Byron Community College Term 4 Program 2021

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Elle Astrup, Foods That Love You Back Mentor program My journey to becoming an Agripreneur is personal, with Microgreens being a pivotal part of my mother’s recovery from Stage IV Lymph cancer. The concept of “food as medicine” is well known, but what isn’t known is the power of Microgreens. As of today, I grow three varieties of Microgreens in my Ag-Tech Farm; Red-Clover, Broccoli, and Sunflower, each with its own health benefits. My innovative start-up has established a world-first, fully enclosed vertical farm which enables us to grow sustainably and harvest exceptional produce every day of the year. My Microgreen punnets are compostable and everything we do is B-Corp standard and circular economy based. What inspired you to seek a mentor through Sourdough? I was looking for a sounding board and support in connecting with the local community. I filled out a simple online application – it was really easy – and a week later, I got an email proposing Amy Nicholls, who works in global coaching and has a background in the corporate world and sustainability.

She became my go-to person, someone to say: “Hey, what do you think of this?” Amy has been so influential that I often consider what her approach to a situation might be when making bigger decisions. As a result, I’m more confident at managing my business and I go for what I want – no matter how immense my vision might seem to others. I know that anything is possible until I decide it isn’t! What guidance from your mentor has stayed with you? Amy is very tuned into right and wrong and she has an amazing ability to bring clarity in decision making - BPO to every meeting, “best possible outcome” is to “go in” knowing what you want beforehand with a clear outcome in mind. She has also shown me the value of asking for help, something that can be difficult for me, I am usually the one helping others. Thank you, Elle, for sharing your mentor experience. Are you interested in engaging a mentor for your business? Simply complete a quick online form:


What expertise did your mentor offer you? Amy is beautiful, she’s warm, supportive and knowledgeable and she really understands business. We have had weekly sessions. She empowered me to see the big picture and motivated me to get more structured and reach my best possible outcomes at each stage of my start-up journey.


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