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An FXW Student’s Stance on Recent Spurts of Violence

Jaguars On Stage: Drama Troupe’s Spring Production!

By Elizabeth Donnelly and Annie Shaw

By Grace Kelly

ince 2000, there have been 31 mass shootings throughout America. Some shootings occurred at schools, others in movie theaters, and some at large public gatherings—which should have been safe. Recently, terrorists detonated bombs close to the finish line at The Boston Marathon. One of the most tragic mass shootings happened on December 14, 2012. It was in Newtown, Connecticut, when a psychologically unstable man named Adam Lanza killed innocent teachers and students at Sandy Hook Elementary School. There were 28 people killed in a very short time; people who thought they were safe. Another horrific shooting was at Aurora Theater in Aurora, Colorado this past summer. James Holmes arrived at the theater with weapons and went into the theater showing “The Dark Knight Rises.” He walked in and during action in the movie, started to open fire on the packed crowd. Many people, at first, thought that it was part of the movie, but then the silence turned into screams as people realized that there was a mass shooting going on. When will this violence stop? We believe that you should not be able to buy or obtain a gun unless you participate in a rigorous background check. Also, we believe that you should not allow children near guns because accidents could happen to children. We support pushing for an official law that bans the sale of guns. So far every state has laws that limit the sale and manufacturing of guns, but Congress is still deciding if all guns should be outlawed. Schools should be a safe place and not one where children have to be fearful of gun violence! With hope, all people will see they need to treat each other with kindness not violence.



Have a story idea? Brain break contribution? Email Mrs. Bronson at! Find more stories online at A NOTE GOODBYE from Editor-in-Chief Dane Andrews… Over the last half of the year, the Newspaper Team has been diligently writing articles to push along the information network, and it’s time to say “Goodbye”. The Team would like to acknowledge all of its members: Dane Andrews, Jack Mills, Elizabeth Donnelly, Noah Kaiden, Annie Shaw, Lourdes Taylor, Elijah Blomquist, Ryann Lutz, Bryson Phillips, Anthony Yaghmour, Emmett Kerrigan, Grace Kelly, Olivia Haman, and Griffin Bulger. Also, a big congratulations to all of the Graduating Members of the class of 2012-2013!

In this session of Drama Troupe, the cast is performing Wind of a Thousand Tales! The actors are preparing very hard and trying to memorize their lines. Also, the crew is making costumes, painting and making props for the play. Wind of a Thousand Tales is about a girl named Kimberly Kay. Kimberly Kay does not like bedtime stories so instead she reads an encyclopedia so her mom does not tell her a bedtime story. Then in the middle of the night she is taken to nowhere land were all the winds of stories live and the winds are trying to make her like stories. Kimberly is played by 5th-grader Rachel John. John says, “The play is really fun and interesting. Everyone in Drama Troupe has been working very hard to put the play together. You should come and see it!” Li’l Buds Theatre Company was founded in 2005 by company members Jenny Lamb, Maggie Portman and J. Preddie Predmore. Li’l Buds has been working with FXW for a long time with plays and drama classes.

So come on and support your fellow peers on May 29 at 6:30 pm in the auditorium!

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