The Oasis Vol 3 - Caribbean Maritime University

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Table of Contents Feature Story:

5 Questions with Erica Simmons: Introducing the Dr. Andrew Wheatley Centre for Digital Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing


Miss CMU: Getting High Grades and Building Relationships


French at the CMU: More than just a language


Students’ Corner: What can you do with a Logistics



Sport Day 2018 Highlights

Recent Developments

Staff Spotlight

Sustainability and You

The Importance of Good Mental Health

Culinary Delight

Editorial team: Archibald Gordon, Donette Subron, Nikel Innerarity Pictorial Contributors: Michael Gordon, Lincoln Crooks, Monique Morrison Graphic Designer: Demar Brown

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5 Questions with Erica Simmons: Introducing the Dr. Andrew Wheatley Centre for Digital Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing

Since the core of CDIAM is Advanced Manufacturing, who do you expect to target for business?

In November 2017, the CMU opened its first technologically driven and income generating facility – the Dr. Andrew Wheatley Centre for Digital Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing (CDIAM). But what lies behind its doors? Well, in one section, engineers are working on rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, to create threedimensional items. In another, they’re using their digital drawing expertise to replicate industry parts and other specialized items. This innovative team is led by Mrs. Erica Simmons, a software business development and marketing expert, who spent over a decade at Siemens AG’s Digital Factory Software.

The Centre is targeting businesses that need skills in research and development, using simulation, modelling, 3D printing, big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. We are working with businesses across many industries including maritime, energy, agro-processing and industrial manufacturing to bring innovative solutions to business challenges. The response so far has been very good. It has been very interesting to see the diversity of projects from companies such as Jamaica Public Service (JPS) to the Natural History museum.

What manufacturing problems can the Centre solve?

In this issue of The Oasis, she shares her experiences and explains the operations of the CDIAM.

“In this new economy, we now have the chance, as Jamaicans to build our nation and to transform ourselves”

What did you do before joining the CDIAM?

Before joining the CDIAM, I worked in the software industry, selling software to large Fortune 100 companies. This software addressed all parts of a company’s business, including Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management and Product Lifecycle Management. For the latter half of my career, I worked for Siemens AG, a German Engineering company in the division called the Digital Factory. It was there I was exposed to advanced manufacturing and travelled all over the world selling technical software solutions for engineering and manufacturing. I was also involved in product development at Siemens and have two patents for using software; one for simulating radioactive environments and the other for multi-echelon simulation of manufacturing environments. It was fun doing all those things but as a Jamaican, I am happy to be back home and excited to be here at CMU. Our future is so bright and there are many opportunities!


What is advanced manufacturing and why is it important?

Erica Simmons

Executive Director, CDIAM

Well, there is a fundamental change in the way products are being made right now in countries worldwide because of the application of advanced manufacturing which is making factories more computerized and automated. This change is important to improve efficiency in the factory. This means that the skills that will be required to work in a factory will change and so we need to pay attention to that and begin to transition our skills sets for the digital economy. In this new economy, we now have the chance as Jamaicans to build our nation and to transform ourselves because technology is the great equalizer. We can engineer and manufacture a new Jamaica using this shift in technology. These shifts happen every 40-50 years, so now is the time to jump on board and not miss this train!

We can work with clients on developing a product, including modelling it in parametric CAD, testing it using simulation software and then 3D printing prototypes of the products and/or its moulds. In other words, we can conceptualize, design and produce a realistic sample with agreed upon specifications in a cost effective way. We are also focused on machine learning and AI where we can use AI & Computer Vision to do disease management for agriculture. We are also looking to provide some innovative solutions for the University so stay tuned for some student and staff specific solutions.

Is 3D printing expensive?

Expensive is relative. 3D Printing is not ideally suited for mass manufacturing. It is for custom parts, low volumes of products like 1-100 of something important. To produce tooling and moulds and manufacturing for low volumes, it would be very expensive. This is where the cost for 3D printing custom parts gets really cost effective because it would cost a lot more to manufacture the low volumes than it would to 3D print them. Another question we get asked a lot is how long it takes to print something. It can take from one hour or less to a few days depending on how large the print is and the complexity of the model. So it depends. This is what we call ‘engineer-to-order’.


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Miss CMU Getting High Grades and Building Relationships

She admits she truly cemented her sense of selfawareness and her public speaking skills about a year ago, during her stint as a Jamaica National Ambassador. She believes that both of these traits contributed to her success at the 2018 Miss CMU competition, where she outperformed thirteen other ladies to win the coveted title. Academic standout

Promoting CMU in the Francophone Caribbean

“At first, it was difficult to dedicate myself to the clubs and societies because of the other associations of which I am a part,” said Kerece.

Her drive to succeed—which she credits to her parents— was obvious since her days at Bishop Gibson High School and Decarteret College, where she held several leadership positions, including executive student council member and form prefect respectively. Academically, she was a perennial name on the institutions’ honour roll, and presently has a GPA that is above 3.0.

Kerece is heading into her fourth year pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the CMU but the maritime university was not her first choice. “I started a degree in social work at the University of the West Indies, Mona in 2014, and after just two semesters I found that course very limiting,” she said. “I began to wonder about job opportunities after graduating.” Kerece was faced with a difficult choice - switch her course of study, or find a new school. After weeks of introspection, she applied to the CMU in the summer of 2015 – and was accepted. “I really didn’t know much about logistics at the time,” she admitted. “But I was determined to do something out of the norm, with enough of a challenge for me.”

But despite her academic achievements, she insists that striking a balance between academics and co-curricular activities is essential, especially at the university level. “I always see the opportunity to build relationships, networking and personal development on par with academics,” she said. “Persons tend to believe that an ideal university graduate is just someone who gets A’s— and neglects the social aspect of university life. After coming to CMU I told myself that I cannot allow myself to get lost in the system.” She was the mentorship coordinator for the “I’m Glad I’m A Girl Foundation” an initiative geared towards mentoring young girls between the ages of 12 and 18. “Through the Foundation I was able to positively impact the lives of several girls through mentorship and sharing my life experiences,” she said. “This is something I am passionate about, which is why I get involved in these programmes that allow me to touch lives.” How does she manage all the different responsibilities? “What can I say? I have a lot of energy,” she said, with a chuckle.


By: Mrs Mylène Ferriera, French Lecturer

(Diplôme de français professionnel), offering French examinations which are internationally recognised from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ile de France Paris (CCI). The TEF is a French language competence certification required for studying in France, immigrating to Canada or becoming a French citizen. While DFP is a Diploma in Professional French, consisting of practical examinations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris, Ile-deFrance (CCI). The students will be able to benefit from the DFP as they will be learning French for work as opposed to learning general French. This opens up economic opportunities for CMU students and graduates. A major contributing factor to gaining accreditation, is the availability of the university website in French. This demonstrates that CMU is making it easier for French nationals to access its programes through a language appropriate application and fact finding portal.

When she started classes at the CMU in September 2015, she wasted no time in getting involved in the many cocurricular activities offered on campus. This meant she had to manage her time well.

“Throughout my studies, I’ve come to realize the importance of balancing my education with initiatives that build my character,” says 19 year old CMU student Kerece Stewart.

French at the CMU More than just a language Kingston Freeport Port Limited, a subsidiary of French company CMA CGM, the 3rd largest container shipping company in the world, is just one of many French companies that operate in Jamaica. With the increasing business between France and Jamaica, French is becoming a popular language. It is evident that communicating efficiently in French will offer opportunities to our students. Having recognised this, the CMU started to offer French in September 2017, through new lecturers, Ms Ronique Small (left) and Mrs. Mylène Ferriera (right).

Beyond the Classroom

In order to weave French into students’ social activities, Ms Small started a French club at the Campus. The aim of the club was to expose students, whether they were studying French or not, to the language and culture. The club meetings took place on Wednesdays from 12 to 1pm, during the lunch hour at Port Royal and will continue in September. Students also attended the French Christmas Carol Service 2017, accompanied by Ms Small at the Trinity Cathedral, organised by the Jamaica Association of French Teachers. The service, which was conducted in French, provided our students with exposure to an authentic French service in Jamaica, with Christmas carols sung in French.

Gaining the status of an Accredited Centre

The CMU is now a French accredited centre for TEF (Test d’évaluation de français) and DFP

The University was represented in French speaking Caribbean, by attending FORMEO, a three day student career fair, held in Fort-de-France Martinique and organized in part, by our partner, Cluster Gat Caraibes, also based in Martinique. Representatives included Ms Joan Hutchinson, Placement Officer, Kurt Sergeant, 2nd year logistics student and Maxime Florentiny, a Martinican CMU student.

Joan Hutchinson being interviewed on a local television station in Martinique, at the CMU booth in Fort-de-France, Martinique. These developments show that it is not necessary to go to Europe to practise French or English. Developing a Caribbean network is the key!


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Students’ Corner What can you do with a Logistics Degree?

Sports Day 2018 Highlights

By: Nahjae Nunes, 1st year student, Faculty of Shipping and Logistics

The Background

Taken from:

Logistics has evolved as a common and well-known business concept because of the ever-increasing complexities of modern day business. The primary goal is to effectively manage the project life cycles and resultant efficiency. This has greatly evolved with a logistics manager’s role in promoting an efficient system of supply chain management. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in Industrial Revolutions, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communication and banking. This, among other developments in our history, including war, gave rise to the need for and recognition of logistics and it is needed to develop economies even further.

The Application

Today, mobile supercomputing, intelligent robots, self-driving cars, neuro-technological brain enhancements, genetic editing, and all other evidence of advanced science, technology, engineering and mathematics, require impeccable research, organization and precision – all of which are covered under logistics. The most successful businesses are those that connect billions of people digitally, enhance efficiency of organizations and manage assets in ways that can help regenerate the natural environment, as avenues to make more money. Sound logistics is the foundation of all business operations and the larger the company, the more logistics is required. Clearly, logistics fits everywhere. So what can I do with a logistics degree? Make business better by tightening efficiencies, eliminating redundancy and reducing waste in any and every industry. This means I can work at any existing organization in the world or start my own.



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Developments STAFF AND STUDENTS RECEIVE BUNKERING TRAINING Third year cadet, Moya Kay Page accepts her certificate at the closing session of the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) conference training exercise which was conducted by Nigel Draffin, Consultant, Author and Specialist in Marine Engineering, Bunkering and Shipping. She and her colleagues, Ramar Lovelace and Queston Warren, along with Crewing and Placement Manager, Ruth Jeffery and Logistics Officer and Marine Engineer, Davide Guy, all received certification in Bunkering.

Citing the need for improved business relations in Jamaica and across the region, the CMU has teamed up with Trevor Hamilton and Associates (THA), to establish a new training centre to offer JUST-INTIME support services in Logistics, Human Resource Management and other management functional Business-to-Business areas. THA is a leading regional consulting firm whose partnership with CMU was formalized by way of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Wednesday, May 9, 2018. The partnership will promote growth and economic competitiveness through these service offerings to companies. Signatories to the MOU, Professor Fritz Pinnock, CMU’s President and Dr. Trevor Hamilton, THA’s President (centre) are joined with Sharen Thomas Reid, Manager Legal Affairs, CMU and Debbie McKnight, Administrator at THA on the occasion of the signing at CMU’s main Palisadoes Park campus.

CMU RECOGNIZED FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO NATION BUILDING On Wednesday April 25, 2018, the CMU made history when it was awarded with the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for Service to Jamaica through contributions to Nation Building. It is the only tertiary institution to receive this Jamaica 55 commemorative version of the Medal and the only educational institution to be awarded this year. The medal, which is plated in 24 kt gold, was received by President Fritz Pinnock on behalf of the University in a ceremony held on the lawns of Jamaica House.

SEABED AUTHORITY AND CMU PARTNERSHIP CMU HOSTS FIRST PUBLIC LECTURE Clovis Linkous (left), Professor of Material Science from Youngstown State University, home to one of the top 10 additive manufacturing engineering laboratories in the USA and Dr. Mo Abuali (right), CEO of Internet of Things Company, from the University of Cincinnati birthplace of wide-scale use of Predictive Analysis in Manufacturing were guest speakers at the university’s first public lecture.

The International Seabed Authority, a specialized arm of United Nations, is leading the charge for Jamaica to explore deep seabed mining. This is aligned with CMU, as the first local university to offer certification in marine biotechnology. Leading a group on the visit to the CMU Main Campus to discuss the university’s next phase of transformational development is Secretary General, Michael Lodge, (third from right). Joining him to examine new FESTO training equipment are Annekah Mason, Training Coordinator, Dr. Sandor Mulsow, Director, Environmental Management and Mineral Resources, Christine Griffith, Office Manager and Marie Bourrel-McKinnon, Senior Policy Officer, Special Assistant to the Secretary General, while Michael Johnson, FACT Engineer explains the inner workings.

VOLUNTARY FIREFIGHTING TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION Over 150 graduates, certified Volunteer Firefighting Programme (Phase1), were in a celebratory mood on April 25, 2018. They are the proud beneficiaries of the university’s sponsored training which was made possible through the generous donation of four emergency response vehicles from the government of Japan. The training was designed to build a cadre of volunteer fire fighters to boost community firefighting across Jamaica. With the graduates are (seated, L-R) Ambassador of Japan to Jamaica, Belize and the Bahamas, Mr. Hiromasa Yamazaki, CMU’s President, Professor Fritz Pinnock, Councillor of the Springfield Division, East Kingston & Port Royal, Lorraine Dobson and Minister of Local Government & Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie.


MARITIME TREAT FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY Management and staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade increased their knowledge of the maritime and related industries during their visit to the CMU Main Campus on Thursday, March 29, 2018. They were treated to a tour of the facilities including the state of the art FESTO Authorized and Certified Training (FACT) Centre – the largest of its kind in the world, the Dr. Andrew Wheatley Centre for Digital Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing, which hosts the largest collection of 3D printers in the Caribbean, a demonstration with drones that were manufactured at the CMU as well as simulators and other training facilities.


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Developments con’t MARITIME AND DIPLOMATIC AFFAIRS The prospects for working abroad in the maritime industry for Jamaicans will soon be expanded through diplomatic ties, in Europe, thanks to two shipping stalwarts. They are Peter Harren, co-founder of shipping company Harren and Partner Group and Honorary Consul to Germany (left of centre) and Captain Yuri Veniers of Exmar Ship Management Company and Honorary Consul to Belgium (right of centre). They joined Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (MFAFT) Marcia Gilbert-Roberts, (centre) for discussions at the CMU on Thursday, March 29, 2018. With them are Captain Jhonny Pretell, Associate Vice President, Faculty of Marine and Nautical Studies, CMU; Professor Fritz Pinnock, President, CMU; Ms. Shorna Kaye Richards, Director of Bilateral Relations Department, MFAFT; Ambassador Elinor Felix, and Professor Ibrahim Ajagunna, Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, CMU.



He tries to make things work “I try to make things work. I (want) a culture where we keep students in school and not out of school. Probably there’s a situation where it may not be under my portfolio, but I may go and connect the dots, so students just feel comfortable and relaxed where they can come and speak with me about any situation.”

‘ROWING TO OLYMPICS 2020’ Jamaica is one step closer to ‘Row to the Olympics’ in 2020, with state of the art equipment from the Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA), 15 new coaches and a new training facility ‘the Jamaica Rowing Federation (JRF) Boathouse’, which was officially opened on Sunday March 18 at the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU). Cutting the ribbon at the dedication ceremony are JRF’s Secretary General Robert Scott, JOA’s President, Christopher Samuda, and President of CMU and JRF Fritz Pinnock. With them are JRF members, Donette Subron (partially hidden) Elaine Hayden (centre) and Joan Andrea Hutchinson. They are joined by Laron Williamson (para-rower) and John Parker US based trainer.

CMU AND WIGTON COLLABORATION As part of its renewable energy expansion programme, the Caribbean Maritime University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Wigton Wind Farm Limited (WWFL), a subsidiary of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), for training, research, and development in Renewable Energy paving the way for mutual benefit between both Parties. The MoU will facilitate training for undergraduate and graduate students in selected renewable energy technologies at WWFL, formulation of projects in Alternative Energy, and enhanced capacity-building by the way of internships. Present at the signing were; Earl Barrett; general manager (signing), and Michelle Chin Lenn; Project Manager at WWFL, Erica Simmons; Executive Director, Dr. Andrew Wheatley Centre for Digital Innovation & Advanced Manufacturing at CMU, and Stephen Rhoden; Associate Vice President, Faculty of Engineering & Applied Technology,


Mr. Nurse says he knows what he feels like to not have anyone to help when you’re in a bind. “I know what it is to

stop school because (you don’t have) the tuition fee.”

He says his family was faced with the tough challenge of trying to put both he and his sister through university at the same time. “She got through for UWI. I got through for UTECH. It’s ten o’clock and he should be sitting in front of me, but Christopher Nurse is late for the OASIS staff feature interview. It’s not because he’s a late bug. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. “Getting up early was something I was always

doing from as early as primary school, so it’s like a culture for me. Even when I’m on leave, me still get up early.” But today

he’s late because as the Customer Service Supervisor in the Office of the Treasury, students come first and he has stopped to help someone solve a problem before heading to the interview.

“I’ve been here from 2008 – first it was data entry, accounting, cashiering and then there was a need for customer service reps. They chose me to supervise…” - and with good reason.

Students erupted in cheers when he was introduced at the town-hall sessions, late last year. Students regard him as an example of excellent customer service. He’s modest when he talks about it – but when pressed, he admits, with a bit of a bashful smile, that there is always positive feedback from the students and parents who he serves.

First year was rough. Second year was extremely rough. That just made me open my eyes”. He decided to get a job.

I don’t care if it’s not your duty, get it done! “I use that as a guideline for me whereby I say well if I am in a situation where I can try to help a student in terms of progressing, I will. (Sometimes) I may get negative feedback (where someone might say) you act like you work in this department or you act like you work in that department, but I say I work for Caribbean Maritime University and if a student comes (to me) I would like him to leave getting an answer more than saying it’s not my department.” “Sometimes it’s that extra mile you have to take. When you hear students speak about CMU, you want them to speak about positives. I say that to my team – I don’t want anyone coming to you and its said that they’ve come to you and cannot get through. I don’t care if it’s not your duty, go and get it done.”


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Sustainability and You

The Importance of

Good Mental Health By Djavila Ho, Counsellor, Student Affairs

by Myrna Ellis (Lead lecturer – Sustainable Development)

Here are some tips:

Myrna Ellis

Lead Lecturer, Sustainable Development


he terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’ have become the new buzz words of the twenty-first century. First opined in the Brundtland Report, sustainable development is defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. The philosophical underpinning in this definition is one of ‘equity’ and straddles two key concepts: intergenerational and intra-generational equity. I see these concepts as sharing a symbiotic relationship – they benefit each other. Intergenerational equity therefore will remain a ‘fleeting illusion to be pursued’ in the absence of intra-generational equity - equity within a generation. This can only be achieved through concerted efforts and well planned strategies. For this reason, sustainable development, which holds intra-generational equity as a core principle, is often described as an ‘oxymoron’ and something that is unattainable. But is working towards sustainable development really such a herculean task? At the global scale world leaders have recognized the need to join forces towards achieving this goal. The United Nations, as a guardian of world peace, has taken the lead in this regard. Additionally, several regional efforts have affirmed the commitment of regional bodies such as CARICOM to this cause. So where does this leave you? What steps have you taken?


Perhaps you think that this has nothing to do with you. Sustainable development is all about you and me. Sustainable development proposes a ‘triple-bottom-line’ approach to development in which the social, economic and environmental are of equal importance. None takes precedence over the other. It warrants an appreciation that the social and the economic are heavily dependent on the environment. Consequently, without the environment, the social and the economic aspects of life will suffer. It makes complete sense therefore to focus our efforts on ensuring that the environment is not compromised in our generation. Therefore, sustainable ports, sustainable oceans, sustainable tourism, sustainable energy, sustainable cities and sustainable homes should be our focus. As members of the CMU family, a family that subscribes to the ‘Blue Ocean strategy’ we must make a difference and become agents of change towards this cause. Let us strive to be the cohort within this generation willing to act as catalysts of this process so that future generations are not compromised. Here are some simple ways that you can be an agent of this change: Replace all incandescent bulbs in your home with fluorescent bulbs – a more sustainable form of energy. Volunteer for the next beach clean-up taking place in September 2018 – ensuring sustainable oceans. Stay at an eco-lodge in rural Jamaica for your next vacation. Locals benefit – ensuring sustainable tourism. Sustainable development is attainable but it requires a paradigm shift - a Blue Ocean shift. Join me in making this a reality.

1. Talk about your feelings- talking about how you feel to a trusted family member or friend can help you cope in times of difficulty. 2. Keep active- regular exercise is shown to improve mood, concentration and sleep. A simple activity such as taking a short walk can impact your mental health!

The Mental Health Unit at the Ministry of Health has a slogan that forever holds true: “There is no good health without good mental health”. While there has been greater awareness of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension and diabetes, many are unaware that the state of our mental health significantly contributes to the development, prevention, and treatment of NCDs. Globally depression and anxiety rates are rising on university campuses and commonly contribute to sickness and absence from school or employment. Far too often mental wellness is forgotten by many, yet how we are doing mentally and emotionally has far reaching consequences for our physical health, our social lives and so much more. So what is good mental health? How do we achieve it?

3. Take a break- Give yourself some “me-time”. Ensure you schedule times of rest and relaxation such as a short break from studying, lunch break, or a weekend trip out of town. A few minutes can be enough to destress you and help you re-focus on the tasks you have to do. 4. Be an optimist- thinking positively is a proven way of improving mood. Work on reframing negative situations into positive ones. Look at them as opportunities for growth. 5. Connect- keep in touch with friends and family and make time to attend social events. Socializing with others is associated with increased good moods.

Good mental health is not simply the absence of a diagnosable mental illness like schizophrenia or depression, etc. It is having the ability to cope with the various stresses of life, manage change and uncertainty, learn and realize our full potential.

6. Eat healthy- What you eat can have a direct effect on your energy level and mood. Reduce the amount of sugar,caffeine and alcohol and make healthier choices such as almonds, peanuts, bananas, green tea etc, which all help with energy without the added sugar!

The benefits of mental wellness include reduced feelings of stress, a greater sense of calm, reduced medical costs, increased productivity, and is fundamental to our relationships and achieving our goals. All of us will experience struggles from time to time, but good mental health is what will help us bounce back. We may still face situations beyond our control, but we can do something about the state of our mental health.

7. Ask for help-The most important thing you can do for your mental health is to ask for help. Your friend and family may be able to offer practical help. The Counselling service is also here to help you. If you or someone you know is in need of help, please contact the Counselling Service at 822-6661 or email


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Delight The Darker the Bean, the sweeter the benefits!

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lack beans are very versatile and nutritious too. It is a great source of protein and fibre. Vegetarians in particular appreciate the various ways in which this essential legume can be prepared and enjoyed. Black beans can be had as a side to complement a dish, in wraps, burritos and tacos for filling, as a sauce after being pureed to perfection or with rice as is commonly done and even as a meat substitute in burgers and sandwiches. But you don’t have to be vegetarian to indulge. Whether you cook them yourself or have them straight from the can, the nutritional benefits are great. Studies have shown that black beans are extremely high in molybdenum, a rare mineral not found frequently in foods, and according to NYU Langone Health (a premier academic medical centres in the United States), molybdenum has been shown to reduce impotence and erectile dysfunction in older men when regularly consumed.

15, an online health and wellness resource, notes that eating black beans can do the following: • • • • •

help to regulate blood sugar levels help to lower blood cholesterol prevent heart attacks and strokes clean the digestive system boost nervous system

So the next time you see black beans at your local supermarket on the shelf or at the market in heaps, buy some and get creative in the kitchen. This was our version. Create your own. Happy eating! 16

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