Busby and associates reveal the secrets to parenting after divorce

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Busby & Associates reveal the Secrets to Parenting after Divorce

During your divorce process you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse will need to come up with what is called a parenting agreement. This agreement is designed to set out and address issues relating to parenting while divorced. In order to come up with a successful parenting agreement, parents must put aside their differences and keep in mind the best interests of their children. To shed more light on parenting agreements and how they work a spokesman from Busby & Associates gave comments in respect of this topic When asked what a parenting agreement was the spokesman from Busby & Associates stated that a written parenting agreement; “is a document that sets out how you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse intend on making decisions in respect of your children. The parenting agreement basically sets the stage for the post-divorce relationship between the child(ren) and the parents. This is because the parenting agreement sets clear expectation of both parents in respect of their roles and decision making and this thus reduces conflict.

The spokesman was asked to comment on the process of having a parenting agreement to which he responded that, “the process of drawing up a parenting agreement allows both spouses the chance to discuss the issues that may come up during the lives of their child(ren). Thereafter, the parents agree on how to deal with such issues and whose responsibility specific issues are and the need for consultation on other issues which may need both the parent’s consent to make a decision”. The spokesman was asked how parents ensured that each parent followed what was in the agreement; the spokesman responded that, “where the parents had no problem with following

the parenting agreement, each parent can keep a copy and comply however, the parenting plan can be enforced by making it a part of the divorce and thus it becomes a court order. The court ordered parenting agreement would therefore, force parents to adhere to what is set out in the parenting agreement and hold each parent accountable for not complying with it�. What can be included in a parenting agreement? The spokesman stated that some issues can be added to a parenting agreement, though there are many other issues that may not be addressed, the following are some: Custody and living arrangements Visitation for noncustodial parents Financial issues such as child support and expenses Education Religious activities or training of the child(ren) Holidays and Medical care

Further, the Busby & Associates spokesman stated that the divorcing parents can create a parenting agreement by sitting down together, negotiating and then drafting the agreement. Where the parents have difficulty communicating together they can enlist the assistance of a child custody mediator. Once complete the parenting agreement can be made a part of the divorce file and the judge can approve and sign it into a court order. For advice on whether to add the parenting agreement to the divorce file and other divorce information contact cheap divorce lawyers in Houston.

About the company Busby & Associates are a law firm of renowned professionals who have expertise in family law and wage garnishment in Texas law.

Source :- http://www.freeprnow.com/pr/busby-associates-reveal-the-secrets-toparenting-after-divorce

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