Canadian Special Events Magazine - Summer 2021

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I N editorialteam

F O O D , FA S H I O N , B E A U T Y, & D E S I G N F O R E V E N T S


Publisher & Creative Director: Stacy Wyatt Vice President, Sales & Marketing: Jason Koop Graphic Design: Ms. Michalczak Website: Giles Day Event Manager: Maggie Patten Team Cuddlers : Zoe, Baylee & Priya

storycontributers Meagan Rockett, DES, President Elect, CanSPEP Scott McCallister, Seneca College Janice Cardinale, Cardinale Creative Trish Knox, TK Events Jessica Kraut Gary Wu Cinthia Fernades



Calling designers, photographers and event stylists, Canadian Special Events Magazine is now accepting submissions for styled shoots. Get amazing exposure, position yourself as an industry leader, generate new business and show off your talents. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity. Each submission selected will be featured in a minimum 6-page layout.

PU BL I S H ED BY Published by National Event Marketing Group. All materials that appear in Canadian Special Events Magazine are protected by Canadian copyright laws and can only be reprinted with written permission from the publisher. All material is printed at the discretion of the publishers, but does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publishers. We endeavor to maintain a high standard of accuracy in the quality of articles published and our articles are intended to promote the businesses and services of event and meeting suppliers to offer education and information relevant to event and meeting planners. Readers are advised to always use their discretion when hiring any product, service or supplier. National Event Marketing Group Inc. can take no responsibility for individual outcomes of any such choice.

WW W.CA N A DI A NS PECIAL E VE N TS .CO M cse@ canadianspec ialevent s .com tel. 413 984- 1650

Submit your styled shoot today to be in this fall's Ultimate Luxury Event Venue Guide.






Canadian Special Events Magazine


couple of weeks ago, it was a balmy 36 degrees and I was inside writing scripts. not embarrassed to admit that I was super irritated. I had to work on a beautiful day when I could be in the pool, at the beach or at least somewhere outside. It didn't feel fair. Why am I always working? Why is it I never seem to have any time? Full disclosure, I let myself wallow in self-pity for about an hour, getting zero written because I was so mad, until, by what felt like divine intervention, I was drawn to a picture on my bookshelf and reminded how grossly misplaced my frustration was. I didn't have to work. I GET to work. I didn't have to write a script; I GET to write stories about people and their passions. This concept had been lingering in the back of my mind for a while and came from a conversation I recently had with spoken word artist Wali Shah, during which he helped me understand what it means to change your perspective. This theory can be applied to any situation or circumstance, no matter how small, yet have a massive impact on the journey and the outcome. Eighteen months ago, our collective world stopped turning. Watching our friends, clients, and colleagues lose their teams, offices, and some even homes was hard, and we were right there with them. We shared that same pain and uncertainty; no CES Live for two years was something I could never have imagined getting through, but we did. And I think we are stronger for it. The way we faced things, the way we chose to frame our perspectives was our key to survival. And while the pandemic was burning its way through our lives like a raging wildfire, it wasn't the only battle I was fighting. I lost my father ten months ago during what I now refer to as "the dark times," and it was that experience that better defined the last year of my life. We were as close as any two could be. He was my rock, the foundation I stood on, and the loss, along with the isolation of mourning without people around, brought me to my knees. My father was profoundly philosophical, and he saw life as a true gift. Even when the pain became overwhelming, he never complained, and he never once asked why. He believed at his core that life was what you make it and that choosing to be unhappy was the absolute worst atrocity you could commit against yourself. He was the eternal optimist, and I hear his voice often saying, "you can choose to be happy, or you can choose to be unhappy; it's up to you".

publisher'sletter As I write this, we are getting ready to celebrate the Canadian Event Awards and I couldn't help but draw a parallel between my journey through my dad's passing, the journey through the pandemic, and the stories we are telling about the award entrants. Entry after entry, I read about people under incredible pressure in their own lives and businesses choosing positivity, choosing to help others and showing powerful examples of resilience, compassion and hope. It's not only inspired me, but it's also allowed me to push my mental health journey further toward optimism and heed my father's words when most needed. We're all moving through this at different speeds. Some are racing with new projects born initially out of necessity but now thriving. Others are taking baby steps toward recovery, and many, like us, are somewhere in the middle between excitement and trepidation as we begin the path of rebuilding. No matter where you are today, no matter what the road ahead of you looks like, don't wait until you get there to choose happiness. Because in the end, it's a decision, not a destination.

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Taking on The Virtual World By Stacy Wyatt

A temp job typing (cultural reference, google if you're under 40) the media guide for the agency managing the Canada Cup hockey tournament in '87 turned out to be the beginning of a career that's carried Trish Knox to the top of the Canadian Event Industry. We've known Trish by her reputation for years, but it wasn't until the spring of 2020 when we were looking for a digital event platform to host the 2020 virtual awards that we really got to know each other. Those early days of the pandemic were particularly challenging because reality was setting in, and we really didn't know if digital was an alternative that could offer an experience people would find valuable. We were reviewing several platforms, but we kept coming back to the TK Platform because it was designed in a way

that felt familiar; it was easy to on-board and technologically advanced enough to be effective without being gimmicky. Essentially their platform was more complete, and for a good reason. Trish made the early decision to act before most of us had really thought through the implication of what we were facing. Trish recalls an email she sent on March 5 that got the ball rolling and the focus turned to virtual, which translated into the project that turned into the TK Events industry-leading event platform. That early decision and the success of their digital events, including the 2020 Canadian Awards, lay the foundation for a tremendous year for the TK team producing a record number of events, adding 19 new staff, and opening up an office in London UK. That's a lot of new faces, new responsibilities, and new stressors to take on in one year, never mind in the middle of a pandemic. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 5

So I asked her how she's managed all this growth and what business advice she would offer: The way our business operates very personally; I built my work life around balancing being a young mom, so we've always offered a flexible work style. The demands on our time are enormous, and I always wanted to provide the kind of flexible environment I was looking for as a young mom. So my best advice would be to keep your pulse on what employees need from their work culture and find ways to keep them connected, even when remote. It's complicated to consider work/life balance in this pandemic year – there wasn't any! As for growth, above all, we look for fit within our organization when we're adding to the team. Additionally, from an event perspective, I think you have to develop a sense of the big picture; take yourself out of the weeds and imagine the whole event from start to finish and what kind of experience you want to create.


There are a lot of conversations happening right now about the professional future of the event industry. Some suggest without barriers to entry, such as education or professional designation, we'll never change the culture or be respected as an industry. What is your opinion? I think the role of event manager needs to be elevated in an organization. It still astounds me the perception that the job is about ordering sticky buns and giveaways; or that we can call a hotel and book space for a 1000 people conference – 3000 bedrooms and a massive amount of event space as if it's just sitting there waiting for us to grab it. Or that event decisions can be made without input from the event lead, and someone will say – oh, by the way, we decided this in a meeting (without you). The event lead should have a place at the boardroom table from the start, shaping the content and agenda and providing insights to the venue sourcing and timing/contract aspects to keep in mind to get the best value for a company's budgets. I could talk about this forever; I've spent years having direct conversations with CEOs and leaders at all levels, and I've always found they are open to input and insights. It is a mission of mine to elevate the event role! SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 7

You're 100% right about having a seat at the table, and I honestly think we'll start to see more and more of that as these companies realize the value of events to engage with their clients, staff, or markets. This past year has been challenging, and success does not protect you from lock downs or the stress of being separated from loved ones. I know what success looks like to me has evolved, how has this past year affected you personally? I think this past year has put a hyper focus on working with the right people that fit with our organization and that our business dealings – whether clients or suppliers - always comes from a place of respect. It's about having shared values. My priorities have changed or sure; time with our families has been the number one positive from this year. We did a team social at Christmas and I asked everyone the one thing they were thankful for and the chance to slow down and reconnect with family and not take those we love for granted was the number one sentiment.

We're a year into the digital events experiment, and I think it's safe to say what started out as an alternative to in person, has evolved into a huge opportunity. Yet some people still say the moment we can meet in person again, digital events will disappear. You're at the top of the digital event industry; what are your thoughts on the future of digital events and what can we expect? I think we're only at the beginning of what technology can do for us with events; creating combined experiences, delivering insightful data with how audiences are connecting is exciting. We're changing the event industry, expanding the kinds of experiences, and only just beginning to appreciate the opportunities available when you remove social, geographical barriers to event access. We have a clear vision for the future of combined in-person and virtual experiences and the application of hybrid events on behalf of our clients So what’s next? Making our hybrid vision be the new normal!


THE EVENT ENTREPRENEUR JOURNEY CAN BE LONELY ... Why not surround yourself with a community that understands that journey?

CanSPEP is dedicated to event entrepreneurs and the specific needs of executing events while operating your own business.

Membership Benefits

Exclusive membership for independent event planners only Business opportunities via our unique RFP tool Bi-Weekly community calls (Zoom) Professional guides and templates Education, networking and social events Collaborate and share with fellow members via private platform Promotion of your business on CanSPEP social media Valuable savings initiatives from our partners Membership can be managed monthly or annually


The Life of an #EventPreneur, & The Benefit of

Finding Your Community By Meagan Rockett, DES, CanSPEP President-Elect 2020-2021

When asked to write this article, I was not 100% sure what I was going to say – because CSE has a reach to thousands of event professionals across the country – some I know, but so many more I do not. But this morning, I was inspired by the way event professionals close in around those in need, offering support to get the job done.

that our membership has a better scope of what is out there and how we can best serve the industry in this new normal. We helped our members learn how to advocate for their businesses with varying levels of government and our focus groups allowed us to better understand what we could do to help our membership NOW, and in the future.

The fact that COVID-19 essentially decimated an industry I hold near and dear to my heart, as many of you do, is not new information. We are starting to see signs of hope as my conversations about live events are ramping up again. But 2020 and most of 2021 will be all about virtual and upping our skills when it comes to services we all provide.

We have seen these virtual connections make us a truly nationally connected association over the past year. New business partnerships have formed between members who have not even met yet, but they are developing none the less and proving to be successful!

This is where CanSPEP comes to mind. Our membership is strictly reserved for #eventpreneurs, 3rd party planning companies; however, you want to refer to us. The Canadian Society of Professional Event Planners, celebrating its 25th anniversary has seen its share of ups and downs, but this past year, they really stood up and took charge. We did not spend 2020 sitting silently in hopes that this pandemic would go away. We were one of the first (if not THE first) to start offering programming – even if it was just to schedule regular calls where our members can jump on the line, ask advice, share a success, or have a shoulder to cry on. We enhanced our education – which historically has taken a "running your business" spin, including demos and tech talks so

We are planning our first hybrid conference in October 2021 – cross your fingers that we will be able to host "Breakthrough! Recover Reclaim Rise in Waterloo this fall. Why am I sharing this? Because I encourage each of you to find your community – keep them close and stay active. The benefits I have seen from sticking together, supporting each other will outlast the pandemic we have faced. Are you an eventpreneur looking for your community? Let's face it; it's CanSPEP; you just don't know it yet! If you have not yet explored CanSPEP, and what we can do for each other, I encourage you to reach out to one of our Board Members. We'd be happy to invite you to an upcoming event to see what you have been missing. Until then, I wish you continued perseverance and growth! SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 11

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A Pivot of Passion

An Inpirational Story of Transformation By Stacy Wyatt One of the lessons learned from Covid is not to take anything for granted, from our relationships with friends and family to the affection of a spouse to the opportunities and passions in our lives. Life's short, happiness matters, and it's ok to change your mind along the way. For one of Winnipeg's top event planners, Jessica Kraut, Covid was a chance to imagine another path, explore a new passion, and make some significant changes in her life. Swapping out one headset for another, she closed her event company to focus on becoming a flight instructor. Being someone who admittedly fears change more than snakes, I watched in awe over the past year as her huge lifechanging transition unfolded on her IG, and I admit I was intrigued. I wanted to know more about how this happens? What’s the mindset? And what it took to make such a dramatic and bold move. So, since I have a magazine, I thought, what a great opportunity to learn more about her inspiring story and what a great message of determination this is for our readers, just like me who need a good KITB (kick in the butt) once in a while to push us out of our comfort zones. Here’s how it went.

SW: Why did you become an event planner? JK:

I have always loved problem-solving, working on puzzles, and being very overly organized; it comes naturally! I suffered from anxiety and constant worrying when I was a teenager, and I decided to take that energy and put it towards Event Planning. As an event planner, imagining and preparing for the "worst-case scenarios" was an asset, and it was an excellent place for me to channel that energy positively.

SW: Your company was wildly successful right from the

start; what are the top three things you did to set yourself up for success?


I spent a lot of time learning who my customer was; what they expect from me, and what makes an event successful in THEIR eyes. I surrounded myself with other event professionals who provided top-quality products and services. Building those relationships helped me deliver the best events possible and created a reputation for my company among vendors who would then refer us to their clients. Word of mouth is a powerful thing, particularly in a smaller city. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 13

Photo credit: Ina Wee

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A collaboration between.

We can't successfully be all things to all people. Learn your customer, learn your niche and be excellent at it.


We learn through failure; what was your biggest mistake, and what did you learn from it?


I would say that in the beginning, I tried to be a one-stop

shop and provide every kind of event possible rather than stick to what I was passionate about and what I was good at. We can't successfully be all things to all people. Learn your customer, learn your niche and be excellent at it. For me, focusing on Corporate events and particularly Fundraising events in the not-for-profit world was something that I was passionate about and that I felt I had the best skills for.

SW: What moment are you most proud of in your business? JK:

The day I was trusted to plan my nephew's wedding

was the most special day of my career. Knowing that my family had seen my work and trusted me with such an important event with their whole hearts made me feel that I had achieved success.

SW: Now that you are not in events, if you could change one thing about the event industry, what would it be?


I think many people are still figuring out what an "event

planner" is and how their skills can best be used. It would be wonderful to educate people better on this so that when they hire a planner; their expectations match the services that can be delivered and so that they don't miss out on the advantages of hiring a planner.

SW: What is the biggest lesson you took away from your career as an event professional?

JK: When you provide a service, no matter how good a product may be, the most significant impact will come from the people involved. Excellent customer service and reliable staff is the most critical factor of all.



I decided to work even ha harder and begin tra training for a ness competition fitn fit with more time on my ha hands.

SW: Was it a hard decision to move on to a different career? JK: Moving on from event planning was undoubtedly hard

as I had done something for ten years and truly loved it. I had built up an excellent list of repeat clients and created strong relationships with Winnipeg venues and vendors. Covid-19 and all of the restrictions that came along with it forced me to look for other opportunities because I knew that it would be a long time before I would have a chance to plan events to the scale I needed to be successful. I thought about my future and where I wanted to be 10-20 years down the road. I knew that I had fallen in love with flying and the aviation community. I saw an opportunity to become an instructor and build a life where I am constantly learning, challenging myself and others, and surrounding myself with energetic young students who shared my passion. I also saw the chance to make a difference in the aviation community as one of the few female instructors in the Province.

SW: What is your life like now, and how has it changed? JK: I feel fortunate to have so many things in life that fuel me.

Fitness has always been an essential part of my life, but I decided to work even harder and begin training for a fitness competition with more time on my hands. I spend time working towards that goal every day, and even though competition dates are constantly changing, I see this is a way of life for me, and I know one day soon, I will be able to compete. Regarding my flying career, I am driven by the challenge of learning new things at 32 years old and going back to school. I love being thrown into situations that scare me just a little and learning to trust my skill and instinct to overcome them.

Jessica and her husband Myles at a charity race event.

SW: What do you say to yourself to get through tough days or periods of doubt?


Win or lose, my family and my dogs will still be there, happy to see me :)


What advice do you have for anyone looking to make a life change but who may be fearful of leaping?


You never know unless you try. I went for my first flight

lesson as a way to conquer my fear of flying. After a few gutwrenching experiences on Commercial flights, I had developed a terrible fear of flying. It held me back from the travel I wanted, so my husband suggested I take a flight lesson to understand how it all works and feel safer. I never looked back.


What's next?


I hope to continue working on my fitness journey towards competing and an overall healthier lifestyle. As for flying - the sky is the limit!


Any regrets? Would you change anything?

JK: Not a thing

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CONGRATULATIONS The biggest night in the Canadian event industry took place July 7, 2021, when the Canadian Event Awards streamed live on the TK Events platform from the fabulous bb Blanc Studios in Toronto, the Experience Factory in Calgary and virtually from one of Canada’s most iconic event spaces, Casa Loma. Event professionals from across Canada tuned in to watch as we recognized another year of Canadian event success. Hosted by Jian and Page Magen in Toronto and Dustin Westling and Lynn Fletcher in Calgary, this year’s gala was more than a celebration; it was a night filled with powerful stories, an opportunity to reconnect as a community and get inspired for the reopening of Canada’s in-person event industry.



eventinfluencer As founders of The Magen Group and lifelong entrepreneurs, twin brothers Jian and Page Magen are Toronto’s event production leaders. Beginning as a high school-era passion project, their company has blossomed into a full-service entertainment powerhouse employing over 100 exceptional team members. While planning and executing thousands of large scale corporate and private events over the past two decades, the Magen’s have broadened their business portfolio, remaining closely involved in each venture they take on. Jian and Page own event venues, a music agency, digital activation businesses and much more. The ever-enthusiastic brothers have

also expanded into film production, video game development and E-sports, channeling their young-at-heart mindset into a vast media dynasty. Most vital to the Magen’s is their tireless commitment to humanitarian causes, which has led to the annual Grads Go Global event benefiting a Tanzanian orphanage the brothers were instrumental in building. No matter the task at hand, Jian and Page’s belief in hard work, integrity, and bringing people together has cemented The Magen Group as a firstclass presence in Canada’s entertainment community. Click here to learn more about Jian and Page Magen and the Magen Group.




p h oto c re di t : l e b lo n d s t u di o

Events and experiences have always been about people, about connection, about celebrating the things that unite us. Whatever else changes, that never will. Here’s to the bright future of bringing people together, in new ways, in old ways, and in ways we haven’t yet dreamed of.

P 1 . 8 7 7. 5 9 8 . 9 3 7 8 | W O N E W E S T E V E N T S . C O M | @ O N E W E S T E V E N T S



Dustin Westling is a fixture of Canada’s live experiences industry

has held numerous positions within industry organizations and

as an event professional, thought leader, and industry champion.

educational institutions, where he works to help address relevant

He is engaged and connected in every facet of the industry,

issues, spark conversation and provide resources for new and

dedicated to building community and bringing people together.

upcoming industry professionals. He has been asked to participate

As Owner and Managing Partner of OneWest Events, Dustin leads

on international panels like ILEA’s Global Events Forum and to

and inspires a team of energetic and dedicated event professionals

speak at a wide variety of industry conferences and events.

who truly love what they do and love doing it together. OneWest

Dustin’s enthusiasm for raising the bar, drive to continue to explore

is well-known as both creative professionals and community

and redefine his work and his business as the industry continues to

builders; Dustin’s personal philosophy and the OneWest approach

evolve, and unrelenting commitment to collaboration and giving

to business is built on a belief in collaboration, partnership,

back have not only defined his career and his business but continue

positivity, and the furthering of the industry as a whole.

to shape the industry.

Along with leading the charge in his team’s ongoing, on-the ground

Visit to learn more about Dustin

work in event design and production, Dustin is involved with and

Westling or follow him on instagram at @onewestevents. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 23






Certified Special Event Professional, Lynn Fletcher, has honed her skills for decor trend spotting throughout her 20+ years in the industry. As an international-award-winning wedding producer and owner of LFW Events, she and her team produce more than 70 weddings annually, blending trends with tradition to create timeless wedding designs with a flawless aire.

playground for showcasing the best of the wedding industry. As Past Chair of ILEA Canada and a Past President of the Award-Winning Calgary ILEA Chapter, long time instructor at Mount Royal University, and a National and International Award Judge, Lynn is a passionate mentor giving back to the community she adores so much.

She is also the Director of Publications at Confetti Magazine – The Ultimate Wedding Resource and Western Canada’s

Visit to learn more about Lynn Fletcher or follow her on instagram at @lynnfletcherweddings. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 25

If you're a fan of country music, you probably already know Brett Kissel's story – owned his first guitar before he was even in school, released his first album before he could even drive – all leading him to becoming Canada's most dynamic country music artist before he turned 30 years old. The farm-and-ranch-raised artist has 15 top 10 radio singles, 3 #1 songs, and a tractor bucket full of gold and platinum plaques. He set records on his 112-date crosscountry tour, played over 20 shows with his hero Garth Brooks and has won 18 CCMA Awards and 2 JUNO Awards. Last year's Now Or Never album featured some of his biggest hits to date – "Drink About Me," "She Drives Me Crazy," and "A Few Good Stories" – and helped him obtain massive exposure in the U.S. for the first time in his career, including multiple performances on The Grand Ole Opry. While fans were still buzzing about that album, Brett started looking towards his next release but couldn't get three words out of his head – What Is Life? The search for something "more" weighed heavily on the country star's mind. "I'm curious in a new way," Kissel says. "I'm entering a new era in my life, and I'm going to attempt to ask this old-astime question: What Is Life? This latest album is a deep-dive into love, celebration, grace, gratitude, and hard truths." Brett Kissel is running a major vibe-check with his audience and beginning to process gratitude and the role he plays in his fans' lives and in their playlists. From turning 30 this


Part of his appeal can be attributed to his down-to-earth nature – he's a fellow human living the human experience, just like everybody else.

year, celebrating ten years of marriage with his wife Cecilia, and by creating three special, bubbly, and blonde-topped children — he is inching closer to being able to come up with an answer for himself — but hopes to inspire his fans and provoke conversation. "I'm going to try to illuminate a positive path for music fans, a path that has room for everyone to join us with big heaping servings of gratitude and unity," Kissel says. "And I'm going to ask some tough questions of myself, why I'm here — and why you're here with me." The theme of gratitude is evident starting with the album's first single, "Make A Life, Not A Living." The song delightfully anchors listeners and encourages them to stop, take a breath, and enjoy what is in front of them — not what else is "out there." The balance between going and getting while taking good stock of what we have is something Kissel is consciously trying to achieve in his new musical and life chapter. There is no doubt that 2021's passion for truth was fueled by 2020's chaos and a good businessman's wit to tackle problem-solving and provide solutions for the collective. And that's precisely the unique value proposition of the 'Brett Kissel experience.' Kissel and his award-winning band hit the road in a way that had never been done before as he brought the drivein concert model to Canada. When traditional concert experiences were shut down; Brett spent most of 2020

connecting to his fan base by delivering the same highenergy unforgettable concerts that his fans have come to expect – just this time, with them watching safely from their cars, honking their horns in approval. Kissel and his fans raised more than $250,000 for local charities and food banks from these shows. He documented his drive-in experience in the film BRETT KISSEL LIVE AT THE DRIVE-IN, which aired to a national prime-time audience. He showed Canada and the world an antithesis approach that music was still here when everyone needed it the most. Still, Brett noticed and observed the curiosity that slowly burned inside of him… What Is Life? With rooms on his century-old cattle ranch filled with awards and accolades mixed with his naturalborn, rural-based talent to network with other exciting music professionals — like long-time producer Bart McKay and his incomparable road band — Brett is still eager to show you more. Kissel and his cultivated vulnerability on the stage and in the recording studio have afforded his brand high commercial appeal. Perhaps this appeal has been sourced by guidance from long-time industry pals like Garth Brooks and Brad Paisley. Brett has recently navigated into new arenas – most notably the launch of his new spirit: Deuce Vodka. This vodka is "born in a small town, made for the big time, and is second to none"— just like Kissel himself. The BK commercial music brand is best explained as a proxy of themes, ready to jump. And Brett is exploding with enthusiasm to keep the high-vibes rolling in 2021. Part of his appeal can be attributed to his down-to-earth nature – he's a fellow human living the human experience, just like everybody else. If you ever make it out to Flat Lake, Alberta, to visit Brett's multi-generation home ranch, you'll likely be invited to participate in outdoor shenanigans like cattle herding, tweaking old engines or exploring secret dirt roads. Brett Kissel promotes unity and hopes to continue showing off the best Canada offers to the world – and cannot wait to perform from coast to coast once again. In the meantime, he invites fans not just to take some time and listen to his new album but start thinking about those three powerful words – What Is Life? To learn more about Brett Kissel and his unique story, visit or follow him on social media with instagram handle @brettkissel. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 27




We are proud to be honouring two decades of "e" this year. We could not have gotten here without our people and our many supporters, clients, event partners, mentors, entertainers, friends and our families. Our industry has been built by people, for people. It's the humanity in us that changes the lives of others. As we head into an unprecedented time of regrowth, let's emerge even better, together. Join us in our celebration by sending us a message or donating to help us keep music alive in Canada.

THE BACK STORY Matt Doucette sent me a DM on Instagram in January, 2020, and said something like, “Hey, I have a vodka company, and I’d like to sponsor you!” When I replied back, I invited Matt to Moose Jaw, where we had a meeting backstage at a Brad Paisley concert (I was a surprise special guest that night). In the dressing room, I tried the vodka, and was honestly shocked — because it was so smooth, and had a little hint of sweetness to it. I told Matt, “Look… most vodkas are so harsh. They burn. They’re tough. How did you make it so smooth?” He replied, “Let’s partner. And I’ll tell you everything.” Within a few short months, we formed a new company – Deuce Vodka Corp., strategized a Canada-wide launch, rebranded the logo, and here we are – with an extraordinary vodka and an extraordinary story! – Brett Kissel, Owner – Deuce Vodka





As an alumnus of RBC's Top 25 Canadian Immigrants, Wali Shah is a poet and public speaker. He's delivered TED talks, created poetry for corporate events, narrated voice-overs for commercials, and spoken at hundreds of schools and colleges across North America. Wali has toured Canada coast to coast as a WE Day performer and closed out President Barack Obama's keynote speech with a bespoke poetic message in Toronto. He's impressed notable figures with his freestyle poetry and performances, including Seth Rogen, Chris Hadfield, Kareem AbdulJabbar, and Kendrick Lamar. Wali has also served his hometown as Poet Laureate for the City of Mississauga. His work inspires thousands to follow his voice, journey, and advocacy — Wali Shah is the people's messenger. Learn more about Wali Shah at or follow him on instagram at @lifeaswali.





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If you're craving relief from the uncertainty of troubled times, New Moon Junction has just what you need. With their debut single, 'Real Good, Feel Good Kind of Thing,' the Ontario-based country trio of Barb Doran, Tamara Maddalen, and Matt Rogers celebrate the moments that make life worth living and encourage their listeners to do the same. Recorded with multiplatinum selling producer Jeff Dalziel (Brett Kissel, Jim Cuddy, Lights), 'Real Good, Feel Good Kind of Thing' is a rarity – a seamless blend of new and old school country that will make you feel that much better with each successive listen. Learn more about New Moon Junction at or follow them on instagram at @newmoonjunctionmusic. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 33




Whether you're looking for a fabulous luxe cocktail performance with Jenn at the piano, a curated pop of high-energy vocal entertainment to wow your guests, or a full-on concert, Jenn is sure to dazzle. This Canadian Idol alum has collaborated with award-winning musicians, beatboxers, Cirque du Soleil talent, brilliant graphic specialists, and beyond to captivate audiences throughout North America. Jenn is also a sought-after voice coach and masterclass facilitator. She enjoys hosting both online and in-person events. You can find Jenn's original music on Spotify/Apple/etc. under her artist moniker, Rozette. Learn more about Jenn Beaupre at or follow her on instagram at @iamrozette.



WE DON'T DO ORDINARY Your go-to source for corporate entertainment and event management ideas. Whether you are looking for an à la carte entertainment menu to choose from or full event management services, you have come to the right place. Think of us as your idea google search engine - no request is too small for their team of huntresses. They have been providing clients with the best quality entertainment, activations and interactive experiences for the past 17 years. They have everything from cocktail hour bands and roaming entertainers to magnificent stage performances and virtual activities like the Digital Caricaturist and Virtual Video Booth (see photo) featured at the 24th Annual Canadian Event Awards Gala. Learn more at or follow them on instagram at @theideahunter.


Olga Pankova L i ve A r t E n t e r t a i n e r

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Olga has been painting since the dawn of time! Her spirited, vibrant, and energetic art hangs in private collections around the world. In addition to her traditional visual art and exhibitions, Olga's career highlights include the 2017 Entertainer of the Year, the 2016 Queen's Plate Official Artist, the 2014 Canadian-Russian Artist of the Year, and she's performed her signature live VR Art Show in Europe. A Russian National born in the USSR, Olga developed and honed her musical style from studies in art and design. Olga graduated from The Republican Art Collage "P.Benkova" as an Artist-Designer from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and is now living in Markham, Ontario, Canada. Learn more about Olga Pankova at or follow them on instagram at @olgapankova. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 39


PERFORMANCE WITH A PURPOSE A2D2 - Aerial Dance Cirque Co., has been serving the event industry since 2008. Over time, A2D2 has grown from offering a handful of “sister acts” (including hoop, double hoop, and dance routines) into a robust entertainment service with several resident professional performers and an additional 35 artists on the company’s roster. Acts range from aerial silks, aerial hoop, static trapeze, hand-balancing, contortion, acrobats, characters, dancers to name just a few! In 2010, A2D2 established and purchased a facility for Cirque Centre, essentially, headquarters for the company rehearsals. Because of a demand for circus arts training in the City of Mississauga, the ladies decided to run a few classes out of the studio just to satisfy the

requests. Not long after, the classes expanded beyond hoop and silks to include a variety of cirque disciplines alongside an intensive training program designed for students who wanted to train at a higher level and eventually compete provincially. Recently, A2D2 collaborated with La Toya & Ron Beaudeaux, Founders of In tha Groove and long-time industry partners, to co-create a virtual tribute piece dedicated to Black Lives Matter and work together to create custom performances for events in all genres. Learn more about this partnership at or follow them on instagram at @a2d2circus.

CSELive EventFest Toronto April 4 - 5, 2022

Canadian Event Awards April 6, 2022

CSELive EventFest BC October 24 - 25, 2022






L E A R N M O R E AT C S E L I V E . C A

e=mc² Events & The Drive-Thru Grad Joint Venture Collaborative




BEST VIRTUAL EVENT COOKING /COCKTAIL DEMO MCC Destination Management, Toronto, ON for the Virtual Brew Master Tour and Tasting OUTSTANDING LOGISTICAL ACHIEVEMENT ESP (Event Strategy Partners) Inc., Toronto, ON for Can You Do Lunch?


BEST EXPERIENCE/GIFT BOX OneWest Event Design, Calgary, AB for TransAlta Agents of Innovation BEST EVENT FOR A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL/ GROUP OR CAUSE R5 Event Design & Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique, Toronto, ON for A Tuscan Dinner Party BEST VIRTUAL BACKDROP/ STAGING DESIGN bb Blanc, Vaughan, ON for bb Blanc Studio A BEST EVENT VIDEO/ FILMMAKING Event Imaging, Toronto, ON for The Virtual Santa Claus Experience BEST HYBRID WEDDING Lynn Fletcher Weddings, Calgary, AB for Hybrid Hallelujah

OneWest Event Design

Lynn Fletcher Weddings


R5 Event Design & Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique

Event Strategy Partners (ESP) Inc.


WEDDING PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR Michelle Garber, Creative Director, Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique


Michelle Garber, Creative Director, Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique

BEST AUDIO VISUAL DESIGN FOR AN EVENT bb Blanc, Vaughan, ON for the Ontario Nurses Association November Provincial Coordinators Meeting Quest Audio Visual, Toronto, ON for Big Data and AI Toronto Virtual Conference 2020 BEST CORPORATE EVENT Cantrav, Vancouver, BC for SITE Global Pacific Destination Services Vancouver, BC for Through the Looking Glass

bb Blanc

Pacific Destination Services, Vancouver, BC for the Emerald Forest Gala Fifth Element Group, Toronto, ON for the TRBOT 2020 Annual Dinner

Pacific Destination Services

Pacific Destination Services



Fifth Element Group



BEST CREATIVE SOLUTION Lynn Fletcher Weddings, Calgary, AB for Reverse Rapunzel Bond Brand Loyalty, Mississauga, ON 2020 for the Ford Motor Company x ESP (Event Strategy Partners) Inc., Toronto, ON for Can You Do Lunch? Bond Brand Loyalty

BEST DRIVE-THROUGH EVENT EXPERIENCE Eventrix | Event Design & Invert720 Productions, Edmonton, AB for the Drive-In Concert Series Calgary Sports & Entertainment Corp, Calgary, AB for the Calgary Hitmen Teddy Bear Lane e=mc² events & The Drive-Thru Grad Joint Venture Collaborative, Calgary, AB for Drive-Thru Grad 2020

Eventrix | Event Design & Invert720 Productions


Calgary Sports & Entertainment Corp




EVERY EVENT TELLS A STORY. YOUR STORY. Our event visionaries start with getting to know you. We strategically and masterfully build the guest experience to tell your compelling story. From virtual & hybrid events to large scale galas, product launches and conferences, we will produce a distinctively memorable occasion with flawless execution. I @halainc

Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for the Shoppers Drug Mart – New & So You Pop Up Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for Quaker Holiday Lounge

Hala Events & Communications Inc.

Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for SickKids Bravery Beads



Bond Brand Loyalty, Mississauga, ON for the 2020 Ford Motor Company x MLSE Playoff Parties Fifth Element Group, Toronto, ON for the Thirsty ElfF BEST VIRTUAL EVENT FOR A NON-PROFIT

Hala Events & Communications Inc., Toronto, ON for the Ryerson University Faculty of Law Virtual Opening Celebration Hala Events & Communications Inc., Toronto, ON for the UNICEF Canada – UNGA Live! 2020

Citizen XM


BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, Vancouver, BC for the Crystal Ball

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation

Citizen XM


TK Events Inc.

Event Imaging

BEST VIRTUAL CORPORATE EVENT Event Imaging, Toronto, ON for The Virtual Santa Claus Experience Aevias Services, Vancouver, BC for the Circle of Excellence Awards Virtual Event aNd Logistix Inc & JL Events Group, Toronto, ON for the Great Canadian Show Tycoon Events, Edmonton, AB for the Mars Habitation Mission – BioWare’s Holiday Event 2020 Bond Brand Loyalty, Mississauga, ON for the Ford National Dealer Meeting TK Events Inc., Oakville, ON for the Growth Faculty Masterclass Series Bond Brand Loyalty

aNd Logistix Inc & JL Events Group

Tycoon Events


Best Virtual Event Platform


06-30 19:30

John: Hi Everyone! Welcome to the Party!

06-30 19:30

Jane: Excited to be here! What’s everyone drinking?

06-30 19:30

Jack: Whatever the bartender is making!






HUGO is your custom-branded virtual event hub designed by event people for event people. Let us help you deliver a seamless online event experience in an intuitive, accessible and mobile-responsive virtual environment. There’s a whole team behind Hugo, and in turn, behind you.

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aNd Logistix Inc.

bb Blanc



aNd Logistix Inc., Toronto, ON for the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP)

Quest Audio Visual, Toronto, ON for the Big Data and AI Toronto – Virtual Conference 2020

TK Events Inc., Oakville, ON for Digital 2020 – The ISF World Congress

bb Blanc, Vaughan, ON for Restaurants Canada 2020 RC Show

TK Events Inc.


Tycoon Events


Aevias Services

Aevias Services, Vancouver, BC for the Circle of Excellence Awards Virtual Event Production Canada, Vaughan, ON for the 2020 Director’s Guild of Canada Awards BEST VIRTUAL MARKETING EVENT Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for the Egg Farmers of Canada – George Brown Competition Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for Humber Ignite Games Tycoon Events, Edmonton, AB for the University of Alberta Open House 2020 Rare Indigo, Burnaby, BC for the Fairmont Mountain Region Virtual BDT BEST EVENT FOR A HIGH PROFILE CHARITY Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for SickKids Bravery Beads Hala Events & Communications Inc., Toronto, ON for the Exchange: Conversations to Inspire Change ESP (Event Strategy Partners) Inc., Toronto, ON for Laugh Out Loud Benefitting Trillium Health Partners Foundation


Production Canada


Event Strategy Partners (ESP) Inc.

Citizen XM



Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique


BEST VIRTUAL EVENT PLATFORM JUNōO, Toronto, ON for JUNōO- Immersive Digital Experiences TK Events Inc., Oakville, ON for the TK Events Virtual Venue ESP (Event Strategy Partners) Inc., Toronto, ON for the Hugo Virtual Event Hub Ineventors, Toronto, ON BEST EVENT PRODUCED FOR A COMMUNITY BASED NON-PROFIT Edmonton Public Library, Edmonton, AB for the Stanley A. Milner Library Grand Opening

OneWest Event Design


Cava Rose, Montreal, QC for Valentine’s Day Ball BEST EVENT DESIGN / DECOR Cantrav & Loungeworks, Vancouver, BC for What’s Your Vancouver? SITE Global Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for Shoppers Drug Mart – New & So You Pop Up Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for Quaker Holiday Lounge Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique, Thornhill, ON for Eliana’s Art Themed Bat Mitzvah OneWest Event Design, Calgary, AB for GoWest – Breaking Open Conference Breakout Rooms

Cantrav & Loungeworks

Edmonton Public Library


MOST CREATIVE FLORAL DESIGN R5 Event Design, Toronto, ON for the Hindu Garden Wedding Bespoke Blossoms, Victoria, BC for the Painted Rainbow Bespoke Blossoms, Victoria, BC for Blueberries and Romance R5 Event Design & Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique, Toronto, ON for the Tuscan Dinner Party BEST WEDDING Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique, Thornhill, ON for Bianca & Mark’s Modern Micro Wedding Lynn Fletcher Weddings, Calgary, AB for All Hail The Wedding Day!

R5 Event Design

Lynn Fletcher Weddings, Calgary, AB for Bohemian Vibes Lynn Fletcher Weddings, Calgary, AB for Love and Sparkles



Lynn Fletcher Weddings, Calgary, AB for A Dance of Love THE BIG IDEA OF 2020 HIGH BAR Hospitality & Event Group, Toronto, ON for the Mobile Luxury Cannabis Bar Event Imaging, Toronto, ON for The Virtual Santa Claus Experience Spectra Event Group, Vancouver, BC for A Powerful Pivot Event Specialists, Brampton, ON for the EventPrenuer Club BEST INDUSTRY SUPPORT INITIATIVE The Virtual Event Resource by Tycoon Events Save The Event Industry Light Up Live Canada BC Meetings & Events Industry Working Group MOST OUTSTANDING VIRTUAL EVENT OF THE YEAR Event Imaging, Toronto, ON for The Virtual Santa Claus Experience Communique Incentives Inc., Toronto, ON for the Mary Kay Seminar @ Home 2020

Lynn Fletcher Weddings


Bespoke Blossoms

Fab Fête Event Planning Boutique


High Bar Hospitality & Event Group

MOST OUTSTANDING EVENT OF THE YEAR Cantrav, Vancouver, BC for SITE Global Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for Shoppers Drug Mart – New & So You Pop Up Citizen XM, Toronto, ON for SickKids Bravery Beads Hala Events & Communications Inc.., Toronto ON for Exchange: Conversations to Inspire Change ENTERTAINER OF THE YEAR Mega Magic - Magician Mike D’Urzo, Toronto, ON The Destressin’ Driveway Sessions, Calgary, AB Dueling Piano Kings, Calgary, AB Danny Kramer Dance Band, Winnipeg, MB The Destressin’ Driveway

EVENT INDUSTRY VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Lisa Marks, Owner, Brand Alive Inc., Calgary, AB Corinne Kessel, Principal, Greenscape Design & Décor, Burnaby, BC Elizabeth Clark, President, Chair Decor, Toronto, ON Joanne Burns Millar, CEO & Owner, Pacific Destination Services Inc., Vancouver, BC EVENT PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR Rachel Klar, CMP, Senior Events Marketing Manager, Intuit, Mississauga, ON Dustin Westling, CSEP, Managing Partner, OneWest Event Design, Calgary, AB

Hala Events & Communications Inc..

Mahoganey Jones, CMP, DES, HMCC, Founder & Event Producer, Event Specialists, Brampton, ON


Danny Kramer Dance Band

Citizen XM

CELEBRATING CANADA'S FINEST EVENT VENUES Originally planned to launch in 2020, right before the pandemic, the Canadian Event Venue Awards (CEVA) is back on schedule for 2022. This groundbreaking awards program showcases our country's leading event venues and celebrates outstanding achievements in venue management, innovation, design, marketing, in-house catering, event planning, technology, customer service. Stay tuned to for details on the opening of this exciting new competition.


Frances Morenc y


AWARD CATEGORIES From spectacular wedding venues to modern warehouses, conference rooms to charming lofts, interactive venues to intimate locations, and hotels to banquet halls, the Canadian Event Venue Awards will recognize the places and people behind the country’s most incredible and successful event spaces. • Best New Event Space

• Best Hotel Event Space

• Best Wedding Venue

• Best Gallery Event Space

• Best In-House Catering

• Best Country Event Venue

• Best in-House Event Team

• Most Tech-Savvy Event Venue

• Best Historic Venue

• Best Restaurant Event Space

• Best Academic Event Space

• Best Interactive Event Venue

• Best Conference Venue

• Most Intimate Event Space

• Most Creative Event Space

• Most Outstanding Venue of the Year

• Most Sustainable Event Space



Revenge Travel is Alive in the Minds of Leisure Travellers By Janice Cardinale

“We are living in a Boredom Economy”. Boredom is often a sign that something does not feel meaningful. Therefore, feeling bored can result in various kinds of behaviour that increase risk taking and impulsivity. But as humans we rationalize and tell ourselves what we need through reward sensitivity. People want to feed their inner child. This is because, human-centricity is at the heart of how we come out of this pandemic. SUMMER 2021 | WWW.CANADIANSPECIALEVENTS.COM | 67

Consumers are looking at travel experiences as a possible prescription to the pain and suffering they have endured during the pandemic. Revenge is a powerful emotional trigger that tends to mobilize people into action. This very pervasive experience has often been triggered by the unknown. Having been bound and trapped over the last year has given rise to the mental toll on our society. Missed vacations last year or cancelled trips, felt like an involuntary travel detox. Everyone is suffering from vacation deprivation, so what is next? “THE BINGE”

Recent studies have shown that Millennials value the experience of travel over goods, services, and bonuses. It is no surprise since the world has witnessed how fragile life can be. Our values have changed over the last year or so and we have recognized that we are much more resilient than we thought.


Missed vacations last year or canceled trips, felt like an involuntary travel detox. Everyone is suffering from vacation deprivation, so what is next?

All signs point to this summer being filled with luxurious, lavish, and over-the-top trips continuing into the fall and holiday season. Time is precious and we can expect people to book extra trips or splurge on bigger ones, because we have been cooped up for so long. There is an urge for those once-in-a-lifetime experiences, like family vacations, adventure travel, experiential travel, and boutique experiences that provide wholesome and organic environments that are authentic and genuine and fill our pent-up demand for relaxation, fresh air, water, and scenery.

But are you ready to pack a bag and fly off just yet? The messaging from governments all around the world were different from one country to the next. We all anticipated our future based on what we heard and what others were doing. But the differences between Asia, Europe, and North America were as different as night and day. The ultimate travel will be experienced through the right protocols, procedures, and mindfulness for travellers. Some businesses are already poised for that and others have not arrived at their destination yet, so to speak. Let’s be honest, travel, on the leisure side is already back and growing in leaps

and bounds. Corporate travel is another beast that will take more time to recover, as senior leaders have seen the opportunity to save money and take less risk. What I believe, is that smaller group travel will succeed and dominate as companies look to create very special experiences for the ultimate achievers and maintain a hybrid experience for the rest. This will result in the unification of both experiences in the future. The human element has never been stronger than it is today and there is only one way to survive the future: relationships and trust. Revenge is bittersweet.



Event Management Creative Design

Inspired Spaces 2021

n e irs da sc e c a en e r s den s drea p e s inspirin ra e s and ea i e en e can in ear n e a r er e de ai s e en e ca erer en er ain en e en rp an ren a s and c rse e d c r ese desi ns are rans a ed in d ards ed c p e pr p sa s c nica e eir isi n and ina e ins a a i n a a e p desi n Seneca is proud to present the class of 2021 and their Inspired Spaces!

Don’t just plan events… create unforgettable experiences. Our graduate certificate is the only program of its kind to focus on the design elements of live events. In only eight months, our students learn what it takes to execute real events for real clients in an exciting, fast-paced industry. Taught by a team of industry professionals, they develop the skills they need to translate design concepts into events that will leave clients speechless. Cover photo credit: Rewa Ketkar, 2019

e en ana e en rea i e esi n pr ra ene i s r e ad ice and e per ise e p ind s r a en i in anada r r ra d is r i ee e ers spend eir i e pr idin inp n e c rric a s in rs eir aci i ies es ec rin c ac in s den s cri i in s den r and a in s den s n ie d p ace en in erns ip pp r ni ies e are er eir s pp r

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Future of Canada 2030 Greening Business Gala Dinner Theme: Coexistence with Nature



On September 3, 2021 at 6.30pm, Northland Power, a renewable energy leader, invites 120 of Canada’s top Executives for an evening of inspiring speakers, music, and dialogue, set in the beautiful Guild Inn Estate. The event will empower guests to adopt sustainable practices as they look towards Canada’s 2030 Climate Agenda.


Greening Business is a one-of-a-kind immersive experience, taking guests on a journey towards coexistence with nature. Guests travel through three spatial zones evoking sensations – immersion, inspiration, and reflection – ever closer to a better future. The color scheme is green and purple, evoking the hope and anticipation of pre-dawn hours over forested mountains. Through custom larger-than-life floral sculptures and lighting, guests are immersed in an otherworldly woodland oasis. Here, talks from sustainability leader and earthy percussion and flute performances inspire guests. With inclusive seating areas, there is plentiful room for dialogue as guests reflect on this unforgettable evening.


Nelya Abramovich Event Designer /Nelya-Abramovich @nelyaevents Photo Credits: Oscars 86th Governors Ball Event Rental Group Contemporary Furniture Rentals Divine Furniture Rentals Luxe Modern Rentals Fiftyflowers, Petaljet, Elizabeth Reninger


Greening Business Gala Dinner

The Human Lens 2021 VIBE Arts Charity Event

The Human Lens is a social photography project inspired by a social media movement. The focus of the event is to put on stage the triumphs and tribulations that allow people to be connected by what we call humanity. This event is held at Artscape Wychwood Barns, in the Bracondale Hill Area of Toronto. The Human Lens captures the true raw, uncut beauty of women and men of all ages regardless of status, in the city of Toronto. The event is held on Friday, June 4th at 6PM. My client, VIBE Arts for Children and Youth’s mission is to work collaboratively with partners in under-resourced communities to create an impact on youth through arts education programming. Through VIBE Arts emerging Youth Artists and the urban dynamic of Toronto cityscapes, The Human Lens captures vibrant imagining, bright centrepiece displays and neon lighting features all reflecting the VIBE Arts community brand.

Sarah Baldassara The Human Lens Sarah-Baldassara Sarah_dreamevents

Photo Credits: Garywuphoto Cinthia Fernandes Event Rental Group Chairman Mills Event


Almond Butter Brand Launch Party , ,


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Alia Brown Event Designer



Beanfield Centre

Photo Credits: Gary Wu Photography Event Rental Group Oliver & Bonacini Hospitality Website Hofland Website

The Arctic Memory Ball Greenpeace Charity Gala The Arctic Memory Ball is an immersive exhibit and a charity gala event supporting Greenpeace – a non-governmental environmental organization. As part of the company’s Save the Arctic Campaign, the event aims to raise funds and awareness for the Arctic region that is threatened to be lost due to the effects of climate change. Held on Saturday November 20th, 2021 at the Ontario Science Centre, the event includes an immersive gallery, interactive exhibits, a silent auction, and a sit-down dinner. Guest speakers and musical performers also present in support of the cause. The design consists of various glass and stone-like textures to emulate the feeling of being surrounded by ice, paired with accents of pale sea-foam green and deep aqua to match the event branding. This gala transports guests’ senses to the Arctic world, encouraging all to “Freeze the moment, Save the Arctic.”

Leah Calucag Event Designer /Leah-Calucag Ontatio Science Centre

@lmcbydesign Photo Credits: Gary Wu Photography Event Rental Group

NIKON PHOTO EXPO #itsourfuture

VIP Reception To celebrate Nikon Canada’s remarkable success, Nikon’s distinguished guests gather for a joyful cocktail dinner experience immersed by an uplifting piano recital from the world’s popular musician Chilly Gonzales on the previous evening of Nikon Photo Expo. With the tagline “itsourfuture”, the photo expo showcases and speaks about the newest arrivals of Nikon camera collection and its efficiency in absorbing and reflecting the finest detail of what’s being captured by its image sensor and mirror. Reflection,repetition and colour are the design elements used to design this event. The modern, clean, and spacious tabletop design also has got geometry and hints of Nikon branding in its structure. The VIP reception will take place Friday, April 23, 2021 at MOCA Toronto’s Level 2 hall and it commences at 7pm.

Arya Geetha Reghu Event Designer Arya Geetha Reghu aryaa_g_reghu

Photo Credits: Pinterest Event Rental Group MOCA Toronto Nikon Canada Wedluxe Magazine Gary Wu Photography

Beanfield Centre

We Are Survivors Fashion Show-Dinner Gala

Here we welcome all, to celebrate and support the strength of the battlers of the Breast Cancer at Four Seasons, Toronto, on twentieth April which will be a wonderful occasion worth joining in. 'We Ae Survivors', is a style show-supper affair occasion coordinated to cheer and support the breast cancer fighters by Toronto's local fashion stores, Ellie Mae & Biko, helping for raising endowment for Breast Cancer Society of Canada.. Fondling various shades of pink, theme is to inundate the visitors into a light, glad, happy and splendid occasion. Assortment of flower stylistic layout in pink will be the fundamental feature of this evening. What's more, the Survivors' exhibition entrance stroll with Sheryl Crow facilitating will take the spotlight of this evening.

Diksha Goel Event Designer /Diksha-Goel @ddream.design_ Photo Credits: Gary Wu Cinthia Fernandes Event Rental Group

Beanfield Centre

You have no choice but to join us.. Masters FX’ Halloween Gala This evening will be an event to bring special effects artists, film, and production companies together for a horrifying black-tie gala. The host company, Masters FX is using this event to showcase their company’s talents and realistic special FX designs throughout the years and allowing attendees to connect with one another. Guests will be allowed to purchase a table for their company enjoy this unnerving evening. The event is not for the faint of heart and will include a ghostly castle themed cocktail hour, a plated candle lite dinner, and a gruesome circus themed after party. A coffin gift box will be given to all guests at the end of the event. The event will take place on Saturday, October 6, 2021 at Casa Loma Castle in Toronto. The private event begins at 6:45pm.

Cristen Hawkins Event Designer /cristen.e.hawkins @cris_thecreator_

Beanfield Centre

Photo Credits: Masters FX Casa Loma Castle Emma Hla Event Rental Group Pinterest Gary Wu Photo

PORSCHE 90TH ANNIVESARY WITH RM’ SOTHEBY Porsche Celebrates 90th Anniversary with launched a limited edition 911 and held auctions and dinners with RM Sotheby’s. Porsche is a German automobile manufacturer specializing in high-performance cars, founded in 1931 in Stuttgart, Germany. RM Sotheby's is a classic car auction company. The event venue is located at Porsche Centre North Toronto. This is the headquarters of Porsche Canada and one of the largest dealers in Ontario. We use a lot of black tableware, with simple design glass. Use simple black and white as the main color, and match it with metal and leather decorations. A European industrial design would be perfect for Porsche. This is in line with the brand style of Porsche, whose products also combine premium industrial design and aesthetics. The strict and clean design will be best express the brand style.

Yuming (Rabbio) Huang Event Designer /Yuming Huang @rabbiohuang Photo Credits: Gary Wu Rabbio Huang Event Rental Group

A Fright Night Birthday Party On the evening of Tuesday, April 20, 2021, close family and friends will be gathering at The Fermenting Cellar located in The Distillery Historic District to enjoy the birthday party of Allysha. A Fright Night Birthday party is the 20th Birthday Celebration of my beautiful client Allysha. As she is completing her diploma in Film Making so she has a deep interest in Horror movies. That’s why she wants her birthday party to be planned in a spooky theme. A black and red theme will be the center of attraction in the party. Black and red roses will be used for the table centerpiece whereas skulls and bones will be used to give it a creepy look. For other decorations spider web, rusty chains and giant ceiling mansion. will be used.

Harpreet Kaur Event Designer /Harpreet-Kaur

@har.preet_kaur_ Photo Credits: Pinterest Harpreet Kaur Gary Photos Event Rental Group

Beanfield Centre

A Fright Night Birthday Party

Lillian&Jeff ’s Dreamy Garden Wedding “I’ve found a love for me”

From the very first date Lillian & Jeff knew that they were perfect together! They knew that they wanted a wedding that expressed their love of outdoor and nature. The natural beauty of Kurtz Orchards drew them to hold a wedding there. They will be able to say their vows in front of the mature orchards and vineyards. The event will take place on Sunday, July 11 2021. The day will start with a beautiful cocktail. Following with a romantic ceremony. After that, guests will move to the tent and enjoy the dinner. The wedding will end with a moonlit dance party and fireworks. It is going to be dreamy and unforgettable. The decor for this wedding featured on romantic, softness and classic. Along the wood table, you will find beautiful looseness European style centrepiece, gold details decor, artistry custom made calligraphy menu and candlelight.

Hilda Lee Event Designer /hilda-lee-6070631ba @hilda_lee_event Photo Credits: Gary Wu Photography Event Rental Group Ke Design Co. Nam Ko Art&Photography

Contemporary Country Charm The Wedding of Andrew and Julia West Wing

In the late afternoon of Saturday, July 10, 2021, close kin and friends will gather at The Arlington Estate to enjoy a relaxed ceremony, cocktail, dinner, and entertaining one-of-a-kind country meets city wedding. Contemporary Country Charm is the wedding of a simple and generous couple, Andrew and Julia, who are now ready to take the next journey of their lives. Since both of them met and grew up in the suburb before moving to the city to work, they wanted to bring back the memories of living in the countryside, and this was their inspiration in designing their dream wedding. Burgundy, blush pink, and gold will be the color theme, and dried flowers will highlight this. Candles will be lit in geometric-shaped candle holders to add some edge as well as barrels and crates as the guests appreciate the place's beauty and ending the celebration with fireworks.

Zionna Lopez Event Designer



Beanfield Centre

Photo Credits: Google Pinterest Zionna Lopez Event Rental Group The Arlington Estate Gary Wu Photography

Contemporary Country Charm

Jewelry launch Bridal Collection

Being a bride is an important day in many women's life. They start their new journey with someone whom they cherish. A.R Fashion is a semi-luxury apparel brand that originated in India. They are Launching their bridal collection by their accessory brand Dharohar to make those special brides extra special on their special day. The Royal look inspires this bridal collection which represents the bride her self a Queen. To expand their roots in the foreign market, they are launching this collection here in Toronto, Canada. The event will take place on 11th July 2022 at 11 am at the SPACE. The event will feature a product bar where the guest can purchase some exclusive designs.

VASHU Event Designer vashudahiya


Beanfield Centre

Photo Credits: Gary Photos Event Rental Group Times of India

TT EE AA RR S SI NI NP P AA RR AA DD I SI E SE GIVENCHY WEDDING COUTURE 2021 FASHION SHOW This Winter, Givenchy will be hosting a fashion show for 120 guests to launch their new collection, Tears In Paradise. With inspiration from elegant and beautiful angels from paradise, this event will be a spectacle that truly brings heaven-to-earth. In this unique event, guests will be completely immersed in the fascinating world of Givenchy, as if they themselves are an angel in paradise. Sophisticated and delicate, warm whites and golds can be seen throughout the space. Towering centrepieces will be made of feathery pampas grasses, mimicking the outstretched wings of angels, a symbol of their power. Airy chiffon table runners, express the delicate and gentle features of these ethereal creatures. The event will take place Saturday, December 21st, 2021, at the Omni King Edward Hotel and commence at 10 AM.

Nguyen Ngo Ngoc Nguyen (Riry Nguyen) Event Designer /nguyen-nn-nguyen @riry.eventdesign Photo Credits: Gary Wu Photography Event Rental Group Vintagebash

Beanfield Centre


Thank You Ontario! Kusama: Infinity Mirror Room – Let’s Survive Forever Thank You Dinner & Installation Celebrate the magic of Yayoi Kusama’s works as the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) celebrates the second anniversary of acquiring Infinity Mirror Room on Friday May 28th, 2021. Experience the wonder of walking into a Kusama installation – but as an event. Witness as the AGO transforms Baillie and Walker Court into a space that pays homage to Kusama’s most notable works. Through interactive digital art pieces, virtual reality booths, and installations, guests will be immersed in all encompassing environment that celebrates the arts. The décor will be based on the whimsical and pop art style favoured heavily by Kusama. Her noteworthy Naoshima Pumpkins will adorn the venue, with her obsessive dotted environments creating the foundation for additional décor.

Tricia Persaud Event Designer

/tricia-persaud -8956191b8 @tricia_pers

Beanfield Centre

Photo Credits: Event Rental Group Google Images The Art Gallery of Ontario Amazon Gary Wu

Garden Party in the Clouds Rare Beauty Product Launch “This is makeup to feel good in, without hiding what makes you unique because Rare Beauty is not about being someone else, but being who you are.” – Selena Gomez, Founder The Rare Beauty Launch Party is an event aimed at educating guests on the overall brand personality, their goals as a company and the launch of their first round of products. The event will take place on May 20, 2021 at Berkeley Events Airship37 event space in the distillery district in Toronto, ON, starting at 12pm. With an exclusive guest list of 75 people which include top beauty bloggers, business associates, celebrity guests and social media influencers, this product launch is sure to make headway!

Shelby Strom Event Designer


@_shelbyscreative Photo Credits: Gary Wu Photography Event Rental Group Rare Beauty Airship37 Pinterest

Beanfield Centre

Harley-Davidson 2022 Product Launch The launch of Hayley-Davidson’s 2022 product line is focusing on going out, exploring the road. Only loyal customers from Canada will be invited to the event ,and each of them will be getting a customized leather jacket patch as the symbol of close friends with Harley-Davidson. The event will take place Saturday, Jul 4th, 2021. There is no rustic and industrial venue better than steam whistle brewery with extra high ceiling, expose beans and the beautiful view of Downtown Toronto. Riders are going to pick up our guest from the hotel with Harley-Davidson’s new model. The tabletop design is focusing on moody and rustic vibe accented with burgundy ranunculus as the main color scheme of the centrepiece. With ambient lighting across the room, The legendary motorcycle brand Harley-davidson will launch their 2022 new model.

Jessica Wang Event Planner /eventbyjessicaw @eventbyjessica.w

Beanfield Centre

Photo Credits: Garywuphoto EventRentalGroup SteamWhistleBrewery

NARS Sheer Glitter NARS Product Launch Party

The NARS Sheer Glitter is the NARS 2021 new products launch event. The neon has been selected as the theme because it can reflect the brand’s young, bold, fashionable, and avant-garde style. The neon lights also create a futuristic vibe that connects with the brand’s young consumer base. The centerpiece combined strangely shaped acrylic vases with simple flowers and neon lights to respond to the theme. The minimalist tableware has been chosen to achieve the whole tabletop balance. This event for 72 guests will be taking place on March 13th at the Gardiner Museum located in downtown Toronto with convenient transportation. This event will start at 5 pm. During the evening, guests will enjoy Marshmello’s Performance.

Mengxi Wang Event Designer

Mengxi Wang

@mengxiwang__ Photo Credits: Gary Wu Photographer Rabbio Huang Event Rental Group

Beanfield Centre

Call Me by Your Name & I’ll Call You by Mine The Wedding of Ellie & Oliver Nestled in the quaint rural town of Innerkip, Ontario, sits the newly restored, historic church La Petite Chapelle. Here, on the eve of August seventh, two thousand and twenty-one, one hundred guests will gather to celebrate the marriage of Ellie Brown and Oliver Greenwood. Inspired by the novel and film Call Me by Your Name and the whimsical romance of the Italian countryside, the event merges vintage, old-world charm with modern, on-trend design. Emphasis will be placed on texture, movement, and atmosphere to create a one-of-a-kind experience with long-lasting effect. Cascading florals, dried grasses, and lush greenery surround the venue, while sculptural elements and silver and brass accents evoke a sense of antiquity. Reminiscent of an Italian still life, statuesque centrepieces rest upon flowing table runners amongst stone fruits, nuts, flower buds and hard cheeses. With its soft colour palettes and rustic, sultry tone, this wedding is a love letter penned to Italy.

Maya Watson Event Designer /Maya-Watson @mayawatson design

Beanfield Centre

Photo Credits: Pinterest La Petite Chapelle Event Rental Group Grow & Bloom Co. Plate Occasions Gary Wu Photos/Cinthia Fernandes

Sailing Into Love The Wedding of Sunny & David On the romanLc ValenLne’s Day, February 14th, 2021, family and friends will get together at a historic and luxury hotel, the Omni King Edward Hotel to witness and celebrate a lovely couple’s love.

“Sailing into Love” is an Ocean theme wedding for Sunny and David. With the special meanings of the ocean and their love of spending vacaLon at the seaside, they decided to add the oceanic elements to create a romanLc and beauLful wedding. A blue and gold colour scheme will be glammed up by adding some ivory and white colour to make the whole appearance so]er and more elegant. Different heights of the centrepieces and candles will increase the visual layering. Blue stones will be placed at the bo`om of the vases and will be filled up with the water to create a under the sea look. Guests will have an immersive experience during that night.

Jiaqing Yang Event Designer /Kiko(Jiaqing) Yang

@event.jkyang03 Photo Credits: GaryPhotos Yuming Huang (Rabbio) Event Rental Group The Omni King Edward Hotel

Beanfield Centre

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