MISSION The Frances Xavier Warde School is a Catholic elementary school in downtown Chicago that provides an academically excellent, values-oriented education to students of all ethnic, religious, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in a child-centered urban environment. As a keystone of its diverse community, The Frances Xavier Warde School provides need-based scholarships to 30 percent of its students. The Frances Xavier Warde School partners with its families, nurtures faith development for its Catholic students, and engages all its students to learn about and respect other faith traditions. The Frances Xavier Warde School uses a rigorous curriculum that enables students to grow, clarify their values, and develop decision-making skills and a sense of responsibility for themselves and the world they will inherit.
LETTER FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL & BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIR Dear Friends of FXW, Mother Frances Warde, our school’s namesake, believed that we should receive all things as signs of blessing for our good. Each year, we are reminded that your gifts of time, talent and treasure are true blessings to our school community. You are not only supporting our teachers and students, you are investing in their future. A day never goes by without each of us realizing that without your generosity, we could not continue to provide and enhance our excellent curriculum, our spiritual formation programs and the many co-curricular opportunities that are afforded to our students each day. In FY13, your generosity enabled us to expand our social emotional learning program under the direction of Erin Horne, pilot our 1:1 iPad program, continue to expand our extracurricular and athletic program offerings and provide a rich academic and social experience for our students. Your investment is a true blessing to the lives of the children we teach. We encourage you to browse through this report so you can experience and relive our school-wide service events, Gala and even graduation—and more importantly enjoy the impact of your financial support. Without your ongoing generosity, we could not continue to deliver the school’s mission and ensure The Frances Xavier Warde School retains its values as a Catholic Independent School. As we look to the year ahead, we know there will be challenges, but with your continued support, those challenges will create new opportunities and blessings for our students. On behalf of the entire FXW community, we thank you for your continued commitment and support.
Mary Reiling
Albert A. Boumenot
Head of School
Board Chair
FINANCIALS REVENUE Tuition and Fees................................................................................................................................ $11,856,713 less scholarships & discounts......................................................................................................... $(1,282,110) Contributions for Scholarships............................................................................................................... $850,154 Fundraising & Contributions............................................................................................................... $1,472,052 Interest Income........................................................................................................................................ $10,362 Miscellaneous........................................................................................................................................ $140,356 Mary Lubben, Chief Financial Officer
Total Revenue................................................................................................................................ $13,047,527 EXPENSE Instructional & Extracurricular............................................................................................................. $7,053,593 Administration.................................................................................................................................... $2,324,688 Occupancy......................................................................................................................................... $1,323,183 Development & Fundraising.................................................................................................................. $484,749 Depreciation.......................................................................................................................................... $494,566 Total Expense.................................................................................................................................... $11,680,779 Change in Net Assets & Contributions to Reserves............................................................................. $1,366,748 .........................................................................................................................................................$13,047,527 In the 2012-2013 fiscal year, we continued to focus on the financial stewardship that will enable The Frances Xavier Warde School to fulfill its mission now and into the future. For the first time in the history of the school, a full audit of the financial statements was performed. We are pleased to report that a clean opinion was received. Note: The independent accounting firm of CliftonLarsonAllen LLP audited the financial results of operations for FY13.
To instruct is an easy matter, but to educate requires ingenuity, energy and perseverance without end.
–M Frances Warde
THE YEAR IN REVIEW In FY13, over 900 children from across Chicago embarked on another year of academics, faith, service and friendship. We responded to the desire to do more for our community by moving forward with cutting-edge learning initiatives, providing academic support programs, and expanding our extra-curricular and athletic offerings, all the while continuing to nurture the hearts and minds of Jaguars.
gatekeeper in times of stress, only allowing the other parts of
Measuring Success through Emotional Intelligence
a calm mindset for thoughtful decision-making and fully-
How do we measure success? Do we look to standardized test
engaged learning.
the brain to play their roles when calm. Understanding how the parts of our brain work together prepares students for creating
scores? Or should we focus on other attributes such as selfawareness, self-regulation, relationship building skills and resilience? A growing body of research indicates that a child’s emotional health is a better indicator of their future success than academic performance, and results in better work performance, more lasting relationships and lower levels of stress and anxiety later in life. In the 2012-2013 school year, FXW introduced the MindUP© socialemotional learning program with the hopes of expanding on a school-wide basis the following academic year. Social-emotional learning is based on the idea that children need to learn to manage their emotions in order to reach their full potential. Research has repeatedly shown that emotions can either enhance or hinder a child’s ability to learn. “Children who are clear-minded and calm learn better,” says Danielle Kelly, assistant principal. The MindUP© curriculum helps students to understand the innerworkings of their own minds. Students learn that the hippocampus stores our memories; the prefrontal cortex is the learning, thinking and reasoning center of our brain; and the amygdala serves as a
external stressors, arming them with tools that they can call upon
Changing the Culture of Learning Through Technology
when feeling anxious or out-of-control. One study shows that
When FXW launched its 1:1 iPad Program a year ago, no one could
preschool children who receive even one year of social-emotional
have predicted how great an impact it would have on the learning
learning perform better years later, internalizing less stress and
culture at FXW. Now, just over a year into the project, FXW is
anxiety than children who didn’t participate in the program.
committed to expanding the program to include additional grade
The MindUP© program gives children the skills to respond to
levels. By the end of the multi-year rollout, FXW students in grades
It may also make children smarter by developing academically
4-8 will have 1:1 access to iPads and students in the younger
important attributes like impulse control, abstract reasoning, long-
grades will have classroom access.
term planning and working memory. A 2011 study showed that K-12 students who received social-emotional training scored an
Sarah Vaughn, FXW’s Instructional Technology Specialist, says
average of 11 percent higher on standardized tests than those who
that, “student engagement, creativity, project-based learning, and
did not. A similar study showed a nearly 20 percent decrease in
differentiated learning have all benefited substantially from the
delinquent behavior.
introduction of the iPad into the classroom experience at FXW.”
“While social-emotional learning has always been a part of the
Enhancing An Already Successful Student Learning Experience
FXW curriculum, formally expanding the program at all grade levels
One of the reasons for the program’s great success is Vaughn,
will bring about a change in the culture at FXW,” says preschool
herself, who approached the introduction of iPads on a 1:1 basis as
principal, Erin Horne. “Overall, there is a calmer, more respectful
a curricular enhancing initiative, and not simply as the introduction
atmosphere,” she continues. “We see fewer issues having to be
of a new technological tool.
resolved at the administrative level because students are selfregulating their emotions,” says Horne. “We’ve given students the
“If we want the introduction of the iPad to have a transformative
tools and vocabulary to deal with problems. We have witnessed
impact on how our students learn,” Vaughn explains, “the focus
students taking deep, calming breaths during times of stress and
must be on using technology to amplify the learning experience,
have witnessed students talking about the need to ‘calm their
and not on the technology itself. We are changing the culture of
amygdala’ when challenged emotionally,” she describes. “The
learning at FXW to match what is going on in the real world and
curriculum will allow us to create a learning environment where
students are embracing this change.”
students feel safe, comfortable and competent,” says Horne.
“Our students will continue to be introduced to new tools
“Most importantly,” she says, “students will learn respect for
throughout their lifetimes,” she says, “We want them to have the
others and a sense of personal and social responsibility.”
problem solving skills to greet and embrace any new technological tool that they encounter” she continues.
app /a/ noun 1. A self-contained program or piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose; an application especially as downloaded by a user to a mobile device.
A Deeper Understanding of Learning Material
a greater pace. The work is often self-checking, so students get
When the iPad was first introduced in 2010, many viewed it simply
immediate feedback in a non-threatening environment, and
as an information consumption tool. With literally thousands of
they can focus on figuring out where they went wrong, rather
apps that allow students to demonstrate their learning through
than on the fact that they got the question wrong. Teachers can
creative expression, the iPad is a much more powerful learning tool
continuously monitor student progress and move them up a level
than originally envisioned. Students are able to show what they
as they advance in their understanding of the material.
know through video, podcast and other medium. They are more
Preparing Our Children for the World They Will Live In
engaged, and as a result, they are coming away with a far better
At FXW, we want students to embrace and explore ideas; to
understanding of the information that they are learning.
consider the value of new ways of understanding the world; to
Adapt Lessons to Individual Learning Styles
seek better ways of knowing. The introduction of the iPad in
The iPad allows teachers to present information to students in the
classroom instruction is one way to help prepare our students for
format in which they learn best. For the visual learner, they can
an ever-evolving world.
provide a link to a YouTube video that shows the effects of gravity on an object in a memorable way. For the student who learns best by listening, the teacher can direct a student to a podcast on
Embracing New Technologies
Newton’s laws of motion. The tactile learner might be directed to
Katy Nakashima, a 5th grade reading teacher who was integral in
an app that lets the student shoot arrows at a target.
the rollout of the iPad 1:1 Program, says, “Bringing technology into the classroom has been like looking at our curriculum through a
Many iPad apps also offer students and teachers immediate
whole new lens. It has really injected new life into the classroom.”
feedback on the lesson being taught. In the past, a teacher might have asked a question and the students with the firmest grasp
“Every year, when we teach the poetry unit, the boys usually put up
of the information would have responded by raising their hands.
their hands and expressed some resistance to the topic. Using tools
Now, the teacher can ask the class to respond to a question on the
found on Pinterest, I’ve been able to engage them in a whole new
iPad, allowing him/her to see immediately which students are on
way,” she describes. “I’ve introduced them to mixed-media images
pace, or falling behind.
and black-out poetry, a form of poetry where the poet takes an existing writing, such as a newspaper, and circles certain words, and
Teachers can thus easily provide a learning experience for each
then ‘blacks out’ the remaining words, leaving a poem formed in the
student by creating custom online folders. For example, in one
negative space by the highlighted words,” she explains.
student’s folder, the teacher might put a simple math problem app. But for the student who is ready for the next level, she might
“Technology has so much to offer to the classroom experience, and
put an app with more complicated problems. Giving students
FXW has been very supportive in bringing it to the students,” she says.
individually appropriate work allows them to move forward at
CLASS OF 2013 HONORS AND ACHIEVEMENTS FXW students are sought by the best high schools in Chicagoland. Almost 85-percent of the class of 2013 were accepted into their first choice high school and 84-percent were accepted into their first choice Catholic high school. The 72 graduates of the class of 2013 enrolled at 21 different high schools and were accepted into the following schools. Air Force Academy (CPS).................. 1
Fordham Prep (NYC)........................... 1
Morgan Park Academy..................... 2
The British School of Chicago....... 3
Gordon Tech........................................... 6
Mt. Carmel............................................... 3
Chicago Academy for Arts.............. 3
Jones CTE................................................. 9
Noble Street Charter Schools........ 2
CHiArts...................................................... 1
Lake Forest Academy......................... 2
North Shore Country Day................ 2
CPS IB......................................................... 9
LaLumiere................................................ 1
Notre Dame (for boys)...................... 1
CPS Neighborhood.............................. 2
Latin............................................................ 6
St. Ignatius............................................ 36
CPS Selective Enrollment............... 27
Lincoln Park Double Honors.......... 4
University of Chicago Lab............... 3
Culver Academy................................... 1
Lincoln Park IB....................................... 1
Wolcott..................................................... 2
DeLaSalle............................................... 15
Loyola Academy................................... 3
Woodlands Academy......................... 1
Clubs are part of a larger, Extended Day Program, which seeks to extend the school day in a fun and exciting way for students who choose to stay after-hours.
ATHLETICS & CO-CURRICULARS Our well-rounded Jaguars participated in over 20 extracurricular
the classroom experience. “The kids select which clubs will run
activities, clubs and athletics programs in FY13, developing new
every six weeks, so we know that they will be engaged,” she
skills, discovering new talents, broadening their perspectives and
says. “We want them to love learning,” she continues. And they
enjoying camaraderie of likeminded friends. Following are some
do. Klein reports that kids regularly report that the clubs are one
highlights from a year of co-curricular exploration and enrichment.
of their favorite FXW experiences.
Students Get Lost on Mystery Island
Destination Imagination
Last year, about a dozen or so 1st through 3rd graders got lost on
Using imagination has proven to be an exhilarating part of FXW’s
‘Mystery Island’. They were taken there through the imagination of
extra-curricular experience. Destination Imagination is an after-
FXW faculty-member, David Downs. Once a week for six weeks, the
school activity in which middle-school students work together
students would travel to Mystery Island, and consider major issues,
to solve fun challenges and present solutions at Tournaments.
such as how to go about building a shelter or where to find food.
Weekly programs encourage teams of learners to have fun, take risks, focus and frame challenges while incorporating science,
Mystery Island is just one of the many popular clubs that FXW
technology, engineering, mathematics, the arts and service
students participated in last year. Twice a week for an hour and a
learning. These activities could involve building structures, making
half, FXW students attended after-school clubs through the FXW
props and costumes, painting or creating a play.
Extended Day Program. The clubs ranged from Spy Club, where students wrote in invisible ink and decoded secret messages,
Student participants learn patience, flexibility, persistence, ethics,
to Magical Creatures, where they learned about unicorns and
respect for others and their ideas, and the collaborative problem
mermaids, to Tae Kwon Do, where they learned how to split
solving process. Team coordinator and current FXW parent, Pam
a board with their feet. The students select the club content for
Farley, shared “The best quote [from a student] about [Destination
bi-weekly meetings.
Imagination] at FXW is ‘Mom, no matter what, arrange my schedule so I can participate. It is the best thing I do and I won’t
Clubs are part of a larger, Extended Day Program, which seeks
give it up.’ Many of our [student participants] feel this way.”
to extend the school day in a fun and exciting way for students who choose to stay after-hours. “The goal of the Extended Day
This enthusiasm and commitment is evident in the continued
program is to reinforce the curriculum that the children are
qualification of teams for the annual Destination Imagination
learning in their classrooms, and to do so in a fun and engaging
Global Competition. During the 2012–2013 academic year, FXW
way,” says OSP Extended Day Program Director, Sarina Klein.
teams finished 28th out of 60 at the global competition which
Klein describes the Extended Day Program as a true extension of
boasted over 12,000 competitors from over 15 countries.
FXW sports taught me how to work with others to accomplish a mutual goal. That has been invaluable to me in the real world. –PJ Jones ‘03
We are Jaguars
All students at FXW participate in gym class two times a week
At FXW, athletics is not about the score. It is about teamwork. It is
and many FXW students opt to participate in a sports team. In the
about discipline and dedication. Our students are not just athletes,
spring of 2013, for example, nearly 40-percent of 4th-8th grade
they are Jaguars.
students participated in an organized FXW sports team.
Athletics Director Joe Carlini explains, “Athletics is an extension
FXW follows a no-cut policy, allowing anyone who wants to
of the overall FXW experience.” “We mirror the FXW philosophy,
participate in interscholastic sports to do so, regardless of skill or
helping our students to deal with and overcome adversity. We
experience level. “Our focus is on teaching our kids to succeed,
teach them collaboration by helping them to appreciate and trust
not on achieving success,” says Carlini. “Winning in life is more
in the contributions of their fellow teammates. We teach them
important than winning a trophy,” he continues.
problem-solving skills. We show them the value of the struggle.
Former FXW student-athlete and current FXW basketball coach,
We [provide students with opportunities to show their grit],” he
PJ Jones ‘03, concurs, saying that, “FXW sports taught me how
goes on. “FXW Athletics gives them the tools to handle any life-
to work with others to accomplish a mutual goal. That has been
situation,” says Carlini.
invaluable to me in the real world. I try to pass on those same lessons to my teams today.”
FXW athletes have been highly successful on the playing fields and courts. Last year’s track and field team took their fourth
Fielded 2 Flag Football Teams and 4 Volleyball Teams
city title. Four of the school’s basketball teams advanced to the
15 Basketball Teams at the HNC Campus
4th and 6th Grade Boys Basketball—Champions
championship or semi-finals last year, with the 4th and 6th grade teams winning the championship. Louiza Williamson, mother of Lucas Williamson ‘13, feels that what her son learned on the basketball court translated directly to his
academic life. “Lucas learned discipline and focus and gained self-
Launched first 6-8th Grade FXW Boys Volleyball Teams
esteem and leadership skills through basketball,” she says. Lucas
Track Team—CYO City Track Champions for 4th consecutive season
is now enrolled at Whitney Young High School and is a starter on their Junior Varsity team. While Lucas’ talents on the basketball
8th Grade Girls Softball—League Champions
court are indisputable, his mother emphasizes that, “We always taught Lucas to be a student-athlete, not just an athlete. At FXW, we were fully supported in the goal of raising a well-rounded young man.”
The sight of the poor should fill us with compassion. –M Frances Warde
I learned that people no matter rich or poor are still people and they enjoy a friendly face and we are all people and carrying on the message of God and Mother Frances Xavier Warde.” –4th Grader
Better Self for a Better World: Living the Legacy Beyond the Classroom A hallmark of the Catholic faith tradition is a concern for the common good borne out in service to others. FXW students, families, alumni, faculty and staff embrace this philosophy as a way of life. In FY13, the FXW community embarked on an exciting year-long service initiative to honor the school’s namesake, Mother Frances Xavier Warde. The goal – to complete 4,000 community service hours—was far surpassed by the community, with members completing 5,144 hours of service. Students across grade levels shared their time and talents with those most in need. Some events included preparing and serving meals for the homeless at the Intersection Café in North Lawndale to dinners at the Ronald McDonald House for families caring for loved ones at Lurie Children’s, to participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, to clean-up days at local Archdiocesan schools through the Big Shoulders Fund to volunteering with Misericordia during their annual Candy Days.
“This experience made me feel that I was a leader. I would love to do this again because serving the poor is a great thing. There are many people in Chicago that are homeless and we need to help them.”
Through these projects, donation drives, and individual family service opportunities, the FXW community truly honored the legacy of Mother Warde by reaching out to those who needed a helping hand. As current 7th grader Jerry Chen noted, “It made me feel like if we all work together, we could make the world, the community, a better place.” In recognition of FXW’s historic year of service, a flag was flown above the state capitol. This honor, reserved for individuals and organizations that have completed notable achievements in the state, highlights FXW’s impact in the Chicago community and beyond. We thank core committee members and volunteers of the Living the Legacy project for their dedication and continued commitment to serve our external community.
–4th Grader
“My service made me feel good because I knew I was helping others. I knew my few hours would leave quite a great impact on students just like me in a different neighborhood who are not as fortunate as I am. I would love to do more service for my community, especially with my family! Through this experience I learned what a blessing my education and facilities at FXW are, and not to take our exceptional school for granted.” –8th Grader
At FXW, we believe we are partners with our parents in their child’s educational process.
THE FXW COMMUNITY FXW is more than an outstanding Catholic Independent school. It is a vibrant community, reflective of our great city of Chicago, a place where children are prepared to not only succeed as students but also as citizens and leaders in a changing world. In FY13, we continued to nurture our school community in a variety of ways—from an enlivened parent presence to re-engagement opportunities for our graduates.
WE ARE PARENTS At FXW, we believe we are partners with our parents in their child’s educational process. More importantly, parent involvement is at the heart of our school community. FXW parents utilize their talents and skills to enrich the FXW experience. Together, and with our parent organizations Parent Group (PGAB) and Parents at the Heart (PATH), we create a stronger community. We thank the chairs and close to 100 core members of both PGAB and PATH for providing FXW with ongoing events and activities including: n
Art Volunteers in the Classroom
Community events like FXW Happenings Annual family events—Fun Fest, Grandparents’ Day,
Mardi Gras, and the Mothers’ Day Luncheon
Alumni Planning Committee Comes Together
Reconnecting with FXW’s graduates
of alumni focusing on the needs of their fellow FXW graduates.
In April 2013, the Development Office organized a working group
Since its founding in 1989, FXW has been a place where FXW
The Alumni Planning Committee works to explore programs and
students, parents, and alumni have gathered to socialize with those
strategies that will increase engagement and satisfaction of all
who have similar values and interests, share experiences with each
FXW alumni.
other, and use their time, talent and treasure to advance our mission. This planning committee will seek broad input from within and In FY13, we continued to nurture and deepen our relationships
outside FXW. Alumni members will examine and utilize the best
with our alumni and alumni parent community in a variety
methods to engage the diverse population of alumni.
of ways—from an enlivened social media presence to social gatherings for FXW Alumni. Creating Strong Connections To support new outreach efforts, the Development Office hired a development associate for alumni relations. Under this direction, the department launched a new campaign to stay in touch with alumni and alumni parents with electronic technologies that ranged from email blasts, a quarterly eNewsletter, the creation of a dedicated Alumni Facebook page to Alumni focused tweets on Twitter. The Development Office also unveiled a new alumni website—complete with alumni news and events, reunion information, and a portal to update contact information. Alumni can now visit the site to keep in touch, register for reunions and events and learn about what’s going on at FXW. The site, which is continually being updated, can be accessed through FXW’s main website at Simply click on Alumni on the main site navigation to view and learn more.
GIVING IN ACTION Contributions to the 2012-2013 Annual Fund totaled over $630,000. On behalf of every student, teacher and staff member, we are grateful for your commitment to FXW. Your donation to the Annual Fund supports academic programming, competitive compensation and professional development for faculty, technology in the classrooms, co-curricular programming, and helps maintain our physical plant. This list recognizes donors that made Annual Fund contributions during the fiscal year July 1, 2012–June 30, 2013. Dr. Rana Abraham and Dr. Samer Abbas Mr. and Mrs. Juan Acevedo Mr. Jonathan Adams and Ms. Susanne Popic Mr. and Mrs. Nnamdi Agbakwu Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ahern Mr. Anthony Akindele and Ms. Merresa Topps-Akindele AkzoNobel Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alexander Mr. Jaime Alvarez and Ms. Olga Camargo Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ambrogi Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Dean Andrews Mr. Frank Annello and Ms. Kimberly Deshano Annello Anonymous Mr. Andreas Antoniou and Ms. Pam Farley Ms. Rosemary Arrington Mr. Michael Arvan and Ms. Arlene Sanoy AT&T Foundation Ms. Caroline Ativie Mr. Brian Audette and Ms. Afton Gauron Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Avalos Ms. Maria Avila Ms. Rosie Avitia Dr. and Mrs. Ramy Bahu Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball Mr. and Ms. James Bamford Dr. Pandelis Banias and Ms. Joanna Paolella Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Barajas
Mr. Jack Barden and Ms. Dodie Anderson-Barden Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barker Mr. Karl Barnickol and Ms. Sara Lippold Mr. Robert Barrett and Ms. Colleen Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barron Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barton Mr. and Mrs. Matt Basil Ms. Jacqueline Bass Mr. and Mrs. Mario Basurto Mr. and Mrs. Max Bechina Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bedell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Belyn Ms. Helaine Berger In Honor of Lauren Casella Ms. Helaine Berger In Honor of Tiffany Keller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bezanes Mr. and Mrs. Paulo Bezerra Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Billen Dr. Kathleen Billings Mr. Sudeep Bisla Mr. William Black and Ms. Sarah McKeague Black Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boeke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boland Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boone Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Borra Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Delano Brazil Mr. David Brooks and Ms. Carol Jones
Mr. Jeffrey Brown and Ms. Susan Fortino-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bruckert Dr. Richard Bryan and Ms. Ceci Fano-Bryan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bryant In Honor of FXW Teachers Mr. Bernard Bulger and Ms. Joan Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Greg Buseman Mr. and Mrs. James Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cahill Mr. Seamus Campion Mr. and Mrs. Al Capitanini Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carey Mr. and Mrs. John Casey Mr. Cary Nourie and Ms. Brigid Cashman Mr. and Mrs. Todd Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Steven Castanien Mr. Nicolas Catoggio and Mrs. Julieta Gerosa Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cavallo Mr. Brent Charles and Mrs. Dawn Mann Charles Mr. David Chase and Ms. Kimberly Rachal JP Morgan Chase Foundation Dr. Baiju Malde and Mr. Aashish Chauhan Dr. Gregory Chen Mr. Hong Jian Chen and Ms. Jing Zhang Mr. Yong Cheng and Ms. Xiao Fei Wang Dr. and Mrs. John Cherf Mr. and Mrs. Pavil Cherian Drs. Sreekant and Madhavi Cherukuri Mr. and Mrs. Todd Church
Mr. Marc Cicero and Ms. Kristin Daleo Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Clayton Dr. Catherine Clinton and Mr. Edward Clinton The Coca Cola Company Ms. Michelle Coe Mr. Chad Coffman and Ms. Andra Boliker Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coletto Ms. Danielle Colyer Drs. Frederman Concepcion and Rosibell Arcia Ms. Alison Conlon Mr. Sean Conroy and Ms. Nora Daley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cook The Rev. and Mrs. Christian Coon Mr. and Mrs. Hector Corona Ms. Caroline Corpuz Mr. and Mrs. William Corrigan Ms. Christy Corrigan Mr. and Ms. William Couchman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Covalle Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Dahlen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daley Mr. Sergi Daniv and Ms. Natalie Acevedo Mr. and Mrs. John D’Arco Mr. and Mrs. Karl D’Cunha Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dean Mr. Roberto Delgado Gomez and Ms. Dolores Ayala Suarez Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ali Dewjee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Di Silvestro
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diaz Mr. Victor Diaz and Ms. Maria Corte Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DiBenedetto Mr. and Mrs. Frank DiBuglione Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Dobell Mr. Mick Domagala and Ms. Kathryn Beiser Mr. John Dombrowski and Ms. Victoria Dal Santo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donahue Dr. Andrew Donnelly and Dr. Jan Engle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dowdle Mr. and Mrs. Brian Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edoigiawerie Ms. Yvonne Edokpayi Mr. and Mrs. David Egan Ms. Lisa Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Rege Eisaman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ellis Esq. Mr. Brian Ellis and Mrs. Jeanette Conrad-Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Emerson Dr. Gustave Falciglia and Ms. Kathrine Nash The Family School Mr. Brian Farley and Ms. Patricia Marshall Dr. Mohamed Fayad and Dr. Marilia Montero-Fayad Mr. and Mrs. Ceasar Faycurry Mr. Benjamin Fernandez and Ms. Maria Leal Barragan Dr. Julius Few Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fiascone Mr. and Mrs. David Fitchett Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flerlage Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Flint Mr. Paul Fong and Mrs. Betty Fong Chan Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fotis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fox Mr. William Fox Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freshwater Drs. Sarah and John Friedewald Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Fuentes Dr. Tonya Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gallagher The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation The Honorable Celia Gamrath and Mr. Robert Gamrath Mr. and Mrs. Tito Garcia Jr. General Electric Ms. Audrey George Ms. Julianne Getty Dr. and Mrs. Philip Gianfortune Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giles Ms. Kathryn Ginder Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Glenn Goldman Sachs & Company Dr. Michael Gomez and Mrs. Sharon Lira-Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Goodman Mr. and Ms. Kevin Greer Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gross Mr. and Mrs. Tim Grover Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guild
Mr. Greg Gunderson and Ms. Catherine Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haley Dr. and Mrs. Scott Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Khalid Hannah Ms. Marge Hartigan Mr. Larry Hasse and Ms. Lioubov Antonova Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins Mr. Liam Healy and Ms. Roseanne Loftus Mr. John Heeger= and Ms. Hoang Nguyen Dr. and Mrs. Matthias Heilmann Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Henninger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herber Mr. Salvador Hernandez and Ms. Cynthia Covian-Hernandez Ms. Michele Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins Mr. Rodney Hill Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hirschl Mr. and Ms. Ian Hirt Drs. Mark Hoffman and Laura Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Kahlil Hogan Mr. John Hoidas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holley Mr. Michael Hollub Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Holton Mr. and Mrs. John Hong Mr. and Mrs. John Honney Mr. and Mrs. Erek Horne Dr. Ilona Carlos and Mr. David Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ihm In Honor of William Filan Ms. Bindu Illuri Mr. Christopher Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Chad Jashelski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. James Jelinek Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jelinek Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. David Johns Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.T. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jones Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jones Mrs. Carroyl Jones Mr. Jason Jordan and Ms. Jennifer Ivanelli Dr. Andrew Junker and Ms. Cameron Gearen Ms. Marla Kaiden and Ms. Ann Marie Sink Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kailus Mr. Michael Kasper and Ms. Laura Liu Mr. Brad Keith and Ms. Kathleen McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kent Mr. Kareem Kenyatta Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Kerrigan Ms. Sharisse Kimbro Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kinner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kipp
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Erich Kirr Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kittrell Ms. Mary Kohberger Mr. Michael Komasinski and Ms. Heather Evans Dr. and Mrs. William Kosmala Mr. and Mrs. John Koudounis Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kouri Mr. Kevin Kowalski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kraft Kraft Corporation Dr. Krishna Kumar and Mrs. Christine Tiseo Geraldine J Laff Foundation Mr. David Lane and Ms. Ann Yabroff Ms. Julie Latsko Mr. Andrew Lee Mr. Reginald Lee and Ms. Romina Kee Mr. John Lehrer Ms. Suzanne Lehrer Mr. and Mrs. Lixing Li Ms. Amy Eshleman and Ms. Lori Lightfoot Dr. Ardita Lleshi-Tali and Mr. Kujtim Tali Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lopez Mr. and Mrs. William Ludford Mr. Richard Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mallette In Memory of Elaine P. Hines Dr. Preeti Kansal and Dr. Augustine Manadan Mr. Rodney Mann and Ms. Joan Fox Mr. and Mrs. Craig Marchbanks Mr. Paul Marcovitch and Ms. Christine Young Mr. Jay Marhoefer and Ms. Roxanne Rochester Ms. Kymberly Marrinson Ms. Tonya Mattox Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Maurice
Mr. and Mrs. Willie May Dr. Jeffrey Ackman and Ms. Kathleen McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Terrence McCann Mr. and Mrs. Terry McCreery Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDonald McDonald’s Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Eric McMiller II Ms. Adriana Medina Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Melchiorre Jr. Mr. Andres Mendoza Pena and Mrs. Maria del Rosario Lima Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mertes Mr. Timothy Mertzlufft and Mrs. Dawn Sellstrom Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Dr. and Mrs. Mason Milburn Mr. and Mrs. Brian Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Miller Mr. and Mrs. Paul Montes II Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mooney Mr. and Ms. David Moore Mr. and Mrs. Nektarios Morakalis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mosley Mr. Leland Mosley and Mrs. Jeneene Brown-Mosley Mr. Barrett Murphy and Ms. Lynn Lockwood Murphy Mr. James Murray Michael J. & Amy B. Murray Charitable Gift Fund Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Myers Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nakamoto Mr. Ricardo Naon and Ms. Kelly Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. James Neis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nelligan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Nelson = Denotes Deceased
Mr. Pier Paolo Noventa and Ms. Monica Lugo Mr. David Nurnberger and Ms. Kim Sarchet Ms. Mary Jo O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Leighton O’Connell-Miller Mr. and Mrs. Adeboye Ogunseitan Mr. John O’Malley and Ms. Christina Egan Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Meara Mr. Michael Page and Mrs. Jodi Kawada Page Mr. Joseph Panfil Mr. and Mrs. James Papajohn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parnell Ms. Aime Pasiennik Dr. Toral Patel and Mr. Neil Parekh Mr. Kalpesh Patel and Ms. Mary Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Steven Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patrylak Dr. Halina Miglus and Mr. Patrick Patterson Mr. Jeffrey Patton and Ms. Ying Zhao Mr. Gordon Paulson and Ms. Megan McDonald Paulson Ms. Margaret Pawlik Mr. Jon Peck and Ms. Patricia Alvarez Peck Ms. Monica Perez Mrs. Vera Perner Drs. Anju and Neill Peters Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Terry Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Louis Portugal Mr. and Mrs. Justin Prouty Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Pruitt Dr. Sarah Puccia and Mr. Robert Puccia
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Seder Mr. Paul Seet Dr. Ranga Ananda and Mr. Atulkishen Setlur Mr. and Mrs. Raj Shah Mr. Jim Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Shaver Mr. Joseph Sheils and Ms. Kathleen Evert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherman Mr. and Mrs. John Shimkus Mr. Luther Siebert and Ms. Carol Cubia-Siebert Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Silva Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Silvers Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Simmons Mr. Gregory Simon and Ms. Barbara Coghlan Mr. and Mrs. Matt Simpson Mr. Richard Sinclair and Ms. Natasha Esprey Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Skarbek Mr. and Mrs. Mark Skender Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Skoglund Mr. William Smith and Ms. Laura Bertucci-Smith Mr. Ignacio Sola and Ms. Soledad Querol Ms. Alexandra Soriano Dr. and Mrs. Howard Spector Mr. and Mrs. George Spindler Mr. John Stanek and Ms. Kerry Nangle Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Stark Mr. and Mrs. Kent Steffen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stewart Dr. Rana Stino and Mr. Walid Moustafa Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stojka Strategic Capital Advisors Dr. Schweta Stuart and Mr. Michael Stuart Mr. Enrique Suarez and Ms. Leonora Georgeoglou Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Surin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swanborn Mr. David Sudzus and Ms. Stephanie Synol Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sznewajs Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szymanski Mr. and Mrs. Steve Taggart Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Talarico III Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tamburo Mr. Kurt Taute and Ms. Michelle Adams Mr. Sebastian Telecki Mrs. Amy Telecki Dr. and Mrs. Colby Thaxton Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas Thomson Reuters Ms. Tracey Thurmond Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Fazli Qadir Mr. Kenneth Rainey and Ms. Kristin Hofer Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ram Mr. and Mrs. Kwame Raoul Mr. Andrew Ray and Ms. Sara Buchen-Ray Mr. and Mrs. Matt Reese Mr. Steven Rehkemper Ms. Marvin Rehkemper Ms. Mary Reiling Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Victor Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Larry Richman Dr. DeAndre Williams and Dr. Patricia Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Leon Robinson Ms. Adelina Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Avery Rollins Dr. Sarah Boudreau-Romano and Mr. Donald Romano Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rose Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Ross Mr. Don Ross and Ms. Elizabeth Amatangelo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Siamak Saidi Dr. and Mrs. George Salti Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Salud Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sawicz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Scannell Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schabes Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Brian Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Tomc Mr. and Mrs. James Toney Trading Technologies Mrs. Eve Tyree Mr. Brian Umbenhauer and Ms. Caryn Ruocco Umbenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Unzicker Mr. and Mrs. Jason Urban Mr. John Vadaparampil and Ms. Reema Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Valenti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Valentino Mr. and Mrs. Alex Vetter Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vihon Mr. and Mrs. Dean Villanueva Ms. Yesenia Rodriguez VMD Investments LLC Mr. and Mrs. Srecko Jr. Vujasin Mr. David Wagner and Ms. Gigi Vaffis Ms. Alverna Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsh III Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsh IV Mr. and Mrs. Sean Walsh The Walsh Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Grant Waterer Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webber Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wegman Mr. and Mrs. Todd Weiss Wells Fargo Mr. and Mrs. Kyle White Mr. and Mrs. David Wieland In Honor of Amelia C. Wieland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilhelm William Wrigley, Jr. Company Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wingert Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wirtz Ms. Julie Woo Mr. and Mrs. James Wright Mr. Gian Thomas Wrobel Mr. Giovanni Wrobel Mr. Giuliano Wrobel Mr. Gregory Wrobel and Ms. Gini Marziani Dr. and Mrs. Edward Yaghmour Dr. Rong He and Dr. Stephen Yau Mr. Marcel Yonan and Ms. Charlotte Wager Mr. and Mrs. Billal Zaman Ms. Ann Zwick
GALA Nearly 1,000 guests attended the annual dinner and auction in February at The Marriot Magnificent Mile. The Gala which featured dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions and paddle raise, netted $552,000. Popular auction items included our first 80’s group sign-up party, our ever popular teacher treats and a diverse live auction featuring the best in food and wine, sports and one-of-a-kind experiences! More than 100 volunteers helped ensure the Gala’s success. We especially wish to recognize the exceptional commitment of the 2013 Gala Chairs: Aimee Daley, Julie Davis, Amy Freshwater and Carolyn Kirk. This list recognizes those individuals who participated in the success of the evening through sponsorship, underwriting and participation in the paddle raise. A Friend Dr. Rana Abraham and Dr. Samer Abbas Mr. Murray Adams Mr. and Mrs. Nnamdi Agbakwu Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ambrogi Mr. David Andrews and Ms. Shauna Boliker Andrews Anonymous Mr. Andreas Antoniou and Ms. Pam Farley Drs. Frederman Concepcion and Rosibell Arcia Mr. and Ms. David Ariola Mr. Michael Arvan and Ms. Arlene Sanoy Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball Mr. Karl Barnickol and Ms. Sara Lippold Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barton Mr. and Mrs. Matt Basil Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bedell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Belyn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bezanes Mr. Sudeep Bisla Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boone Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Borra Mr. and Mrs. Delano Brazil Ms. Sue Brieger
Mr. Jeffrey Brown and Ms. Susan Fortino-Brown Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Al Capitanini Mr. and Mrs. John Casey Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cassell Mr. Nicolas Catoggio and Ms. Julieta Gerosa Mr. and Mrs. Glen Caudill Ms. Patricia Cederoth Dr. Baiju Malde and Mr. Aashish Chauhan Dr. Gregory Chen Mr. and Mrs. Pavil Cherian Mr. Dean Christy Mr. and Mrs. James Clark Mr. Jon Clark Mrs. Doreen Clark Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clayton Dr. Catherine Clinton and Mr. Edward Clinton Mr. and Ms. Eduardo Cocozza Mr. Chad Coffman and Ms. Andra Boliker Ms. Rhonda Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connor Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cook The Rev. and Mrs. Christian Coon Ms. Caroline Corpuz Ms. Christy Corrigan
Mr. and Ms. William Couchman Coverdell Mr. and Mrs. Logan Cummins Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daley Mr. Richard M. Daley Mr. and Mrs. John D’Arco Mr. and Mrs. Marc Davis Mr. Steven Dollear Mr. John Dombrowski and Ms. Victoria Dal Santo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan Mr. and Mrs. David Egan Mr. John O’Malley and Ms. Christina Egan Ms. Lisa Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Rege Eisaman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ellis Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Emerson Dr. Gustave Falciglia and Ms. Kathrine Nash Mr. Benjamin Fernandez and Ms. Maria Leal Barragan Dr. Julius Few Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fiascone Mr. and Mrs. William Filan Mr. and Mrs. David Fitchett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flerlage Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Forde Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fotis Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freshwater
Mr. and Mrs. Cezar Froelich Mr. Raja Gaddipati Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gallagher Mr. Brian Audette and Ms. Afton Gauron George K. Baum & Company Mr. Ernest Gibble and Ms. Karen Weigert Dr. Michael Gomez and Mrs. Sharon Lira-Gomez Mrs. Imelda Gomez Mr. and Mrs. David Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gross Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Sean Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haley Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardtke Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harley Ms. Marge Hartigan Mr. Shaun Hartley and Ms. Michele Amatangelo Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hawkins Mr. Liam Healy and Ms. Roseanne Loftus Mr. John Heeger= and Ms. Hoang Nguyen Dr. and Mrs. Matthias Heilmann Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Henninger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herber Ms. Michele Hernandez Mr. Mario Hollemans = Denotes Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. John Hong Mr. and Mrs. John Honney Dr. Ilona M. Carlos and Mr. David Hughes Mr. Kevin Hull and Ms. Kirsten Ekdahl Hull Mr. and Mrs. Chad Jashelski Mr. and Mrs. James Jelinek Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jelinek Mr. and Mrs. David Johns Ms. Marla Kaiden and Ms. Ann Marie Sink Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kent Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kerrigan Ms. Mattie Kimbro Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kinner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Erich Kirr Mr. Michael Komasinski and Ms. Heather Evans Mr. and Mrs. John Koudounis Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kouri Mr. Kevin Kowalski Mr. Jack Kragie and Ms. Liz Newell Dr. Krishna Kumar and Mrs. Christine Tiseo Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lambert Ms. Brooke Lavender Liberty Diversified International Ms. Amy Eshleman and Ms. Lori Lightfoot Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Ankush Mahindra Dr. Preeti Kansal and Dr. Augustine Manadan Mr. Rodney Mann and Ms. Joan Fox Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manzano Mr. Paul Marcovitch and Ms. Christine Young Drs. Thomas Mason and Bonnie Simpson Mason Mr. and Mrs. Terrence McCann Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McFall Mr. and Mrs. Craig McNay Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mertes Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Micheli Dr. and Mrs. Mason Milburn Mr. and Mrs. Brian Miller Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mills Mr. Luke Molloy and Ms. Suzanne Yoon Molloy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Montes II Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moriarty Dr. Rana Stino and Mr. Walid Moustafa Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moynihan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nakamoto Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Newell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman Mr. Pier Paolo Noventa and Ms. Monica Lugo Mr. and Mrs. John O’Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ohlander Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Donald O’Meara
Mr. Michael Page and Mrs. Jodi Kawada Page Dr. and Mrs. Dilip Patel Dr. Halina Miglus and Mr. Patrick Patterson Ms. Margaret Pawlik Ms. Ann Perry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pokornik Mr. and Mrs. Justin Prouty Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Pruitt Mr. and Mrs. Fazli Qadir Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ram Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ramsey Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Reese Mr. Steven Rehkemper Ms. Marvin Rehkemper Ms. Mary Reiling Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rigby Mr. Michael Chambers and Ms. Mary Robinson Mr. Michael Rohrbeck and Ms. Andrea Raila Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Ross Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rozier Ms. Emily Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan Ms. Felicia Samko Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sandoval Mr. George Schaefer and Ms. Molly McShane Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Scott Ms. Eileen Serafine Mr. and Mrs. Raj Shah Mr. Sachin Shah and Ms. Maulee Tolia Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Shaver Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sheerin Jr. Drs. Monica and Veeral Sheth Mr. and Ms. John Shimkus Mr. Richard Sinclair and Ms. Natasha Esprey Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Skarbek Mr. and Mrs. Mark Skender Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Skoglund Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Dr. and Mrs. Howard Spector Mr. and Mrs. Kent Steffen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stojka Mr. Enrique Suarez and Ms. Leonora Georgeoglou Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Surin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sznewajs Mr. Kurt Taute and Ms. Michelle Adams Mr. and Mrs. Kumar Thason Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James Toney Mrs. Eve Tyree Mr. Brian Umbenhauer and Ms. Caryn Ruocco Umbenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Unzicker Mr. and Mrs. Jason Urban Mr. John Vadaparampil and Ms. Reema Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Valenti Mr. and Mrs. John Vance Mr. Christopher Veatch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ventura
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Waller Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Todd Weiss Mr. Ramel Werner and Ms. Charlene Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wirtz Ms. Julie Woo Dr. and Mrs. Edward Yaghmour Mr. Marcel Yonan and Ms. Charlotte Wager Mr. Nanchang You and Ms. Minglin Deng Mr. Ed Zotti and Ms. Mary Lubben
Gala Auction Donors We are grateful to the following individuals who provided items for our auction. 25 Degrees Restaurant Abt Electronics Adler Planetarium Advanced Vein Clinic AFox Photography Brian Ahern Aime Pasiennik and Lauren Spies Maureen Albring Thomas and Helen Alexander Alexis and Rege Eisaman, Hotel Bel-Air All About Dance Ambra Salon and European Spa Andaz West Hollywood Dan and Kathi Anderson Dave and Shauna Andrews Anonymous Anthony Gowder Designs Inc. ARCC Ballet and Dance Mark and Alice Argyelan Art Effect Michele Ateyeh Avanti Gourmet Catering AVEC Away We Play: Movement, Music and Messy Art Ramy and Christine Bahu Heidi and Sam Bailey Lyndsey Baker Balance Health and Wellness Robert and Catherine Ball Joanna Paolella and Pandelis Banias Bar Method
Anoush Bargamian Sara Lippold and Karl Barnickol Colleen Cassell and Bob Barrett BASH Sports Academy Amanda Basil Jacqueline Bass Beautiful Beginnings Max and Michelle Bechina Bella Joy Jewelry Benefit Boutique Benjamin Big Bowl Bill Doyle Stefan and Martha Billen Kathleen Billings Jason and Sakshi Bindra Black Coffee Gallery Blackbird Faline Blanchard Blizzard Ski and Snowboard School Blushington Makeup and Beauty Lounge Bombay Wraps BostonCoach Albert and Joann Boumenot Nikkie Bowman BOYNE Bradford Renaissance Portraits Branch 27 Erin Brandenburg Tom and Katie Brandt Del and Tammy Brazil Rachel Bronson David and Jennifer Bryant John and Linda Bubala Bubbles Academy Andy Ray and Sara Buchen-Ray Building Blocks Toy Store Cindy Burns CAA Sports Mara and Mike Callahan Jimmy Campbell James and Spring Capers Joseph Carlini Carmichaels Chicago Steakhouse Carnival Foundation Carter Kennedy Lauren Casella John and Jill Casey Casey Morans Craig and Brady Cassell Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University Lisa Cerami Charles Ifergan Salon - Oak Street Marcel Yonan and Charlotte Wager David and Kimberly Chase
Pavil and Danielle Cherian Sreekant and Madhavi Cherukuri Chi Chi Sisters Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Athletic Clubs Chicago Bears Chicago Bears Youth Football Camps Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Bulls Chicago Canine Rescue Chicago Children’s Theatre Chicago Cubs Chicago Cut Steakhouse Chicago Horse and Carriage Ltd Chicago Luxury Beds Chicago q Chicago Shakespeare Theater Chicago Symphony Orchestra Chicago Wapiti Rugby Football Club Chicago White Sox Chicago White Sox/Greg Hopwood Chicago Youth Lacrosse Chicagoland Speedway CHICAGOPRODJ.COM China Friends Chi-Scream Katie Clark Brittany Clarke Classic Kids Photography Debra and Reginald Clayton Mary Clifford Club Lago Restaurant and Lounge Michelle Coe Colleen Shannon and Carroyl Jones Columbia Yacht Club Comcast Sports Net Chicago Les Coney Conner Prairie Interactive History Park Jenny Conroy Sean and Nora Conroy Jeffrey and Wendy Cook Christian and Anne Coon Core Power Yoga Costumier Vintage Jewelry Courtney Britton and Kim Sloan Amy Evans and Katie Crawford Creed Poulson from Taschen Christina Culver Eric and Jennifer Cunningham Cynthia Rowley Cynthias Consignments William and Aimee Daley Dan Chisholm B.S. LMT dana hotel and spa Marc and Julie Davis Kristine del Rosario Monica DeLorenzo Deuces and the Diamond Club Danielle DiBenedetto Frank and Cindi DiBuglione Brandon and Colleen Dobell Jill Dodds John and Vickie Dombrowski Doug Bruno Basketball Camp Catherine and Patrick Dowd Drybar Flavia and Brian Duffy Dylan’s Tavern and Grill Easel Art Studio East Bank Club Edenhurst Studio (Dana and Spencer Rogers)
David and Carrie Egan Mark Hubert and Erica Eichleay Eileen Fisher Alexis and Rege Eisaman Brian and Jeanette Ellis Kristen Ellison Elysian Hotel Emerald City Theatre Company Joshua and Priya Emerson Enso Karate Enso Tai Chi Stacie Erck Erin Gallaghers Gem Bar Especially For You Gifts Essential Nail Spa Amy Evans Ewa Sieminska and Derek Layes Exhale Spa Javier and Kathryn Fajardo Andreas Antoniou and Pam Farley Mark and Julianne Farrell Ceasar and Deanna Faycurry Faris and Suzan Faycurry Benjamin Fernandez Erin Fetzer Martin and Kimberly Fiascone William and Kimberly Filan Robert and Allison Finely David and Lauren Fitchett FitPro West Bob and Lisa Fitzsimmons Flamenco Chicago LLC Joseph and Adriana Flerlage Flywheel Gold Coast Four Seasons Hotel Chicago Andrew and Lisa Fox Frances Xavier Warde School Frankies Scaloppine Restaurant French Cosmetology by Tanith Jay and Amy Freshwater John and Sarah Friedewald Brian and Laura Friedler FXW Parent Group FXW Parent Group Advisory Board Katie Gallagher Game On! Sports Camp 4 Girls Game Truck Party Chicago Lois Gates Brian Audette and Afton Gauron Shaun Gayle Kristine Gaylord Gene Siskel Film Center Genevieve Lethu Enrique Suarez and Leonora Georgeoglou Julianne Getty Gibsons Restaurant Group/ Kris and Liz Stark Kathleen Gilmartin Gilt City Glazed Expressions Inc. Malinda Glenn Go Cycle Studio Go Performance Go Sailing Chicago- Michael Argyelana Carmela and Carlos Gonzalez Goodman Theatre Paul and Reenee Gotta April Greer Ania Grimone Alex and Shannon Gross Charles and Lisa Guild Marie Gumz
Gymboree Play and Music Sean and Katie Haggerty Andrew and Kelly Haley Judy Ham Rachel Hanks Scott and Colleen Hanlon Harborside International Golf Center Harley Ellis Devereaux Harpo Studios Koby and Todd Hatch Liz Cummins and Georgia Hawkins Bob and Eileen Herber Salvador and Cynthia Hernandez Hi-Five Hoops Basketball Program John and MacKenzie Higgins Rodney and Kimberly Hill Holly Hollub Holy Name Cathedal Ellee Pai and John Hong Lindsay Hornbeck Howard E. Spector DDS Fr. Tom Hurley Clare Hurrelbrink i9 Sports - Chicago IK Gymnastics Illinois Restaurant Association Indianapolis Museum of Art iNG Restaurant Italian Village Restaurants— The Capitanini Family Jack Schwartz Importers, Fine Cigars since 1920 Christopher and Carson Jacobs Jam Production Ltd./Mary Beth Kelly Jason Phillips, Personal Traine Jayson Home and Garden/ Artist’s Frame Service Inc. Jazzy Bone’z Private Chef Services Kevin and Nadia Jelinek Jen at Hydrate Salon Jenna Wedemeyer Design Inc. John Hall Studios John O’Malley - George Glass Band Johnathan Breitung Salon and Luxury Spa Dick Johnson George and Kerri Johnson Paul and Renee Johnson Jonathan Adler Virgil and Christine Jones Jones Day Jones Day and Jeremy Cole Michael and Sheila Kailus Karma Yacht Sales LLC Kawaii Corporation William M. Daley and Bernadette Keller Ronald and Shauna Kelley Andrew and Lisa Kennedy Charles and Julie Kennedy Jack Kennedy Tim and Amy Kennedy Joe and Liz Kent Kentucky Derby Museum Laurie and Bryan Kerrigan KH Photography Kid City LLC Kids Science Labs Brendan and Kelly Kiley Sharisse Kimbro Kincades Tim and Jodi Kinner Daniel and Carolyn Kirk Kohl’s Children Museum
Kookaburra Play Cafe Bill and Kathy Kosmala John and Joanne Koudounis Kramer Portraits, New York Kris Barker Landscape Architecture Krista K Boutique Kumon Center for Math and Reading Kaitlyn Kysiak Ladybug Bows Lakeshore Academy of Artistic Gymnastics Inc. Landmark Theatres Lands’ End Lango Chicago Language Stars Fred Latsko Julie Latsko Laudi Vidni Sarah Lauer Laurus Strategies Brooke Lavender Law Offices of Aaron Spivack Le Meridien Le Meridien Etoile Hotel Le Meridien San Francisco Suzanne Lehrer Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises Sarah Levy Bridget Lewis Lil Buds Theatre Company Lil Kickers - Chicago Lil Sluggers Chicago Lilys Garden Lincoln Park Athletic Club Lincoln Park Smiles Lincoln Park Zoo Anna Lindley Nina Little Little Beans Cafe Michael Kasper and Laura Liu Liam Healy and Roseanne Loftus Patrick and Cecilia Loftus Joe and Lisa Lopez Louisville Bats Bill and Mary Ludford Lush Jackie Luxum M Lounge Maison Cuisine Joan Fox and Rodney Mann Paul and Helen Manzano Craig and Owinda Marchbanks Marine Services Corp. Mario Tricoci Hair Salons and Day Spas Mark Brown Photography Market Marriott Becky Cochran and Jenny Martell Martell Interiors Laura Marx Mastros Jean and Joe Maurice Kevin and Ellen May Monsignor Dan Mayall Donald and Kathy McCabe Ryan McCarthy Mary McDermott Bernard and Suzanne McDonald McDonalds Corporation Judi A. McInerney, Psy. D. Craig and Vickie McNay Menomonee Club
Merit School of Music Mesirow Financial Metalmorphis Metro Anesthesia Consultants Michael Thoney Photography Renee Michelon Brian and Gretchen Miller Greg Gunderson and Catherine Miller Jackie Miller Molly’s Cupcakes Monkey Bar Gym Chicago Paul and Teri Montes Tom Moro Lindsay Mosshammer Michael and Kala Moynihan MRT Jewelers Henry and Erin Munez Donna Murphy Sharon Murphy James Murray Muse Musical Magic My Corner Playroom My Gym Keith and Megan Nakamoto Katy Nakashima Naomi Epstein Photography Amy Nash Nate Berkus NBC5 Chicago/Telemundo NBU Athletics Near South Youth Association Nele Burns, Autumn Perry and Erin Martin Michael and Mary Nelligan Jack Kragie and Liz Newell Jennifer Nolan North Pond Restuarant Northwestern Memorial Physicians Group Brigid Cashman and Cary Nourie Paula and John Nowak Kate O’Brien Mary Jo O’Brien ODonovans Office Max Scott and Allison Ohlander Old St. Patricks Church Old Town School of Folk Music Brian and Maura O’Meara Brooke O’Rourke John O’Rourke Ortanic p.45 James and Colette Papajohn Mark and Sue Pasiennik Steven and Lisa Patrick Ying and Jeff Patton Megan McDonald and Gordon Paulson Peck Hotel Consulting Neill and Anju Peters Don and Anne Phillips Phoenix Restaurant Piccolo Sogno Restaurant Picture Day LLC Pied Piper Parties and Preschool Platypus Tours Barry and Cara Pollard Jonathan Adams and Susanne Popic
Progressive Care for Women PRP Wines Colleen Pugliese Pump It Up Chicago Quest College Consulting Beth Quinn R L Restaurant Rachael Ray Ian and Jennifer Ram Ravinia Matt and Janelle Reese Regina Dominican High School Mary Reiling Renaissance Schaumburg Rent the Runway Revel Decor Inc. Celia and Victor Reyes Pat Riordan Steven Ripes Rock Candy Roditys Restaurant Mechelle Rollins D.J. and Sarah Romano Ben and Ellen Rose Beth Amatangelo and Don Ross Matt Rutherford Diane and David Ryan Saks Fifth Avenue Chicago Marisol Salgado Salon Buzz George and Maria Salti Lawrence and Jennifer Salud Cheenu Sandhu Sawtooth Restaurant and Lounge Tim and Kelly Scannell Katy Schabes Mary Schaefer Scholastic Inc. Sea Glass Fine Art Sew Crafty Studio Jonathan and Christina Shaver Shaws Crab House Shedd Aquarium Patrick and Julie Sheerin Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers Sheraton Hotels of New York Sheraton Kauai Resort Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel and Casino Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina Sheraton Waikiki Resort Sherwood, The Community Music School at Columbia College Chicago Monica and Veeral Sheth Shred 415 David and Shannon Shuel Mike and Elizabeth Shydlowski Luther and Carol Siebert Signature Coach Limo Glenn and Amy Silvers Marla Kaiden and Anne Marie Sink Sister-Arts Studio, Inc. Mark and Roxanne Skender Skin Therapy by Nancy at Solo Salon Skip Towne and the Greyhounds Skip Towne Productions
Daniel and Elaine Skoglund Brian and Maurine Smith Matthew Smith Pam Smith William and Laura Bertucci Smith Smoque BBQ Sod Room Sofie Belle Collections Sofitel Chicago Water Tower Sonoma Sterling Limousines Alexandra Soriano Spa at The Gold Coast Howard and Lisa Spector Karl and Dana Spektor Spex Sport Events Annessa Staab Standing Room Only Kris and Liz Stark Kent and Kate Steffen Rick and Lisa Stephens Steppenwolf Theatre Company Kristian May and Paul Stewart Stitches So Sweet Jason and Nikki Stratton Sara Baker and Jenny Stricker Stuart Tomc Century Guild Decorative Arts Sunda Superior Pilates Kevin and Lynn Sutton Sutton Studios Suzuki-Orff School of Music Thomas and Erin Swanborn Swarovski Swarovski North America LTD Swish Basketball Dorian Sylvian Table 52 Tabula Tua Steve and Gail Taggart Ernie and Kelli Talarico Michael and Hope Tate Kurt Taute Tavern on Rush Mike Smith and Amy Tejral Terrys Toffee Maggie and Shad Thaxton The Beer Bistro The Boarding House The Boarding House The Chicago Childrens Choir The Chicago Cubs The Few Institute The Joffrey Ballet The Juilliard School The Kids Table The Little Gym The Paintbrush Art Studio The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum The Phoenician The Red Balloon Co. The Signature Room at the 95th The St. Regis Washington D.C. The Westin Excelsior, Rome Henry and Susan Thomas Thomas Fallon Photography
Jennifer Thompson Tracey Thurmond Watts Tiffany and Co. Todd Stevens - Producer TODs Sachin Shah and Maulee Tolia Tollakson Family Stuart and Rosalva Tomc Toys et Cetera Trabert and Hoeffer Trapeze School New York in Chicago Rodney Trask Travel Advantage Network Trinity High School Tropicana Living Things Inc. Tru Restaurant Twisted Lizard UIC Soccer Camp Urban Oasis Meagan Ursini David Wagner and Gigi Vaffis Priya and Chris Valenti Monsignor Kenneth Velo Ronald and Lara Ventura Ventura Vera Bradley Alex and Johanna Vetter Ana Vihon Viking Ski Shop Vision Boutique Vivo Vosges Haut-Chocolat W Chicago Lakeshore W Istanbul W Westwood Andy and Mary Pat Wallace Steve and Valerie Waller James and Susan Walsh Matthew and Maggie Walsh Water Tower Dental Care Wave Restaurant Michael and Cindi Webber Daniel and Emily Weber Todd and Paula Wegman David and Sarah Weiland Todd and Beata Weiss Westin Beach Resort Westin San Francisco Westin St. John Resort and Villas White Lodging Bob and Laura Wilhelm Charise Williams Windy City Fieldhouse Wine Shop at Home Randy and Dee Wingert Danny and Anne Wirtz Wirtz Beverage Illinois Wisconsin Deer Park Wolfgang’s Steakhouse Casey Woodward World Academy of Irish Dancing Ted and Lisa Yaghmour Stephen and Rong Yau Paul Marcovitch and Christine Young William and Jennifer Yu Ann Zwick
FXW 20 Designed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the school’s origination, restricted dollars were set aside for future strategic purposes. Thanks to the generosity of these donors, the fund exceeded its original goal of $500,000. This list recognizes those donors who have made a commitment to the 20th anniversary fund during the lifetime of the campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Juan Acevedo Dr. Jeffrey Ackman and Ms. Kathleen McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson Mr. Frank Annello and Ms. Kimberly Deshano Annello Mr. Michael Arvan and Ms. Arlene Sanoy Mr. Anthony Ashley and Ms. Margaret Hickey Mr. Brian Audette and Ms. Afton Gauron Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Belyn Mr. and Mrs. Delano Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bruckert Mr. and Mrs. William Burfeind Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carey Dr. Gregory Chen Drs. Michael Chen and Karen Wu Mr. and Mrs. Pavil Cherian Drs. Kaman Cipi and Adela Kola Mr. Jeremy Cole Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coletto Drs. Frederman Concepcion and Rosibell Arcia Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Dahlen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daley Dr. Andrew Donnelly and Dr. Jan Engle Mr. and Mrs. David Egan Exelon Corporation Mr. Benjamin Fernandez and Ms. Maria Leal Barragan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flerlage Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fox Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freshwater Mr. and Mrs. Tito Garcia Jr. Mr. Eduardo Garza and Ms. Xochitl Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giles Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gotta Dr. and Mrs. Henry Graziano Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Greer Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Haman Dr. and Mrs. Scott Hanlon Mr. Liam Healy and Ms. Roseanne Loftus Mr. John Heeger= and Ms. Hoang Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Martin Heilmann Ms. Michele Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hirschl Drs. Mark Hoffman and Laura Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John Honney Mr. and Mrs. Erek Horne Mr. Wenbo Hu and Ms. Peiqing Liang Dr. Ilona Carlos and Mr. David Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Doug Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.T. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kailus Mr. Brad Keith and Ms. Kathleen McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kelley Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kent Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kerrigan Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kieta Ms. Sharisse Kimbro Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kirk Dr. and Mrs. William Kosmala Mr. and Mrs. John Koudounis Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kouri Kraft Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lajeune Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jose Lopez
Mr. Paul Marcovitch and Ms. Christine Young Mr. Jay Marhoefer and Ms. Roxanne Rochester Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terry McCreery Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Eric McMiller II Mr. and Mrs. William McNulty Mr. Andres Mendoza Pena and Mrs. Maria del Rosario Lima Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Micheli Ms. Renee Michelon Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mills Ms. Christin Mirabelli Mr. William Moore and Ms. Robin Moore Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nakamoto Dr. Guriqbal Nandra and Dr. Jill Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Nelson Mr. Joseph Panfil Ms. Aime Pasiennik Mr. Jeffrey Patton and Ms. Ying Zhao Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips Mr. Andrew Ray and Ms. Sara Buchen-Ray Mr. Steven Rehkemper Ms. Marvin Rehkemper Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Reyes Ms. Celena Roldan Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rose Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Ross Mr. Don Ross and Ms. Elizabeth Amatangelo Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan
Dr. and Mrs. George Salti Mr. and Mrs. Brian Scott Mr. Luther Siebert and Ms. Carol Cubia-Siebert Mr. and Mrs. Mark Skender Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith Ms. Alexandra Soriano Dr. and Mrs. Howard Spector Starcom Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Stark Mr. and Mrs. Kent Steffen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swanborn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sznewajs Dr. and Mrs. Colby Thaxton Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas Ms. Tracey Thurmond Watts Trading Technologies Mrs. Eve Tyree Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Unzicker Mr. and Mrs. Alex Vetter Mr. and Mrs. Peter Voss III Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsh III Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsh IV Mr. and Mrs. Sean Walsh The Walsh Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joe Washington Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wegman Mr. and Mrs. Todd Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Michael White Mr. Marcel Yonan and Ms. Charlotte Wager Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zimmer Ms. Ann Zwick = Denotes Deceased
CHILDREN AT THE CROSSROADS FOUNDATION Founded in 1990, the Children at the Crossroads Foundation (CATC) supports FXW’s mission of economic diversity through endowed and annual scholarship funding. Through the generosity of corporations, foundations and individuals, FXW receives funding to offer need-based scholarships to 30-percent of our current population. Many FXW families participate in CATC development efforts by playing in the annual golf outing, making contributions to the Scholarship Sunday Appeals, and attending the annual Scholarship Dinner and Ultimate Family Playdate or other events throughout the year. The FXW community is grateful for CATC’s partnership and support. For more information about CATC visit
LEADERSHIP Board of Trustees
The guidance of our Trustees plays a major role in FXW’s success. We thank them for their stewardship and commitment.
Mary Reiling, Head of School Erin Horne, Principal, Preschool Kate O’Brien, Principal, K-3 Katie Huston Gallagher, Principal, Grades 4-5 Lauren Casella, Principal, Grades 6-8 Danielle DiBenedetto Kelly, Assistant Principal Mary Lubben, Director of Finance and Operations Kymberly Marrinson, Director of Development Sue Smeaton, Director of Admissions Jomar McDonald, Director of Technology Joseph Carlini, Director of Athletics Marge Hartigan, Human Resources Brigid Cashman, High School Counselor
Albert Boumenot, Board Chair David Andrews Mary Pat Burns Matthew Carolan Les Coney Laura Couchman Patricia Cowhey Nora Daley Frank Hogan Rev. Thomas J. Hurley Michael Kasper Deborah Marchese Msgr. Daniel Mayall Kelly McCloskey Cherf Guriqbal Nandra, M.D. Louis Portugal, M.D. Mary Reiling Michael Robillard Lisa Ruble-Murphy Anne Marie Sink Mike Skender Enrique Suarez Christopher Valenti Joseph Williams
The Association of the Christian Faithful The Association of the Christian Faithful oversees the School’s commitment to its faith-driven mission. The faith experience at FXW allows children to collaborate with one another in prayer, service, acts of kindness, and in the overall spiritual culture of FXW. David M. Andrews David M. Coronna Laura Daniels Couchman Rev. Thomas J. Hurley Deborah Marchese Rev. John J. Wall
Parents at the Heart (PATH) Chairs Kathi Anderson Brigid Cashman Katie Covalle Julie Davis Stacey Kraft Classroom Representatives Preschool Shauna Andrews Kate Carey Wendy Cook Amy Honney Kathy Kosmala Linda Ling Sara Lippold Barnickol Noelle Toney Martha Walsh Kindergarten Helen Alexander Aimee Daley Leslie Lo Shannon Shuel 1st Grade Cathy Ball Leslie Bezanes Joan Fox Sheila Kailus Amy Telecki 2nd Grade Jen Bryant Patty Hirt Jenny Kittrell Michelle Taute 3rd Grade Monique Boyer Baker Jodi Kinner Patti Marshall Roxanne Skender Ann Zwick
4th Grade Heidi Bailey Tammy Brazil Lisa Fitzsimmons Lynn Phillips
Arnette Faulkner Greg Faulkner Alison Finley Robert Finley Jennifer Gibbs Stacy Giles Cicely Glanton Katherine Grover Colleen Hanlon Mark Hubert Carolyn Kirk Rose Loftus Kate Mangan Smith Jean Maurice Teri Montes Erin Munez Megan Nakamoto Kimberly Rachal Arelene Sanoy Kimberly Scott Lisa Shydlowski Gail Taggart Heather Tamburo Priya Valenti Martha Walsh Katrina Wittkamp Ann Zwick
5th Grade Michelle Bechina Eileen Herber Clare Hurrelbrink Cara Pollard Carmen Valentino 6th Grade Jacqui Bass Carolyn Kirk Janelle Reese 7th Grade Michelle Coe Kate Evert Julianne Farrell Cindi Webber 8th Grade Katie Brandt Laura Durkin Sue Fassero-Pasiennik
Living the Legacy
Parent Group (PGAB)
Executive Planning Committee Dan Anderson Danielle Cherian Martha Conlin Walsh Priya Laroia Valenti Rose Loftus Erin Munez Julie Sznewajs
Chairs Sandra D’Arco Theresa Ross Committee Members Tanya Blomquist Andrea Boliker Monique Boyer-Baker Erin Brandenberg Jen Bryant Kate Carey Danielle Colyer Anne Coon Colleen Dobell Carrie Egan
Committee Members Beth Amatangelo Dodie Anderson-Barden Afton Audette Laura Bertucci-Smith Elizabeth Bower Kent
Kate Carey Brigid Cashman Colleen Cassell Asmarah Clinkscales Carol Cubia Siebert Shari Davis Minglin Deng Colleen Dobell Christina Egan O’Malley Priya Emerson Kimberly Filan Dana Fitzgerald Kathryn Ginder Nina Griffith Ania Grimone Angela Hamilton Colleen Hanlon Ellee Hong Amy Honney Jim Jelinek Laura Jelinek Jodi Kawada Page Jenny Kittrell Sara Lippold Kelly Lowery Kristian May Stewart Deb McDonald Teri Montes Allison Ohlander Maura O’Meara Leslie Parnell Maria Rosales Kelly Sawicz Dawn Sellstrom Lisa Shydlowski Megan Simpson Michelle Smolinski Covington Kelli Talarico Susan Thomas Caryn Umbenhauer Martha Walsh Beata Weiss Lisa Yaghmour
WAYS TO GIVE SUMMARY FXW, like most independent schools, relies on your support to sustain its academic programming, provide for facilities maintenance and retain outstanding faculty. Tuition does not cover the full cost of an FXW education and we turn to our entire community for involvement and support. With your continued generosity, we are able to provide the unique programs and support the faculty and staff who make The Frances Xavier Warde School experience special. We invite you to join us in our fundraising efforts especially through your support of: n
The Annual Fund, the cornerstone of our fundraising efforts.
Gala, our annual benefit dinner and auction. Children at the Crossroads Foundation (CATC), an
independent 501(c)3 charitable organization that supports FXW’s mission of economic diversity through endowed and annual scholarships. For more information on how you can give to FXW visit The Frances Xavier Warde School is entirely self-supporting and does not receive subsidies from the Archdiocese of Chicago or partner parishes. As a 501(c)3, not-for-profit institution, gifts to The Frances Xavier Warde School (Federal Tax ID#27-0259853) are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. All gifts made between July 1 and June 30 are recognized in our Annual Report.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this Annual Report, we realize that errors may have occurred. If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and notify us of the discrepancy so that we may correct our records. Please notify us with corrections by contacting Michele Cahill at (312) 268-2569 or
Holy Name Cathedral Campus 751 N. State St., Chicago, IL 60654 Old St. Patrick’s Campus 120 S. Desplaines St., Chicago, IL 60661 P (312) 466-0700 F (312) 337-7180