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Cameron Knoll Home Owners Association Board Meeting 69 Fendall Ave Monday, 28 November 2016

Meeting Start – 7:01 pm Attendees: John O’Dowd, Robert Knapp, Matheus Stivaletti, Olin Thomas, Tom White, Elaine Curry (RPMC). Meeting minutes were reviewed/approved (with edits). Resident’s Forum: No resident forum. Board Leadership Positions: President – John O’Dowd, Vice Pres. – Matheus Stivaletti, Treasurer – Olin Thomas, Secretary – Tom White, Member-At-Large – Robert Knapp Committee Assignments & Reports: Landscaping: Robert Knapp/Olin Thomas. Rules: Olin Thomas Welcome: John O’Dowd. Website/ARC/Security: Matheus Stivaletti. Security Committee – No report. Landscaping Committee – R. Knapp/O. Thomas A general discussion was held on landscaping enhancement options and priorities for 2017. Enhancements will be prioritized based on budgeted and available funds. Residents are welcomed to submit ideas and recommendations for improvements. Annual tree maintenance was discussed. Request for Bids will go forth in Feb. 2017. Treasurers Report – Olin Thomas: Minor financial questions were discussed with RPMC, focused on obtaining more details to the Profit/Loss statements provided by RPMC. There are no issues with financials. Financial statements for Oct., Nov., and Dec 2016 will be reviewed at Jan. 2017 meeting. Some Reserve Funds will be invested in a CD in the near future.

Architecture Committee – No submissions. Welcome Committee – John O’Dowd: Requested new residents information from RPMC. The Welcome committee plans on having a meeting in early 2017 to discuss events. Committee members will be notified via email. Website – Olin Thomas: Progress continues on the community website updates. A status will be provided at a future meeting after coordination with the developer. Old Business/New Business: 2017 Budget reviewed/approved. Budget mailed to all residents by RPMC in Dec. 2016. 2016 Audit engagement deferred pending review by Board at Jan. 2017 meeting. CK Reserve Study is required in 2017. Request for Bids will go forth in the near future. Executive Session: A resident in significant arrears was discussed. Next Meeting: Monday 30 January 2017 – 14 Fendall Ave. Adjourn: 8:08 pm

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