The California Lumber Merchant - September 1950

Page 1














































A Complete Line of Untreated Products Manuf actured from DOUGLAS FIR . WEST COAST HEMLOCK ' SOUTHERN PINE ' PONDEROSA PINE ' WHITE FIR ' SOUTHERN HARDwooDs.

From Long-Bell Douglas Fir and Ponderosa Pine factories -quality Frames, Industrial Cut Stock, Sash and Doors, Glazed Sash Box Shook Kitchen Cabinets Unpainted Furniture Prefabricated Building Stock varied Products.



Ample stocks conveniently located for prompr shipment make Long-Bell your besr source of make your-besr of supply for poles, piling, posts, Iumber and ties pressure-rreated with prove; pre- Pfoven Pfesefvatlves.

From the famous creosoted Long-Bell "Post Everlasting', to the tallest Urilitylole, e_very piece of rreated wood beiring the time-tesred L-B b1a1d is carefully selecred, experdy manufactured and effectively treated. The preservati6n of forest products has been a part of the Long-3"11 vasr operadons for more than 35 years.



: li
9cplcmbcr l, 1950 Pogc I il/ rvery l{-';l Ofrer Tremen, ...i1 ttt.' '-f{f.iT,i;:,,',f; ,i'i.f,"**/.**ll*',"",*,*,t*---/i{f}illtfrh*ffi 1*,.0,""?'lTiHY*torn/ .-ver' A .-"u'x *t /.4 iiii.Trgrr,+*** k anct /.""*i"ji:| to.-conhocbrc /;lt ;ryflgHfi'ffiffi Pron&werd.*@ ru*il:roffi Hmffir 8u4 can. the ( vidl N/ enI thc tc)Ooklond 7 330 Brush St. Twinooks 3-5544 Son Froncisco 24 I 100 Army Street Alwoter 2-1993 los Angeles 2l 1 930 Eost 1 5 St. Richmond 7-0661 Fresno 8 2990 Butler Ave. Fresno 2-3195 Portlond 10, (Ore.l 3333 N.W. Front St. Copitol I 968Seottle 99 13th ond W. Nickerson Sts. Alder l4l4 PLANKWELD'd.. UNITED STATES PLYWOOD CORPOR,ATION that Glendole, Colif. 4901 Son Fernondo Rd. W. Citrus 4-21 33 Spokone 15, Wosh. E. 3508 Riverside Ave. Keystone 9391 ANOTHER WELDWOOD PRODUCT

How l-rumber Lrooks

Wildest Lumber Market in History Continues

The rvildest lurnber market in history isin evidence th:oughout the \\'est Coast industry. The demand d.ivarfs the supply. The car shortage continues unabated, and experts say it rnay be this bad for many weeks to come. The demand comes from every direction, and rvhile there are numerous reports concerning building propositions being postponed until conditions change, there is a yau,ning demand, almost regardless of price, for all available lumber ofall Western species. The same is true of Plywood. Transit ca:s bring prices far above that of lumber that must a.ivait mill shipment. In fact, the prices being paid for much of the moving lumber borders on the ridiculous. Frantic buyers place orders r,vith the price left open.

Lumber shipments of the 422 mills reporting to the National Lumber Trade Barometer issued by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C., for the week ended August 12, were 12.7 per cent below production. In the same week new orders of these mills r.r'ere 7 per cent below production. Unfilled orders of these same mills amounted to 65 per cent of sto.cks. For reporting softu'ood mills, unfilled orders were equivalent to 3l days production at the current rate, and gross stocks were equivalent to 45 days production.

For the vear-to-date, shipments of reporting identical

n.rills rvere 8.7 per cent above production; orders were 15.6 per cent above production.

Compared to the average corresponding week of 19351939, production of reporting mills was 66.8 per cent above; shipments were 57.1 per cent above; orders were 65.1 per cent above. Compared to the corresponding week in 1949, production of reporting mills was 19.8 per cent above; shipments were 12.1 per cent above; and new orders were 14.6 per cent above.

(Continued on Page s0)

la 7hu luaa

59th Annucl Hoo-Hoo Coaverrlion Progrcm.

Vcgcbond Editoricls

I.C.C. Issues Orders Agcinat Ccr Holding.

NRLDL Requests Members Provide Dcla on Storcge cmd Production My Fcvorite Story. 25

Grcndlqthers' Corner Smith Sqys Ccliloraict Ie Wegtern Pine Convention Fun, Factg d Filosophy.. Hoo-Hoo News Building Permits Obitu<rries

LUMBERMERCHANT JackDiorne,prblisllrrSAN FBANCISCO OFFICE W. T. Blcck {20 Mcr&et St. Scn Fraacigco ll YULoa 2-4797 PEGGY STIRUNG Assistant Editor lvt. ADAMS Altirtall Mclcger w. T. BLACK r. c. Dioane,,,"".r."i3'i?l1t"1ir:f:irt"#v"31r?jl-'l'iil1". Brcck, secrercry Advertisins Mcncser s08-s-r0 centrqr B"rdt"n:llls'"*r'"1,t3r".,t;trtll,li:"*;:tlflll,.l!..orone vAndike 4s6s Entered cs Secoad-clqss rqtter Sept€Ebet E, 1922. ct tbe pogt Ottice at Los Angeles, CqlUoniq, under Act oI Mcrcb 3, l8?9 ili$:'E:':r*'i:";i3i:0"::1"'* Los ANGELES 14, cALrFoRNrA, =E'TEMBER 1, 1es0
Bctes on Applictrtion
I. E. MARTIN Editor qnd Mcrncger THE CALIFOR}IIA
Now Second in Produclion Becommends Stopping Trcorgit Shipurents 4 6 l6 l8 20 28 30 32 36 10 44 18 54
Yecrs Ago
WH0LESALE LUMBER IISTRIBUToRS, IilC. t*fa*uofuaJunc'u o/ P*lrn*t Plo" a.nd Senght, 4aa -4ualen WHOIESALE TUMBER - PITING - PLYWOOD. - Truck, Gqr or Gorgo Shippers Telephone TWinoqks 3-251S-Telerype OA233 54 First Street, Ooklond 7,Cslil.
Septembcr t, 1950 Poge 3


59th Annual Convention

Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo

Copley-Ploza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, September 6-7-8-9, 1950

Wednesday, September 6th

Registration lrom 12:09 to 5:09 P. M. Get together and cocktail party from 5 :09 to 6:09 P. M. We have reservations for tickets for the night ball game betu.een the Red Sox and Yankees. Make your reservations early.

Thursday, September 7th

Registration from 9:09 A. M. to 5 :09 P. N'I. Formal opening of convention.

Snark's address and reports of National Ofrficers. Luncheon at 12:09 P. N{. sponsored by the Boston Retail Lumber Dealers' Association.

Convention reconvenes at 2:09 to 4:09 P. M. Delegates rvill make their reports for the past year.

Concat at 5 :09 P. X,I. Stag Dinner at 7:39 P. M., Vernon Harvkins master of Ceremonies.

Entertainment and a talk by Bill Cunningham, well known sports rvriter.

Friday, September 8th

Meeting convenes at 9:O9 A. M. to 72:09 P. M. We will then board busses for Vernon Hawkins estate at Plymouth, arriving at 2:09.

The rest of the afternoon will be spent at the clambake in Plymouth (steamed clams, lobster, real New England style).

Filipinos Sending Lumber to Korecr

Manila, Aug. 19.-The Philippine government prepared today to ship 10,000,000 board feet of lun.rber to Korea.

Foreign Minister Carkrs P. Romulo said the 'action rvas "in response to General N'IacArthur's urgent appeal."

Saturday, September 9th

Convention opens at 9:09 A. M. To be devoted principally to committee reports and resolutions, until 12:00 noon.

At 2:09 P. M. embalming of the snark.

Convention ends at 4:09 P. M.

Banquet at 6:O9 P. M. at whicl-r Stanley F. Horn, editor of Southern Lumberman, will be master of ceremonies. After dinner, there will be dancing until 12:00 midnight. Lcdies' Progrcrm

Wednesday, September 6th

Cocktail Party and get together 5 :09 to 6:09 P. M.

Thursday, September 7th

Sightseeing-including historic Boston-CharlestownCambridge-Lexington-Concord and Sudbury, Wayside Inn for lunch.

Home through Wellesley College-Chestnut Hill. Thursday night-for those who desire to go, theatre party.

Friday, September 8th

Sightseeing through Quincy, home of John Adams and John Quincy Adams.

Clambake at Plymouth-bring old clothes, slacks, etc.

Saturday Afternoon, September 9th

Embalming of Snark, ladies invited. Saturday night-banquet.

New FIIA Office

FHA recently opened a ne\\r office in Santa Barbara, to serve the financial needs in home building for Santa Barbara, Sau Luis Obispo, and Ventura Counties. The office is located at Room 418, Balboa Building, 735 State Street.

AAr CHARTES J, SCHMITT .,.,.,..ll.M. scAtEs ,.A*.lir,:ti r:: ' .ARVITTA BELASCO wholesale lumher and lunher products Monqdnock Bldg., 681 Morket Street Sqn Froncisco 5 - YUkon 5-55OO Teletype SF lO73 Edgewood Lumher Co.


Our Mills are Running Day and tfight

To Supply You with our Western Woods







Anderson, Colifornio

Conby, Colifornio

Sqles Office

Anderson, Colifornio


Scplcmber I, 1950 Pogc 5

Cicero wrote 1 "-a great spring from which injuries arise is some quirk or cavil and an oversubtle and malicious interp etation of the laws; from whence that saying, 'the height of justice is the height of roguery,'fe1 examole, him, who, concluding a truce with the enemy for 'thirty days,' made continual incursions into their territory by night; because, forsooth, the truce was NOT made for so many NIGHTS, but only so many days:'

t< :F {<

As I read and ponder and likewise wonder over the ways and words of diplomacy as evidenced in the present meetings of the Security Council of the United Nations, I wonder if the gang of bandits and assassins in the Kremlin have not, perhaps, read the writings of Cicero, and thus learned additional ways and methods of croo,kedness and slipperiness? You don't suppose they thought up all their deviltry for themselr.., U*o tltl

f wrote in this column last issue that I thought some good American, outraged beyond restraint at the insults the Russian spokesman has been handing our brave young men in Korea, should "smash a bowl of hot soup in his ugly puss." I wish to withdraw that suggestion. f am very fond of hot soup, and don't think that would be giving said soup a fair deal. I would like to make the same suggestion but substitute "garbage bucket" for bowl of soup. That would fit the situation better.

The newspapers have L.l *r"arng numerous suggestions from far and wide, from great and small, from preacher and professor, from one and all, about what should be done in reply to the unbelievable and immeasurable insults to this nation and its government that have been broadcast from the Security Council meetings to the outside world. Some of the suggestions are swell; not as practical as my suggestion made above, but perhaps more refined.


Warren R. Austin, United States spokesman in the Security Council, is reported to be receiving hundreds of telegrams and letters daily ever since the meeting started, suggesting what should be done about the poison-tongued Malik. Someone suggested that every time Malik speaks, Austin simply rise to his feet and utter the famous answer that the American leader gave the Germans at the battle of the bulge, and say-"NUTS." That wouldn't be bad.

I really believe that one suggestion that has been made to Austin would be even better than the most bitter invective, if it were done cleverly. That is, make fun of him. Don't treat him and his mad lies seriotrsly. Treat him as

though he were a clown, a buffoon, laugh him out of court, as it were. Some of the greatest lawyers in American history have agreed that the way to kill a case that would otherwise be desperate, is to simply "laugh it out of court." Boy, don't you know that Kremlin mouthpiece would writhe and squirm and well-nigh die if a well arranged campaign of ridicule were heaped on his head? Some authorities have long maintained that the "thunders of silence" is the best weapon in such a case. I don't believe ignoring him would hurt Malik. But ridicule, if cleverly handled, might send him rushing red-faced from the chamber. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

The justice of Aristides wo'uld affect him not in the least. Double-leaded diatribes he is prepared for, and they fall from his thick skull like spray from the side of a battleship. The glaring absurdities that fall like April rain from his subsidized lips can be met by no flow of reason, can be stemmed by no plea for honor and integrity and decency. But I DO believe that if they would treat him as though he were a monkey performing on a stick; reply to his maunderings as though they were the brays of an asthmatic burro; do you know something? I don't believe he could take it. He might jump out the window; which would be preferable to having to throw him out. I'd give anything I own to see it done. Why not? Could anything be unfair in such a contest as the one in progress before the Security Council?

I read another ".r**."alorr*thit "orrr" fine, dignified old gentleman from New England sent to Mr. Austin. He said, "I urge you to cease temporizing with this unconscionable scoundrel and restore American self-respect by denouncing him and his whole mob of murdering gangsters in terms that will leave no doubt in anyone's mind as to where we stand." I wouldn't be surprised if these words express the feeling of the average American on this subject pretty near perfectly. If you can believe the things you hear every man saying on the street, on trains, in cars and busses, everywhere you go, then you must admit that the man in the street is sick of the insults of the Ruskies, and would like tp see them answered in language that they understand, rather than in diplo,matic jargon. The average American is a direct sort of person. He thinks automatically that plain talk is better than double-talk, and that "if the rock is hard, get hard with the rock."

I have listened with the keenest pleasure scores of times of late, while everyday Americans rise furiously to their feet to express their opinions as to what should be done. And these folks are up in arms, Brother, not only against the Communists abroad and in the United Nations. but


Johns-Mqnville Presents . . . . the New

Bequtiful New Colors !

Line your level against the surface of the new J-M SMooTHGRAIN PERMAToNn Shingl"... you'll find it smooth and true. Now look at its beauty from any angle... you'll see a rich texture of striking character, even though the surface of the shingle is actually smooth!

These new Smootbgrain asbestos shingles are stmnger because they have the same cross section throughout they ctt cleaner because the shingle cutter always works against a smooth surface. they resist soiling better and always look the same from any angle, because they have no grooves, no raised texture to catch dirt or highlights and thus distort aPPearance.

sMooTHGRelN Shingles are available in an outstanding variety of beautiful colors, all PERMATONE colors. As "Permatone" implies, the color is "sealed in" comes from myriads of tiny ceramic granules embedded into the asbestos-cement.

The colors include Heather Green, Autumn Brown, the distinctively rich and practical rJfeathered Gray, and the ever-popular Silver Gray which goes well with any trim or color scheme. For full ioformation, write Johns-Manville, Box 2)o, New York 16, N. Y.

Scptcnbcr l, 1950 Pogc 7
o revolutionory improvemenf!
surfoc€... grooyes
tifully "groined" !

against the spawn of Satan that infest this land here at home. You know, if you are lvell informed, that these damnable reds, pinks, and fellow-travelers here in the United States have been trying hard to take to cover since the Korea ruckus started. Lots of recently active big mouths have become suddenly quiet. Lots of these crooked birds are trying to crawl over to the other side of the fence right now, finding the red side dangerous. ***

Just this morning I read where a congress of disabled veterans'of the last war has demanded that every Commie in this country be placed in stockades. The man in the street would approve highly of that suggestion. I know of no music sweeter to my ears than to listen to stout Americans speak their pieces about the subversives here at home. The opinion is.becoming general that every loyal American should stand and be counted, and those who aren't proud and happy to jump to their feet and proclaim their loyalty to this nation and their oppo,sition to Communism, have no right to remain in this land. For a man or woman to refuse to reply when asked if he is a Communist is going to be mighty touchy business in this country from now on. Don't you doubt it. Up to the time the Korean war started, these slimy creatures had been crawling out of their holes in constantly increasing numbers, and with increasing boldness. It's going to be different from now on'

In this column last issue I lamented the fact that lve are fighting in Korea because the men in the Kremlin willed it so, and it looks like we will have to fight when, and where, and with whom they decide. They sit at home and call the shots. Since that publication Mr. Harold Stassen made the headlines in all the newspapers with the same idea, thoughtfully expressed. FIe warned this nation that "we must not permit Uncle Sam. to be chopped down finger by finger, arm by arm, by preliminary fights for which he is not prepared." He said it was militarily stupid to engage the enemies' fingers-such as Korea-without striking at the heart. His words brought much attention, many editorial words of approval.

Record Set in U.S. Home Building

Washington, Aug. 19.-The Government reported today

Jtrly was the best homebuilding month in history.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said tentativq figures show 144,000 new non-farm dwelling units were started in July to bring the total for the first seven months of the vear to almost 893.000.

F'IIA Stops Luxury Home Fincncing

On August tenth FHA announced from Washington thag it is pulling out of the luxury home financing market. The action rvas taken by Housing Commissioner Richards as a follow-up of President Truman's decision to curb nonessential home building as a war measure, and all FHA field offices were ordered to channel available government mortgage money into moderate and low cost homes. In addition the agency tightened its policy on approval of loans in all categories.

I get a barig out of many reports on informal things connected with the war. The proprietor of one of the popular eating places in Washington, seeing his place filled with faces he had missed since World War Two ended, was heard to remark: "Wonder what these folks do between wars?" They come, none knows .twhence, and they depart when the war ends, none knows whither. They come back to the capital when war starts just as the swallows come back to Capistrano. Birds of fas:aCe-war passage, that is.

And George Dixon, one of my favorite Washington columnists, utters a thought that finds an echo in my heart. He says the worst thing he fears from war is the return of the "cuckoos." Elaborating, he says he refers to the innumerable confused creatures on the various confused bureaus, who wrote the mad-house "directives" that meant nothing to any sane human, yet which filled the government mails to over-flowing. Also, the strange critters in the shape of poets, and playwrights, and exotic dancers, and other strange trash that the New Deal brought in countless numbers to Washington and put on the payroll. I agree with Dixon. War certainly has its sad sides..

So. Califolnia Building Records

M.y Be Broken In 1950

Unless the war emergency interferes too greatly, Southern California may establish a building record of more than one billion dollars this year. The grand total of $648,415,582 worth of building permits have been issued in 57 Southern California localities in the first seven months of the year. For the second time in its history Los Angeles building permits may reach the $300,000,000 mark this year, the total for the first seven months of the year being $Z26,l44,82l,with five months to go. The only time Los Angeles issued permits over the three hundred million mark was in 1948, when the totals reached $373,050.082.

Hardwood Lumber. Grcding Course

Date: First session Tuesday, September 5 and to continue through the week including Saturday if the students wish.

Time: The class will start promptly at 4:00 P.M .and continue as late in the evening as the students desire.

Place: Western Hardwood Lumber Company, 2014 East l5th Street, at the warehouse they so generously donated. A catering company will serve an evening meal.

Sponsored by the Industrial Lumbermen's Club of Ssuthern California.

Fcrr Mqil

It's a pleasure to send you this check for the privilege of opening the California Lumber Merchant to "your" page and seeing your smiling face thereon. That's a fine cut and likeness of you.

* *


Count smong your best business qssets lhe lorge ond vqried wholesole stocks of Weyerhoeuser Los Angeles Yord.

Here, free of ony investmenl of your lnor€|e ore iust qbout oll the vorious lumber items you need. We corry fhe stocks cnd you do business with them.






BAISAm- W00 t


cusTom mlllt1{G


With rhis lorge invenlory, you qre in c positlon to give your cuslomers iust obout onylhing they wont when they wont ir . . . thot is the vslue of reserve supplies to reinforce your own stock.

Cuslom milling is qlso ovoiloble. The Los Angeles Ycrrd is fully equipped to service your needs.

You will like Weyerhoeuser service. Modern mechonized equipment speeds the assembly ond delivery.

Try us on your next lumber order.

Septcmber l, 1950
WEYERHAEUSER, SATES COMPANY tO S ANGE tE S YAR D t''7 SOUTH HItL STREET Los Angeles 7, Colifornia Telephone: Richmond 2251 Richmond 7-O5O5
Pogc l0 CAIIFORNIA TU}IBET TERCHANT RAY HITL TUMBER CO. Douglcrs Fir Plywood Western Pine Plywood Douglcrs Fir and Hcrrdwood Doors WAREHOUSE S7O CK ond D|RECT MILL SHTPMENI Plecrsclnl 3-1395 25lO Hyde Pork Boulevqrd los Angeles 43, Cqlifornio ROUNDS TRADING COMPANY D ependable W hofesofe Distributors PACIFIC COAST FOREST PRODUCTS Redwood Douglos Fir Cedor Shingles Generql Office Crocker Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIF. YUkon 6-0912 Ponderoso Pine . Sugor Pine Whire Fir fhe Wise Buyer ROUI{DS Out His Needs From ROUNDS Soulhern Colifornio Oftice I lO West Ocean Blvd. LONG BEACH 2, CALIF. Long Beoch 7-2781-NEvqdo 5-4056



R'O'W Removable Wood Windows


R'O'W Removable

Wood Windows




"l can wash both sides llP00RS!o

Consistent odvertising hos tought more ond more people the exilusive odvontoges of R'O'W Removoble Wood Windows. The odverlisemenl qt the right oppeored in the AugLrsl issue of Sunset Mogozine.

Colifornio Builders Supply Co., exclusive producers for Northern Cqlifornio ond Nevodo, hove mony selling helps for you Demonstrotion Models, Decols, Posters, Inserls, Folders, Counler Cords, etc. To get in on the ever-increqsing soles of R'O'W (now well over4,O(X),OOO) get in touch with your neorest C.8.5. Wqrehouse.

R.O.W RELOVABLE Wood Windows are easy to remove. A gentle push to the left side; lift out the right side; and presto ! the window is out. Wash both sides indoors, then slip it back. No more old fashioned weights, cords or pulleysthis modern window slides in a metal spring cushion, completely weatherstripped. It ean't be removed from the outside when locked. Get R'O'W, the wood.arid-metal REMOVABLE Windows, for your new home or to replace present windows that rattle. stick or leak. At vour lumber or building materials dealer.

Septembor l,
CATIT'OBNIA BUIIDAB$ $UPPTY CO. 65O Centrql Drive 7OO-6rh Avenue l9o5-l9rh Srreer RICH'UIOND .i oAKLAND 6 . sAcRAfuENro t4 3t80 Homilton Avenue FRESNO 2

War Demands on Transportation Facilities Called Maior Factor in LumberSupply

Recently R. A. Colgan, Jr., executive vice president, National Lumber 1\Ianufacturers Association, Washington, D. C. stated that "lumber manufacturers, particularly in the West, are no\\r suffering the worst railroad car shortage the lumber industry has ever known." Mr. Colgan pointed out that this situation has resulted from the urgency of getting rvar materials to the Korean front. As an example of this condition, NIr. Colgan cited the fact that railroad cars from the N{idl'est and East going to West Coast ports u'ith necessary \\rar materiel are not being delayed even a ferr. days for reloading. Empty cars are being returned to points u'here they can be loaded with needed supplies and sent back to the \\rest Coast'

According to H. V. Sin.rpson, executive vice president, West Coast Lumberman's Assbciation, "the sizeallle number of railroad cars no\\r being taken out of commercial use has resulted in the fact that the West Coast lumber industry, rvhich rvas already short of railroad cars, now has less than 5O% of the needed railroad cars to ship Douglas fir lurnber stocks on hand."

Considering the fact that more rhan 58/a of the nation's san' timber is located in the western states and that West Coast lumber production alone is '/a b\llion board feet per week. the situation of being unable to transport this amount of needed lumber is rapidly resulting in an acute lumber supply situation.

The railroads are doing what they can to remedy the present bad situation but little progress is being made. Undoubtedly much of the difficulty is due to the fact that there are 52,606 ferver railroad cars available to industry today than there u'ere last year. Despite announced plans for repair of many cars now in unuseable condition and orders for an additional 100,000 cars the fact stands that r1o more lumber can be made available to the public than can be shipped.

An added complexity in the transportation picture has been the reduction in available steamships for carrying lumber from the West Coast to Atlantic ports. This has resulted in Eastern buyers turning to all-rail deliveries and has throrvn an even greater load on the already overbrrrdened rail lines.

CUSTOM KILN DRYI]IG Precision Kiln Drying of both Soltwood and Hardwood Lumber in modern cross circula' tion steam coil kilns. 25 years exPeience. l4O5 Wqter Sl. Long Eeoch 2' Colif. Nevodq 6-1655 Long Beoch 69235 I$qin Office 621 So. Spring Sl. Los Angeles 14 TRinily 9651 MAHOGA]IY IMPORTI]IG COMPAilY

Uoneti', g ro@, 47zqzrtorc

The EUBANK Swivel Type lroning Board

With or Withovt Built-in Sleeve Eoord

o GonBe ,n,ro,,"lrncrl:.'l.t:ttt .t'r:ir:T,",r, wide Arc ror ls Limited. Flexibility in Use.

t lgty to-lnstoll' Before or Afler . Right or Left Door lnstoltotion. Plostering.

o Sturdy construclion. Double o ldeol for Aportments, Bungostrength ond Durobiliry. low Courts, Smoller Homes.


433 W. Florence Aye., OR,egon 8-2255 lnglewood, Coliforniq

woco DOORS Complete line of WOCO Douglas Fir Doorsnowavailable for immediate delivery from our newdoor warehorlse. BESSONETTE & EGKSTROM, rNG. Phone ADoms 3-1228 leletypc tA 2tO-X 2719 Complon Avc. tos ANG:tEs I I

Appointed Division Mgr. By Paskill Lumber Company

Announcement was made last week by Lane E. Paskill, president, Paskill Lumber Company of Portland, Oregon, of the appointment of F. A. "Pete" Toste to the position of Division Manager for California, Arizona and Texas with offices located at 4910 Mt. Royal Drive, Los Angeles 41, California. Phone number ^\Lbany 9887.

Pete Toste has been identified with the lumber industry in the south'n'est for over trventy years and, has successfully operated his own wholesale lurnber distribution business in Los Angeles during that time. Pete is well qualified for the position due to his wide experience in all branches of the business, including of course, manufacturing production, l'holesale and retail.

"We are going to ofier this market a real service in the distribution of Douglas Fir, (specialty cuttings, long timbers and dimension) redwood, Ponderosa and Sugar pine, spruce and shingles by concentrating our shipping

irom Southern Oregon and Northern California points. Paskill Lumber Company is an organization rvith producing mills located'throughout the northwest with adequate facilities to service the southwest marketing area in volume," declared Toste.

Lane Paskill has many years experience in the production of forest products which will assure an even flow of material to this area. For quite some period of time he has planned on extending their marketing area to this territory which has now been made possible by Toste joining their organization.

Called to Active Duty

John Muffley, Back Panel Co., Los Angeles, has been called to active duty with the 40th Infantry Division, and will report at Camp Cook on September 1. He was in World War II and spent 27 months in England.

L. Byron Reynolds, of the same concern, has also been called to active duty. He will report at the Presidio in San Francisco on September 3. He was with the 41st Artillery Division in World War II and spent 19 months in the Philippines.

Flies to Australia On Concert Tour

Maurice Euphrat, concert pianist, talented son of M. L. (Duke) Euphrat, Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, flew to Australia August 14, where he opens a concert tour at Sydney, August 24.

F. A. "Pete" Toste
Fronl Doors Ponel Doors Sosh Doors Slqb Doors French Doors S:reen Docrs Cornb. Dcors QUALITY & SERVICE is our Mollo Let us help you keep your inventory in bolcrnce Kitchen Cobinets lroning Boords Windows Sqsh Screens Gloss Plywood
P. O. Box 126, Vernon Bronch . los.Angeles 58, Colif. THE CALIFCRNIA DCOR COMPANY OF LOS ANGELES 4940 DISTRICT Phone r 887 BOUTEVARD 2l 4l , ,,:. 63 Yeqrs in Los Angeles t950
Aeriol View of our Modern Worehouse-"Dislrict ot 5lth"
September l, 1950 Poge 15 \ \ \ \ \ COOS HEAD TIMBER COMPANY COOS BAY, OREGON CARGO SHIPMENTS Mills at Empire and Eastside, Oregon Z PLIB Grade Stamped 7,-, Eased Edges-DET v\ -_\o LonsDimens,N %\7 Sofd Exclusively in\ A Southern Caltfornia by \ tQ, LA}TRENCE-PHILIPS \'% LUMBER CO. \ 2 71tw.rrrrnnin Dr.,rr N -4.*f*: \\... -v ae' LOS ANGELES lb, Calif. \NN *." ir DD.r..n^^* oi'r t N- -11'!i PRospectBlT4 \AU Boards \ % Dimension \ A 714 W.l|lympic Blvd. \ .ocF\seF ZilT\ COOS HEAD TBR. truD MADE r* u, o MADE IN U.S.A. L The sign ol euality

wEmphcrsize the value your customers get when cr home is properly finished wiih portlond cement stucco-explCIin these important fecrtures:

Becruty thot only mellows with crge. Individuolity-from o choice of colors crnd textures.

Long Lile-q wotertight, termite-proof, protective crmor for onY home.

No Pcinting Expenses for yecrsstucco scrves money every yedr on repoirs ond mqintencrnce.

l.C.C. lssucs Orders Against Car Holding

Effective August 3rd, there are in effect trvo new service orders concerning ldmber shipments and delays, issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission. They are Service Orders No. 858 and 859.

No. 858 restricts to 72 hosrs the holding of freight cars for unloading lumber at destination, and greatly increases the freight rate on shipments held longer than 72 hours.

No. 859 prohibits the shipment of any kind of freight car loaded with lumber products in Washington or Oregon rvhere the car is to be stopped to complete loading, unless the shipper certifies on the bill of lading that freight loaded in the car at point of origin equals or exceeds 25 per cent of the tariff minimum carload weight.

New Order Concerning Federally Owned Housing

Raymond M. Foley, Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, today ordered a temporary suspension, lvith certain exceptions, of disposition of Federallyowned housing originally provided for rvar r'l'orkers or for emergency use of veterans after the war.

' The purpose of the action, Mr' Foley explained, is to help further the national defense efiort in keeping with the President's recent directive to heads of a number of agencies concerning "the use of materials and other resources needed for the defense effort."

Under the suspension order, the sale, transfer, demolition, or other disposition of the war and veterans reuse housing under the Agency's jurisdiction (with the exceptions hereafter mentioned) are held in abeyance. By retaining control over such housing, the Federal Government through the HHFA: will be in a position to make these faciliiies available for any defense recluirements as well as to determine admission policies and to give top priority, to the extent that the larv permits, to families of workers engaged in defense activities and to military personnel.

About 354,000 units of housing provided under the Lanham Act are still under the jurisdiction of the Federal Governrnent and subject to disposition. Of these units approximately Zl7pn are of temporary construction and 137,000 are permanent structures. Since the rvar, priority for admission to these units has been gil'en to veterans and servicemen. The suspension order applies to the bulk of this nutnber, except where there are existing commitments for sale or transfer of any units.

Iim Gcrtin, Sr. Visits Mexico

James U. Gartin, retired lumber'man, former manager of Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto, who is thoroughly enjoying his retirement, flew to Texas in June and visited his home torvn and a number of other cities in which' he worked as a young man' At last report he was in Mexico City, and had spent a month there. He made the journey by air.

A nctioacl orgmi:ctioa lo inprov-c dld cxlcDd lbc rcicutific ta3aqtcb mc angEt'lEg PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 8t6 W. 5th St., Los Angeles 13, Colif. usc ol cqcrcte throuEh lield work.





We now caffy the following Baxco Pressure Treated Foundation Lumber in stock at Alameda and Long Beach for immed.iate sbipment to dealers: Douglas Fir S4S ALS 2x4,2x612x812xlO, 3x4,3x6,4x4and4x6. Special sizes will be purchased from local stocks and pressure treated without delay.

333 Monlgomery Street

Sqn Frqncisco 4, Colifornio

Phone DOuglos 2-3883

Plsnt: Foot of Wolnuf Street, Alamado


We offer prompt custom treating service at both our Alameda and Long Beach plants. Your lumber can be delivered to us by truck or treated in transit in carload quantities. Consult us for additional information.


Baxco Pressure Treated Foundation Lumber is impregnated with preservative salts in accordance with Fed. Spec. TT-1V-571b.

It is approved by FHA, Uniform Building Code-P.C.B.O.C., State Architect for mudsills in School Construction, and U. S. Govt. Specifications.

Order through our nedrest sqres ofJice.

60l West 5fh Street

Los Angeles 13, Coliforniq

Phone Mlchigon 6294

Plont: Foot of Sqnto Fe Avenue, Long Beoch



lf your retoil yord is within the light oreos shown on the mop, o western pine Supply Compony truck posses neor your door ot leost once o week . . . os mony qs lhree times q week. Use this regulor service to get the finest pine products...lumber, plywood, mouldings, ond pinecrest doors. common cqrrier deliveries to other oreos . deriveries mode from our own worehouse or direct from monufocturer.



September l, t950 Poge 17
supplied with the finest pine products through our

NRLDA Request Members Provide Data On Storage and Production Facilities

Washington, D.C., Aug. 13-The National Retail Lumlter Dealers Association has requested its 18,000 members to provide complete data regarding their storage and procluction facilities for the guidance of planning agencies in the Federal government, H. R. Northup, executive vice president, announced Saturday.

"The data is requested in view of the fact that the government may find it desirable to store quantities of lumber and other materials for emergency use at some future date, although no such contingency is anticipated at this time." Nlr. Northup said.

"The questionnaire being sent to building materials

clealers in all parts of the country seeks to determine total storage capacity, under roof and open; number of trucks, t;ailerS, fork lift trucks, straddle trucks, and other materials handling equipment; dry kiln, planing mill, and other production facilities; railroad connections, and the nature of any contracts or subcontracts to produce defense during World War II.

"Because of the expanded operation of the retail buildir.rg materials industry in recent years and the growing use of time-saving mechanized equipment, similar data assembled in the pasl no longer is adequate for the purpose. "Up-to-date information of this sort is frequently sought from our industry by various government departments and agencies for various purposes, and it will be helpful to both the industry and the government when accurate data are available."

Mcry Building Mcrtericrl Production Recched AII-Time High

Building materials production reached an all-time high in May 1950, according to a report released today by the U. S. Department of Commerce. Output of lumber, hardwood flooring, cement, softwood plyrvood, and gypsum board rvas substantially above earlier postwar peaks. Almost twice as much cement u'as produced in May this year as in the average month before thq u'ar and eight times as much gypsum boarcl. '

Over-all production of building materials u'as at a higher rate through the first 5 months of 1950 than in the like 1949 period, but it lagged behind 1948 production during the first quarter.

Appointed Assistcnt Generql Scles Mcncaer

Marvin Greenwood, general sales manager of The Celotex Corporation, announces the appointment of E. E. Dierking as an assistant general sales manager.

Mr. Dierking, formerly manager of the corporation's Chicago sales branch, is succeeded in that position by J. E. Varlie rvho has been assistant manager of the Chicago branch.

tex Marlite or high gloss (polished) Deluxe Marlitehas the same genuine Marlite baked plastic finish, meets the same high test standards.

New Yard At Tcrzqnc

for creofing beoutif ul inleriors

Marlite is the registered trade name for premium quality, factory finished wall and ceiling panels, manufactured exclusively by Matsh \flall Products, Inc., for more than 2O years. When your customers ask for Marlite, show them the name 6n the panel-their guarantee of satisfaction.

rJfide scale advertising is telling more and more of yoilr ptospects about Marlite. Invite these prospects into your store, use the effective Marlite sales helpsmake the most of Madite !

monufqclured exclusively by ,ltARSH WAtL PRODUCTS, lNC., Dept.908, DOVER, OHIO subsidiary of mosonile corporalion

The Tarzana Lumber Company, Tarzana, California, has completed the construction of a new lumber yard and plant right across the street from their old location, and is norv located in the nerv place. The new yard is larger and better arranged for modern busiNCSS.

Grecrt Western Lumber Coip.

The Great Western Lumber Corporation l.ras been incorporated in Los Angeles by Norman J. Winsor and Ted Avram, of La Crescenta, and N. J. Cooper, of Burbank. The capital stock will be $25,000.

€,^1 *{#

TREES ARE LIKE PEOPTE-some ehange with the wind , . ,

.We look the some oll the time. For one thing we're olwoys looking for the besl products. Then we look to provide our cuslomers with firsi closs service. And most of oll we look the some to everybody . . bis user or smqll.

So if you're looking for the best in hordwood or soflwood plywoods Formico, or Mosonite Brond Producls look to us.


714 Wesr Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles | 5, Cqlif.



lifornia neer esm
9t5 toutH al^raaoa o tllt{lTY 00!f lot axclltt
.... .. ... . : ...........COOS BAY, OREGON At pEtRcE
CO.........." .............COOS BAY, OREGON i
't . Dn l tcK co............... ........PtERcY, cALtF. SAG|NAW
.....--- -POWERS, OREGON
Exclusiv e Southern Colifiornio Represenfotives
HEAD Tti BER CO........
OORE Tll,lBER PRODUCTS, 1NC...........
A.A.D|'l^M|cKLuMBERco........'.......--........-.....'.....i. WHOLESAIE ONLY SINCE 1999 RAII and CARGO

6]auorilfe Shrul

Bf le Sisna

Agc not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 yarc--Some Lssc

Advice From Headquarters

Jimmy Durante thinks the following is the funniest story he has heard for months. He tells it like this:

A man got a violent headache so he called his Doctor and asked him what to do for it. The Doctor told him to lie down, and put a hot pack on his head.

He did, and the headache grew much worse. Just then their maid asked him what the trouble was, and he told her. She said:

"That's the wrong kind of pack for a headache. Put an ice pack on your head."

Watson Cross, Veterqn Lumber Sclesmcrn, On Vacation

\\r. Watson Cross has bcen sellirrg u'holesalc lunrlrcr for the Consolidated Lumber Company, of \\lilrnington ancl 1,os Angeles, for the past 32 years, having started u'ith them in 1918. He trar.cls the territory fronr Szrnta Barltar;r to San 1)iego, and nunrbers his good lrrmller clealer friends by the hundred, through his lorrg years of friendly servicc. He is reputed to lte one of the most popular in

He did, and the headache stopped. So he called his Doctor and told him he thought he was lousy, since the hot pack he had recommended made the headache worse, whereas the ice pack the maid recommended cured the headache. The Doctor said:

"Did your maid tell you to use the ice pack?"

"She certainly did !"

"That's funny," said the Doctor. "It was our maid that told me about the hot pack."

thc tcrritorl', and one r,,,'ho knon's his business thoroughll'.

Ilight nos' NIr. Cross ancl his rvife are I'acationing in Northerrr Clalif ornia, making their headquarters at the I):ake-\\/iltshire Hotel irT San Francisco. In that territory he has been follou'ing his favorite hobby by calling on a number of ltrominent orchid producers and hybridizers. I-Ie has been an enthusiastic student of orchid culture most of his life. Some nren ltlay golf, others fish for their sidelines. X{r. Cross raises orchids, and gets much pleasure out of that oursuit.

PACIFIC FIR SALES 35 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena 1, Calif. Phones SYcamore 6-4328 RYan 1-8103 RYan 1-8104 Rupa.ttafraq Northern California and Oregon Mills DOUGLAS FIR RED\TOOD

GO PLACES..I uitA eo,,La/ifp

and there's lots of places they go, efiectively and economicallykitchens and bathrooms, stores and restaurants for instance. They have the "looks" thad appeal-in full rang'e of colors, in vririety o? panel sizes and patterns.. They have the appeal of economy-lower cost, ease of installation and upkeep, durability. You'll "go places" with CORALITE, HANDITYLE and CORALETHER the yeat'round for remodeling jobs and new constrruction both.

Scplcmbcr l, 1950
Jlaail"ttVle AND eoadlc,t/aa
FtR-TEX of Southern Goliforniq 812 Esst 59fh 5r. Los Angeles I ADorns 8lOl FIR-TEX ol Northern Cqlifornio 214 Front St. Son Froncisco ll SUl{er l-6384 r914 r950 wHotrr^*f WEST GOAST TOREST PRODUGTS DTSTRIBUTORS W[ilDI,IilG.I|ATHATI GOTilPAIIY fransisco 4 Iltain OIIice 564 tltarlret SL San IOS s225 ANGEI.ES 36 Wilshire Bled. POnn AlfD 5 Piiloc& Bloct

Don't 0pen the Door

to Danger!

Br sun[-Bt sArt rNow wHo's



o ?ry ?rcoi Erors lnridc Sofety lock

t FcctoryGuorontccd

o Individuclly Gifr Eoxcd .8uilr-in 2 wdy Speoker

r Eoch Unit Complcf cly Wotcrproofed

I Originolly ured for aipionog. in World Wor ll

t00K a/ /r&h a/ataf

rpqlcnt pcnding


the two woy MAGIC MIRROR permits home occuponls lo see oll collers without being seen, while lhe coller sees only his own refleclion in o shiny mirror. Now used in thousonds of homes MAGIC MIRROR. DOOR DETECTIVE is on investmenf in sofef for you ond your fomily.

Larch lumber as manufactured by member mills of the Western Pine Association, is becoming more and more popular. Everywhere wholesalers, dealers and builders are finding Larch profitable to handle, easy to sell and excellent to use.

Larch is one of the strongest and most durable of the sofb woods.-Its uses range from bridge timbers to paneling and fine cabinet work. All kinds of paints and stains can be successfully applied to Larch with pleasing results. You can stock and recommend Larch with confidence.

For more information about Larch send for the free illustrated 52-page book. Address


Yeon Building Portland 4,'Oregon




w00Ds Itot

Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine

Larch, Douglas Fir, White Fir, Engelmann Spruce, Incense Cedar, Red Cedar, Lodgepole Pine. iltr wtstlnx Ptilt nEctot

Phofo Courtcry t{q3h. Drlcctiv. Mogorinc Modern rimplicity designed for opo.lmenl house u3e with nome plot€ holder. Colorr: Erors or Chrome. Actuol rire;3V2" x 1t/e"
rm[l Itffi \' tr0LAI tl00R fiael' &. TryLeoding Distributors of Doors, Plywood ond Allied Millwork Producls SAN FRANCISCO: 3045 l9ih Street, Mlssion 7-7920
Hondrome modern rlyle door lnocker. Colors: Bross or Chrorc linish. Actuol sizet 3%." x 7"

It pays to rely on a dependable source of supply. Eight modern mills at your service to bring you lumber products that are unsurpassed grade for grade. Look to T r$7 & J for top quality always, when ordering -Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, lY/hite Fir, Doaglas Fir,

Septerber l, l95C Pogc 23
:ruilfa",/t'# $Arm/'
9lii rtl Wholesole Distribution Yord 4200 Bondini Boulevord LOS ANGETES 23, CAL|F. ANgelus 4183 1800 Mqrsholl Avenue srocKToN, GAUF. Siockron 4-8161 Tn,nrnn, lVnnsrnn & JonirsolT, fttc. I Montgomery Sfreet sAN FRANCTSGO 4, CALIF. DOuglos 2-2050 World's Largest Selling Wood Window R. O, Vl/. wooD wtNDow uNlTs Are Removable Open easily Weatherstripped StondordWestern Sizes T. M. COBB COMPANY Wholesale Distributors Sash cnd DoorsMouldingsPlywocd Ponderoscr crnd Sugcrr Pine Lumber Los Angeles ll 5800 S. Centrql Ave. ADcnns l-ll17 Scn Diego I 4th d K Streets F'Ranklin 6673 Outside of window is cleqned comfortobly indoors. Woodwork moy be cleoned or pointed in some eosy monner.
Incense Cedar; also Pine doors, Pine and Fir mouldings, Pine plywood.

Doormcster Exterior Sliding Door Units

Announced by Coor-Pender d Long Co.

Announcement ig made by Coor-Pender & Long Co.. rvhose plant is at 7753 Blake Avenue, Los Angeles 31, of their new Doormaster Exterior Sliding Door Units for sliding glass doors, in line with the current architectural trend. These units are low-priced to make them usable in small house construction.

Mr. Coor-Pender states that many combinations of stationary sliding doors may be achieved in a very simple manner.

The Doormaster Header is a heavy providing a straight, level trackway nent smoothness in operation.

aluminum extrusion and assuring perma-

Russell Ells Announces Purchcse OI Redwood Timber

Russel Ells, president and general manager of Willits Redn'ood Products Co., Willits, Calif., announced on a recent visit to San Francisco, that his company has purchased an additional 100.000.000 feet of fine redrvood timber.

Bob.Mclone-40 Yecrs oI Log Scwing



suggests treoting one or more wolls with wood poneling. And once you'ye seen this omozing plywood, with its hord sotiny-smooth surfoces, its highlights ond shodows, you'll ogree thot it will chonge o room into q thing of exciting beouty, ond ot o froction of the cost you would expect.

Eory fo flnish-cosy to Inrtoll-Ecry to corc for-but hord to rcrolch or mor. Ulc It for ponellng In dens, plcy roons, offlcer or onywhere beouty in wood ls deslred.

Bob Malone is probably the champion long-distance log sawyer employed by any one lumber companv. Forty years ago he started in as a sawyer for the Long-Bell Lumber Company, in Texas. Then he went to Louisiana where he sawed successivelv at Woodworth, Ludington, and other Long-Bell mills in that state. In l9T he moved to Longview, 'Washington, and began sawing at the East Sawmill of the huge new plant the company was finishing there. He has been pulling a'lever there ever since. still in fine health, and still a skillful and trusted sawyer. Someone figured he has cut mighty near a billion feet of logs in his day.

Fcrmers Lumber d Supply Co.

The Farmers Lumber & Supply Company is building a new retail lumber plant at Lakewood and Palm Street, in Downey, California. C. D. Harkins, of Lakewood Village, is the owner. An office and three large storage sheds are in course of construction on a plot of land 25C by 450 feet.

W. S. Bussell Back in Artesicr


U. S. Plywood Corporation

2990 Bttler Aue.

Fresno. Calilornia

San Francisco Plywood Company Davidson Plywood & Lumber Co.

W. S. Russell was formerly manager of the Barr Lumber Company yard at Artesia, California. Six years ago he was transferred to Whittier and made office manager for the same concern. Now he is back at his old iob as manager of the Artesia yard. Albert Shultz will be Mr. Russell's assistant at Artesia.

*/"d?f u- -nf
Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co. 7o3 V/ert F Street San Diego, Californina 3136 E. lVashington Blad. Los Angeles 2j, Calilornia 752 Seeond Street at Tounsend San Francisco, Calilornia
Scplember l, l95O E.f. SfAilfOil & SOll, rilc. 2050 EAST 4l st STREET 8OX 38I6, IETfiIINA! ANNEX, IO3 ANGETES 5', CAIIF. l9l8 t950 HILL & MORTON, lNC. Distributors of West Coast Lumber Products Gcncral Offices Dennison Street Wharf, Oahland 6, Calif. Phone ANdover l-l0r7 Tclcttpc OA t26 LOS ANGETES 46 8648 Melrose Ave. BRodshqw 2-4375 - CRestview 6-3164 Teletype - Bev.H. 7521 FRESNO, CATIF. 165 South First Street Phone 2.5189 EUREKA P.O. Box 6 Gutten, Golif. Phone 4134W EUGENE, OREGON P.O. Box 571 Telerype EG22 Phone +6472

Tacoma lumher $ales, hc.

714 W. Olympic Blvd.


Telephone PRospect ll08

Brcrnch Office:

1030 G Street, Arcctcr, CaliI., Phone 705




St. Pcul d Tccomcr Lumber Co.

Tqcomcr, Wcsh.

Deliance Lumber Co.

Tccomc, Wcsh.

Dickrran Lumber Compcrny

Tccomq, Wash.

Karlen-Davis Company' Tcrcomc, Wash.

Tcrcomcr Hcrbor Lumber & Timber Co. Tccomc, Wash.

G. L. Spier Co.

Arccrtcr, Cqlif.


Northern Ccrlilornia

crnd Southern Oregon FIR cnd REDWOOD MIttS

Russ Castell & Associates Organized

R. M. "Russ" Castell, formerly vice president and general manager of Door & Plywood Jobbers, Inc., of Los Angeles, announces the establishment of Russ Castell & Associates, to specialize in the wholesale procurement and distribution of Forest Products and A1lied Building Materials, serving the eleven Western States, Central and South Ame:'ica, Mexico and Canada. Offices to be maintained at 7149 Anaheim Telegraph lload, Los Angeles 22, California. A complete service to the producer, mill operator, manufacturer, retail and rvl-rolesale lumber concerns and va-ious allied organizations such'as hardu'are, steel, nails etc., rvill be offered, according to Castell.

Russ Castell is an experienced sales and lumber executive having started his career in Colorado, following in the footsteps of his father who had been in the lumber and hardu'are business in the middle-west for many vears. Russ came to California twenty-six years ago and has been active in building material sales promotion since that time.

"\\rith the many years experience our men have-the great number of mill connections we have secured for the procurement of all lumber products-we kno.iv we are going to be able to fulfili the requirements of the deelers ii-i vclume," declared Castell.

This finn u,ill specialize in hardr,vare, plywood, doo:s, hardn'ood and'softrvood lumber. Their telepl.rone number i,l UNion 8-2127.

Rcy Vcn Ide Cclled to Active Service in U. S. Air Force

Ilay Van Ide, con.rmission lumber salesman, of Altader-ra, ('alif., has been called into active service with the U.S. .\rnry Air Corps. He u'as a bombardier with the rank of liirst l-ieutenant for a pe::iod of four years in World War lI. I Ic participated in many missions over Europe, and lvas :;lrot down over Austria, ar-rd interned for seven months in (lcrman prisor.r camps before being returned to the Unitel States.

Andy Donovan, rveil known Los Angeles lumbennan, n'il1 take over Ray's business connections while he is au'ay. His phone number is MAdison 9-2355.

John Hanson, of Anderson-Hanson Company, Studio Cit)', Calif., has just returned from a two-week business trip to the company's main office in Dallas, Texas. He drove both u'ays, and reported that business was extremely brisk in that area.



QUAUTY-IUcple Bros. Mouldings qre uttexcelled lor Unilormity, Smooth Finish, trnd Solt Texture. SERVICE-The pattems you wcurt, when you wqnt them. Prompt delivery lo your ycrd FREE in the loccl trcrde creq.

"Ask Our Present Ctrstomers, Then See For Yoursell"

(Formerly Lashley Lumber Sofes Co.,lnc.) tl'HOLESALE
SAN FRANCISCO I I No. I Drumm Street ' DOuglos 2-5O7O Teletype SF 653 Whlre Fir
Redwood PASADENA I 35 N. Roymond Ave. SYcomore 6-5397 L. A. Phone RYon l-8123
Douglcs Fir o
MAPLE BROS. Telephone Whittier 44003 WANEHOUSE WHOI.ESAI^ERS Whittier 617 Putncm Drive [l00RS "Rezg", "General" and"Trussed C3re" [I00RS HOTTOW CORE SOFTWOOD A]ID HARDWOOD P]YWOOD Bcrck Pcnel Compqny PLYW[|[D 3ro-3r4 Ecsr 32ndosrreel-I;j"r.res u, corir. PLYW[$[I tOS.CAt TUMBER CO. WHOTESATE DISTRIBUTORS SUGAR & PONDEROSA PINE 5024 Hormes Ave. Los ANGELES 11'.ALIF' Phone )Elf;egon 6234

Every sack of Calaveras QuafityCement is backed by the integrity and the rn?nufacturing-experience of a cornpany which for 25 vearc has 6eeri recognized foi the excellence of its products anq servrce.


As rcported in The California Lumber Merchant Septembet 1, 1925

On August 27 the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club W. B. Wickersham president for the coming year. manager of the industrial department of the Chas. Cormick Lumber Company.

elected this fair land, preaching the gospel of He is the lumber industry." Gus Russell, of R, IWc- troduced Mr. Dionne to the meeting.

The Finkbine Lumber Company, of Jackson, Mississippi, announces the purchase of two billion feet of Redwood timber in Mendocino County, California, from the Cottoneva Lumber Company, price about two million dollars. The new owners announce they will build a mill and railroad and manufacture the timber. They are still manufacturing Yellow Pine in I\.{ississippi.

At the recent annual convention of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association in Portland, M. B. Nelson, president of the Long-Bell Lumber Company,.and Chas. S. Keith, president of the Central Coal & Coke Company, were the principal speake:s.

The San Francisco Ad Club on August 19 heard a talk on lumber advertising by Jack Dionne. The Ad Club publication, in reporting the speech, described him as "an itinerant lumber preacher, a wande:er gver the face of

On Monday, August 24, eight eight million feet of lumber into something of a record.

merchandising to San Francisco. in-

vessels brought about Los Angeles harbor,

Eureka Mill& Lumber Company, plans for immediately constructing $250.000.

Oakland, announces a new plant to cost

The Bay District Hoo-Hoo Club held it annual outing and picnic on August 16, in the foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains. Mrs. Lewis Godard won the ladies beauty contest. Eddie Chamberlin, Ken Smith, and Gris Russell had their pictures taken together, the picture appearing in the LUMBER MERCHANT write-up. Fred Roth was arrangements chairman.

pclrt of totalled SPECIALIZING 6819 West Blvd.


O PTYWOOD . IU,I,IBER O TRI'IA & MOUTDING {30 items in stockl o TROPTC WAtt (tongue & grooved ponelingl O FTUSH DOORS Inglewood, Colif.

cAuForNtA tur$4r ilEtcHANl
tAVE RAS C EMENT GOI'IPANY 315 l,lontgc;.ry 3t.,Scn Francirco f,Gol. EARTY -lflffffi $nt'i'ttliotHtlts GltlrEnrs tolrlA|aDcil3lll GNNENTS .rttFtr .*.iEiH
Lumber shipments from the Northwest to tl-re San Francisco by wate: for the first half of 1925 319.774.ffi0 feet. ?-{r'* Philippine Mohogcny WHOLESALE DISTR,IBUTORS ORegon 8-4058



5050 Eost Slouson Ave., los Angeles 22,Colit.Phone lOgon 5-5144

Quoliry Poirderosa Pine flllovldings


Distribution Worehouse 6106 Wolker Avenue, tfioywood, Colilornio

lllf-_=*;; subfritutF

Vcu'll fisd w: "i(NOW OUR ONIONS". ,- whcn it Gome3 lo thc products wr rcll our rclqil lumbcr deqlcrr-that is why our curfom.rr rcly on JOHN W. KOEHI, & 9ON perronncl who "KNOW THEIRS IOO" Our troined slcfi plur QUAIITY SASH, DOORS ond WINDOWS hqvc msdc uc lhe "numbcr onc" tourcc of supply in Southern Colifornio for ovcr rhirry-cighr ycorc. Givc ur o call fODAY -ond be convinced.


GENERAI OFFICES: P. o. Box 1618, Ooklond, Colifornio

tOS ANGETES offi"" ond Yards: 4710 S. Alomedq SI.-JE3lll

OAKTAND Yoids ond Whorves: 727 Kenncdy St.-KE4-8466

PORTTAND Mill Soles Officer 827 Terminol Soles Blds.

SAW MILLS: Roseburg, Orcaon r Reedsporf. Orcgon




Soptambor l, 1950 Pogc 29
IAMON.BONNINGTON GOMPANY Uett eoodt lua/rer, Uhaleulera CATERING EKCTUST\TELY TO CAIJFONNUI RETAIL IT'MBM DEAI.ERS Rooms 505-6-7 Morris Plcrn Bldg.,717 Mqrket St., Scrn Frcnrcisco 3-YIIkon 6-5721


Mr. and N[rs. Paul Allen are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Margaret, their third child, in Van Nuys, August 11. Mr. Allen is associated with Pacific Fir Sales, Pasadena.

Mill WiU Be Rebuilt

Q,,'-A4'U*,,t' r Qo*

"It's No. Nine" Scrys Don Philips



We ore id business to give you QUlCK, ACCURAIE WHOtESAIE IUMBER SERVICE ond our orgonizotion is fully cquipped to 3erve oul Gu3tomar3. exqctly lhe woy YOU wont it.

Wlicn you ore foced wirh o problem involving o corlood or q trqinlocd you certoinly wont to deol wirh the distributor who con fulftll your needs promptly ond eficicntly. Wa mqintoin lhc proper mill connections thot ossure the righr lumber for the iob.

SERVICE PLUS is our pledge to hondle YOUR orders os YOU wont rhem handled becsuse we reolize during these trying times every efforl musl be put forth in order lo mointqin the reputofion upon which we hcve built our orgcnizotion. Our copocily to 3erve you includes experienced perscniel onC o complete coverogo of the producing mills doily -snd co we soy caoin-

"We ossure you thot every orde; you plcce with us, lorge o, s.oilf will receive prompl, courlaous oltention from experienced peopleWHO KNOW.THE ]UIIBER BUS!ltE5S!"

The sawmiil of Willamina Lumber Company, Willamina, which burned a few weeks ago with a loss estimated at $200,0C0, will be rebuilt as soon as possible.

L. M. Hampton is president of the company. John Hampton is sales manager. The mill cut 200M per day, operating tlvo shifts.

Named Mcncger

Byron Peart of Napa, Calif., was appointed manager of the Hammond Lumber Company branches in Sonoma ancl Boyes Hot Springs, las.t July. He succeeded Harry Snour, who had been manager of the yards since 1945. Mr. Peart came originally from Sacramento. He has been in the lumber business for l6 vears.

Ocklqnd Firm McnuIcctures Pine crnd Fir

Announcement is made by Wholesale Lumber Distributors, Inc., Oakland, that they norv have a mill producing Ponrlerosa pine and fir lumber. The output is about 40,000 feet Der dav.

Moves Olfice

Sidewall Lumber Co., wholesale distributors of Wonder - Kote Cedar Walls, recently moved tl-reir office to 63 Brady Street, San Fran cisco. The neu' telephone number is UNderhill 0650.

Thomas D. Philips, Jr., was born on August 18, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Philips, of Los Angeles. The ne'rv arrival is the grandson of the popular lumberman, Don Philips, and his attractive wife. This makes nine grandchildren for Mr. and Mrs. Philips, whose grandchild contest with that other popular Los Angeles lumberman, Gus Hoover, is now a tie. Mr. Hoover has nine grandchildren. also.

Fred Ziese c Grqndfcrther

A 7-lb. 9-oz. girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Ziese, Jr. atU. C. Hospital, San Francisco, August 3. This makes Fred J. Ziese, -Sr., of Gamerston & Green Lumber Co., San Francisco, a grandfather for the first time. Fred, Jr. aiso '"1'orks for Gamerston & Green.

Norman La Vine, ln San Francisco on N. La Vine Lumber Co., Seattle, business early this month.


We ore prepored to supply you with the following "nome brqnd" products in full cors, porl cors, or from our immense invenlory:

MASON [fGenuine Hqrdboords

FtINTKOTE-Conec Insulotion

UPSON-The best of fibre boords

PANETYTE-The decorotive Plostic with the "horder to mor" surfqce.


"Nome bronds" ossure you of profitobte soles ond more of them.

All ovoiloble ot:

Teletypc lA 715
Frank Kilpatrick, general manager of Rockport Redwood Co., San Francisco, is vacationing at Lake Tahoe.
r. E. HIGGIIIS I.UMBER GO. 99 Boyshore Blvd. Son Froncisco 24, Colifornio VAlencio 4-8744




Horbor 2ol24-2or25 Bolboo, Cclifornio


WholesaleDigtributors oJ Pacific Coast Lumber Sinccl9l8


PORTLAND 4 Wilcox Bldg. BEocon | 341 lUTBER

Wholesole Only PLYWOOD

Execulive Ofrces U. S. Nationol Bonk Bldg. Portlqnd 4, Ore. ATwcter 3175

SAN FRANGISCO 4 564 Mqrket St. GArfield | -5t 90
C[ay ]Enown & Cormpany
MiIls Forluno Humboldr County Cqlif.
J f^ (nconponnreo) tl
Soles Ofice 567O Wilshire Blvd. los Angeles 36, Cglif. WEbster 3-O4O5

Smith Says Calilornia ls No* Second In LumberProduction

Eureke, Calif.-The large-scale production of Douglas fir lumber in California's three northwest counties, addecl to the traditional cut of California Redwood and Western pines, has been responsible for California's step up into the 1919 nation's second largest lumber producing state, topped only by Oregon.

Harris E. Smith, secretary of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, 'ivho is spending a week from the Portland headquarters visiting with Douglas fir producers in this region, points out that it has been only in the last few years that California has become an important manufacturer of Douglas fir lumber.

In 1947 Humboldt County cut D2,014,000 board feet of Douglas fir lumber, slightly less than the 297,344,000 borrcl feet of California Redrvood sawed. In 1948 Douglas fir production jumped to 358,600,000 board feet in this countv, and California Redwood shorved a comparable increase to 439,090,000 board feet.

Production of Douglas fir in 1949 has shown a co-responding increase, although exact census figures are not as yet available, Smitl-r said.

In 1919, California nosed out Washington as the nation's second largest producer of lumber. With the expending production of Douglas fir, backed up by more than 40 billion feet of the fir species in tl-re three northwest counties of the state, and the program of industry to apply better forest management and better forest practices in the harvesting of this great natural resource, Smith believes this section 'rvill continue to be an impo:tant factor in the nation's lumber industry for many years in the future.

"The expansion of the Tree Farm program on northlr,'est California private forest holdings," Smith said, "is one of the most progressive forward steps of industry to insur'e perpetual c-ops of trees for every generation."

Humboldt county, with a Douglas fir cut in 1949 of closc to 370,000,000 board feet, now takes its place among the top ten producing counties in Oregon, Washington ancl California of this species, Smith said.

"The timber economies of the three coast states." Smith observed, "are more closely tied together than at any tirrre

in recent )-ears, rvith the emergence of California as a Douglas fir producer of importance.

"Douglas fir manufacturers and timber land owners," Smith stated, "now have common objectives in improving their forest management practices. They are also united in their program to develop new markets and merchandise Douglas fir lumber products so as to maintain a steady demand, provide permanent payrolls and help maintain the economic stability of communities in which they operate."

Smith accompanied by Arthur W. Priaulx, director of public relations for the Association, is calling on a large number of fir mills in this area to tell local producers what the West Coast Lumbermen's Association is doing in the field of trade promotion.


of the

Company at Arcata, is a district director for Northern California for the \Alest Coast Lumbermen's Association.

Harbor Plywood Cotp.rof California Moves to New Warehouse in San Francisco

Harbor Plywood Corp. of California moved and opened for business August l, to a larger building at 3095 Third Street (Third and Army), San Francisco.

The new warehouse has improved shipping facilities, including a new Hyster lift truck, 26,000 square feet of floo; spdce, five loading doors, and a shipping dock.

This concern is a 'ivholesale distributor of plyrvood, Celotex, Formica, fir and hardwood doors, and the Rusco Prime \\rindow (Vertical slide).

Wayne Rarvlings is vice president and general manager of Harbor Plywood Corp. of California. The neu'telephone number is VAlencia G24ll.

Francis Holmes, of Holmes Eureka ar-rd his wife, Jeanne, moved into Eureka, August 4. Francis, who is Holmes, president of the company, of H-E redwood in its construction.

Lumber Co., Eureka, their nen, home in the son of Fred V. says he used plenty


E. Magnuson, Sound Timber
of PONDEROSA PINE - SUGAR PINE DOUGTAS FIR - WHITE FIR - INCENSE CEDAR, Sowmill of Oregon House, CoIiJ. 5o. Cqlifornio Represenlolive Ploning ,liill & Shipping Yord A. W. "Andy" Donovqn P. O. Box 2470 525 Rowon Bldg. Socromento, Colif. MAdison 9-2355




MiUE at Sarnoa and EureLa, Califorr:ria


Willard lvarson, Pacifi c vacationed for a rveek at Fir Saies, Pasadena, and his rvife, Laguna Beach.

Fred Holmes, president, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., with George Allen, logging superintendent; George peck, loading engineer, and his son, Francis Holmes, had wonderful luck in a deer hunt in Mendocino County at the opening of the deer season. Each of the party brought home a deer, ar-rd NIr. Holrnes usecl up his two deer tags for this year.

Harold Ranstad has been appointed Siskiyorr Forest Products Co., Grants

gene:'al manager of Pass, Oregon.

A. K. Wilson, president of A. K. Wilson Lumber Co., Compton, California, Coast Redwood Co., Arcata, California, and N{ultnomah Lumber and Box Sales Co. of portland, Oregon after spending months at his various operations has decided to take a little rest.

He returned to his home in Corvallis, Oregon the first part of Arrgust and at last reports he, Mrs. Wilson and their tlvo sons a-e trying their luck at fishing in the Oregon streams.

Max Barnette, manager of Rounds Trading Company's Southern California office at Long Beach, flew to San Francisco recently and went on north from there by automobile to visit the company's mills and other mills in the Redwood Empire area. He was accompanied on the trip by Clitr Lindholm, of Western Lumber Companv, San Diego.

Scptamber t, l95O Poge 33
Shevlin-ltlc(loud lumber Co. \ -l '' Dislrihulors of PONDEROSA PINE SUGAR PINE , WHTTE FIR DOUGLAS FIR SHEVLIN FINE Selling the Prodvcts of: Ihe Mc0loud Riyer lumber Co. Mc0loud, Calif The Shevlin-Hixon Company Bend, 0re. TAEA.TBER Wctlorn Pinc Atrocioliqn Pordaroro Pinc Woodworl lvcrf Coolt Lumbcimon't Artociqtion EXECUTIVE OFFICE 000 Fi$l ilal'l-Soo line Building illl{l{EAPous 2, ilil]{t{. District Ssles Ofices Sqn Frcncisco 5 New York | 7 Chicogo I 366 So. Beverly Drive Beverly IIilIs, Calil. Telephones-BRcr&hcrw 2-4 gS g CRestview S-G634 WEST OREGON I.I'MBER GOMPANY Mcrnulccturers of Douglcs Fir Lurnber treated lumber, poles cnd poststhe treahnent thct protects against Termites cnd Deccry No. Cclilornic Salee Office plcurt cmd Hecd Office P. O. Box 33S, Sauscrlito P. O. Box 6106 Scusclito l3l8 Portlcnd 9, oregon Bcry Arec Phone ENterprise l-0lgg crnd oI

Figures On Northwest Wcterborne Shipments

Seattle-Waterborne lumber shipments from Pacific Northwest ports continued to be large during June, according to Pacific Lumber Inspection figures. Domestic shipments were only slightly below the record set the previous month, while exports were the highest in nine months.

June domestic shipments totaled 225,833,909 board feet, compared with 228,916,762 in May and 210,075,681 in April 147,n5,573 in June last year, 96,053,n6 in June, 1948, and 39,834,953, June 1947.

June exports were 63,378,802, against 55,537,404 the previous month and 39,464,023 in April; 103,027,107 in June, 1949; 85,796,950 in June, 1948, and 176,436,541 in June,1947.

July Construction Brecks All-Time Records

New York, August 20-Constru,ction contract awards in the 37 states east of the Rockies in July set an all-time monthlv record with a $1,420,181,000 total which was 5 per cent higher than the previous all-time monthly record of $1,350,496,000, set in April of this year, it was reported today by the F: W. Dodge Corporation, construction news ; and marketing specialists.

The July total was 6 per cent higher than June's 1,345,463,000 figure, and 51 per cent greater than the July, 1949, total according to the Dodge firm.

For the first seven months of 1950 construction contract au'ards totaled $8,27+,329,000, which was 53 per cent greatei than the corresponding figure f.or 1949. The total square feet of floor area for the first seven months of 1950 was 753,757,000, an increase of 69 per cent over the comparable figure for last year.

Residential awards in July totaled $675,080,000, an increase of'7 per cent over the June figure and an increase of 98 per cent over the corresponding figure for 1949.

Non-residential awards in July were $487,115,000, up 10 per cent over the June total and 39 per cent ahead of luly,1949.

Public and private works and utilities totaled $257,986P00, a decrease of 6 per cent from June's total, but an increase of 2 per cent over July, 1949.

E. K. Wood Ycrd At Riverside SuIIers Grecrt Fire Loss

On the night of the 13th of August fire destroyed a large part of the big retail lumber plant of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, at Riverside, California. The loss was about $100,000, fully covered by insurance.

The office and rough lumber sto'cks were saved, but the mill and the big sheds that stored the higher priced items such as finish, flooring, plywood, etc., lvas entirely wiped out, which caused the high total loss.

It is contemplated that replacement will begin as soon as possible. The yard is located at 3761 First Street in Riverside, and is under the management of Paul Loizeaux.

Curly Emmerson of R. H. Emmerson & Son, fir manufacturers, Arcata, represented in Southern California by Pacific Fir Sales, Pasadena, was recently in tos Angeles for a few days buying equipment for the company's new sarvmill.

...0f 0uality West Coast Lumber plus a complete experienced oryanization to follow through 4tl"rtt" 8u*6", Qo*p*"t 543 PITTOCK BTOCK . PORTLAIID 5, OREGOI.| it I tts Phi lomath, 0regon Teletype P0439 BRAIICH (IFFICES EUGEIIE, ilEllF0R0 md Pltlt0ltATH,0nEGnI cotttNs & mEYER, ltc. Monufocturers qnd Wholesole Distributors of REDWOOD Bevel Siding.Pcffern Stock Dry Commons zos3 E. Firesrone f,#ii:?ff 538 Meod Btds. j: Doiney, Colif. Finish ropoz :.t2,.rozo,2-ro8o service - Oroiiiy-- n"tlo biliry t;||}T'rto'j||'


for 5o. Cofif.

Slroighr or llired Ceirs


Our policy is to ship a breakdown oJ itetns in cars to enable yards to keep their inventories in balance-at least as tnuch as is possible consistent with quantity production.

GOOD FOR, A I'I$K & ilIA$0il 855 El Centro 5t. So. Posodeno coroBruL rrrErnlE; PYrsmid l-1197 SYcqmore 9-2574
Exclvsive Distributor.s
Fore$t Products $ales Compilny 86ll Crenshaw Blvd. INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA ORegon 8-3858 SISKIYOU DOREST PROIIUCTS CO. ITANUFACIURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS DOUGTAS rIR and WESTERN PINE TUMBER P.O. Box 437-Phone 4493-Grcnls Pcss, Oregon-Teletype Grcnls Pqss 6l 8Ol Eqsl H 5t. Siskiyou Foresl Producls of Colifornis Soulhern Cqliforniq Oftice 333 Montgomery St. Stephen G. Freemqn & Co. Sqn Froncisco 4, Colifornio 1532 Mirqmqr Drive Phone YUkon 23294Teletype S.F. ll48 Bolboo, Cotif.Phone Hqrbor 2024-2025 MARTIN PLYWOOD COTIPANY WHOI.ESAI.E DISTRIBI'TOR \ot,q/@d alau Phfrraal arol Saana Ofipn Uiniln rra- - Sennna 5 oanl, - eo.rilriroafiat4 Sevza 5 aoal, Ollice and Wcrrehouse 5816 SOUTH MAIN ST. tOS ANGELES 3, CAIJF. Phone .ADqns"3,6166

\(/estern Pine Convention Recommends Stopping Transit Lumber Shipments

tion president; S. V. Fullaway, Jr. of Portland, secretarymanager, and Charles A. Leonard, chief of the St. Louis procurement office of the Corps of Engineers.

He told the group that his office will place orders for approximately 1,500,000,000 board feet of lumber between now and July 1, 1951. In the event of an all-out war, he said, the armed forces will require six billion board feet of lumber annually in addition to an estimated 12 billion feet which will be needed by prime contractors working on defense projects.

He said, however, he did not feel that the present situation in Korea warranted the declaration of an emergency now and, therefore, regarded it as unlikely that allocations rvould be necessary soon unless war breaks out elsewhere.

Spokane, Aug. 1l-Current market prospects indicate a ready demand for all lumber despite possible war-caused housing cutbacks, leading western pine lumbermen were told at the closing session of the Western Fine Association summer meeting here today.

More than 200 representatives of the $500 million pine industry heard W. E. Griffee of Portland, assistant secretary-manager, say that even though new housing starts are reduced as a result of tighter government credit policies, construction under way will not be finished until late in the fall. "At the same time," said, "the demand for fruit and vegetable shook is extremely urgent and heavy industrial production requires a large volume of lumber, ' ''"JY

Griffee was one of the four speakers on the final program of the first industry-wide pine manufac'turers meeting ever held here. Others were E. C. Olson of Spokane, Associa-

Olson, head of the E. C. Olson Lumber company and Kaniksu Products, Inc. reviewed the'history of cooperative endeavor in the western pine industry from its inception in Spokane when the Western Pine Shippers' association was founded in 1903. He traced its growth from the small group oI 47 years ago with 22 members shipping 160 million l>oard feet annually, fhrough the 2S-year period of the succeeding Western Pine Manufacturers association, the merger in 1931 of the WPMA with the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers association, up to the existing organization of 300 mills which this year are expected to manufacture approximately six billion feet of lumber.

Olson paid tribute to the pioneers of the western pine industry, many of whom came from the Lake states to the Inland Empire and other sections of the l2-state Western Pine region and laid the groundwork fo.r the present industry-wide cooperation.

"To these men we owe an immense debt of thanks for pointing the way toward the rewarding and mutually enjoyable association we have today," he said. "But if we are now harvesting substantial benefits from their farseeing spadework, let us not be deluded that the job is done.

"Let us remember to maintain the foundation of our industry with the future, to stand by the conditions which surround its operation, and to everldstingly support, by gooperative action, the principle and fact of free endeavor

Five stcf rneurberg ol the Western Pine Agsociction with more thqn 25 yecrs ol gervice ecch were honored crt the gummer meeting oI the organizction in Spokone. LeIt to right-Inspector T. A. "Torr" Ssndoe, 26 yecrs; In:pector J. W. "Jcck" Steward, 28 yecis; Chiel Inspector Vern Johnson, 30 yecrs; Mrs. Alene Morris, ccrshier, 27 yecus, cnd Alberi Hermcnn, kiln consultcnt, 27 yearc.
Too' :,!

PacrFrc FoREsr PnoDucrs, lNc.


Douglas Flr - Redwood - Ponderoso and Susar Pine

Moin Oftce qnd Yard So. Colifornio Representqtive Bronch Office snd,Yord

9th Avenue Pier Dick lsFronchi Coliforniq Ave. qt So. 4rh Sr. Ooklond, Colif. Pocific Electric Bldg. Fresno, Colif.

TWinooks 3-9866-7 6fh & Mqin Streets, Los Angeles 14 phone 4-5234

Tefetype OA 216 TUcker 1232-1233

Buying Offlces: Eurekc, Colifornio; Eugene, Oregon


Today's 0utstanding Gombination lloor

Ofters fhese testvrest




Con be opened only from within.

DOOR mode from selected Kiln-Dried lumber.

WINDOW 5ASH-rust-resislont steel.

SCREEN-AIuminum, bronze or ploslic.

Available lor Delivery Out of Stock


317 Sourh Pqlm Avenue, Alhqmbro, Cqliforniq

Phone CUmberlond 3-3731





Soles Agenls for:

Cqrl Diebold Lumber Co., Porllond, Ore.

Diebold-Meredith lumber Co., Portlond, Ore.

Chopco Soles, Corvollis, Ore.

Permq Producls, Clevelond, Ohio

"9hqkerlown, Sidewqlls"

ONI,Y fHE BESf-Get what you BllY WHEN YOU NETD 'T


Wholesole Lumber Suite 210

3757 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5, Col. Phones-DUnkirk 2-3O8O DUnkift 3-6913 Teletype tA 488

Septcmber l, 1950 Page 37
t. WltS(lll
DONOVER G 1902 O. ING. Estcblished I.UMBER P[YWOOD 3201 Mcrple Avenue ADcons l-4205 944 E. Slcuson Avenue ADcons 3-8267 SHINGTES WHOTESAI"E DISTRIBUTION YARDS Cctering To Needs oI Lumber Dealers We Invite Your lrquiries TWO YANDS Los Angeles ll, Cclilornic

under rvhich it rvill endure," he said.

Fullau'ay revierved the role of the permanent staff of 59 persons in association activities. The staff, he said, is "a tangible industry asset-a valuable indust:f investment. It is they who execute the program of activities rvho carry out the policies determined by the menrbership rvh<l are largely responsible, therefore, for the pultlic standing of your association."

He introduced five veterans of more than 25 years service rvith the organization-Chief inspector Vern Johnson, 30 years; Inspector Jack Stervart, 28 years; Mrs. Alene Morris, caslrier, 27 years; Albert Hermann, kiln consultant,2T years, and Inspector T. A. Sandoe, 26 years.

In an effort to help remedy a serious current railroacl car shortage, the \Mestern Pine association recommended that in-transit stoppage of lumber shipments be discontinued until February l, 1951.

The group also suggested that all railroads return to a six-day service week in the interests of speeding up car rnovements through terminals, approved a carrier program for "railroad efficiencies," and condemned any program of freight car construction by the government.

Raymond H. Berry of the Scott Lumber company, Burney, Calif., chairman of the association's traffic committee, pointed out that freight cars are in short supply throughout the entire country.

"Business has increased substantially and the supply of cars has decreased," he said. "In order to offset retirements it is necessary for the carriers to install approximately 4000 cars each month. This they have not been doing."

Berry said that there are 33.3 per cent fewer box cars in service norv than there rvere in 1930. The carrying capacity of all railroad cars has shrunk from 106 million tons to 91 million tons, or about 14 per cent, in 20 years, he said.

Hugh A. Gillis, association traffic manager, said there is a daily shortage of 22,000 boxcars in the United States. Some mills, he said, are getting only one car a u'eek u'hen they're used to getting 14.

An anticipated easing of the car situation expected u.ith increased westward shipments of Korean war material has not developed, he reported. "Most of the shipments zrre sent to ports south of the Pacific Northu'est," Gillis said. "and the cars are being sent back empty."

Appointed Northern California Distributor of Rusco \(/indows

James E. Connolly, West Coast managbr of The F. C. Russell Cn., Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturer of Rusco Steel 'Windows, announced re-. cently the appointment of Harbor I'lywood Corp. of California, whose office and warehouse are at 3095 Third Street (Third and Army), San Francisco, as Northern California distributor of the Rusco Prime Window Positive locking mechanism ot the (Vertical Slide). {ingerrip-conrrolledRusco?ti:",yll ..This durable, rust_ dow qutomqticclly locks glcas inserl in oll ventilcting or closel positions, resisting Armco metal providing prowler-proof prolection. window unit offers year_ round advantages that increase home salabiblity," said Mr. Connolly. "It has construction features that reduce installation and field costs, and it has been received with enthusiasm by many of the nation's largest builders.

"The Rusco windorv is a quality product, competitive r,vith the lowest priced window unit on the market."

Stock is available for immediate shipment from ware. h, ruse.

Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 Will Hold Meeting September l8

The next meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 rvill be held at the Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, on Monday evening, September 18.

Officers for the coming year will be elected, and there *'ill be a Navy speaker who will talk on an interesting and topical Navy subject. A movie rvill also be shown, entitled "The Aircraft Carrier's Place in Today's Navv."

The group also voted to seek a meeting rvith carriers' Miss Ruth Belvin is now a member of the office stafi representatives if the railroads' efficiency program does not of I'acific Forest Products, Inc.. Oakland. She was forremedy the shortage. merly with E. K. Wood Lumber Company.

REEVES TAYTOR I.UMBER GOMPANY OSBUR.N HOTEI, EUGENE, OREGON PHONES 4-2271 & 4-2272. TETETYPE EG-OO4 WEST COAST Sqn Froncisco FTOYD W. EIIIOTT Phone: DOuglos 2-4211 Fife Building IUN,IBER PR,ODUCTS Socromenlo ROY E. BROWN Phone: Hillcrest 6-1616 l90l-55rh Streel los Angeler C. P. HENRY & CO. Phone PRospecr 6524 714W. Olympic Blvd.
STUART C. SMITH LUMBER SALES WHOLESALE LUMBER Exclusive Sales Agents lor ForestProducts Co. o[ Oregon Specializing in specified Dougfcrs Fir Dimension rete,ype77 particuta":::"::,:'^:,::":" "t reet rerephone to22 /lloson E. Kline Arlhur 8. Rul KTTNE RUF Mill Represenlolives REDWOOD O DOUGTAS FIR' PTYWOOD 625 Morket Street o Son Froncisco, Colifornio Tefephones DOuglas 2-1387,2-1388 - leletype SF 847 Telephone EXbrook 2-3644 Teletype s. F. 289X L. IilT. MARTINEZ GO. WHOTESAI"E IT'MBER Hobqrt Building sAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIF. WTSTTRN MIIT & MOUIDII{G GO. WHOTESAI.E ONLY STOCK SJI,gf, NAIL AND BANS P0tfD[Rosa PII|E M0ULDII|GS, GUARAIYfIE!' G00D MIU,II|G AI|D CLEAR GRADD wE DELn/En , 11615 Parmelee Ave., OII Impericl Highwcy TO LocAL yAnD rRADE Los Angeles 2, Cclil.Phones LOrcrin 6-01936-1123 e oev

There are rew .n,:1""5ns",T:lii'" occurrence than shaking hands; and yet I do not recollect that much has been speculated on the subject.

I confess, when I consider to what unimportant futile concerns the atterition of writers and readers has been directed, f am surprised that no one has been found to handle so important a matter as this, and attempt to give the public a rational view of the doctrine and discipline of shaking hands.

I have been unable to find in the ancient writers any distinct mention of shaking hands. They followed the heaitier practice of hugging or embracing, which has not wholly disappeared among grown persons in Europe, and children in our own country, and has unquestionably the advantage on the score o,f cordiality.

When the ancients trusted the business of salutation to the hands alone, they joined but did not shake them; and although I 6nd frequently such phrases as "jungere dextras hospitio," I do not recollect to have met with that of "agitare dextras."

I am inclined to think that the practice grew up in the ages of chivalry when the cumbrous iron mail, in which the knights were encased, prevented their embracing; and when, with fingers clothed in steel, the simple touch or joining of the hands would have been but cold welcome; so that a prolonged junction was a natural resort to express cordiality; and as it would have been awkward to keep the hands employed in this position, a gentle agitation or shaking might have been naturally introduced.

How lcng the practice may have remained in this incipient stage it is impossible, in the silence of history, to say; nor is there anything in the Chronicles, in Philip de Comines, or the Byzantine historians, which enables us to trace the progress of the art into the forms in which it now exists among us.-Edward Everett.


Thct Kills

Where to Stcrrt World Unity

The place to start world unity is where we live, not in some far off place. When Charles F. Kettering visited his home town in Ohio; he talked with some of the townspeople about local and foreign affairs. One man was an ardent advocate of world government and world unity.

Kettering wanted to know how many churches there were in the town. There were fourteen. "Fine," said Kettering, "no,$r, let's unite them all into one great efficient church, and I'll give half a million dollars to build it a home. Get them all working in harmony."

The other man said: "That would never work; they would never agree."

Kettering said: "Well, if the churches in one town can't agree, how do you expect the whole world to agree?"

Cure for Despondency

Paul Speicher tells the following interesting story in the R & R Magazine:

"Dr. Link tells the story of the man who came to see him, so desperate he was on the verge of suicide. He couldn't sleep. He had lost his grip. Dr. Link agreed that suicide was the only way out, and suggested to the man that he run himself to death. 'It's easy,' said Dr. Link, 'After supper tonight tell the family you are going for a walk. But, don't walk-run. Run as hard as you can. You are middle-aged, probably your heart is bad, and you will drop dead. No one will know. There will be no' disgrace.'

"The man thought the suggestion was perfect, and that night he started to run himself to death. But he didn't drop dead. He just got very tired. He went home and for the first time in months he slept like a baby. The next night he tried it again, and the result was the same. A good night's sleep. By the third night he was feeling so much better he wanted to live forever."

Not So Smart

Man is not half as smart as he thinks he is, nor half as original. Thousands of years before he even thought of them, the turtle sported a streamlined body, a turret top, a retractable landing gear, and a portable house.


An American visiting in Ireland, was expecting letters from home, so he said to the mail man:

"How many mails do you have here a day?"

"Three," said the Mick; "breakfast, dinner', and supper."

Adventure in Fcrct

Adventure? That's the life, thought I, When young and bo,ld. And so to die Or do, I sought strange scenes afar, (Ho! Samarkand! Yo! Zanzibarl)

To snare wild beasts, to scale tall peaks, Hobnob with pirates, cossacks, sheiks. But O, the long, long hours J wept, On finding one ne'er should acceptThe stuff they print in books !

J. Higdon.

Into my heart a wind that kills, From yon far country blows,
are those blue-remembered hills? What farms, what spires are those ?
is the Land of Lost Content, I see it shining plain, The happy highways where f went, And cannot go again. -IIouseman.
Pogc 4l Septcmber t, l95O American Hardwood Co. Hardwoods Softwoods Contact Us For Your Lrumber Buying 1900 Ecst lSth Street Los Angeles 21 PRospect 4235 ..SERVICE.....r.. ....QUAUIY....... ..,..DEPENDABIL[1T... Let us help with your lumber requirements. PEIIBERTHYTUTIBER G(l. 5800 So. Boyle Ave. Klmbqll Slll Ios Angeles ll Cooprn-ltoncaN lurnsEn Co. Amcricon Bonk Bldg., Portland 5, Orcgon Phons BEocon 2124 lclctypc PD43 Pureyorr of Forerf Productr to Colifornio Reloilerr FrR-spnilce-HEmLocK CEDAR-PINE-PIYWOOD Rcprc:cnting Frorl Hqrdwood Floorr, lnc. in the Socrqmenlo ond Son Jooquin Volleys FRO9TBRAND FLOORING OAK-PECAN-BEECH Calif oni a Rc Pru cnt al ittc twttFnED r. cooPEl llt. co. 231 E. Colorodo 3t, PASADENA I Phonc RYcn 1.7631 SYconorr 3-2o(ll LEW GODARD At BEII HOBBS WALL LUMBER CO. Dfstributors ol REDWOOD LUMBER rlo5 Monfgomery Slreel, Son Froncisco 4 - Telephone GArfield l'7752 So. Colif. Ofice-Donold M. Bufkin, llonoger l.l20 W. Rornono Blvd., Alhombro, Colil. Trhphonr Allonlic 2'5779 lor Angrlor lobphonr llUruol 6il06

Launch Nation-\(/ide Program To Promote \(/ood \(/indow Units

A nation-wide program to promote wood window units on the local dealer level is announced by the Joint Committee for Wood Window Promotion. The Committee is composed of manufacturers of standard woodwork, western pine lumber producers and more than l@ topflight woodwork jobbers.

'Ihe objective of the program is to place in the hands of tl-re lumber dealer a "package" of promotional tools lr.hich rvill enable him to do a more effective merchandising job on wood windows. The program is comprehensive, including national advertising, mats in various sizes for newspaper use by dealers, radio announcements, movie and television programs, direct mail broadsides and envelope enclosures, display materials, outdoor billboard posters ar-rd field men to work with architects, contractors, builders, and home finance agencies. The field men are Douglass Pilkington, covering the Southwest and West Coast; Ray Dahl, covering the Midwest; and Charles Emery, covering Eastern territory from Boston to Baltimore.

In announcing the program, the Joint Committee ernphasized the fact that it is not a species campaign, but features the advantages of chemically treated, weatherstripped rvood rvindow units.

The Joint Wood Windorv Promotion Program is co<r'perative, carried on and financed jointly by the \A/estern l'irc :\ssociation, Ponderosa Pine Woodu'o-k Association and n-ood'n'ork manufacturers and jobbers throughout the c()unirv. It does not take the place of any program notv being conducted by individual manufacturers.

The executive committee of the new organization consists of E. \\''. Ruddick, general manag'er of Ponderosa Pine \\rood$'ork; O. C. I-ance, secretary-manager of National \\roodn'ork I\{anufacturers Association, Inc., and S. \r. Fullarvay, secretary of the Western Pine Association.

\\'r,rl<ing u-ith the executive committee is an advisory committee consisting of Lathrop K. Leishmarr, president. Crou-r'r Citv Lumber & Mill Company, Pasadena, Califr>rnia; Paul J. Nlathen', Mather,r' Lumber Company, Oskaloosa, Iou'a; Artl.rur Clifford, A.W. Burritt Companv, Briclgeport, Connecticut : R.A. Schaub, North Indiana f-trnrl;cr & Coal Company. \\rhiting, Incliarra; W. I-. John-

son, Boise-Payette Lumber Company, Boise, Idaho; \\'illiam Aldrich, Aldrich, Aldrich & Company, Billings, Montana; and W. T. Spencer, Spencer Lumber Companv. Gastonia, North Carolina.

New Plywood Plcnt crt Sonomq, Colil.

Sonoma Plywood Co. is the name of a ne.iv Douglas fir plyrvood mill at Sonoma, Calif. The plant is operated bv Ronald and Carl Carlson, and the plywood is made from veneers brought in from the West Coast Veneer Co., Crescent City, by truck. Present production is about 700,000 scluare feet per month on a 3/s", 3-ply basis.

Ronald Carlson was until recently manager of Industrial Plyu'ood Co., Willits, and botl-r brothers formerly u.orked for United States Plywood Corp. in Seattle.

Oonls Lurnlror Oolnpilny INCORPORAIED 6E POST STBEET . SAN FRANCTSCO 4, CAL|TORNtA Tcfctygr 3F..27t * YUlon 6.6306


AXminster 5296

5140 Crenshcrw Blvd. Ios Angeles 43, Calilornic

Since 1922 in Soatbern Calilornia

Stocks on hcrnd at loccl harbor lor lcrst seryice to deqlers

We specicrlize in products oI fylooRE riltll & tutnBER co., BANDoN, oREGoN qnd

lons Timbers CAPE ARAGO TUMBER CO., EMPIRE, OREGON Douglos Fir Qnick MiIl Shipmen] "Experience Countf' Porl Orlord Cedar

Roil shippers ofquoliry West Coost lumber

COTIPETENT WHOLESAIE SERVIGE CONTINUOUSTY SINCE 1928 - freed lumber quick? a eatload or a stiek?

Redwood slNcE ls88

Douglcs Fir Sugcrr'Pine Ponderosc Port Orlord Cedar Spruce

' '
RAILANDCARGO . . . . . O '
tcptcmbcr l, l95O R. U. Bronson ' J. J. Lydon Roy Kirchoff P. O. Box 7 Teletype EG 37 Phone tbl476
Inctl grcrdes vaN ARSDALE-HARRIS TUMBER GO.,rNG, Sth crnd BBANNAN STS. SAN FRANqISCO 7, CAIJF. -PIIONE GA l-3600 TrrrnrY Srx ., .a,[ \ ,, i., '. : YnrnS of serviae to you EST:ERN OAKtAilD .2O, CALIFORNIA IDooR & SCsH Go.

Third Annual Valley Frolic To Be Held at Fresno,

Saturd.y, September 9

Lumbermen are cordially invited to the Third Annual Valley Frolic, sponsored by San Joaquin Hoo-Hoo Club No.3l, to be held at the Californian Hotel, Fresno, on Saturday, September 9.

The trvo previous Frolics rvere largely attended, and were considered to be outstanding events. This year's program under chairmanship of J. C. "Doc" Snead p:omises to be bigger and better. Armand Girard, that old Hoo-Hoo favorite will be back again, plus some of the best comedy acts of all time.

Cocktails u'ill be served in tlre Patio Room of the Californian Hotel from 4:59 o.m. on. and the entire mezzanine

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Will Hold Golf Tournament and Dinner Sept. 15

The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club rvill hold its first meeting of the ner,v Hoo-Hoo year at the Inglewood Country Club, Ingleu'ood, on Septenrber 15, 1950.

r\ golf tournament u'ill be held in the afternoon, and the golfers n'ill tee ofr at 12:09 p.m. The prizes will include the George Ream, Roy Stanton and The California I-un.rl;er Mercl"rant trophies, and prizes u'ill also be au'arded the rvinners of the various special events.

Dirrner u'ill be served in the clubhouse at 7:09 p m. and rvill be follorved by a business session when the annual election rvill be held. Tl-re Nominating Committee has named the to serrre as officers during the coming year and will be voted on by the Club membership: President, C)rval Steu'art: First Vice President, J. W. Fitzpatrick; Second Vice President, Harl Crockett; Third Vice Irresident, Donald N. Bufkin ; Fourth Vice President, Russell Il. Bond; Secretary-Treasurer, Ole May ; Directors, John Lipani, Thomas J. Fox, and Clarence C. Bohnhoff. The above nine members n'ill act as the Board of Directors.

Advisory Committee: George Clough, Itobert S. Osgood, I{oy Stanton, Sr., I). C. Essley, Ed Bauer, Iraul Orban, IJill lteam, Earl Galbraith ancl lld Martip.

There u'ill be a musical entertainment from 6:30 to

rvill be taken over by Hoo-Hoo for the rest of the evening.

For those u'ho wish to come early and rene\\.old acquaintances there will be the facilities of three beautiful golf courses available. Golfers should contact Doc Snead at the C. S. Pie:ce Lumber Company, Fresno.

Dinner will be served at 7 :29. The extravaganza tvill begin at 8:59. The nerv officers for Hoo-Hoo Club No. 31 rvill be installed at this meeting.

Reservations for rooms at the Californian Hotel, and requests for tickets at $5.50 each should be sent to Bernard B. Barber, Secretary, San Joaquin Valley Hoo-Hoo Club No. 31, 1833 Broadway, Fresno, California.

8:30 p.m. .|ohn Lipani, vey Koll rvill handle the ment. The Committee ervations early.

Ed Bauer, Orrin Wright and Hararrangements for the golf tournarequests that you make your res-

Ccrlilornia Closes Hoo-Hoo Yeqr With Fourteen Flourishing Clubs

California not only holds but increases her lead as the top Hoo-Hoo State, as the Order closes its year on September 9. There are now fourteen clubs in the statb, all of them alive and flourishing. There were thirteen until recently rvhen the nelv Redwood Empire Hoo-Hoo Club, at Santa Rosa, 'ivas organized. The other thirteen are located at Eureka, Fresno, Los Angeles, Monterey, Oakland, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, and Stockton.

In other parts of the Southwest contained in Hoo-Hoo Jurisdiction No. 6, there are clubs at : Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona; Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada; Albuquerque and Carlsbad, Nel' l\'fexico; and Salt Lake City, Utah.

Hoo-Hoo Concat at Scrn Diego

The final Hoo-Hoo concat for.the present year will be held in the \{arine Room of the San Diego Hotel, in San Diego, at 6:29 p.m., September 8. I'hone reservations to Sid Smith, \\/. 5206. or Tohn Stewart, F.7224.

Terminal Sales Bldg* Portlcnd 5, Oregon Teletype No. PD 5{ Douglcs FirSpruceHemlockCedar Ponderosa and Sugcr PineDouglcs Fir Piting 35 Yeors Continuously Seruing Retoil Yords ond R,oilroods Eorlmsn lumber Solcs Petroleum Bldg. losAngelcr 15 PRospcct 5O:!9 O. L. Rugsum I 12 Market Sl. Son Froncisco | | YUkqr 6-t46O



Ponderosa Pine r Sugar Pine r Douglas Fir Ccdar Shingles Plywood



\(/holesale only SERI'ICE LIKE .YtlU


Cornpfete Line ot Firond Pine

'DUROID' Etectro Galvanized "ALCOA" Alclad Aluminum

Pacific Uire Products Co. COMPTON.CAIIFORNIA

Srplcmbcr l, l95O
Ofiice and Disrribution Yord Los Angeles 23, Gqlif. lolerypc lA-8fO felephone ANgelus 3-3801
42OO Bandini Blvd.
Plywoods ' \(/arehouses 9Ol King St. 47lO So. Alomedo St. Ooklond, Colifornio Vernon, Colifornio Horry Holtgen, Mgr. Percy Merithew, Mgr.
KEllog 1-8166
Roymer St.
Nuys, Colifornio
"DURO" BnoNze
Yard, IDoeks and Planin$ Mtll Wilrnlngton, California tOS ANGEI.ESi 7 WIII\{INGTON 122 West leflerson St 14{6 East Antrhcin SL Rlcbnoad 2l{l WiIn. Teraincl {'2687-NE" 6-1881
(a dlvldon of fhe Oharles Nelron Oo.)


A sash balance is one of those hidden conveniences in a building which people use and enjoy, year after year. If windows fail to open and close easily, a sash balance can become a major annoyance-may cause an expensive repair bill.

Experienced buildirs prefer Acme Sash. Balances, because they are easily and quickly installed, and are built for long life and / trouble-free opera- ' tion. Wherever double-hung wooden windows are used, Acme Sash Balances bfing lasting cus-

ACME,o,,, ,;;*:;;;;'

Sold through leading

Concat and Election Held Bv San Joaquin Hoo-Hoo Club

A successful concat was held by San Joaquin Hoo-Hoo Club at the Belmont Inn, Fresno, August 4. About 40 lumbermen attended. Led by Bob Reid and using the long form, the Nine did a good job.

The annual election of officers resulted as follows:

Robert Raymer, Yosemite Builders Supply Company, Merced, was electdd president. J. C. (Doc) Snead, C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fresno, was elected Northern vice president, and Art Post, Delano Building Materials, Delano, Calif., Southern vice president.

Bernard B. Barber, Jr., Bernie Barber & Associates,

Celotex Acquires New Plcnt -

Chicago-The Celotex Corporation acquired the properties of the Wasem Plaster Company of Fort Dodge, Iowa, O. S. Mansell, president, announced today.

The properties were acquired from the Wasem family and consist of a plaster plant and extensive gypsum deposits in that city. Wasem Plaster Company, organized by Adam Wasem, a pioneer in the gypsum industry, began business in 1909.

"The plant will enable the company to sell economically gypsum products in another important area," Mr. Mansell stated, "which is another step toward more con'rplete service to Celot_ex customers.

"We plan to rehabilitate the plant and further expand its production facilities in the near future."

Forty Yeors As Ycrrd Foremcrn

Forty years ago Ira H. Williams went to rvork for the Kerckhoff-Cuzner Lumber Company as yard manager, in their retail lumber yard at Park and Commercial Streets in Los Angeles. Today, aged 74, I\{r. Williams still holds that sarire position in that same yard, now owned by the Hammond Lumber Company. Something of a record for loyalty and coritinuous service. He is hale and hearty and in splendid health.

Fresno, was re-elected secretary-treasurer.-

The new directors are: Dick Kennedy, George Kennedy & Sons ; Louis Frame, The Diamond Match Company; Jim Duart, Tarter, Webster & Johnson, Inc.; Larry Cannon, Hollenbeck-Bush Planing Mill; Willard LaFranchi, Pacific Forest Products, Inc.

The nerv offrcers will be installed at the Third Annual Valley Frolic, which will be held on Saturday, September 9, at the Californian Hotel, Fresno.

Gene Rowe, lr,'ho was formerly with Rowe Lumber Company, Rosemead, Calif., is a new salesman with Tarter, \\rebster & Johnson, working out of the Los Angeles office. He is specializing in sash, doors, and mouldings. l


Producers, Monufacturers lnd \(/holesale Distributorc of REDWOOD-DOUGLAS FIR

Wholesqle Yord

Mills or Portlqnd, Oregon Somoo, Colif.

S. \w. Corner Del Amo qnd Alqmedo Blvds. Dotninguez Junction - Compton, Colif. Phones NEwmqrk l-8651 NEvodo 6-2363

bui.ld,in g supply d ealers.
and hard,wdre and
Srp'brnbrr l, 1950 PHIITIPS & IIIURPHY I,UMBER COMPAIIY Ulrolenln'u ol 5@,ttlod ala,, artA Rehrraaa Exclusive Southern Colifornio Representotive of FAIRHURST IUA,IBER CO. OF CATIFORNIA, EUREKA Specializing in Fir Sfuds, Dimension, and Ties 818 Generol Petroleum Building tOS ANGETES IZ iAAdison 6-6838 DANT & RUSSELL SATES CO. Wholesole Distributors of PACIFIC COAST FORESI PRODUCTS Oftices SAN FRANCISCO 1I tOS ANGETES I 214 Front Street 812 Eost 59lh Street Sutter 1-6384 Adqms 8l0l Worehouses SAN FRANCISCO OAKI.AND SAN DIEGO I.OS ANGE]ES I 1825 Folsom St. 9029 Son Leondro St. 4205 Poc. Highwoy 700 Eosi 59rh Sr. surter I-6384 rockhqven e-7e14 t-i"il;;'r#it Adqms 8l0l [. W. MqcDonold Jqmes W. MocDonold Horry Whittemore L. W. tlclcDonqld Co. Al,nlptak Atunlter, aaA S/4r4"phq 714 W. Olympic Blvd. Represenling Beor River Lumber Co., South Fork, Colif. Douglas Fir and Redwood Dry Ponderosa Pine Lor Angeler 15 PRorpect 7194 SUDDEN & GHRISTEilSoil, INC. Lunber and Shipping 7th Floor, Alcrska Commercicl Bldg., 310 Scrnsome Street, Scrn Francisco 4 BNANCH OFFICES LOS ANGEI-ES 14 SEATTI.E 4 PORTTAIYD 4 lll West 7th Street 617 Arctic Bldg. 517 Equitcble Bldg.

Calilornia Building Permits lor July

Sells Interest to Pcrtner

Jack Ford, partner with Bob Ravmer in Yosemite Builders Supply Co., Merced, has sold his interest to Bob, and is n()\\'back with Tarter, Webster & Johnson, Inc., Stockton.

City Alameda ......$ Alameda County Albany Alhambra Anaheim Antioch Arcadia Auburn Avalon Azusa Bakersfield Burlingame Bell Berkeley Beverly Hills Burbank Banning Calexico Chula Vista Claremont Coalinga Colton Compton Contra Costa County Corona Coronado Culver City Daly City Delano El Centro El Monte El Segundo Emeryville Escondido Eureka Fillmore Fresno Fullerton Gardena Glendale Glendora Hanford Hayward Hawthorne Hemet ..:..... Hermosa Beach City Oroville ......: Oxnard Palm Springs ..... Iralo Atto I'alos Verdes Estate Pasadena Paso Robles Piedmont Pomona Porterville Redding .Redlands Redondo Beach 1,455,678 Julv 1950 173,690 6,r24,430 .58,690 361,557 1,r02,9r7 1 \A ))< 1,506,625 42,085 250 61,3'10 |,079,540 ?A7 qM o) (12 699,234 656,4r9 596,807 7r,385 1 1,350 800,258 55,265 574,150 424,011 1,039,237 5,407,507 91,492 163,710 1,580,640 212,866 53,850 14,1,500 237,170 r46,320 19,328 32,570 840,727 8,675 1,755,726 1,292,986 613,87 5 919,566 32,410 42,570 1,079,190 123,680 46,900 105,73.5 45,769 364,244 850,209 |,266,406 89,875 186,600 7,870 10,225 349,175 3.s,600 4,7r0,790 38,287,329 57,68.5 168,961 116,8.;0 857,900 l,105,687 79,784 1r0,710 647,150 58,798 183,752 257,637 444,300 407,890 267,790 301,184 441,102 34,814 2,658,319 342,525 176,123 37,792 l,083,286 Julv 1949 $ lM,90,l 1,478,850 62,15r 310,224 1,278,116 340,900 377,3r0 23,586 2,250 59,270 783,67 4 55,600 78,37 5 490,065 485,436 533,720 44,605 13,300 177,186 5l,190 64,200 46,780 1,050,826 r,542,923 86,912 22,050 t67,366 626,199 56,920 76,9t3 70,452 1,834,990 10,6.50 34,750 307,260 ' 23,650o(( 2ic 97,56r 1s7,600 47r,67 | 64,710 86,3r2 469,250 145,650 22,200 83,270 54,123 522,940 381,79.; 427 3A7 91.747 r66,495 18,200 12,310 87,925 17,690 3,692,980 20,355,314 16,797,920 44,950 183,017 202,38) 299,8N 743,269 69,137 44,595 205,300 132,055 316,763 622,433 12,6,490 71,000 77,940 176,970 40r,r75 4s,437 1,706,32r MA,973 424,842 85,929 r,275,441 Julv 1950 r43,700 534,616 338,030 1,089,200 159,700 1,337,763 79,r90 230,504 560,843 80,700 100,5 l0 291,388 I Julv r949 57,279 107,425 116,950 280,639 106,900 r,250,597 42,000 166,800 299,432 81,837 66,700 88,905 170,824 259,000 710,428 420,425 1,229,t32 228,430 103,938 784,279 1,355,476 158,800 215,300 4,450 4,230,135 1,929,940 146,055 2,577,659 l 15,645 488,988 106,780 252,480 D2,905 1,922,771 I,l7q6l8 197,962 r,375,373 570,250 83,430 r,997,650 rr6,270 678,136 99,207 63,100 51,7r7 18,120 r42,903 . 56,300 257,988 608,701 197,t73 -s86,600 242,880 515,995 98,665 44,623 652,595 57,300 55,900 60,105 62,982 103,450 74,440 84,660 164,49r 627,275 68,780 109,124 32,s00 487,6UJ 54,270 r6,600 Redwood City 1,031,140 Richmond 509,715 Riverside 1,024.521 Sacramento 2,674,828 Salinas 508,163 San Anselmo 725,2M San Bernardino 2,310,437 San Bernardino County 3,447,998 San Bruno 320,700 San Carlos 630,600 San Clemente 185,830 San Diego 5,853,039 Sarr Diego County 2,844,890 San Fernando .... 161,330 San Francisco .... 3.131.707 Sari Gabriel 224,856 San Jose 1,962,535 San Leandro 199,700 San Luis Obispo 124,779 San Marino San Mateo ....::.::::.:::::: San Mateo County San Rafael Santa Ana Santa Barbara .... Santa Clara Santa Clara County Santa Maria Santa Monica Santa Paula Sauta Rosa Seal Beach Selma 458,944 2,344,470 2,579,460 298,900 1,707,300 483,040 I,115,650 5,051,272 310,096 6,088,576 144,491 267,239 96,790 27.,r25 295,271 88,47.5 148,450 429,835 180,183 377,800 173,334 657,100 230,7t0 97,090 r,536,042 304,500 94,445 139,557 205,093 177,878 113,316 192,350 2,005,140 765,750 255,609 148,770 154,740 486,100 145,100 85,250 Huntington Beach Huntington Park Inglewood Kin Cou.,ty :....... Laguna Beach La Mesa La Verne Lindsay Lodi Lompoc Long Beach Los Angeles Los Angeles County 29,559,892 Los Gatos Lynwood Madera Manhattan Beach Marin County Marysville Maylvood Menlo Park Mill Valley Monrovia Montebello Mcnterey Mountain View ...... N"pa . .-. : : : : : : : : : National City Newport Beach North Sacramento Oakland Oceanside Ontario Orange Shasta County Sierra Madre Solano County South Gate South Pasadena South San Francisco Stanislaus County Stockton Sunnyvale 'l'aft ll'orrance ......::..:.:.::::. 1'racy 'f ulare 'l'ulare County 'l'urlock Ukiah Upland Vallejo Ventura Ventura County Vernon Visalia Watsonville West Covina Woodland Yreka
Orange County


Distribution Yard-

Douglos Firo Redwood o Ponderosq Pine



You qre overlooking o profitoble side line if you do not push the sole of Redwood Tonks.

Now qvqihble for immediqte shipment. Write for price lists.


rrrttnrEet ,E trratl,ED office-
WHOLESALE LUffiBER 909 south Atlantic Boulevard
t 3jr.l3"i*t":fi""i?$fi'" Phone ANselu: 9-1183
e613 E. wh:ttier Bour"-".d
OR RAIL DELIVERY Dec Essfey Waync Wifson terry Essley
George Windeler
Go. Ltd.
22ll Jerrold Ave. Son Frqncisco 24 Volencio 4-184t
JOHIT A. RUIDBAOE & OO. Mtlt Bepresentatlves Jor IDouglas Fir, Bedwood and Pondenoca Pine Lurnher OFFICES l17 W.9th Street, Los Angeles 15, Cqlil. Phone TUcker 5ll9 Teletype tA 56
rPockcgcd in ordcrrd lcngthr or rhc mill.

F rnnalt

Art Grey, manager of the softwood department, J. E. Eliggins Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently vacationed for a rveek at Hotel Coronado, Coronado, Calif.

Paul Overend, California Redwood Association, San Francisco, and Mrs. Overend, had a pleasant tu'o-rveek vacation at Nice, Calif., on Clear Lake.

Bob Kilgore, of L. W. Martinez dealers, San Francisco, is back from Portland and Eugene districts.

Tom Dimmick, T. M. Dimmick Calif.. lvas a recent business visitor

George E. specializing davs in San

Co., wholesale lumber calling on mills in the Lumber Co., Piercl'. to San Francisco.

Schultz, of Cascadian Company, in custom kiln drying, recently Francisco on business.

M. M. (Mike) Crook, of Pecific on a business trip to Arcata, u'here quarters at the company's office.

Chris Sechrist, of l-oop Lumber recentlv broke the n-riddle finger of softball on the company's team.

How Lumber Lookt

Inc., Eugene, spent a fe'iv

Fir Sales, Pasadena, is he is makirrg his head-

& Mill Co., Alameda, his right hand playing

(Continued from Page 2)

Verlon D. McKinney Called to Active Service in Ncrvy

Verlon D. NfcKinney, salesman for McKinney Hardwood Con-rpany, I-os Angele3, has been called to active service in the Navy, August 25. He served five years in the Navy during \\'orld \\rar II period. His rating was Ship's Cook First.

Earl F. Wood Adds Cut ol Pine Mill

Ea:'l F. \\;ood \\rholesale Lumber, Los Angeles, announces that they are getting the cut of Hazlett Lumber Co., West Iroint. Calif., manufacturers of Ponderosa antl Sugar pine lumber. The lumber is shipped from the mill to Oakdale Lumber Processors, Oakdale, Calif., for remanufacturing and drying, and then shipped to Los Angeles.

Ralph M. Rounds, of Wichita, Kansas, president of Rockport Redwood Company, and Rounds Trading Co., recently spent a month on the Pacific Coast. Of this time tu'o weeks lr'ere taken up visiting the San Francisco office and plants at Cloverdale and Rockport, Calif., and the rest of the time was spent in Southern California.

Larue Woodson of Nicolai Door Sales Co., San Francisco, and Mrs. Woodson, spent an enjoyable two rveeks' vacation at Feather River Park. Calif.. last month.

Bob Ebbesen, salesman for Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, and his wife, the former Miss Acacia Wing of Oregon, returned from their honeymoon, spent in British Columbia, August 7.

of 1948, 5,570,833,000.

Orders for thirty weeks of 1950 breakdown as follows: ll.ail4,285,728,000 b.f.; truck 279,034,000 b.f.; domestic Cargo l,48Z,89O,OW b.f.; export 115,939,000 b.f.; local 387,305,000 b.f.

The industry's unfilled order file stood at 90,817,000 b.f. at the end of .July; gross stocks at 628,571,000 b.f.

Snrith fir rvould factured

Portland, Oregon, August l7-Douglas fir sawmills are pointing for their greatest lumber production year in history, Harris E. Smith, secretarv of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, said today. At the end of July, output from the region's 1800 mills had reached 5,775 billion board feet, five percent more than for the same period tn 1949. forecast today that 1950 lumber cut of Douglas top the all-time record of 10.2 billion feet manuin l9D, barring unforeseen disruptions.

Even in the face of a drastic freight car shortage, Douglas fir mills have shipped 6,080 billion board feet during the first 30 weeks of 1950, up nearly 650 million feet over the same period last year. Smith said Douglas fir mills were absorbing all government defense lumber needs in stride. This record output climaxes a steady, spectacular increase in production of lumber in this region since the relaxation of federal controls in 1946.

The rveekly average of West Coast lumber production in July was 184,871,000 b.f. or 112.7/o of the 1945-1949 average. Orders averaged 207,661,000 b.f.; shipments 176,977,0W b.f. ; weekly averages for June were : production 206,077,O00 (125.6% of the 1945-1949 average) ; orders 212,197,000 b.f.; shipments 219,472,000 b.f.

Thirty weeks of 1950 cumulative productlon 5,775,026,000 b.f.; thirty \\:eeks of 1949 5,500,481,000 b.f.; thirty weeks

The Western Pine Association, reporting for 96 mills for the rveek ended August 12, showed orders 72,963,m feet, shipments 76,123,000 feet, and production 86,398,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 254,414,000 feet. For the previous week ended August 5, orders s,ere 74,672,000 feet, shipments were 80,088,000 feet, production 81,277,000 feet, and balance of orders on hand ?54.794.000 feet.

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association reporting for 175 mills in the Douglas Fir region, reported for the week ended August 12, as follows : orders, 108,500,294 feet; shipnrents, 93,361,455 feet; production, 114,234,294 feet.

For the preceding week ended August 5, the same mills reported : orders, 154,802,839 feet ; shipm ents, 97 ,272,764 feet ; p:oduction, 118,146,467 feet.

The Southern Pine Association, reporting for 115 mills, for the lr.eek ended August 5,92 units (115 mills) reporting, gave orders as 20,678,000 feet, shipments 2I,791,000 feet, and production 18,650,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 81.637.000 feet.



PHONE: SUtter l-752O.-- tO32 ,YllttS BUlLDlNc, SAN FRANCISCO 4, CAtlF.


PORI ORFORD CEDAR (White Cedqr or lcwron Cyprers)-AtASKA (Yellow) CEDAR-DOUGIAS FIR


Andefsorr-Hanson Co.


Winton Lumber Scrles Go. Mortell, Colif.

f. G. Anderson fohn F. Honson

P. O. Box ll


CEnrrql 9085 rwx.Dt t98

P. O. Box 1056 STUDIO CITY cAuF.

Slanlcy 74721 IWX-No. Hol. 7462

Pacific lumber llealers $upply lru.

Formerly Lumber Dealers Sapply Co.

25914 President Ave., Horbor City, Colif.

P. O. Box 285

Telephone Lomilo 1 156 [. A. Telephone ZEnilh 1 156

Monufqclurers crnd Jobbers of SASH AND DOORS TO THE RETAIL LUfNBER, DEALER

lbludc tr Lrnhr hdr 0rll

Windows, Doors, Plywood, Moulding

We have

THE COMPLETE WINDOW IJNIT Built Up With Screen and Bcrlcnrce In StockWestern Sizes

lfAtEY Bnos. - sAilIA tft0lilcl

Phones: Texqs 0-4831 Scnrtc Monicc, EXbrook 4-3209


ZTto ro 50/o morc capaciry due to solid edge-to-edge stackrng. Beaet qualiry drying on low'remperarurer witb a fast revenibic crrcutauon.

Lowet rtacling corts-iusr solid edge-to.edge etacLing in the rimplest foro.

Trinity River Lumber Sales Co.

Ofiice: 3931 Geory Blvd. Whse,r 2295 Junipero Serrq Blvd. Son Froncisco 18, Golif. Doly Ciry, Colif.

"NVbolesale To. Lumber Yards Only''

Nu-Wood lolsom-Wool llooring Plywood 3fcpping Doors lumbcr

Telephone: SKyline 2-2O5O


Since TBBB OFFICE, MILL, YARD AND DOCKS 2nd & Alice Sts., Ooklond 4 Glencourt I -6861

Septernber l, 1950 Poge 5l
anl loltltht?
8221 Srn lerndro $t" 0rkhnd 3 - Phone l0okhile! 8.328f $pur Tnck lor In Tnnsit Drying
Moorekiln Parnt Products f or weatherproof ing drv kiln and mrll roofs. Use I t. Kilo Builderr for More Ihan Half a Century North Pordand, Orr. Jacksonville. Florida

Dick LaFranchi, manager of the Southern California office of Pacific Forest Products, Inc., Los Angeles, left August 12 on tn'o \\reeks' vacation. Bob Eldredge was in charge during his absence.

Roger Butler, of the company's Fresno office, recently returned from a business and pleasure trip to the Pacific Northwest.

Jim Needham, vice president, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Frncisco, left August 8 on a business trip to Mexico City and other Mexican points in connection with the extensive timber interests of his company there. He traveled by air, and rvill be gone several weeks.

Paul Gaboury, salesman u'ith'Gosslin-Harding Lumber Co., San Leandro, Calif., returned August 7 f.rom a three weeks' trip by automobile to his old home in Edmonton, Canada. He was accompanied by his wife and chilclren. On the way north they visited Banff and Lake Louise, Alberta.

Clem Fraser, sales manager, Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland, recently spent a pleasant vacation in Feather River Park, Calif.

John Tyson, of Wholesale Lumber Distributors, fnc., Oakland, has been visiting Green Bay, Wisconsin, 'lvhere his family has been vacationing. They expected to be back early in September.

Norman Miller, Western Door recently vacationed at Coronado,

John G. Ziel, ol Ziel & Co., and plywood, recently made a Angeles.

& Sash Co., Oakland, Calif., with his family.

Al Bell of Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., San Francisco, and his wife left August 23 on vacation which will be spent in New England. They will attend the National Hoo-Hoo Convention in Boston, Mass., September 7-9.

B. C. McCabe, of Los wood Co., Gualala, Calif., office and the mill.

president, Empire Redvisited the San Francisccr Angeles, recently

Herb Schaur, South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francisco, State Deputy Snark for Northern California, will attend the 59th Annual Hoo-Hoo Convention in Boston, September 7-9.

Dave Davis of Rounds Trading Co., San Francisco, Supreme Nine member of the International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, will flyto Boston to attend the 59th Annual Convention of the Order.

Roy Whipple of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, with his wife and brother, Earle, of Los Angeles, is spending three weeks vacation at Mohawk Tavern, Plumas County, Calif., on the Feather River. He will be back September 4.

Doug Cook, \Mestern Door & Sash Co., Oakland, has returned from an automobile trip to the Grand Canyon and other points of interest. He reports having had an enjoyable vacation.

W. B. Jefierson, president, Greater City Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently demonstrated what can be done to save time by air travel when the need demands it. He recently flew to Seattle one morning, and from there drove 50 miles out into the woods and back, and took a plane back to San Francisco the same evening.

Pcgc 52 cALlFOnNlA tulllEr llElCl{ANl
SAU-A.SPAGE Interior Sliding Door Unirs Models I l9O ond 95O Low Cost Units -No longer an extraaa&anceDOORIUIASTER Exterior Sliding Door Units Literature and prices furnished. on request COOR,.PENDER. & LONG CO. 1753 Bloke Ave.. los Angeles 3l NOrmondie 3-3238 EDOUARD 5. BRUSH Ul&r'h 2 untlrer, 5 afnllata Telephone EXbrook 2-5312 ' l 12 Mqrket Street SAN FRANCISCO T I CATIFOR,NIA ZiEESMAN PLYWOOD CO. Wholesole Distributois of Douglqs Fir Plywood, Doors ohd Hordboard 2316 S. Santa Fe Los Angeles 59, Calit. LAfayette 0175
importers of Japanese business trip bv air to oak Los



Precision Bqnd Sown Lumber

Cut From Old Growth

Humboldr Redwood Timber

Scles Agents

Arcqtc Lumber Scles Co. Southern Cclilornic {20 Market Si. I. I. Beq Son Froncisco ll 5410 Wilghire Blvd., L.A. 35 YUkon 5-2067 WYoming ll09




J. E. Tsarnas & Son, Weott, Calif.

West Coast Sawmills Inc., Garberville, Calif.

Bedrr-ood - I)ouglas Flr

Ponderosa Plne

224-226 F. & M. Bldg.


Phone LB 6-5237Teletype LB 88.029

Los Angeles phone NEvada 6-2724

Erik Flamer V. E. (Ernie) Moss

Direct Mill Shipmentc




framorston & frreonLumber Co.

lumber - Lcrth - Plywood - Sheetrock

Gluick Shipments from Stock


Scptember l, l95O Pogc 53
Cnnrow CorvrpANy ^{aNUfACrUrEtS & ,OltErsnNE DOOIS & a|ttWOtK 73t ast ,s mg TOINGGI,ruK)M frry 2.taa5 DEPENDABLE B0HI|HOIF LUMBERC0. Inc. WHOI.ESAI.E DISTilBUTORS euA.,'Y .,BQLUMCQtt srRv,cE OFFICE I YARD3 l5OO 3o. Alomedo 5t. los Angeler 2l
4200 Bodini
(Central MIg.
Los Angeles 23, Cclil. Loccrted on Spur ol L A. Iunction R. R Telephone ANgelus 2-9147ANgelus 3-8668 cusrom mrlltlrc
R. W. DALTON 307 So. Hill St. Rcpresentative Los Angeles 13 Phone MAdison
Western Custom millr lnc.
Bevel Bescrwing-Surlcrcing-Ripping
Stetson Ross Mqtcher
Re-Milling In Transit


W. Kenneth Hcrley

\Y. Kenneth Haley, of Haley Bros., Santa Monica, Calif., n'idely knolvn n'holesalers of sash, doors and mouldings, passed ar,r'ay August 7 in a hospital in Montreal, Canada, ll'here he had gone {or treatment of an illness of about t'ur,'o weeks' duration.

NIr. Haley r,vas born in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, 69 vears ago. In that city his father and grandfather hatl been in the rvoodworking business, so that his two sons, Rupert and Franci3, who succeed him, are the fourth generation in the business. Mr. Haley and his brother Ray visited Southern California in 1921 , and decidecl to make their future homes there. Ray established the present business of Haley Bros. in Santa Montca rn 1923. Kenneth closed out the St. John business and joined him in 1925.

Three years ago Mr. Haley, who r,r'as an expert lar,vn bou'ling player, was a member of the United States team rvhich toured the British Isles.

Surviving are his rvidorv; four sons, Rupert, Francis, Dr. l)dgar H. Haley of Escondido, Calif., and l)avid, rvho is a postgraduate student at Stanford University. Funeral services were held in Montreal.

Death ol T. W. Tebb

Thomas W. Tebb, president of the Pacific Lumber Agency, Sumner, Washington, died June 28, 1950, after more than fifty years experience as a lumberman. He was well knou'n throughout California. The Pacific Lumber Agencv is an old and important wholesale lumber concern.

"Lewis ol the Coeur d'Alenes"

B. R. Lewis, age 86, died July 2, 1950, at a hospital in Tacoma, Washington. His home was in Longview. Born in Nerv York State he became a prominent lumberman successively in Michigan, Minnesota, Idaho, and Washington. So impressive was his personality that when he moved from Idaho to Washington to become identified with The Clear Lake I-umber Company, he was commonly referred to by his fellorv lumbermen everyrvhere as "Lewis of the Coeur d'Alenes."

Henry Ott

Henry Ott, 80, retired lumberman, passed away on August 6 at his home in Los Angeles. Born in Washington, he was a resident of Los Angeles for forty-five years. He was in charge of the office of the C. Ganahl Lumber Co. at their Olive Street and Washington Blvd. yard for over twenty years, and retired in May, 1939.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary A. Ott, and a sister, Mrs. Gertrucle Martin. Funeral services rvere held in l,os Angeles on August 9.

Willicm H. Morrison

William H. Morrison, 52, retired lumberman, passed arvay at his home in Los Angeles on August 7. Ile had been in failing health for the past five years.

Born in Eau Clair, Wis., he moved to Portland, Ore., u'here resided for a number of years. After attending the Unir-ersitv of Oregon, he went to work for the Whitney Lumber Co. near Tillamook, Ore. He had been identified rvith the lrholesale lumber business in Los Angeles for more than t'rventy-five years, and was associated with the C. D. Jol-rnson Lumber Corporation, and later as district representative for the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. He retired from the lumber business in 1945.

He u'as a member of the Masons, and Lumbermen's Post of the American Legion.

Surviving are his rvidow, Mrs. Renee Morrison; three brothers, Lee, Earl and Harry Morrison of Portland, Ore., and a sister. Mrs. Bessie Keeney of Fair Hope, Ala. Masonic funeral services were held August 10 at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest I-awn Memorial Park, Glendale.

Iohn R. Ross, Jr.

John R. Ross, Jr., partner in the firm of Daniels & Ross, lumber manufacturers, whose mill is near Willits, Calif., passed awdy from a skull fracture as a result of being attacked by three men in a restaurant in Willits, August 7. The affair u'as described as an unprovoked assaul t.

Nlr. Ross leaves a wife and seven children. He rvas born in Mendocino County 50 years ago. He was the son of the late John R. Ross, Sr., who was prominent for many vears as an executive in the redwood industrv.

Lcrwrence C. Spcrulding

Funeral services for Lawrence C. Spaulding, 74, former secretary-treasurer for Western Hardwood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, were held August 9 ,1950. He was born in Wisconsin, and had been with Western Hardwood Lunrber Company since 1918. He retired January I, 1947. He leaves his rvife, Nancy; a sister, Elizabeth, and a brother, Harry Spaulding.

Joseph C. Medlock

Funeral services for Joseph C. Medlock, 74, retired lumberman were held August ITth at the Little Church Around the Corner, with interment in Inglervood cemetery. Born in Jbfferson City, Mo., he came to Southern California 24 years ago and lived at 5109 West 125th Street, Harvthorne. He is survived by his widorv, Evelyn.



Rqte-$2.50 per Column lnch

Closing dcteg tor copy, Sth cnd 20th


RIP SAW-SINKER-DAVIS, 20 H.P. MOULDERS-STICKERS; HERMANCE 6", original factory ball bearing. Vonnegut 6", all electric (direct drive); 5 headi, excellent condition.

RESAW-44" American, bell bearing, with tilting rolls.


Production Machinery for the Woodworking Trade

l4l7 East 12th Street, Los Angeles 21, Calif.

Phones: TUcker 855LRes. MEtcalf 3-2562


3,000,(X)0 ft. timber on 360 acres land near Lake Arrowhead, and portable sawmill. Price $,18,000, terms.

PHONE TUCKER 1293, Los Angeles


XL Mouldmatcher and Ripper, Grob HS24 Bandsaw, Dewalt and Multiplex Saws, Blower system, Grinders, Factory Trucks, Clamps, etc. Now installed in Chico, Calif. Move it or take over with excellent building lease. Price $6,500. Terms.

1428 wcst #; ti.IhtT'Tt"" 42, carir.

Phone Pleasant l-5955


-- One 5_HP,-3 Phasg 2frYolts, Multiplex Radial Saw. Usedvery little. Price $385.00.

Monarch Lumber Co.

4656 E. 'lllfashington Blvd., Loe Angeles 22, Calit, Telephone ANgelus 1-0285


We are one of the largest custom dry kilns on the.West Coast. We also sell, rent, or repair lumber carriers and lift trucks. Will axchange equipment for lumber.


P.O. Box 622, Wilmington, Calif.

Phones: NEvada 61371 and TErminal 4-6624


Ideal for in-transit milling, reworking or storage. Located on outskirts of Oroville, California, On Western Pacific Railroad main line; within Southern Pacific R. R. switching limits.

800 feet of railroad siding.

143/ acres of level storage yard.

Large sawmill refuse burner, conveyor, sawdust blower and cyclone.

Deep well,500 GPM, turbine pump.

3d x 65' sheet metal building with 20'x 50' addition.

Ample pine timber'and numerous sawmills nearby (one within 250 feet).

Good supfly skilled and unskilled tabor.

Price $30,000.

For inslrction write or phone:


Ncncl of Advcrlirrr in thir Dcportmcnt uring o blind oddrc:r csnnot be divulged, All 3nquiricr ond roplier rhould bc addrecccd fo kcy chown in lhr odvertircmrnt


One with sash and door experience for order desk of wholesale sash and door manufacturer.

Address Box C-1844. California Lumber Merchant 508 Central Bld,g., Los Angelcs 14, Calif.


Young hardwood lumber glesman needed to represent us in Los Angeles area. Exp€rience in wholesale and industrial lumber sales desirablg but not necessary, Please wr.te


58{n S. Boyle Avenue Los Angeles 58, Calif.


Lumberman 24 yars with large San Francisco retail firm, now liquidating, available October 3lst or sooner. Know lumber from woods up. Prefer outside sales San Francisco, with which am thoroughly familiar, but will co,nsider any good ofier.

Address Box C-1845, California Lumber Merchant 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.


A. Los Angeles yard, one ownership for 25 years; located five miles from City Hall; 25M sq. ft. with 7M sq. ft. under roof. Will sell. ground and buildings for $4Q00O; office and planing m'ill equipment $250O; trucks and inventory extra. Will sell on terms. If preferred will lease ground and buildings at $275 monthly. We are sold on this yard. Profit and loss figures will be disclosed.

B. Ventura County yard, one and one-third acres; ground and buildings and equipment $15,000; inventory about $20,000. Or will lease ground and buildings for $150 monthly. Profit and loss figures will be shown.

C. Orange County yard. Ground, Burildinis and all equipment will cost $39,(M), which includes three trucks. Inventory extra. Sdes 1949 reported as $224,0O0.00. Prospective buyer will be welcome to spend a week at the yard to study the operation.

D'. This yard, locatd between Ircs Angeles and Long Beach, was established 25 years ago; present owners purchased it 4 years ago. Ground, buildings and all eguipment $21,0q), truck extra. Inventory will amount to abotrt $12,000.

E. Perris, Calif., yard, owned in Colorado. establisheC 40 years ago. R. R. Lease $75 annually; price for all improvements and equipment except truck $350O. Inventory about $18,00O. Profit and loss figures will be shown. Where can you get a proven yard at any such 6gures?

If you want to sell your yard let us hear frorn you.



801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. PRospect 8745

cusToM nlrtuNc

In l0-acre plant, with complete facilities for storage, sorting, and grading. Ten-car spur. New machines, 100,000 ft. pcr day capacity. We specialize in bevel siding manufactuiing. Will also have warehouse facilities available.

coluNs & nlEYER., tNc.

7053 E. Firestone

Downev, Calif.

TQpaz 2-lO7O, 2-1080


Old established yard l,ocated in Monterey County, Calif. in thriving- agric4tural community. Completely equipped yard, property, and well-balanced inventory.

Address Box C-1843, California Lumber Merchant 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

S.plember l, 1950 Pogc 55


*Advertiaing oppeorr in cllernote irruer'

Lomon-Bonnington Compony - - ----.-..' -.. -.29

Lowrence-Philipr lunber Co..-...-...-....-.----.-t9

Ions-Bell Lunber Co......-....-.-....-....-.--..1.F.C.

Ior-tof Lumber Co. ....---.--.........-...........-..-.27

Lumber.-l qnufq<lurerr, Inc. .-..-....---.--..-..-. I Lumber Mort * Lumber Sqler Co. .-,-....-.-.-...-...--.-.----.-..-.-.-.-36



BAND RESAW: Moffatt 36-, ball bearing, variable speed feed' and all opcating cquipment.

CUT-OFF SAW: Irvington "Hill" Automatic, ball bearing and motorized, complete with feed table.

GLUE SPREADER: Black #22D-62", motor driven, likc new.

Bqck Ponef Compony-'....-......---"" """" """2'

ior!rt otor. e c;.....'.---.--....-.--...-..-..'."""'-' rt

Boxier & Co., J' H.-.. ----....---.--"""""'-""'-"I7

Bel-Air Door Go.---.----...----.....--""---"'-"-""'-'37 Lumber Co...--.""-"'---"'-"'-32"i"t" & Eckrtrm. ln(""--"'--"'-'-.''--'-'13

iir"-oi.i"ia corporoiion

i"rtirt"f r.-r". io., In<'-.'".'-""-'-""-"'-"53

;;;;;-ii a;;;".v, ctov." ""'.""""'.""."-"3r

irr*, c.., E' l.---.-----'--.-.--.--.."'-"""-""'-"' t

iru.f, raou"ta 5.--'.--"---"---""'--"- """"""-"52

i."ti' ril"trti"t lumber Co'""'-""'

iuiii r'u.u". Go. .'-"-""'-" -'-""-"'-'''-'-""" *

Coloverqr Cement CmPqny"""""'--" """"28

a;iir;;'l; Buitden suiplv co'" """" """1|

;;i;;;;;l; ooo. c". oi'lor Angele'-"'-""I4

Nicofoi Door Sqler Co.---,--.-...---.-...-..-.-.-..---22

Norlhern ledwood Lumber Co.--.. .-I

Olympic Stqined Productr Co.--------.-....----.*

Oltin r$oulding Corp., Dqvid---.-..-

Po.iftG Coorl Aggregqtea, Inc..---.-..---.,.-.--.-'l

PqcifrG Fir 5oles -----.....--.-..-.--.......----------.-.-.20

Pqcific Forert Prodc(tr, Inc..-----.-...-..-.----..--37

GLUE JOINTER: Diehl, chain feed; with all operating equiP' ment.

MOULDER: Woods #l3L-9', belt driven" complete, rebuilt.

PLANER: Orton Type C 30"x12" endless bed, ball bearing, completely rebuilt and modernized.

Yates f 177-30" Double Surfacer, ball bearing.

SANDERS: American Columbia and Berlin Royal Invinciblo 49' 3-drum, with all motors and equipment.

SHAPER: C. O. Porter heavy duty single spindle' complete.

TENONER,: Greenlee f 530, ball bearing, single end.


a;i;i;';;; imber sorer

Po<ifi< [umber Deoler: Supply, In<.---.-----.51

;;i;;;;i; i"i.r I v.".". c"'-""-"""""-'l?

a;il;;;;;; ijv.ood, In<. "'.""""."""""""' i

Corlow Go. -""--"---"'--"-53

Poci0< Lumber Co., The--.-......--.--------.-.......'i

Pocifi< Werl. Lumber Co. of Cclif.. Inc...27

Pqcl0c Wire Productr Co.-...--.---.-....----...-..--45

1961 Santa Fe Ave. Los Angeles 21, Calit. VAndike 2431

Pqrqfrlne Compqnier, The -...--.--------,------.-.--- |

;;t:":"-;;.lll'. -iumbet c"'-""""

Gqrr t Co., t. J.- " -- "--"--" --" .---- '--"' J

iii"v ooot co." " "" " ""'

iJi*'-i"ioo."rion, lhe-. " "" " '

c-"iii"i v"rr"v Box t Lbr. co..."""'-"""-' .1

A;;;",i'-'i C"., w. n. .-'. """ """"""4e

ii'ilii*J"ia.i.'.iore!, P. w"""""'-""'-41

Ciirp.i's.r"t co.--....-....'-" """":"""'--"""',:

Clough, Georye

i"LCc".o""v, l. l '" " " "" """ " "'23

C"i" ooi.'o.i ptlmrood Co" " ""

ioionli c.a"t c;. -. .. " "" ""'

iiii''*'e rtr"v"t, ltr(." """""""""""""""34

dtit.fia"r"a iumber Co'" '-" " """""'-'45

Poromino Lumber €o...-.-.------,.......--.-...-..--31

Potrick Iunber Compony..........--.-...-..-.---..---44

Penberthy Lumber Compony..-.-.-....-..-.---.....41

Pemq Produclr Co...........---.........................'t

Phiffipr & Murphy Lumber Co....---.........-----47

Ponderorq Pine Woodwork

Pope t lqlbot, Inc., lumber Diyirion...---.. 'l

Porllond Cement ArtoGiqlion.-.....-.,--.--..-....I6

Red Cedqr Shingle Bureou..".

lic(i & Kru.e lumber Co...-.

Ros Corrier Co........-.--.-.-.....

Roundr Troding Compony.---.....-..-.-.-..-...--.--10


ONE FAY & EGAN 60" Band Resaw with Lever (Sawmill) Set Works, scveral Saw Bladeq 75 HP Moux with Starter; Now operating .$3,500.00

ONE MERSHON 54" Band Resaw, several Saw Blades, 50 HP Motor and Guards ' 2'5q).00

ONE AMERICAN #34 PLANER-MOULDER 12"*6". All Heads Ball"Bearing, Side Heads Driven by Individual Motors with V Belts. A Very Fine Buy .' 3,500.00

A;;;;-;;6; Lumber co"" "" "" "" "41

i"o'o.i wrtit"."t. twber co', w' E' ""-:

Cooi-Pender t Long -"-- ----"'-""" """"

iilt'x-""a Timber -Go. --""".'"-"".''-'-'-"""1 5

i".J."iriu., Go...--.-"""" """" """-""""42

i.ii.t wh"t":qt. tmbet co"'--".''-'

crireil tu-ber Co.--...-.-..-.-'-"".'""""""-' t

Edgewood Lcmber Co..-'.-'-"' -'. 1

Elliott, F. W...'...-------..""""" i s.., D. c..--'-.--..--'-"-""""""""""'49 i'I"ir, a soi, t. x..-..-'-.---.-.-'--..--"-"""""'I3

Erchonge 5wmilll 3oler Co'- " - --- -'-"' '

Rudboch & Co., John A...........-......-......-..-..49

Rufcon Pollord Compony.---...----.---.- ----28

Somp.on Co. ..--------,-----.- |

Sonford-Lu$ie., Inc. .--.--------..-......---.-.-.--.-. I

Sqn<o Plywood Co..-..,.--.-...---.....-....24

Sm Pedro lumber Compony-...-.-......----.-..--42

Sorto Fe Iumber Co....----.--...-.........--.--O,B.C.

Shevlin-McCloud Lunber Co.-.-..-..-.---...--.---33

tidewqll lumber Co..----.------.--...-.-.-...--.---...*

Simp.on Logging Co.,--.-.-..---.-...-.-------..-.--,--*

Sirolkroft Co., The-.---------------.--,---,...--....-.-...'l

5i:kiyou For*t Prodc<lt Co...--------.------.-...35

Snith Lumber Co., lclph l.--.---..-...--------.. 5

Smith Lumber Solet, Stuort C.--------..------....39

SeCol Building lAoteriqlr Co.-.------...-..------ I

South Bqy lumber Co...---------

Soufhweilern Portldnd Cemenl Co.-,-..-..--.*

Slonlotr e 3on, E. J......-----..-..---.-..--------.--..-25

Strqble Hqtdwood Co.-,.......---.---...---..----.-.-.- t

Sudden & Chrirlenron, lnc.-------..---.--.---.----47

Scllivon Hordwood Lcmber Co. - -----------------21

Tocomq Lumber tqler..-.-.-...--.-...-... -------------26

Tq.ter, Webrter & Johnron, Inc.----...-..-.-...23

Toylor Lumber Co., leever--...-..-.-...-....---,..-38

lricngle lumber Co...-...---..-....................---.'|'

frinify llver Iunber tols Co,.-..-.--.-.-.-...-.-5I

lrio Lumber Co..-...-..-.--..-..,-..---.-...-..-.----...---43

Tropicol & Wetlern lunber Co.....--..--..---..*

fwin Hq6o[ Lumber €o..-...-..-.......--..-.-.-... I

Union Lmber Company.-.....----..,...-..-.---..---..'i

Upron Cmpcny, The--........----...-..----.....-.--.-. *

U. S, ..-...-....-..-. *

U. t, Plywood Co.pontion..--................1, 21

Vqn Arrdole-Hqrrir lumber Co,, In<..-...---43

ONE AMERICA"N #20, lO" Four Side Moulder with Belts and 50 HP Motor 1,100.00 All ofiered subject to prior sale.


E2249tln Avenue

Oakland 21, California

SCREENS for dl tl4res of STEEL SASH

RudiScr-Lang Co.

Eighth & Carleton Sta, Berkcley, Calif., TH. 3-03'10 6?2 So. La Brca -Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., WY. 6865


For rent or sale: Lifts 75q) lbs. to 9 ft., 1945 model with air tires. Completely rebuilt and with new engine. Looks like new. Guaranteed. Rent $500.00 per month.


863 Harrison St., San Francisco, YU 6-4055

Hello, Shqron Dicne!

Gordon. Wm. N...--.'..- - ---' Gorlin-Hording fwbcr Co.

A beautiful baby girl, Sharon Diane, was born to C. R. (Chuck) Lember and Mrs. Lember in Los Angeles, June 10. This is their second child. Mr. Lember is with Spalding Lumber Company, Los Angeles.

Hyrter ConPdy

lrving lunber ond lAoulding, ]n<...----.-.....-29

Johnr-Irtonvlffe CorPo.olion .-.........-.----.--.- 7 Johnron Lcmbcr Corp., G. D..-...---....,,.....*

l(elley, Albert A..,......-........-..,........--...,.-....* Xline t 1uf.....-.-.. -'.-----.-..39

Koehl C 3on, lnc.. John W.....--..-.......'-...''-29

Xuhl tumber CoC., Corl H.....-.-....-...........--, I Zeermon Plywood Co.....-..-..........---..---.-...-.-t,

George R. Hinkle, sales manager, Consolidated Lumber Co., Wilmington, Calif., and his wife returned from vacation August 19. They spent a week at his brothels place at Crestline, and enjoyed rest and fishing during the second week.

Jim Linderman, Commercial Lumber Co., is back at his desk following recent vacation.

Los Angeles,




Arcctcr Redwood Co, (ll) .........YUkon 6-2067

Alkinson-Stutz Conpcny (II) ....Gi1rlield l-180J

Brugh, Edoucrd S. (ll) ...EXbrook 2-531?

Corde Lumber Conpcny (4) ...YUkoa 6-6306

Dcnt d Russell, Scles Co. (ll) ....SUtter l-5384

Dennis Lumber Compony (ll) .....YUkou 6-3869

Dolbeer d Cqrson Luober Co. (4) ..YUkon 6-5421

Elliott, F. W, (ll) .....DOuslcs 2-4211

Fcirhurst Lumbei Co. (W. W. Forrest) (5) YUkoD 6-6t26

Gcnsrslon G Green Lumber Co. (24)

lUniper 5-6083

Hall, lcmes f. (4) .Sutter l-?52t1

Hqmmmd Lumber Co. (4) ......DOuglcs 2-3{188

Fliggius Luber Co. J. E. (24) ..VAleucia 4-8744

Hobbs Wcll Lumber Go. (4) ....GAtlield l-7752

Holnes Eurekq Luober Co. (4) GArlield l-1921

Klire 6 RuI (5) ......DOuglcs2-1387

Lcmon-Bomington Compcny (3) ....Yukon 6-572I

Lunber Strles Co, (21) .VAlencic 44100

MccDoncld & Hcrrington Ltd., (ll)

GArlield l-8392

Mcrtinez Co., L. W. (4) .. .EXbrook 2-3644


Pscilic Lumber Co., Tbe ({) .....GArlield l-ll8r

Pccilic Western Lumbsr Co. oI Cclil,, Inc, (ll). .....DOuglcg 2-5070

Patrick Lumber Co. (O. L. Russun)"(ll)a 6_1400

Pcrqnino Lumber Co. ({) .GArlield l-5190

Pope d Tclbot, Inc., Lunber Divisioa, (4)

DOuglcs 2-256I

Ricci G Kruse Lumber Co, (10) ....Mlssion 7-2576

Rounds Trcdiug Compcny (4) .....YUkoa 6-0912

Scnta Fe Lumber Co. (Il) ......EXbrook 2-207{

Shevlin-McCloud Lumber Co. (5) H(brook 2-7041

Sidewqll Lumber Co. (24) .ATwcter 2-8112

Siskiyou Forest Producls ol Ccliloruic (4)

Yukon 2-3294

Sudden d Christenson, Iac. (4) ..GArlield l-28116

Tcrter, Webster d Johnson, Inc. (4)

West Oregon Lumber

DOuglcs 2-2050

Triaity River Lumber Sqles Co. (f8) Skyliae 2-2050

Twin Hcrbors Lunber Co. (ll) (Fratk J. O'Connor) ..GArfietd l-5644

Union Lumber Compcny (4) ......SUtter l-5170

Vcn Arsdqle-Hqrris Lumber Co., Inc. (7)


Ccstro Vclley Kilu (Hcywcrd) ..LUcerne l-8651

GqnerstoD d Green trumber Co, (6) BEllog 4-6454

Gossliu-Hcrding Lumber Co. Scn Leaadro .Lockbcven 9-166I

Hill 6 Morton, Inc. (7) .ANdover l-1077

I(elley, Albert A. (Alcmedc)... .Lqkehurst 2-2751

Xuhl Lunber Co., Cqrl H. Chcs. S, Dodge (Berkeley 5)..THonwcll 3-9045


Andergon-Hcnson Co. (Studio City) .........STcnley 7-4721

Arcctcr Redwood Co. (I. J. Rec) (36)

WYomiaq ll09

Atkinson-Stulz Co. (Bcy Vca lde, Pascdenc) BYan l-6378 SYccnore 2-8192

Atlcntic Lunber Co. (C. P. Heury 6 Co.)

Arrcs r.unber co. (2r) 3$::3::1fi3i

Bcugh, Ccrl W. (Pcscdenc 4). .. .Ryar f -6382

Bercut-Riclards Lumber co., sYccnore 6-2525

_ (4. W. "Andy" Doovm) (13)..MAdison 9-2355

Brown d Conpcny, Clcy (36)....WEbster 3-0405

Brush Industrial Lunber Co. (%2) ANgelus I-IISS

Bums Lumber Compoy (36).,...WE-bster 3-5861

Ccrr d Co., L. I. (W, D. Duuing) (15)

chcutlcad od Associcts, r, w. ffi"n""teelo

cbeaey Lunber co. AXmiaster 5296 (Burns Lumber Co.) (36). ...WEbster 3-5861

George Clough (5) .DUnLirtr 2-221{

!olli.r. d Meyer, Inc. (Domey) ....TOpcz 2-1010

Consolidqted Lunber Co. (7).....Rlchmond 2l{l

. (Wilmingtoa) .....NE. 6-1881 Wilar. Ter. 4-2637

Cooper-Morgcn Lunber Co, Willred T, Cooper Lbr. Co. (Pcscdenc l) RYqn l-7631; SYccmore 3-2gl

Cooper Wholcscle Lunber Co., W, "UO[.l?, ,O,

Dclion d Co., R, W. (13). .MAdison g-2173

Denuig- Luber Compcay (15). .,..PBospect 2354

Dcnt d Rusell, Salei Co. (l).......ADcns 8l0l

Dolbeer d Cqrson Lumber Co. (13) VAnditrg 8792

Donover Co, Iac. (lt) .ADcns l-rlltOli

Dooley od Co, (41) .......Albcay 1822

Fqtgv, p. C. d Son (221 .ANsstus 2-t183

Fc_irhurst lulnber Co. (Phillips GMurphy Lbr. Co.) (15) .-.......PRospect 0271

Fisk d Masoa (So. Pascdeaa.:...PYrcm:id l-t197

Eri& Flqmer (r.oae Becch rr)..hil" 3:3t3t

Forest Products Sqles Co. (Iuglewood)

Freemcn & co., srepben e. (Bdlb3ol"goa 8-3858

Ed. Founrcia Lunber co. (l)......."ff1:ti33f

Gosslin-IIcrdiag Lumber Co. (A. W. Donovcn)

Hcmro_nd Lunber conpc"" tl1)).s*il:"?-?3ii

Hqrris Lumber Co., L. E. (S)......Durt<i;t( Z.2g0l

Heberle d Co., R, f, (Conpton) ..NEwmqrt< l-9289

Hill lumber Co., Rcy (43) ..pL"o"oor S2:i:3ea

HiIl d Mortor, Iac. (716).........BRsdghcv 2-4375

CBestview 6-3164

Eqrl Ho{nq! Co. ({il)..........f,lllmiuter &5!l8l


Holmes Eurekc Lumber Co, (13)....MUruct glgl gogye_r, A_. L. (36) .yOil. iiiS Kuhl Lumber Co., Ccrl H. _ R. S, Ossood (14)... ....TRinitv g22S Lqwre'lce--Phi:rips L_umbg1 Co. (15) pRospeci gl?{ Los-cql Lumber Co. (ll)..........IEffc;sor 623{ l:rmber Mcrr (2sl .j..-. .,.......rir-s.l;Jl-i505 Ivlqcrronqtd Co., L. W, (15)....-...pRospect Tlgl MacDonold 6 Hcrrinsron, Lid. (lS) paol'peci itiii

Usf"","J:"""'f; iitTi, 3l I I il : : : : : : : Ihhig #l

Pccific Fir Sales (Pcicdeacl ....Syr"-o*t-1S28

pqciris Lumber co., rhe (36). il{b",i -i133

P-L'lic Forest Products, In;. -(Dick f.cfrocfii---(1.1) .,. ..TUcker tzsz-izgg

Pa_cilic Westera Lumber Co. oI Cali|.,- Inc.-

_ (Pgscdenc) SYccmore 6-Sg9z-L.A. ityc t-gtZg

Pqtrick Lumber Co. (Ecstncu Lumber Scles)

-_(.fi, .PRospect 5039 Phillips G Murphy Lunl,er Co. (lS) llAdii6ri-S-6fuS

Pope 6 Tclbot, Inc., Lumber Divisiou (15)

E. L. Reirz co. o5). .....F*::i::l 8331

Rounds Trcding Co. (Loug Becch 2) Zt'Dirh 60li

Iudbcch -d co., lohn A. ( rs) .t:i: :r""T-t"l-31i5 llullc_orn Pollqrd Co. (Inglewood)..ORegon g-{0S8 lgn !ed19 Lumber Co. (tl). ...nliriora iili

Shevlin-McCloud Lunbjr Conpcnr aisj --siskiyou Forest producrs ot cotuo-llGpect 0615 _ Steplen G. Freemu 6 Co., Bclboc Hctbor 2dll Soutb Bcy Lumber Co. (Hqwthorae) spctdins Lumbqr co. (zs). .fff"'.fi: $fi3l sudden 6 Christenson, I!c. (l{)......lnirirv gg{l

Tqcomq__Lunbor Soles, Inc. (lS). .. .pnosp€ci ll0g

Tqrler,_Webster d l_ohnson, Iic.'(20) ANti,l"s ai8a

Twilr Hcrbors Lumber Co, (lS)-(.C. P_. Heury d Co.)........'.....PBospeci 652{ _uaion .Lumber Gompcny (15)........TnGiry Ztg2

Wendlins-Ncrhcn C-o, (g6i. : . .yOri ttSC

West Oregou Lunber Co. (Beverlv Hilfsi BRcdshcw 2-rt353; CResMLw 5-6634

W_eyerhceuser Sqles Co. (Z). ...Blchmond ?-0505

Wheelo_ck, _Inc.,, E. U. (lZ).'.. .Ir/trcbis@ iigi

Wbile Lumber Co., Hcrry H,(15)..nlchm6nd 05i2

Wilson LumbEr Co., A. K. (Domiaguez Juactioa) NEvcdc 6-2363 NEmcrL l-8851

E. K. Wood Lumber Co. (54).......IEflerson 3lll

wse4.,Ee4 r. (23)..... .ANselu 3-3801


Americcn Lumber d TrodtiDg Co. (15)

p,cxrer. r. H. & co. (r3)..... H:ft$i-8tll

MccDonqld d Hcrrington, Ltd, (I5) PRospect 3127

McCormick d Bqxter Creosotins "6"if;.r" ,-ar$



Cclilorniq Builders Suppfy Co. (4)

TEnplebcr 4-8383

Hogcn Lunber Compcny (4) ...Glencourt l-6861

UDitod States Plywood Corp. (7) T.Winocks 3-554{

Western Door d Scsh Co. (20) .TEnptebcr 2-8400

E. K. Wood Luabcr Co. (6) ......KEUog t-8t58

Pope d Tclbot Inc., Lumber Division (15) PRorpect 8*ll


Bruce. Co.,-E. L. (44). .plecsmt 3-ll0l

Americ_cD Hardwood Co, (21)......pnospect 1|il35

Atlcs_ Linber Co. (2I). :. .iH;;;;i z40i

Bohnbofl Lumber Co. 'Inc. (21). ...iil;;;;;i iii6

B_ruh Indusrrict Lunber co.' (iz)"-i_ilsT

Mc{inney Hcrdwood Co. (59) '. .:. ..t6ai" o_iGi

venbertby Lumber Co, (ll).........Klmball 5lll

SlaDto!, E. I. 6 Son (Il)..........CEnrury 2_921i

Tropiccl 6 Wesrera Lumber Co. (59) LOgd; g-2925 Wesiera Hcrdwood Lumber Co. (S5)pRoipect 616l SASH-DOONS_MILLWONK-+CNEENS - PIYWOOD_INONING BOANDS

E:ih,3s:'.:sT:ilT,llii;;iau,l?,:-" jl:3?ti

tseas_onelt€ -d Eckstrom, Inc. (ll)...ADcns 3.{229

Colilornic Door Compclv oI_L_os Auge_les, Tbe (-S8).-.. .Klmbctl 2l4l Cclilornic lUillwork, ini. (Inglewood) ..OReqon 9-3{51 cqlilornid_ Pcnel d Veneer Co. (S{) Tfloiiv 00ti7 35ilf*c.?.'Tlif,I rfi] :. : : : : : .-"fflXl:-':iiii

Cole _Door d Plywood Co. (ll).....trdqms 3-{il?l coor-PeDdsr d Loug (31) ......NOrmcndv 3-3239

DqvidsoD Plywood d LunbEr Co. (21)

Door d plywood robbers rnc. rro iil33ll3 3:3i31

EubqnL d Soa, L. H. (Inglewood) ORegon 8-2255

Hcley Bros. Santcr Moniccr)...,... ...TExss 0-{8iil

Irviag !u_!nber cad Moulding. Inc. Q2) .................LOs!!s-SU{

Koehl, lobu W. d Soa (23).. ...INgetus 9-8lgl

Mcple Bros. (ffiittier). .Whiilier {-d003

Mcrtia Pllmood Co. (3), ....,....ADqns 3-G166

Nicolci Door MIgr. Co.. ...OBegon 8-3726

Oregon-Wcshiagtor Plywood Co,..ORggoa 8-3726

Pccific Lumber Declers Supply Co.. Inc. (Hcrbor Ciiy) ... ......ZEaitb 1156; Lomitc 1156

Scmpson Co. (Pcscdeac) ...Rycn l-6939

Simpson Logiging Co. (21).....,...PBospect 9l0l

Souihern Cqlilonic Rusco Co. (Smtc Auc) .Klmberlv 2-{486

United Stctes Plywood Corp. (2l)Rlchnoad 2-0661

Uniied Stqtes Plywood Coir. (Gtendale Arei) ..,,.......... .Cttrus l-21&l

WesterD Custon Mill, lnc, (22l ...ANoElus 2-9t{Z

West Coast Plywood Co. (13). .. .MAlison 9-2l7l

Wesl Coast Screen Co. (l) .ADcms l-llqt

!\Iester! Mill d Mouldinq Co, (zr..LOrcin 6-0lgl

ZeEgmcn Plywood Co. (58) .......LAlcyatre 0lZ5

*Post OIIice Zone Number in Porenthesis

GArfield l-3600
Wendliug-Ncthan Co, (4) .SUtter l-5353 Co, (Sausqlito) Elterprise l-0133 Weyerboeuser ScleE Co, (8) .,...GArlield t-89?4 Wiadeler Co. Ltd., George (2{) .VAlencic 4-184r HARDWOODS Bruce Co., E. L, (3) .....MArket l-1839 White Brolhers (24) .ATwater 8-1430 SASH-DOORS_PLYWOOD Associated Plywood Mills, Inc. (24) Alwqter 2-8832 Buckley Door Co., F. S. (24) ....ATwalet2-Ztt7 Nicolci Door Sqles Co. (10).......Mlssion 7-7920 Sinpson trogging Co. (5) ..........YUkon 6-5726 United Stctes Plywood Corp, (24) ATwcter 2-1993 CNEOSOTED IUMBER-POLESPILING_TIES Americqn Lumber 6 Treciiag Co. (5) SUtter l-1028 Bcxler, l. H. d Co. (4)...........DOuglcs 2-3883 Hcll, lcnes 1., (4) .Sutt€r l-7520 MacDonqld & Hcrriagton Ltd, (ll) GArtield l-8392 Pope d Tclbot, Inc., Lumbcr Division (4) wendting-Nctbcn co. (4) . .. 3?rV,* ?:3331
Cqlilorniq Lumbor Scles (l) .....KEUog 4-1004
UgHS3ff$MMffiWHH#MS# Santa F re 4 u&U-/rrlorrn *'eo4rrrp *,t/p Ueat-4 *ell-/zaoan annp im Aurnlten the best in Fir Pine Cedar Redwood r Red Pilins Rai I or Cargo
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