Meadowside Magazine
Issue 24 Summer 2021
Find out about our amazing teamwork throughout the ongoing Pandemic
Read about our Science Boffins Event!
Welcome to the Summer 2021 edition of the Meadowside Magazine. As this highly unusual and busy school year draws to a close, I am pleased to share with you some of the highlights of this term’s curriculum and impact on the following pages. We are very grateful to every one who has supported our school through this difficult year but would especially like to thank our Covid testing team volunteers Mo, Joyce, Graham and Maddy. The volunteers have joined our own staff every week since March to process the Lateral Flow tests that have helped keep our community safe. We are saying goodbye to two members of staff at the end of this school year. Karen has been at Meadowside for 14 years and has brought a real zest and energy to her work with pupils over the years. The school and charities such as Macmillan and Children in Need have also benefitted greatly from Karen’s fundraising skills. Sean joined us 18 months ago and has ably supported pupils, particularly in Fusion group this year as well as running After School football clubs. We wish both Karen and Sean good luck at their new schools. Our Caretaker, Peter, retired in May after almost 10 years at Meadowside during which he took everything in his stride, even a complete re-build of the swimming pool. We wish Pete a happy retirement or more appropriately ’feliz retiro’! I hope you all enjoy the Summer break and would like to remind you that school re-opens on Friday 3rd September for those pupils who will be in Years 10 to 14. Pupils who will be in Years 7 to 9 will return on Monday September 6th.
Kind regards Paula Wareing
Head Teacher
Bubble 1 Here are just some of the things Bubble 1 have been doing in subjects this term. Science Maroon bubble have learning about light and sound, green plants, and stars of matter in Science this term. They have enjoyed using mirrors to reflect light around the room and this has helped us to remember that the moon reflects light but doesn’t give off light. We have been running investigations into what happens when plants are grown in different environments and in addition, we have been carefully monitoring the tadpoles we were kindly given. We have to keep our eyes peeled for legs, because we will need to start feeding them meat as soon as we spot them! Mrs Dunn Pupils also made their own water cycle, a river from a ball of ice and investigated environment issues with experiments. Mrs Jones
Music Music lessons included work on call and response. This is when a musician plays music or sings and it is repeated, or a different pattern played back.. Bubble 1 pupils listened and responded in lessons with clapping, stomping, playing drums, tambourines or using their voice. Gospel, rock, pop and country songs were listened to, and pupils responded. Maths Multiplication, division, time and temperatures are some of the topics studied this term. English Bubble 1 wrote some great stories , practised their writing skills and completed some great reading.
Bubble 2 have worked hard in all subjects during the Summer term. Science We have enjoyed learning about freezing, melting and heating, linking this to solids, liquids and gases. We have carried out a number of experiments involving ice.
Geography Pupils have looked at maps identifying continents and countries. We have focused on the Middle East and enjoyed learning about the difference between countries relating to climate, traditions, food, buildings and clothing worn.
English Pupils have focused on a number of stories, identifying the main characters and their feelings throughout the stories. Pupils have also been learning about how to write a recount of an event, and knowing to include Who, Where, When, What and Why within it. We continue to read regularly, encourage independent writing and attempts at spelling, along with correct use of capital letters and full stops.
Computing Pupils have learnt about Netiquette and how to communicate online in a formal and informal way. They have used email and considered the use of social media. Pupils have enjoyed looking at emoji's and considering when they are appropriate to use.
Maths Pupils have covered a number of concepts this term: Multiplication and Division—we have carried out some active learning using objects to group and share in the classroom and outdoors. Measure—pupils have learnt about scales relating to capacity and temperature recording.
Art Pupils have created a number of pieces relating to different fruits, using different techniques. We have used paints, chalks, pastels and fabrics. DT Pupils have been learning about nets to create 3D objects. We then focused on the creation of a burger box using pupils’ own designs of lettering and patterns.
PE Pupils have enjoyed the athletics theme. They have learnt several types of jumps and throws, along with the starting technique for a sprint. RE
Pupils have learnt about different religions and some of their traditions. We have focused on Hinduism for part of the term. Pupils experienced the Puja tray used for home worship. Life Skills Pupils have been learning about food preparation, including how to be safe when using utensils to prepare food. Pupils have taken responsibility for tidying up and washing up after preparing food.
Music Pupils have enjoyed listening to a variety of music styles and identifying the mood and rhythm. We have considered how different sounds suit different moods. Pupils have had fun using hand-held instruments and planning their own radio jingle.
Gold Bubble The learners in Gold Room have enjoyed a wide range of activities during the Summer term. We have worked really hard to continue to embed our daily routine whilst also developing our independence and self-help skills. Our use of symbols around the classroom and in our communication books has greatly improved and we are now starting to make sentences with increasing independence.
We have certainly made the most of the weather this term by exploring the work of gardeners. We dug, planted and watered
our own plants in the sensory garden and could identify the tools needed for the job.
We have also been exploring properties of different materials, we have made our own salt dough, cakes and ice lollies with increasing independence.
As part of our daily routine we complete a range of independent tasks using our red and green boxes. We have been learning to find our tasks in the green box and once we have finished we put them in the red box. These tasks are repeated regularly to increase our independent learning skills. Mrs O’Connor
Pupils in Yellow Bubble have enjoyed the summer term, following their return to school in the spring. The pupils have been learning how to go under the water to retrieve items from the bottom of the pool safely and building confidence while in the water.
In life skills, we have been able to make a visit to a local café in Prenton. This was a fantastic opportunity for the group, to be able to get back out as a school and visit local places. This experience has enabled our young people to develop and improve their language and communication skills, as well as their reading, money, time and social skills….and obviously enjoy some yummy breakfasts!
In Art we have learning about the works of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and books.
Pupils have been working hard in PE, preparing for Sports Day. We have been learning about all of the different Athletics events, just like at The Olympics and trying to develop our skills and techniques. We all really enjoyed the running events and practicing how to do long jump and triple jump. But, we all really liked taking part in the throwing events the most, such as shot putt and javelin.
In Science, we really enjoyed the visit from the Science Boffins team. The practical experiments we were able to join in were great fun and we thoroughly enjoyed the whole day, especially making slush with liquid nitrogen. We have also enjoyed some outdoor learning in Science this half term, doing ice experiments in Chemistry, where we got to smash up the ice we froze and investigating plants and trees in Biology.
Yellow Bubble pupils and staff hope you all have a lovely summer!
Spotty Bubble Pupils in Spotty Bubble have had a multisensory Summer Term. They have enjoyed a range of tactile activities, designed to promote exploration and response to different textures. Mrs Brown has created a wonderful variety of sensory resources, from bags full of bright liquids; tubs full of interesting shapes and colours; boards crafted with items to twiddle and twirl to a giant sensory umbrella that everyone loves interacting underneath. These activities have helped with both fine and gross motor development, encouraging movement and interaction with their environments.
Pupils have joined in some additional activities, such as the MATP ( Motor Activity Training Programme) for Sports Day, the Science Boffins event– particularly enjoying the activity with the sound cups. Two cups and a piece of string are a great way to show how sound can travel. They also enjoyed the RE day, trying on different clothing from world religions. Spotty Bubble would like to wish everyone a safe and happy summer and look forward to meeting new classmates in September.
Learners enjoyed our science day. “I enjoyed making slushies with dry ice. It gives it an unusual texture.” -Amber
Bubble 6 pupils have enjoyed their lessons and options this term, especially the social communication and the upcycling.
“I liked playing with the slime.” - Ellie
“We liked the plasma ball.” - Freya, Will and Grace.
“It was fun and I loved working as a team and helping each other.” - Ellie We learnt a dance to James Bond music. It was difficult at first but we practised until we got it right. “I enjoyed learning facts about Islam, like how they weigh a baby’s hair after they are born and how Haribo sweets can be Halal.” Amber “I liked looking scrolls.”- Grace.
This term we have made different picnic foods. We are very proud of growing our own cress to make egg and cress sandwiches. We have learnt how to hoover, mop the floor, put the washing on, use the tumble dryer, use a maiden, setting up the ironing board and using the iron.
We linked gardening to science by planting a sunflower seed each. We grew them by planting them and put them outside in the sunlight. We still water them every day. We compared their height and took pictures of them to make a classroom display. In Art, we practised still drawing by drawing our sunflowers. We used various techniques and materials. Mr Stubbs, Debbie Gardiner.
Bubble 7 Bubble 7 have had a great Summer Term. They particularly enjoyed Futures Week, which was a Careers
workplaces in preparation for life after Meadowside. On job interview day, Rhys and Luke looked so smart in their suits and experienced their first ever job
interviews. Everyone took part in Virtual College visits,
Meadowside pupils.
Bubble 7 pupils have been working hard on their Life Skills, enjoying making a range of different foods, based on a Summer picnic theme. Recipes have included Egg & Cress Sandwiches, with cress they grew themselves; Greek Salad, with school grown mint and milkshakes. Despite having no access to the Cookery Room, pupils have developed skills in chopping, slicing, mixing and grating. They have used appliances such as a blender and a microwave and worked towards being able to make a snack independently, such as a drink and some toast.
They have enjoyed some exciting special events: a guitarist from Live Music Now, a chef from Roots to Food and some scientists from the Science Boffins and world religions with Liverpool Community Spirit. The Sports Day was great fun, with everyone joining in. They have also enjoyed mixing with other
groups outdoors for breaktimes and been able to lead activities for younger pupils, such as story reading. Bubble 7 pupils have also developed Home Management skills, learning to use cleaning equipment and ironing clothes. They have been upcycling clothing and being creative with fabrics and designs. Bubble 7 have enjoyed working with Ms Hoffmann, Laura and Mel and developed some really good relationships and team spirit.
Orange Bubble Maths and English In Maths, we have learnt the meaning of clockwise and anticlockwise and we have practised telling time. In English, we have worked on recounts. We worked on verb tenses and practised our spelling skills.
Applying our knowledge of clockwise and anticlockwise.
Computing We have learnt about Data and Storage. Data means information. Places like schools and hospitals use our Data and store it safely. Careers, Citizenship and PSHE As part of Careers, we took part in Futures Week where we learnt about different jobs and what skills and training is needed for them. In Citizenship, we have learnt about the environment, pollution and the problem with plastic. In PSHE we have learnt about types of drugs, their effects on the body and the risks. PE
We wore appropriate clothes for our mock interviews.
We participated in the opening ceremony dance on Sports Day.
This term we have learnt and performed a dance routine to the them song James Bond. We included moves from Parkour and added non-contact fighting moves like Ginga. We performed this dance on Sport Day as part of the opening ceremony.
RE This term we have learnt about the link between religion and charity. We learnt that there are charities which help animals, like Chester Zoo; others which help people, such as Children in Need; and others which help the environment, such as Greenpeace. We also enjoyed an RE event where we revisited Judaism, Islam and Global Christianity.
We enjoyed asking questions about Islam during the RE event.
14-19 options In Mini-enterprise, we made birdseed ornaments, Flower growing kits, Hot Chocolate stirrers, stress balls and Thank You gifts. We enjoy the whole process, from ideas, production, promotion and sales. We have worked together as a team and produced some professional looking products and made a profit which we were able to reap some benefits from, with a treat afternoon. We made milkshakes with all the trimmings! In Makaton and Drama, we have learnt signs related to the weather, the seasons and the days of the week. Later on, we learnt the signs for The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We made some new props to go with the story, and we acted it out in class.
We learnt Makaton signs related to weather and we played Guess the sign.
We enjoyed playing tennis.
In Short Tennis, we have learnt how to set up the net and how to serve. We have also practised keeping control of the ball. In Social Communication, we have played games and practised taking part, taking turns, speak and listen to each other nicely. Mrs Ubeda
We worked together to set up the equipment.
In Virtual Futures week, we had lots of virtual calls from people that had different jobs. We also learnt how to prepare for job interviews and then we had a mock interview. Our Governors and community volunteers came in and supported this. This week gave us lots of inspiration for our future career choices. We have learnt to knit in our bubble. We started by making squares for a Covid memorial blanket. Knitting helps us to feel calm and reduces our anxiety. We are now working as a team to make a hat for our friend Leon, to cheer him up and keep him warm!
Sam demonstrated some stretches to the rest of the class, to show us what to do. The rest of the class copied the stretches. We were doing it as a warm up for Parkour; we experienced new types of jumps and it was very interesting!
We came up with an idea to make a display that resembles a family tree. The tree introduces all Meadowside pupils and staff. We all worked well as a team : painting the tree, writing the leaves and making the frames for the staff photographs.
During Lockdown, one of our classmates had to shield, so we had a virtual call with her and did our work together. It was strange at first, but we enjoyed all working together and seeing her face. The young lady enjoyed being able to see her classmates and it made learning from home easier.
We would like to say Goodbye to Holly, Scott and Sam ! We wish them the best wishes for their future endeavours at college, we will miss them loads!
Science Day As part of our ‘Covid Catch-Up’, Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils enjoyed a special Science Day, which someone described as ‘the best day of his life!’ We had a visit from Boffin Rodney, from the Science Boffins (you may have seen them on Dragon’s Den), who wowed us with fire, ice and air. It’s been a long time since the school hall heard so many ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’, and it’s hardly surprising since pupils were pushing wooden skewers through balloons without bursting them, learning how dragons breath fire in films, making slushies from dry ice and creating their own slime. As well as working with Rodney, pupils carried out their own investigations once back in class using every day items like coffee and flour. They also had fun with string telephones and it is safe to say that there was lots of progress made across the board. Mrs Dunn
Liverpool Community Spirit visited Meadowside this term. Pupils found out about the religions of Judaism, Islam and Global Christianity from people who follow these religions. They learnt about beliefs, worship, clothing, diet and to look the artefacts and dress in clothing. Event funded by Cultural Recovery Fund. Liz Jones
Liverpool Community Spirit visited Meadowside this term. Pupils found out about the religions of Judaism, Islam and Global Christianity from people who follow these religions. They learnt about beliefs, worship, clothing, diet and were able to look at the different artefacts and dress in some of the clothing. This event was funded by the Cultural Recovery Fund.
Music Events Pupils enjoyed a performance from a guitarist, funded by the Cultural Recovery Fund. He played a wide range of pieces, from Disney to classical and even a bit of Little Mix! It was good to be able to enjoy live music together, thanks to Live Music Now!
We also had a full day of workshops with a drumming group called Katumba. They gave all of the pupils ear defenders so they could really join in with the beat. Sadly, the staff never had ear defenders , nor did they have a turn on any drums but it was wonderful to see all of the pupils joining in and developing their drumming skills. Mrs Hughes
Sports Day ALL pupils took part in this years ‘MeadOlympics’ event in June. 14-19 pupils created a dance based on ‘James Bond’ in their PE lessons and then performed on the day as part of the opening ceremony. Key stage 3 pupils along with Key Stage 4 pupils took part in the running, jumping and throwing events as part of a conclusion to their Athletics lessons this Summer term. Gold and Spotty bubble took part in their own ‘MATP’ (Motor activity training programme) event as part of their PE lessons, looking at dexterity, kicking and throwing activities. Mr Stubbs
Residential Pupils took part in the Leaver’s Residential at Barnstondale Activity Centre from 30th June to 2nd July staying for 2 nights and 3 days. Pupils were debeloping their independent living skills by making their own breakfasts and lunches and then looking at home management by cleaning and tidying up after themselves and others. Pupils also took part in some Outdoor and Adventurous activities, looking at team building skills, obstacle course, fine and gross motor skills in archery and resilience/trust skills in the ‘black hole’ abseil Mr Stubbs
Life Skills Event
Year 9, KS4 and Post 16 pupils attended a cookery event at school from Roots to Food. Pupils made a Japanese dish called Chicken Teriyaki and they especially enjoyed eating it! The focus of the event was to learn about healthy eating, basic nutrition, how to prepare vegetables correctly and safely to build upon pupils’ practical skills. This event was funded by the Cultural Recovery Fund.
Thank you By the time pupils return to school in September we will have had a brand new ‘edible playground’ built by the charity Trees 4 Cities. In order to make this happen the current sensory garden will need to be demolished and cleared and this is no mean feat! Last spring Magenta Housing got in touch and asked if there was anything they could do for us to soften the blow of the pandemic. At the time they provided us with soaps and Wii games and other bits and bobs. This year, they have been in touch again and linked us with one of their partners. As a result of this, Penny Lane Builders have confirmed that they will carry out and fund the clearance of the current sensory garden! Considering that this will take multiple workers 3-4 days, and require lots of machinery, the generosity of their donation cannot be underestimated and we are very lucky to have their support. The legacy of this work will support our pupils for many years to come. Huge thanks to Magenta Housing, Trees for Cities and Penny Lane Builders!
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Wirral CH49 5LA