Brera Milano Master Plan

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Master Plan ARCT3000 21293912

Academy of Fine Arts Brera Ground Floor Master Plan 1:500

The proposed master plan for the academy of fine arts brera aims to create an interconnected plexus of artistic thoughts, ideas and process with a strong focus on contextual, historical and theoretcial influences. This primary driving conept seeks to enchance the overall student experience by providing and creating an enchanced campuse which allows the free flow of information and ideas amongst students teachers and visitors. This will be acheived through the prevention of strict pathways without compromising thresholds and the maintainance of sight lines and visual stimulation, aswell as thought through conversions of existing historical buildings on the site.

Academy of Fine Arts Brera Site Master Plan 1:1000

When observing European cities and partiucallry Milan from above the prevelance and popularity of the courtyard as a building concept becomes the aparent. The overall design of the Academy master plan incorporates a series of courtyards and green spaces aswell as preserving a majority of the sites currently existing tress and plants. This aims to create an almost urban escape type area where the students can escape the hardness and rigidity of the city and comfotablly learn in welcoming natural area




Academy of Fine Arts Brera Site Sections 1:500 & Elevation

Milan as a city utilizes a vast array of underground tunnels and systems to support the cities thriving population. In this proposal the academy would sink the library and link the buildings to the centralised substructure via a sysytem of architecturally designed tunnels that craft light into them as to create a strongly contrasting enviroment between the light and open main buildings and library and the darker tunnels. This design decisions has been made as to ensure that threshold between working spaces and non working spaces still exists as often in more open planned designs these boundries are blurred and in the case of an academy the loss of this clear distinction beween work space and free space could be potentially detremental.

Academy of Fine Arts Brera Exploded Axonometric - Programme Outline

Contemporary Arts Contemporary Arts office University Residencee Studios Large Class rooms Class rooms Exhibtion Space

CAAD Guest House Library Lecture Theatre Cafe

Academy of Fine Arts Brera Exploded Axonometric - Public Private

The notion of public and private space becomes extremely murky when dealing with an academy building due to the communal nature of many of the rooms. For the master planning of the academy of Brera the nature of each room and area was broken down and grouped. As so with studios for example being designated as communal all and therefore being placed on the ground floor, and class rooms being placed on the second floor due to there communal private nature, the distinction being determined by how the rooms are used and operated. This notion of public private distinction is also employed to promote the concept of interconnectivity by determing where traffic is likely to be high and which rooms are likely to be in demand.

Public All Public Academy Communal All Communal Private Private

Academy of Fine Arts Brera Natural Urban Channel Conept

Milan as a city has a distinctly strong hard and man made character which is particularly noticable in the inner ring and father outskirts of the city. The new location for the Academy of fine Arts however is in a distintly greener area being located closely to parka sempion and the city life project aswell as containing a number of the tree lined roads (highlighted in blue) . The idea to continue the line of parks and greenery that already exist in the area is a driving concept behind the usage of the free space generated in the overalll masterplan. By creatign a significant ammount of freely accesible green areas most noticably the courtyards generated by the building shapes the proposed masterplan creates an almost urban retreat amongst the city, with city being walled off by the buildings and the preivousally discussed inetconection concept driving a fr=eeflowing andd very natural feeling enviroment which further compliments the natural approach

Academy of Fine Arts Brera Interconneced Plexus

When analyzing the city of Milan and cities that have grown organically rather than being planned, it becomes obvious that the city and its citizens seek to connect, whether it be through little path ways or major arterial roads there are thousands of ways to move about the city as the citizens wish. Mirroring this mesh network that has generated organically through the cities history the master plan for the academy of fine arts Brera seeks to create an interconnected plexus of artistic ideas thoughts and process as a way to enhance and promote the students work, efforts and motivation. This has been achieved through the design of the buildings most notably on the ground floor with the corridors between the studios and the numerous potential entrances to the campus. The above diagram depicts just a few linear routes that can be taken through these paths. By promoting connectivity and an absence of restricted movement the idea of a liberated free flow is instilled in the students. Further design considerations have been taken in the primary buildings for instance in the glass curtain walls of the ground floor . These walls aim to create clean lines of sight through the buildings and to further allow students to see the activity of other students thus creating an atmosphere of activity as opposed to the stale nature of many closed off campuses that exist elsewhere. The design for the tunnels in campus further assist in the connectivity concept by aiming to create thresholds of spaces as described earlier but also further promoting the methods of flow between buildings.

1First Floor


Section 2

Elevation 1

Section 2

0 Ground Floor

-1Basement Academy of Fine Arts Brera 1:1000 Reference MasterFloor Plans

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