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BEIZHAN_SUPER_DISTRICT Beizhan Residential District, Huangpu, Shanghai, China

Shanghai grows at a relentless pace, with 34,750,000 people in the city, the need for housing is non stop, Transportation demands and the sheer energy required to move that number of people can not be sustainable and with land shortages, extreme levels of demolition and redevelopment take place with realistically low return on investment in terms of Density. With the old styles of housing delivering avg. Densities of 40,000ppkm and redevelopments averaging 50,000ppkm these numbers don’t seem worth wiping out the cultural heritage for. This project drawing conceptual precedent from Kowloon Walled city, and Constants New Babylon Seeks to Deliver Extreme Densities without compromising on Quality of life. Delivering Higher than Average floor area per capita and providing the foundations for residents to live work and play all within the Super District, Whilst simultaneously providing, daylight public space ,sky-wells and courtyards for every apartment as per the old long-tans, The super typology aims to do all this whilst ensuring the architectural heritage of the city remains and the Shanghainese Culture Remains Strong.

Ultra Density Super Typology 100,000 People per Kilometre2 1249 Apartments, 112 Elevators 233,753 Metres2 of Commercially let-able space Fully Modular Bamboo Lattice Structure 22,127 Prefabricated Factory made Modules Transported via High speed electric rail Each Apartment with direct access to a Balcony Total Floor Area of 361,407m2 (2nd largest building in the world per floor area)

Beizhan Super_District




Residential Residential Standard 3 Module 49m2 Residential Mezzanine 4 Module 65m2 Average 25m2 per capita goal Long-tan Houses (Assumed 2 Occupant)


71,146m2 54,831m2 16,315m2 Est. 2845 Occupants 344 Occupants

4652 120 123

233,753m2 227,945m2 3840m2 1968m2

156 492 698

34556m2 7644m2 15,744m2 11,168m2

1119 130

Commercial 3 Module Block 49m2 2 Module Block 32m2 1 Module Block 16m2 Circulation and Service Space 3 Module Block 49m2 2 Module Block 32m2 1 Module Block 16m2 Open Block Service Cores Total Modules Total Building floor area Total Block Area Estimated Population Density Avg. Commercial floor rate per m2 per day, 4th Quarter 2015, Shanghai

Structural Support Block

444 14



22,127 361,407m2 30,000m2 (0.03km2) 106,000 PPkm2 $170,639,690 Revenue per year full occupancy Perspective View Structure Only

Site Section 1 1:2000

West Elevation 1:2000

North Elevation 1:2000


Pre-Fabricated Modular System Typologies for Beizhan_Super_District

1 Bedroom Apartment 49m2 Shared Front Facing Balcony

Transportable Modular System

Bamboo Primary Structure

The Beizhan Super district has been principally designed around its context being directly next to an unused but still active open air freight line. The above base module measures 2352x7056x3400 the maximum possible size for a train carriage. This allows the modules for the structure to be mass produced in a factory off site and bought to site via train and simply dropped into place allowing for rapid and economical construction. Three modules when joined together give a total area of 49m2 Which forms the basis for most blocks utilized throughout the design

The fundamental base modules comprises of a 12x 2350x250x70 Bamboo LVL Beams Forming the primary understructure which support a steel deck reinforced concrete slab which can be drill as per service requirements. 12x 3150x 70x70 Bamboo LVL Columns Brace off the understructure and extend up tho the next modules height, allowing for a suspended ceiling to be installed at a height of 2400 with a service provisional space of 600 depth

Axonometrics of Applied Modules

1 Bedroom Apartment 49m2 Shared Corner Balcony

Partial 4th Floor Modularity Example 2 Bedroom Apartment 49m2 Front Facing Balcony

2 Bedroom Apartment 49m2 Corner Facing Balcony

Bottom Mezzanine Apartment

3 Bedroom Bottom Mezzanine apartment 65m2 Full Private Balcony

Leaf Connection Mechanism

Lattice Structure

Modules are connected to one another when they are placed, through a connection bracket which sandwiches the columns and floor beams together allowing them to act as a single piece. The bracket is a Japanese inspired leaf connection which is symmetrical meaning only one type of bracket is needed throughout the whole construction, the leaf structure pulls the pieces together a bolt is ran though each side and each leaf is tightened.

Bamboo LVL (Laminated Veneer lumber) Columns have a total compressive strength of around 85mpa depending on its grade making it of comparable strength to concrete and therefore a structural viable economical and environmental as well as local material to construct with. When modules are combined throughout the building they form a lattice structure avoiding the need for structural walls or floor throughout the project allowing for infinite changeability to the building once complete

Service Core In order to provide access circulation and Emergency Escape the service core system is to be built on site with 300mm Cast in place concrete Core Walls. These core Will also provide additional Seismic Bracing to the lattice structure and act as the primary circulation routes through the building

Service Circulation Core 8x Lifts Fire Escape Stairs Service Riser

Service Flow and Gravity Assistance

Customization and Life Span

Each module contains an allowance for a 600mm cavity above a suspended ceiling allowing the maintenance of 2400mm room height. When Services are to be run through the modules particularity residential the intake for that module comes in from the ceiling and waste exits through the base. For hydraulic instances this allows gravity to do most of the work. Pipes are run through the cavity false walls and any instances where waste water needs to leave is taken through a suitably sized hole cut in the floor. Mechanical services can also be run through this gap allowing for instances such as ducted air conditioning to be installed throughout the building or parts of the building. All services eventually travel back to the serves cores and down the service risers to ground level

Keeping in tune with the market driven nature of this project the benefit of these modules is there customization. At fundamentals all modules are compromised off the same base structure. All walls windows and doors added become interchangeable throughout the buildings life. Meaning commercial refits becomes very cheap and quick. Apartment expansion becomes simple and even things as simple as apartments redesigns. It is theoretically possible to remove sections of floor aswell provided the bamboo beams are left in place. This could be done to create void space and the like for instances such as churches or businesses if needed.

3 Bedroom Top Mezzanine apartment 65m2 Full Private Balcony

Top Mezzanine Apartment

Commercial Space. All Commercial Space uses the standard base block providing pure floor area and the service provision space. This allows tenants to design and fit-out letted space as they require or see fit

Rooftop Terrace House Placed on top of final structure, 4 Bedroom, Private Gardens and outdoor spaces

Service Core

2 29 21 21293912 2939 3912 39 1 12

Site Context- Return to Traditional Planning Systems Set for demolition in the immediate future this proposal aims to keep the original buildings in the selected block whilst still dramatically increasing Population and revenue in the ares.

1:1500 Exploded Macro Typology Super_District Integrated Typology. The Proposed Super District aims to preserve the traditional planning ideas that can still be found in Beizhan Through an extreme expansion in residences in the areas and an extreme increase in commercial space availability it is believed that numerous different types of business and companies would occupy the spaces with the idea of some of the employees also living in the residences. The proposed building sits above the traditional buildings of the site with careful drop downs into the area (see next pages) in efforts to continue the street life found in these neighborhoods, This has been partially inspired by Traditional Beizhan District Constances New Babylon. Through the fully integrated block, ie. everything one would need in a typical day is available in the immediate vicinity less travel is needed, more local jobs are created more community is created and general health and well being can be promoted. Original Buildings Through keeping the original buildings of the site the authenticity of the area remains. To knock down the traditional longtan houses and rebuild them seems fundamentally wasteful as by modern standards they are not economically viable through keeping these true architectural artifacts the architectural history of Shanghai can be preserved. It is in cities like Rome where there Architectural history is visible that people feel and regale the culture. This is the goal in keeping the original. It is not a preservation it is an adaptation.

Site plan 1:2500 50,000ppkm Stage 2 Development Commercial Traditional Asian town planning historically was typically very mixed the idea of having everything you need within a couple blocks of you was ubiquitous this included as-well the work places and artisan houses. The traditional Beizhan district (our site) which is one of the few places left in shanghai which still maintains this idea very clearly. On the image on the left you can see red representing residential is thoroughly mixed with blue representing commercial , green representing services and shops , pink for entertainment and yellow for schools. This method of planning means the people who live in this area can stay in the area, there is no need for cars and the users can walk. Which both improves health, pollution, air quality and community.

55,000ppkm Stage 1 Development Residential Since the late 1800s the very multi typology neighborhood became a rare thing, partially due to the advent of factories but even today the growing influence of western compartmentalization ideologies is have growing influences and impacts on Chinese town planning principles the Stage 1 development which is quite recent to the left which is a site just 1km north of our site shows a purely residential area with no other for of typology in the area. The stage 2 development just 3kms from the site shows almost purely commercial typology with a small mixture of residential included as-well. This method of planning increases the need for transport and thus the need for cars, air pollution and arguably can promote unhealthy lifestyles as a result. 21293912

Super_District Maintenance of public Street Life and Building Use

At ground level the original longtan houses are proposed to be re purposed into small dwelling and workshops for small artisan shops and galleries. Some of these maybe sponsored, however the principle idea is to have the original buildings remain in use in a manner suited to there scale and aesthetic. Area inside the atrium has been created to promote and hold public events such a s street markets, performances exhibitions etc. a tradition in Shanghai of Xiao Ye or midnight snack, is also something which could take place here. The public place is imagined to be flanked by cafes and restaurants with more up market restaurants pictured on the upper level of the Super District Atrium Side. The Shops with street frontage are imagined to be typical merchant stores with super markets gyms pharmacies etc. The Roof top is to be a large roof top park with the roof top terraces pictured before placed around. Providing a green space for the public to relax and enjoy the sunshine and some fresher high level air.

Street Culture

Ground Floor Plan | 1:750

A principle goal of the Beizhan_Super_District is the active promotion and maintenance of traditional Shanghainese street life. in numerous modern day tower constructions the nature of the architecture become highly compartmentalized with people living and staying in there own small confined boxes. The idea through having the entrances integrated throughout the traditional fish bone structure (discussed next page) means people walk through and see what is happing in the streets at all times. The residents workers and visitors the Super_distirct are encouraged to wander and see the block everything they need is there and ultimately hopefully families and friends will share the district together in a way similar to that seen in the Baugrappen movement in Germany.

Building Section | 1: 200

21293912 21 12 29 939 912 12

Super_District Methodology Circulation and 3 Dimensional Fish-bone


Solar Optimization and Building Tessellation


Shanghai South Facing Sun Winter Solstice Solar diagram | 1:2000

Solar Strategy and Over shadowing

Fish bone Circulation Structure creating transitions in Privacy level | 1940s Map of Beizhan

As per Shanghai law and general architectural ethics it is a minimum requirement than any dwelling must receive a minimum of 2hrs Direct sunlight exposure at the shortest day of the year (when the sun is lowest) this fundamental requirement and the sites shapes provided the overall form of the building in the crescent shape. Each module in the building has been tessellated and shifted in order to not only ensure that every apartment has a balcony and sky well but also has a minimum of at least 3hrs sunlight exposure. This analysis can be seen below and it is confirmed that all apartments do receive adequate light. In regards to the commercial aspects of the buildings the absence of pure natural light is offset with windows onto the open air atrium creating the illusion for space and natural light. This also provides reason to have lunch outside the office or use the rooftop garden.

Naturally with a building of this scale housing the number of people it does the question as to how you would move around a building this large becomes an issue. Given the Open nature of this building in commercial regards this would be left down to the market when the building begins to be fit-out and leased. However transversing the stories and living in the building are a different story. The original Beizhan neighborhood and in fact all Shikumen style buildings in Shanghai utilized a fishbone structure of circulation, meaning the paths become narrower and more local the deeper into them you go. As seen above it can be seen how it resembles a fish bone, with primary arteries leading to smaller roads to small path to the doors. For the Super district and given the original buildings have been kept the fish bone structure has been embraced however it has been made 3 dimensional. The service cores of which there are 14 each containing 8 lifts an a set of stairs, take users up and down the vertically acting as the road. the individual levels and corridors then become the private spaces on top of this, as illustrated below. Furthermore the 14 Cores have also been placed around in manners compliant with fire distances meaning adequate evacuation can take place if need be

Applied Solar Strategy to Beizhan, Each Apartment Receives at minimum 3 hours direct exposure

Market Adaptability and Dynamic Change over the Buildings lifetime Having largely moved away from fundamental communism China now finds its self in a highly consumerist nature. This building has been to designed to take advantage of this and have the ability to adapt to market pricing. In typical structures when land value increases beyond a buildings worth the structure is often demolished an new building constructed. This is highly wasteful, a poor use of resources, expensive, bad for the environment and wipes away architectural heritage. In the case of the Super_Districts this does not need to happen. As discussed the customizable nature of the building means so long as the lattice structure is preserved almost any part of the building can be chopped and changed with relative inexpensive ease. What this means is given the building is close to the central business district of Shanghai, should the floor space become more valuable commercially than residentially, then a company could simply buy out modules of the building and expand. Similar if someone wishes to expand there apartment they can easily purchase adjacent blocks at market value and expand there apartment.

Beizhan Super District 3 Dimensional Fish-bone Circulation Strategy

The building thus have the ability to constantly change and adapt over its life in an inexpensive way, making it truly dynamic

Red = Residential Purple = Commercial Green = Service Shaft Final Building Axonometrics 1:1500


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