Meadowside Magazine Spring 2022

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to the Spring 2022 edition of our school magazine. Over the following pages you will get an overview of some of the learning opportunities we have offered this term. The first two terms of this academic year have been much more settled after the disruption previously caused by the pandemic. We have carefully assessed each child’s progress, attainment and learning style and we have reframed our curriculum to reflect formal, semi-formal and pre-formal learning styles. We have adjusted the groupings for a small number of pupils, (parents and carers have been informed), so that we are teaching your child in the way they best learn. We hope that you all enjoy the forthcoming holiday and would like to remind you that school re-opens after Spring Break on Monday 25th April. Paula Wareing

Head Teacher

Maths Pupils have covered a range of topics in Maths. Key Stage 3: Angles, Subtraction, Weight & Capacity, Fractions, Reflection and Symmetry. Key Stage 4 & 5: Multiplication & Division, Shape Properties, Time and Statistics.

Finding different angles around the school using a set square to identify right angles.

Multiplying by using addition and arrays

Investigating height and length.

Learning about reflection and symmetry by completing images and, patterns and shapes.

Learning about the properties of 3D shapes.

Investigating the capacity of different containers. Mrs Charmley

Computing During the Spring Term, some pupils have reviewed games and created their own obstacle/maze related games. Other pupils have learnt to use block coding in Purple Mash to create and debug code for different characters, shapes and settings.

Pupils have carried out programming of BBC Microbits, using the BBC Microbit website, learning about different inputs (button combinations, touch) and outputs (lights and sound).


Pupils in Fusion have had another busy term! We have continued to embed our daily routine whilst also developing our independence and self-help skills. We have started to enjoy Rebound Therapy each week, learning about our bodies and developing our skills on the trampoline as well as turn taking.

We have continued to develop our understanding of the world around us including our friends in class and around school. We have been learning how to identify the different places around the school by attending assemblies, rebound therapy and the Maroon room café.

We have been really engaged in a range of sensory activities and have

increased our tolerance of these over time, especially messy activities. We have continued to develop our life skills during Friday café and have made a range of tasty snacks to increase independence.

Pupils enjoyed a visit from our local police officers and were able to try on their uniforms and have a turn in the police vehicle, setting off the siren and lights! We have also started our class jobs this term where we are able to take responsibility for taking messages, collecting snacks and handing things out to each other.

Mrs O’Connor

14-19 Options Horse Riding with the Foresters Horn RDA Group at Larton Riding School During the Spring term the pupils have focused on their riding skills in the indoor arena. They have been working on their ability to control their posture. This then leads onto them being in synch with their horse when doing a rising trot. Rein control has also helped them manoeuvre their horses around the arena.

Trish Pude TA3


Pupils have been working hard and having fun in Science this term. They have been very active in their learning, racing cars, spinning in office chairs (sssh, don’t tell the teachers), exercising, drawing around one another, releasing parachutes, carrying out investigations, playing tug of war, arm wrestling and doing sensory work! Aspire have been using the mantra ‘more grip, less slip’, to help them to understand friction. Focus used the resistance band on the playground to put ‘pushes and pulls’ into practice, and Enquire have been learning about air resistance by dropping parachutes from great heights. In Key Stage 4 they have been investigating the impact of exercise on respiration. Lots of classes enjoyed a silly investigation which involved using pencils as chopsticks to try to move oil coated jelly cubes! Mrs Dunn

Environmental Education

Last term pupils were involved in developing the Environmental Education curriculum. We looked at the 17 ‘Global Goals’ agreed by world leaders and chose the ones we wanted to learn about most. This term we have been learning about Climate Change. As a group the class chose to raise money for Friends of the Earth and started off by making some goods to sell at the community café. Alongside this we have been finding out about ‘the 6 R’s’ . The groups have helped out with ‘recycling’ across school, they have learnt to ‘repair’ clothes by sewing on buttons and mending torn fabric. In the coming weeks look out for their efforts to encourage people to ‘reduce’ and ‘reuse’, when they set up a gift economy which helps people to swap and share items they no longer use with people who will appreciate them. Mrs Dunn

PSHE Key Stage 3

Key stage 3 pupils have been learning about friendships & relationships, looking at maintaining genuine friendships and avoiding toxic ones, different types of family, romantic feelings and relationships, bullying & banter, peer pressure and unhealthy relationships. Pupils have enjoyed doing some role play and games of what they would do in different situations involving peer pressure, bullying and banter. Pupils have also been playing some social skills games which show them how to develop and maintain genuine friendships.

Key Stage 4 and Post 16 (14-19) Key Stage 4 and Post 16 pupils have been learning about Personal Development, looking at self esteem, self awareness, self confidence, self management, growth mind-set and personal development. Pupils have enjoyed discussing different issues of how others see them (self awareness). They have explored how their self esteem and self confidence affects their daily lives in school and how they can help themselves with different self management techniques to change their mind set to be more positive.

Mr Stubbs

P.E Key Stage 3 pupils have been learning to play Dodgeball, including the start, throwing, catching, dodging, blocking, positions & tactics. Pupils have taken the games very seriously and they wanted to win, whilst trying to improve their skills and knowledge. KS4 and P16 pupils (14-19) have also been learning about Dodgeball, looking at the start, throwing overarm, principles of attack, principles of defence, wall blocking, rebounds, dives and catches, how to officiate and game variations. X-phase group (Flair and Fusion) pupils have continued taking part in MATP (motor activity training programme) where pupils have been given opportunities to practise skills that will prepare them for sport without comparison to others. The focus is on achieving personal bests. Sports Leaders Pupils in the Sports Leaders options group have been learning about what makes a good leader in sport, including how to create sessions and small competitions for other pupils. Pupils have been working with Fusion group this term showing them how to play new age kurling and some different games.

Cricket—Super 1’s taster session Super 1s provides young people with a chance to realise their potential, both on and off the pitch. Pupils had a fantastic morning taking part in different games, including warming up, batting, bowling and catching. A crucial element of the programme, is that it empowers young people to realise what they can achieve. Mr Stubbs

Life Skills KS3 Pupils have been learning about Fairtrade. What is Fairtrade? Why buy Fairtrade? Who and how does it help? They have watched videos, read stories or taken part in discussions or research. This included finding out about some of the different fair trade products such as bananas, sugar and footballs and ideas how people can help charities. Pupils made milkshakes, lemonade or hot drinks using Fairtrade ingredients. Banana and Chocolate Chip muffins were made using Fairtrade bananas, sugar and chocolate during Fairtrade Fortnight (21st February to 6th March).

Thank you Key Stage 3 and staff who bought the delicious Fairtrade muffins, you all helped to raise £28.70 for the Fairtrade Foundation UK charity .

KS4 The topic this term was Healthy Eating. Pupils made different food products in each of the Key Stage 4 classes using healthy ingredients or adapting recipes to make foods in a healthy way. Foods made have included sandwiches, salads, soups, cakes, cereal bars, cakes and stir-fries that have either been eaten at school or taken home. The topic has also included learning about why we should eat healthily, some basic nutrition and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Mrs Jones

Life skills Post 16 The topic for 16V and 16C has been The Maroon Café. Pupils have worked together to make many different savoury and sweet bakery items in large batches to sell in the Maroon Café. The Café has run for several weeks and has been open to pupils and staff with all profits given to charity. Pupils have taken turns to work in different roles in the café such as working as a cashier, taking orders, serving food, making snacks or drinks, washing up and all pupils helped to transform the classroom into the Maroon Café. Post 16 pupils used a voting system to decide upon the charity they wanted to support. This year suggestions were made and pupils voted. The suggestion by a pupil in 16C won. All profits will support the people of Ukraine. The total money for charity is £146.90.

14-19 Options: Cookery Snacks Pupils who have selected this option can develop their practical cookery skills with lessons involving different snack foods that are either eaten in school or taken home. This options can also give pupils the opportunity to make some new snack foods they want to learn how to make. Mrs Jones


The unit has been Government & Democracy. Pupils have found out about the role of the Prime Minister and how women had to fight for the right to vote. Pupils have taken on roles of responsibility, going on errands and remembering their jobs. They also covered aspects of the Royal Family, finding out who is related to whom and how. They also suggested ideas for how to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee next term. We looked at the relationship between the Queen and the Government, deciding who actually is in charge. Pupils enjoyed thinking about what they would do if they were in charge of the country! Mrs Hughes

Music This term we have been following the Philharmonic scheme called ‘Musical Tracks’, which focused on classical pieces ranging from Dvorak’s New World Symphony in 1893 to more modern pieces including Rann Do Tri from 2003 and Mighty River from 2008. Might River incorporated themes from Amazing Grace and pupils were able to play the melody on chime bars. Pupils have found out about the families of the orchestra, especially enjoying the Brass Family and trying out a real clarinet and a bugle! We have also been exploring Rounds, playing melodies from Frere Jacque, London’s Burning and Canoe Round. Mrs Hughes

Media The Media group has worked especially hard this term. During the first half of spring term the pupils completed accreditation that involved studying a film. We chose Harry Potter and completed lots of activities linked to the film including a film review, writing interview questions, creating our own potion and writing a spell! Since the half term holiday we have been focusing on film trailers. First we completed a review of film trailers and discussed what makes a trailer effective. Next we planned our own film trailer using a storyboard.

Finally we used our iMovie to create our own film trailer! The pupils worked really hard and created some impressive trailers.

Lincoln created this impressive storyboard.

Thomas used iMovie to create his own film trailer. Miss Hudson

Health and Wellbeing The health and wellbeing group have had a busy and successful half term. Each week the pupils take part in three activities. First the children work towards an AQA accreditation in emotional wellbeing. This has required them to learn about how to maintain their mental health, how to be a good friend and the importance of equality. In the second part of our lesson we choose a theme and listen to six songs that fit that theme. We rate each piece of music and talk about how it makes us feel. Finally the children take part in a fitness challenge. Each week the students try to beat their previous score. We have been amazed by the pupils' determination to become fitter and their commitment to supporting each other during the challenge.

Photography It has been a successful term for the photography group. We have learned about and practised some new photography techniques including the ‘rule of thirds’ and macro photography. Our accreditation focuses on taking photographs of landscapes and wildlife. We have practised these skills in the school grounds and are heading out to Royden Park to put these skills into action! Macro Photographs taken by Lex. Miss Hudson


In KS3 this term pupils have worked with the Police as part of employer engagement. They used role play to engage in work related activities and they practised telling the time. They also learned about what makes us happy and how we can deal with stressful situations.

In Work related learning pupils worked at the Community Café, visited Woodchurch Animal Farm, role played jobs and, in addition, we started our Apprenticeship scheme in school.

The Department of Work and Pensions delivered a programme of ‘getting into employment’ to Post 16 and pupils in KS4 wrote personal statements using their ICT skills

In KS4 and Post 16 we learned about Equality law, discrimination, prejudice and how we are all entitled to be treated the same at work. J Goalen


Welcome to our wonderful world of witches and wizards. Throughout the spring term Flair have been focusing on magic, witches and wizards. Our class has enjoyed participating in our sensory story of ‘Room on the broom’, exploring the characters, their sounds and using a hair dryer switch to recreate our dragons fire. We have spent the spring term using sensory and messy play to explore potion making. In addition to our topic work we have also introduced rebound therapy for our students. The Flair class have loved using the trampoline and bouncing with their staff team. A big well done to all of Flair for an amazing start to 2022! Ms Grimster

Comparing two places: UK and China. In KS3 the children have been learning about the human and physical geography of the UK and China. Looking at the similarities and differences of the two countries, focusing on the comparison between Liverpool and Beijing. Lessons inspired the children to learn and use key vocabulary, such as, rural, suburban and urban. The use of maps and data allowed the children to compare Liverpool and Beijing, with a key focus on global locations, population information and cultural differences. Celebrating Chinese New Year! As we were studying China, it was great that the children were able to share their own experiences of the festivities and then use their knowledge to research the cultural background to the Spring Festival. The children made a Tiger to celebrate the Year of the Tiger! Mr Brown

The Norman Conquest and Medieval Britain—1066-1509 The children in KS3 have really grasped the history bug this term - in designing their own Norman castles, researching the materials used in Norman society and examining Norman Villages. The children have really been able to compare today’s society and how we live, to the society in Britain 1000 years ago. Across the classes, children have used ICT to research and learn for themselves the impact that William the Conquerer had, what a feudal system is and how living with the Black Death/ plague is very similar to today’s Covid times. Mr Brown

MFL This term during Modern Foreign Languages, learners have been discovering the different words for places around the town. Learners thought about what they have in their own town, then listened to the names of places in French.

Next learners are going to practise

finding their way around the town and how to ask and give directions. Ms Roberts

Drama During Drama, pupils have been




control and how to project





stage. They practised using different voices and various distances to see how far their



carry. The drama group will be performing, 'We’re going on a Bear Hunt'. Pupils have practised their Makaton





They have

also been busy planning and preparing show. Ms Roberts





KS4 have been reading David Walliams’ books, Gangsta Granny, Mr Stink, Awful Auntie and The Boy in the Dress. We've had a lot of fun looking at the adjectives used by David Walliams.

Learners in 4L have been reading Gangsta Granny and looking at pictures of

the Tower London, where the Queen’s Crown Jewels were kept. They thought it was hilarious that one minute the Granny was making cabbage soup, then the next minute she was hopping onto her scooter to steal from jewellery shops.

KS3 learners have been

working hard on their phonics and using their new reading books, The Tin Forest, Here We Are

and The




Whale. Whilst reading, the learners focused on how

important it is to look after the environment and the world they live in.

On 4th March

the school celebrated 25 years of World Book Day: we had lots of fun dressing up as our favourite characters, whilst promoting the love of reading. Ms Roberts

World Cultures This term we have studied the culture in Scotland, starting with Burns Night in January (although we never tasted haggis!). We made Scottish Cranachan (without the whiskey) and tasted shortbread and oatcakes. We looked at China, just after Chinese New Year. We talked about the Year of the Tiger and how the years got their names. We studied the USA, in good time to find out how pancakes are linked to the New Orleans Mardi Gras celebration. We made hot dogs and enjoyed a taste of the American brand Hershey’s chocolate. For Switzerland, we found out about the Alps, the chocolate (yes we ate Toblerone) and the cheese. We made a cheese fondue! The different cultures of the world certainly have some tasty treats. Mrs Hughes

Art –Aspire

Portraits- Pupils looked at the work of portrait artists such as Matisse and Derain and discussed how these artist used paint, and colour. Pupils referred to their photographs to draw their portraits in pencil line only, using faint guidelines. Pupils have now practised using small scale clay slabs to build different facial features before making a start on their clay head.

Focus Art– Portraits Pupils practised drawing and painting eyes on small pieces of coloured paper, then a nose and a mouth. Using a large piece of paper, we discussed how they needed to put the features together. Pupils used paper mache technique to build their heads. Most of them struggled to enjoy the stickiness of the watered down glue to complete their heads, they needed lots of support and encouragement to complete them.

Ms Hoffmann

KS4 Options — Art Oriental Art

This term, pupils have completed two preliminary studies based on Oriental Art . They were all able to produce one final piece of Art work based on the theme. Pupils used different techniques from mixed media, collage, painting and ink work.

Options Textiles : Pupils worked towards an AQA Accreditation using Appliqué. They made doughnuts using felt and Thomas worked really hard on constructing a hamburger using felt.

Rebound Therapy Pupils have taken advantage of Rebound this term, which introduced the use of trampolines. The have had a lot of fun trying different moves such as straight jump, straddle & pike. They have enjoyed the exercise & been able to express themselves . It has been lots of fun for all involved. Mr Pemberton

RE KS3 Buddhism and Chinese studies has been the focus of lessons this term. Activities have differed between the class groups to learn about Buddha, Buddhism beliefs, festivals and Chinese New Year. Activities have included; stories, research, dressing up, craft, mediation and origami to learn and understand more about this topic.

KS4 & Post 16 World Religions KS4 Topic on World Religions focus has involved learning about different religions, famous people associated with religion such as Martin Luther King and the saints of the UK. They learnt about some of the beliefs and festivals from exploring resources, stories, videos or research. KS4 pupils also completed their AQA accreditation. Post 16 The World Religions topic included holy books, places of worship, the 10 commandments, creation stories (including The Big Bang Theory) or finding meaning behind religious stories such as helping people or animals. Mrs Jones

Staffing News This term we have been fortunate to be joined by Karen and Stephanie as Teaching Assistants, Jess as a Mid Day Assistant and Ms Roberts as a Teacher. Next term Mr Brown will be joining us as a Teacher. We are happy to welcome them to the Meadowside community and wish them well in their new roles. This term has seen us say goodbye to our Cleaner, Helen, and our Learning Mentor, Pauline, who we wish a long and happy retirement after 25+ years working to support our pupils and their families. Ms Grimster will be leaving us at the end of this term: we wish her good luck in her new post.

Our website is updated daily with our latest information and news. We are also available on Twitter at and Facebook at You can also contact the Office on (0151) 678 7711 Meadowside School, Pool Lane, Birkenhead, Wirral CH49 5LA

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