Business Xpansion Journal: June - July 2024

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Excellent transportation infrastructure

400 series highways, rail, and air

Affordable land prices

Reliable access to utilities and resources

Strategic access to major markets and border crossings


KENTUCKY: Locate, Build, Deliver

INDUSTRY OUTLOOK: Farming For All Advances in farm management software, robotic, and autonomous equipment operations are available for farms large and small, rural or urban

INNOVATION AND STRATEGIES: Ingredient Changes Key to Developing New Food and Beverage Products

Consumers are demanding new exotic spices, new nutritional concepts, and products designed to achieve health and wellness goals

INDUSTRY INSIGHT: Travel and Tourism Getting Big Lifts from Multiple Sources

The pandemic changed a lot of things for the tourism industry, but it’s bouncing back with strong government support

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Work Smart, Live Free

KANSAS: Where People, Ideas, & Business Come To Life


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Calling all changemakers, visionaries, influencers, disruptors, and developers, the IEDC 2024 Annual Conference awaits!

In the fields, artificial intelligence creates the opportunity to increase yields and quality while saving resources. Illustration courtesy of AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems

Farming For All

Advances in farm management software, robotic, and autonomous equipment operations are available for farms large and small, rural or urban

Deployment of agriculture technology is broadening out from the usual areas of the country where it is expected to flourish, such as California, and taking aim at smaller farms to help small farm managers buy or retrofit their equipment with updated digital capabilities.

One company’s website, Des Moines-based ACS, states that the agribusiness sector is “on the verge of a technological renaissance.” That company provides cybersecurity, managed IT services, network infrastructure and application development for farmers.

The digital transition will be done step-by-step, rolling out more slowly for smaller farms.

An article in the Harvard University Social Impact Review revealed that making data-driven digital transformation for smallholder farmers requires advancements in three areas: last-mile infrastructure, open standards, and contextually relevant software services.

Also needed are “boots on the ground” to train, troubleshoot, and support

smallholder’s technical capacity and adoption lifecycle. “When done correctly, digital innovation can address gaps and bottlenecks which keeps smallholder farmers from high-quality, economically viable, and profitable production,” the review concluded.

What is Ag-Tech Innovation Today?

Innovation in ag-tech usually falls into five different categories today:

1. Precision agriculture, using GPS, sensors, drones, and satellite imagery to optimize managing crop health, soil fertility, and

irrigation. According to the 2023 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), precision agriculture technologies have been available since the 1990s. But only 27% of U.S. farms or ranches have used precision agriculture practices to manage crops or livestock. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Illinois were cited as the states most involved in precision agriculture. The USDA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) provided almost $200 million for precision agriculture research and development funding in fiscal years 2017—2021.

2. Autonomous farm machinery to help reduce labor and enable round-the-clock operation, using GPS, cameras, and AI algorithms for navigation and vertical farming. Market forecasts expect the autonomous farming sector to surpass $95 billion by 2027, according to research from Global Market Insights Inc. John Deere revealed their first autonomous tractor in 2022. The tractor has six pairs of stereo cameras, which enables 360-degree obstacle detection and the calculation of distance. Images captured by the cameras are passed through a neural network that classifies each pixel in approximately 100 milliseconds to check if the tractor is continuing to move or stops. The tractor also checks its position relative to a geofence, ensuring it is operating where it is supposed to, and can do so within less than an inch of accuracy.

3. Robotics for crop management, taking up tasks such as planting, weeding, harvesting, and sorting. There is a growing demand for fruit-picking robots. Frontier IP based in London recently launched a raspberry-picking robot, which has completed two field trials. Another company, Naïo Technologies, located south of Toulouse, France, and founded by robotic engineers Gaëtan Séverac and Aymeric Barthes, developed weeding robots. Naïo has deployed nearly 150 robots at vineyards and farms in the U.S. and Europe.

4. Big data analytics, which are platforms that aggregate and analyze large volumes of agricultural data from multiple sources, including weather forecasts, soil samples, crop yields, and market prices to improve farm profitability.

5. Farm management software to help streamline operations, monitor performance metrics, and make informed decisions to optimize productivity and profitability.

One new idea in farm management is the use of shipping containers for hydroponic vertical farming that creates fresh, locally-grown produce opportunities in not only urban areas but rural areas where growing food has historically been challenging.

“Indoor farming is a response to climate change and reduction of arable land and water,” Rick Vanzura, CEO of Freight Farms, told BXJ. “Those macro trends are going to drive all of it.”

Freight Farms, based in Boston, builds hydroponic grows inside of purpose-built shipping containers that can then be set up anywhere in the world—now in use over all 50 U.S. states and 700 farms on five continents.

Each container is a self-contained hydroponic lighting/watering grow environment. The approach Freight Farms has taken is to focus on providing technology around modular farming, Vanzura said, with the advantage of going anywhere with a more precise growing process because a farmer is controlling a smaller space. “That creates a wider range of crops you can grow, and it also creates a wider range of use cases,” he said.

Mostly leafy crops can be grown within the container, which can withstand temperatures from -40 to plus 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vanzura said that what they are learning is more about the ideal water temperature for certain crops and how to work with light intensity. “Those would be a couple of examples of the kinds of variables around common crops that we’ve been able to learn,” he said. “But we’ve also been able to learn from our farmers experimenting with different things. For instance, we have had chefs aiming to create a spicy arugula or grow a specialty crop like a wasabi

arugula to be a point of difference on their menu. So it’s a combination of learning both what optimizes the performance of any given crop, as well as what different crop types or characteristics might be interesting for different people.”

Freight Farms “just keeps pushing on the technology,” Vanzura said, to expand the efficiency and effectiveness of the farmer’s crop management. “We increased our yield by about 50% last year through a number of changes and we’re now working on a new model farm that we think over the next 12 to 18 months could improve yield by another 50%, which just increases the market share for the containers and the products that our farmers grow.”

California in the Lead

Technological innovations like the container grows by Freight Farms have the potential to benefit small farms, according to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

But the high transaction costs, lack of collective action, and failures in production and marketing coordination all create risks for small farms, and are commonly seen as barriers to adopting modern technologies and participating in value chains.

For now, California remains the state where investors want to put their money. The state is a big driver in ag tech developments. It is the largest agricultural producer and exporter in the U.S., according to California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). CDFA reported that the state’s 69,900 farms sold $50.1 billion products in 2019, led by the dairy industry ($7.3 billion), with almonds and grapes next.

Improving tomato quality and safety is another focus for UC Davis researchers. Courtesy of AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems.

Agri-food tech startups in California in 2020 got $5.6 billion in venture capital, more than the next four states combined, according to the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development.

Funding is also coming to both ag tech companies and institutions of learning and development in the state.

For example, the University of California-Davis (UCD) got a record $1 billion in research funding for fiscal year 2022-2023 that will enable scientific discoveries and new technologies in human and animal health, digital systems, the environment and more.

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UCD alone got $165 million, earmarked for research including eliminating the threat of emerging diseases on strawberry production through the development of resistant cultivars, the application of genome-informed predictive breeding approaches, increasing the understanding of host-pathogen interactions, and using gene editing.

Stepping Up Digital Farm Management

Organizing and managing planting and harvesting innovations in ag-tech are digital farming management processes and platforms being made available from a variety of sources.

One example comes from Bayer’s digital farming arm, which recently launched a digital farming platform, Climate FieldView, already in use by farmers in more than 20 countries.

The FieldView platform offers farmers a single platform to bring together data from each piece of their precision equipment— including tractors, planters, sprayers and combines—and access those insights from anywhere with a smartphone, tablet device or computer.

In 2022, Bayer launched ForGround, a farmer-first digital platform that will help guide farms of all sizes as they transition to sustainable agricultural practices. ForGround gives growers tools, resources, and discounts.

Seeds of Hesitation

While all this innovation and development gains traction across the world, farmers are becoming more open to these potential tools to optimize their returns and minimize their financial risk.

According to a report by McKinsey and Company, a business data and analysis company, 39% of farmers surveyed globally are currently using or planning to use at least one ag-tech product in the next two years.

Across all markets, large farms—more than 5,000 acres—are the most willing to adopt ag-tech solutions (81%), with 76% of medium farms (2,000 to 5,000 acres) and 36% of small farms (fewer than 2,000 acres) using or planning to use at least one technology in the next two years.

But there is substantial variation between countries within regions—both in terms of the percentage of farmers using ag-tech, and the ag-tech submarkets they adopt.

For example, farm-management software is the most common submarket among North American farmers.

European farmers show considerable variation by country, as well as within submarkets. For example, agribusiness marketplace adoption is highest in Germany at 13 percent; precision-agriculture hardware usage is highest in the Netherlands at 33 percent.

Most of the resistance to adoption of new ag-tech is because of costs—farmers don’t see their return on investment clearly by using all the ag tech that is available.

But resistance goes even deeper than that. The McKinsey report found that here are also multiple barriers to scaling from an industry perspective—such as fragmentation, lack of standard data architecture, and cross-platform interoperability.

McKinsey concluded that models with fewer up-front expenditures for hardware, such as leasing or renting, and scalable pricing structures (for instance, per acre, per module, or per sensor) are expected to be the easiest models to help increase adoption. “This may be particularly relevant in the upcoming years where 31 percent of farmers are projecting lower profits than in years before.” X

Cell-cultured meat is produced by a synthetic biological process where animal cells are extracted and subsequently fed the blood of calf fetuses, minus the blood cells, as they grow in bioreactors. Picture courtesy of the Center for Food Safety

Ingredient Changes Key to Developing New Food and Beverage Products

Consumers are demanding new exotic spices, new nutritional concepts, and products designed to achieve health and wellness goals

How big is the food and beverage industry in the U.S.? The U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC) says it’s the largest single industry in the manufacturing sector.


Check these stats from the most recent USDOC economics and statistics report:

• Food manufacturing accounted for $738.5 billion (12.9%) of all U.S. manufacturing shipments in 2012.

• Beverages and tobacco products accounted for $142.5 billion.

• Combined, these industries accounted for $881 billion (15.4%) of all U.S. manufacturing shipment in 2012.

And that’s not all.

A 2017 report by the Committee for Economic Development (CED), the policy center for The Conference Board, which is a global, nonprofit think tank, found that

the states with the greatest total numbers of employees in the food and beverage industry are California in first place, then Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina, New York, Minnesota, Arkansas, and Missouri.

California had the most food and beverage manufacturing plants (6,301), whereas Texas (2,782) and New York (2,662) were also leading food and beverage manufacturing states.

The food and beverage industry accounts for more than 20% of all manufacturing employment in Hawaii, Nebraska, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, and South Dakota.

The industry is dominated by bakeries and tortilla manufacturing (39% of establishments and 18% of employees) and by animal slaughter and processing (14% of establishments and 33% of employees).

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported in 2021 that meat processing is the largest industry group in food and beverage manufacturing based on sales, value added, and employment. It is the largest industry group in food and beverage manufacturing, with 26.2% of sales in 2021.

Other important industry groups by sales include dairy (12.8%), beverages (11.3%), and grain and oilseeds (10.4%).


The food and beverage industry is not only huge, it’s subject to sometimes rapidly changing consumer demands. And manufacturers have responded by exploring new trends.

A report by Nestle found that today’s food trends include sometimes exotic spices as new culinary change agents that add color and flavor that are new to the customer palette.

These new ingredients are globally sourced. They come from Africa (berbere, a blend of coriander, ginger, chili peppers; and dukka, a blend of nuts, seeds, and warm spices), Asia (togarashi, a combination of red chili peppers, orange peel, sesame seeds, Japanese pepper, ginger and seaweed; and furikake, a Japanese condiment made of sesame seeds, dried fish flakes, and seaweed), India (chaat masala, a spice powder made with dried mango powder, dried pomegranate seeds, black salt, and curry blends), and the Middle East (baharat, a spice blend that is both sweet and spicy, featuring cardamom, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, paprika; and advieh, which is combination of multiple varietals of sweet cinnamon, cardamom seed, cumin, black pepper, and Indian coriander).

The report also notes that consumers have increased their hot sauce consumption 23%, more than any other condiment.

Consumers are eating more plant-based foods, with about 5% of the U.S. population being vegetarian. About 70 percent of the U.S. population eats plant-based foods today, up from 66 percent in 2023, according to the Nestle report.

According to a July 2020 report from Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return (FAIRR), an international association specializing in sustainable investing, the alternative protein sector (plant-based or alternatives to animal protein) nearly doubled its 2019 investment in the first half of 2020, and is expected to grow to $17.9 billion by 2025.

Alternative protein includes cell-cultured meats, or meat grown from the cells of animals without having to kill the animal.

One company, GEA Mechanical Equipment in Janesville, Wisconsin, a supplier of systems and components to the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries, just began building its $20 million technology center for alternative proteins to produce plant-based, microbial and cell-based foods that is expected to be completed in 2025. The facility will have pilot lines for cell cultivation and precision fermentation.

Beverage trends include tracking the leading beverage product sold—coffee—which continues to be one of the most popular drinks. The majority of Americans over 18 are getting a daily cup.

In a consumer polling report done in April, the American National Coffee Association (ANCA) found that adults who have had coffee in the past day has increased by 37% since 2004, putting past-day

Scientists have developed a safe, relatively simple technology for deactivating the allergenic proteins in whole roasted peanuts. Laboratory tests indicate allergenic proteins can be reduced by up to 98 percent.

coffee consumption at its highest level in more than 20 years.

According to the ANCA report, the greatest increase is among consumers 60+, whose past-day consumption increased by 9%. Consumers aged 25–39 and 40–59 both saw consumption rise by 4.5% (from 67% to 70% and from 66% to 69%, respectively).

Ready-to-drink coffee became the third most popular preparation method among past-day coffee drinkers, nearly doubling from 8% to 15%. Espresso machines came in fourth place. Drip coffee makers (37%) and single-cup brewers (28%) continue to be the top two at-home preparation methods.

Functional beverages are becoming more popular, with consumers going for cleaner and fresher choices, most providing one or more of the effects of energy, focus, calming—all of which are made with no additives or sugar.

The functional beverage market is expected to continue its steady growth—from $148.3 billion in 2023 to a predicted $203.4 billion by 2028.

According to the book, “Medicinal Properties and Functional Components of Beverages,” depending on their content and production methods, functional beverages can reduce cancer risk, boost immune system, improve physical and mental conditions,

and demonstrate anti-stress, antiaging, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

“Functional beverages have been around for decades,” Mike Bronstein, a director of Alix Partners working as a consumer products consultant, told BXJ. He mentioned Coca Cola’s Vitamin Water as an early entrant in the functional beverage market, which was introduced in 2007 when Coke bought the company that invented it, Glaceau, based in Queens, New York, for $4.1 billion in cash. “But in the last decade or so, we’ve seen growth accelerating. We’ve seen it across beverage categories, where there’s a blurring of traditional competitive lines. And you’re likely going to see other big manufacturers entering the functional beverage category if they haven’t already.”

Beverage consumers are increasingly seeking healthier choices, he said, and have had a healthy appetite for experimentation. “We see this across categories when it comes to what they’re drinking, which I think is further pushing them into functional beverages,” Bronstein said. “Drink brands have convinced us that they could quench our thirst today. But the challenge is for them to convince buyers that the drink will improve their health, cognition and potentially even their longevity.”

Some of the brands he is hearing about are made with prebiotics, with prebiotics soda “on an upward trajectory right now.”

“More traditionally you’ve seen vitamins and minerals, electrolytes, and those sorts of things as ingredients in functional beverages,” Bronstein said. “CBD is definitely a category that we heard a lot more about in the last few years. Another one is matcha, as we think about tea and tea extracts that provide antioxidants, which is what a lot of consumers are looking for.”

As a category, functional beverages are here to stay, Bronstein said. “But I think we’re likely to see a shakeout in the next several years. It’s going to be hard to sustain the proliferation of subcategories and brands and flavors that we’ve seen in recent years.”


Where do these food and beverage trends come from? Mostly restaurants.

According to Dataessentials, a market research company, at least 70% of U.S. consumers say that their food preferences are driven primarily by what they encounter on restaurant menus, more so than what they find on grocery store shelves or in a recipe book.

Despite the fact that most meals are consumed at home, trends

are generally catalyzed by consumers’ away-from-home experiences. The National Restaurant Association has its own list of the top ten trends in consumer food trends:

1. World stage soups and stews (includes birria, chicken tom kha, laksa, salmorejo, upscale ramen).

2. Global chicken wings.

3. International BBQ.

4. Incorporating social media trends (through TikTok and others).

5. Grilled/cooked cheeses.

6. Wagyu beef.

7. Stuffed vegetables (including stuffed peppers, stuffed cabbage rolls).

8. Regional menus.

9. Streamlined menus.

10. Hot honey breakfast sandwiches.


Innovations will continue, as more science is brought to bear through biotechnology discoveries to solve such problems as removing allergens from nuts, and reduce product spoilage.

For example, scientists in the Food and Nutritional Sciences Program at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University recently developed a relatively simple technology for deactivating the allergenic proteins in whole roasted peanuts by treating them with various food-grade enzymes.

Their laboratory tests indicate allergenic proteins can be reduced by up to 98%.

There is other research about fixing allergen responses within people. A clinical trial by the National Institutes of Health of a monoclonal antibody, omalizumab, increased the amount of peanut, tree nuts, egg, milk and wheat that multi-food allergic children as young as 1 year could consume without an allergic reaction.

Controlling food spoilage usually is best achieved by canning or freezing foods. But researchers in the United Kingdom have found another important tool related to food spoilage.

They created a prototype “paper-based electrical gas sensor” (PEGS), that detect spoilage gases like ammonia and trimethylamine in meat and fish products. The sensor data can be read by smartphones, so that a consumer can hold their phone up to the packaging to see whether the food is safe to eat.

The researchers say the sensors could eventually replace the less reliable indicator “use-by” date.

In all, it’s a fast-moving, consumer sensitive industry where processors have to stay flexible as people around the world experiment with new ideas related to health and wellness—and, living a better, longer life. X

UNVEILING ONTARIO: The Future of Dining and Entertainment in Southern California:

It’s well-known that Southern California offers a vast array of entertainment and dining hubs in diverse locales. However, while hotspots for nightlife and dining in Los Angeles come with higher cost, traffic congestion, regulatory hurdles, and quality-of-life challenges including crime and homelessness, Ontario is setting the stage for a surge in demand for food, beverage, and entertainment amenities in its Downtown and Entertainment Districts.

The City of Ontario, located 35 miles east of Los Angeles, is poised to become a premier destination for culinary and entertainment ventures; the go-to spot for restauranteurs, bar operators, and entertainment venues looking to capitalize on early opportunities in a growing and welcoming environment.

This is no coincidence. Ontario is taking bold steps to cultivate a supportive business ecosystem through strategic economic development backed by over $1B in investment in major development projects.


Ontario’s Downtown blends historic charm with modern vision and is undergoing a revitalization that will transform it into a cultural and entertainment hub. By investing in key development projects and promoting mixed-uses, adaptive reuse, and providing design guidelines for new development to preserve Downtown’s historic character, Ontario has facilitated this vision while ushering in opportunities for growth and revitalization.

Key Downtown projects include the construction of the University of La Verne’s new College of Health and the Randall Lewis Center for Innovation, Social Impact, and Entrepreneurship. Additionally, Euclid Ave. will see nearly 300 new residential units and 500 SF of new commercial space with projects by Hutton & Kendrew, Adept and Tipping Development. Additionally, The Mule Car Smokehouse, a historic restoration by Brand Pacific Construction, a revitalization project by The LAB and several mixed-use development projects by various developers are also in progress. These projects will increase citywide and daytime population numbers, drive up demand for dining and entertainment options and pave the way for new food and beverage ventures.

The Arena Entertainment District and a New Minor League Baseball Stadium

On the northeastern side of the City, plans are in motion to break

ground on the entertainment district adjacent to the Toyota Arena this summer. The project will add 700 luxury apartments, 70,000 SF of commercial and entertainment space, and a pedestrian-friendly public plaza. Future phases include a performance theatre, a luxury hotel, and the California Sports Hall of Fame.

In the south side of the City, in Ontario Ranch, plans for a Regional Sports Complex featuring a Minor League Baseball Stadium, 80,000 SF of commercial space and over 150 acres of community recreational amenities are under way. It will attract 1.2 million new annual visitors to the area, create 600+ jobs and generate over $61M in spending.


Ontario’s population will grow by 100,000 residents by 2048. Ontario Ranch, the #5 selling master-planned community in the U.S. and the largest in California, is at the forefront, attracting residents with its luxury, amenity-rich living. Many are seeking reprieve from the deteriorating quality of life and high cost of living in Los Angeles. With a median household income exceeding $110,000 and median home sale price of $699,422 compared to $1,040,000 in Los Angeles (, April 2024), Ontario Ranch residents enjoy a higher disposable income, which they are eager to spend on high quality dining and entertainment.


Ontario has a diverse and resilient economy, anchored by Ontario International Airport (ONT), the fastest-growing airport in the nation. ONT supports the city’s economic growth by attracting over 6 million passengers annually, playing a vital role in Ontario’s growing tourism and hospitality sectors. Additionally, ONT handled over 750,000 tons of freight in 2023, bolstering the City’s thriving distribution and logistics industries. A 2022 Oxford Economics study found that ONT generates $3.8B annually in economic activity and supports 27,800 jobs.

Ideal Conditions and a Better Business Climate

According to an April 2024 poll by the Los Angeles Business Council Institute and the Los Angeles Times, 60% of respondents considered leaving Los Angeles due to rising housing costs and 93% cited homelessness as a serious problem.

In contrast, Ontario residents enjoy a higher quality of life and a lower cost of living. Ontario’s growing population and economic development tell the story of a thriving city that is experiencing rising affluence and is poised to become Southern California’s next preferred dining and entertainment destination. Businesses can benefit from a growing customer base, lower operational costs, and a city that actively supports their success.

Visit to learn more.

Vib rant Cit y Seek s Long -Ter m Pa r tner

Reasons to Fall in Love with Ontario

New Minor League Baseball Stadium

New Entertainment District

New Regional Sports Complex

Downtown Revitalization

Convention Center Expansion

New Convention Hotel #5 Selling Master Planned Community in the U.S.

Travel and Tourism Getting Big Lifts from Multiple Sources

The pandemic changed a lot of things for the tourism industry, but it’s bouncing back with strong government support

As the tourism industry continues to dig its way out of the pandemic—and it appears that the transition is complete— new trends are emerging as part of a new tourism paradigm.

One of those trends is sustainable tourism, where people look for carbon-neutral eco-lodges and responsible wildlife tourism. Another is technology integration, using AI-driven chatbots for virtual reality tours of destinations. Experience-based travel is also becoming more popular, for a more immersive experience in the visited country of choice.

Health and wellness tourism is gaining momentum for people seeking help with certain physical and mental wellness conditions, who travel to a specific location that offers consulting or therapeutic options. Wellness tourism expenditures were $720 billion in 2019, according to the Global Wellness Institute.

And then there is so-called digital nomadism, where a tourist travels to a location to stay for a period of time instead of just visiting and immediately returning home, working remotely for months.


According to a report by MBO Partners, a company that offers a direct sourcing

The Transportation Security Administration already recorded four of their top 10 busiest days in 2024 in May. Picture courtesy of TSA

platform for enterprises and independents to collaborate, 17.3 million American workers currently describe themselves as digital nomads. The majority of these nomads are millennials (37%), followed by Gen X (27%), Gen Z (21%), and baby boomers (15%).

Digital nomads work in a wide variety of fields, including information technology (19%); creative services (10%); education and training (9%); consulting, coaching, and research (8%); sales, marketing, and PR (8%); and finance and accounting (8%).

The report found that one early trend is that digital nomads are staying put more in one destination and traveling less from place to place. A longer stay in one location is typically associated with a less frenetic lifestyle and increased productivity.

Charuta Fadnis, the senior vice president for research and product strategy, who is working on the global travel ecosystem for Phocuswright, a travel and tourism market research company, told BXJ that the digital nomad movement worked great for countries because it was bringing in people who were spending and supporting the local economy during the pandemic. “This was at a time tourism in general was pretty low,” Fadnis said. “So it worked well. But I think we are seeing that evolve.”

The digital nomad still exists, she said, and will continue to exist. “But as more companies have mandated return to office policies, there’s a little less flexibility in terms of doing such things as going to work in Thailand for three months,” Fadnis said. “But I believe Italy recently just announced that they were starting a digital nomad visa. So there’s still a lot of countries out there that are welcoming of people who want to come and live and work outside of the their home country.”

Fadnis said that what they are seeing is the return to a combination of business travel with leisure travel. “That would be going on a business trip and extending it for a few days for leisure, a sort of add-on to the trip,” she said. “That has really come into the limelight.”


The travel and tourism industry was one of the hardest hit sectors by the pandemic, according to a message from Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo in the International Trade Administration’s (ITA) 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy report.

The Congressional Research Service in November, 2023, reported that travel and tourism value added accounted for 2.2% of total U.S. GDP in 2021, the most recent year for which data is available.

That year, $1.7 trillion of economic activity was generated by the travel and tourism industry, and nearly 1 in every 20 jobs in the United States relies directly or indirectly on this sector.

Fadnis said that the biggest thing she found from her research on the post-pandemic travel and tourism industry was that being stuck at home and not being able to travel really emphasized how important travel was to people. “It’s kind of that desire to get out of your own environment and go out,” she said. “You don’t realize what you miss until it’s taken away.”


Things are definitely looking up for not only domestic travel, but for the U.S. as a travel destination.

Monthly visits to national parks in the U.S stayed just about even from 2019-2023, at just over 41 million, according to the National Travel and Tourism office. And the U.S. government has taken significant steps to help the recovery.

For example, the subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation—the Tourism, Trade, and Export Promotion—has held several hearings about tourism and the pandemic since 2021.

Four pieces of legislation containing tourism provisions have been enacted as a result of those hearings:

1. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which, among other things, appropriated $8 billion to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to provide grants to airports for operations costs and debt service, and appropriated $3 billion to the U.S. Economic Development Administration to help state and local governments respond to economic injury as a result of the pandemic. That included $750 million reserved

for states and local communities specifically affected by job losses in the travel, tourism, or outdoor recreation industries.

2. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which, among other things, appropriated $15 billion to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in grants for airport infrastructure projects that increase safety and expand capacity, mandated that the secretary of transportation update the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and authorized the creation of a Chief Travel and Tourism Officer.

3. The Restoring Brand USA Act, which provided access to $250 million in one-time funding to the Corporation for Travel Promotion, a public-private entity doing business as Brand USA.

4. The Visit America Act, which, among other things, authorized the creation of a new assistant secretary of Commerce for Travel and Tourism within the Department of Commerce. Additionally, Congress created new or expanded funding for tourism, including $15 billion appropriated to FAA in grants for airport infrastructure, and $8 billion appropriated to FAA to provide grants to airports to help with operations costs and debt service.


Hotel revenue is estimated to have fallen from $87 billion in 2019 to $37 billion in 2020, according to Statista, a market research and data company. But revenue shot up to just over $106 billion in 2023, and is predicted to steadily rise up to $128 billion by 2028. Rising inflation pushed some consumers to reduce spending on leisure activities, causing revenue growth to slow down.

The three biggest hotel chains—Marriott, Hilton, and Best Western—each showed positive revenue runs in 2024, led by Marriott’s $23 billion, according to the company’s annual report.

But the pandemic brought other options for lodging into focus. “I think the biggest change that we saw if we look broadly across all of the segments would be in terms of lodging, and the importance of short term rentals, like Airbnb,” Fadnis said. “Those really came into their own because people were looking for more privacy or ability to control that space that they stayed in. So what was probably a category that was not as mainstream in the larger lodging sector suddenly became mainstream, and a lot more people became aware of it. That’s a structural change, in a sense. And we’ve seen that that’s reflected in the way that hotels are suddenly treating Airbnb as a competitor.”


The ITA reported that, in 2022, nearly 51 million international visitors came to the United States—more than double the number from 2021. Those travelers spent $165 billion on goods and services, supporting more than 1 million American jobs.

In the first nine months of 2023, international visitation to the United States reached 82% of what it was pre-pandemic—a significant improvement from 61% during the first eight months of 2022.

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is projecting a record-breaking year for travel and tourism in 2024, with the sector’s global economic contribution set to reach an all-time high of $11.1 trillion. By 2034, according to the WTTC, the sector will supercharge the global economy with a predicted growth of up to $16 trillion, while creating 449 million job worldwide.

The Transportation Security Administration already recorded four of their top 10 busiest days in 2024 in May, with the two days before Memorial Day Thursday and Friday expected to result in 2.9 million people screened at checkpoints across the nation. From May 23 to May 29, the agency expects to screen more than 18 million passengers and crew, representing a checkpoint volume increase of approximately 6.4% compared to the same period in 2023.

Travel numbers this year will be close to the 2019 numbers, Fadnis said. “2019 was by far the biggest year for travel that we’ve seen. 2024 is set to eclipse that. People want to travel. In our most recent survey, of the people who have traveled in the last 12 months, close to 99% responded that yes, they intend to travel again in the next 12 months.”

Then there is artificial intelligence (AI) as a wild card to the future of travel and tourism, seen as one of the more transformational innovations to be deployed, according to a report by Deloitte, a business analyst company. But there are a few caveats. “AI is poised to completely change travel discovery and shopping and has great potential to improve the trip experience,” a Deloitte analysis reported. “But to deliver functionality that meaningfully eases and enhances travel, providers will need to untangle the legacy technology that has often slowed innovation in the past, as well as committing to rigorous leading-edge data capture, curation, and enablement.” X


Maryland stands proudly at the heart of the Eastern Seaboard, the country's prime commercial corridor and one of the most vibrant in the world. Their central, mid-Atlantic locatio gives their businesses quick access to some of the nation's leading transportation.

In Maryland, businesses have access to the Port of Baltimore, two Class I freight rail lines, and have immediate access to I-95 and I-70, the major thoroughfares to points north, south, and west. Access by air is equally easy. Besides Maryland's own BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, three other major airports are just a short drive away, in neighboring Philadelphia, Northern Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

Maryland businesses are well served by railroads. Two Class I carriers, CSX Transportation and Norfolk Southern Railway, provide modern, high-tech freight rail connections to the US interior, Canada, and Mexico.

The Baltimore-Washington International (BWI), continually recognized as one of the top in the country, serves passengers from Maryland and beyond. Marylanders enjoy more choices than air travelers in many other states, thanks to the proximity of three other major airports: Washington Dulles International (IAD), Ronald Reagan National (DCA) and Philadelphia International (PHL).

A safe, efficient network of roadways connects Maryland businesses with customers and workers near and far. Five major interstates—I-95, I-70, I-68, I-83, and I-81—crisscross the state, carrying cargo and commuters.

As sea levels rise, the race is on to find sustainable solutions to protect the ocean and water resources. With Atlantic shoreline and the massive Chesapeake Bay, water-related research and innovation is in abundance across Maryland. Blue tech companies in Maryland are leveraging the state’s technology and wate resources to create sustainable solutions for our future. Here, you’ll find a booming offshore wind energy sector and companies focused on aquaculture and oyster restoration. And cutting-

Phoot by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

edge research influencing blue tech is rooted in institutions like Baltimore’s Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology and NOAA facilities.

Maryland is a growing hub for AI innovation in the U.S. Baltimore/Washington D.C. metro is among the top 10 regions in the nation for employing AI professionals, according to Forbes. As AI advances, Maryland continues to support the industry by offering the tech and the talent for companies to hit the ground running with AI ambitions.

Maryland is at the heart of transformative technologies in unmanned aviation–from first-ever drone missions transporting human organs for transplant–to the world record UAV flight time. But their eyes aren’t only on the skies here in Maryland. From selfparking technologies to underwater vehicles, Maryland companies are innovating in autonomous vehicle development, leveraging the state’s collaborators and customers in academia, government and industry.

Ask any CEO who has recently relocated their business to Maryland what drew them in, and chances are, Maryland’s workforce is among their answers. Businesses offering technical and professional services benefit from our highly-educated population. And companies needing skilled laborers benefit from a variety of programs to find and train workers. Maryland is home to 55 accredited two- and four-year colleges and universities including some of the world’s leading academic institutions. Here, you’ll find 16 community colleges offer continuing education classes and certificates, and customized workforce training.

From dedicated programs for small, minority, and women owned businesses, to programs designed to increase investment in tech startups, and programs that reward businesses for energy efficiency, Maryland offers a variety of financial incentives through tax credits, grants, and loans. In terms of basic business tax rates, you can find lower rates than Maryland's. But business tax rates alone don't tell the whole story of a state's economic activity. That's why economic analysts at Ernst & Young calculated what it calls a "total effective business tax rate"—the ratio of business taxes to private sector gross state product. By that metric, Maryland ranks in the top 10 of states with the lowest total effective business tax rate.

Their highly skilled workforce fuels high-tech industries; while their natural advantages: a prime location, ideal conditions, and proximity to key markets bolster other sectors. Get to know Maryland's key industries. They include Advanced Manufacturing; Aerospace & Aviation; Agribusiness; Creative Economy; Cybersecurity & IT; Cleantech & Renewable Energy; Data Centers; Distribution, Warehouse & Logistics; Financial Services; Life Sciences; Military; and Tourism.

products to customers all across the globe, thanks to the Port o Baltimore. The Port, the closest Atlantic seaport to the Midwest region, is complemented by two Class I freight rail lines, and a network of interstate highways that puts one third of the U.S. population within an overnight drive.

For more information on all the business opportunities in Maryland, please contact the Maryland Department of Commerce at 410-767-6300, visit their website at or contact

MARYLAND: Carroll County: Grow Better Here

Carroll County is a member of the Baltimore/Washington D.C. common market. Its prime Mid-Atlantic location provides access to growing markets and business opportunities. Large concentrations of productive workers are available to meet the workforce needs of all business sectors.

Carroll County enjoys a diverse business base with both national and international corporations. Over 6,200 businesses, many of which are Fortune 500 companies, reside in Carroll County, including Northrop Grumman, Knorr Brake, Penguin Random House and EVAPCO.

Carroll County proudly notes a lower cost of living and crime rate than many counties in the Baltimore Region. Carroll offers a wide variety of safe, affordable places to live, state-of-the-art

Global businesses capitalize on next-door proximity to the nation’s capital, with its 176 foreign embassies and key American and global decision makers. And they take advantage of four nearby international airports, providing their teams access to origin countries and new business opportunities.

Maryland’s infrastructure and location make it easy for people to travel the world. It also helps quickly connect materials and


medical facilities, and a high-performing school system that consistently ranks among the highest in Maryland.

Here you will find willing workers that are well educated, productive and technically skilled, which highlights this area as a number one choice among local and regional employers. Being part of this major metropolitan region also offers corporations access to the country's largest concentration of scientists, engineers and information technology professionals. This combination of professional and skilled workers provides businesses with an extensive workforce that supports economic diversity and growth.

Carroll County offers a full spectrum of real estate options. Inventory includes high-end business parks such as the Carroll County Commerce Center and the Westminster Technology Park. The recently completed North Carroll Business Park in Hampstead offer 32 acres of finished industrial land, including high-speed broadband access. Lots can be subdivided down to a minimum of five acres.

Carroll County Economic Development professionals are eager to speak with you to determine how your business can take advantage of all we have to offer. Contact us today at 410-3862070 or You can also visit for more information.

MARYLAND: Montgomery County: Where Life Sciences Breakthroughs Happen

Bordering the nation’s capital, Montgomery County, Md., hosts a growing number of innovative firms leading the life sciences industry. From creating transformative cell and gene therapies to advancing immunological research and driving biopharmaceutical innovations, the county’s highly educated workforce and well-established ecosystem are major draws for industry giants, like MilliporeSigma, AstraZeneca, REGENXBIO and more.

Strategically positioned for success, the county is home base to 18 federal agency headquarters, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE).

With more than 30% of all adult residents holding an advanced degree, a robust talent pipeline attracts investments from both established and growing companies looking to scale their global impact, develop key strategic alliances with federal agencies and join in a thriving and diverse community.

But this isn’t new. The county has long been recognized within the scientific community as a life sciences hub. More recently it has improved its position from anchoring the fourth to the third largest biopharma center in the nation and currently employs around 40,000 professionals.

With a growing number of public and privately operated accelerators and incubators that offer turnkey lab spaces, the

county fosters a business environment that caters to early-stage and well-established organizations. Partnerships with institutions like BioHub Maryland and the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training ensure a continuous pipeline of skilled talent.

Maryland’s Montgomery County also stands out for being the first to offer a local biotechnology investment tax credit and matching funds for SBIR/STTR awards, facilitating the commercialization of new technologies. "Montgomery County, Md., is an ideal location for life sciences companies, both for our exceptional talent, strong infrastructure and collaborative environment," says Prayas Neupane, director of economic development at the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation. "These factors create a dynamic and growing ecosystem that attracts and supports industry leaders."

The results are visible throughout the state’s wealthiest county. From Novavax, known for their swift COVID-19 vaccine development, to United Therapeutics, which was recently recognized for performing the first xenotransplant using solely FDA-approved immunosuppressive medications. AstraZeneca’s recent expansion – an investment of $300 million to advance next-generation cell therapy, plans to create over 150 new jobs and showcases the region’s commitment to fostering scientific excellence.

Maryland’s Montgomery County offers an unparalleled environment for collaboration, discovery, and growth. Companies here are not just advancing lifesaving discoveries but are collectively pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in their industries and the world. For firms looking to make a meaningful impact, Montgomery County, Md. is the ideal place to turn visionary ideas into groundbreaking realities.

MARYLAND: Port Of Baltimore

The U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port has reopened the Fort McHenry Channel to commercial vessel traffic for 24-hour availability. This channel has been fully restored to its original depth of 50- feet, its 700-foot horizontal clearance, and a vertical clearance of 214-feet due to the adjacent BGE powerlines.

Deep draft vessels still require a Maryland State Pilot and one escort tug, and the Temporary Alternate Channels remain open and available for use until approximately June 30th, the conclusion of all on water salvage and survey operations relating to the Key Bridge Response.

Temporary Alternate Channels:

• Fort Carroll Temporary Alternate Channel remains open 24-hours daily to non-deep draft commercial vessels with a controlling depth of 20 ft, a 300-ft horizontal clearance, and vertical clearance of 135 ft.

• Hawkins Point Temporary Alternate Channel remains open



24-hours daily to non-deep draft commercial vessels with a controlling depth of 14 ft, a 280-ft horizontal clearance, and vertical clearance of 124 ft.

• Sollers Point Temporary Alternate Channel remains open 24-hours daily to all traffic, to include recreational vessels, with a controlling depth of 11 ft, a 264-ft horizontal clearance, and vertical clearance of 95 ft.

Francis Scott Key Bridge Safety Zone:

The safety zone established for all navigable waters of the Chesapeake Bay within a 2,000-yard radius of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remains in effect and is intended to protect personnel, vessels, and the marine environment. Except for vessels transiting in one of the four marked channels, no vessel or person will be permitted to enter the safety zone without first obtaining permission from the Coast Guard.

• The Maryland Pilots will continue their regular coordination of deep draft traffic and are available at (410) 342-6013.

• All vessels transiting the safety zone must remain within the marked channels and well clear of vessels engaged in salvage and safety operations. The Port of Baltimore thanks Governor Wes Moore for his strong and unwavering leadership throughout this crisis. They thank the Unified Command, especially the Coast Guard and Army Corps of Engineers, for their tireless and incredible work to reopen the full channel safely and much faster than was first expected. The Port of Baltimore thanks their valued business partners for their loyal and continued support. #BaltimoreIsBack #ThePortForOurNation

MARYLAND: Calvert County

Calvert County, Maryland, established as one of the oldest counties in the United States, spans a total of 345 square miles, of which 213 square miles is land and 132 square miles is water. Located 30 miles southeast of Washington, D.C., the county is known for its attractive location bounded by the Chesapeake Bay on the east and the Patuxent River on the west. The area offers strategic proximity to Baltimore, Annapolis, the Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Naval Support Facility Indian Head and Joint Base Andrews. Businesses located here have access to major transportation networks and are close to the resort destination of Solomons Island, the Chesapeake Hills Golf Course and Rod ‘N’ Reel Resort and Spa.

The county’s optimal location creates strategic opportunities for businesses to engage in government contracting and benefit from the economic activities associated with the federal government. The county features two federal Opportunity Zones, namely the Patuxent Business Park (PBP) in Lusby and the Calvert County Industrial Park in Prince Frederick. Each location offers an array of attractive incentives and loan programs, ombudsman

programs, workforce development coordination, and convenient access to airports and seaports. These initiatives cater to a diverse range of businesses, including manufacturing, distribution, technology and professional services.

PBP is Southern Maryland’s first comprehensively planned business campus, designed to match Calvert County’s much sought-after quality of life. It is a federal Opportunity Zone and a Calvert County Commerce Zone, designations that extend tax credits to qualifying new and expanding businesses. The 92-acre corporate business campus has ample green space that can accommodate various types of businesses including office, research and development, flex and light manufacturing. Public water and sewer and a variety of fiber and telecom providers serve the property.

With Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Cove Point liquefied natural gas export facility and Constellation Energy’s Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant nearby, all businesses here enjoy a strategic advantage that stems from heightened economic stability, enhanced business opportunities, increased property values and highly skilled workforce. Furthermore, the Naval Air Station Patuxent River, situated just south of the county across the Patuxent River, adds to the region’s appeal as home to the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) headquarters, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters, the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School, and Atlantic Test Ranges. This is the premier location on the East Coast for Naval aircraft, weapons and systems research, development, test and evaluation.

Calvert County presents businesses with the advantage of being close to the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area while providing a quiet and charming small-town atmosphere. Residents enjoy access to a variety of cultural and recreational activities including museums, theater, professional sports, symphony orchestras and natural attractions such as Calvert Cliffs State Park.

The county benefits from a skilled and educated labor force, with nearby educational institutions like the College of Southern Maryland that offers a range of training and degree programs to support workforce development tailored to the unique needs of our community. Its outstanding public school system and top-notch healthcare services ensure access to quality education and excellent medical care for its residents. Public safety is also a top priority here in one of the safest counties in Maryland. These exceptional qualities make Calvert County an ideal place for employers and families, where people, careers and businesses can thrive.

For more information, please contact the Calvert County Department of Economic Development at 410-535-4583 or visit, or www. X


The 92-acre park will accommodate various uses, including Class A office, flex and light industrial space.


Nestled between the scenic Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent River, Calvert County is located 30 miles southeast of Washington, D.C., with strategic proximity to Baltimore, Annapolis, the Patuxent River Naval Air Station and major transportation corridors.


60+ acres of shovel-ready industrial/office sites with in-place infrastructure within a Federal Opportunity Zone and Calvert County Commerce Zone that provides tax incentives and credits to qualifying businesses and developers.


Aggressive economic development incentives and flexible development plan.

Located in Lusby, Maryland, Patuxent Business Park offers a range of lots from 1.77 to 27.69 contiguous acres, providing ample space for diverse business needs. Streamlined processes ensure efficient and prompt readiness, perfect for businesses looking to establish their presence.

For additional information, call 410-535-4583, email or visit

Washington, D.C.
Patuxent Business Park

Locate, Build, Deliver KENTUCKY:

Kentucky boasts a diverse business ecosystem.

Regardless of size, industry or location, each business plays a key role in job creation, sparking innovation and furthering Kentucky’s economy. The Cabinet for Economic Development strives to help all these businesses succeed.


Due to Kentucky’s location, infrastructure and dedicated workforce, any industry is sure to find a natural fit here in the commonwealth. These major industry sectors include manufacturing such as automotive, aerospace, primary metals and food and beverage, as well as service industries such as logistics and transportation.

When you think of Kentucky’s major industries of course you think bourbon. They do too. But Kentucky has also been manufacturing automobiles since the Model T first rolled off of Ford’s assembly line. The major industries listed below have a rich

heritage in Kentucky and a bright future. Learn more about each sector below.


• Kentucky farmers achieved $5.90 billion in farm cash receipts in 2018. Kentucky's leading agricultural product in cash receipts was poultry and eggs at more than $1.2 billion.

• 75,966 farms, 13 million acres, making up more than 50% of Kentucky's total land acreage.

• Kentucky is, of course, the Horse Capital of the World, and sales of horses and stud fees accounted for cash receipts of nearly $400 million.

• Kentucky is ranked the top beef producing state east of the Mississippi River.

• 6th nationally for having the highest number of farms. Kentucky's agriculture industry has an abundance of support from state leaders including commodity groups made of producers themselves.

Photo by Miles Manwaring on Unsplash


• Over 300 Food & Beverage Facilities

• Over 50,000 employees in Kentucky's Food & Beverage related industries

• Kentucky has the greatest concentration, 2x more than average, of beverage manufacturing employment in the United States

• 95% of the world's Bourbon is produced in Kentucky


Kentucky is the premier location in the United States to manufacture electric vehicles and their parts. Everything that goes into the life cycle of an electric vehicle — from motors to batteries to recycling — can all be found in Kentucky with the ability to ship products anywhere in the country or around the globe quickly and efficiently. Competitive energy costs, quality sites with the ideal geographic location, a knowledgeable workforce and the nation's best shipping and supply system create a winning combination that positions the commonwealth as an industry leader.

As the nation's leading producer of light vehicles per capita, Kentucky has a history of helping automotive-related businesses thrive. These companies benefit not only from Kentucky's best-inclass cost of doing business and supportive corporate environment, but their employees also enjoy shorter commute times, lower cost of living and numerous other advantages that lead to a higher quality of life.


Kentucky’s ideal location, skilled workforce and businessfriendly environment make the Commonwealth a great place for manufacturing companies to make and ship products to every corner of the globe. In the past five years, manufacturers announced approximately 800 facility location or expansion projects with a reported capital investment of $28 billion and more than 37,000 additional jobs.


Kentucky is home to more than 100 aerospace-related facilities that employ over 23,000 people. Kentucky has announced roughly 40 aerospace-related projects since 2017, totaling more than $1.1 billion in investment and the announcement of more than 2,800 jobs. In 2022, Kentucky exported nearly $10.5 billion in aerospace products and parts.


Kentucky ranks 2nd in the nation in total air cargo shipments. That is because Kentucky business is served by not one but two international airports plus three global shipping hubs, giving companies a leg up on getting products, papers and packages into the global stream of commerce. Kentucky is home to the UPS World Port, DHL Americas hub in Northern Kentucky, the Amazon Air global port in Northern Kentucky and several large FedEx ground hubs

throughout the state. Due to this strong presence by the world’s most prestigious logistics companies, products manufactured in Kentucky can get anywhere in the world virtually overnight. Located at the center of a 34-state distribution area in the eastern United States, Kentucky’s location advantage facilitates the distribution of goods and materials to a massive industrial and consumer market. Across the nation and around the world, business leaders and logistics providers are increasingly looking to Kentucky as the strategic partner they need to aggressively compete in the global marketplace. More than 600 logistics and distribution facilities in Kentucky employ more than 91,000 people. Kentucky is within a day’s drive of 65% of the U.S. population. Since 2017, nearly 250 new or expanded facilities have been announced with investments totaling over $5.7 billion and the announcement of more than 18,600 jobs.


Innovative research on such breakthroughs as artificial hearts and limbs, groundbreaking advances on transplants and the development of medical advances has strengthened Kentucky’s reputation as a health care leader. As a result, the number of health care-related facilities continues to grow quickly. A trained medical research workforce and advances by medical facilities have combined to make Kentucky an excellent location for health care related businesses. Kentucky is home to approximately 250 health care-related businesses. More than 38,000 Kentuckians work for health care-related companies. Since 2017, more than 100 new or expanded facilities have been announced with investments totaling over $1 billion with more than 5,500 announced jobs.


Rubber and plastics have been important to Kentucky’s economy for years, and Kentucky’s rubber and plastics manufacturers are well suited to accommodate any manufacturer’s needs. Kentucky is able to produce a variety of parts for manufacturers in automotive and countless other sectors. In the past five years, plastics companies in Kentucky have experienced more than 60 expansions, so the industry not only has a solid foundation, but is continually growing. Kentucky has over 260 plastics and rubber manufacturers. The industry employs more than 31,000 people in Kentucky. Since 2017, nearly 120 new or expanded facilities have been announced with investment totaling over $1 billion with nearly 3,000 announced jobs.

As the primary state agency encouraging job creation, retention and business investment in Kentucky, the Cabinet for Economic Development works to attract new industries and assists existing companies to grow and expand. The Cabinet also provides support and resources for entrepreneurs, startups and small business owners. As well, it helps prepare communities for economic development opportunities. For more information on the opportunities in Kentucky, please call (800) 626-2930 or (502) 564-7670. Please also visit their website at or contact the Cabinet by email, send inquiries to

KENTUCKY: Pikeville

The City of Pikeville, “The City that Moves Mountains” is located in Kentucky’s largest county, Pike County, in the far eastern region.

Pikeville was incorporated in 1824 and covers 22 square miles. It is one of the few towns in the eastern region to gain residents since 2000. Pikeville serves as a regional center for health, education, retail and services for Pike County and the surrounding Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia areas.

The Pikeville Cut-Through Project is the second largest earth removal project in United States history. It has been called “the eighth wonder of the world” by the New York Times. Spearheaded by former Pikeville Mayor William C. Hambley, the Cut-Through Project officially began in November 1973 for the purpose of relieving the City of Pikeville of frequent flooding.

The project is a unique engineering feat that provides a shining example of cooperation among agencies on federal, state and local levels. The cut-through was completed in four phases spanning 14 years and costing approximately $80 million. It is a marvel that visitors cannot miss. Visit the newly opened Overlook Events Center at Bob Amos Park to view the entire project.

Located in the heart of Appalachia, Pikeville, and the vast majority of the city are designated Opportunity Zones. Pikeville is a town of roughly

7,000 people that boasts the University of Pikeville with its associated optometry and osteopathic medical schools, the fastest growing campus of the Big Sandy Community and Technical College, and Pikeville Medical Center, a large regional medical facility that employs roughly 3,000 people. In addition to these institutions, the city is home to the corporate offices of Community Trust Bank and is the 10th largest banking community in the state of Kentucky. Also, the Appalachian Wireless Arena is a 7,000 seat arena located in the heart of the downtown that attracts many nationally touring acts each year.

The City of Pikeville believes by supporting local entrepreneurs and preserving its historic environment, it has created a downtown community that hosts a healthy mix of businesses and activities that are crucial for continued economic development and success. The City has developed economic incentives for downtown businesses and property owners that are administered through the Pikeville Main Street Program.

The Kentucky Enterprise Industrial Park is ready for development. With 400 acres of land, utilities are in place and all major infrastructure projects are complete. Pikeville is ready to support your industry needs with a large workforce, university and community and technical college training programs to equip your workers with the skills they need, and a full array of support services including fire, police, ambulance, public works, hospital, trauma center, hotels, restaurants, retail, and much more!

Pikeville’s tenacity and resilience through the years is a testament to the perseverance of its residents. The earliest settlers braved mountainous terrain and nearly absolute isolation. In recent times, these qualities have served residents well as they braved severe floods and economic vacillations in the coal industry. The City of Pikeville and its residents have met these challenges and surmounted them with creativity, fortitude and stamina, and at times, literally moving mountains.

For more information on Pikeville, Kentucky and what it can offer you and your business, visit


An interview with Carter Hendricks, IOM, Executive Director

of South Western Kentucky EDC

Briefly give us an overview of companies now in South Western Kentucky.

“South Western Kentucky is home to 66 manufacturers with 23 international companies representing eleven unique countries. Sectors include automotive, agriculture, advanced manufacturing, chemical, defense and aerospace, distribution, and electric vehicle parts.

Are you targeting certain industries for the future?

With a diverse base of existing industries, the SWK EDC remains focused on our priority sectors of automotive, agriculture, aerospace, advanced manufacturing and distribution. Moreover, we have also seen success with EV related projects and are partners in a multi-county regional partnership, Kentucky Cornerstone, to help recruit companies to Western Kentucky.

Tell us about your quality of life?

South Western Kentucky, home to two of the fastest growing Kentucky cities, has an award-winning quality of life featuring abundant outdoor recreation and sporting options, charming communities with vibrant downtown events and festivals, housing well below the national average, and a low cost of living and even lower taxes.

Less than an hour to Nashville, TN, the region also allows residents to get a taste of the “big city” lifestyle with quick trips to professional sporting events, concerts, art museums, and more.

In South Western Kentucky, residents and companies enjoy the best of both words with easy access to a larger city while enjoying the daily benefits of a less taxing, more relaxing quality of life in the 3-county SWK region.

Awards: Most Patriotic City, Great American Defense Community, Tree City USA, All American City, TVA 10/10 Quality of Life.

Describe the makeup of your workforce?

The SWK workforce is over 500,000 strong, young, diverse, and growing with support from a 9-county labor shed. Since 2020, Elkton is Kentucky’s third fastest growing city while Cadiz checks in at sixth fastest growing city in the state.

Christian County has the youngest population in Kentucky at 29.1 years old and Hopkinsville boasts the most diverse population per capita in the state.

The workforce is fueled by Fort Campbell’s military population which sees 500 military members depart the Army each month looking for work in our region. Additionally, military dependents are a vibrant part of our workforce. The region also boasts a strong manufacturing workforce and several strategic workforce pipeline initiatives.

What type of education and training opportunities exist for your workforce?

The SWK EDC partners with several education and workforce partners to ensure strong workforce pipelines for our companies and industries, including:

1. HOPFAME: A program at Hopkinsville Community College training students in advanced manufacturing and featuring an apprenticeship.

2. CCPS FUSION: A program with Christian County Public Schools to ensure K-12 students are better prepared for the workforce through tours, classroom visits, and work based learning experiences.

3. SWK IGNITE: A program with the regional K-12 schools to prepared and better connect high school students with job opportunities in manufacturing and engineering.

4. Fort Campbell TAP: A transition assistance program dedicated to

assisting military members and dependents with information and job opportunities.

What type of recreational activities are there in or around the area?

With thousands of miles of shoreline and trails at the state’s #1 outdoor tourism attraction, nearby Land Between the Lakes, and several state parks, the SWK region boasts unmatched access to affordable, family friendly, and fun outdoor recreation including biking, hiking, boating, fishing, skiing, ATV riding, trail riding, and more.

Briefly discuss the modes of transportation to move good to and from the area.

The SWK features two interstates (I-24 and I-169), CSX and RJ Corman rail, air access through multiple regional airports and the Nashville International Airport, and river port access with four choices within 45-minute drive.

What else should we know about SWK economic development that you want us to know?

Our regional manufacturing family includes the newest additions: Novelis, Toyota Boshoku, Ascend Elements, Load Covering Solutions, and EZ Access. The region’s business friendly environment is evidenced by the companies choosing to locate, remain and grow in the region.

Looking forward, we have incredible development sites ready for the next company including a 100,000SF shell building at the Interstate 24 Business Park in Cadiz, Kentucky, a CSX certified Select Site, and multiple interstate sites. We are ready to help the next company come grow with us in our less taxing, more relaxing region.”

For more information on South Western Kentucky, please visit the SWK EDC at or call 270-348-6226. “Come Grow With Us.” X

Work Smart, Live Free NEW HAMPSHIRE:

When it comes to work, lifestyle, and opportunity, New Hampshire has a proven record. Here is where forward-thinking companies find better ways to impact the world. Here is where they can find the talent they need to be competitive on a global scale, and here is where the quality of life refreshes and inspires their lives.

New Hampshire’s tax advantages, robust infrastructure, and key location in the Northeast means businesses can thrive and prosper. The Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA) is the one stop resource to help in that goal. BEA provides confidential and customized guidance for business expansion in New Hampshire, making it easy to navigate the process quickly and efficiently.

From their Great North Woods bordering Canada, to their petite Seacoast stretched along the Atlantic Ocean, New Hampshire offers diverse landscapes primed for businesses to land and grow. Vibrant tech ecosystems, advanced manufacturing facilities, cutting-edge life sciences clusters, world-class recreation venues and international trade hubs – they’re all here in New Hampshire. No matter your industry, there’s a place for your business to thrive in the Granite State. Discover the New Hampshire business advantage.

With rapidly growing industries in technology, advanced manufacturing, hospitality, and healthcare, your next career is only an application away. For those looking to pave their own path, New Hampshire has the businessfriendly climate and supportive local resources to help your startup thrive.

The Granite State boasts a stable economy, featuring industries that offer career opportunities and competitive salaries. Their state’s proximity to other East Coast hubs and low taxes, including the absence of income and sales tax, also mean you’ll get to keep more of your paycheck here.

One of the chief incentives New Hampshire offers businesses is its steady and consistent tax policy, making it the #1 best state in New

England for its business tax climate (#6 in the nation), according to the Tax Foundation. Businesses can also apply to receive tax credits for economic revitalization, research and development, and job creation.

When it comes to taxes, New Hampshire businesses pay: No use tax; No sales tax; No estate tax; No internet tax; No inventory tax; No capital gains tax; Low corporate income tax; No professional service tax; and No broadbased income tax.

Strategically located in northern New England, New Hampshire has access to its deep-water port in Portsmouth and a network of interstate highways, rail and air. These logistical assets position New Hampshire to fuel global supply chains, including the aerospace and defense industries, with its top trading partners in Canada, Mexico, and beyond.

New Hampshire’s transportation infrastructure provides easy access to domestic and global markets, the highly ranked Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, a rail network and three interstate highways.

New Hampshire commerce centers are within an hour’s drive of Boston, and within a few hours from New York and Montreal and beyond. This strategic location is why global logistics companies, including UPS and FedEx, established their northern New England distribution hubs here.

When it comes to international trade, New Hampshire companies have a valuable resource to help them reach their export goals. With the expansion of Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) #81 in 2018, all, or parts of, nine of the state’s 10 counties are located within the FTZ.

New Hampshire businesses, from medical device manufacturers to maple syrup producers, work with the Office of International Commerce to find, grow, and thrive in global markets. Totaling over $7.6 billion in 2023 (its third record-setting year in a row), exports are a key driver of the state’s economy, creating jobs and meeting the needs of customers in more than 180 countries. Based on its export value, New Hampshire’s top three markets are Canada ($1.4 billion); Germany ($1.3 billion), and Mexico ($699 million).

The New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium (NHADEC) is one of the only export consortia of its kind in the nation.

Founded in 2013, NHADEC’s goal is to increase the international trade

Photo by Seth Dewey on Unsplash

opportunities for more than 300 businesses in New Hampshire’s aerospace and defense sectors.

Low taxes; skilled workforce; accessible government; proximity to domestic and global markets; lower cost - these are among the many reasons businesses consider New Hampshire as the place to expand or relocate. For more information, please visit the websites www.choosenh. com , or email


Located in the beautiful Sugar River Region of the Upper Valley of New Hampshire, Claremont is an old mill town experiencing a dynamic upswing.

This city of 13,000 borders Vermont, and is a two-hour scenic drive from Boston, upstate New York, and Connecticut, and a little over three hours from Montreal. Claremont is easy to access by car, and has its own Amtrak Station as well as the Claremont Municipal Airport.

Claremont has emerged as an important center of commerce, yet still maintains an affordable lifestyle. Building on its historic architecture, contemporary adaptive reuse is re-energizing the City Center, while the industrial land surrounding the Connecticut River boasts fine home and cabinetry manufacturing, precision technology and many other businesses. Abundant developable land, strong broadband networks and exceptional infrastructure capacity make Claremont a true land of opportunity for companies looking to locate or expand in New England.

Residents here enjoy year-round recreational activities as well as a

variety of cultural events, local annual festivals, restaurants, boutiques and big box stores.

Supporting recreation economy as well as tradition, events include everything from hosting three major national destination mountain bike races to welcoming back graduates for the 153rd Annual Alumni Weekend (Stevens High School has the oldest active high school alumni association in the nation). There is also an annual Brewfest, Fall Festival, citywide holiday celebrations and more.

The newly opened Claremont Creative Center and the 127-year-old Claremont Opera House have busy show schedules programmed throughout the year. Other local entertainment options include an 18-hole golf course, the Rail Trail, Escape Rooms, 18 holes of blacklight indoor miniature golf, and bowling. Coming soon: Axe Throwing and a Rage Room.

While rural municipalities face many challenges, Claremont is fortunate to have an active and innovative community with citizens whose ideas and willingness to do the hard work help this special community continue to grow and prosper.

They invite you to Explore Claremont and consider moving yourself and your business here. The Department of Planning and Development is available to offer support and information on real estate, finance, zoning and building codes, as well as demographic and traffic information for site selectors. We welcome inquiries from startup and existing businesses as well as those looking to expand into our area.

For more information, please visit or email them at X

Where People, Ideas, & Business Come To Life KANSAS:

Kansas delivers many advantages to companies looking to locate and expand in the state. From our central location in the heart of America to our highly skilled workforce and our competitive incentive programs, Kansas offers something for everyone.

If there is a place that knows how to make it, it’s Kansas! Ranging from fuselages to food and chemicals to computer electronics, there is a common thread among Kansas’ manufacturing pursuits – the use of the most advanced techniques and innovative materials and support from in-state centers of national prominence. They are home to a vast network of diverse, quality and precision manufacturing activities from their catalog of companies.

The exploration of innovative ideas is critical to businesses being able to improve processes, bring new products to market, increase efficiencies and – above all – improve profitability. The Kansas

workforce and many university partner resources can help your operations reach new heights.

Add in effective business incentives, competitive utility rates, a high standard of living and an excellent business environment, and you have the winning formula for your manufacturing operation.

Tap into Kansas’ highly educated, customer-focused workforce. Kansas has emerged as a leader for corporate and professional service companies, including those involved in finance, accounting, information technology, engineering and architectural design. In fact, in recent years, we have seen unprecedented success for Kansas with service-related companies and corporate leaders such as Quest Analytics, CarMax, and Navatek CFD Technologies, LLC all selecting Kansas as a place to grow their operations.

Located smack dab in the heart of the United States, Kansas offers companies a truly unique and outstanding logistical advantage to help reach customers faster and more efficiently. With more than 140,000 miles of roads and top-ranked interstates bisecting their great state, you can get to the Pacific or Atlantic in four days or less from Kansas. If the open road doesn’t suit your needs, they have plenty of modern-day

iron horses ready to whisk your goods to the port of your choosing. Kansas is served by four Class I and 11 Class III railroads on the sixthlargest rail network in the nation1. They also have an intermodal that holds its own when compared to any major market. Join their strong lineup of logistics and distribution companies, and you will see why it is good to be self-centered in Kansas.

Kansas has always been known for their robust agriculture and food industries. Commonly referred to as, “The Breadbasket of the World,” the Wheat State has nurtured their reputation by consistently ranking No. 1 for wheat production in the United States. In addition, they’re one of the top producers of grain sorghum and a variety of other commodities.

Their food companies range from small, family-owned companies to large, multi-national corporations and headquarters; all of which have found the economic benefit as they feed the world from Kansas’ world-renowned logistics and distribution infrastructure.

Whether it’s their commitment to crop research, ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply or remaining a top commodity producing state, Kansas’ commitment to agriculture continues to flourish.

Kansas feed and forage production is an important sector of the state’s agricultural economy. Kansas livestock producers are a major outlet for hay, silage and feed grains that are produced within the state’s borders. Kansas ranks first in the nation in wheat and sorghum production. And they are also a leader in the production of cattle, sunflowers, bison, hogs and soybeans.

Kansas is home to agricultural equipment manufacturing and sales companies in a broad range of sizes and specializations, which combined with a strong customer base and supportive state policies make Kansas a prime location for growth in the ag equipment manufacturing and sales sector.

Kansas farmers and ranchers take their job of feeding the world seriously through innovative and sustainable practices, and their

business environment matches their work ethic. If you’re looking to expand or relocate your ag-related business, look no further than Kansas.

The Kansas Department of Commerce provides a wide array of services and resources to help businesses locate, expand, hire, invest and grow in Kansas. Whether you are looking for the right location in which to invest or resources for business expansion, job creation or international trade, their team is dedicated to your success in their state.

Kansas has been, and continues to be, aggressive in its efforts to grow their economy. Major companies such as Merck Animal Health, Geico, PBI Gordon, Garmin,, Amazon, Kiewit, Mars, Hostess Brands, Garmin, American Multi-Cinema, Dairy Farmers of America, Kubota, ServiceMaster and General Motors all have chosen Kansas as their preferred business location. These companies selected Kansas due to the business advantages their state offers, which can translate to increased performance and profits.

If you would like additional information, please contact the Kansas Department of Commerce at 785-296-3481or visit their website at

KANSAS: Dodge City/Ford County Shovel Ready For Development

The area of Dodge City and Ford County, Kansas has had a long history of supplying the right needs for industry from the early cattle drives to today’s agricultural, energy, and manufacturing markets. Ford County currently has two of the world’s largest beef processing facilities, National Beef and Cargill Meat Solutions, and six of the state’s major wind farms. it has also been ranked in the top 10 microcommunities of "Least Economically Stressed Counties" in the U.S. and has become a growing center for the energy, food processing and tourism industries. Dodge City and Ford County offer businesses

a hardworking labor force, high quality of life in the community, and lower costs of living.

Dodge City and Ford County have quick access to major U.S. routes, a BNSF railway, AMTRAC and commercial air services. The city and county are located within 100 miles of I-70 and less than 150 miles of I-135 and I-35. Southwest Kansas provides air services to two major connecting International airports in the U.S.

The Hilmar Cheese Company (HCC) is currently under construction on a new cutting-edge cheese and whey production facility in Dodge City. The new facility is estimated to be a $600 million capital investment, create 260 jobs at the new location, and expect to spawn several new businesses and generate an additional 750 jobs within a 50-rnile radius of the main production facility. Plans are to open in October 2024. Hilmar Cheese Company, founded in 1984, is one of the world's largest producers of high quality Americanstyle cheese and whey products, with customers in more than 50 countries. HCC CEO & President David Ahlem called Dodge City an "ideal choice" given its central location. Joann Knight, Executive Director of Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation, stated that the economic impact to the community “will be compounded substantially by the additional dairies, transportation and services that will be required to support the processing facility once operational as well as the impact that the construction phase will


have on our region.” Construction on the new facility began in 2022.

The Dodge City/Ford county community is also continuing to see growth in their existing industries and community development. Currently, Cargill Meat Solutions, Lineage, Wilroads Feedyard and Station Wholesale Electric are just of the few companies currently expanding. Hundreds of homes are under construction and public improvements such as Dodge City Regional Airport expansion and major Downtown infrastructure and streetscape improvements are underway as well.

From beef processing to wind energy, and most recently, the major announcement of the addition of Hilmar Cheese, Dodge City and Ford County has an increasingly diverse industrial base. For more specific information, please contact the Dodge City/ Ford County Development Corporation at 620-227-9501 or email .

KANSA: Salina, A Community Centered On Your Success

Being located near the geographic center of the United States has a lot of advantages for business. Nestled at the crossroads of I-70 and I-135, Salina offers businesses easy access to a highly skilled and educated workforce of more than 213,000 and 45 million consumers within a single days’ drive.

Businesses here enjoy outstanding connectivity and endless shipping options. Trucks can be on the highway in minutes from any location in Salina. Air Cargo and freight services are available at the Salina Regional Airport, and a connection to the Union Pacific main line right in town, products and raw materials can be shipped by rail anywhere in the western two-thirds of the country and elsewhere with intermodal options. Salina’s railroad connections also open up International markets to businesses from deep water ports on the West Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico.

Salina enjoys a diverse economy that includes several manufacturing interests both large and small, a strong agricultural economy that supplies local food processors and beverage makers and creates strong demand for industries such as agricultural equipment manufacturing. Kansas is also poised to become a leader in alternative energies, particularly solar and wind. Salina is ready to support new businesses in these and other sectors with a businessfriendly environment and attractive incentives that offer significant cost savings.

Salina also offers a safe, accessible, and connected community with a comfortable lifestyle for families and young professionals alike. The downtown area is the heart of Salina and is changing fast in support of its vibrant and growing community. Residents here enjoy a low cost of living and access to quality healthcare. Their K-12 schools provide an outstanding curriculum and with both a community college and university in town, higher educational opportunities abound. Kiplinger recently named Salina as the 9th cheapest place to live in America with populations under 50,000.

For more information on Salina, please contact the Salina EDO at 785-404-3131 or visit . X


Governor Moore Announces BlueHalo to Expand Operations, Adding

200 New Jobs in Montgomery County, Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Wes Moore announced that BlueHalo, a company transforming the future of global defense, is expanding its operations in Montgomery County and growing its workforce throughout the state. The company is establishing a new 57,000 square-foot facility in Germantown for research, development and manufacturing and as part of the expansion is creating a total of 200 new high-quality, high-paying jobs at its facilities throughout Montgomery, Anne Arundel, and Howard counties—bringing its statewide employment to 600 workers.

“In Maryland, we will always choose to invest in innovation. Our continued partnership with BlueHalo is helping us do exactly that,” said Gov. Moore. “The historic expansion we’re announcing today will create jobs, drive growth, and make Maryland more competitive. Our administration proudly supports BlueHalo’s work in Maryland, as they continue to develop cutting-edge strategies to keep us safe.”

BlueHalo is purpose-built to provide industry-leading capabilities in the areas of space, counter-unmanned aircraft systems and autonomous systems, electronic warfare and cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence and machine learning. The company develops and brings to market next-generation capabilities to support customers’ critical missions and national security.

“BlueHalo is transforming global defense through technical superiority that is only possible by investing in a high-caliber workforce and giving them the resources and facilities to deliver for our customers at mission speed,” said BlueHalo Chief Operating Officer Trip Ferguson. “We’re excited to grow our Maryland operations with expanded R&D and manufacturing capabilities. This is made possible through our

First Quality Expands Georgia Manufacturing Facility, a $418 Million Investment, Creating 600 New Jobs

ATLANTA, GA— First Quality Baby Products, LLC will invest $418 million to expand its footprint in Macon-Bibb County, creating 600 new jobs.

“We’re always thankful when job creators like First Quality choose to expand in Georgia, and we’ll keep working to strengthen these long-term partnerships that enrich communities in every corner of the state,” said Governor Brian Kemp. “More than 70 percent of last year’s economic development projects were expansions of businesses already operating here in our state, and thanks to companies like First Quality, that positive trend will continue.”

First Quality Baby Products, LLC and its affiliates manufacture baby diapers; youth and training pants; a full line of adult incontinence, feminine hygiene and wipes products; paper towels; and bath tissue while also packaging products for healthcare, retail, and commercial channels.

First Quality’s expanded facilities will be located at 2108 Avondale Mill Road, adjacent to its current location in Macon. The company has been in Macon since 2008, following its acquisition of Covidien™ Retail Products.

“First Quality has been a strong member of Team Macon-Bibb for many years. We are proud to stand with them as they invest millions in

strong partnerships with Governor Moore, the Maryland Department of Commerce, and Montgomery County officials, whose shared vision for a thriving defense industrial base made Maryland an easy choice for BlueHalo.”

Located at 20521 Seneca Meadows, BlueHalo plans to be operational at the new leased location by the end of the year. To assist with project costs, the Maryland Department of Commerce is working to approve a $1 million conditional loan through Advantage Maryland, as well as a $50,000 grant through the Partnership for Workforce Quality program. Additionally, Montgomery County plans to provide a $100,000 conditional grant through its Economic Development Fund.

“Not only is BlueHalo investing in its Montgomery County operation, it is also supporting the local workforce by creating new jobs in Anne Arundel and Howard counties,” said Maryland Department of Commerce Secretary Kevin Anderson. “We appreciate the company’s commitment to doing business in Maryland while innovating new solutions to protect its customers.”

“We appreciate BlueHalo’s continued investment in and commitment to Montgomery County’s economy and business community,” said Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich. “We continue to see county companies expand their footprints with research and manufacturing jobs. These good paying, highly skilled jobs are great news for the future of our county and our state.”

“Montgomery County is home to many of the nation’s top defense technology companies, including BlueHalo,” said Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer Bill Tompkins. “As BlueHalo moves the needle on global defense by creating a transformative path, their investment in a new R&D and manufacturing space in Germantown is the type of investment that will bring greater economic growth and jobs to our region.”

new infrastructure in our community, meaning hundreds of jobs will be retained and hundreds more created,” said Macon-Bibb Mayor Lester Miller. “For doing business, this is the best community in the best state, and the success and expansion of First Quality is proof of that!”

This expansion comes on the heels of two recent manufacturing expansions in Georgia during May 2024 – GF Casting Solutions AG, which produces lightweight components for the mobility and energy industries, announced a more than $184 million investment in a new manufacturing facility in Augusta. The project will create 350 new jobs for Richmond County. StandardAero, a leading provider of business aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services, began work on a $33 million expansion of their operations in Augusta. The expansion will create 90 new jobs in Richmond County.

About First Quality

The First Quality Group of companies is a closely held, diversified group of companies manufacturing, selling and distributing branded and private label absorbent hygiene, paper and packaging products into the healthcare, retail, and commercial channels. First Quality is dedicated to meeting the demands of the market by providing innovative and high-quality products manufactured utilizing state-ofthe-art technology. For more information, please visit


Union Pacific Railroad Selects TexAmericas Center in Texarkana as New Focus Site

TEXARKANA, USA TexAmericas Center (TAC), which owns and operates the 3rd ranked industrial park and is one of the largest mixed-use industrial parks in the United States, announced that it was selected as a new Union Pacific Focus Site, a strategic designation aimed at increasing customers’ speed to market in the Texarkana region. This prestigious recognition underscores the pivotal role of TexAmericas Center in driving economic growth and industrial development.

Union Pacific offers more than 30 focus sites across its network. They are designed to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve service quality for particular regions or commodities. Focus sites serve as hubs where Union Pacific can concentrate resources, manage logistics more effectively, and provide targeted services to meet specific customers’ needs.

The designation as a Union Pacific Focus Site will bring significant advantages to businesses operating within TexAmericas Center and the broader Texarkana area. With its location, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to excellence, TexAmericas Center is well-positioned to serve as a central hub

Zekelman Industries Unveils $120 Million

Investment in Mississippi County, Arkansas

BLYTHEVILLE, AR —Zekelman Industries, the largest independent steel pipe and tube manufacturer in North America, will invest up to $120 million to expand the manufacturing capabilities and product offerings of its subsidiary, Atlas Tube, in Mississippi County. The project will bring Zekelman’s total number of employees in the area to more than 300. During the unveiling, the manufacturer also announced it will partner with Arkansas Northeastern College on a new workforce training initiative.

“Education and skills training are crucial to developing the next generation of workers. Our goal at Zekelman is to prepare, nurture and inspire students entering the thriving and well-paying steel industry,” said Tom Muth, chief operating officer. “Our commitment is representative of our partnership with the Blytheville community and ongoing dedication to domestic-only manufacturing. We are particularly grateful to Mayor Logan and Mississippi County for their continued support.”

The leading manufacturer of hollow structural sections and steel pipe, Zekelman currently operates two Atlas Tube facilities in Blytheville. Its new project will allow it to manufacture inline steel tube galvanizing products in size ranges not currently available in North America.

“Northeast Arkansas is powering a manufacturing boom in the Natural State and quickly becoming one of the top steel-producing regions in America,” said Governor Sanders. “I’m grateful that Zekelman Industries is not only expanding its footprint in this region but also investing in career and technical education. This type of public-private partnership is exactly what we need to train the next generation of steelworkers.”

Mississippi County is Atlas Tube’s primary manufacturing hub for its southeast and southwest operations. Since 2011, Zekelman Industries has completed multiple projects at its Blytheville site, including expanding and modernizing its plant and warehouse. In 2022, Atlas Tube opened a second facility, the world’s largest continuous ERW mill, at an adjoining property with a more than $250 million capital investment.

“Zekelman Industries is a major steel producer and a valued member of Arkansas’ business community. We are proud that Zekelman has

for rail-dependent manufacturing businesses, freight handling and logistics services.

“The Union Pacific Focus Site network decreases uncertainty when connecting to rail and increases your speed to occupancy so that the company can focus on speed-to-market and speed-to-profit. This designation comes with key benefits including rail design approved by Union Pacific, a large-scale development area, accessible industrial scale utilities, truck routes to the site, robust local development support, and a single point-of-contact that is also the authority having jurisdiction and the controlling land owner,” said Eric Voyles, Chief Economic Development Officer and Vice President at TexAmericas Center.

TexAmericas Center’s new status as a Union Pacific Focus Site is expected to enhance logistics capabilities, reduce transit times, and improve overall service reliability.

“Union Pacific is excited about our partnership with TexAmericas Center and the opportunity to serve one of the largest rural industrial centers in the nation,” said Kenny Rocker, Executive Vice President – Marketing and Sales for Union Pacific. “This facility is good for our customers and the greater Texarkana region, providing us opportunities to grow together.”

chosen to expand in Blytheville,” said Clint O’Neal, executive director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. “Mississippi County is the leading steel-producing county in the nation – this is made possible by great companies and visionary local leaders.”

Along with the expansion, Zekelman said it would provide $250,000 to Arkansas Northeastern College to support area students in the steel industry and aviation maintenance degree programs. The funds, distributed over the next five years, will cover educational costs for at least 10 individuals annually who are obtaining associates of applied science. Benefitting Arkansas Northeastern College students will also have the opportunity to pursue potential internship positions at Atlas Tube’s facilities in Blytheville.

“Arkansas Northeastern College has a strong track record of success in working alongside area employers to design tailored training programs that meet industries’ needs,” said Dr. Chris Heigle, president. “These partnerships benefit our students, equipping them with the real-world skills needed to secure good-paying jobs while fueling the growth of our region’s economy.”

“Mississippi County’s business climate makes it a prime location for companies like Zekeman to establish and expand their operations,” said Clif Chitwood, president of the Great River Economic Development Foundation. “Our trained workforce, supported by institutions like Arkansas Northeastern College, is one of the many factors that sets us apart and allows manufacturers to flourish here.”

About Zekelman

Zekelman is a family of operating companies that includes Atlas Tube, Picoma, Sharon Tube, Wheatland Tube, Western Tube and Z Modular. With 20 manufacturing locations and 2,900+ teammates across North America, the company is the leading independent manufacturer of hollow structural sections (HSS) and steel pipe and the top producer of electrical conduit and elbows, couplings and nipples in North America. Zekelman—Believe in What You Build™. For more information, visit

Georgia Lands 350 New Jobs in E-mobility Manufacturing

ATLANTA, GA — Governor Brian P. Kemp announced that GF Casting Solutions AG (GF Casting Solutions), a division of Georg Fischer AG, Schaffhausen (Switzerland) that produces lightweight components for the mobility and energy industries, will invest more than $184 million in a new manufacturing facility in Augusta. This project will create 350 new jobs for Richmond County.

“Georgia is proud to carry the title of the No. 1 state for business to companies across the globe, bringing opportunities to communities in every corner of the state,” said Governor Brian Kemp. “Having met the great team at GF Casting Solutions during our recent mission to Switzerland, we could not be more excited to welcome them to the Peach State. Congratulations to Augusta and Richmond County for securing these jobs of the future for Georgians.”

GF Casting Solutions develops and produces parts made from aluminum, magnesium, iron, and super alloy for light vehicles, trucks, aerospace, energy, off-highway vehicles, and industrial applications.

“Building a High Pressure Die Casting Facility is a very long-term investment. The new facility will complete our footprint to become truly global in the e-mobility market,” said Carlos Vasto, President of GF Casting Solutions. “We are looking forward to bringing leading technology to the US and to creating advanced manufacturing jobs for several generations in Georgia. The location is ideal for addressing the thriving automotive industry in the region.”

GF Casting Solutions’ new state-of-the-art, LEED-certified facility at the Augusta Corporate Park, a Georgia Ready for Accelerated Development (GRAD) site, will produce cast aluminum parts, with a special focus on large structural components for the automotive industry. Operations are expected to begin in 2027.

GF Casting Solutions will hire for roles in manufacturing and automation over the next few years. Jobs will be posted as they become available, and interested individuals can learn more about careers with GF at career.html [].

“I am truly excited to see the second, large European investment in the

Worksport LTD. Will Expand Operations, Investing

$6 Million In Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, NY — Worksport Ltd. [NASDAQ: WKSP] will invest $6 million and expand its manufacturing facility in Buffalo, N.Y., adding 280 new jobs. The company manufactures tonneau covers and solar-powered systems for pickup trucks. This expansion will enable Worksport, which opened its facility in 2023, to accommodate a rapid increase in demand for its products from 50 covers daily to up to 900 covers per day.

“New York State is providing the skilled workers and critical resources small businesses need to grow and thrive,” Governor Hochul said. “Worksport started with just a handful of people and a great idea; just a few years later it will take hundreds of workers to keep up with the growing demand for its products. We are proud that Worksport is choosing to invest in New York State, fostering innovation and green technology, and taking excellent advantage of our high-quality manufacturing workforce.”

Worksport, a U.S. and Canadian company, manufactures hard shell and flexible truck bed covers and SOLIS solar tonneau covers, which have an integrated battery system to give drivers a portable power system wherever they travel. The expansion will add eight more manufacturing lines and high-tech machinery needed to further enhance manufacturing capabilities, including a wide range of automation tools, notably in the realm of robotics.

Augusta Corporate Park,” said Augusta Mayor Garnett Johnson. “The City and the Development Authority have worked to make this a premier industrial park in the Southeast United States with our investment in water, sewer, roads, and growing our workforce. We truly appreciate the partners we have and look forward to a long and prosperous location by GF over the coming years.”

“I want to thank the team at the Augusta Economic Development Authority for the great work they do not only bringing in industries with new jobs, but also ensuring existing industries are valued and have the resources they need to grow. You can see the fruit of their labor in the transformation of Augusta Corporate Park over the last few years,” said Development Authority of Augusta Chairman Wayne Gossage. “I also want to thank Governor Brian Kemp and our statewide partners for the work they have done to continue to bring jobs to Georgia and make Georgia the No. 1 state to do business in. It is exciting to see these well-paying jobs coming to Georgia and especially Augusta-Richmond County.”

Assistant Director of Statewide Projects Virginia Sengewald and Project Manager Caroline Knowles represented the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) Global Commerce team on this competitive project in partnership with the Augusta Economic Development Authority, Georgia Power, State of Georgia Europe Office, and Georgia Quick Start.

“GF Casting Solutions is one of many fantastic companies we have worked with through our connections in Europe, facilitated by our physical presence with the State of Georgia’s Europe Office,” said GDEcD Commissioner Pat Wilson. “European companies demonstrate a wealth of business experience, going back centuries in the case of GF, combined with an intentional focus on innovation that is driving the market forward. Congratulations to Augusta and Richmond County, our partners, and GF Casting Solutions for this exciting opportunity!”

For over a century, Georgia has fostered healthy industry practices, encouraged collaboration and innovation, and positioned itself as a leader in developing and harnessing emerging technologies for the evolving mobility and energy industries. Since 2018, Georgia has attracted more than 32,200 new jobs and over $27.3 billion in investments in the e-mobility, clean energy, and battery-related supply chains.

“Buffalo Niagara’s business case – especially to Canadian advanced manufacturers with its binational location, low costs, and well-trained workforce – remains strong and this project is certainly a validation of that point,” said Tom Kucharski, President and CEO of the regional economic development organization, Invest Buffalo Niagara.

Buffalo is home to a $13.2 billion manufacturing sector comprising 69,167 individuals, which is projected to grow by 1.2% in the next five years. In addition to 21 colleges and universities with 105,000+ students, several workforce development programs aimed at growing the manufacturing workforce are offered throughout the region. Most notably, Northland Workforce Training Center (NWTC) is focused on creating training, co-op, internship, and permanent employment opportunities for those seeking high-paying advanced manufacturing and energy careers in Western New York. NWTC also boasts a graduation rate of 63.9%, with an 87.6% employment placement rate for its graduates, and has a minority population enrollment that totals more than 50%.

Empire State Development will provide Worksport Ltd. with up to $2.8 million in Excelsior Jobs Program tax credits in exchange for job creation commitments.

“Worksport’s rate of growth has surpassed our most optimistic expectations. We thank New York State for supporting and believing in our company as we strive to create the jobs of the future, and the revolutionary truck covers that enhance the driving experience,” said Steven Rossi, Worksport Chief Executive.



Cullman Economic Development Agency

Dale Greer

P.O. Box 1009

Cullman, AL 35056


Gadsden-Etowah Industrial Development Authority

David Hooks

Executive Director 1 Commerce Square Gadsden, AL 35901 256-543-9423

Elmore County Economic Development

Cary Cox

P.O. Box 117 Wetumka , AL 36092 334-514-5843

Northwest Alabama EDA

Tom Wisemiller 4020 U.S. Highway 43 Guin, AL 35563 205-468-3213

Tuscaloosa County Economic Development Authority

Justice Smyth

Executive Director P.O. Box 2667

Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 205-349-1414

Arizona Regional Economic Develoment

Mignonne Hollis, Executive Director

750 E. Bartow Drive Suite 16 Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 520-458-6948

City of Flagstaff Economic Development

John Saltonstall, AZED Pro Business Retention & Expansion Manager

Economic Vitality Division

City of Flagstaff

211 W. Aspen Avenue Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Office 928-213-2966

Cell 928-606-9430

Pinal Alliance for Economic Growth

Patti King, Executive Mgr. 17235 N. 75th Avenue Suite D-145 Glendale, AZ 85308



Ouachita Partnership for Economic Development

James Lee Sillman

Executive Director 625 Adams Aveune

Camden, AR 71701


870-836-8899 (f)

Clarksville Economic Development

Steve Houserman 205 Walnut Street, Clarksville, AR 72830


East Arkansas Crossroads Coalition

Alicia Woolman

1790 N. Falls Boulevard, Suite 2 Wynne, AR 72396


Salt River Project (SRP)

Karla Moran P.O. Box 52025 Phoenix, AZ 85072-2025


City of Surprise

Mike Hoover

16000 N Civic Center Plaza Surprise, AZ 85374


Mississippi County Economic Development

Clif Chitwood 4701 Memorial Drive Blytheville, AR 72315


City of Siloam Springs

Kristifier Paxton

Community Development Director P.O. Box 80 Siloam Springs , AR 72761



City of Eastvale

Gina Gibson-Williams

Economic Development Manager 12363 Limonite Ave. Suite 910 Eastvale, CA 91752


City of Moreno Valley Economic Development

Mike Lee

Economic Development Director 14177 Frederick Street Moreno Valley, CA 92553 951-413-3460

City of Ontario

Economic Development

Jennifer McLain Hiramoto Economic Development Director 303 East B Street Ontario, CA 91764


Greater Irvine Chamber

Pepper Russell 36 Executive Park Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614



City of Canon City

Rick Harrmann

128 Main Street Canon City, CO 81212


City of Fountain Economic Development Commission

Kimberly A. Bailey Economic Development/ Urban Renewal Director

116 S. Main Street Fountain, CO 80817



Enterprise Florida, Inc.

800 North Magnolia Avenue Suite 1100 Orlando, FL 32803


City of Titusville

Grand Junction Economic Partnership

Robin Brown, Executive Director 122 N. 6th Street Grand Junction, CO 81501 970--245-4332


Town of Berlin

Chris Edge Director 240 Kensington Road Berlin, CT 06037



Kent Economic Partnership

Linda Parkowski Executive Director 555 Bay Road Dover, DE 19901 302-678-3057

Wilmington Economic Development

Sean J. Park

800 N. French St., 3rd Floor Wilmington, DE 19801


Nicholas Gow 555 South Washington Avenue Titusville, FL 32796-3584


Greater St. Petersburg Area Economic Development Corporation

J.P. DuBuque

President and CEO

100 2nd Ave N Ste 130 St. Petersburg, FL 33701


Haines City Economic Development Council, Inc.

Cyndi Jantomaso, MEDP President/CEO Post Office Box 3845 Haines City, FL 33845-3845 863-422-2525

Hernando County Office of Economic Development

Valerie M. Pianta, MEDP, Economic Development Director 15800 Flight Path Drive Brooksville, FL 34604


Holmes County Development Commission

Joe Rone, Executive Director 106 E Byrd Avenue Bonifay, FL 32425 850-547-6154

Indian River Chamber of Commerce

Helene Caseltine Economic Development Director 1216 21st Street Vero Beach, FL 32960


Lake County, Economic Development

Kathleen Dial, Director 315 W. Main Street Tavares, FL 32778 352-742-3925


Osceola County

David Rodriguez, Economic Development Manager 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 4400 Kissimmee, FL 34741 407-742-0620 407-742-4202 (f)

Pasco Economic Development Council

Bill Cronin, President & CEO 16506 Pointe Village Drive, Suite 101 Lutz, FL 33558

813-926-0827 813-926-0829 (f)

Pinellas County Economic Development

Dr. Cynthia Johnson, EDFP Director 13805 58th Street North, Suite 1-200 Clearwater, FL 33760 727-464-7332

Santa Rosa County EDO

Shannon Ogletree, , Executive Director 6491 Caroline Street, Suite 4 Milton, FL 32570-4592 850-623-0174


City of St. Cloud

Antranette Forbes, Economic Development Direcrector 1300 9th Street St. Cloud, FL 34769 (407)957-7234

Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality

Keith Bowers, Director 315 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 110 Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-219-1080


City of College Park

Artie Jones III

Director of Economic Development 3667 Main Street College Park, GA 30337


404-305-2057 (f)

City of East Point

Maceo Rogers CEcD

2757 East Point Street

East Point, GA 30344


Forward Forsyth

Slade Gulledge

P.O. Box 1799 Cumming GA 30028

770-887-6461 770-842-1170

Liberty County Development Authority

Ronald Tolley, CEO 425 W. Oglethorpe Highway Hinesville, GA 31313


Putnam Development Authority

Matt Poyner

Econmical Devleopment Director 117 Putnam Drive, Eaton, GA 31024



Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority

Andrea Schruijer, Executive Director P.O. Box 5185 Valdosta, GA 31603-1963 229-259-9972


Champaign County Economic Development Corporation

Carly McCrory-McKay

Executive Director

1817 S. Neil Street, Suite 100 Champaign, IL 61820


City of Highland Economic Development

Mallord Hubbard 1115 Broadway, P.O. Box 218 Highland, IL 62249-0218


618-654-4768 (f)

City of Litchfield Ecnomic Development

Austin Edmondson 120 E. Ryder Street Litchfield, IL 62056 217-324-8151

Village of Arlington Heights Business & Economic Development

Charles Witherington-Perkins Director of Planning & Community Development

33 S. Arlington Heights Arlington Heights, IL 60005 847-368-5220


Adams County EDC

Colton Bickel

313 W. Jefferson Street, Suite 237 Decatur, IN 46733 260-724-2588

Carroll County EDC

City of Marshall

Nora Swalls

Economic Development Director

201 S. Michigan Ave Marshall, IL 62441


City of Vandalia

Latisha Paslay 431 W. Gallatin St. Vandalia, IL 62471


618-335-9510 (Mobile)

Intersect Illinois

Dan Seals, CEO

Senior Vice President Business Development

230 W. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60606 312-667-6013

Jake Adams, Exec Director P.O. Box 83 Delphi, IN 46923


Miami County Economic Development Auth.

Jim Tidd 1525 W. Hoosier Boulevard Peru, IN 46970 765-689-0159


Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation

Joann Knight, Executive Director 101 E. Wyatt Earp Blvd. Dodge City, KS 67801 620-227-9501 620-227-2957 (f)

Go Topeka

Molly Howey, CEcD


719 S Kansas Ave. Suite 100 Topeka, KS 66603 785.231.4707

Russell County Eco Devo & CVB

Mike Parsons, Director 331 E. Witchita, Russell, KS 67665


Salina Economic Development Organization

D. Mitch Robinson, CEcD 120 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 785-404-3131

Shawnee Economic Development

Ann Smith-Tate, President CEO 15100 W. 67th Street Suite 202 Shawnee, KS 66217-9344 913-631-6545

Wyandotte Economic Development Council

Greg Kindle President

727 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 913-371-3198


City of Pikeville

Jill Fraley Dotson, Executive Economic Development Director 773 Hambley Boulevard Pikeville, KY 41501



Kimberly Rossetti

VP of Economic Development

300 Buttermilk Pike, Suite 332 Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017


South Western Kentucky EDC

Carter Hendricks, Executive Director 2800 Fort Campbell Blvd. Hopkinsville, KY 42240



Louisiana Economic Development

Anya G. Hudnall

1201 N. Third Street, Suite 7-210 Baton Rouge, LA 70802


SWLA Economic Development ALLIANCE

George Swift 4310 Ryan Street Lake Charles LA 70605


St. Mary Parish of Economic Development

Evan Boudreaux, Director

500 Main Street, 5th Floor Courthouse Franklin, LA 70538



Bangor Community & Economic Development

Anne Krieg 262 Harlow Street

Bangor, ME 04401


Town of Richmond Community, Economic, & Business Development

Darryl Sterling Director 26 Gardiner Street Richmond, ME 04357-0159

207-737-4305 x 331 207-737-4306 (f)


Calvert County Economic Development

Julie Oberg, Director 205 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678 410-535-4583

Carroll County Economic Development

Paige Sunderland Director

225 N. Center Street, Ste. 101 Westminster, MD 21157 410-386-2070

Cecil County Economic Development

Bill Sorenson, Director

200 Chesapeake Blvd., Ste 2700 Elkton, MD 21921 410-996-8465

Dorchester County Economic Development

Susan Banks, Director 104 Tech Park Drive Cambridge, MD 21613 410-228-0155

Kent County Department of Economic & Tourism Development

Jamie L. Williams, CEcD, Director 400 High Street, 3rd Floor Chestertown MD 21620 410-810-2168

Montgomery County Economic Development

Laurie Babb 1801 Rockville Pike, Ste. 320 Rockville, MD 20852 240-641-6704

Talbot County Economic Development

Cassandra M. Vanhooser, Director 11 S. Harrison Street Easton, MD 21601 410-770-8000


Michigan Economic Development Corporation 300 N. Washington Sq. Lansing, Michigan 48913 888-522-0103

Economic Development Alliance (EDA) of St. Clair County

Dan Casey, CEO 100 McMorran Boulevard 4th Floor, Suite B Port Huron, Michigan 48060 810-982.9511

The Right Place, Inc

Andria Romkema

125 Ottawa Avenue, Suite 450 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-771-0563


City of Lakeville Community & Economic Development

David Olson, Director 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4421


Greenwood Leflore Carroll EDF

Thomas Gregory P.O. Box 26 Greenwood, MS 38930 662-453-5321

Hinds County EDA

Tamika Jenkins, CEcD Executive Director P.O. Box 248 Jackson, MS 39205-0248 601-353-6056


Sikeston Regional Chamber & Economic Development Corp.

Marcie Lawson

128 N. New Madrid Street Sikeston, MO 63801 573-471-2498


EDC of Lea County

Jennifer Grassham, CEO

Northeastern Nevada Regional Development Authority

Sheldon Mudd, Executive Director 1500 College Pkwy McMullen Hall #103 Elko, NV 89801




Choose New Jersey

Bill Noonan, Chief Business Development Officer 11-43 Raymond Plaza W, Suite 1420 Newark, NJ 07102 609-297-2200

Gloucester County Department of Economic Development

Tom Bianco, Director 1480 Tanyard Rd., Sewell, NJ 08080 856-384-6930

New Jersey EDA

Pat J. Rose 36 West State Street Trenton, NJ 08625 609-858-6705


Albuquerque Regional Economic Alliance

Danielle Casey, CEcD President 201 Third Street NW, #1900 Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-705-3785

200 E. Broadway Street Hobbs, NM 88240


Roswell-Chaves County EDC

Michael Espiritu 220 North Main Roswell, NM 88201 575-622-1975


Allegany County Industrial Development Agency

Craig Clark, Executive Director CrossRoads Center 6087 State Route 19N, Suite 100 Belmont, NY 14813

585-268-7472 800-893-9484

Mohawk Valley Edge

Nick Bruno 584 Phoenix Drive Rome, NY 13441-4105 315-338-0393

Saratoga EDC

Tori J.E. Riley, VP 56 Duplainville Road Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-587-0945


Harnett County Economic Development

Stephen Barrington, Director

200 Alexander Dr. or PO Box 1270 Lillington, NC 27546


919-814-8298 (f)

Piedmont Triad Airport Authority

Stephanie Freeman 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409


Stanly County Economic Development Commission

Candice Boyd Lowder, Director 1000 North First Street, Suite 11 Albemarle, NC 28001


704-986-3685 (f)


Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC

Nathan Schneider, CEcD-Vice President 1640 Burnt Boat Dr. Bismark, ND 58503 701-223-5660


Bartlesville Development Authority

Jared Patton, Vice President 201 SW Keeler Bartlesville, OK 74003 918-337-8086 918-337-0216 (f)

Ponca City Development Authority

David Myers, Executive Director 102 S. Fifth Street Suite 3 Ponca City, OK 74601 580-765-7070 580-765-7070 (f)


Erie County Redevelopment Authority

Tina M. Mengine 1314 Griswold Plaza Erie, PA 16501 814-480-0337 x 101

Horsham Township Economic Development

Larry Burns 1025 Horsham Road Horsham, PA 19044 215-643-3131 x 234

Penn’s Northeastt

John L. Augustine III 1151 Oak Street Pittston, PA 18640 570-883-0504

RHODE ISLAND Quonset Development Corporation

Steven J. King, Managing Director 95 Cripe Street North Kingstown, RI 2852 401-295-0044


Charleston Regional Development Alliance

Megan Fink 4401 Belle Oaks Drive, Suite 420 North Charleston, SC 29405 843-760-3351

Lexington County Economic Development

Sarah J. Johnson

Department Director 212 South Lake Drive Lexington, SC 29072 803-785-6818

South Carolina I-77 Alliance

Christopher Finn

3200 Commerce Drive, Suite D Richburg, SC 29729


SouthernCarolina Regional Alliance

Kay Maxwell 1750 Jackson Street, Suite 100 Barnwell, SC 29812 803-541-0023


Blount Partnership

Bryan Daniels CEcD, CCE, IOM President and CEO

201 S. Washington Street St. Maryville, TN 37804



Bristol Tennessee Essential Services

April Eads

Business Development Manager 2470 Volunteer Parkway Bristol, TN 37620



Sullivan Partnership

Clay Walker PO Box 747, Blountville, TN 37617



Big Spring Economic Development Corporation

Mark Willis

215 W. 3rd Street

Big Spring, TX 79720


Bowie Economic Development Corporation

Janis Crawley

101 E. Pecan, Bowie, TX 76230



City Development Corp of El Campo

Carolyn Gibson, Executive Director

707 Fahrenthold, P.O. Box 706 El Campo, TX 77437


979-320-7727 cell

City of Fort Worth

Robert Sturns, Director 1150 S. Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76104


City of Leander

Randall Malik Economic Development Director 201 N Brushy Leander, TX 78641


Cameron Industrial Foundation

Ginger Watkins, Executive Director

102 E. First Street, Suite A Cameron, TX 76520

423-793-5545 (f) City of Lebanon

Sarah Haston

Economic Development Director

200 North Castle Heights Ave. Lebanon, TN 37087

615-443-2839 EXT. 2120

254-697-4970 254-482-1119 (c) www.cameronindustrialfoundation. com

Conroe Economic Development Council

Danielle Scheiner, Executive Director 300 W Davis St, Ste 510 Conroe, TX 77301 USA 936-522-3529

DeSoto Economic Development

Matt Carlson, CEO 211 E. Pleasant Run Road DeSoto, TX 75115 Ph: 972-230-9611

Cedar Hill Economic Development Corporation

Henry Florsheim

285 Uptown Boulevard, Bldg. 100

Cedar Hill, TX 75104


Jacksboro Economic Development Corporation

Brenda Tarpley, Executive Director

302 S. Main Street

Jacksboro, TX 76458 940-567-3151

Laredo Economic Development

Gene Lindgren, President & CEO

302 S. Main Street

Laredo, TX 78044



Karen Dickson Economic Development Manager 3700 Lake Austin Blvd. Austin, TX 78703 512-578-3291 pages/default.aspx

Marble Falls EDC

Christian Fletcher 801 Fourth Street

Marble Falls, TX 78654 830-798-7079

McKinney Economic Development Corporation

Peter Tokar III, President/CEO 7300 SH 121 SB, Ste 200 McKinney, TX 75070


Hamilton Economic Development Corp.

Kayla Schraub 108 North Bell Street Hamilton, TX 76531 254-386-5954

Mineola Economic Development Corp

Mercy Rushing, Executive Director

300 Greenville Highway Mineola, TX 75773



Mount Pleasant EDC

Nathan Tafoya, Executive Director

1604 N. Jefferson Ave.

Mount Pleasant, TX 75455


New Braunfels EDC

Michele Boggs

Marketing/Research Director

390 S. Seguin Avenue

New Braunfels, TX 78130


TexAmericas Center

Eric Voyles, Executive Vice President Chief Economic Development Officer 107 Chapel Lane

New Boston, TX USA 75570

Po3-223-9841 (0) 903-306-8923 Cell

Whitesboro Economic Development Corp.

Lynda Anderson, Director P.O. Box 340 or 111 W. Main Whitesboro, TX 76273



Odessa Economic Development Corporation

Tom Manskey

700 N. Grant Ave. Odessa, TX 79761 432-333-7880

Palestine Economic Development Corp.

Christophe Trahan, Director 100 Willow Creek Parkway, Suite A Palestine, TX 75801 903-731-8412

Pflugerville Community Development

Amy Madison 3801 Helios Way Suite 130 Pflugerville, TX 78660 512-990-3725

Plainview Economic Development Corporation

Kristi Aday, Executive Director 1906 West 5th Plainview, TX 79072 806-293-8536

Eagle Mountain Economic Development

Evan Berrett, Economic Development Director

1650 E. Stagecoach Run Eagle Mountain, UT 84005



Arlington Economic Development

Ryan Touhill, AED Director 1100 N Glebe Rd Suite 1500 Arlington, VA 22201


703-228-0805 (f)

Bedford County Office of Economic Development

Pam Bailey, Director of Economic Development Bedford County 122 East Main Street, Suite 202 Bedford, Virginia 24523



City of Lakewood Economic Development

Becky Newton, Manager 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499


Try-City Development Council

Karl Dye, President & CEO 7130 W. Grandridge Blvd #A Kennewich, WA 99336 509-735-1000


Mingo County Redevelopment Authority

Leasha Johnson, Executive Director 1657 East Fourth Avenue Williamson, WV 25661 304-235-0042 304-235--0043 (f)


City of Franklin Economic Development

John Regetz, Director 9229 W. Loomis Road Franklin, WI 53132 414-427-7566

Madison Region Economic Partnership

Kathy Collins, VP Economic Development 8517 Excelsior Drive, Suite 107 Madison, WI 53717 608-571-0407

New North, Inc

Barb LaMue, President & CEO 2740 W. Mason Street Green Bay, WI 54303 920-676-1960

Portage County Business Council, Inc. PCB

Michael Witte, Executive Director 5501 Vern Holmes Drive Stevens Point, WI 54482 715-344-1940 715-344-1940 (f)


Advance Casper, Wyoming

Justin Farley, CEO

139 W. 2nd St., #1D Casper, WY 82601 307-577-7011

Cheyenne LEADS

Betsey Hale, Chief Executive Officer One Depot Square 121 W. 15th St. Suite 304 Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-638-6000

The Laramie Chamber Business Alliance

Josh Boudreau, VP Economic Development 528 South Adams Street Laramie, WY 82070 307-745-7339



Calgary Economic Development

500 Centre Street S, 32nd Floor

Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 1A6


Town of Vegreville

Jamieson Brown

4829-50 Street P.O. Box 640

Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1R7 587-790-0919


City of Brandon

Gerald Cathcart


Ignite Fredericton

Paula Lehr

40 Crowther Lane, Ste. 100 Fredericton, NB E3C 0J1


Imagine Chaleur

Shirley de Silva

702 Principale Street, Ste. 2 Petit-Rocher, NB E8j 1V1 506-542-2688

Expansion Dieppe

Louis Godbout

333 Acadia Avenue

Dieppe, NB E1A 1G9 506-877-7850


Elgin County

Director Main Floor, 410 9th Street Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 6A2 204-729-2131

Carolyn Krahn, Manager Economic Development And Tourism 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada N5R 5V1 519-631-1460 ext. 133

City of Guelph

Christine Chapman 1 Carden Street

Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 3A1 519--822-1260 ext. 2823

City of Kawartha Lakes Economic Development

Lindsey Schoenmakers 180 Kent Street West

Lindsay, Ontario, Canada K9V 2Y6 705-324-9411

Middlesex County

Cara A. Finn, BBA, M. Ad.Ed. Director of Economic Development 399 Ridout St. North London, ON N6A 2P1 519-434-7321

City of Mississauga Economic Development

Chistina Kakaflikas, Ec. D. Director of Economic Development Office

Mississauga City Hall

300 City Centre Drive, 3rd Floor Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1 Canada 800-456-2181


Town of Aurora Economic Development

Lisa Hausz

100 John West Way, Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario, Canada L4G 6J1 905-727-1375

Vaughan Economic and Cultural Development

Raphael Costa Vaughan City Hall, Level 200 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive Vaughan, Ontario, Canada L6A 1T1 905-832-8526 ext. 8891

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