CRCC 2023 Minutes

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Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 6, 2023 Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr(v), Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex-officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Regrets: Ken Parr, Ben Ponsen, Chris Hibbs, Gary Nelson

1. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order by Suzanne Athanasiou at 8:04am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of December 2, 2022. 4. Correspondence Review: Mr. Nelson and Ms. Lymburner were sent an email from Mr. Hibb’s January 4th 2023, he has declined to accept the Presidential role upon his expected return to Chamber activities later this month. On January 5th, 2023, Mr. Nelson resigned from his role of acting president effective immediately. He will remain as Treasurer until March 31, 2023, when he will step down entirely from the executive but remain on the board of Directors. It was duly moved, seconded and carried to name Ms. Athanasiou as interim President until the next AGM.

TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Canada Day: A conversation about Canada Day in Caledonia was held in-camera. 2. Logo: Directors were asked to review logos and branding packages as circulated and left at the Office. A final design must be made by February to begin website updates as scheduled with Mohawk Design Agency. 3. Membership Update: Ms. Lymburner provided early membership renewals of 56 Members, including 2 new to the chamber. 4. Grand Trunk Society: Office Furniture replacement will take place on January 10th or 11th 2023 and an office Open House will be planned for a later date. 5. New Business: No new Business. 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 20, 2023 Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Regrets: Gary Nelson

1. Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: No conflicts of interest were declared

3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved. seconded and carried to approve the minutes of January 6, 2023.

4. Correspondence Review: a) Jessica Lymburner shared that Haldimand County is hosting a Business Breakfast on Feb 23 in Caledonia at the Riverside Exhibition Centre and encouraged directors to attend, an e-blast will also be sent to the membership. b) Pam Aylan-Parker called to inform Jessica that the mascot needs a dry clean. She confirmed this is a cost typically paid from the Canada Day account. Ms. Lymburner will follow up with her to arrange a cleaning. c) The Xerox office printer has reached the end of its contract. AOS is offering buyout, removal, or new lease options. Chris Hibbs has offered to replace this printer with a machine from his office as a donation to the chamber. Ms. Lymburner will arrange for the removal of the Xerox machine. d) Business Awards- The Lions Hall has been booked for March 29th; all directors are invited to attend the first virtual planning call January 26th at noon.

TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Canada Day: A discussion on Canada Day was held in-camera.

2. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence informed the directors that the county is currently

focused on Caledonia and area safety. The bridge is still a high-priority item across multiple levels of government, and they are actively looking for stop lights at Haldibrook road.

3. Logo: Deferred 4. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay had no updates

5. New Business: The Financial Committee (Ken Parr, Chris Hibbs and Gary Nelson) intends to meet within the next few weeks, Mr. Parr asked Jessica to invite a representative from Libro Credit Union as well.

6. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 9:13 am. NEXT MEETINGS February 3 2023 February 17 2023 Haldimand County Business Breakfast Feb 23 2023 Business Awards March 29 2023

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 3, 2023 Directors:, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence Craig Peters, Randy Peirson Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests:

1. Call to Order- Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:01 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – No conflicts of interest declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes of January 20, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review Jessica Lymburner was approached by a local business LB Racing to donate/promote or sell a Haldimand County Coupon Book. Consensus of the Board was that we are unable to support this private business venture. b) CRCC/BIA – Movie Night. Ms. Lymburner presented a Fundraising opportunity in partnership with the BIA and Kathy Marshall to host a Movie Night on the BIA Grounds on a Friday in August date TBD. Consensus of the Board was to move forward with this plan. Jessica will connect with Kathy. c) Logo- Top 3 logo designs per earlier discussion were circulated as well as an amalgam created by Jessica Lymburner. Designs were circulated and consensus of the Board was to select “option 1” from Mohawk College of two buildings and a sun behind the Bridge. a)

TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Canada Day: All Directors are encouraged to attend our planning meeting Tuesday February 7th at 7 pm. 2. Haldimand County Updates: a) Dan Lawrence provided an update to Edinburgh E and W, construction is anticipated to take place in early spring. He is lobbying Ontario Municipal affairs in cooperation with the cities of Glanbrook and Hamilton to have lights installed at Haldibrook Rd. b) The proposed renaming of the walkway in front of Edenborough Square to Barb Martindale Memorial Lane public forum is open until February 17th which will be followed by Haldimand County’s staff report. If approved, unveiling will likely take place in the Fall. c) New signal lights are pending installation at McClung. d) A Townwide tree removal and replacement will take place this year. An online forum is planned for Wednesday Feb 15th at 7 pm. 3. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay. Special Projects have removed the Christmas Decorations except the large snowflakes that weather depending will be taken down on February15th.

4. Committee Reports and Director Committee Sign-Up Sheet: Suzanne Athanasiou

circulated a sign-up sheet for Directors to indicate what committees they are interested in serving on a. Business Achievement Awards – Scheduled for March 29th, it was requested that social media posts are shared twice weekly for the nomination portal.

b. Edinburgh Cup – Potential conflict on typical date due to Lion’s Club hosting an Eagles Tribute concert. Jessica will connect with the Golf Courses to check availability for Friday June 2nd. c. Canada Day – First planning session is scheduled. d. Tourism – Music in the Park planning is moving along, headed by Ms. Pam Aylan-Parker. e. Oktoberfest – Craig Peters to Lead f. Economic Development – nothing to report. g. Finance/Succession Planning – meeting to be scheduled. h. Caledonia Connected Networking- nothing to report. i. Special Projects – nothing further to report. j. Nominations – nothing to report. 5. Chamber Events Calendar. A calendar of Events was circulated. 6. New Business: 7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 am.

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 17, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Ian Haynes, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests: Stacie Blakey


Call to Order – Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:00 am

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – None declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of February 3, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review


A. Pam Aylan-Parker provided am email update that Music in the Park has the following dates and performers booked: July 9 Revolver and Friends July 23 Tianna Woods Aug 13 pending Aug 27 Country Ramblers B) The Sachem interviewed ED Jessica Lymburner last week and the article about Canada Day has been posted online, she will publish to our website as well. C) Business Awards – Major sponsors have been secured, still opportunity for award sponsors.


Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that he has secured a donation from Empire Homes for $10k, 5 of each he has suggested cover parade costs for Canada Day and Christmas. He will forward contact information to Ms. Lymburner to arrange a photo-opp and asked Joanne Dorr to prepare a Press Release.

2. Committee Reports a. Business Achievement Awards – Tickets will be available for purchase this week b. Edinburgh Cup- Mr. Todd Lymburner will lead planning if needed, he will co-ordinate with Randy Peirson for initial planning. c. Canada Day- Next planning session is booked Feb 28 at 7pm d. Tourism – Nothing new to report e. Oktoberfest – Mr. Craig Peters is looking at a Celtic band f. Economic Development – Nothing new to report g. Finance/Succession Planning – A meeting has been set for Feb 24

h. Caledonia Connected Networking – Nothing new to report i. Special Projects j. Nominations 3. Grand Trunk Society: Mr, Peters will ask Larry Fay to gather financial and submit to the auditors. 4. Resilient Communities Fund Application Suzanne Athanasiou shared with the Board this opportunity for funding to help the CRCC implement a strategic plan. The portal for funding should open in the fall. 5. New Business: - Nothing to report. 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 3, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, , Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen, Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guest: Stacie Blakey,


Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:00am

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: No Conflicts of interest declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes of February 17, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review: Jessica has reached out for a timeline on the Mohawk Design Website Update and does not yet have a start date for this project. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that the lights at McClung are completed and waiting on hydro for operation.

2. Committee Reports a. Business Achievement Awards – new e-blast to be sent offering a 15% discount for nominees. b. Edinburgh Cup- Consensus was to move this event to September. c. Canada Day- Supernova Fireworks Offer of 2nd Date: Jessica will confirm this to be Light Up Night. Joanne Dorr- will ask the music store if there is interest in playing a set in the kids area or on the large stage. d. Tourism- Jessica will follow up with Leanne Jenner to confirm Haldimand County grants and will order a laptop for summer and for hybrid meeting use. e. Oktoberfest – Craig still planning. f. Economic Development – Nothing new to report g. Finance/Succession Planning – The following motions were duly moved, seconded, and carried: I. II. III.

Motion to move $6,401.79 from Revitalization to general account. Motion to close Fireworks account and move funds to general account. Motion to close Canada Day account and move funds to general account.

h. Caledonia Connected Networking- Nothing new to report. i. Special Projects- Christmas Decorations are back in storage. j. Nominations - AGM target date for April 2023. Jessica Lymburner to reach out to Millard’s to begin annual financial review. Brad Armes, Ian Haynes and Randy Peirson will plan the event and determine format. 3.

Grand Trunk Society: Nothing new to report.

4. New Business: No new business 5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 am.

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 17, 2023

Directors: Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Ben Ponsen, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Stacie Blakey, Devann Polap


Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:01 am

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – No conflicts of interest were declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of March 3, 2023. Jessica Lymburner shared the following updates : CRCC members have been invited to the Hamilton Chamber Business After5, Wednesday, April 5, 2023 : The Mohawk design agency didn’t have a high enough enrollment to continue its partnership with the CRCC. Jessica will contract out this service with the goal of new website within 4 weeks. : Gladys Goobie is interested in volunteering with the Chamber. She has offered to help in the station Friday mornings to assist with administrative duties, cleaning up digital and physical files and providing on-site assistance at the Train Station. : MPSS Student Devann Polap will be volunteering 40 hours and will use them to review and propose an updated Code of Conduct for volunteers and Directors of the Chamber, will look for additional grant opportunities and help with upcoming events. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared the following: - That the lights at McClung are still waiting for electricity. - Hagersville’s councillor Natalie Stam is resigning and there will either be an appointment of her replacement or an interim election to fill her seat. - There are no updates on the Bridge replacement. - Renaming of the Barb Martindale Memorial ceremony will likely take place in the Fall of 2023. He further requested that the Chamber officially advocate for and draft a letter to support the installation of traffic lights at Haldibrook Rd on Hwy #6.

2. Committee Reports a. Business Achievement Awards- Jessica Lymburner shared there are 95 confirmed attendees YTD. b. Edinburgh Cup – Consensus of the board was to defer this event until September. c. Canada Day- The next meeting is planned for March 21- Jessica proposed a change, that the committee meet at the park under the pavilion at 6:30 and do a walk-through as a group. d. Tourism – Ben Ponsen is interested in promoting summer student positions and posting the position on various job sites. He and Jessica will connect to review any historic information that can be found from last year’s placement. Ben will also follow up to confirm with lead Tourism Pam Aylan-Parker to ensure she is still interested in updating the Chamber’s outdoor signs. e. Oktoberfest – No updates f. Economic Development – No Updates g. Finance/Succession Planning – Suzanne Athanasiou recommended the Financial committee meet again after the Business Awards to review new members, and that the committee meet quarterly over the year. h. Caledonia Connected Networking- Chris Hibbs volunteered to review fee structure options for 2024 membership and propose recruitment strategies for membership, directors and volunteers. i. Special Projects- No updates j. Nominations- No Updates 3. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay had no updates

4. New Business: Craig Peters shared that: -The Lions are hosting Fish Frys next 4 Fridays - On April 7th the BIA is hosting a Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt - The Black Top Hop is being planned for June 30 2023. - He will cut the section of grass that is privately owned and previously billed to the Chamber. Stacie Blakey shared that the Community Support Centre AGM will be March 28th as they launch their capital campaign for renovations. Ben Ponsen shared that he will be participating in the Good Friday Service at Fairgrounds on April 7th from 10 -11:15. 5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 am NEXT MEETINGS

Canada Day Planning Session- March 21 2023 Business Awards March 29 2023 Board of Directors: April 6

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 6, 2023 Directors:, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, , Craig Peters, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Kathy Marshall

1. Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: No conflicts of interest were declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of March 17, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review: Special Projects has requested a payment for $600 to cover half of the annual cleaning bill for the station. It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve this expense. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence – shared that a storyboard is to be created and placed in from of the renamed Barb Martindale Memorial Lane in front of Edinburgh Square. Jessica Lymburner drafted a letter to MTO for our request to have stop lights installed at Haldibrook Rd, Dan Lawrence will give Jessica the contact information for those he feels is most appropriate to co-sign to strengthen our plea.

2. Code Of Conduct Review: Deferred until April 21, 2023 3. Committee Reports a. Business Achievement Awards –The event was a success and a committee follow up meeting is planned for next week, b. Edinburgh Cup- Dan Lawrence reminded the Directors that the Community Support Services typically hosts a golf tournament in September and to make sure we do not plan a competing event. c. Canada Day – Jessica Lymburner received a verbal confirmation of $ 10,000 from Metroloop to go towards the fireworks expense., d. Tourism- Haldimand County to grant 4k to the Chamber for Summer Tourism and will confirm if this must be used for wages or if funds can be applied to support the program. e. Oktoberfest – no updates f. Economic Development - no updates g. Finance/Succession Planning – Audit ongoing h. Caledonia Connected Networking – no updates. i. Special Projects - no updates j. Nominations - no updates

k. AGM – Ian Haynes, Brad Armes and Craig Peters will connect to discuss potential offsite locations for the AGM. 4. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay- no updates 5. BIA Updates: Kathy Marshall – The BIA is hosting their Easter Egg Hunt this weekend. 6. New Business: a. Jessica Lymburner will be on Holidays- April 23-30 b. Temporary Chair required May 5 and June 2 - Craig Peters has accepted. c. The Caledonia Fair board has asked Suzanne for a potential meeting of a few representatives to discuss how the Chamber and the fair can support each other best. A date has not been set. d. The Knights of Columbus are hosting their Chili Cook-off April 22 at Riverside. 7. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 9:04 am.

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 21, 2023 Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Ben Ponsen, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Devann Polap, Kathy Marshall, Rathi Malhotra

1. Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:00 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: No conflicts of interest declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes of April 6, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review- Jessica Lymburner shared that the Chamber has outstanding employment fees due to the CRA for just over $3500 that was discovered during our Audit. She further shared that the website refresh is nearly completed, and asked Directors to review for functionality and send specific notes/ errors or omissions. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence- provided an update that the retaining walls construction on Caithness St. have begun and are expected to be completed in a month. The Edinburgh Square- Barb Martindale Memorial Lane has been officially approved by Haldimand County and is expecting a September date of unveiling. There is a new Project Manager assigned to the bridge and he is not expecting any further news on its renovation soon. Boring under the river is wrapping up, the project is taking longer than anticipated. He has been in contact with the MTO about the proposed traffic lights on Haldibrook and Hwy 6, will circulate the CRCC’s drafted letter to the appropriate parties.

2. Code Of Conduct Review: Deferred 3. Committee Reports a. Edinburgh Cup- No updates b. Canada Day i) A grant application for Provincial funding has been submitted.



d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

Jessica and Suzanne were notified that the Agricultural Society had also applied for the Federal Canada Day funding grants, theirs has been approved for $15, 000. The Chamber has not been notified on the status of our application. Tourism – i) The Summer student Tourism job application has been posted and shared to various websites. Haldimand County confirmed a lumpsum payment of $4000 for wages. ii) Music In the Park planning is proceeding well, an additional date has been added for a total of 5 Sunday Summer Concerts. iii) It was determined that one of the first tasks to be assigned to the summer student will be to find keys and rotate flyers in the enclosed free-standing signs at Kinsmen Park. iv) Ben Ponsen shared that Pam Aylan-Parker is interested in recruiting more tourism committee volunteers. Oktoberfest – Craig Peters shared there may be availability issues planning the event for a Saturday and has proposed that the events may need to be moved to a Friday evening, Economic Development – No Updates Finance/Succession Planning – No Updates Caledonia Connected Networking – No Updates Special Projects – a discussion is required to formalize their position within the chamber. Nominations – No Updates Business Achievement Awards – No Updates

4. Grand Trunk Society- Craig advised that there will be construction in the back of station to allow for more storage. 5. BIA – Kathy Marshall shared that she is planning a movie night at the Lions Hall. 6. New Business: 7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 am.

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 5, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, Craig Peters, , Ben Ponsen, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Stacie Blakey, Devann Polap, Kathy Marshall

1. Call to Order- Craig Peters called the meting to order at 7:59am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – none declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes of April 21, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review- Bikers Haven is hosting a Mother’s Day Mystic Fair and offered 10x10 booth for Canada Day. After discussion, it was determined to take advantage of this at a later date. Wisdom and Grace new storefront Grand Opening- representative to ribbon cutting Wed May 10 5pm. – Craig Peters to attend on behalf of the Chamber. Haldimand Tourism Meeting- May 8 9: am, open to all, Pam Aylan-Parker to attend on behalf of the Tourism Committee. Gary Nelson, due to MFDA rules, can no longer be a signer on the Chamber’s accounts. IT was duly moved, seconded and carried to replace him with Chris Hibbs Website- Jessica received a letter on behalf of a company stating an image used on the tourism website was published without secured digital rights for use and requesting payment for use. The image has been replaced and after discussion it was determined that no further action will be taken by the Chamber. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence i) Lights McClung delayed ii) Still no response from MTO concerns of stoplight at Hwy 6 iii) A crosswalk is to be installed at Blair and Caithness across from the dam to enhance safety in town. iv) Tenders closed for construction of new Fire Hall.

2. Code Of Conduct Review: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the proposed revised Code of Conduct as circulated to Directors via email April 14, 2023 and May 03 2023.

3. Committee Reports a. Edinburgh Cup- Planning to being, Randy, Chris and Brad are interested in helping. b. Canada Day- Meeting Next Tuesday May 9 c. Tourismi) potential student has been selected, a formal interview is scheduled next week., ii) Pam hosted a Tourism Committee meeting, 6 members in total passionate volunteers, a copy of these minutes will be shared to Directors. The committee has requested a specific dollar amount for their use to plan activities. After discussion it was determined this committee should function the same as any other and all invoices and requests for funds be reviewed. d. Oktoberfest – Will be held on a Friday evening at the Lions Hall. Craig Peters will lead the committee. , e. Economic Development – No Updates f. Finance/Succession Planning – No Updates g. Caledonia Connected Networking- No Updates h. Special Projects – Larry Fay shared that they are making 4 raised vegetable planters for Inclusions. i. Nominations - No Updates j. Business Achievement Awards = No Updates 4. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay, no further updates 5. BIA Updates: Kathy Marshall -Pitch In Day was a success and a special thanks for Haldimand Insurance and Suzanne Athanasiou. -Mothers Day Draw ongoing.

6. New Business: Gary and Suzanne attended a Chamber/Fairboard meeting to discuss partnerships. Moving forward the plan will be to meet quarterly to coordinate events and regularly communicate to align our shared mandate to support the community of Caledonia. Chris Hibbs- Upon reviewing the By-laws noted that there should be updates to our procedures. Devann Polapp-shared that May 19th there will be an MPSS Carnival, with music and BBQ open to the public. Craig Peters- The Lions Club is hosting an Eagles Tribute Concert, asked for Jessica to share social media posts. 7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 19, 2023

Directors:, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Kathy Marshall

1. Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:01 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – no conflicts were declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes of May 5, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review- St. Paul’s Anglican Church is looking for help to have a hole to be dug Thursday May 25 or Friday 26th before 5:30pm for a tree planting ceremony. Craig Peters will complete this ask. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Committee Reports a. Edinburgh Cup- waiting for final numbers from potential locations to bring to committee. b. Canada Dayi) Toonie Day- June 3rd call for Volunteers, Ian Haynes to share opportunity with MPSS for student hours. ii) CelCan Federal Grant - still outstanding, Jessica to follow up again today. c. Tourismi) Student Interviews Next Week, anticipated start date May 29th 2023. ii) Music in the Park posters to be sent to Randy for Printing. d. Oktoberfest – October 20. $500 due for Lions Hall rental. Ziggy Zaggy Band Booked. e. Economic Development – No Updates f. Finance/Succession Planning – Jessica has provided Millard’s firm all items requested that were found for the Audit. She is expecting this to be completed by the end of the month when they will begin our tax preparation. g. Caledonia Connected Networking – Jessica will plan an After 5 for June. h. Special Projects- Larry Fay to send a letter to reinstate Jessica as signing officer for the special Projects Bank Account. i. Nominations – No updates j. Business Achievement Awards – No Updates 2. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay – No updates

3. BIA Updates: Kathy Marshall – i) Thanked Ian and Craig, as the flags will be installed before Victoria Day. ii) June 1-st is KaBLOOM Planting day for downtown. iii) Father’s Day Draw - moving forward. iv) June 3rd Townwide Garage sale and helping coordinate ToonieDay. v) Reminder that June 3rd from 10pm- 6am the power will ne out through town.

4. New Business: Toonie Day – Call for Directors who are able to meet at the train Station 8:30 on Saturday June 3rd to help collect donations for Canada Day. Private Lawn Maintenance- Both the Chamber and BIA have declined to cover the fees as paid in the past for landscaping on private lot, Craig will cut the grass and request landowner cover his bill for gas. 5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 am.

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 2, 2023 *Offsite- Haldimand Norfolk Community Support Centre* Directors: Brad Armes, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen, Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Stacie Blakey, Kathy Marshall Leah Goulding

1) Call to Order - Craig Peters called the meeting to order at 8am 2) Conflict of Interest Declaration – No conflicts declared. 3) Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes of May 19, 2023. 4) Correspondence Review- Haldimand Huskies, a youth Basketball league have asked for a letter of support to be drafted by the Chamber to be included in their request to host upcoming events from their Ontario Administrative body. After discussion, it was determined that this was something the Directors support. Jessica will draft a letter for them this week. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 5) Haldimand County – a. Dan Lawrence reminded directors of the Hydro 1 power outage on Jan 3rd for infrastructure upgrades. Affected addresses would have been notified directly. b. No update on the bridge. c. No update on Haldibrook Rd but he will continue to lobby for this. d. Firehall construction expected to begin in the next few weeks. The budget is at least $6.7million to over $10 million. The additional costs were removed from reserves and will not affect the tax base. The plans are future-ready as its 3,0000sqft from original design. e. Condo information- There is a current proposal for a 6-storey floorplan. Dan does not feel that this is a good position for a building of this style but agrees that stacked housing is needed. f.

Dan and Haldimand County walking the path with Empire to complete trail system, he noted that Empire has been responsive in the past.

g. Recycling- Beginning Jan 2024 businesses, industrial and commercial buildings will no longer be covered by the County recycling program and will need to take care of own recycling. Haldimand is working on solutions.

6. Edinburg Cup- Jessica has not yet received confirmed availability from any of the golf Courses, Randy Peirson will try to contact them as well this week. 7. Canada Daya. Opportoonie-Day is tomorrow, Jessica asked all Directors who are able to be at the station for 8:30 to collect donations for Canada Day. b. Ian Haynes recruited 3 volunteers from McKinnon Park to assist. 8. Tourisma. Summer student Leah Goulding started this week. b. Music In the Park 5 dates are booked and promo has started. c. Pam Aylan Parker has advised Ben Ponsen that the Tourism committee meeting from last month is not an official committee and has no plans at this time beyond MITP. d. Kathy Marshall commented that the outdoor sign at McClung is out of date- Jessica will reach out to Pam to see if it can be safely updated during construction of the lights. 9. Oktoberfest- Booked for Friday October 20, Craig will be forming a committee soon to implement and help. 10. Economic Development- The Financial committee will need to meet and review the Draft Financial Statements as circulated. 11. Networking- Jessica has booked the Grand River Dinner Cruise for Tuesday, June 20, at 6pm for a networking event. Members receive early notice and discounted tickets. 12. Special Projectsa. Larry Fay advised that the Clark residence is for sale they will relocate workshops to a 4th line to alternate property. b. They have completed building 4 raised planter beds for Inclusions. 13. Nominations- No Updates 14. Business Awards – No Updates

Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay -asked Jessica to confirm liability insurance coverage for volunteer at the Station. She will inquire this week. BIA: Kathy Marshall a) New flag banners are hung, using vinyl to attempt to increase longevity. TN welding and Craig coordinated fabrication to accommodate the installation. b) Flowers – KaBLOOM planting has begun throughout town. c) Town-Wide Garage Sale Day tomorrow June 3rd. d) June 9th Hydro1 meeting to get LED sign running with HDI Electrical

New Business: a. Larry Fay- Membership directory not displaying properly on the website, Jessica will investigate. b. Craig Peters has requested a 1-page high-level hand-out that can be used to encourage membership growth. Jessica will draft a version to share. c. It was duly moved, seconded and carried to implement a summer membership discount of 50% off CRCC Membership beginning June 1, 2023. d. Ken Parr has requested a list of members that did not renew this year to be given to Directors to follow up with, Jessica will investigate to see what can be found. e. Craig advised that the Black Top Hop typically held June 30th is no longer moving forward. f. Ian Haynes shared the 10th anniversary of Nolan Young golf tournament is July 15th at the Cayuga Golf Course. He asked that the Chamber share the details. 1. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 16, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Ken Parr, Craig Peters Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests: Stacie Blakey, Kathy Marshall


Call to Order- Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:02 am

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration - No conflicts of interest declared. 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of June 2, 2023. 4. Correspondence Review- Nothing new to report. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Kathy Marshall reported that the changes upcoming to the Haldimand County Recycling Program Survey did not get much feedback. Jessica has sent the response survey link to Directors and will circulate with entire network.

2. Committee Reports a. Edinburgh Cup- Sandy Clark confirmed Aug 28th available, date has been booked for the Cayuga Golf Course. b. Canada Day – 3 Directors helped at Toonie Day, just over $850 was raised. c. Tourism - Possible movie night in the Avalon area. The Chamber will ensure to not compete with the BIA July 28th similar event should the Tourism Student proceed. d. Oktoberfest – No updates e. Economic Development - No updates f. Finance/Succession Planning – The Financial Committee will meet to review and approve the Draft Financial Statements as prepared by Millard’s within the next week. g. Caledonia Connected Networking – Grand River Dinner Cruise evening June 20th, tickets are still available. h. Special Projects – Flag installation and veteran banners are ongoing. i. Nominations - No updates. j. Business Achievement Awards - No updates 3. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay, No updates 4. BIA Updates: Kathy Marshall shared the Father’s Day Draw wraps up todaynext week is the anticipated completion of flower plaques and veteran banners. The new BIA LED sign is installed and working.

5. New Business:

Canada Day- Larry Fay to contact Dan Lawrence the flagpole in Kinsmen Park was removed, needs to be re-installed for Canada Day The BIA membership area will remain unchanged, however there is an opportunity for associate memberships to BIA. Ken Parr suggested that this could be an added benefit via Chamber membership directly. Kathy will review this opportunity with her Board of Directors to outline how this may or may not be in direct competition with the Chamber of commerce should they decide to move forward.

6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 7, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Dan Lawrence, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Craig Peters Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests: Stacie Blakey, Kathy Marshall


Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:02 am

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of June 16, 2023. 4. Correspondence ReviewJessica shared that she was notified by WSIB that reconciling had not been completed since 2011 and an updated premium is due for years past. She expects the total to be approximately $1200 as there is a minimum $100 fee per year. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: Haldimand County Updates- Dan Lawrence shared that: i)

July 12 the lights at McClung are scheduled to be operational.

ii) A building permit has been issued for commercial development on the South side of town as all due diligence has been completed. iii) Firehall construction is delayed but currently fenced off to begin shortly with an anticipated completion in 2024. iv) Stacked townhomes going in on Blair and Caithness. The final design is 2 stories with underground parking. There should be between 16-18 units when completed. A crosswalk will be installed there for safety. v) Suzanne Athanasiou stated that the County prepared Kinsmen Park well for Canada Day, including multiple areas having fresh paint, the day-of event constant staff were onsite, and next day pick up was all well done. 1.

BIA Updates: In consideration of the ongoing partnership of the BIA and Chamber Kathy Marshall has proposed the following 2 motions that were dully moved, seconded and carried: a) That the Haldimand County Funds deposited for the 2022 Christmas parade in the amount of $1,204.00 be moved to the BIA’s Christmas Account.

b) The Empire Communities Donation of $5,000 earmarked for the 2023 Christmas Parade be moved to the BIA’s Christmas Account.

2. Financial Committee Report The Board of Directors reviewed the 2022 financial statements as approved by the financial Committee. It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the draft financial statements as prepared by Millard’s of Brantford. 3. New Business: Canada Day- Suzanne Athanasiou thanked, Joanne, Craig, Stacie and Jessica for working so hard the da-of and the weeks before. Larry added that they were the best fireworks he’d ever seen. It was noted that the Knight of Columbus did not show up to help collect at the fireworks. Larry Fay reminded the Directors that the tourism committee resigned due to perceived lack of support and asked that more board members attend events.

4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 21, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Dan Lawrence, , Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Blain Albin

1. Call to Order- Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:40 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – None Declared 3. Oath of Office and Code of Conduct- Dan Lawrence, on behalf of Mayor Shelley Ann Bentley completed the Oath of Office and all directors present signed the Oath of Office and Code of Conduct. It was determined that moving forward all individuals involved with the chamber will review and sign-off on the code of Conduct including committee members and volunteers. 4. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 7, 2023. 5. Correspondence Reviewi)

Mailing Address- Jessica has closed the PO BOX and mail is now held in the community box at Orkney.

ii) Tourism Website – Proposal from Kiwi Creative- this will be deferred to another date, and consider the Chambers need to host this moving forward. iii) Farmers Market – An in-camera discussion was held from 8:50-8:55 am. iv) County Grant Canada Day – Haldimand County has agreed to a grant in the amount of 10% of last years total Canada Day expenses, this will result in a grant of approximately $4500. v) Beautification- Snowflakes Grant- Jessica has a meeting booked with Haldimand County to discuss items needed to continue to receive these fund, she will communicate the results of that with Larry Fay and Craig Peters. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that the lights Lights electrified at McClung, the construction along Caithness and Edinburgh is moving along slowly, therefore the Barb Martindale

dedication will be delayed until Spring to allow for completion before erection. 2. Committee Reports a. Edinburgh Cup- Opened for purchase and sponsorship. b. Canada Day- Wrap-up meeting scheduled for July 26 c. Tourism – MITP continuing, d. Oktoberfest – No updates e. Economic Development – No Updated f. Finance/Succession Planning – The Finance committee plans to meet next week. g. Caledonia Connected Networking – An Avalon outdoor Yoga featuring member Drip Hot Yoga is being planned. h. Special Projects – No Updates

3. New Business: Jessica would like to update the Chamber website to include Directors, length of tenure, business, etc. After discussion it was agreed the Directors would take part. Jessica will collect information and hopes to have this project completed by Fall. Jessica to take holidays August 29th- Sept 9. There will be no board meetings during this time. 4. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 9:23

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes August 4, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson Executive: Jessica Lymburner


Call to Order- Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:01

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared 3. Oath of Office and Code of Conduct – Larry Fay signed the Oath of Office and Code of Conduct. 4. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of July 21, 2023. 5. Correspondence ReviewHaldimand County Volunteer Appreciation Nominations Close today, Jessica reminded directors to place nominations if they are able. Festival and Events Ontario Grant Application- Jessica advised that we are anticipating hearing back by August. Updated Chamber site – The Chamber is paying for webhosting the owns the domain to It was duly moved, seconded and carried to deactivate the website TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Committee Reports a. Edinburgh Cup- Approximately ½ of our committed tickets are sold. Randy shared that Grand River Home Hardware will provide a $40 gift card to each golfer. Joanne, Craig, Suzanne and Brad are able to provide support on the day of. Jessica will share a printable flyer with Randy and has asked all directors enroll a foursome. She will also reach out to the BIA and Fairboard to share the event. b. Tourism- HNHU applications submitted for all 3 remaining MITP dates. Joanne Dorr will lead an inquiry to installing an EV Charger in Caledonia. c. Oktoberfest -Craig will provide an invoice for the Band asap. He will soon be looking for volunteers. He requested a card be given to all golfers with save the date information. Jessica will create and arrange printing with Randy. d. Finance/Succession Planning – It was duly moved, seconded and carried to place $40,000 held in Revitalization account in a flexible, redeemable GIC at Libro until funds need to be repaid Dec 31, 2023. Stacie Blakey will recommend the best option by the next meeting.

e. Caledonia Connected Networking – Outdoor Yoga is underway, Leah has been trying to coordinate Empire offices, Haldimand County and Drip Yoga, Jessica has left a message with Hammer Hogs to return for a Fall Business Breakfast f. Special Projects – Items are still outstanding for Snowflake Grant to the County. Craig and Larry will provide them as soon as possible.

2. New Business: None 3. Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 9:05am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes August 18, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Dan Lawrence, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner


Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:02 am

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – None declared 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of August 4, 2023. 4. Correspondence ReviewJessica Shared the following: a. Caledonia Tourism Website has been taken down b. The Chamber did not receive the Festivals and Events Grant for additional Canada Day Event Funding. c. There is a webinar/ information session booked with Haldimand County to highlight the Business Retention and Expansion Program scheduled for Sept 19th at lunchtime. The chamber’s $40,000 remaining COVID relief loan needs to be repaid at the end of the calendar year. It was duly moved, seconded and carried to invest 40K currently held in the revitalization account in a redeemable after 90days GIC for 3.75%. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1.

Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that: a. the Tree planting program is moving along however the MTO is no longer returning calls or emails regarding concerns of the Argyle St Bridge or for potential lights at Highway 6. b. No progress has been made at the new commercial development lot.

2. Committee Reports – The Board Outlined a High-Level of Expectations per Committee and Designated a Chamber Lead as Follows: Business Achievement Awards: Stacie, Joanne, Anne. Canada Day Jess, Suzanne, Craig, Joanne, Stacie Economic Development Dan Tourism/ Music in the Park Craig

Edinburgh Cup None to head. Jessica shared that we do not have enough golfers yet for a shotgun start. Special Projects Larry, Craig Executive Suzanne, Chris, Brad, Ken Oktoberfest Craig, Suzanne, Ken

Larry again requested more directors show up to these events. Christmas in Caledonia Craig Nominations Randy

Craig has partnered with Rambling Rd brewery, Molson Canada is donating a keg, the Band will cost $4000 and has hats on order for $300 Caledonia Connected Stacie Finance Ken, Chris and Brad Parr, P&L circulated- it was duly moved, seconded and carried to engage Millards for a mid-year review of our books, at an anticipated cost of $1200 or less, specifically to review our HST

3. BIA Updates: Craig shared that the Movie evening was well attended, the Tourism student Leah gave out popcorn and water left over from Canada Day was given to Mr. J’s Taxi to give out as well.

4. New Business: - None declared 5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 15, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Chris Hibbs, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen, Anne Unyi (ex officio) Executive: Jessica Lymburner


Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:00 am

2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of August 15, 2023. 4. Correspondence Reviewi) Diwali Festival Opportunity- If Chamber volunteer Rathi can lead the planning of this event the Chamber is happy to support. Joanne will act as Chamber liaison. ii) Hammer Hogs is booked -for Breakfast- Nov 3 “Things I wish I knew” Wiliam Smyth and Ken Goobie will each be granted up to 15 minutes to speak. This will replace out regular Nov 3rd meeting. iii) Brad Armes has offered to Chair the Edinburgh Cup Committee – Jessica will share all documentation and information gathered for this past event. A $500 refundable deposit has been made to the Cayuga Golf course to hold May 31st as a potential date for 2024. iv) Pam Aylan Parker has permanently resigned her involvement with the Chamber as of Sept 11 2023. Craig will handle the outdoor sign changes and follow up for the collection of her key. A letter to the editor outlining her years of service to the chamber will be sent to formally thank her. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Committee Reports Business Achievement AwardsPlanning to begin. Finance Committee – HST review request has been sent to Millards.

Canada Day- Planning will start Jan. Christmas in Caledonia- Burlington Teen Band booked. Nov 23th LUN Parade 25th.

Edinburgh Cup- Brad to confirm by end of year date and location. Special Projects- Snowflake Grant Due. Deadline for Paperwork requested July 18th is Sept 20th. Tourism/ Music in the Parkopportunity to work with Fairboard and BIA as joint initiative in the future. MITP outline started. Oktoberfest- $35 per ticket. Need volunteers- 10 bartenders, 3-4 at door as well as set-up and tear down. Caledonia Connected – no updates

Nominations – no update

Executive- Trillium grant opens Sept 27 for assistance with our planned Bylaw, board review, finances and strategic plan.

2. Grand Trunk Society: Dave Erauw looking to book the station for

annual Art Show Nov 4 & 5. 3. New Business: None 4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9: 04 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 6, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Larry Fay, Ian Haynes, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Gary Nelson, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Ben Ponsen, Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Kathy Marshall

1. Call to Order: Suzanne Athanasiou called the meeting to order at 8:01 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration – none declared 3. Oath of Office and Code of Conduct – Remaining Directors, Ian Haynes, Kathy Marshall, and Gary Nelson completed the Oath of Office and signed the updated Code of Conduct. 4. Minutes from Previous Meeting: it was duly moved, seconded and carried to Motion to approve the minutes of September 15, 2023. 5. Correspondence Reviewi) Business Breakfast confirmed - Nov 3 at Hammer Hogs, featuring Guest speakers Wiliam Smyth and Ken Goobie ii) Scotty Storage – Pam Aylan-Parker would like the Scotty mascot removed from her home, Stacie Blakey has offered storage space at the Libro Credit Union Office. Craig Peters will pick up and deliver as soon as possible. iii) BR&E Recording – The webinar from September has been uploaded to YouTube, Jessica advised the Directors the program deadline is this month and to book their interview with the county if they are interested. iv) Ontario Trillium Grant- The intent of this grant is to support diverse

communities and underrepresented populations, the CRCC application has started focusing on inclusive strategic planning. This will require board, community stakeholders and consultants involvement to ensure our plan is aligned with the needs of the greater community involvement should we be successful.

TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence informed the board that: i) the Caithness St- surfacing is being completed using a hybrid sealer with grit, Expects completion of paving end of month. ii) Argyle and Sutherland will be shut down for 36hours Oct 10th iii) Haldimand County’s Policing services are significantly less than needed and is looking to increase officers iv) A Flooding information session will be held Oct 17th about July 29th intense flooding. v) A road closure coming soon sign has been erected at Douglas CreekOPP says there will be no road closure.

2. Committee Reports Business Achievement Awards deferred Finance Committee – Ken Parr proposed alternate Auditors to Millard’s moving forward. Economic Development - Joanne Dorr has asked that a financial statement be included with meeting Agendas. Canada Day - deferred Christmas in Caledonia – Kathy Marshall shared the BIA has 7 different Business Events to participate. Jessica will confirm fireworks for Nov 24th around 7:30 pm. Nominations - deferred

Edinburgh Cup – Brad Armes is considering Monthill or Cayuga again, Special Projects – Moving facilities from Clark Farm to new location on 4th line. Tourism/ Music in the Park – deferred

Oktoberfest- cancelled low interestpending confirmation on deposit 50%. Caledonia Connected- Nov 3rd Breakfast

Executive- deferred

3. Grand Trunk Society: No Updates 4. BIA Updates: Kathy Marshall shared that Craig Peters will be recognized at the upcoming Haldimand County Volunteer Recognition Evening. The BIA was also nominated for the Easter Egg Hunt. They are working with Dixon Cycle on a Haldimand County Spark tourism Grant to propose bicycle rentals, bike trails, path and connecting trails.

5. New Business: 1) Ken Parr has asked that Membership Drive become a focus of the board and

added to the agenda regularly. The Executive will meet, late October/ early November to propose 2024 membership fees and structure on the November 17th regularly scheduled meeting. 2) Ben Ponsen has asked that letters or communication to new members and renewals include content of where the membership fees are spent 3) Ken Parr has asked that additional wording be included when promoting events using the ticketing platform Zeffy as the payment provider automatically adds a suggested fee collected by ticketholders. Alternatives charge the Chamber up to 5% of total pricing, Zeffy is 0% for not-for-profits. Jessica will add a note to upcoming emails to indicate where and how to amend the suggested amount. 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 am.

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 20, 2023

Directors:, Suzanne Athanasiou, Joanne Dorr, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Ken Parr, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Mike Estey, Blain Albin

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 8:01 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of October 6, 2023. 4. Correspondence Reviewi) Haldimand County Volunteer Recognition Night: Snowflake Tour, MITP, and Barb Martindale all won. ii) Membership- 2 since last meeting iii) Spark Grant Collaboration with River Dinner Cruises- Blain Albin. It was duly moved, seconded and carried to support the dock at Kinsmen Park Project iv) Caldonia Legion- It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the $100 donation to the legion for the placing of a Poppy Wreath on Remembrance Day. Suzanne Athanasiou will attend on behalf of the Chamber. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence – Barb Martindale Walkway project on track for Spring, majority of current construction should be ending by month end. Flood meeting well attended by the community. 2. Committee Reports • Finance Committee: Profit/ Loss Review. • Christmas in Caledonia: Nov 23rd, Mike Estey to host a booth for coffee and/or treats – Libro to help. • Caledonia Connected – Breakfast Nov 3rd 3. Grand Trunk Society: Deferred 4. BIA Updates: Deferred 5. New Business: None 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes November 17, 2023

Directors: Suzanne Athanasiou, Stacie Blakey, Joanne Dorr, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Dan Lawrence, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Anne Unyi (ex officio)

Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Kathy Marshall, Heather Mastromatteo

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 8:01 am 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None Declared 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of October 20, 2023. 4. Correspondence Reviewi) Dock Partnership Updates- Jessica, Dan Lawrence and Blain from Grand River Dinner cruise had an initial call with Haldimand County. The county appears to be enthusiastic and supportive of moving forward. ii) Membership 2024- have had a few early renewals already. iii) Canada Day Funding from County -The Chamber is expecting $3660 to offset the costs of Canada Day, this is 10% of eligible expenses from the 2022 event. iv) Letter of Support- As circulated, a letter was sent on behalf of CivicConnect as they propose expanding their mentorship program into Haldimand/Norfolk. v) Membership- 2024 Membership Form was circulated via email for informal approval, it was duly moved, seconded and carried to approve the amended tiers for 2024 Membership. vi) Director- Michael Estey completed the Oath of Office and has become our newest Director. vii) Overdue Invoices 1. $1500 Zehrs, 9/29/2022 – Craig will follow up in January. 2. $1000 Benedict Ferguson & Marshall 6/23/2023 – Randy will reach out this month. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared: i) Edinburgh Square windows should be completed by end of January. ii) Barb Memorial Ceremony should take place between Easter and May long weekend. iii) Improved traffic flow down Caithness and improved parking on-street. iv) Firehall construction moving well, Dan will provide schematic of design at next meeting. v) Retail plaza alongside tracks is approved mixed-use commercial residential, and will have 60 units total. 2. Committee Reports Business Achievement Awards: Committed to March 27th . Currently exploring venue options and

Edinburgh Cup: deferred

cementing nominations process and physical award options. Finance Committee: deferred Economic Development: deferred Canada Day: deferred

Christmas in Caledonia: Thurs Nov 23 Light Up Night: Xplore to confirm their on-site presence, CUPE4700 committed to Photos with Santa. Lori Ivanko will be at the station to provide touch-ups, Mike will set-up on the boardwalk to provide hot drinks and treats. Wagon ride from Argyle to the station. Fireworks are confirmed. Sat Nov 25: Parade to start at 11am. Nominations: deferred

Special Projects: deferred Tourism/ Music in the Park: deferred Oktoberfest- Craig has a cheque to return Hall rental fees. Does not expect a bill for cancelled entertainment. Caledonia Connected – The breakfast well attended; Stacie suggested more morning events would be welcome.

Executive: deferred

3. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay: light installation this weekend. 4. BIA Updates: Kathy Marshall – looking for interest for quick videos from businesses, asked that directors connect with her directly. 5. New Business: Young Reflections has invited us to their launch PartySuzanne and Heather will attend on behalf of the Chamber. 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 am

Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 1, 2023

Directors: Brad Armes, Stacie Blakey, Mike Estey, Larry Fay, Chris Hibbs, Dan Lawrence, Craig Peters, Randy Peirson, Ben Ponsen,

Executive: Jessica Lymburner Guests : Heather Mastromatteo

1. Call to Order- Craig Peters called the meeting to order at 8:01 2. Conflict of Interest Declaration: None declared 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting: It was duly moved and seconded to approve the minutes of November 17, 2023 4. Correspondence Reviewi) Proposed Complementary Memberships 2024: Jessica asked that directors consider what organizations and businesses should have their membership fees waived for 2024 and prepare to approve this list at the first meeting of the new year. ii) Haldimand County is hosting a Digital Workshop December 7. 9-10am iii) Overdue Invoices $1500 Zehrs, 9/29/2022 – deferred until January. Craig will follow up. $1000 Benedict Ferguson & Marshall, 6/23/2023, paid. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Haldimand County Updates: Dan Lawrence shared that taxes will be increasing, and that businesses on Caithness are pleased with the change to parking rules from 2hr to 15-minute parking. 2. Committee Reports Business Achievement Awards: January 15 post begins. Updating criteria and categories for awards. Finance Committee: P& L Statement review. Economic Development: Canada Day: First meeting – Jan. Christmas in Caledonia: Was well attended, parade & weather perfect. fair market very busy. Nominations:

Edinburgh Cup: No word from Monthill, from cost perspective, Cayuga works well. Special Projects: A Snowflake ground power went out, was repaired quickly. Tourism/ Music in the Park: Oktoberfest: Caledonia Connected: Jessica and Stacie will plan something for the new year. Executive

3. Grand Trunk Society: Larry Fay, no updates 4. BIA Updates: Kathy Marshall 5. New Business: Ben Ponsen is moving to Peterborough in the New Year, will be resigning from the Board. Dec 15 Meeting: deferred. Lynda Kissner has retired from the County, Meg Turner has taken over the role. 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 am

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