Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
Guests : Shane McMahon
1. Call to Order- Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of December 1, 2023
4. Correspondence Review-
i) Membership: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to offer complementary membership to the Caledonia Lions, The Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Special Projects Committee, Caledonia Firefighters Station 1, The Caledonia Food Bank and Haldimand County’s Ward 3 Councilor.
ii) Overdue Invoice - $1500 Zehrs, 9/29/2022, Craig will follow up today
1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that:
i) The recycling program for businesses cancellation decision was made at the provincial level and that the County will accept all blue box materials at no charge. On behalf of the Chamber, and after consulting with the Ontario Chamber, Jessica will compose a letter that will be fillable and reusable for our members to send to Bobbi Ann Brady
ii) The Firehall construction is proceeding on schedule.
iii) There are no updates on Hwy 6 & Haldibrook Rd stoplight or bridge status from the MTO, and MTO officials are declining his requests for meetings.
iv) The proposed battery storage facilities in areas across Haldimand are not subject to zoning bylaws as they are classified as production and transference of energy. Final, if any, locations are still undetermined.
2. Committee Reports
Business Achievement Awards: Stacie Blakey shared that Sponsor Letters have been sent to last year’s supporters, catering quotes have been requested, nominations portal will be ready to open Jan 27th
Finance Committee: Ken Parr shared that the Year End Processes has begun Millards P&L by class and bookkeeping processes have been performed well below expectations and has recommended that at the AGM the Chamber explore better representation. He further shared that HST is now needed to be charged on all sponsorship and donations to the Chamber.
It was duly moved seconded and carried to repay the 40k CEBA loan to take advantage of the 30% loan forgiveness, and request a Line of Credit increase on our operating account from Libro
A motion was made and deferred to close the inactive lotto account until confirmation received from Haldimand County any limitations on the disbursement of funds.
Edinburgh Cup: Brad Armes shared that we will again be hosting this event at the Cayuga Golf Course. We are booked for May 31st
Canada Day- Jessica shared that the grant application has been completed, first planning meeting scheduled for Jan 23rd
Caledonia Connected: Stacie has reached out to the Cornerstone restaurant and tentatively booked an evening event for Jan 31
3. New Business: None
4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15
CaledoniaRegionalChamberofCommerce BoardofDirectorsMeetingMinutes January19,2024
Directors: Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
Guests : Mike Forster & Justin Trotti, Robin Young
1. Call to Order- Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration- None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of January 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review-
i) Membership: YTD Jessica shared the current membership numbers and thanked Strategy Construction for their new membership in the Chamber.
ii) Recycling Program: Mike Rinzella of the Haldimand Press has reached out for comments on the stoppage of curbside recycling collection, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce is hosting a representative from Circular Materials who should share insight on this change.
iii) Overdue Invoice
$1500 Zehrs, 9/29/2022, Craig has followed up with Zehrs.
1. McKinnon Park Co-Operative Program- Mike Forster & Justin Trotti presented an overview off the Co-operative education program at McKinnon Park:
i) Policies and procedures including start and end times for the semester. 2.5 hours/day
ii) Special programming Ontario Youth Apprenticeship program and Specialist High Skills Major programs.
iii) Typical Barriers to successful placements- transportation, student must seek out placements.
iv) Importance of screening and interview process.
v) Future Placements, areas of need - white collar- mortgages, real estate etc
2. Committee Reports
Business Achievement Awards: Menu to be determined by months end. Nomination portal online by Jan 27. Title Sponsor Pending. Joanne to meet with Photography club.
Canada Day: Kick-off Meeting Jan 23 at 6 pm.
Caledonia Connected: Feb 7, 5-7 pm
Special Projects: Christmas décor to be by the first week of February. Music in the Park- Larry suggested the time of the event be moved up as by the end of the season mosquitoes are out and the sun sets earlier.
Edinburgh Cup: Randy confirmed $40 gift card from Home Hardware as gift to each golfer.
3. Haldimand County- Craig, on behalf of Dan Lawrence shared that the brickwork to the Firehall should begin shorty; county is currently working on a plan to repair the many potholes in town.
4. BIA- Craig shared they care planning a Cabbage Roll Cup on March 9th including free skating, shiny hockey and dinner. The BIA will also be hosting an open house Jan 31 to discuss the curbside recycling stoppage for businesses.
5. New Business: None
6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 am
Canada Day Planning- Kick Off Meeting Jan 23rd 6pm
Board of Directors Meeting February 2
Caledonia Connected- Feb 7, 5-7 pm @ Victor’s Cornerstone Restaurant Board of Directors Meeting February 12
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Executive: Jessica Lymburner
Guests: Kathy Marshall, Heather Mastromatteo, Erene Da Silva
1. Call to Order- Suzanne Called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of January 19, 2024 (fix CR Cup)
i) Membership: YTD – 1 new Joanne Dorr.
ii) Recycling Program: letter template has been widely shared. The Chamber participated in the BIAs info session and offered collaborative options for the admin of a pilot recycling program.
iii) Ti-Cats Opportunity - It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve Hamilton Sports Entertainment membership in kind in for 1 year trial basis.
iv) Food Bank Letter to be circulated to membership.
v) Overdue Invoice: $1500 Zehrs, 9/29/2022, still pending.
1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that the Capital budget is completed.
Edinburgh square is scheduled for completion in May, after which there will be a Barb Martindale Memorial Walkway dedication
A community safety study is planned for this spring, where Dan has suggested hiring officers specifically focused on speeding in the County, he will be looking for public input
An RFP for consult to change ward boundaries, with the intent to add a 2nd seat at council for Caledonia as we have 13k of the 50k total residents of Haldimand for the 2026 election
York & Sims Lock – The old bridge has disintegrated and the path from sims to York shut down until major repairs.
No updated from MTO on the Bridge
No word from ISO regarding proposed battery storage locations.
2. BIA – Kathy Marshall has an ongoing Valentines Day draw including 26 businesses
The Cabbage Roll Cup is March 9, which includes free skate, hockey and dinner.
Recycling brainstorming session earlier this week, she is leading a pilot project of 1-2 locations of community funded bins – location TBD
3. Special Projects – Larry Fay shared that they have nearly completed removal of décor, large snowflakes are scheduled for Tuesday. Worshop and storage now off-site on 4th line
Business Achievement Awards: Caterers have responded, Chris is taking the lead on volunteers. The committee is considering paid ads when tickets and nominations portal is open, Kathy has offered to post on the LED sign. Larry suggested a “nominate your favourite business” printed poster, Heather will work on designs.
Finance Committee: Audit records requested have been provided to Millards, Jessica is inquiring w/ other firms to replace Millards after the AGM.
Dock Project: $1500 has been paid as the first ½ of SPARK Grant. Jessica and Blain of GRDC have been assigned a mentor from Blind River who undertook a larger scale version of a similar project.
Canada Day: First Meeting was held virtually, focus on volunteer recruitment.
Edinburgh Cup: Shane. Mike & Brad had a kick-off meeting, sponsorship will be first priority, looking to recruit 144 golfers. Jessica offered to send a survey to last years participants- Brad will propose questions.
Oktoberfest: Hall deposit received from Lions, funds have been allocated to “Networking Event”
Caledonia Connected: Free for Members, this Wednesday from 5-7. Please register.
5. New Business: Catch the Ace – estimated jackpot $420k
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 am
Caledonia Connected- Feb 7, 5-7 pm @ Victor’s Cornerstone Restaurant Board of Directors Meeting February 16
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 16, 2024
Directors: Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Dan Lawrence, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
Guests:, Steve Hayward, Shane McMahon
1. Call to Order: Suzanne Called the meeting to order at 8:00 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration : None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of Feb 02, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Jessica shared current membership, 1 new Leigh Ann Stapleton.
ii) MPSS Co-Op Student Obree Richardson has started, placements are open for virtual or local to the School or Mill.
iii) Gary Nelson has permanently transferred to Simcoe Scotiabank and has connected Jessica with 2 potential Director replacements from the Caledonia Office.
iv) Overdue Invoice: $1500 Zehrs, 9/29/2022, still pending
1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that a recent developer’s construction was disrupted by Argyle S. Firehall entrance on Argyle, signal lights activate when needed.
2. BIA: Craig Peters shared information for the Cabbage Roll Cup March 9th Recycling Program both Henning Park and Fairboard locations zoned agricultural unable to use these spaces. Jessica asked Craig to investigate to discuss if chamber members could have access to recycling at the train station.
Business Awards information will be on the BIA LED sign next week.
Easter Egg Hunt Good Friday 29th at Lions Hall Baseball Diamond
3. Special Projects: Larry shared that they are working on repairing and upgrading snowflakes now they’re removed.
4. Committee Reports:
Business Achievement Awards: Adjudication Process this year will take place on Google Forms vs discussion to get a clear tally of scoring- based on nominations alone. Nominees will be given a digital badge to share and encourage participation.
Edinburgh Cup: Committee is focused on sponsor recruitment
Caledonia Connected: TiCats and Forge April 5th at Hammer Hogs in place of our regular meeting. Randy suggested reaching out to other locations for our next breakfast.
Canada Day: Beer Garden is Permitted, volunteers needed, smart serve required –Randy suggested the Firefighters may be able to help.
5. New Business: Craig will begin a membership campaign Monday.
6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 am
Board of Directors Meeting March 1
Board of Directors Meeting March 15
Business Awards: March 27th
Caledonia Connected- April 5, 7:30-9 BREAKFAST Hammer Hogs
Board of Directors Meeting April 19
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 1, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Mike Estey, Steve Hayward, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Heather Mastromatteo, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio) * Executive: Jessica Lymburner
Guests: Kathy Marshall, Janice Doyle
1. Call to Order- Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:04 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: none declared.
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of Feb 16, 2024.
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: New Application: Caledonia Gymmies
ii) Overdue Invoice: $1500 Zehrs, 9/29/2022, still pending
1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared he has had discussions with MTO about the stoplight installation request for Haldibrook Rd & HWY 6. The process has started, with an estimated installation 2028. No update on the bridge. The Business Retention and Expansion program is ongoing, as a free resource for businesses Jessica will invite Jamie and Lidy to meeting or propose a hosted business breakfast.
2. BIA- Kathy Marshall reminded the Cabbage Roll Cup is March 9th, March 29th is the Easter Egg Hunt with 30,000 eggs Townwide Clean Up Day is planned for April 20th The recycling project is ongoing- the Fairgrounds are a possibility. Dan shared that other than private land, Haldimand County, and the province’s Ministry of environment needs to be involved for an alternate location.
3. Committee Reports
Business Achievement Awards: 37 tickets sold. Early Bird discount ends & nominations portal closes today. Adjudication will be sent to the committee and sponsors by Monday. Jessica will invite the Mayor.
Finance Committee: Millard’s bill will be approximately “$5,500 plus HST as there was some additional time on our end to record the special projects account activity of the 2nd half of 2022 as well as all of 2023.”. We currently have an inaccurate P&L as many items adjusted by Millards are ‘not specified” for budget and class items. AGM will be held May 3rd . The Chamber will continue to look for alternative accountant and bookkeeping options. Jess requested cheque stubs YTD from Special Projects to cut down on admin work at year end.
Edinburgh Cup: Outlining sponsorship levels and are meeting next week.
Caledonia Connected: Tickets for April breakfast are prepared but marketing will be held until Awards tickets end.
Nominations: Steve Hayward completed oath of office, Rev. Janice Doyle from Caledonia Presbyterian will take Ben Ponsen’s seat on behalf of Caledonia Ministerial.
1. New Business::Craig shared that the Fish Fry starts tonight at the Lions Hall. He also shared that there are many students who need community volunteer hours
2. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 am
Board of Directors Meeting March 15
Business Awards: March 27th
Caledonia Connected- April 5, 7:30-9 BREAKFAST Hammer Hogs
Board of Directors Meeting April 19
May 3rd AGM_ Hybrid- separate calendar invite
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 15, 2024
Directors: Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Steve Hayward, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of March 1, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica gave YTD membership numbers.
ii) Overdue Invoice: $1500 from Zehrs dated 9/29/2022 Zehrs is unable to pay this.
iii) Lotto Account Update: Haldimand County requires detailed accounting of funds from this account. The small balance will be used for charitable giving.
iv) Summer Funding: Haldimand County has send an MOU for $4k to offset tourism costs.
1. BIA- Craig shared that the Cabbage Roll Cup was successful, they plan to make this an annual event. There will be an Easter Egg hunt March 29th
2. Special Projects – Craig shared there is a plan to refurbish the existing town watering truck
3. Committee Reports
Business Achievement Awards- Jessica asked for final commitments for tickets from the Directors
Finance Committee- YTD P&L and current balances were circulated.
Edinburgh Cup- The committee is finalizing budget and sponsorship levels, and will connect with the CFSGE as they have expressed interest in assisting in exchange for a portion of proceeds.
Caledonia Connected – April 5th breakfast at Hammer Hogs, a discussion was had about inviting the Business Retention team from Haldimand County to a breakfast in early fall.
4. New Business:: An invite was extended by Craig for Directors to attend and support the Chili Cookoff April 20th - hosted by the Knights of Columbus,
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Dan Lawrence, Ken Parr, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
Guests: Shane McMahon
1. Call to Order – Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:00 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – none declared.
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of March 15, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership Jessica shared year to date membership.
ii) Co-Op Opportunity – Jessica reminded Directors of the Co-op student who is a marketer and budding entrepreneur looking for opportunities to learn on-site or virtually.
iii) Tourism Student Grant Approved- After discussion, it was determined to offer the role to Leah Goulding, the student from summer of 2023 with a start date of May 6th
iv) Chris Hibbs has advised he will be stepping back from chamber duties for the next several months.
1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that:
- There is no news on the bridge, however engineering staff at the MTO check in with county weekly.
- 2 memorial benches that were removed several years ago need to be reinstalled, this is a priority
- Barb’s dedication, waiting on renovations for Edinburgh square, anticipating late spring or fall No major constructions anticipated this year.
- The County is exploring turning the NW corner of Greens and Argyle into an industrial park, this will cost millions to service that land and many steps still need to take place.
- Fire Hall is slated for completion in May 2025.
- Dan has trails meeting next week to discuss the connection behind empire to the 66 bike/ walking trail. He did get a commitment to replace the small bridge on empire property.
2. BIA – Mike Shared that the Spring Clean Up is set for Saturday April 20
3. Special Projects – Larry shared that they have several small projects scheduled.
4. Updated Committee Reporting Structure Discussion – After a discussion, it was determined that members of a committee submit reports in advance of board meetings. This will free up time in meetings to discuss enhancing the Chamber, initiatives, advocacy, membership, marketing and more.
5. Committee Reports
Business Achievement Awards: Books are nearly closed, only a few outstanding invoices. Nominees who are not current members will be approached with a special offer to join, the rate of which will be determined soon.
Finance Committee: The Hagersville Millard’s office is open to the CRCC transferring files, but they have asked that we wait until after May to start discussions.
Edinburgh Cup: We are paying for a minimum of 100 golfers, Cayuga Golf Course has requested we delay our start to 1:30, Brad will push for 1pm. Directors were asked to consider putting in a team and/or considering sponsorship of the event
Caledonia Connected: Grand River Dinner Cruise Evening June 4
Canada Day: Next meeting proposed end of April.
6. New Business: Joanne suggested a ByLaw review committee. This will be tabled for a later discussion.
7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 am.
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 3, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Steve Hayward, Dan Lawrence, Kathy Marshall, Heather Mastromatteo, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:30 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared.
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of April 19, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared year to date membership numbers
ii) Tourism Student: Leah Goulding will return as the Tourism Officer May 6th - August 16th.
1. BIA – Kathy shared that clean up Caledonia day was a success; the Mother’s Day Draw is upcoming and provided and update on the municipal recycling program alternative (Craig Peters and his assistant Jordan will be picking up recycling for businesses in Caledonia). She also updated the board that there will be a planting day/night June 5th , the Canada Day Parade recruitment has started, and she has a BIA meet & greet evening set for May 15th from 5-7:30 pm.
2. Special Projects: Larry Fay stated that the Benches have not been installed yet by Haldimand County.
3. Committee Reports:
• Edinburgh Cup- There are 44 Golfers Registered, Directors are asked to share the tournament information.
• Business Awards- Few invoices still outstanding, overall feedback from event attendees was positive.
• Canada Day- Meeting was held Tuesday April 30, financial support is down significantly, fundraising will begin at the end of the month.
4. New Business: May 8th Dominos Pizza fundraiser for the Romberg family.
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 15, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Steve Hayward, Dan Lawrence, Heather Mastromatteo, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Mike Estey called the meeting to order at 8:04 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: it was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of May 3, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
1. Haldimand County Updates:
• Downtown Caithness St E repairs are ongoing, June will be busy as Haldimand County launches their safety campaign, focusing on speeding and traffic. Dan has proposed that the county employ traffic patrols.
• Recreation Surveys will be circulated soon, and the Parks dept will be out making repairs and touch-ups in the parks.
• Bridge and lights capital projects may be completed sooner than anticipated with the upcoming election.
2. Financial Committee:
• Profit & Loss Circulated, Ken anticipates a negative year-end if the Chamber maintains the status-quo, he emphasized the need for robust fundraising and event participation.
• Jessica has contacted the Ontario Chamber for assistance involving large franchises in the Chamber as well.
3. New Business:
• A conversation was had about hosting a networking event to showcase businesses to pitch services and products to membership and directors.
• Popcorn will be available at all Music in the Park Events- July 7,14,21 &28
• Lions Hall will soon host their quarter Auction.
• Strategy Construction is hosting a Monte Carlo-themed fundraiser for the Haldimand-Norfolk Hospice Sept 21 at the Lions Hall
• It was decided that the chamber will not rest for summer break.
4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 am
CaledoniaRegionalChamberofCommerce BoardofDirectorsMeetingMinutes June7,2024
1. CalltoOrder:Suzannecalledthemeetingtoorderat8:00am
3.MinutesfromPreviousMeeting:Itwasdulymoved,secondedandcarriedtoapprove theminutesofMay15,2024
4.CorrespondenceReview i) Membership:JessicasharedYTDMembership
ii) INVITATION:AnnualGeneralMeetingforGrandErieBusinessCentreJune26th11am
iii) INVITATION:TiCatsbusinessnetworkingevening-ChambersandfamiliesOctober
1.HaldimandCountyUpdates:CraigsharedthatChamberstoragebuildinghas becomeinfestedwithracoons,arecommendationhasbeenmadetoreplacethis
Acombinationofboardmembers,staffandvolunteersraised$816atopportoonie dayonJune1st
Theaskletterfordonationisapprovedandreadytouse.CraigandJoannewill beginknockingondoorsthisweek
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 21, 2024
Directors: Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Steve Hayward, Dan Lawrence, Heather Mastromatteo, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:02 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of June 7, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers including new member application.
1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared
I. that the Bridge will be shut down fully July 3, 4, 5 2024 for inspection.
II. There is a ward boundary realignment open house June 25th at Cayuga, and online
III. Currently there is no plan for any public pool to be installed in Haldimand, but a recommendation for multi-service use building in Caledonia
IV. Community safety initiatives open house tentatively booked for later July
V. Barb Martindale dedication of lane anticipated for first week of September.
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated. Ken asked for directors to consider strategies to raise an additional 25k
3. Canada Day: Committee Report
• Craig and Joanne and now Leah were knocking on doors this week.
• Currently, 21.5K has been raised for the event.
• We require another 16.5k to break even
• Volunteer Schedule –The men’s club will remain for fireworks collection.
4. Discussion: What do we want to accomplish with our website? For Members and Non. The discussion about the website was that the focus needs to be on attracting and retaining membership, maintain it regularly so that it is easy to navigate and search and showcase events
5. New Business: None
6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 5, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Steve Hayward, Dan Lawrence, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests: Kathy Marshall
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:02
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration : None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of June 21, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared YTD membership.
ii) July 28 MITP Sponsorship opportunity available
iii) Profit & Prosperity OCC Webinar Invitation Monday, July 8
1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared there will be a Community Safety open house July 16th 6-8pm at the HCCC. Topics include hiring local police force for traffic enforcement The goal is to be revenue neutral
The Ward boundary review process is underway, another open house is pending Firehall construction is underway
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, Ken has asked Directors to bring forward to the next meeting ideas to fundraise an additional 25k. Larry suggested running a Catch the Ace campaign, Suzanne will connect with volunteers and coordinators from last year to explore feasibility.
3. Discussion:
A discussion was had to consider reducing Chamber membership for the remainder of the calendar year. The matter has been tabled.
4. New Business:
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 am.
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Larry Fay, Heather Mastromatteo, Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
ii) Thank You: Leah Goulding, our tourism officer wanted to officially thank the directors who came out to help her on Sunday at Music in the Park
iii) ½ of July 28 MITP Sponsor available- to share with Canadian Tire
1. BIA Updates: The first of the "Thank you Canada Day Sponsors" is on the LED sign. Each week, new names will be featured.
Movie Night Aug 9th at Gazebo
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, ideas for additional 25k Ideas were shared in advance:
Randy: Catch the Ace – Suzanne spoke with Sid Drury, there is an opportunity for partnership in October benefiting the Hald-Nor Hospice.
Heather: Fall family fun day, farms/ apples pumpkin carving
Janice: sip and paint night canvas or Paddles of the Grand – Jessica will connect with Gina McIntee re: costs Recycling empties-
Steve: Micro-brewery festival -
Joanne: Virtual Workshop and Networking Series – engage community businesses for virtual networking sessions. A survey will be made to circulate to see what topics are of the most interest to the community. Grand Erie business Centre has compiled 40 page report on businesses and identified gaps that Joanne will share.
3. Discussion:
½ Off Summer Membership promo? – deferred
4. New Business:
1. The Executive Committee session planned for July 31 to focus on the long term sustainability of Chamber moving forward.
2. The Haldimand county volunteer nominations portal is still open.
3. There is a new crosswalk planned Edinburgh E to Fairgrounds
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Larry Fay, Heather Mastromatteo, Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
ii) Thank You: Leah Goulding, our tourism officer wanted to officially thank the directors who came out to help her on Sunday at Music in the Park
iii) ½ of July 28 MITP Sponsor available- to share with Canadian Tire
1. BIA Updates: The first of the "Thank you Canada Day Sponsors" is on the LED sign. Each week, new names will be featured.
Movie Night Aug 9th at Gazebo
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, ideas for additional 25k Ideas were shared in advance:
Randy: Catch the Ace – Suzanne spoke with Sid Drury, there is an opportunity for partnership in October benefiting the Hald-Nor Hospice.
Heather: Fall family fun day, farms/ apples pumpkin carving
Janice: sip and paint night canvas or Paddles of the Grand – Jessica will connect with Gina McIntee re: costs Recycling empties-
Steve: Micro-brewery festival -
Joanne: Virtual Workshop and Networking Series – engage community businesses for virtual networking sessions. A survey will be made to circulate to see what topics are of the most interest to the community. Grand Erie business Centre has compiled 40 page report on businesses and identified gaps that Joanne will share.
3. Discussion:
½ Off Summer Membership promo? – deferred
4. New Business:
1. The Executive Committee session planned for July 31 to focus on the long term sustainability of Chamber moving forward.
2. The Haldimand county volunteer nominations portal is still open.
3. There is a new crosswalk planned Edinburgh E to Fairgrounds
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Larry Fay, Heather Mastromatteo, Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
ii) Thank You: Leah Goulding, our tourism officer wanted to officially thank the directors who came out to help her on Sunday at Music in the Park
iii) ½ of July 28 MITP Sponsor available- to share with Canadian Tire
1. BIA Updates: The first of the "Thank you Canada Day Sponsors" is on the LED sign. Each week, new names will be featured.
Movie Night Aug 9th at Gazebo
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, ideas for additional 25k Ideas were shared in advance:
Randy: Catch the Ace – Suzanne spoke with Sid Drury, there is an opportunity for partnership in October benefiting the Hald-Nor Hospice.
Heather: Fall family fun day, farms/ apples pumpkin carving
Janice: sip and paint night canvas or Paddles of the Grand – Jessica will connect with Gina McIntee re: costs Recycling empties-
Steve: Micro-brewery festival -
Joanne: Virtual Workshop and Networking Series – engage community businesses for virtual networking sessions. A survey will be made to circulate to see what topics are of the most interest to the community. Grand Erie business Centre has compiled 40 page report on businesses and identified gaps that Joanne will share.
3. Discussion:
½ Off Summer Membership promo? – deferred
4. New Business:
1. The Executive Committee session planned for July 31 to focus on the long term sustainability of Chamber moving forward.
2. The Haldimand county volunteer nominations portal is still open.
3. There is a new crosswalk planned Edinburgh E to Fairgrounds
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Larry Fay, Heather Mastromatteo, Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
ii) Thank You: Leah Goulding, our tourism officer wanted to officially thank the directors who came out to help her on Sunday at Music in the Park
iii) ½ of July 28 MITP Sponsor available- to share with Canadian Tire
1. BIA Updates: The first of the "Thank you Canada Day Sponsors" is on the LED sign. Each week, new names will be featured.
Movie Night Aug 9th at Gazebo
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, ideas for additional 25k Ideas were shared in advance:
Randy: Catch the Ace – Suzanne spoke with Sid Drury, there is an opportunity for partnership in October benefiting the Hald-Nor Hospice.
Heather: Fall family fun day, farms/ apples pumpkin carving
Janice: sip and paint night canvas or Paddles of the Grand – Jessica will connect with Gina McIntee re: costs Recycling empties-
Steve: Micro-brewery festival -
Joanne: Virtual Workshop and Networking Series – engage community businesses for virtual networking sessions. A survey will be made to circulate to see what topics are of the most interest to the community. Grand Erie business Centre has compiled 40 page report on businesses and identified gaps that Joanne will share.
3. Discussion:
½ Off Summer Membership promo? – deferred
4. New Business:
1. The Executive Committee session planned for July 31 to focus on the long term sustainability of Chamber moving forward.
2. The Haldimand county volunteer nominations portal is still open.
3. There is a new crosswalk planned Edinburgh E to Fairgrounds
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Larry Fay, Heather Mastromatteo, Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
ii) Thank You: Leah Goulding, our tourism officer wanted to officially thank the directors who came out to help her on Sunday at Music in the Park
iii) ½ of July 28 MITP Sponsor available- to share with Canadian Tire
1. BIA Updates: The first of the "Thank you Canada Day Sponsors" is on the LED sign. Each week, new names will be featured.
Movie Night Aug 9th at Gazebo
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, ideas for additional 25k Ideas were shared in advance:
Randy: Catch the Ace – Suzanne spoke with Sid Drury, there is an opportunity for partnership in October benefiting the Hald-Nor Hospice.
Heather: Fall family fun day, farms/ apples pumpkin carving
Janice: sip and paint night canvas or Paddles of the Grand – Jessica will connect with Gina McIntee re: costs Recycling empties-
Steve: Micro-brewery festival -
Joanne: Virtual Workshop and Networking Series – engage community businesses for virtual networking sessions. A survey will be made to circulate to see what topics are of the most interest to the community. Grand Erie business Centre has compiled 40 page report on businesses and identified gaps that Joanne will share.
3. Discussion:
½ Off Summer Membership promo? – deferred
4. New Business:
1. The Executive Committee session planned for July 31 to focus on the long term sustainability of Chamber moving forward.
2. The Haldimand county volunteer nominations portal is still open.
3. There is a new crosswalk planned Edinburgh E to Fairgrounds
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Larry Fay, Heather Mastromatteo, Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
ii) Thank You: Leah Goulding, our tourism officer wanted to officially thank the directors who came out to help her on Sunday at Music in the Park
iii) ½ of July 28 MITP Sponsor available- to share with Canadian Tire
1. BIA Updates: The first of the "Thank you Canada Day Sponsors" is on the LED sign. Each week, new names will be featured.
Movie Night Aug 9th at Gazebo
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, ideas for additional 25k Ideas were shared in advance:
Randy: Catch the Ace – Suzanne spoke with Sid Drury, there is an opportunity for partnership in October benefiting the Hald-Nor Hospice.
Heather: Fall family fun day, farms/ apples pumpkin carving
Janice: sip and paint night canvas or Paddles of the Grand – Jessica will connect with Gina McIntee re: costs Recycling empties-
Steve: Micro-brewery festival -
Joanne: Virtual Workshop and Networking Series – engage community businesses for virtual networking sessions. A survey will be made to circulate to see what topics are of the most interest to the community. Grand Erie business Centre has compiled 40 page report on businesses and identified gaps that Joanne will share.
3. Discussion:
½ Off Summer Membership promo? – deferred
4. New Business:
1. The Executive Committee session planned for July 31 to focus on the long term sustainability of Chamber moving forward.
2. The Haldimand county volunteer nominations portal is still open.
3. There is a new crosswalk planned Edinburgh E to Fairgrounds
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024
Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Janice Doyle, Larry Fay, Heather Mastromatteo, Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio)
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:01 am
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 5, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: Jessica shared current membership numbers
ii) Thank You: Leah Goulding, our tourism officer wanted to officially thank the directors who came out to help her on Sunday at Music in the Park
iii) ½ of July 28 MITP Sponsor available- to share with Canadian Tire
1. BIA Updates: The first of the "Thank you Canada Day Sponsors" is on the LED sign. Each week, new names will be featured.
Movie Night Aug 9th at Gazebo
2. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated, ideas for additional 25k Ideas were shared in advance:
Randy: Catch the Ace – Suzanne spoke with Sid Drury, there is an opportunity for partnership in October benefiting the Hald-Nor Hospice.
Heather: Fall family fun day, farms/ apples pumpkin carving
Janice: sip and paint night canvas or Paddles of the Grand – Jessica will connect with Gina McIntee re: costs Recycling empties-
Steve: Micro-brewery festival -
Joanne: Virtual Workshop and Networking Series – engage community businesses for virtual networking sessions. A survey will be made to circulate to see what topics are of the most interest to the community. Grand Erie business Centre has compiled 40 page report on businesses and identified gaps that Joanne will share.
3. Discussion:
½ Off Summer Membership promo? – deferred
4. New Business:
1. The Executive Committee session planned for July 31 to focus on the long term sustainability of Chamber moving forward.
2. The Haldimand county volunteer nominations portal is still open.
3. There is a new crosswalk planned Edinburgh E to Fairgrounds
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am
Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes August 2, 2024
Directors: Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson
Executive: Jessica Lymburner
1. Call to Order: Suzanne called the meeting to order at 8:00 am.
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and rove the minutes of July 19, 2024
4. Correspondence Review
i) Membership: YTD shared
ii) August 24 MITP Sponsor available to cover costs, Directors were asked for availability to host as both Leah and Jessica will be unavailable.
1. Financial Committee: Profit & Loss Circulated
A discussion was had to bring membership discussions to the forefront of our next meeting. Jessica will circulate previous and draft marketing material, and all directors are asked to come to Aug 16th meeting with their testimonial for Chamber involvement appropriate for sharing online and/or marketing material
2. Discussion: ½ Off Summer Membership promo? – Deferred
3. New Business: Bulletin Boards in the park have been re-keyed and can now open to put items inside Craig has keys,
4. Adjournment: The meting was adjourned at 9:03