smith Margaret M. Johnson

Bryan Place Maureen E. Hanley Ellen T. McNeill Christine Place Regina M. Place Steven and Susan Ricca Theresa Sanders Ellen T. McNeill Anne and Richard Pratt Lawrence and Joan Page Robert J. Rinefierd Sr. Thomas Rinefierd MacKenzie Ruston Joseph and Elaine Scuderi Harry G. Schrefer Patricia Thayer Patricia Austin John Fazio Paul R. Shanahan Esq. William F. Lynn Richard Sharpe Patricia A. Sharpe Rina Shea Sandra L. Shea James Siddall Margaret Abrahamson Robert and Ann Warner Edward and Michelle Kirk Notifier NY, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sindoni John and Cil Sindoni Mary Siracuse Richard J. Siracuse Ruth Skelton Judith A. Skelton

Debra Sullivan Elizabeth Landry Joseph and Anna Teich Sr. Joseph and Adele Teich Robert F. Toole, Sr. Patricia Toole Msgr. Joseph B. Toomey Mary Ellen McDonald Julia Tomazin Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo Mrs. Julia Tomazin Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo Karen Ann Wiers Timothy Villhauer Oneonta Auxillary Services Melissa Nolan Sherry Tacktill Richard Wiers Phillip Young Paul H. Young

A Community of Giving $10,000 and above The Allyn Foundation Jim and Kathy Burns Drs. Jeffrey and Marybeth Carlberg Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Central New York Community Foundation, Inc. Christopher Community Inc. Estate of John F. Mislinsky Ken and Molly Gray Dr. E. Robert Heitzman, Jr. J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc. Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation Mary C. McGreal P. Drescher Co. Inc. Place Family/Lead Brokerage LLC Pope John XXIII Roman Catholic Church SEFCU Skaneateles Vincent House Guild The Adrienne Clos Charitable Remainder Unitrust The Howard A. Drescher Foundation

$2,500 to $9,999 A & W Realty Partners Alden Street Foundation, Inc. Sheila I. Austin, R.N. Edward J. Barno Brine Wells Development LLC Byrne, Costello & Pickard, P.C. Peggy and Jim Carrick Catholic Charities of the Roman Catholic Diocese Joseph L. and Janice L. Charles Church of the Immaculate Conception Armand and Joan Cincotta Jim and Christine Connors CR Fletcher Associates Michael Drescher Excellus BlueCross BlueShield John and Mary Jane Fennessey Fust Charles Chambers, LLP

Give With Liberty Employee Donations Dennis G. Gleason Holy Cross Church Holy Family Church J.W. Burns & Company, Inc. Le Moyne College Loretto Management Corporation Mackenzie Hughes LLP Reverend Frederick R. Mannara John P. Tracy and Maureen McCarthy Tracy Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy, III William M. and Kathleen M. Murphy NBT Bank Northland Communications Anthony and Eileen Oliva Rich & Gardner Construction Co. Joseph A. Russo St. Joseph’s Health TD Ameritrade Institutional The Bank of America Charitable Foundation The John Ben Snow Foundation, Inc. The M&T Charitable Foundation The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse TOPS Markets Usherwood Office Technology Valley View Realty Holdings LLC Vintage Management LLC Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. Welch Allyn Inc

$1,000-$2,499 Barclay Damon LLP Thomas Barkley Blessed Sacrament Church Bonadio & Co., LLP Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC Edward and Margaret Bossong C&S Companies Patricia Callahan John H. and Patricia J. Callahan

Callahan Dee Family Foundation Richard and Leslie Anne Camaione Sharon and Mike Campbell Ronald and Joanne Caputo Catholic Schools Office Christian Brothers Academy Community Bank NA Mary Pat Cornish Corpus Christi Church and St. Patrick’s Dr. Peter J. Cronkright and Dr. Judith A. Setla Mike and Elaine Crough Martha and John Cuddy Dermody, Burke & Brown, CPAs, LLC Patricia A. Derycke Dupli Envelope & Graphics Corp Caitlin Eger Elmcrest Children’s Center John and Anne Endries Barbara and Alec Englehart Estate of Patricia H. Keefe Michael and Noreen Falcone Fallingbrook Associates LLC First Niagara Commercial Bank Frank and Frances Revoir Foundation Roger and Christine Garner George and Lena Gelsomin Stephen Gorczynski Hancock Estabrook LLP Mark A. Harbaugh Harbridge Consulting Group Dr. Teresa and Robert Hargrave David and Sally Heaphy Henry A Panasci Jr. Charitable Trust Stephen Hickey Howard & Grayce Bendixen Memorial Unitrust Insurance Auto Auctions Anne M. Kemper Robert and Norma Kemper KeyBank L. & J.G. Stickley Incorporated Mary and Joseph LaMacchia Richard and Mary Jane Larkin Bernard and Jeanne Lawler William F. Lynn

M & T Bank The Honorable Stephanie Miner and John F.X. Mannion Nicholas Marsella Candace and John Marsellus John and Carol Marshall Jerry and Mary Mathews Michael and Patricia McGrath Daniel A. McMahon Michael and Susan Meath Michael and Lisa Melara Anthony and Joan Minieri Morgan Stanley Edward and Elana Moses Lawrence and Sandra Mulhern National Philanthropic Trust NCS Services, LLC Ronald and Margaret Peckham Mark and Renee Pitonzo Sharon and Edward Poplawski PurEnergy Management Services, LLC Marvin and Jacqueline Raile Resurrected Tattoo LLC Peter and Nancy Rhodes Matthew and Suzanne Schiro John Schmidt Walter and Nancy Shepard Margaret Sherman John and Cil Sindoni Laurence F. Sovik SRC, Inc. St. Lucy’s Church The Gifford Foundation The Ironman Foundation United Way of Greater Rochester Christopher Vitale C. Brian Walton Melanie Washo Wilmington Trust, N.A.

$500-$999 17th Ward Democratic

Committee Club Actuarial Pension Analysts, Inc. All Saints Church ARC of Onondaga County (Continued on page 18)



Donors $500-$999 Joseph Atkinson Bank of New York Mellon Lynn and Sean Branagan Margaret Byrne Janet D. Callahan Central New York Services Commercial & Residential Painting, Inc. Elaine Coppola Crouse Hospital Christopher M. Curry Michael and Mary Beth Curry Michael and Elizabeth Daly Digital Analysis Corporation Frank and Kim Discenza Bob and Katie Doucette Michael Dwyer Samuel and Nancy Ebersole Bill and Pat Edwards Emerald Resources Healthcare Inc. Empower Federal Credit Union Enterprise Fleet Managment Exelon Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Falcone David A. Furman Thomas Giffin John and Sonia Godwin Dr. Murray Grossman Theodore C. Hansen Dave and Ellen Hardy John and Mary Beth Henneberry Richard and Janice Hezel Will Hier Hopeprint Inc. Hueber-Breuer Construction Company Human Development Committee of St. Mary’s IBM Corporation INFICON, Inc. Steven and Elaine Jacobs Ali and Margery Keskin Hani and Kathleen Khouri Kitty Hoynes Irish Pub Koolakian’s Menswear Elizabeth V. Long Paul D. Madden and Maureen Clark Mark Antony Contracting, Inc. Carol Marsella



Mark E. McAnaney Michael and Patricia McGrath Elizabeth J. McHugh Mike and Sue McKean Lisa A. Mercer Merrill Lynch MKS Industries Inc. Francis and Sally Nichols Daniel O’Connor Michael and Margaret O’Connor William J. O’Connor Joe and Ann O’Hara One Commonwealth Associates Onondaga Community College Onondaga Flooring, Inc. William M. Patrick Robert Pomfrey John W. Przepiora Pyramid Brokerage Companies Monsignor Neal Quartier Douglas J. Reicher Nicholas and Mary Ricciardi Dr. Elizabeth Saarie and Dr. Daniel Saarie Joseph and Elaine Scuderi James and Maria Sherwood Laurence F. Sovik St. James Church St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center Foundation St. Margaret’s Church St. Rose of Lima Church Charles and Debra Sullivan Syracuse Exterminating Roman Szul Peter and Margaret Tassini The Manning & Napier Foundation The Pluff Hooley Group The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Theodore and Leonora Trespasz Truist Tucker Missionary Baptist Church Verizon Foundation Dean Wallace Hope Wallis Janice Whitcraft Mr. and Mrs. James S. Young

$100-$499 Christopher Abbott Mary Louise and James Abbott Catherine Adamo Michael and Mary Ellen Agen Jim Alfred Dr. Maritza Alvarado Amazon Smile Americar Rental System Gary Anastasio Applied Property Management Inc. Manuel Ares ARISE Incorporated Armory Five Inc. Kate and Rick Artessa Deborah Ashmore Assemblyman William Magnarelli, D-129 Thaddeus J. Astemborski AUS, Inc. Avalon Document Services B R Johnson, Inc. James C. Baglio John and Mary Ann Baichi Christopher Baker Sandra L. Baker William L. Balduf Chauncey A. Ball Michael Ball Julius W. Balogh Bank of America Reverend Andrew Baranski Carmine Baratta Matt Barden John Bartown Henry and Helga Beck Christopher Bednarski John J. Bellardini Mary Newman Bennett Chet and Ellie Benoit Olga Bensi LaTessa Angela and Ed Bernat Reverend Monsignor Ronald C. Bill Daniel and Cindy Bird Cynthia Bishop Bishop Curley Columbiettes Council 3717 Bishop Grimes James L. Boardman Timothy and Deb Bobo Reverend William J. Bosch Miles M. Bottrill

Robert and Annette Boulware Mr. and Mrs. Laurence G. Bousquet Ellen Bragalone Randi Bregman and Ted Gottbrecht Virginia A. Brennan Beth Broadway and Phil Rose Brockway Farms Garden Club John and Karen Brogan Joanna Brooks Charles A. Buckley Patricia A. Bullard The Honorable William J. Burke Lynn and Don Burns Douglas Burns C.T. Male Associates Frank and Michele Caliva Michelle and Timothy Callahan Vincent J. Camardo/ The Camardo Family Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Patricia Cambareri Michael A. Campbell Paul and Marcia Cappuccilli Martin and Christine Capra Samuel Carguello Thomas Carlin Thomas Cavallaro Centerstate CEO Howard Chase August L. Christopherson Danielle M. Cima City Hardware Charles Clinton Jess and Jane Collen Thomas F. Coman Russell S. Cooper Peter and Elizabeth Costello Bishop Thomas J. Costello Costello, Cooney & Fearon LLP W. Carroll Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Craner Linda Crawford Dr. and Mrs. John J. Cucinotta Dennis Cudzilo Joseph G. Curro James Curtin Mary M. Czelusniak Joseph and Judy D’Amore

Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo Dannible & McKee LLP Barbara A. Delaney Daniel DeMauro Joan Denapoli-Byrne George S. Deptula Edward Dera John and Connie DeRosia Peter L. Derrenbacker Peter J. Dilaura Bartolo N. DiMento Rosemarie DiMento Disciplined Capital Managment LLC Kenneth J. Dodge Dr. and Mrs. Daniel and Myra Dombroski Mary Ann Donnelly Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc. Dianne M. Duerr Brigid and Peter Dunn Mark L. Dunn Donald and Suzanne Dutkowsky Joyce Early Susan Edmonds Bruce Ellsberry Tom and Nancy Eron Sheila and Ernie Etoll Michael J. Fabisiak JoAnne Falcone John Falge Jane Fallon Dr. Paul T. Fallon Fayetteville-Manlius CSD High School Activities John Fazio Marijane and Scott Finlay Henry J. Fleischman Daniel P. Fletcher Food Bank of Central New York Mary Fortino Donna Fountain Ralph and Dolores Gaiss Galaxy Communications TK-99 Michael Gambuzza Joseph Gazzillo Geddes Federal Savings & Loan Association Mary Ellen Geglia Patrick Geloff Vincent and Anita Genecco Maureen Getman Grace and Reno Ghezzi Francis and Mary Anne Giacobbi Julie C. Gibbs James F. Gill

Salvatore Giordano Carmen Giunta Dennis Goldmann Margaret A. Gorham Brian D. Gorman Edward and Marie Grabowski Michael Graham Graham, Newton & McMahon, Inc. Arthur and Cheryl Grant Brenda Greenfield Lisa M. Greenia Raymond and Sue Grimaldi James E. and Ellen H. Grooms Joseph Group Alice M. Hahn Catherine Haley Jean S. Haley Elaine B. Halladay Daniel and Diane Halsey Lt. Jonathan Hamblin Maureen E. Hanley Dr. William Hannan Cara Hardy Kathryn Hardy John P. Haritatos Derrick Harris Dr. and Mrs. Donald and Cheryl Haswell Reverend Dennis Hayes Judge Leo Hayes Diane M. Heaphy Nora K. Heaphy Gerald D. Heaton Paul and Nancy Hefti Mary Jane Hennigan Carl W. Hibbard, Jr. Thomas and Donna Hoag Brian P. Hoke Dr. David J. Honold Dan Honors Joseph A. Hubert Christopher T. Hucko James A. Hughes Armina Ibrahimovic InterFaith Works IV 4, Inc. Ralph Jahnige Helen H. Jennings Alan Johnston Rosamma Joseph Swiatoslav Kaczmar and Nancy FreeboroughKaczmar, D.V.M. Robert W. Kawa Michael and Joanne Kelly Richard P. Kelly Timothy Kelly W. Richard Kelly Thomas Scott Kelso

Dr. Michael J. Kendrick Mary R. Kennedy Maura Kennedy George Kerstetter Myrtle King King + King Architects Michelle Kirk Knights of Columbus Council, No. 5082 Christine Kratz Daniel Kveselis Michael and Sharon Kyle Laboratory Alliance of Central New York, LLC LaFesta Italiana Mary K. Lampe Paul R. Lanni Joseph R. Lapaglia Marie LaPorta Mary Lascaris Frank and Denise Lazarski Jeremy Lebediker Joan M. Leskoske Katie Lindsey Liverpool First United Methodist Church John Lockett Virginia Lostumbo Lourdes Camp Rich and Liza Lowery Martin F. Lowry Raymond G. Luber Luber Inc. Joyce Luczkowiak Dr. Charles and Barbara Lutz M. Walker Sprinkler Co. M3 Business Service Network, LLC Dan and Babe Magaro The Honorable William and Karen Magnarelli Bernard J. Mahoney Eleanor Maine Robin and Maggie Malloy Robert S. Maloney Mary Ann Mannara Reverend John D. Manno John and Marie Mariani Thomas and Patricia Maroney Eric Martin Toni Martin Reverend James D. Mathews William H. Maxwell Tyler M. McArdle Mr. and Mrs. John P. McAuliffe Dave McClatchey Monsignor James A. McCloskey Ryan McDermott

Mary Ellen McDonald Charles B. McGee Dennis McGrath Frederick and Kathy McManus Ellen T. McNeill Rolf Meisels Carl A. Mellor Menter, Rudin & Trivelpiece, P.C. Sheila Menz Neri Merlini Sarah G. Merrick Michelle Meyer Jo-Ann Michaud Adam Miller Dr. Michael F. Miller and Katharine O’Connell The Honorable Stephanie Miner and John F.X. Mannion Thomas Mitchell Julian and Jennifer Modesti Dr. James G. Monaco/ Monaco Family Francis L. Moran Morning View LLC/ Xavier Woods Morrisville College Foundation Kenneth L. Mowers Candace and Jason Murray Stephen R. Nagen Sharon Nauen Kevin S. Neary Network For Good New York State United Teachers Retirees of Central New York Warren C. Nolan Notifier of NY, Inc. John A. O’Brien O’Brien & Gere John and Mary Ann O’Hern Charles H. O’Neil Onondaga County Executive Office Dan Owens P.E.A.C.E., Inc. Packaging Corporation of America Joan and Lawrence Page Richard T. Pasinski Theodore M. Pasinski Patricia A. Peach Dr. and Mrs. Art J. Peterson, Jr. Joanne S. Pettit Miles Pincus Rich Pitcher Gary and Regina Place (Continued on page 20)



A Community of Giving $100-$499 Kenneth Polosky Jean K. Postell Thomas Powell Walter Powell Nancy R. Preston Rodney and Sheila Putnam Nabil Rab James Rada Dr. Kevin G. Ragosta Dawn Marie L. Rau/ The Rau Family Kevin Reed Dr. Rita L. Reicher Rescue Mission David and Gail Rhodes David and Jocelyn Richards Greg Rinaldi Dr. and Mrs. Leo A. Roberge Robinson Memorial Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Steve and Sally Romano Ronald McDonald House Charities of CNY Joseph and Ann Roos Susan M. Rose Ray E. Rosenberger Robert J. Ross Phillip Rubenstein Rudy Schmid Body & Frame Shop Mary K. Ryan Thomas J. Ryan Tia R. Sales Theresa Sanders Joseph Sauve Michael and Christin Schaefer Roger and Elizabeth Schafer Matthew Schmidt Robert and Sharon Schug The Honorable and Mrs. Frederick J. Scullin, Jr. James Sears Louise A. Sessa Joseph and Joanne Sgambati Reverend Monsignor George F. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs.Ray Shertz Eileen Simmons Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities Judith A. Skelton Joseph G. Slavik Carl D. Smith



Catherine T. Smith Mary Ellen and James Smith Richard and Esther Smith Dr. Timothy A. Smith Solid Cactus Cares Fund of The Luzerne Foundation Solvay Bank Sonbyrne Sales, Inc. John Sopchak Glenn and Laurie Sparling Kathleen Sprague Christopher M. Spurchise St. Joseph the Worker St. Joseph’s Church Michael R. Stanistreet Mary C. Stapleton William Steinbacher Joyce E. Stores George Straub Kathryn Stricker W. Daniel Stricker and Margaret A Williams Cheryl Sturgess Sun Auto Warehouse Francis J. Swierk Syracuse Office Environments Syracuse University T.H. Kinsella Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Talomie Patrick P. Tamburro Brad Tangorra Patrick and Christine Taylor Joseph and Adele Teich The Centers at St. Camillus The Horowitch Family Foundation The MOST Rebecca E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Thornton Suzanne Thornton Tipperary Hill Athletic Club Toad Hollow Trail Riders, Inc. Toomey Residential & Community Services Kathleen A. Tynan United HealthCare Services, Inc. United Technologies Charity Trust United Way Inc. United Way of Central New York United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc. Unity of Syracuse

Uno Restaurant LLC Jack and Judy Varney Diane Waldon Barbara Walls Amanda Walters and Dereth Glance Richard Walton James W. Weber Deborah Greason Welch Christopher J. Welter James Werner David and Daryll Wheeler Roger T. Whelan Whelan & Curry Construction Services, Inc. Richard Wiers Garrett and Marilyn Wiggers Paula Wiita John Wilkins Juanita Perez Williams Steven W. Williams Robert and Kay Wilson Richard and Judy Wittenburg John and Delores Yandon Rev. Msgr. Eugene M. Yennock Your Cause

$99 and Under AA For Lunch Margaret Abrahamson Allstate Giving Campaign Apter & O’Connor Associates Inc Carol A. Arman Mary Athitang Patricia Austin Marlene P. Baker John and Nancy Bandoblu Lawrence Banes Joann Barker Margaret Barnett Thomas Barry Danielle Bashirullah Sally L. Berry Dave and Kate Bidwell David and Carol Binsley Cindy and Dan Bird Joseph and Marsha Bishop James Bostick John E. Bowen Joyce A. Bowes Barbara L. Brady James Brennan Elaine M. Briceland Debra Brillante

Sue Ann Britt Charles W. Brooks Paul Brophy James Brown Michael S. Bruska Julia Bubnack James Burkhard Gregory and Amy Burns Louis J. Cafarchio Sara E. Caliva Callahan Consulting Associates Dom and Valerie Cambareri Edward M. Campagna Louise Campbell Margaret A. Campese Dr. Dominick Cappuccilli Marianne Cariota Dennis J. Casey Joseph E. Cassant Edward and Sarah Castilano Mary Ann Cenci Henry Q. Centore Modesto Chemotti Gerald Chmielewski Patricia L. Collins Michael Colucy Martin and Janet Connor Frederick J. Constance James R. Conway Jennifer Cook Bernard Corbishley Marshall Corey Catherine Cornue David Cost James and Vera Costello Darlene Costick Mary Ann Cramer Mary Jo Crockett Marilyn Crosby James J. Cuddy Patricia Hoffmann and Bill Cuddy Patricia A. Curtin Margaret Czarniewicz Anthony and Lucy D’Amato Karen M. Dahl Michael J. Darminio George Deangelo Donald Dear Gary and Eileen Deckman David J. Demarchi Douglas Dixon Craig Doby Anne B. Doherty James F. Doherty Robert K. Dougherty

The Honorable Stephen Dougherty Shirley Dreamer Alfred Dubaniewicz Betty J. Duxbury Louis O. Eber Mary E. Egan Michael and Donna Egan James A. Emmons William Epolito Margaret Eron Marion and Linda Ervin Kathy Evans Mary E. Extale Jonathan R. Falk John A. Farnach Christopher E. Farnum Louis J. Farrell Fayetteville-Manlius High School Building Association Martha Fenton Richard and Mary Anne Fenzl Martha and Michael Ferrell Patricia Field Monique Finan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph and Colleen Finelli James D. Fitzpatrick Lawrence O. Fletcher Maureen Fogarty Mark Forbes Christa Foster Jon Francisco Clyde L. Frantz Jeanette Fusco Antoinette Gaffney Thomas J. Gaughan Robert M. Germain John J. Gibson Jane Gilberti James and Susan Gillen Karen Gillette Will and Zoey Gillette Jack and Lois Girard Norman and Annie Gitzen Christa J. Glazier Rosemary Gorman Diane Gould John and Carol Graham Gail Gray Burton V. Green Rich and Kathy Green Robert Grenyo Karly Grifasi Kristin Guillory William A. Gutowski Randy Hagg Arthur Hallatt Marion Hares John and Karen Hartnett

Timothy T. Havener Daryl M. Hegarty Margaret M. Hennigan James and Patricia Hertz Edward Hetnar and Dotti Barraco Hetnar Lynne Hickman David Hines Kaitlyn Hoey Christine Hoffman Marguerite Hogan Charles F. Horton Linda M. Houseman Evelyn Hudson Paul and Frances Hudson Allison Hughes George J. Hunter Deborah Iacovone Tino and Phyllis Imbesi Susan Inman Eric Jackson Patricia Jackson James Street United Methodist Women Louis Jaquin Emma Jewell Margaret M. Johnson Charmaine Jones Helen H. Kamish Laurette Kelley Ronald J. Kellish Joseph Kelly Mary Kelly Thomas and Michaela Kelly Dr. Gregory G. Kenien Gail Kenkel David F. Kennedy Evelyn Kennenwood Charles Keppler Dr. Jeffrey Kirshner Marlin Kisselstein Timothy Klamm Christine Klemperer Reverend Thomas P. Kobuszewski Barry R. Kogut Eleanor A. Kotas Kenneth and Kathleen Kotwas Robert Kraus Timothy Kuhl Mary and David Kuss John Lacey John Laclair Robert J. Lalley Elizabeth Landry Reverend James P. Lang Candace Lano JoAnn Larkin Shelly Leclair Lianne Liberatore Barbara Lindenmayer

Samuel and Susan Lipari Lynette Livadas Hilda Loguidice R. M. Lollis Angela Lopiccolo Josephine Lore Maryanne Lorenz Richard and Kathryn Lowenberg Ed Luban Patrick M. Lynch Ronald and Lucille Machuga Andy Mager Cody Maggi Mary Maher Helen Malina Reverend Kevin Maloney Fred Mangine Helene C. Mann Lindsay Manolakos Andrew Marinelli Joseph Martuscello Ronald and Mary Jo Marvar Masters Supply LLC Yolanda Matarazzo Frances H. Matejek Kenneth and Helen McAndrew Nancy McAndrew John and Marybeth McAndrews Mary S. McArdle Kelly McCormick-Sullivan Joyce McFadden George M. McGivney Thomas and Lynne McKeown Julie McMahon Dale and Ginny Mecomber Mary Louise Merle Frank and Nola Messere Ann Meyers Marie Miczan Helen F. Mierzwa Avelina Miguel Richard A. Milazzo Marie Millane Donald and Sarah Miller Edward Miller Edwin Miller JoAnne Miner Mary Mol John G. Moreland Robert C. Morse Derek Moss Elizabeth M. Mossotti Dr. Micere M. Mugo Lois J. Murphy Mary Kay Musyt Keith Neijstrom Judith Nemecek George Niessing

Melissa Nolan Reverend James T. O’Brien Andrew and Kathy Olson Oneonta Auxillary Services Edward Onisk Mary J. Osada Our Lady of Pompei/ St. Peter David R. Owens Patricia Pack Michael Panarites Lawrence and Anne Pardee Joan M. Passage Daniel Pawlik Mary Pearl Vittorio Perrotta John R. Phelphs Ann Mullin Phillips Mary Pickens Joseph Pidkaminy John C. Pierce Richard and Marge Pinkowski Sheila M. Piraino Lucy D. Pirro Micha el Pirro Anita Pisano Christine Place Timothy J. Pond Joe Porter Jerry C. Potts John Puopolo Kathy Quigley Dr. C. Barry Quinn Susan B. Rader Catherine Ranieri Patricia M. Ratcliffe Robert Rausch Michael Reff Karen A. Regitano Robert and Mary Reidy Reverend Edward J. Reimer Michael Rey James Reynolds Steven and Susan Ricca Dr. Armand Ricciardelli Daniel Rice Thomas Rinefierd Mary Roberts Bailey Michael Rockwell Amanda Rosenblatt Kurt Roulston Gilles and Joyce Roy Richard and Virginia Russo David and Kalyn Rutkowski Elizabeth Ryan Sandra M. Ryan Bill Sanderson Concetta Sanderson Deborah Sandy Anita Santaro (Continued on page 18)



A Community of Giving $99 and Under Theresa Santillo Kay Satterfield Anita V. Savage Marcella Savage James Scanlon Dorothy H. Schafer Carol Schaffer Dr. Robert L. Scheer Erin F. Scheirer James H. Schiffhauer Judy Schmid Pamela B. Schmid Arnold and Kathleen Schmidt John F. Schramm Helena Sue Schueler Richard and Bonnie Scolaro Leonard and Rosemary Sellin Marguerite M. Shaffer Gerard and Virginia Shanley James T. Sharpe Patricia A. Sharpe Sandra L. Shea

Michael and Patricia Sheehan Patricia Sheehan Margaret A. Sheen Jay Sherman Paul and Susan Shubmehl Silicon Valley Communtiy Foundation Joan Q. Simmonds John and Joan Sinnett Sisters of St. Joseph Sarah Skvarch Michael and Donna Smith John Sodja Veronica Solomon Ellen Somers Mary Sopchak Carol Spartano Michelle A. Speach St. John the Baptist/Holy Trinity Church Martha Starkey Sarah J. Starr Susan Steinberger Kathleen Stevens Cynthia Stevenson

EMPLOYEE GIVING COMPANIES Allstate Giving Campaign Amazon Smile AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Exelon Corporation Give With Liberty Employee Donations Honeywell International Charity Matching IBM Corporation Morgan Stanley Network For Good Silicon Valley Communtiy Foundation Truist United Technologies Charity Trust Your Cause Verizon

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Argonaut Management Services, Inc. Citizens Bank The GE Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb O’Brien & Gere BNY Mellon



Katherine Stewart Rita Stone SU Catholic Carmen J. Surace Sherry Tacktill Christopher J. Terrell Patricia Thayer The Hearth at Greenpoint, Inc. Marianne A. Thibault Christine Thome Martha Thompson Sister Elizabeth John Timson Patricia Toole Christina Valenzuela Tom Van Schaik Stephanie Vavonese Timothy Villhauer Arthur J. Vinette Andrew and Shirley Voninski Theresa Vuillemot R. Mark and M. Denise Walker Kevin Walsh Robert T. Walsh Robert Warguleski

Robert D. Warner Priscilla and John Watson Peter Webber Alan Weinberger Catherine R. Wenthen Cadley Margaret West Ann V. William Rosita M. Williams Timothy D. Williamson Catherine J. Willson Barbara S. Wilson Susan C. Wolstenholme Henry L. Wood Jennifer Woodruff Thomas Wright Edward Wurtz Richard Yacobush Sherrie Yarn Jeff and Kate Youle Paul H. Young Thomas G. Young Eric F. Zeltmann

IN-KIND DONORS: Catholic Charities of Onondaga County would like to thank the multitude of in-kind donors who generously gave everything from a few cans of peas to entire layettes for new moms in 2016. Your donations are so frequent and generous we would need another booklet to list every name. Without you, our programs would not have the resources to serve nearly 20,000 people every year. Your thoughtful generosity is deeply appreciated. United Way Agencies Thank you to the donors who have given through the following United Way Agencies: Nationwide United Way Campaign United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut United Way of Central New York United Way of W. Central Connecticut To the generous supporters of United Way of Central New York in 2016, thank you. Catholic Charities appreciates the countless donors who support our organization through gifts to United Way.*

*Individual United Way donors who designated their gifts to Catholic Charities of Onondaga County are not included in this report unless they also made a direct gift to Catholic Charities.

PROGRAMS & SERVICES CRISIS RESPONSE Emergency Assistance Services Support, guidance, and practical assistance for people in crisis. Supportive Services for Veterans

Supportive services for low-income veterans and their families experiencing housing crises.

Food Pantry

Emergency food for families and individuals in need.

Dorothy Day House

Shelter for women and children who are homeless.

Men’s Shelter

Shelter for men who are homeless.

STABILIZATION SERVICES Area North Transportation Service

Transportation for seniors to medical, shopping and nutrition sites in the towns of Clay and Salina.

Neighborhood Advisors

Information and referral services to assist seniors.

Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly

Case management and personal care services for non-Medicaid individuals.

Adult Aides

Intensive home visitor program to victims of elder abuse/neglect.

Project Fix

Minor home repair services for seniors.

Retired Senior Volunteer Program Volunteer referral program for persons age 55 and older. Refugee Resettlement Services

Relocation services for refugees from countries in distress. Case management services focus on housing, health care, employment, and education.

Refugee Youth Services

Provides recreation, tutoring, homework assistance, and other supports to refugee children.

Opportunity Center for New Americans

Assists refugees and immigrants to attain English Language Proficiency and prepare for for citizenship and employment.

Housing Initiatives

Subsidized housing and case management for individuals and families leaving homelessness.

Health Services Coordination

Health care management, care coordination, and health promotion for Medicaid-eligible adults who meet qualifications.


Intensive home visiting to teach parents community living and parenting skills.

Healthy Start

Case management for pregnant and/or parenting women with children under two years old.

Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies

Infant care classes and supportive counseling for young moms and dads.

Parenting Classes

Classes for parents or caregivers of infants and children up to 12 years of age.

Culinary Arts for Self-Sufficiency

Five-week course in basic food service skills to prepare refugees and people born into generational poverty for employment.

Mental Health Counseling

Low cost/no cost therapy for individuals, couples and families.

Better Beginnings

Home-based therapy and child development for families with a chronically mentally ill parent and a child five years of age or younger.

Hope Connections

Peer recovery coaching for people affected by substance use and/or in search of mental wellness to connect with their life passions while building a network of social and wellness support.

Project Joseph

Hires recent refugees and people who are homeless or housing-vulnerable, providing them an entry into employment market. Project Joseph work crews perform property maintenance tasks under the supervision of experienced professionals.

Youth Development Programs

Youth Development Programs are provided at several locations including neighborhood centers, libraries and school (in conjunction with Say Yes to Education) to provide secure, supportive environments for children and teens, including pre-K, after-school and summer programs.

Respite Program

Integrated recreational and social activities for children with intellectual disabilities which provide respite for their parents or caretakers.









Fund Development

10.1% Shelter Services


Emergency Services



Management and General

Social Ventures


Educational Services


Resettlement Services


Developmental Services

19.7% Stability Services

1.1% Diocesan Support 4.1% United Way 3.4% Rental Income 7.0% Program Service Fees 0.7% Consulting & Other Income 0.3% Investment Income 2.1% Donations In Kind 3.3% Management & Accounting Fees 5.0% Special Events & Contributions

73.1% Government Support








Shelter Services


Resettlement Services


Stability Services


Developmental Services


Educational Services


Social Venture


Management & General




R. Michael Campbell President

Michael F. Melara

Dennis Gleason Vice President Patrick Taylor Treasurer Mark Pitonzo Assistant Treasurer

Christopher Curry Chief Program Officer

Deb Welch Secretary

Candace E. Murray Chief Compliance Officer


Fund Development

Julian Modesti, Esq. Assistant Secretary TOTAL $17,222,188 Cindy J. Bird Joseph L. Charles Dennis DePerro, Ed.D. Michael P. Drescher

REVENUE AND SUPPORT Government Support

John Godwin


Brenda Greenfield Lt. Jonathan Hamblin

Special Events & Contributions


Reverend Joann Hicks

Donations In-Kind


Kathryn Lindsey

Diocesan Support


United Way


Investment Income Program Service Fees

59,551 1,216,126

Rental Income


Management & Accounting Fees


Consulting & Other Income




Reverend Fred Mannara Ryan McDermott Michael Meath

Denise Headd Chief Development Officer T. Scott Kelso Chief Financial Officer Tia Sales Chief Human Resources Officer Catherine Willson Executive Assistant Judy D’Amore Executive Director, Toomey Residential and Community Services

Brian Moore John Sindoni, Esq. Juanita Perez Williams






Creating Hope, Transforming Lives

Catholic Charities of Onondaga County



1654 West Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY 13204

Here are four simple



Credit card gifts can be made on our secure site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at Recurring giving (scheduled monthly, quarterly or semi-annually) provides a special opportunity to give sustaining support.

ways to ensure you are in the

Checks made payable to Catholic Charities of Onondaga County may be sent to: 1654 W. Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY 13204

2017 Honor Roll of Donors

TRANSFER SOME STOCK Making a gift with securities you have owned for more than one year will earn you a double tax benefit. Not only can you take a tax deduction for the full, fair-market value of the stock, you can also avoid capital gains tax on any asset appreciation. Please call 315-362-7528 for more information.

DONATE BY PHONE Gifts and pledges can be paid over the phone by credit card. Annual pledges can also be paid through a quarterly or monthly payment program established by the donor.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call us at 315-362-7579.

United Way of Central New York

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