Catholic Charities of Onondaga County: 2019 Annual Report

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Creating Hope. Transforming Lives.



Creating Hope. Transforming Lives.

Table of Contents

A Message from our Executive Director


Crisis Programs


Stability Programs


Capacity Building Programs


A Message from our Board President


A Legacy of Impact & Commitment


Honor Roll of Donors


1923 Society


Tribute Gifts


Memorial Gifts


Individual Donors


In-Kind Donors


Board of Directors and Executive Staff


Financial Summary


Dear Friends, As Catholic Charities of Onondaga County concluded 2019, I could have never imagined what was in store for us during the first half of 2020. It is hard to remember a time when COVID was not a part of our consciousness or our reality. Yet, 2019 did happen! And we have the stories and the lives that changed to prove it. As you reflect on this annual report and all the great work accomplished by Catholic Charities of Onondaga County, please know that none of it is possible without your support and your prayers. Whether it is providing shelter to the homeless, packing food in our pantry for a hungry family, preparing preschoolers to enter school, or helping the elderly with simple repairs in their homes, Catholic Charities of Onondaga County is present and always serving those who are in greatest need. You have received this report because you have supported us this past year. Thank you for that vote of confidence and please know that you are with us, shoulder to shoulder, in our

A Message from our Executive Director

work to eliminate poverty and advocate for social justice. My prayers and gratitude are with you always. Sincerely,

Michael F. Melara Executive Director

16,902 clients served


children under 18 served


enjoyed increased access to nutritious food


received improved access to healthcare


treated for addiction and serious mental illness




Crisis Programs Our Crisis Response programs provide immediate relief for individuals and families’ who are in crisis. The people who receive services often arrive at their most vulnerable – they do not have a place to stay, they have run out of food, the electricity has been turned off. These obstacles can be demoralizing and incredibly difficult to overcome without support and assistance. Our Crisis Response programs include Emergency Assistance, which provides financial support for meeting immediate needs such as medical or utility bills. Food pantries provide food and basic need items to over 400 families a month. Our 99-bed Men’s Shelter provides shelter and case management services to some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Our homeless prevention programs provide support to individuals and families who are, or are in danger of, becoming homeless to find stable housing. The need is great in our local community, with over 30% of Syracuse’s population living below the federal poverty line. This important work is possible because of the great work of our staff, volunteers, and supporters. Our Crisis Response programs are the heart of our mission to create hope and transform lives.

1,593 food pantry clients served





people housed in our shelter


clients rehoused


people received emergency financial assistance for rent


people received emergency financial assistance for utilities

Program Highlight SUPPORTIVE SERVICES FOR VETERAN FAMILIES In 2019, our Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program received the Rapid Resolution Grant. Rapid Resolution is an intervention designed to prevent veterans from becoming homeless or resolve a household’s homelessness immediately. Rapid Resolution allows for SSVF to explore new and creative solutions to homelessness and reduce the trauma and expense associated with extended periods of homelessness. With this grant, SSVF can continue to meet the evolving needs of veterans and provide more options as they work to end their clients’ housing crisis.

Stability Programs Our Stability Services programs are designed to reduce those behaviors and conditions that create chaos in the lives of the people we serve. Some clients we serve are transitioning out of crisis – some were recently homeless, some are refugees, some are fleeing from violence. Wherever they are, it is extremely difficult to plan for long-term success. Our Stability Services foster predictability in living conditions, income, and personal health. We welcome refugees and provide supportive services including employment, housing, and citizenship with our Refugee Services. We help homeless or formerly homeless families and individuals maintain safe and affordable housing with our Supportive Housing program. We work with adults age 60 and older to help them remain safely and comfortably in their homes for as long as possible with our Elderly Services program. When housing, healthcare and day-to-day concerns are stabilized, people are better able to focus on improving their lives and participate in the community. We rely on staff, volunteers, donors, and partner agencies to achieve our goals. Together, we work to secure a better future for those we serve.


recent refugees assisted





refugees resettled

2,587 seniors over 65 served

Program Highlight HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT In 2019, our Health Care Management programs collaborated with internal and external service providers to develop a comprehensive plan of care to a family. Catholic Charities of Onondaga County’s Children and Adult Health Home programs were able to secure funding and resources for a child to participate in a trial bone marrow transplant at Duke University Hospital as well as address his parent’s unmet health needs. Both Health Home programs have been providing resources to the family and parents since 2017. In May of 2019, the child and one of his parents traveled back to Duke for a post-op follow up visit. Doctors report his transplant was a success. The work of our Health Care Management programs served an important role as this was the first child to go through with this particular transplant.


formerly homeless individuals and families were housed


veterans in danger of homelessness were housed




Capacity Building Programs Our Capacity Building programs focus on providing people with the opportunity to develop skills and tools to find success in their lives. We help families and children with communication skills and provide support with our Parent Education programs. We help individuals with complex challenges like addiction, trauma, grief, and loss with our Clinical Services and Recovery programs. We provide safe, constructive, and fun environments after school and during the summer for children with our Neighborhood Centers. These are just a few examples of our Capacity Building programs. We are dedicated to those we serve and to supporting their goals of reaching their highest potential. Our Capacity Building programs include some of the newest and longest-running programs Catholic Charities has to offer. These programs are made possible by a network of dedicated staff, supporters, and volunteers who work in close partnership with clients.


children participated in education programs





people enhanced parenting skills


of children served avoided foster care placement

Program Highlight ParentChild+ The ParentChild+ program provides two years of twice-weekly home visits to under-resourced families with children between the ages of 18 months to 4 years old. The program begins when the child is between 15-18 months and continues until they graduate and are enrolled in a Universal Pre School Program. Services, books, and toys are provided to the family at no cost. In 2019, we celebrated our first graduation for children from our ParentChild+ program, with 20 children completing the program. Each child and family received 92 home visits. As families complete ParentChild+, staff work with them to ensure their children are enrolled in high-quality centerbased school as the critical next educational step.

33,670 after-school meals served


people received employment coaching




8th Annual Salt City Shaker The Salt City Shaker is a casual event for local professionals to meet, connect, and learn more about the work of Catholic Charities in the community. Each year, we honor an individual who is actively making a difference in our community with the Mover and Shaker Award. On October 22, 2019, we honored a true mover and shaker, Juhanna Rogers, Ph.D, Director of Community Engagement & Empowerment at CenterState CEO, for her work on women empowerment, education advocacy, and economic inclusion.

34th Annual House of Providence Dinner At our annual House of Providence Dinner on May 22, 2019, we celebrated four community members for their work. Todd and Amy Caputo received the Humanitarian Service Award, Dennis Gleason received the President’s Award, and Father John Manno received the Bishop’s Award.

SAVE THE DATE: The 36th Annual House of Providence Dinner will take place on May 26, 2021.




Dear Friends, As we close the book on another year, I could not be more proud of what Catholic Charities of Onondaga County has been able to accomplish in 2019. Through the support of our donors, volunteers, staff, and friends, we were able to serve nearly 17,000 members of our community. In 2019, we continued to serve the most vulnerable members of our community. We saw clients find stable housing, children continue to learn and grow, and families access reliable health care. This was a year of great progress for so many. We are deeply grateful for the continued support and dedication to our mission. Though the successes of this year are significant, the need is still great. As we continue our work to create hope and transform lives, we know we cannot do it without you. On behalf of the 2019 Board of Directors, I want to thank you for your commitment to Catholic Charities. Thank you for joining us in our work, supporting our programs and services, and championing our mission. It is my privilege to serve as Board President of Catholic Charities of Onondaga County as we continue working together to eliminate poverty. Sincerely, Julian Modesti, Esq.




A Legacy of

IMPACT & COMMITMENT JOHN GODWIN is dedicated to serving his community and the organizations he cares most about. John has been involved with Catholic Charities of Onondaga County since his freshman year at Le Moyne College. He started volunteering for Unity Kitchen, now Catholic Charities’ Men’s Shelter, in the fall of 1977. Giving back comes naturally to John, since it was part of his upbringing to help those in greatest need in his community. Coordinating volunteers in college was just the first step to a lifelong connection with Catholic Charities. John also volunteered for the Fresh Food Distribution at Catholic Charities’ Bishop Foery location, distributing fresh food to neighborhood families in need. Climbing his volunteer ranks, he joined the Donor Development Committee as a community member for three years and was eventually asked to join the Board of Directors of the agency where he is currently serving his fifth year. John supports Catholic Charities of Onondaga County in a variety of ways, from volunteering, to attending agency events, serving on the Board of Directors, and giving gifts to the agency. He now also plans to leave a bequest in his name to the Catholic Charities Legacy Fund through the Central New York Community Foundation. Making a bequest to Catholic Charities ensures that your legacy will continue for generations while providing support to the most vulnerable members of our community who are going through some of the most difficult times in their lives. When John commented on his experience setting up his bequest, he exclaimed, “It’s very easy to do; they have a lot of flexibility and all the legal and fiduciary pieces are covered, which is comforting to know both as a Board member and a donor.” When asked what John would like to be remembered for, he said, “My Board service, my volunteer service, and with my bequest for making a difference in some of our clients’ lives.” A man not too fond of being praised for his record of giving and volunteering, John refers frequently to Matthew 6:1-7 which says, “When you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others” saying that what he does for Catholic Charities and the clients we serve is a privilege and something he doesn’t care to boast about in the community. The thing he cares most about is the impact of his service and the commitment Catholic Charities has to those they serve. “If you’re thinking of a bequest, please think of Catholic Charities.” – John Godwin 10



Honor Roll of Donors Gifts made between January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 The Honor Roll of Donors acknowledges the cumulative giving of all individuals and organizations that supported Catholic Charities of Onondaga County with a financial contribution during the period of January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Donors are listed on pages 11 through 18. Special recognition is given to members of the 1923 Society, our premiere giving society named for the year Catholic Charities of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse was incorporated. 1923 Society members have made unrestricted gifts totaling $1,000 or more annually. • Circle of Light have made an annual unrestricted gift of at least $10,000 • Leadership Partners have made an annual unrestricted gift of at least $5,000 • Sustaining Supporters have made an annual unrestricted gift of at least $1,000 The publication of the honor roll is intended to recognize and thank all Catholic Charities of Onondaga County donors. We have made every effort to ensure this list is comprehensive and accurate. Any errors of omission or fact should be reported to Catholic Charities’ Community Relations Specialist at 315-362-7527 or

1923 Society CIRCLE OF LIGHT

Dr. and Mrs. E. Robert Heitzman, Jr.

EIS Syracuse LLC

$10,000 and above

Holy Family Church

Elmcrest Children’s Center

Allyn Family Foundation

Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation

Jack and Anne Endries

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Murphy and Nolan, Inc.

Alec and Barb Englehart

Christopher Community, Inc.

NBT Bank

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield

Drs. Jeffrey and Marybeth Carlberg

Pope John XXIII Roman Catholic Church

Reverend Monsignor Charles J. Fahey

The M&T Charitable Foundation

Dr. Alfred and Mrs. Francoise Falcone

The Dorothy & Marshall M. Reisman Foundation

Michael Fitzgerald

Estate of Norma Foody Estate of Thoms J. Costello The Galloo Foundation Howard A. Drescher Foundation J.W. Burns & Company, Inc. The Jesuits at Le Moyne, Inc. John and Mary Jane Fennessey Ken and Molly Gray Mary C. McGreal The New York Bar Foundation P. Drescher Co. Inc. SEFCU Skaneateles Vincent House Guild Wilson Family Charitable Fund


SUSTAINING SUPPORTERS $1,000-$4999 900 Alvord LLC Advance Media New York All Saints Church Edward J. Barno Dana and Brenda Bigelow Bonadio & Co., LLP BPAS Actuarial and Pension Services LLC Bill and Donna Burns Sharon and Mike Campbell Peggy and Jim Carrick Catholic Charities of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse

Tom and Carol Fletcher Steven Ford and Patricia A. Lynn-Ford Frank and Frances Revoir Foundation Fust Charles Chambers, LLP Roger and Christine Garner Dennis G. Gleason Christopher J. Gorman Dr. Murray Grossman Joseph and Carol Group Jonathan and Robin Hamblin Reverend Dennis Hayes Dan Hurley and Judy Drucker Steven and Elaine Jacobs Patrick J. Johnston

Central New York Community Foundation, Inc.

Kevin and Mary Jane Voll Foundation

Centurian Automotive

Kinney Drugs Foundation

Joseph L. and Janice L. Charles

Le Moyne College


Brandon J. Charles

David G. Lochner

Sheila I. Austin, R.N.

Christian Brothers Academy

Michael Loftus

Barclay Damon LLP

Dr. Armand and Mrs. Joan Cincotta

Loretto Management Corporation

Patricia Callahan

Jim and Christine Connors

Drs. Charles and Barbara Lutz

Todd and Amy Caputo

Dr. Peter J. Cronkright and Dr. Judith A. Setla

William F. Lynn

Church of the Immaculate Conception

Mike and Elaine Crough

Mackenzie Hughes LLP

Green Family Foundation, Inc.

Michael Q. Curry

Reverend Frederick R. Mannara

Stephanie and Mike Hausladen

Dermody, Burke & Brown, CPAs, LLC

Carol Marsella




Tribute Gifts



$1,000-$4999 Candace and John Marsellus Reverend James D. Mathews Jerry and Mary Mathews Joyce F. McDermott Dr. Michael and Mrs. Pat McGrath Daniel A. McMahon Michael and Susan Meath Michael and Lisa Melara Anthony and Joan Minieri Julian and Jennifer Modesti Edward J. Moses, Esq. National Grid Northland Communications Anthony and Eileen Oliva Our Lady of Hope Church Ron and Margaret Peckham Mark and Renee Pitonzo Sharon and Edward Poplawski Father Neal Quartier Peter E. Rhodes

St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center St. Mary’s of the Lake Church Syracuse University The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse TOPS Markets Used Car King Usherwood Office Technology V.I.P. Structures WCNY Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.

Jeanne-Anne Mader Lorry Nestor

Kate and Cathy Barbie Eileen Hathaway-Krell

Margaret Malloy Katherine Eckstein

Bill’s Birthday Patricia M. Barbero

Mary Ellen Golden Tony and Kelly Scalzo

Todd and Amy Caputo Michael and Regina Sheehan

Carmine and Shelley Menduni Nina Menduni-Kelson

Carter Strickland Edward J. Moses, Esq.

Mihigo Family Gordon Kotars

James B. Connors Michael and Lisa Melara

Abe Morelli The Rotary Club of Baldwinsville NY Inc.

Patrick Corbett Gary Corbett Bill Cuddy Mary Czelusniak David McCarthy Nancy W. Davy James P. Dewitt Dan Smith Dennis Gleason Joseph and Hollis Russo Reverend Kevin Hannon Catherine and John Cadley

Tom and Mary Ryan

Edward Hoey Kaitlyn and James Hoey

Matthew and Suzanne Schiro Donald W. Scholl Joseph and Elaine Scuderi Louise A. Sessa John and Cil Sindoni


James S. Spano

Adelaide Anson Michael and Janice Campbell

Rich & Gardner Construction Company, Inc. Roger and Elizabeth Schafer


Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities


Alek Susan Jok Gillian Cantor Ken and Molly Gray Elizabeth Long Bishop Douglas J. Lucia George and Becky Trejos

O’Brien and Musolino Families Jonathan R. Falk Sean O’Toole Terence Fitzgibbons Paul Welch David E. Pasinski and Elizabeth Geralyn Hall Reverend John D. Manno Anonymous Reverend Philip A. Hearn Roger and Elizabeth Schafer Reverend Christopher R. Seibt Mrs. Louise A. Sessa Francis Scales Deborah Scales Bruce F. Smith Ellen Creaghead John Sopchak Anonymous Charlie and Marjorie Weismore Toby Ring

Memorial Gifts Gloria Anson Michael and Janice Campbell Jeff B. Stephanie Miner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Bishop Joseph and Marsha Bishop Jeremy Blumenthal Gary Liao Paul Brennan Virginia A. Brennan Lisa Brennan Heidi M. Gang Anthony F. Calarese Louis and Karen Calarese Rita Ann and John Downing Marianne Isbell Kathleen Laubenstein News 10NBC Cecelia Pullano Joan and Brent Weicht Camardo and DeLuca Families Vincent J. Camardo Thomas P. Carney Kerry Carney Tara Causgrove Douglas and Susan Burns

Eddie Clancy Richard and Dorothy Anderson Barbara Burke James B. Clancy Peter and Elizabeth Costello Thomas and Patricia Donegan The Dussing Family Anne Marie D. Evans Mary Flood Terrence and Mary Gorman Ed and Ann Keegan Christine Kelly Thomas and Barbara Kenefake William Kisselstein Lynne and Tom McKeown Robin and Maggie Malloy Mark and Mary Olszewski John and Diane Omolino Mary J. Osada Sackett Tract Bowling League Maura S. Stefl Margit Toth Bishop Thomas J. Costello Mary J. Osada MaryBeth Curry Randi Bregman and Ted Gottbrecht Michael Q. Curry Roger and Donita Whelan Frances D’Amico Vincent J. Camardo Domenico D’Angelo Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo

Salvatore DeFrancisco Janet D. Callahan

John Gamage Cynthia A. Gamage

Joseph C. Farnett Kimberly Atwood Louis and Marilyn Canale John A. Canino Marguerite M. Duesel Janet and Michael Farnett Sally and John Fazio Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors Inc. Bob and Dolores Harris Pat D. Magnarelli Lindsay McKee Lon and Kim Riccelli Glenn and Amy Riemenschneider George and Lucille Sears Nicholas and Becky Silvaggio The IOA Team Mary Lou and Joseph Weinberger

Robert Gass Joyce Early

Mario J. Forte Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo Mary Franchini Eugene and Tracy Franchini Diane Gaggin Amy Coolican Bob and Mary Fehr Richard Glass David and Bonnie Hall David and Janice Nichols Peter and Karen Shepardson

Girard and Perrin Families Jack and Lois Girard John Graham Kathleen Battaglia Carol A. Graham Michael and Gail Graham Tyson Group Joseph and Carol Group Patricia C. Hogan J.J. Maderos Virginia Hopkins Mark and Therese West Sister Judith Howley Dr. Ngoc Diem Anke Doan Armanda Hunt Luke Gianforte William B. Kinslow Jr. Margaret M. Kinslow Zelda Klaczko Law Office of Donald R. Swete Bernard J. Lawler Dick and Kathy Lowenberg




Memorial Gifts Karen Magnarelli William B. Magnarelli

Fanny Milazzo Richard A. Milazzo

James M. Ditota Timothy and Renee Duffy Ellenrose Galgano Deborah Golick Suzanne Kowalczyk Joseph A. Lebediker Robert and Patricia Mancabelli Ross Maniaci Michael and Sandy O’Neil Wallace and Ann Rowland Kathleen A. M. Santangelo Lorraine Sauro Louise M. Sollecito Lorraine and James Sparks Tornatore & Company CPA PC Nick and Anne Vaccaro Liga Wood

Michele Regitano Minogue Karen K. Regitano

Edward J. Osada Mary J. Osada

Elizabeth A. Myers Deborah C. Colt

Vittorio Perrotta Antoinette Perrotta

Anthony Nicoletti Joseph and Anna Marie Fragnito

Bryan M. Place Ellen T. McNeill Regina M. Place Steve and Susan Ricca Theresa Sanders

Constance M. Mannella Peter M. Mannella Maroney and Doherty Families Tom and Trish Maroney Francis and Ellen McCann Rosemary K. Parker Frank and Chris Melara Michael and Lisa Melara

Ernest L. O’Connor Lindsay O’Connor Kyle O’Neill Rich and Marge Pinkowski Anthony Orioli Jody Bleier Richard M. Butin Patricia L. Delledera





Edward E. Priest Margaret Abrahamson Laurie R. Brown Charles Buckley and Family Linda Campbell Christopher Community, Inc. David and Lisa de Silva

John and Barbara Fero George and Kay Folsom John and Elizabeth Gagine Annette M. Gustafson Amy and Jim Honig Despina Kiritsis Judy and Sonny McGinley James and Margaret McNally Robert and Mina Penoyer Patrick and Roni Ponto Donald M. Priest, Jr. Howard and Kathy Tipper MacKenzie Ruston Joseph and Elaine Scuderi Robert and Ann Schrank Ken and Chris Schrank Richard W. Sharpe Patricia A. Sharpe Michael Siconolfi Michael Fitzgerald Joseph and Angela Sindoni Catherine Ranieri Joseph C. Smith Jr. John C. Smith, Jr. Mary Splane Linda and Ricky Carr Rev. Robert Stephenson Mary J. Osada

Nona Stewart Katherine Stewart Elizabeth Susnak Norman J. Gitzen, Sr. Julia Tomazin Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo Robert F. Toole, Sr. Patricia Toole Msgr. Joseph B. Toomey Mary Ellen McDonald John R. Varney Judy F. Varney Katleen Webster Carol Marsella Shirley A. West Mark and Therese West Robert J. Wilson David and Lisa de Silva Phill and Peg Young Paul H. Young Donald Yurkonis Robert and Sharon Schug

Donors $500-$999

Scott Kelso

St. Charles-St. Ann Church

Kelly and Chris Besaw

Thomas Barkley

Anne M. Kemper

Monsignor Ronald C. Bill

Tom and Margaret Baron

Ali and Margery Keskin

St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center Foundation St. Margaret’s Church

Tim Bobo

Cindy and Dan Bird Bousquet Holstein PLLC

Hani and Kathleen Khouri Kitty Hoynes Irish Pub

Patrick and Christine Taylor

Koolakian’s Menswear

Joe and Bunny Teich The MOST

Bill and Madge Brower

Dr. James Longo and Christine Zapf-Longo

Rick and Natalie Trump

Brown & Brown Empire State

Raymond G. Luber

Arthur and Beverly Vinette

Janet D. Callahan

Patrick A. Mannion

C. Brian Walton and Ellen Golden

Centerstate CEO

John and Carol Marshall

Deborah Welch

Carlos and Kristine Cervantes

Mark and Mary Ellen McAnaney

Cathy Willson

Chris Cosco

Mary Ellen McDonald

Crouse Health

Sarah G. Merrick

Michael and Elizabeth Daly

Adam Miller

Nancy W. Davy

MKS Industries Inc.

Patty DeRycke

Lawrence and Sandra Mulhern

Mark L. Dunn

Francis and Sally Nichols

Samuel and Nancy Ebersole Caitlin Eger

Onondaga Community College Foundation, Inc.

Fallingbrook Associates, LLC

William and Kyle Patrick

Michael Gambuzza

Pioneer Companies

Richard Glass

George Rawda

John and Sonia Godwin

Rita L. Reicher, Ph.D.

Margaret A. Gorham

Frank and Karen Reith

Theodore and Antonia Hansen

Nicholas and Mary Ricciardi

Dave and Ellen Hardy

River Valley Foods, Inc.

Denise and Pete Headd

Sacred Heart Church

John and Mary Beth Henneberry

Ken and Chris Schrank

Richard and Janice Hezel

Walter and Nancy Shepard

Joseph’s House for Women

Joe and Peggy Slavik

Randi Bregman and Ted Gottbrecht

Joseph and Carolyn Smith

$100-$499 Michael and Mary Ellen Agen Amazon Smile Richard and Dorothy Anderson Arc of Onondaga County ARISE Inc. Deborah Ashmore Kimberly Atwood B R Johnson, LLC James C. Baglio John and Mary Ann Baichi Mark and Sandy Baker Chauncey A. Ball Dotti Barraco Hetnar John and Trish Barsanti Kathleen Battaglia Chester and Eleanor Benoit Angela and Ed Bernat

Bishop Grimes Jr./Sr. High School Deborah Y. Bogan Robert and Annette Boulware Virginia A. Brennan Mary Ellen Brown Martine Burat Douglas and Susan Burns Bridget and Robert Buttner Michael and Kathy Byrnes C.H. Insurance Brokerage Services, Inc. John H. and Patricia J. Callahan Michael and Janice Campbell Gillian Cantor Paul and Marcia Cappuccilli Martin and Christine Capra Dr. Ronald Caputo and Joanne Caputo Catholic Cemeteries Catholic Schools Office Hank and Patrice Centore Christ The King Retreat House Douglas and Susan Christensen James B. Clancy Kristen Clark Jeanne Clarke John and Regina Clinton Comfort Window Company Inc. Martin C. Connor, Sr.






Kevin Cooke

Katherine Eckstein

Peter and Elizabeth Costello

James Edmonds

Thomas Costello

Bill and Pat Edwards

Gary and Kathleen Craner

Janet C. Elvey-Toombs

Marilyn Crosby

Endzone Properties

William and Susan Crossett

Tom and Nancy Eron

Dennis Cudzilo

Marion and Linda Ervin

Chris Curry and Heidi Beverine-Curry

Sheila and Ernie Etoll

Mary Czelusniak Anthony and Deborah D’Angelo David and Lisa de Silva

John and Barbara Fero

Ray and Sue Grimaldi Bret Guilford Alice M. Hahn David and Bonnie Hall Daniel and Diane Halsey Richard and Mary Hargraves Dr. Thomas S. Hartzheim and Mrs. Melanie M. Hartzheim Donald and Cheryl Haswell

John and Connie DeRosia Peter L. Derrenbacker

Tom and Leanne Fiscoe

Edward and Margaret Dienst

Carolyn Fitzgerald

Digital Hyve

Daniel P. Fletcher

Bartolo N. DiMento

Food Bank of Central New York

Rosemarie DiMento

Jennifer Foran

Disciplined Capital Managment, LLC

Christa Foster

Russell Houck

Dr. Ngoc Diem Anke Doan

Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse

Kimberly Housel Marty and Debbie Hubbard

Eugene and Tracy Franchini

Hueber-Breuer Construction Company

Linda Dombrow Mary Ann Donnelly Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc.

Kelly C. Gaggin Cynthia A. Gamage Sarah Gambell

Michael and Jessica Drescher

Ms. Deborah Golick

Marguerite M. Duesel

Brian D. Gorman

Dr. David B. Duggan and Dr. Lynn Cleary

Sonja E. Gottbrecht

Brigid and Peter Dunn Dupli Envelope & Graphics Corp Joyce Early


Fallon Oral Surgery of Syracuse

Lisa M. Greenia

Dr. Joseph F. Finelli and Mrs. Colleen Finelli

Daniel and Myra Dombroski


Cindy Falise

Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors Inc.


Edward and Marie Grabowski Carol A. Graham Michael and Gail Graham Graham, Newton & McMahon, Inc.

Reverend Philip A. Hearn Carl and Diane Hibbard Marilyn Higgins Richard and Margaert Hillman Alexander and Charlotte Holstein David J. Honold, M.D.

David and Cris Kellish Christine Kelly Michael and Joanne Kelly Michael J. Kendrick, M.D. David F. Kennedy Kevin Kennedy Mary E. Kennedy Darlene D. Kerr Kenneth and Karen Kirkman Barry and Kathy Kogut Robert J. Lalley Minch Lewis Liftech Equipment Companies Susan and Samuel Lipari Bettina Lipphardt Michele Locke Elizabeth V. Long Ginnie Lostumbo Lourdes Camp Dick and Kathy Lowenberg Rich and Liza Lowery M. Walker Sprinkler Co.

James A. Hughes

M.E. Burgess & Co.

Hummel’s Office Plus

James MacKillop

Jen Hunt

William B. Magnarelli

Tino and Phyllis Imbesi

Catherine M. Mai

Instride Sports, LLC

Reverend Peter C. Major

Kristin and Rob Kelsey

Robin and Maggie Malloy

Helen H. Jennings

Peter M. Mannella

Bob Kawa

Tom and Trish Maroney

Timothy R. Keating, Jr.

James F. Marquardt

William H. Maxwell

David and Kathleen Piper

John and Marguerite McAuliffe

Regina M. Place

George M. McGivney

Kenneth Polosky

Elizabeth J. McHugh

Patrick and Roni Ponto

Fred and Kathy McManus

Meredith Price

James and Margaret McNally

Donald M. Priest, Jr.

Ellen T. McNeill

John and Nina Puopolo

Carl A. Mellor

Rodney W. Putnam

Lisa A. Mercer

Pyramid Brokerage Companies

Fritz Messere and Nola J. Heidlebaugh

Patricia J. Radell

Douglas and Anne Craner

Karen K. Regitano

Katharine O’Connell

Douglas J. Reicher and Camille Tisdel

Mohawk Global Logistics

David and Gail Rhodes

Mumbi Mugo

Glenn and Amy Riemenschneider

Mary Kay Musyt

Tom Rinefierd

New York State United Teachers Retirees of Central New York

Toby Ring

News 10NBC David and Janice Nichols Warren C. Nolan Mary J. Osada P.E.A.C.E., Inc. Joan and Lawrence Page Anne Palermo Richard and Milagros Pasinski Paulus Development Company LLC Patricia A. Peach People for Magnarelli Joanne and Eric Pettit Ann B. Phillips Kathleen Pinkowski

John and Laura Rooney Joseph and Ann Roos Susan M. Rose Rudy Schmid Body & Frame Shop Joseph and Patricia Russo Jane Sadler Tia R. Sales Theresa Sanders Kathleen A. M. Santangelo Arlene Sardo James Savage Deborah Scales Tony and Kelly Scalzo Robert and Sharon Schug

The Honorable Frederick J. Scullin, Jr. Reverend Christopher R. Seibt Joanne Sgambati Michael and Regina Sheehan Dr. John H. Sipple and Mrs. Joy Sipple Catherine T. Smith Dan Smith James and Vicki Smith John C. Smith, Jr. John and Katja Sodja St. Ann’s Church St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. James Church St. Joseph’s Church Debbie Stack Robert P. Steves T.H. Kinsella, Inc. Bob and Penny Talomie Peter and Mary Anne Tamburro Jared Taylor Tiffany M. Teeter Terzolo Financial Group

Suzanne and Neil Thornton Patricia Toole George and Becky Trejos Kathleen A. Tynan Unity of Syracuse Judy F. Varney R. Mark and M. Denise Walker David and Mary Walsh Joan and Brent Weicht Susan Weigel Chris Welter Roger and Donita Whelan Whelan & Curry Construction Services, Inc. Connie M. Whitton Deborah Williams John and Anita Williams Richard and Judy Wittenburg Henry L. Wood Liga Wood Corinna Worm John and Delores Yandon Paul H. Young

The Bonadio Group The Centers at St. Camillus The Gifford Foundation The Rotary Club of Baldwinsville NY Inc. Marianne A. Thibault Carl A. Thomas Maureen Thompson




In-Kind Donors Catholic Charities of Onondaga County would like to thank the multitude of in-kind donors who generously gave food, clothing, and many other needed items. Without you, our programs would not have the resources to serve nearly 17,000 people every year. Your thoughtful generosity is deeply appreciated.

Employee Giving Campaigns AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Exelon Corporation Frontstream Give With Liberty Employee Donations Honeywell International Charity Matching

United Way Agencies Thank you to the donors who have given through the following United Way Agencies: United Way of Broome County, Inc. United Way of Central New York United Way of Greater Rochester United Way of Greater St. Louis, Inc. United Way of the Valley and Greater Utica Area, Inc.

Catholic Charities appreciates the countless donors who support our organization through gifts to United Way. Individual United Way donors who designated their gifts to Catholic Charities of Onondaga County are not included in this report unless they also made a direct gift to Catholic Charities.

IBM Corporation LMEPAC Target Corporation Worldpay YourCause

Matching Gift Companies Bank of New York Mellon Bristol-Myers Squibb Equitable Foundation LMEPAC National Grid The GE Foundation Verizon Foundation

Thank you to all donors who give generously to our Vincent House Neighborhood Center through the Skaneateles Vincent House Guild. Your special commitment to the center has brightened summers for countless children and youth on the Near Westside. You have our deepest gratitude.





Board of Directors and Executive Staff

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julian Modesti, Esq, President Mark Pitonzo Vice President Ryan McDermott Treasurer Meredith Price Assistant Treasurer John Godwin Secretary Michael Drescher Assistant Secretary Kelly Besaw William Brower J. Carlos Cervantes Carol Fletcher

SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM Michael F. Melara Executive Director Christopher Curry Chief Program Officer Denise Headd Chief Development Officer T. Scott Kelso Chief Financial Officer Tia R. Sales Chief Human Resources Officer Sonja Gottbrecht Chief Performance Officer Catherine Willson Executive Assistant

Sarah Gambell Christopher Gorman Jonathan Hamblin Michael Meath Courtney Merriman Brian Moore John Perla Camille Tisdel





Revenue Source


Expenses by Program



Refugee, Child and Family Services


Other Program Services


Management & General

1% 9% 31%




Fund Development Mental Health Services Residential Services

Government Support


Management & Accounting Fees


Rental Income


Investment Income


Special Events & Contributions


Program Service Fees

Creating Hope. Transforming Lives.

Financial Summary January 1, 2019 – December 21, 2019

Revenue and Support Government Support Management & Accounting Fees Rental Income Investment Income

Expenditures by Division $14,106,050

Refugee, Child and Family Services



Other Program Services



Management & General



Fund Development


Special Events & Contributions


Mental Health Services


Program Services Fees


Residential Services













Catholic Charities in 2020

Make a gift online

1654 West Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY 13204

Credit card gifts can be made on our secure site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at giving/. Recurring giving (scheduled monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually) provides a special opportunity to give sustaining support.

Put a check in the mail

Checks made payable to Catholic Charities of Onondaga County may be sent to: 1654 W. Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY 13204

Donate by phone

Gifts and pledges can be paid over the phone by credit card. Annual pledges can also be paid through a quarterly or monthly payment program established by the donor. Contact us at 315-362-7695.

Create a legacy

Make an enduring gift to Catholic Charities of Onondaga County by including us in your estate plan or will. Please consult your legal counsel or call us at 315-362-7695 to learn more.

Volunteer Provide critically needed volunteer support! Our wide range of programs provides many different opportunities for volunteers. To find the right opportunity for you, contact us at 315-362-7652 or

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call us at 315-362-7527.

United Way of Central New York

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