Building Products Digest - August 1997

Page 1

rld,rna Products nnd wholcrdo dlrtrlbutor Ln 13 Southcra rtatct Address Correction Requested U.S. POSTAGE PAIO SOUTTI GATE. CA PERMIT NO. 294 AUGUST'97 B -... .-'! 'l50) | € EH IA cd ?R aO h'= Ha d. oo :B +'f (€SB Fr Ecl IE a= trH (D z< !$r HE v/ A) '(-2 N >= Ets ri. aa(t (aa. NFt 5K RoaX )-A 5o 6F t-9 rf ri X'qj XE ='o lI x= iS o)al+ HrX t?a : ?t-(Da Fq i-L. H o' .)F=. gr. 0q5r a65 a(Da 'pool0, ,po4uuurloAl oulnueF ges nof uoq/h eFuluunpu uB oABq nof 'llw {ool nof furtr fuy Any way you look atit, you have an advantage when you sell genuine Wolmanwed'wood. Circle No. 101 on o. 54

ff you're tired of the same old choices, then deal yourself a new Ihand with Monarch Windows and Patio Doors. These products have been built with a history of quality craftsmanship since 1888.

Whether your needs are the typical standard size double-hungs or casements or a selection from our complete line of half circles, ellipticals and other custom millwork (all of which can be made to your specifications), we at Monarch Windows can give you the winning hand.

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For pressur+teated wood firds kilndded after teatnent, call Dean lumber Co.

The gente conditoning of our steam dry kilns yields exceptional producb sudr as Dean Deck, Ddcono fire rdadant feabd wood, Outdooro wood, Wolmanizedo Extralumber, and teated specialties.

AUGUST 1997 voLuME 16, NO.6
13 Southern states X'YEFTISTGMES AtverliiBrabsrpm |€qtd
Nr 1?57 FM 011-5F.2Nt 1&l
Srwrtcutstoprafi.ts How toturn sfr&rt-le@h ,n ould.itlgls ittto $ -maF,erc fi MercIwnd,i.si6'rrrou,ffiirrg Htgh impact d-i-y displays hclp mow nnuldirgs 11 Mote znilhryh@rcer! p"efersq*thcrfr,pittc I Many monufoctuners opt foronce-igrnred SYP 72 74 75 Tbol rent or not tnl rent In's and out's of adding a tool rental department Claek tieking onYear 2000 eomputer crisis Time is now to safeguard against systemwide failure Technology key to presaure treoterts grouth Alab ama -based Sout heast Wood exp ands, diuersifies Erpo Previeut: Chieogots Prd.uets Showeose 6 16 18 19 19 38 42 418 49 50 51 53 il il Editoriol Netos Brieft Colcnd.or Southcrn Assrl News Cluote of thc Month Persona,ls New Prd.ucts Neu Literaturc Eordwd Serics Buyerst Guidc Classificd.Ads I*ttere Ad Indc, FAX Response Forrn 27
USA: Chuck Casey, {5{D Campus Dr., Suito t80. Noupo.l Boadr, Ca 966S182. Idsgnole 0tf) 8S219$ Far714-852{Zl1
AIERICA: Charles Hatlitar, Ay. Amsrico Vespucio iloda 32. O1.13. Las Condos, Santiago, Ofle. Tef: (01 1|5S2
Dean Lumber Co. Gilmer. Texas http: // l-800-523-9957 Fax 903843-3123 4 Burr,prnc Pnooucrs Drcrsr Auousr 1997 Circle No. 104 on o. 54

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First Gontact

It always seemed odd to us that the lowest paid and least well-trained employee is often the frst person a customer encounters.

Whether it is the initial voice on the phone, the receptionist, a delivery person or a floor clerk, this once-only opportunity to make a favorable first impression should never be left to chance. Yet too often, a negative perception is generated in the customer. Because of this the transaction may not be made or, worse, the customer is lost for good.

Generally, the fault lies not with the front line folks, but with the failure of the company to provide adequate training and education. Most employees want to do a good job, but any staffer at any level needs ongoing help. This applies as much to the CEO as to this morning's new hire.

What may be obvious to some may not be to others. If, for example, the employee has a hangover, just fought with his spouse, was bitten by the dog, after which his car broke down and he's

got 20 bucks to last until payday, it may never occur to him not to take out his frustrations on the customer. This case may not be as extrreme as it sounds at first blush. Ifyou've never encountered anyone in business or shopping who acts as if they've had the morning described, consider yourself lucky.

A few classes in what should be the obvious niceties of business relationships can do wonders for employees fielding those first customer inquiries. Employee trainers confirrr that it reatly doesn't occur to everyone to leave personal problems, anger and frustration at home.

Much of life is basics, and solidly grounding your employees in them will provide the firm foundation for all that follows. While it's tnre that raining can sometimes just prcpare employees for the next company they work for, it's still better and less risky to provide all the employee training you can.

For the best In and Labels!!! CALL: $&V04,fi4 TEL: (281)$9rnin FAX: (281) 890-2878 Come visit our Wcb sfte: ww.Lumbeltag.conl ffi. ffi$ TUBA **:*"4FOR j&llkey*Tffi ffisfil lffitffiil'iffi Ckcle No. 106 on p. 54 6 Brnr.nrxc Pnonucrs Drcnsr Aueusr 1997

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It's that simple with PACTRIMfl pre-primed mouldings ftom Pacific MDF Products, r.c.

I Manufactured fron the finest nedium density fberboard"

I Available in a complete line of attractive cagings, b8ses, cmwns, jambs, and stool as well as coordinating proflee to customize your design

t Doee not split or have raised grain, resiets waraing, and it cuts cleaner than pine.

I Saveo noney! ftpically lower in coot than cornpanble non-primed fnger joint products.

f Treated vith PACPRIME, a unique material that accepts any conrtruction grade painL

I Uniform grade and conrirtency without iln.ightly defects.

I Rcsists hamner dings, construction- relatcd damage, and everyday homeowner wear and tear.

I Enviro'nentally correcL PACTRIM ig nade fron nill by-products. It replaces fingerjoint pine errblilg us to bett€r mrnrge and eugtain our timberland&

Tbll-Free l.8OO.4.PACTRIM (1-8m472-2474) MDF Circle No. 108 on p. 54 PRODUCTS INC. rtillS Dominquez Boad RocLlin" C495677 Clio. SC
FIRST CHOICE IN FENCING RU/,ill\""/." is a beautiful, environmentally safe, prefinished fence board that caPtures and look of natural redwood and cedar at a fraction of the price! Special features of R.llAllul," . Bconomical r Safe To Handle o Consistent Color o Environmentally Safe o Installation is Easy FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 800'599'5s96 TT]BAFOR MILL,INC. Drvrsroxs lx Monron lxn Auaxoe PlnxrWA ARRANTY Circle No. 109 on p. 54 8 Burr,ornc Pnooucrs Drcnsr Auausr 1997

Taking short cuts to moulding profits

QHORT-LENGTH mouldings can \)be a big-time problem for many dealers. The first instinct for contractors, builders and do-it-yourselfers looking for mouldings usually is to "go long," but there are ways for retailers to sell hard-to-move, shorter lengths.

Most moulding shipments include a variety of lengths, since, during the moulding manufacturing process, defects are cut out of the wood. In solid lineal mouldings, up to l5Vo of any one item ordered may be shipped in lengths 3' to 8', which are considered shorts. The exception to this rule is 7' casing and stops, which are considered long lengths.

Fingerjointed and cut-to-length mouldings are sold in specified lengths with l5Vo trimbacks permitted in any one item. Trimbacks are odd lengths developed in the manufacturing of cut-to-length and fingerjointed mouldings.

Story at a Glance

Proven methods for turning short-length mouldings into assets ... convert shorts into impulse sales for d-i-yers, into money-savers f or builders and contractors.

E For wholesalers and retailers. the trick is not to allow shorts to accumulate. Some dealers accept shortlength mouldings as a "cost of doing business." But instead of costing money, shorts should make dealers money.

When selling shorts to do-it-yourselfers...

(1) Display short-length mouldings prominently, as'close as possible to the front of the store. providing better visibility and greater opportunity to sell the product as an impulse item.

(2) Show shortlength mouldings first when a customer asks about mouldings, if for no other reason than to identify patterns and profiles.

(3) Stress the ease of carrying shorts home and the price savings.

(4) If longlength pieces are priced per lineal foot, price shorts per piece.

(5) Ask the dimensions of the room(s) in which the mouldings will be used to see if shorter length pieces would work as well as the requested longer lengths. Since most mouldings are installed in 8-foot lengths or less, this simple strategy should produce plenty of results.

When selling shorts to builders and contractors,..

(1) Acquaint yourself with the approximate percentage of lengths

SHORTS BIN from Georgia-Pacific gets hard-to-handle shortlength mouldings off the rack and onto high-tralf ic f loor areas. Sturdy hardboard exterior oanels and dividers 6reate nine individual compailments to keep the product upright and easy to reach.

frequently used in the types of homes in your area.

(2) Remind builders and contractors that usually well over half of the trim in a home is under 8 feet in length when finally in place; that the amount under 5 feet is frequently in excess of 20Vo shorts; that window trim very often runs in excess of SOVo shorts.

(3) Help them understand that they can reduce waste on the job, as well as application time, if deliveries are made of shorts close to the actual lengths to be used.

(4) Make them aware that by purchasing shorts, they will save money... as much as 2OVo on a moulding order.

This is perhaps the most significant point of all: you both make money.

9 Auousr 1997 Burr,ornc Pnooucrs Drcr,sr

Merchandising wood mouldings and millwork


I. mouldings is often one of the most neglected areas in retail yards and home centers. Often buried in a corner with little or no display, mouldings are all-too-commonly left to collect dust as business owners fail to cash in on one of their most profitable items.

With proper displays and informed sales people, moulding can become an important source of income. An estimated 40Vo of all wood mouldings and millwork products manufactured are used for remodeling projecs.

Having an easy-to-understand pattern display is essential to the proper merchandising of mouldings. Samples can be displayed in several different ways to boost sales. Perhaps the most effective method, if room permits, is constructing a room setting display featuring patterns as they

actually look when installed.

Installation information and related products such as miter boxes, wainscoting, nails, putty and stains, should be conveniently close by. By proper display, companion sales will be created with each moulding sale. A well trained sales clerk will know what items are necessary for the installation.

Literature and color photos showing ideas on the use of moulding should be prominently displayed in the sales area. A knowledgeable sales person, in conjunction with good display items, can plant the seeds for remodeling projects in the customer which can grow into lucrative moulding and companion sales.

Much of the remodeling done today is tackled by the homeowner. Do-it-yourself installation of mouldings requires proper tools and direc-

tion. Don't scare off potential d-iyers with terms like "coping" and "reverse mitering." Stress the availability of corner blocks when installing mouldings. This will eliminate the need to miter or cope. It also reduces waste and increases the likelihood of a happy homeowner who will

Story at a Glance

Proper display, positioning boosts sales ol high-margin moulding and milhrork.

attempt future projects-and return to your store.

The successful marketing of shortlength mouldings can eliminate a problem and create profits (see related story on previous page for specific techniques).

The Wood Moulding & Millwork Producers Association can assist with all the merchandisi ng aids and information needed to set up a store properly to attain your sales goals. WMMPA

l(800) s50-788e1 has "how to" literature for d-i-yers, videos on merchandising mouldings, and brochures with ideas on designing and decorating with wood mouldings.

OVERHEAD sample board helps increase sales of fancier moulding profiles.

Millwork producers take long look at southern pine

QOUTHERN pine lumber is gaining L)market share each year for window and door mouldings, casing and frames as well as lineal moulding and other types of millwork.

That's the report from several major millwork manufacturers and pre-hangars who have evaluated competitive materials and continue to increase their use of southern pine.

Barnett Millwork, Theodore, Al., is a full service company providing manufacturing, pre-hanging and distribution of windows, doors, jambs, moulding and other specialty millwork. It uses southern pine for moulding, jambs, and interior and exterior door and window frames. The company offers over 100 patterns in specialty millwork, including linear molding and decorative mantels.

"We like the consistent quality and controlled moisture content of the millwork stock we buy," says president Paul Barnett.

Most of the moulding the firm produces is fingerjointed paint grade. Barnett says there is little or no difference between finishing techniques with southern pine and white pine, and they don't experience grain raise, cupping or warping problems with southern pine.

"We like the competitive price, stability, strength, density, screwholding and finishing capabilities of southern pine," he adds.

Ga., says the manufacturer, pre-hanger and distributor has been using southern pine for brick mouldings, casings, jambs and frames for the past four decades. The volume of southern pine used at Orvis has increased in the past three years.

He says southern pine has the edge over other wood species such as ponderosa pine and radiata pine because of its consistent availability, quality, competitive price and stability in both solid and fingerjointed stock. Southern pine, he explains, "provides

Story at a Glance

Southern pine becoming a preferred species among millwork manufacturers.

a better surface for stain than either ponderosa or radiata, and consistently costs less."

Orvis buys southern pine exterior and interior door frames, flat jambs, casings and brick mould from outside suppliers and assembles custom door and window units to order. Peeples says "every order is different, with various styles, hardware and trim."

The pre-primed southern pine jambs from Orvis work well with steel entry doors because the steel units must be oainted. Orvis cus-

tomers include large home centers such as Lowe's, 84 Lumber and Scotty's, as well as several large and medium size independent retailers.

At Stephenson Millwork, a third generation is continuing the pioneer firm's reputation as one of Alabama's premier producers of southern pine mouldings and custom architectural millwork.

Russell Stephenson, who started the business with six employees before World War II. has built the company into a major producer currently employing over 100 workers. Grandson Lee joined the company two years ago.

"The secret to southern pine's superiority for moulding and millwork is correct drying," explains Russell Stephenson. The lumber is dried in steam heat kilns rather than hot air kilns to achieve a finished solid wood product with very little checking or grain raise.

"We like the texture and straightness of southern pine, and we now use it for about 6OVo of all the moulding that we produce," he notes. Most of the lineal moulding as well as door and window jambs and frames are solid paint grade, sold direct to the general contractor.

Stephenson also fills many orders for "old pine" paneling in 6" and 8" widths, purchased from old buildings and recycled by re-running it through their molders.

DOOR and window manufacturers are relvino more heavilv on southern pine for frames, lambs, casings an'd biick mould.
Aueusr 1997 Burr,orNc Pnooucrs Drcrsr 11

Tool rent or not tool rent

DEOPLE are born thinking retail.

I Ask the average man on the street where he'd go to buy a drill, and he'll readily reveal his favorite retailer. But ask him where he'd go to rent a drill, and he'll probably give you a blank stare.

With that untapped potential, tool rental programs may offer independent dealers a profitable niche to grasp at in the shadows of their big box competitors.

But you'd better hurry. Contractors Warehouse operates a successful company-run store rental program. HomeBase partners with a Southern California rental company at two of its locations. Two years ago, Home Depot launched a four-store rental pilot program in Nashville, Tn.

Wickes Lumber has rental departments in about l0 of its 100 building centers, and will include them in all new stores. According to Bob Sherlock, "Over the next few years, we expect to add them to better than half of our stores," along the lines of the prototype department at its new Pascagoula, Ms., location.

But it is independents who have invested the quickest in rental. The

largest hardware co-ops' rental programs, all started in the 1990s, all enjoyed double-digit percentage growth in membership last year. Still, caution the experts, tool rentals are not for everyone.

Since 1993, 404 Just Ask rental sections have been added in True Value stores, without a failure. The key to success, says Don Neely, training and in-store rental manager for TruServ, is "to forget everything you know about retail. Rental and retail are like peanut butter and jelly. They mix well to make a great sandwictrfor the customer. But they never will blend; they're still two separate entities."

A common mistake is thinking rental is just another department, instead of a separate business. "I always hear, 'I want to add a tool rental department.' But it's totally different," Neely says. "It's not like a sporting goods department or an automotive departrnent, where you check the item in, put a price on it, and sell it through the same computer system. With rental, you buy it, you own it, you rent it out, they bring it back. You're selling time not merchandise.

We don't turn inventory, we rurn dollars."

For members interested in tool rentals, TruServ first conducts a retail survey to discover: (a) Is there a market for rentals? (b) Is there sufficient space in the store? (c) Does the owner/manager have the proper mindset?

"With rental, price isn't the issue," Neely explains. "(Dealers) think if the store down the street is renting something for $10 day, they can rent it for $7 a day and undercut them. Never leave money on the table. Stay with the competition. The customer's there to do a project, not to shop."

Here's one possible scenario: Your customer shows up with a Home Depot circular advertising a Milwaukee 3/4" hole shooter for $133. Your co-op's retail list price is $147. You can meet the price and leave it at that, but then your customer still goes away thinking there are better values at Home Depot. If you suggest renting the drill for $12, you've won on service and price, and kept your customer.

But isn't there less profit in renting a tool than selling one? Tim Miller, Hardware Wholesalers Inc.. Fort Wayne, In., disagrees: "They're two different markets. The tool that someone would rent wouldn't be the

TOOL rentals can work as an in-store side business (upper) or separate free-standing slore (lower).
3 3 a Sign Up Here! l'lumber of Rental Pafi icipants End of '95 End of '96 100 200 250 343 140 186 585 700 125 1,200 140 1,569 Ceoo tlWlD+itBest True,Value Just Ask Ace Rertal Place Seruistai,Goast to Coast Our Own Rent lt Center Total Change +100% +37o/o +33% +19o/o +12o/o +31o/o - RERMagazine 12 Burr.nrnc Pnouucrs Drcnsr Aue usr 1997

same tool that someone would buy. If you curme in for a drill, you'd rent the $250 Bosch and buy the $30 Black & Decker. If you have to mix some concrete for a project, you're not going to buy a concrete mixer."

Rental can also lead to more retail sales. "If someone buys a drill, the cashier can suggest drill bits, but the customer will usually say he has plenty at home," Neely suggests. "But if he rents a drill, give him a package of bits and say you'll credit back to him what he doesn't use. If he rents sanding tools, he'll need sandpaper, and once he's done with that, stain or varnish. For airless paint sprayers, gallons and gallons of paint. The list is endless."

Story at a Glance

Should you add a tool rental department? thinking rentalvs. retail.

Co-ops, such as Ace Hardware with its Rental Place and Servistar with its Renter Center and pioneering Grand Rental Station, have been able to devise a list of tools that lend themselves well to rental.

HWI has organized its four-yearold Do-it Best Tool Rental progmm at three different levels. Level I requires about 700 sq. ft. of in-store floor space and a $25,000 investment in tools. Level 2 needs a 1,500-to2,000 sq. ft. department within the store and a $70,000 to $90,000 investment. Level 3. with a minimum tool investment of $125,000, uses a standalone building, usually 3,000 to 4,000 sq. ft. Some retailers construct their rental store in their home center's parking lot, others open them 30 miles away. They range from 1,500 to 6,000 sq. ft.

The higher levels provide tools in greater quantity, more departments, different sizes, various capacities, with more accessories, greater wattage, and higher BTUs. They are often from vendors who produce more specialized or heavier duty tools.

"We have a five-day training school that is required of everyone signing up (for the program)," says HWI's Miller. "We have a backhoe, an air compressor, all the basic equipment on site. About half is operational, how to write contracts, develop

an ad campaign. The other half covers things like operating the tools and performing preventive maintenance on them."

HWI assists with store layout, design, signage, fixtures, and other facets of starting a new business. Renowned rental consultant Bruce Campbell also spends a day with each store.

Now, with the co-ops' success in rental, regional wholesalers are following suit, promising a flexibility a national conglomerate cannot provide. At its spring market in January, Handy Hardware, Houston, Tx., unveiled its rental program, and already has 66 members signed up.

"We're doing things a little differently," says Charlie Hearne. "We're not telling them what or how much to buy. Some jump in at $50,000 to $60,000, others less."

Handy Hardware's eight territory salesmen, known as retail district managers and well versed in rental, help retailers set up the program. The company furnishes those who joined the program with a big "Rental Department" banner, schedule of daily and hourly rates, 100 contracts, 50 "Rent Me" and 50 "Reserve Me" tags, and a catalog which lists the 300 products available.

Their list will continue to evolve. "We are learning, and we'll be revising it every three months, adding new items that members request and finding out which areas like which products."

Orgill, Inc., Memphis, Tn., introduced its "Rental Connection" storewithin-a-store about a year ago. The company furnishes p-o-p signage that attaches to the machinery, sample advertising, brochures, stuffers, contracts, recordkeeping, and a complete training package.

"Unlike others, we have no preset equipment," says Jeff Thomas, retail programs manager. "It's all local market focused. Dealers look at the strengths and weaknesses of their particular market. Some add full blown departments, others rent just, say, paint or construction products."

The wholesaler's approach is always "very market specific," Thomas explains. "Whether it's professional power tool sales, janitorial or tool rentals, we stress research first. Obtain demographics, conduct other studies, find out how the customer perceives the store, then adjust your services and find your niches. Don't

just dive into rentals. Everything we do at Orgill is micro-marketing."

He cautions: "Too many people dive in without doing the research necessary. They get discouraged, have a failure and want to know why. That's why."

TruServ's Neely has turned down more than one retailer who wasn't well suited to rentals. "We have denied some, and they're happy about it, once they understand why, because a mistake in rental can be a devastating mistake in retail. In rental, there's no such thing as trial and error."

Sta,rtdr $et:r

A sample inventory list might include:


bull float

diamond blade

r cement mixer concretesaw


builders level compressor


Floor Care

.:carpet dryer fan : :,. dium sander

t carpet extractor tile scraper

o seam tollei

. knee kicket

lliholettrn:roller .:tile,cutter

seaming iron weVdry vacuum

floor edger

Hand Tools

water heater socket

Lawn & Garden

.astator :' .pOst,hole,,di00er

hedgelrirnmel spiead€t1 : ::::

push mower tiller

post driver wheelbanow

I catE:puller

Material Handling/l,loving ,irrtr..,


r drillsflake

Hufibing::,,I:,: ::


. hand snake waler pump

drain sewer machine


.:heat gun , , i pressure washer

paint sprayer wall paper steamer

Porver Tools

dry,\rall screw gun sandens

o grinder circular saw

ihammer,dritl,, .reclprocaling:,saw

. rotary and bits

Aueusr 1997 Burr.otxc Pnopucts DIcBst 13

tant. Every company should have an individual in charge of ensuring year 2000 system compliance. Since many dealers and distributors do not have data processing staff or MIS managers, this task may fall to the company controller or system administrator.

cl ye

tiaR offi on

fANUARY l, 2000 is less than rwo j and a half years away, so it's very important for building material dealers and distributors to take action now on the Year 2000 Problem in their computer systems.

Here's the problem: for several decades, software developers and progrzrmmers have written programs and databases with two-digit date fields (so that, for example, 1997 is recorded as 97). This was done mainly because the disk space and memory in computer systems was very scarce and expensive. Every chance to save space was valuable, and the date fields were an obvious place to start.

Now that disk space is more affordable, and even small PC desktop systems have plenty of space, a potential problem is how the systems will process the date fields when the calendar rolls over from 1999 to 2000. Many computers will record this as 99 moving to 00; in other words, they will read the New Year as 1900 instead of 2000.

Numerous potential problems such as sorting by date (accounts receivable aging, for instance) could arise. All calculations and processes based on two-digit year data are likely to fail completely or yield incorrect results. Age calculations for routine tasks will be wrong, sorting routines will not work correctly, and many businesses could face crippling problems and severe logistical issues due to an inability to process orders, invoices, shipments or anything else

that involves a date past December 3t,1999.

There is also a popular misconception that computer problems won't begin until midnight on December 31, 1999. In fact, many computer systems that utilize long-term planning horizons may start providing incorrect dates as much as a year or more before the year 2000 roils around.

Experts recommend that year 2OO0-compatible systems be in place by early 1999 atthe very larest.

The first step is to begin examining how much the problem will affect your own system and business. Assess all the software you are using-not just your main application software, but also your operating system software, the software on your sales reps' laptops, office applications like word processing and spreadsheets, everything.

Determine which programs have compliance problems, prioritize them, decide what action to take, and go to work fixing the problem. "Working closely with your software provider is extremely important at this stage," says Chip Wilby, v.p. of finance, Cleary Millwork Co. "Expert software consultation in this area is a must. Every application must be inspected, corrected, and tested."

It is critical that upper management be involved and leading the charge to prepare for these changes. The Year 2000 Problem cannot be brushed aside. and it cannot wait-

Project management is very impor-

Once you have evaluated which programs to change or replace, decide whether to re-write your existing software or replace the non-2000-compliant software application with a new software package.

Re-writing your software is a very complex task. Whether you are using in-house programming staff or contracting with an outside programming firm, it will be a very time-intensive and expensive proposition. Recently, an outside programming firm analyzed a millwork distributor's existing software and quoted $75,000 to make it year 2000 compliant, based on the amount of programming work needed. The distributor decided to convert to new software.

Testing is the most extensive and time-consuming step-and one for which most companies usually set aside insufficient time. If you are rewriting your software, you should be in the testing phase no later than mid1998. Plan on extra disk space or even a new processor to handle the testing process.

Story at a Glance

Turn of century could cause systemwide computer lailures ... dont wait unti 1999 to ensure you are 2fi10 compli-

The other alternative is to add a software package that fits your business needs and is also year 2000 compliant. The evaluation process should include making sure that the software company has been thorough in their own testing procedures to ensure all the new date fields, databases and reports will handle the new century change. This may also provide your best opportunity to totally upgrade to newer, better technology, and software that more closely meets your business requirements.

Whichever route you choose, you cannot afford to wait any longer to begin tackling the year 2000 issue. To delay may be perilous for your business.

- .-:::
poil nr rs
14 Burr,orNc Pnopucrs Drcnsr Aue usr 'l 997

Technology key to tre



mule power of the I' 1930s to the computer power of the 1990s, family-owned and operated Southeast Wood has evolved from a small field sawmill operation during the Great Depression into one of the nation's largest privately-held wood treating companies.

Currently operating five CCA treating plants and one remanufacturing plant, Southeast Wood recently completed its first five-year capital improvement plan. The plan was developed to allow entry into new markets, and to provide state-of-theart facilities from both production and environmental standpoints.

Story at a Glance

New markets, technology help family-owned firm grow from single sawmill into one of the nation's largest treaters.

From its original plants in Jasper and Louisville. Al.. Southeast Wood moved into the Florida market in 1990 with the acquisition of a facility in Rockledge. The company entered the Midwest in 1995, with plants in Richmond, In., and Rochelle, Il. The old planer mill site in Louisville was redeveloped into a remanufacturing facility, producing a full line of deck components, fencing material and fence panels.

The Jasper, Rockledge and Richmond plants have been upgraded to include a lumber transfer deck and elevated containment system. The new design eliminates the need for drip pads and greatly reduces the possibility of any incidental breach of the containment system. The transfer deck reduces cylinder change-out

time to three minutes. The computercontrolled treating process utilizes high capacity pumps and lines to treat 20,000 bd. ft. every 45 minutes.

Total annual capacity of the company now exceeds 500 million bd. ft.

Sales are centralized in the company's new corporate offices in Montgomery, Al. Sharing the same office is Southeast Wood Trucking, which handles deliveries for Southeast Wood Treating with its fleet of 40 semi-tractors. The trucks are linked with Qualcomm two-way satellite communication to allow direct control by dispatchers.

As with any good business, responsiveness to customer needs is vital to sustained growth. In 1996, for example, Southeast was instrumental

in devising an expanded #2 prime grade to address the problem consumers were having with #2 grade wane allowances.

"It was becoming increasingly obvious that the current grade rules did not meet the expectations of the di-y shopper," recalls Guice Slawson, president and ceo. "So we brought the mill people, inspection agency people and customers to our Plant, went through the lumber, and came up with some recommended grading changes on the spot. Everyone was there, and everyone felt like their interests were represented. We left with a commitment from all parties, and in one day we accomplished what would have taken months on the phone or through the mail."

SOUTHEAST Wood's treating operations, including its plant (above) in Richmond, In., all have been upgraded lo increase production, efficiency and environmental friendliness.
Auousr 1997 BurlurNcPnoouctsDlcnsr 15



Payless Cashways has filed for Chapter 1l bankmptcy protection and will close 29 of its 194 stores (see story p.37)

Builders Square and Hechingerb arc merging (see p. 40) ...

Stewart Lumber, Brentwood, Tn., purchased Ambrose Home Supply, Hopkinsville, Ky.

Haydon Lumber Co., Hopkinsville, Ky., has closed ...

T.H. Rogers Lurnber Co. is btiilding a new store in Durant, Ok., to open by year's end

Wheeler's Building Materials opened its 80,000-sq. ft. yard #12 in Cumming, Ga. ...

Fowler-Turner Lumber Co., Madisonville, Ky., has closed ...

Long's Building Materials, Union, Ms., has been opened by Dwight and Gail Long ...

Bowman & Myers Lumber, Paris, Ky., has closed ...

Wickes Lurnber opened a new building components plant in Denton, N.C., the first of its 11 facilities nationwide to also offer installation services

84 Lurnber has launched an expanded engineered wood program, focusing on l-joists, trusses and wall panels ... 84 Lumber's planned yard for Paducah, Ky., will include a 13,878-sq. ft. main structure with 5,000-, 7,000- and 9,000-sq. ft. warehouses ...

Potter's Home Center, Monticello, Ky., has been opened by Bill Potter

Treas Lumber Do-it Center, Murray, Ky., has closed ...

Lowe's Cos. has opened new 150,000-sq. ft. stores in Charleston, S.C.; Houston, Tx. (Paul Peters, store mgr.); Salisbury, N.C.

(mgr. Jeff Sain, co-mgr. David Hughes, asst. mgrs. Terry Houck, Brad Alexander, Dale Kroeze, Shane Collins;, and a replacement unit in North Jackson, Tn. (Richard Keller, store mgr. ) ...

Lowe's is building a new 150,00o-sq. ft. unit in Burleson, Tx.; 150,000-sq. ft. replacement stores on 17 acres in Jacksonville, N.C., and next to its existing Crossville, Tn., unit, and is building its first Birmingharn" Al., storc on 14 acres while eyeing additional nearby sites in North Shelby County and Trussville, Al. ...

Lowe's paid $6.3 million for 2l acres in Fort Myers, Fl., for a 150,000-sq. ft. store; plans to buy 18.7 acres in Austin, Tx., to coanchor a redeveloped Maconda Park with Wal-Mart; will replace its Lexington, Ky., unit when it co-anchors with Wal-Mart the planned 43-acre South Farm Marketplace, and has renewed interest in building a 165,00Gsq. ft. unit on a Raleigh, N.C., site it rejected three years ago ...

Home Depot opens 130,00G.sq. ft. replacement stores Aug. 21 in T*p", Fl., and Dallas, Tx.; opens a new Louisville, Ky., unit Aug. 28, and is building new stores in Fort Pierce, Fl.; Richmond, Va., and a half-mile from the new I-owe's in Jackson, Tn. ...

Home Depot plans on anchoring a 210,00Gsq. ft. snip center in Monroe, La., and adding a 130,00Gsq. ft. store in Fort Walton Beach, Fl.; is negotiating for a site in Pinellas Park, Fl., and is receiving citizen protest to its proposed store in Jacaranda (Sarasota), Fl. ...

Wholesalers & Manufactuterc

Union Coorp is building a new LVL and I-joist plant in Thorsby, A1....

Oy"r.rl Corning has acquired vinyl siding manufacturer Fibreboard Cor?., Ddlas, Tx., for $600 million (see sory, p.37)

Great Southern Wood Preserying Inc. has opened its fifth and largest treating plant on 55 acres in Muscle Shoals, Al.

Seven D Wplesale of Florida has relocated its Deerfield Beach sales office to Pompano Beach

Weyerlueuser Co. is closing its Plymouth, N.C., plywood plant, rather than modernize it and add an independent €nergy sorrce ...

Horizon Window s, Etizabethtown, Ly., -har been acquired by CenainTeed Cory.

Tetnple Inland, Diboll Tx., has acquired Califurnia Financial HoWkg Co. for about $96 million and will jointly build a medium density fibeftoad plant in El Dorado, Ar., with Deltic Tunber... the Securities & Exchange Commisgign is- investigating TempleInland for possible income tax-and financial rcporting frald

International Paper agreed to pay nearly $200 million to sefile a class action lawsuit alleging its Masonite siding was defective

Cooper Industries, Houston, Tx., sold its Kinrci drapery hudware and custom window coverings business to Naxrcll Co. and purchased electrical power distrib ution equiprnent producer Keamey Co., Tucker, Ga., from DysonKissner-Moran Corp.

Thomas &, Bms Corp., Memphis, Tn., has acquired electrical conduit fittings sup'plier Elcctrolinc Manufacuring Co.,Inc. ...

Trid Systems is now endorsed as the preferred coqnrter provider by co-op Allied BuiWing Stores, Monroe, I,a-

Anniversaries: R.S. Mongers & Sons, Harrisonburg, Va,75th ...

Housing starts in June (latest figs.) rose 4.8% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.452 miL lion single-family construction climbed 2.6%, multi-family rose 14.3% for 2-to-4 units and 12% for over 5 units permis slipped 2.6% ... starts jumped ll.2q6 in the South.

16 Buu.,Drnc Pn@ucrs Dlersr Auausr 1997

Let us be your inventory for Decking lumber & accessories

. Large fimbers

. Spindles, Rails, Posts & Post Caps

. Redwood Lattice Panels & Spa Skirting

. Bevel Siding . Expansion Joint

. Finger Joint . L" Pattern Stock

. 1" & 2" Finish Stock;up to 12" widths

. Douglas fir uppers, boards, dimension

PInO-GInill fire retardant treated lumbet and plywood is the #1 brand in the USA, from the largest producer in the USA.

Specify FrnoGIIANt" for your commercial proiects to assure quality products and fair prices.

DALL/AS, TX. 2425 Bufiank St., Dallas, Tx. 75235 (21413s7-7317 National WATS 1{800} 442.3396 FAX 214-351-6076 A large wholesale inaentorl with a u)ide seleetion of Ckcle No. 1 13 on p. 54 t ll JTi ilri a r ?l I )I zlr ri tl I I a tT I[. /r \
HOOVER TffifrIFDITIoo/)PRooUCTS,nlc Knox Center. Thomson, GA 30824 WEB Address . E-mail FOR TECHNICAL AND SALES INFORMATION CALL 1-800-TEC-W000 FAX (706) 595-1326 Circle No. 110 on p.54 Aueusr 1997 Burr,plxc Pnopucrs Drcrsr 17


Listings are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with sponsor before naking ptans rc anend.


National Building Producb Erpcition & ConferenceAug. ll}'13, McCormick Place, Chicago,Il.; (847) 605-1025.

National Hardware Shodlnternationat Eerdrare Week - Aug. ll)-'13, McCormick Place, Chicago,Il.; (847) 605-1025.

National Ilardwood Lumber Assn.Aug. 14, lnternet workshop, Roanoke, Va., (540) 231-5876; Aug. lt-20, $ading course, Memphis, Tn., (800) 933-0318; Aug. 2G2t, GpS, GIS, and image processing seminar, Athens, Ga., (706) 542-3063.

Virginia Building Material AssociationAug. l4l1, summer conference, Ramada Oceanside Tower, Virginia Beach, Va.; (804)323-8262.

Mississippi Building Material l)ealers AssociationAug. 1516, mid-year meeting, Silver Star Resorr, Philadelphia Ms.; (ffir)267-ss22.

Handy llardware VYholesaleAug. tz-A, fall marter, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Tx.; (713) &+1495.


Florida llardware Co.SepL 6-7, fall show, Radisson Twin Towers, Orlando, Fl.; (904) 783-1650.

Hoo-Hoo InternationalSepL 7-ll, l05th annual convention, Colonial Hilton & Resort, Lynnfield, Ma; (501) 3534992.

National Hardwmd Lumber AssociationSept &10, drying seminar, Memphis, Tn., (800) 933-0318; SepL 10, global positioning systems short course, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va, (540) 231-8844; SepL 1619, dry kiln operator's shorr course, North Carolina State Univenity, Clyde, N.C., (919) 515-5582.

Mid-America Lumbermens Assn.Sept. 13, OyL golf, Cimanon Trails Golf Course, Perkins, Ok.; (8(X)) 747-6529.

APA-The Engineered Wood AssociationSepL 1}'16, annual meeting, Scottsdale, Az.; QAO 565-6600.

Kentucky Lumbcr & Building Material Deelers Assn.SepL lGlt, estimating course, Bowling Green, Ky.; (8m) 8441774.

Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Assn.SepL 17-20, convention, Camberly Brown Hotel, l.ouisville, Ky.: (703) 435-29W.

National Hardwood Lumber AssocietionSept 18, selling short course, Marriott Hotel, Roanoke, Va.; Sept.23-24, forestry workshop, Blacksburg, Va.; (54O) 231-5876.

Kentucky Forest Industrics AssociationSepL l9-21t, wood expo, Bowling Grcen, Ky.; (502) 875-3136.

National Oak Flooring Manufecturerc AssocietionSepL 20-2, installation school, Crown Plaza Hotel, Memphis, Tn.; (901) s26-5016.

American Wood Preservers AssocietionSepL 2l-26, technical meeting, DeSoto Hilton, Savannah, Ga.; (410) 465-3169.

National Lawn & Garden Trade ShowSepL2+25,pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pa.; (203) 847-g1g9.

National Wooden Pallet and Container AssociationSepL ?*tl,expo, Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tn.; (7O3) 527-7(f7.

Nationd Lumber & Building Materid Deders Association - Sept. 25-29, annual convention, The Breakers. West palm Beach, Fl.; (800) 63,1-8645.

Cotter & Co.SepL 25-30, fall market, New Orleans, La.: (773) 69s-5000.

American Wood Preservers InstituteSepL 2t-30, annual meeting, New Orleans, La.; (703) 204-0500.

Circle No. 1 11 on p. 54 18 Buu,prncPnonuqrs Drcrsr Auousr 1997


Lumbermen's Association of Texas has named Art Hopkins of Austin, Tx., as its new field rep.

Kentucky Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association and Carolinas-Tennessee Building Material Association are co-sponsoring an estimating seminar Sept. 16-18 at the Holiday Inn I-65, Bowling Green, Ky. William Darling will lead the three-day workshop on residential framing and lumber.

Florida Building Material Association has nominated Jack Monroe, Jr., J.M. Lumber, Inc., as its new president. He will be officially elected to the board and sworn in Oct. 3 during FBMA's 77th annual convention and buying show in Orlando, along with president elecVtreasurer Ken Kuester, Lumber Unlimited; 1st v.p. Tom Crowe, Allstar Building Materials; secretary Allen Osteen, East Coast Lumber; v.p. Carl Holland, Sunbelt Forest Products; past president Judge Nottingham, Carolina Lumber Co.; national dealer director Sam Dunn, Dunn Lumber & Hardware: truss division chairman Barry Dixon, True Truss, Inc.; millwork division chairman Richard Ungerbuehler, Federal Millwork Corp.; regional directors Tim Callum, Gator Door East, Inc.; Pat Loftus, Gator Lumber Do-it Center, and Greg Bell, Deerfield Builders Supply; associate directors Dave Pleasant, Weyerhaeuser Co.; Pete Edlin, Locklando Door & Millwork, and Dale Dahlin, Booker & Co., and member-at-

"Cluote" voi.n" MOnth

"While we could provide hundreds of thousands of trees on a sustainable basis, the president's request (for 60 Christmas trees) is hypocritical given the forced shutdown of the Tongass (National Forest) and the resultant devastation to families and communities."

large Donnie Smyth, Jr., Smyth Lumber Co.

Monroe. Dunn and Brian Blocker won the Everette Cupit Memorial Golf Tournament at FBMA's recent management retreat in Port St. Lucie. Ed Dietrich, Jack Nunn, Raul Rodriguez and Bill Carson came in second place, with Tim and Dee Callum, Bill Massaro and Dave Shilling in third.

Mid-America Lumbermens Association's 6th annual Fall Fun Fling Oct.3-4 in Branson, Mo., will feature the Continental Timber Trout Extravaganza, Mid-Am Building Supply Barbecue, and Cedar Creek Golf Tournament at the Thousand Hills Golf Resort;.

MLA's Oklahoma Young Lumbermen group is holding a golf tournament Sept. l3 at the Cimarron Trails Golf Course. Perkins, Ok.

SFPA Managers Pulled In

The Southern Forest Products Association has restructured its field functions by relocating its market managers from regional offices to its Kenner, La., headquarters.

Those who buy, use or specify southern pine lumber, instead of reaching a market manager in Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Kansas, Ohio, New York or Arizona, now will contact the Kenner office or SFPA's Web site.

From Kenner, managers will continue to set up and conduct programs throughout their regions and travel for trade shows and seminars.

"We need to keep up with the times," says SFPA v.p. of marketing Jeff Easterling. "The growth of computer system communications means that one-on-one personal calls in the field are becoming less productive and cost-efficient in today's fastpaced marketplace. By operating from our headquarters location, the market managers will schedule their travel to concentrate on group events with strategic decisionmakers."

The staff realignment is expected to reduce field marketing costs by about 30Vo in administration and overhead.

HARDWOOD TRilN NAITS HELP INSURE A PROFESSIONAL LOOK! Circle No. 112 on p. 54 Aueusr 1997 Burr.prxc Pnooucrs Drcrsr 19

Hickson retracts Dricon@ FRTW advertisement

Hickson Corporation has recently advertised and promoted that Dricono brand fire retardant treated ("FRT") wood is the only FRT wood which currently meets the model building codes. PLEASE BE ADVISED TFIAT THIS STATEMENT IS WRONG. Building Code Officials have stated that other FRT wood products currently meet the model building codes, including Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc.'s PYRO-GUARDo brand FRT wood.

20 Burr,orxc Pnooucrs Drcrsr Auousr 1997
The Merchant Magazine and Building Products Digest present
for the National Building Products Exposition & Conference Aug. 10-13 . Chicago s McCormick Place Attendee's Planning Guide In's and Out's of Newly Expanded Show Headquarters Where To Find Exhibitors Schedule Of Seminars New Products On Display

lt won't be long belore Factory Waterproofed Pressure-Treated Wood becomes the standard in maximum durabtltty lumber. But no one has the luxury of carrying every premium brand. So lnrhen you choose the brand to stock. make sure it's the one that offers something no other product can match:the power and consumer confidence otlhe )lympic brand

)lympic is the name your customers trust for beauty and protection. The brand accentuates your own c0mpany's reputatron. lt also makes your builders look good. And that's good for you. Because vrhen you give builders the materials they need to build a successful business. they'll come back to you. time and time again.

Build new profits into your lumber. Ask your wood treater to supply y0u \^/lth factory waterproofed pressure-treated wood with built-in 0lympic protection. 0r call 1-800-421-8661 and request the name and phone numberof a licensed treater.

Visit us at booth #42235 Circle No. 1


An insider's look ot the upcoming 6th onnuol Notionol Building Products Exposition & [onference, which hos relocoted to the exponded Mc[ormick Ploce Complex.

The new home of fte Expo

The McCormick Ploce Complex hos been enlorged with the odditions of the South building, Grond Concourse ond Hyott Regenry.

,rro 8

Show floor

Show floor loyout, complete with olphobeticol exhibitor listing

,rpo l0

Schedule of evenfs

Seminor listino ond show houn ,no |

Musl sees ot the [xpo lnnovotive new products to be unveiled ot the show

ftpo tndw is produced in (oniundion with its lfuclnnt ilagonne oil Euilding hducts Drgast t0 pmmoh the l'lotionol Building Pmdmh Expmilion E bnfureno. for quediom obout txp Preyien or odvertising in nent yoo/s isue, coll (714) 852-1 990.

Send rnoteriols to tpo Pnrviar, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480 tleilprr Eeqd t0. 92660; tM 852-0231.

Copyright0 lf97 fu tutler Publishing, lnc. tover ond entirc conlenls ore ftiliy proleced ond mu$ not h reproducd in ony monoer without wrilten permision. lhe lthrchut /rfagaano onrl 8uil6w Profua |i4rllosome m liolilily foi mderisk fuinishd. All ri$ts resend.

th lhtiml BtrUtrg hodts h0dthfi & &trilo h on onnuol slmw sponsored ond conducled by the Americon Hordwuro tlfunuforlurcrs Associolion held in tondem with the llslionol l|ordrwre Shfl ond Internotionol flordwore Wd"

Thh yeuis show will be held ol fhe McCormick Ploce &mplorE 0kqo, ll" Aug. l0-13.

for more infoimotion ohul the show or fo retnirc rcgistrction foims, oll (203) 840-5620.

l|kfr dpfrrbd{,Et!t,$,0@ ffs,dteffi l/'/[ld., fugodd

OF PROS NOW AVAILABLE AT 40o/o LESS! INTRODUCINGTHE NEW WAGNER L6O9 MOISTURE METER... L 4.5" x W2.75"xH1.0" . Pin-Free Narrow Sensor Deep Penetrating o Features Wagner's Proven EMF Technology . Accuracy Verified by Independent Studies #35ffiirTilfi: $12e CALLTODAY TO FIND OW HOW THEWAGNEB L6O9 CAN HELP PREVENT PRAECT FAILURE DUETOWOOD MOVEMENT "See Us at Booth #42514' Nationa.l Building Prrducts Expo 326 Pine Grove Road Rogue River, OR 97537 (541) 582-0541 Fax (541) 582-4138 @ l96WagnerElectonic kdtrcts, lnc. Circle No.2 Expo Pnevlew 3 The Pocket-Sized Wagner L609 Moiiture Meter has a narrow sensor and is ideal for testinq smaller pieces 5f lumber such as Your guide to the 1997 t'totionot Building Products Exposition & Conference ,rro 4
the Expo
,rro 6

llqtionol Building Products Expo

new products including terms and dating, factory training, promotional sup port, order quantities, in-store displays, in-store demos, and advertising.

* "Turn Cash Faster," offering a panel of experts sharing their marketing strategies of serving both pro and d-i-y business customers, and how they lowered inventories, increased sales and created faster tums.

.3. "Maximize Profrs Like the Top Performers," exploring how to increase profit potential by employing customer service techniques used by top retailers, raising average transaction size, attracting and keeping customers, training better and utilizing the sales force and counter personnel.

ore than 70,m0 are expected to converge on Chicago's expanded McCormick Place Complex Aug. l0l3 to preview the latest at the National Building Products Exposition & Conference.

"The show floor represents all of the important product categories within the industry, including flooring, doors, lumber, wallcovering, windows, and roofing," said show spokesman Dennis MacDonald.

The National Building Products Expo is held in conjunction with the National Hardware Show.

In its sixth year, the Expo has grown from 100 exhibits on 15,000 sq. ft. to an estimated 350 exhibitors on 108,000 sq. ft.

"It's exciting to see the show expand, because it means the marketplace is growing, too," said William P. Farrell, president of the American Hardware Manufacturers Association. "We're working to make the industry's best events even better, and the pieces to the puzzle are coming together to make it happen."

At McCormick's Lakeside Center (formerly the East Building), the Expo will occupy Level 3, as will housewares and paint & decorating exhibitors, plus the international segment.

The South Building will showcase hardware and allied lines, plumbing

and electrical, while the North Building will house lawn and garden and outdoor living on both floors.

Planners anticipate the two shows will fill the three buildings. "In 1987, when the North Building was completed and added about 280,000 net sq. ft. to the East and former West facilities, it was completely filled the very first year," Fanell said.

Building Products Digest and The Merchant Magazine will be at booth 41225. David Koenig, Chuck Casey and David Cutler will be on hand with free copies of the special E,rpo Preview edition of our magazines.

A New Products Exposition, featuring hundreds of new products displayed at the Expo, will be located in booth 10,000 in the South Building.

The entries will be identihed in booth order sequence and each guest will be supplied with a New Product Directory that contains descriptions of the exhibitor firm names, booth numbers and items.

Nine one-hour seminars will be held Aug. 10, beginning at l0 a.m., and Aug. ll, beginning at 8 a.m. The following will be discussed:

* "Packaging for Proht," featuring the latest innovations and newest ideas in packaging design.

{. "How to Select, Promote and Merchandise New Products," focusing on key elements of developing

{. "lndependent Rep Oppormnities in the Next Millennium," addressing the profit potential of independent sales reps. the most effective ways to use them, and their future impact.

* "Turn Shoppers into Buyers," discussing ways to sell, display, and package products to encouraSe customers to purchase.

.3. "A Look into the Future: What Does the Next 18 Months Hold for Our Industry?," examining housing starts, industry capacity, revolutionary products, and the impact of technology and consolidations.

.3. "Electronic Commerce: How Will It Change the Channel?," explaining what it is and how it affects business now and in the future.

* "Profiting with Private Brands," defining how private branding increases margins and customer recognition.

In addition, Expo attendees gain free admission to the National Hardware Show in McCormick's North and South buildings.

Other events scheduled include a keynote address by president and ceo of Lowe's Cos., Robert L. Tillman, Retail Conceps Center and Packaging Exposition, and the Retail Services Showcase.

Both shows will be held during International Hardware Week, sponsored by the American Hardware Manufacturers Association.

E P xPo NEUIEW An Inside/s look ot the
Expo Pnevrew 4
trusted nAme in utood.
and seruices. PerrnaGllear 55* gfl'"x k
TREATED LUMBER W'ater Repe llent Lum ber f reated Wood Circle No. 3

llew Home of the bgo

ollowing a $987 million expansion, McCormick Place Complex, site of this year's National Building Products Exposition & Conference, is now the largest exhibition and meeting facility in North America.

Expanded by 840,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space to bring the total to more than 2.2 million sq. ft., the complex is also home to the National Hardware Show, being held in the North and South buildings.

The complex now offers 170,000 sq. ft. more meeting space and ballrooms, 400,000 sq. ft. of public circulation space, 71,000 sq. ft. of restaurant space,45 new meeting rooms, an indoor commuter railroad station to transport attendees to downtown Chicago in seven minutes, four theaters (including the 4,319-seat Arie Crown Theater) and five banquet rooms.

The major expansion project, currently in its final stages, includes the expansion of the Lakeside Center (new home of the Expo), and the additions of the South Building, Grand Concourse, Hyatt Regency McCormick Place and McCormick Square.

Lakeside Center

This year's Expo has moved from its temporary home at Chicago's Navy Pier to the larger Lakeside Center.

In its final stages, the renovation to the Lakeside Center, includes changes to Hall D, the Grand Ballroom and Lobby, Podium and Arie Crown Theater.

A North-South divider will be added to Hall D to allow for two shows to occupy the hall. Also, Halas

Mall (Hall Dl) will be converted inro the Grand Ballroom with full bathroom amenities and food and beverage support space. A new cafe and support service will be added to the Lobby.

The estimated $34 million renovation also calls for improvement to the Arie Crown Theater.

The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year.

Grand Concourse

After visiting the Expo, attendees can take a short walk across the new Grand Concourse to attend the National Hardware Show, which will feature 3,000 exhibiting companies representing more than 250,000 products.

The Grand Concourse, a 900'-long multi-level, glass-enclosed pedestrian walkway which connects the East Building to the adjacent Norrh and South buildings, also serves as a public access corridor to the lakefront. The Grand Concourse includes a business center, cafes and specialty shops.

South Building

The new South Building with the adjoining Grand Concourse covers 27 acres and took 3-ll2 yean and $675 million to complete.

In addition to the 840,000 sq. ft. exhibition hall that is large enough to hold more than twenty 747 aircraft or l0 baseball fields, the South Building also features 45 meeting rooms, a 22,000-sq. ft. Vista Room, and a 33,500-sq. ft. Grand Ballroom.

The South Building's expansion, completed two months ahead of schedule, nearly doubles McCormick Place's meeting room capabilities: 45 meeting rooms are adjacent to the exhibit floor that can be configured from 1,500 sq. ft. to as large as 10,000 sq. ft. In total, the new building contains more than 155,000 sq. ft. of carpeted meeting rooms and ballrooms.

Hyatt Regency McCormick Place

The complex will house a 32-story Hyatt Regency McCormick Place with 800 guest rooms, restaurant, retail shop, ballroom and health club.

Expo Pnevrew 6'


"And when your back stops aching and your hands begin to harden, You wiil find yourself a partner in the glory of the garden."

- Rudyard Kipling

our products are manufactured on-site at our lumber mill from 1 00o/o California nedwood.

Planters are heavy to heartwood, secured and accented with black steel strapping and galvanized seals. Each piece is crafted with care and fully guaranteed for quality and workmanship. Buy mill direct and take advantage of an affordable price premium planter. Please call or fax any'time.

Quality Products: Tubs Square Boxes Gothic Planters Planter Cradles Window Boxes Box Bench Sets Weather Mats Garden Steppers Trellises Arbors Bird Feeders Tolf Free:800-675-2501 (707) 433-2500 FAX 707-433-0188 Specialized programs for dealers and distributors . [[tl]ttfiffi[iltPffiluH$r Circle No.4 woRtDrs sAFEgr! swimming poo, gale hasdware All products EXCIBIT STnICT NDW POOI, BANruERCODESI :**rffi . Mognelicolly triggered (no mechonicol iomming) . Key lockoble {2 modeh) . Eosy lo inshll (4 fixings) . Regulor/Heovy Duty hinges o Suil oll fencing moleriols o Slrong, tough & duroble Molded: rurijrm polymers ffi : itfJiJ:T,iiifl1y:lliT: n o Z-yeor wononly o Fit ne/existing : [,i:['ilf,"il1[Jo:l'" p# :ffiitffiflit;'dli' ffi .Te$ed 400,000 cydes %d {D' d"d teshnnlngiEs Telephone: 1 -800-7 16-0888. Facsimile: l-800-464-6400 Chcle No. 18 Expo Pnevrew 7
E p xPo nEvtEw 1S t5i] rst tg IB t6 ts t& I rs2 IE ru v nt nt II !tt 1r 1E :5: tro & E t|' '(] a 6 t&, Ina I s D Expo Exhibitor Direclory s rsitl sn E2 rc BI m m w ed in yellow. Please double check the official show directory for my changes. At the show. official bmth numbere will begin with a 4 preceding the digits lisred below (e.g., 40O22). The booths in the front of the hall, which begin with rhe number 3, are part of the National Hudware Show. A.A.W.. Inc......................................ffi22 tg IEI a G G a Abaron Inc.......................................0125 ABTco, Inc.......................................09m Acro Building Products.................... I 7(b Afco Industries. Inc..........................03 l9 AK Gibbon Lumber Co....................(X3t) ta m n n al B g n m7 m mt M M ffi 0024 w 3 ta3 t€ t3 t€ ts re g' K K K H BZ B2 w 2arl s 26t3 a D a af 2toa l3 tt a a t3 12 lz 2 a 112 n! 12 r;r-rt:r:nnilInnIIIg rrililt IT |t l l*ll*l iln E T F T T r-l T T Palnt & Decordng Exhlbtb tldond lHwm9rmr Main Entrance Ila rtl a1 tl1l nl tltI tl0l n1l ta )10 m Io | 113 Iti ai t1' ttl nl tq t20 a lo 10 a ta to 0o13 @12 m m m 314 ts :1 {t IT t& u 5ta 5l g s ?'14 a a a a & I I his list includes comoanies scheduled to exhibit Aug. i0-13 ar the National Building Products Exposition & Conference and their booth numbers. Expo heview advertisers re highlighr Expo Pnevr:w 8

Alcoa Building Products ..................0926

Alexandria MouIding.......................23O2

Allied Manufactuing, Inc................0732

American Manufacturing Corp....l834

American Moulding Corp............02 I 0

American Rug Craftsman lnc. .....17 17

Aplindo (Indonesian Wood)....2117

Aquabrass International Corp. 14 13

Architectural Ornament Inc.........2505

Argonne Industries.......................0930

Fomo Products, Inc. .....................2507

Astro-Foil .0208 Franklin Intemational Fuman Lumber........

Atlanta Special Products Div.......1704

Atlas Roofi ng Corp. .....................2 I 05

Auer Register/Extraordinair.........0 I I 1

Balmer Studios Incorporated.......2l08

Bay Mills Ltd. ..............................0026

BC Studios......... ..........................1 526

BC Wood Specialties Group........0130

Beaulieu Rugs..............................093 I

Bemis Mfg. Co.............................0300

Benjamin Obdyke Inc.................. 1502

Bennett Tools & Hardware.......... 1707

Best Dressed Homes ....................0827

Binho Industrial Co., Ltd.............0329

Blue Book of Blde. & Const........1205

Bretlin ...........0527

Brewer Co., The..................... ......2402

Brite Millwork Inc ...........1125

Suilders Edge, Inc. ......................1522

Building Material Retailer ...........2433 Buildlng koducts


Miracle Sealants & Abrasives .....2212

Momentum Laser, Inc..................01 12

Monsey Bakor.... ..........................2328

Motorola./Radio Division.............221 0

Mr. Goodbar ................................1232

Multy Industries...........................2 I 30

Muro North America, Inc. ...........2104

MW Manufacturers, Inc...............05 I 7

NAEIR.........................................01 13

Natco Products Corp.................... I I 00

National Gypsum Co. ..................0905

National Nail Corp.......................2425


Norcon Industries Inc. .................023 l

North American Tile Tool Co......1527

North Safety Products..................2432

Nuline Industries.......................... I 302

ODL Inc.......................................1317

OEM Systems Co., Inc. ...............1133

Olympic Mfg. Group Inc. ............2504

Oregon Research & Dev..............0717

Orian Rugs, Inc............................0336

Oriental Weavers of America ......2128

Ornamental Design ......................0706

Ornamental Mouldings Inc..........2225

Osmose Wood heserving, Inc..2!t{X)

Pakmix Inc. ..........................0322

Parabond Consumer Products......2l02

Parabond Specialty Products .......1808

PCV Plastic Extrusion Corp. .......2410


Phifer Wire Products Inc. ............0700

Phoenix Mi11work I 8 1 1

Pittsburgh Coming Corp..............0228


PLS-Pacifi c Laser Systems.... ......O7 07

Ply Gem Industries, Inc. ..............0308

Pole-Wrap ....................................0 I 36

Polyair Corp. -.......................17 34

Polygal USA Inc. .........................0830

Polygem, Inc. ..........0127

Prairie Forest Products................. I I I I

PRC Corp. ....................................0935

Premdor Inc. ................................23 | 4

PrimeSource................................. 1 900

Prosperous Enterprises (USA).....1628

Pro Tect Associates, Inc. .............0712

Pyramax Co., U.S.A. ...................(X24

Q.E.P. Co., Inc.............................1131

Quadriga GmbH. ..........................2527

Qual-Craft Industries ...................0508

Quality Craft Importers, Ltd........0331

Quantum Group Inc. 173 I

Quarton USA, Ltd. Co................. 1406

Quik lhive USA, Inc.-.........-.2514

Quikrete Cos........... ..........1 I 13

225 Burton Woodworks...................... I 6 I 2 Cahners Publishing ......................0 I 37 Capitol Adhesives........................ 1 I 1 2 Cargotec, Inc. ..........21 3 5 Carlisle Plastics............................0000 Caulk Master...... ..........................2536 Celotex Corp. ...............................05 1 2 CertainTeed Corp.........................0909 ChamberDoor Industries Inc........01 l7 Chapiewsky's Inc. I 3 I 3 Chase Enterprises.........................O7 24 Checkpoint......... ..........................2332 Chemcrest Corp. ..........................1 127 Chentcal SFcirltieq Inc...-....J135 Chesapeake Eardwood Prlds"..Wt2 Chicago Metallic Corp.................2308 Chicago Steel Tape/Berger Inst. ..253 1 Clopay Building Products Co. l9l7 Cloverdale Co.. Inc. .....................2 I I 3 Co-Fair Corp. ...............................07 I 0 Cole Sewe11..................................1932 Colmar Industries Inc. .................09 I 2 Colony Display, Inc. 1 300 Columbia Manufacturing Corp....1722 Combination Door Co..................0433 Construction Trade Tools ............0225 Contractors Wardrobe..................1604 Conwed Plastics........................... I 5 1 0 Copeland Coating Co., Inc...........23 I 1 Crane Plastics...............................0206 Croft Metals, Inc. I 3 I 4 Cross Tread Industries 1 806 Dalton Enterprises 1506 D&D Tecbnologice USA Inc" ....11734 Davidson Ladders ........................2509 Dekbrands ..........................0024 Design Components.....................00 I 7 Desi gn House Inc......................... I 9 I 1 DiCamillo Marble Accessories....24l3 Dickson Weatherproof Nail Co. ..22O3 Dimensions Computer Advisors..0330 Do+Able Products I 709 Domco/National Floor Products I 736 Dow Chemical Co........................0535 Duo-Fast Corp. ............................0809 Eagle Bay Resources ...................07 27 Elkhart Supply Corp. I 626 Emco Specialties, Inc................... 1 907 Enviroedse Products Co. .............0019 Ev-Ky Co.... ...,,....,,'.|712 E -Z DecWZCL Composites.........2330 F&S Manufacturing, Inc..............2412 Focuseal, Inc. ..........21 37 Materials Packaging Corp............ 15 12 Material Supply Inc. ....................O027 Max Co., Ltd. ..........0824 May National Associates............. 171 3 Megapower Technologies Inc...... 1725 Mercnant Magazine, Ihe..........1225 Metal Industries Inc. ....................2 1 00 Millennium Group Inc., The........ 1407 Mira Anchor Hangers, Inc. 1407 Miracle Adhesives 1 803 .....0312 MiracleCover........ Rural Builder ...............................1332 Ryan Forest Products................... I 1 10 SafeHome Industries, Inc............. 1408 Safety Speed Cut Mfg. Co. Inc....l2l2 Sakrete Cos. .................................2305 S&S Wood Specialties, Inc..........0305 Schuller International, Inc. .....-....0922 Schultz, Snyder & Steele............. 1233 Scientifi c Plastics, Inc.................. I 409 Screen Tight....... | 402 ,.......2434 Seal-KreteInc. l 309 Seco Manufacturing Co., Inc. ......(X31 Sequentia Inc. ..............................1702 Shaw Industries............................003 1 Shutters, Inc. ...........2337 Simpson Strong-Tie Co. Inc. 1936 Sincol US Inc. ..............................00 I 3 SPS Payment Systems .................0425 STABILA MeBgerate GmbH......2537 Stellar Industries, Inc. I 535 Steves & Sons ...........223 4 Stiles Ceramic Tile/Tileworks.....1536 Storm Master ...............................0432 Streamline Manufactunng ...........2126 Style-Mark I 209 Suisun Co. Ltd. -17 32 Sunbelt Plastics ............................0 1 I 4 Sun-Mar Corp. .............................1412 Sun-Tek Industries.......................073 I Suntuf, Inc. .....21t1 Superior American Plastics..........0107 Superior Featherweight TooIs......25 l9 Superior Fireplace Co. .................0803 Surface Shields. Inc. ,....0110 Surya Carpet Inc. .........................1229 Swan Secure Products, Inc....-..1310 Swiff-Train Co............................. 1 208 Taunton Trade Co., Inc................0708 T.C. Intemational, Inc.................. I I (X Teledyne Princeton I 435 Temco Fireplace Products, Inc. ...0834 Temple-Inland Forest Products ...23 I 3 Tempo Import & Export Inc........0429 Tenneco Building Products..........2 I 1 0 Tensar Polytechnologies, Inc....... I 1 17 Teton West Lumber.....................01 02 T.M. Wood Products....................2202 Toex Intemational, Inc.................2533 TracRac........................................2528 Transverse Industries Co. Ltd......2404 Trimline ...........131I Triple Crown Products lnc...........2127 Tuff-Kote Co., Inc. ......................0805 Tuthill Corp. ................................1404 Universal Forest Products Inc......1929 Unlimited Quality Products.........1625 U.S. Pet Products 1 I 06 USP Lumber Connectors 1922 USG Corp. .......0522 Vanguard Mfg. Co. Inc................ 1700 Velux-America Inc. .....................0 1 I 9 VersaRack by Tailgater ...............2500 Vincent Marketing, Inc................0325 lVagner Elec{nonic Producb.-..0E02 Wall Tool & Tape 1 835 Waterloov Gutter Protection........ 1530 Wayne Dalton Corp. ....................09 l7 Weyerhaeuser ChoiceWood ........2025 Weyerhaeuser Co | 925 Wheeling Comrgating Co............ 183 1 Wing Industries, Inc.....................2122 Woodfold-Marco Mfg., Inc. ........2310 Workshoppe Originals................. 1528 Xyloid Corp. ................................221 | Y ardcrafters I nc. Expo Pnevrew 9 GAF Materials Corp. ...................0100 Gardner Asphalt Corp..................0505 Garland Sales Inc. ........................25 I 7 General American Door Co. ........0128 General Felt Industries................. I 632 Genie Industries ...........................00 I 2 George C. Brown Cedar Co. ........1 108 Gerber Industries, Inc. .................0004 Gerkin Windows & Doors...........0427 Globe Building Materials, Inc. ....1 102 Greenstone Industries 1 4 I 0 Grisham Corp...... GRK Canada Ltd. ........................0037 GTO, Inc. -.................... | 129 Habitat International Inc. 1 630 Hamilton Home Products ............2524 Handy Hardware Corp................. 1306 Hanley-Wood............................... 1 603 Hart & Cooleynvoodwinds......... 1307 HB Fuller Co................................ I2I0 HB&G..........................................0236 Henry Co............ ..........................2322 Home Improvement I 504 Homeowners Marketing Services0230 HomeSide Building Products ......1436 IFI, Inc. Industrial Fasteners........02l3 IKO Manufacturing, lnc. .............17 2l Ingersoll Plastics Inc......... -...1602 Innovative Building Products......0328 Insta-Foam Products Inc. .............0008 Jamerco, Inc Jefferson Industries Inc................0702 Jeld-Wen Inc................................0531 Kemflo International....................0029 Kenmar ........................................1432 Kent Plastic Co., Ltd.............. ......I7 29 Keystone Seneca Wire ClothCo.O202 Kingstar Products Inc. .................0729 Kok's Woodgoods Inc. ................0812 Kool Seal, Inc. 1202 Krusin Intemational Corp............2522 Kushlan Products, Inc. I 525 Ltrson Manufacturing Co............0122 Laticrete International Inc............23 1 7 LCI Lasers .......0036 L.E. Johnson Products, Inc. .........1206 Levelite Technology, Inc.............1226 Liberty Carpet.... -.........07 14 Lil-Tec Laboratories, Inc. ............0205 Listello, usA Ltd.........................1733 Lite-Form Intemational ...............083 I Longer Diamond Tools................ I 807 Louisiana-Pacifi c Corp. ...............0807 L-P Industries............................... I 433 Lustro Plastics.............................. I 802 Madawaska Doors Inc. ................22M Magnolia Brush Mfrs., Inc...........0104 Maibec Industries Inc. I 53 I Malco Products, Inc. I 829 Mapei Corp... ...................15I3 Rain Drain Co. .............................0435 Raymond Corp., The....................03 17 Reemay, Inc. ................................0 I 06 Refl ectix, Inc....................... -.07 36 R.G.F. Industries Inc.................... I 334 RMAX, Inc. .............................-...2125 Roto Frank of America................ 1304 Royal Mahogany Products...........2335 1500 1517 1122 Patrick Plastics Inc ...........1227 Telpro Inc............... .........1827 Marley Mouldings Masonite Corp. Master Fasteners, Lnc...............--..O324

Expo Event Schedule

Shou ]loun

l!ational Building Products Exposition & Conference seminars:

Sundcy,Augucf l0

10:00 - 1 1:00 a.m.: "Packaging for Profit"

ll:00 - l2:00 noon: "How to Select, Promote and Merchandise New Products"

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.: "Turn Cash Faster"

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.: "Maximize Profits Like the Top Performers"

3:00 - 4:00 p.m.: "Independent Rep Opportunities in the Next Millennium"

llondcy, August | |

8:00 - 8:45 a.m.: International Hardware Week keynote address by Lowe's ceo Robert L. Tillman

l0:00 - I 1:00 a.m.: "Turn Shoppers into Buyers"

ll:00 a.m. - l2:00 noon: "A Look into the Future: What Do the Next l8 Months Hold for Our Industry?"

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.: "Electronic Commerce: How Will it Change the Channel?"

3:00 - 4:00 o.m.: "Profitine With Private Brands"

Sunday. Aug. 10.

Monday. Aug. 13.

Tuesday. Aug. 14.

Wednesday. Aug. 15.


Seminar Show Stoppel

The North American Wholcsslc Association will sponsor profit expcrt during the National Building Pro&gl Marks' Sunday seninar, cdilbd Pnofits Like the Tq Ferfaut " t how their Fofits compore wfr competitcs.

cxplain frdr sqndl

THE LEADING AUTO.FEED SYSTEM n.ow oFiEii nonr vrasAriurY!

Drive I rtt. 3t sclewsr for drFlall, sublloor, decks & morc witft the new QD2OOOrrc

FAST .Quik 3Lrip' ocretie lcao tiL'ouL l're'ao'.'o :r adjustmerL-jueL e"a2 t.?* i. axd

4o! Ihe rar,ay a.uiterct,cE 50O gcrewe reauci"q Lripe bac< Lo ta.e ,ox,

EASY .Ihe preciee. calibratnd aepLr, conlrol ts Lr,e only adjustment & p r ovi a e e'"rsbtaL c o u r k rEink.

EFFfCIEI{T Nrrrow prcfile ariveein corners a.a .ard w reac.5?019.

.Fif,6 rogL 2opular screwqung.


A complete selection engineered for speciftc applications and conditions. For additional data and dealer intormetion:

Baltimole, Maryland 212f{d 800-s6-2801 FA)( 410€60-2288


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-jaa-a.a :.t.t-j',a:.1 -aai a ..aa:.ia.

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Stainless Steel llails & Scrcui Swcln Secure Profitcts, Elc. 7525 Penlgman Court,
4ntkn'rre.@ YOUB LICENSETO DHVE FASTER For information please call 1 -888-487-7845 or visit Circle No. 16 ExpoPnevrew 10 Circle No. 15

Producls on Disploy: Whql's new qt the Expo

A ncw oUfo-feed screwdlivel hn, been released by Quik Drive. Designed to drive l-l/4" ro 2-112" scrcws from one tool without anv adiust-

ments. or 3" screws with an inexpensive conversion kit. the QD2000 auto-feed systern is reportedly 1ast, easy to use, durablc, and competitively priced.

Quik l)rive tJSA, Inc.: #42514 Circlc No. I 6 on Rcsponse l)age in back

A pin-free moislute meter win bc showcased by Wagner Elcctronics. For accurately measuring wood moisture content from 6%' to 307o to 3/4" deeo. thc L606 Prolinc Inspector rnoisturc rrretir has no pins to mar wood and leave holcs. Model L607 duill tlepth rnoi\ture tl)dter is used to scan between applications of waterbornc finishes to monitor the curing process.

Both nrodels come with an instruction

book which includes adjustment tablcs lirr more than 100 species.

Wagnrr Electronics: Booth #408(12 ('irclc No. 2 on Response Pagc in back

A nofurol color coofing fbr CCA pressure treatcd wood which rnasks the CCA green color will bc displi,ryed by Osmose Wood Preserving, Inc.

Commercially applicd at treating plants belbre pressure trcatmenl, WoodShadcs colorant gives wood the look of redwood, ccdar. rust or gray driftwood.

Osrnose Wood Preserving. Inc.: Booth #:12-l(X)

Circlc No..3 on Rcsponse Pagc in back

complete range of architectural turnings and cust


Over 50 authentic stock Victorian and Classical styles in 3"x3", 4"x4", 6"x6" and 8"x8" sizes, turned from clear-heart redwood or other quality, kiln-dried woods.


Over 48 authentic stock Victorian and Classical styles in 4"x4", 6"x6" and 8"x8" sizes, turned from clear-heart redwood or other quality, kiln-dried woods.


Authentic designs from the Doric, Tuscan, lonic, Corinthian and Post-modern orders, available in diameters to 36" and lengths to 26'. All our columns feature architecturally conect details and entasis, and are available plain orfluted. Columns are turned from the finest kiln-dried, clear-heart redwood, ensuring a quality product wlth superior rotresistance for both load-bearing and decorative applications. Eleven styles of decorative composition capitals are also available.


We specialize in producing fine custom period and contemporary architectural turnings and woodwork. We welcome the opportunity to work closely to produce custom designs.

ffi ki,+ru'i * t j i , PAGLIACCO TURNING & MILLING & Architectural Wood Turning Service PO Box 225,Woodacre, CA 94973 (415) 488-4333 FAX 41S-488-s322 Custom and Production Specializing in Victorian Designs & Classi Porch posts, newels. balusters, columns and more... We offer a rr# t*rG Deders: Free catalog when requestd on companlr letterhead. Circle No. 5 Expo Pnevrew 1 1

f nin-r ')[] 11 , ))'l 'l)-t''1',-r+ltTECHNOLOGIES, INC.

All TirnbcrClarl p|ociLrt'ts irre solicl $'Oocl. t oitlt't1 ilr .r

touqh. U\r resistiu-tt ltohttter. Mothcr Natlrn' nracl(' lt strolie...\\'(' nlrke il iitst.

Sizes avail:rble : 2r2. 2r-1. 216 ancl -lx:l lbr porch ririls. pool fenccs, pittio t'overs...tht onh llnritation on tlte uscs for Tinrber[]lad is t'orrr ir-nirqinlrt ionl





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!-'.'; ".:'.', :' E ON.TIME PERFORMANCE ! :'::-'.=). '..". -:':'-',: I

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H ,',',:j': j -:,:r:: .:::i, I :. :'.1 '- -,-.-t : )..:l' I -t:.':=- l :', ' j:j:.:11..: I r;: ;:. -..-:'-' -: :::: I :'|'.: ':-.:.'::: I
Settle for Less?
'..i.^i..i.^)..^.i:-.---'.|'..:^ I cnrrar,r, BRos. FoREsr PRoDUgNt, rNC. / \ FencirB Sales Defl. ' Box 725 ' Wborufle, OR 97070 t \\ roLL FREE l{flt i4z2otl tt FAx 503,t82{505 .htFJ .ivft'/ OVEB 70 XD4.RS OF FONEST PRODUCTS TRADTTION CircLe No 10 Come see these and other new products at Booth #40722 allhe \atiOna B. ,Oi^g D.OOuCtS ExOO or call (800) 446-8162 CLtesapeake HARDWOOD PRODUCTS, INC, Expo Pnrvrew 1 2 Circle No. I
OUALITY II'UQUALITY OUT S-a :' r'::s a-r ::-.-:' :.' z'a''.'.

F -qW-'i"''''i g .rliL,u"rrnu'

I ran s nt ssl olt.

Thcl arc t;V inhibitcd lirr puncl plotcction xnd are arailablc in I variety ol' colors, profilcs and lengths. with a l0- or 20 vcar Iinritetl gr-ramntcc.

Scl (;r(,up Irrlernati(,nal ('irclc l.Jo ll on Ilcspon:e l)lrgc in brrel

Foctory wolerproofed pressure

lleofgd Wood ir n',\\ ir\rrilrrhle Ir'.rlrr 1,our local prcssufe treirtcr.

Capablc ol lil'tint -5.500 lbs.. the Spvdcr 1'orklilt rl ith the nc\\ sclssof ,lc.i!tt IcIo|tr'tllr,rl'lcr. !r'eillrr :lr('n!tll luncl lcss rnlintcnance. It is rvailablc in tno- anrl lirr"rr * hcel drir,c rrrode ls.


( if( lc \o. (r on l{esponsc I'rge in luck

Mognetic push brooms Ior re'r.ring rnctrrl and lcaturing cirsv-to-renlovc covers arc avuiluhlc 1l'ont Magnct Clc-an Co.. u riivision ol'llaase Inclusllie s.

Six nrorlels arc o1l'crctl. witli or r',,itltout whcels. for lrarci-to-r'cach arcls. lor' indoors or outcloors. tirr picking up wool. and u'ith a nralnct tirr hangins the broorl on a lirrklilt.

All rnorle Is fcportedlv arc dcsigneil lir

nr'\t'l lrr.r' ll)( il lllir!l)eli\n.

Ilaase Irrdustrics. Inc. (\lagnet Ckan (lo.) \ational Harduare Slrol: Ilxrth #l25lt6 ( irrlc N,r. l.i Lrrr Ilc:ponse I']age ir hrek


OI1'rnpic-trerrted watcrproolins is rle sienccl to elinrirratc crackin-u. chccking. n'lrrpin! cll pressulc tlcated wood.

O11 rnpic: llooth #{22-15 ('irele ^wo. I on I{csponsc l'tgc in hrek

-- Sincc colonial tirncs. SOUIh€rn pine flooring has becn dulable, servicirblc and attructirc additions to ull kincls ol' buildings. Int proVetncnts rn thc sertsonin{ o1' southLrrn pil)c flooring nraterial, antl rcl'i nccl nlanul actrlrillS and rnachining proccsses. havc cfeatecl a slablc, srnooth 1'loorinC su rl acc.

'\ 10- page booklct from the Southern Pinc Council cxplains lloolin-l -urirdcs. sizes utrd pattcrns avuilublc.

Soulhrrn l'ine ('ouncil

Circle \o. lJ rrn Rcslrrrrsc Prrge il hrrck

An all-terrain lorklift u'ith a ncri reoch fork System rhar pcrlornrs likc a pail of scissurs is ncu' l'ronr Sp1,der, Inc.

* ;t ffi,r'
'1$lll " lil lllll .,1.1: lFir -rr--l \-
Circte No 11 Expo Pnevrew 1 3

Cedor fencing, decking & foscio i, available from Caffall Bros. Gold Label cedar fencing, which is guaranteed to be No. I grade on the majority of both faces, has small knots.

The fencing comes in a square top, dog ear, gothic or French Gothic point.

Preassembled fence panels with channeled rails and stiles, and mortise and tenon ioints are also available.

suN 6 N RAIN* .,u LEXAhI"

Western red cedar decking, fascia and balusters include 514x4 and 514x6 radius edge, and 2x4 and 2x6 S4S eased edge decking; SIS2E fascia and trim in 5/4x4 to 5/4x12 and 2x4 to 2x12 in 8' to 16' lengths. The 2x2 S4S balusters come in clear and tisht knot grades in 3'to l2'.

Cefiell Bms

of colors and protales


Indonesion plywood paneling is offered by Apkindo.

Available in meranti panels 2.7 to l8 mm thick, IndoPly is said to be stiffer and stronger than particleboard, MDF or OSB. Featuring uniform size and thickness, tight grain and clear faces. it has no knots or boat patches.

Apkirdo: Bmth t12ll7

Smrt Millwoil( Ghoice

Southem Pine Heads the Glass

America's first lumber was sturdy Southern Pine. Today. it's still making history...even indoors. where its warmth. stability and superior workability make it the smart choice for window and door components. Jobbers and manufacturers will tell you that

Pine is at the head of the class for ready availabilitv. low cost and natural decor elegance. Contact us for complete product details.

in the U.S.A. 11701
Circle No. l0 on Rapore Page in back
Circle No I 7 on Respons Page in back Circle No. 12 ROIJSoUIES ROlJSqrUl@S o Pbrr r? WAilTED f,td t'iaU lflEo td...rltr c HEAVY.DUW COMMERCIAL Circle No. 13
504/443-4464 FAX 504/443-661 2 Box 641700 Kenner, LA 70064 http ://www. soulhernp i ne. co m Expo PnevrEw 1 4 Circle No. 14

strapping and galvanized seals, each piece is heavy-to-heart.

The planters come 17"x14" octagonal tub.

a 15"x12" or

Russian River Lawn and Garden Circle No. 4 on Response Page in back

Hordwood plywood flooring ti.uted with a two-sided UV finish is new from Chesapeake Hardwood Products.

It comes in any standard 4'x8'plywood from l/4" to 3/4" thick in maple, red oak or rubberwood, is ready to use and reportedly easy to install using the tongue-andgroove method.

Chesapeake Hardwood Products: Butth *40722

Circle No. 9 on Response Page in back

Corved plonlers made of 10ozo California redwood will be displayed by Russian River Lawn and Garden.

Secured and accented with black steel

-A child-resisranr swimming pOOl g0le l0tGh rhar witt tarch from aiy'position is new from D&D Technologies Inc.

As the gate swings shut, a magnet draws a latch bolt from one housing into the other so that no amount of shaking, pushing or pulling can disengage it.

It is suitable for general household gates and comes in a top pull with a keylock for added security and a side pull.

D&D Technologies: Booth #40734 Circle No. l8 on Response Page in back

Wnut, contemplating such a crucial decision, you need more than a brokerage firm, which focuses all its energies on doing a deal. Dillon Schramm Associates Ltd. is a team of merger and acquisition consultants with a broader perspective. Our focus is on your goals and objectives. We pour our energies into frnding solutions, nbt always a sale or merger. W" "ru active and achieve results. During the last year, our consulting work has resulted in the sale of five companies in Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and Missouri, the merger of two Minnesota firms with combined sales of $50 million, and pending offers on companies in Pennsylvania and Kentucky and four plants on the West Coast.

Witn offices in Little Rock, Ar., Sacramento, Ca.. and Fort Wayne, In., we combine 100+ years of business ownership, industry knowledge and consulting experience to help find the best solution, then carry it out.

We specialize in building material related business acquisitions. Call Ron Dillon at (913) 888-8001.

10300 W. 103rd St., Ste. 304, Ovedand Park, KS 66214 (913)888-8001 Fax913-888-7382 Call in advance to schedule a confidential appointment in Chicago during the National Building Products Expo. Unload from one side of the truck! .New reach fork system specially adapted for handling large bundles of sod, Iumber, brick and block oNew stability and safety systems .3,000 - 5,500 lb. lift capacity r Extend-A-Fork reaches across truck .Engine and wheel motor options o2-Wheel and 4-Wheel drive models available oC-Channel Mast *pYilsffiffi Call Toll-Free 1-800-231.-5916 Cirnle Nn A

Carlcon dioxide and carlcon monoxide are greenhouse gases that increase global warming. Indonesia's 278 million acres of forests hard at work pulling carbon dioxide out of the air, storing the carb< and releasing healthy oxygen back into the air. The carlcon is the wood and stays there until the wood is burned.

lndonesia has set aside over L2O million acres of forests as Parks and protected areas that, undisturbed, will forever pull out of the air. Even on the 158 million acres where harvesting is allowed, only two or three trees are harvested per acre. Then, new seedlings are planted or natural seeding takes place to new trees to take over the carbongrabbing job.

't! n{ '::i .7 ;{ it ii ;1f
A lal f ai I l\/,r\
Visit our booth at the National Building Products Expo to learn more about Indonesia's efforts to protect the environment. You can also see our 4' X 8' carbon packaging.

Bankrupt Payless Cashways Closing 29 Stores

After filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from creditors, debtladen Payless Cashways Inc. this month will close 29 stores including 10 in Texas.

Of its 194 stores, the nation's third largest home improvement chain is holding liquidation sales at Furrow Building Materials stores in Stafford, Humble, Pasadena, Baytown, and five in Houston, Tx.; Payless Cashways in Wichita Falls, Tx., and Fort Smith, Ar., Tulsa and Edmond, Ok.; five Furrows in Indiana, two Payless Cashways in Missouri, five Somerville Lumbers in Massachusetts, three Lumberjack Building Materials in California, and a Furrow in New Mexico.

The Kansas City, Mo.-based retailer will cut 2,000 jobs and, after restructuring, hopes to emerge from bankruptcy by the end of year. But analysts predict that, even if it comes out of bankruptcy, long-term survival is a longshot.

Claiming liabilities of $335 million and assets of $486 million, Payless owes nearly $178 million to United States Trust Co. of New York. Other top unsecured creditors include Georgia-Pacific (owed $3.91 million), United States Gypsum ($2.04 million), and Weyerhaeuser ($1.98 million).

The court approved $90 million of a requested $125 million interim debtor-in-possession financing to

Hurricane Pounds Southeast

Retailers reported relatively minor damages following Hurricane Danny that killed several people, dumped more than 30 inches of rain on the Alabama coast and forced hundreds to flee from their homes and businesses.

NFL Building Centers sustained about $10,000 damage to two of its Alabama locations during the storm.

In Daphne, its office area experienced minor water damage when part of the roof was blown off, and part of an exterior shed's metal roofing panels were damaged. "The damage is mostly cosmetic inside," said NFL president Will Newberry.

At NFL's Summerdale location, several inches of water flooded the basement of its manufacturing plant.

Packing 80 mph winds, the slowmoving hurricane swept over Louisiana July 18, gathered more force across the Gulf of Mexico and hit landfall again near Mobile Bay, Al.

cover operating costs during the restructuring and post-petition trade and employee obligations. The court will rule on the remaining $35 million Aug.20.

Two directors, Gary Kohler and Wayne.Lyon, have resigned.

Siding Maker Fibreboard Sold

Owens Corning has acquired vinyl siding manufacturer Fibreboard Corp., Dallas, Tx., for about $600 million.

"When Owens Corning entered the vinyl siding business two years ago, we found that we had excellent brand

recognition, but needed to expand manufacturing and distribution resources," said William K. Hamilton. The acquisition, its sixteenth and largest by far, provides Owens Corning with a more complete product line and multiple brands of siding.

Now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Owens Corning, Fibreboard employs 3,400, operates 21 manufacturing plants in the U.S. and Canada, and had 1996 sales of $469 million.

Owens Corning, which sold its own calcium silicate insulation business in 1993, plans to sell Fibreboard's Pabco business, the nation's largest producer of calcium silicate insulation.

Chcle No. 1 14 on p. 54 AuGUsr1997 Buu.onrcPnopucrsDrcpsr 37


Russ Kimbell has been appointed v.p. of US Timber Co.'s southern division, Conway, S.C. Sandra Palmer is new to the southern sales group.

Robby Byrge is mgr. of the new 84 Lumber in london, Ky.

Donnie Dobbins, formerly of Dobbins Forest Products, has joined Pine Forest Products, Birmingham, Al.

Joc Brown has been named v.p.-southem pine trading at Tampa International, Tampa, Fl.

Tab Beatty has been named president of Pinson Valley Millworks, Inc., Pinson, Al.

Lee Aquilanti is new to Willamette Industries' Rock Hill, S.C., plywood sales office.

Ernest Baidoo has been named mgr. of the new Home Depot in Southlake, Tx. Billy Cole is mgr. of the new Griffin, Ga., store.

Paula Gaspard is now v.p.-human resources and training at Stine, Inc., Lake Charles, La.

Jim Beers, ex-Frank Paxton l,umber Co.. is handling hardwood lumber sales at Cedar Creek Wholesale Inc., Broken Anow, Ok. Mike Ralston, previously with Georgia-Pacific, is now head of commodity lumber sales; Rick Roberts, wholesale mktg. director of engineered wood products and computer programs supervisor; Craig Hernandi, engineered wood products customer service rep, and Sharolyn Whiting, ex-G-P, is new to customer service for yellow pine.

Raymond Bumpass has been promoted to mgr. of T.H. Rogers Lumber, Duncan, Ok., replacing James Taylor, now mgr. in Siloam Spring, Ar. Keith Klein has been promoted to mgr. in Broken Bow. Ok.

f,u*s lriil, pacific Lumber Co., Atlanta, Ga., has retired after 44 years in the industry, the last 28 as Palco's southeast sales mgr. Mikc Smoak now heads southeastern sales.

Brad Steely, ex-Western Building Products, has joined Triangle Building Supply, Inc., Fayetteville, N.C., as truss division mgr. Jim Shearer, exWickes Lumber Co., has been named corporate sales mgr.

John Turner, ex-Metro Wholesale Lumber, has been appointed general mgr. of Scholl Forest lndustries' new division in Dallas, Tx.

Jerry Magee is a new spccialty products sales rep at Furman Lumber, Inc., Dallas, Tx. New to the Greensboro, N.C., sales team are Eric Kris&ller, ex-Piedmont Wholesale, covering eastern N.C., and Ben Recves, ex-Carolina Builders, handling westem N.C., eastem Tn. and southern Va

Neil Cox, ex-Commercial Lumber Co., has been appointed Oklahoma sales rep at James Hardie Building hoducts. Angie Johnson is the new mktg. coordinator for Dixie-Pacific Manufacturing, Gadsden, Al.

Thomas H. Johnson, ex-Riverwood International Corp., has been named president and ceo of Chesapeake Corp., Richmond, Va., succeeding J. Carter Fox, who rcmains chairman.

Circle No. 115 on p. 54 BunorNc Pnopucrs Drcnsr Aueusr 1997
D.O.T. RATED CULVERT GRAVITY DRAIN PIPES for BASEMENT. FOUNDATION DRAINS ROAD CULVERTS STORM SEWERS CHEMICAL PROCESS SEWERS SAND.PEBBLE SEWER TREATIIENT BEDS CONSTRUCNON DE.WATERING LANDFILL DRAINAGE & GAS RELIEF Crumpler Plastic Plpc, hrc. Post Office Box 2068 Roseboro, NC 28382 For tlp Wt Quattty aN *rul@ Catl 800.334-5(,71 FAX 91G52+5801 WEB SITEI www.cpp? Smollvolume. . Loqe volume. . Different wood species T.M. WOOD PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING, INC. 7207 E. McNidpls, Detroit, M!4€,212 (313) 365-5204 FA)( 31$36$zeo Jee us a, 8relrh #42202 Nalional Producls . Distributors & deolers welcome T.M. WOOD 38 Circle No. 116 on o. 54

Pat Cataldo has been named v.p.-training for Home Depot, Atlanta, Ga. Barry Silverman was promoted to president of the southwest division, replacing Ken Ubertino, who has left the firm.

Julie R. Reeves has been promoted to sales mgr. at Rex Lumber Co., Bristol, Fl. Greg Pybus is a new sales rep.

Walter Muratori, pres., Cameron Ashley Building Products, Dallas, Tx,, has been named president of the Cameron subsidiary. Steven Gaffney is now president of the Ashley subsidiary.

Brian Walker has relocated to Empire Wholesale Lumber's Greenville, S.C., office.

Jeff Kern, ex-Georgia-Pacific, has joined Diamond Hill Plywood, Darlington, S.C., as national lumber mgr.

Ralph Guthrie is the new mgr. of the structural engineering dept. at Woodford Plywood, Inc., Albany, Ga.

Kevin Ford is now mgr. of Lowe's, Lake City, Fl.

Christian Harbula, Isenhour Door, Nashville, Tn., won $500 as Norfield Industries' annual President's Choice Trade Tip award.

Norfeet R. Turner, DCC/Woodware, Memphis, Tn., was given the CookHalle Award for his contribution to the field of technology.

We produce Quality

- txt2 RADIUS

DIMENSION 2x4-2x12




the PVC

Haik Khanlarian is now director of mfg. at AFCO Industries' Southem Metal & Plastic Products division, Olive, Ms.

Mark Foster is now purchasing mgr. for Celotex, Tampa, Fl. Larry Rayburn is now assistant v.p.-senior corporate counsel and James ttJimtt Campbell, Sr., plant mgr., Houston, Tx.

Juanita Lovret, a retired former editor of this magazine, has been honored as Woman of the Year by Tustin, Ca.

Patty O'Cover is new to the lawn and garden department at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., according to owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

Sorrthern Pine Lumber LL

Decking Alternative that Really Makes


Teck Deckil is the perfect decksurface for wet ar€as!

The constant splash of water can quickly ruin conventional decking materials. If your customers are looking for a durable decking to use around swimming pools, hot tubs, or as a dock surface, Teck Deckru is the answer!

Teck Deck is a lightrveight tr,vo piece system that is easy to cut and install. The dedr top comes in 160 fL rolls, making it possible to build a dec.k of almost any size with no seams or butt joints and

without visible fasteners. Available in 4 colors, it's covered by a Lifetime Umibed Warranty, and doesn't rol weather, spil, or change color.

Teck Deck is the low maintenance :uiliwer for wet area decks! Call Mellco today to find out about our introductory package.


Check our Internet Page at

from Booneville, Arkonsos... BOARDS txa
350 Solem Rd.. Suite 2 Conwoy, Ar.72O32 21 7 S. Owen Booneville, Ar.72927 (800) 270-2609 FAX 501-513-4029 Chcle No. 138 on o. 54
_D mcuco
J"ofrD*E* It's not just treated lumber anlrmore . .. Phone: (8OO) 866-7474.Fax (800)
TW Circle No. 117 on p. 54 Aueusr1997 Buu,prxcPnooucrsDrcpsr 39

Builders Square Merging With Hechinger's

Investment firm Leonard Green & Partners is acquiring struggling Builders Square and Hechinger Co. to create the nation's third largest home improvement chain with $4.5 billion in sales and279 stores in 29 states.

Green will pay Kmart Corp. just $10 million cash for Builders Square, but assume $2 billion in lease obligations, and pay $3 a share for Hechinger, or about $124 million plus assumption of $381 million in debt.

Green will own l0o7o of the new firm, although Kmart has the option to purchase a minority interest later.

Once financing has been arranged and assuming no regulatory intervention, Builders Square's headquarters will be moved from San Antonio, Tx., to Hechinger's base in Largo, Md.

The combined firm won't retain current Builders Square or Hechinger's management, but will be run by Anthony Petrillo as acting c.e.o., a retail executive who has worked with Green in turning around other chains.

While many analysts question how combining two under-performers will help rejuvenate either, executives said the merger will at least reduce expenses by eliminating redundant com-

puter systems and overlapping stores.

Builders Square's 162 stores in the Midwest and Southwest had 1996 sales of about $2.4 billion. Hechinger Co.'s l17 stores (64 Hechinger's, 52 HQ Warehouses and one Better Spaces) primarily in the Fast and Midwest had 196 sales of about $2.2 billion.

Earlier this year, Los Angeles, Ca.based Green tried to merge Builders Square and HomeBase.

Causeway Expanding North

Looking to position itself in the northbound path of South Florida's growth, Causeway Lumber Co., Fort Lauderdale, Fl., plans to build a lumber disribution center and truss manufacturing plant in Stuart" Fl.

Causeway hopes to begin constnrrction early next year on the $l million complex featuring five buildings totaling 46,800 sq. ft., anticipating a second quarter 1998 start-up.

The five structures represent the first of three phases planned for the next l0 years on the recently-purchased l6-acre site. At full size, the operations may encompass 100,000 sq. ft. of buildings.

TASTEITIilG SPECIAI,ISTS, IilC. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR FOR OVER 40 YEARS * SAME DAY SHIPPING " LOW PREPAID FREIGHT * MERCHANDISING AVAILABLE '' COMPETITIVE PRICING * BEST PACKAGING IN THE INOUSTRY Distibutor for M FASTEI{IilG SPECIAI,ISTII, ilC. 726 Central Florida Parhray Orfando, Fl.32824 (800) 245-8826 (800) 253-0833 Fax Circle No. 118 on p. 54 40 Burr.nnrc h.ooucrs DrcBst Aueusr 1997
Ckcle No. 1 19 on o. 54

Survey Says: Change ESA

More than 70Vo of Americans surveyed favor amending the Endangered Species Act, according to a recent American Forest & Paper Association-sponsored poll.

Only 42Vo favored changing the ESA when similarly polled two years ago.

Respondents cited high costs and underperformance as the major reasons for amending the law.

Over SOVo said the solution lies in making the ESA more inclusive, particularly by requiring sound science to be peer-reviewed, and providing incentives for private landowners to comply.

Customer Retention ls Essential

Keeping customers should take priority over attracting new customers, suggests a recent Consumption Behavior Study by the International Mass Retail Association.

"Retailers need to distinguish their real customers from their 'deal' customers-identify the top 20Vo or 30Vo of loyal customers who shop their store regularly and account for most of their sales, versus the bottom tier who come in once in a while to take advantage of a discount or promotion," explains Brian Woolf, president of Retail Strategy Center, Inc. "Then they need to reward their best shoppers with savings and incentives, as opposed to continually losing money on 'below-cost' customers."

Historically, mass retailing has treated all customers equally, with a "one price for all" strategy, Woolf notes. Yet the study revealed that if a store in which they regularly shop began offering a frequent shopper card, more than half of consumers (547o) would most appreciate a benefit of lower prices on specific products. More than two-fifths (42Vo) said they would most like price reductions on any purchase after making a specified number of purchases.

Yet price is not the overriding factor in consumers' shopping decisions. When asked what is most important, consumers gave the most weight to "I shop more often at stores that make shopping convenient," followed by "Having a complete assortment of choices is important to me." Seeing special tags or information about products on the shelves and speed at the checkout came next in importance, with "To save money, I shop at discount stores whenever I can" ranked fifth.

The study also showed that while retailers seeking to better understand their customers have traditionally looked at buyer behavior-or what customers do in the store-a more meaningful approach is the analysis of consumption behavior-or what they do at home.

"To compete and build loyalty, retailers must know what's in the mind of the customer," says Robert Verdisco, International Mass Retail Association president. "They need to know how consumers live their lives, how patterns cause consumers to buy from one type of retail outlet or another."

Adds Dr. Roger Blackwell, Blackwell Associates: "Firms that only understand buyer behavior may do a good job of selling existing products within existing channels of distribution. But firms that understand consumption behavior are able to create value with new or improved products and distribution channels."

Sampling Treated Lumber Just Got Easier!

Somplingtreoted lumber is hard work

Th at's why this increment borer chuckand new specially designed steel borer bits are so greot! Used in conjunction with a l/2" reversible electric drill , you con toke core somples quickly - without the need of on extractor. Simply core into the sidewall of an individuol boord to the desired depth,then back out by reversing the drill direction. The core remoins inside the bit and is pushed out of the side opening of the chuck when the next core is token. When you've taken the last core, drill the bit into the end grain of o board to push out the lost core. What could be easier?

To find out more aboutthis increment borer chuckor ony of the other professionol products we carry, give our Catolog Request Deportment a calltoll-free and askfor your FREE copy of Catolog tl&. lt's our lotest cotalog ond features 5T6pagesof everythingyou need and more!

CATALOG REQUEST LINE (8OO) 360-7788 5ALE5 DEPARTMENT (800) 647-s368 fota 205 West Rankin Street Jackson, Mississippi It9' 39201 o9797 Circle No. 120 on p. 54 Auousr 1997 Burr,pnc Pnopucrs Drcnst 41

Open And Close Case

A self-closing gate hinge with a unique tension-adjustment has been introduced bv D&D Technoloeies.


selected sates aid^s

Estimated Take-Off Time

A program that minimizes the time to produce an itemized take-off with material specification and usage data is available from Southern Software Technologies and Research.

and a surface that is reportedly engineered to accept the thinnest laminates on the market.

It comes in widths of 4' and 5', lengths from 6'to 16'and thicknesses from 3/8" to l-114".

Circle No. 802



A computer system from Computer Management Systems, Inc. can fax documents straight from the system without printing them beforehand.

Windows-based Esti-Mate doesn't require the user to re-learn any processes or procedures and has a built-in calculator for sending the results from a calculation directly into the field which it came from.

Circle No. 801

Multi-Use MDF Panel

A IOOVo southern yellow pine MDF panel from Willamette Industries offers an ultra-smooth surface and excellent machinability.

For residential and contract fumiture, cabinetry, casegoods, millwork, mouldings and store fixtures such as slot wall, the panel features a tight edge to handle a variety of profiles

Lifeplus also provides credit card authorization and draft capture, fully integrated cash registers, report writer, barcoding, scanners, portable data collection devices and EDI communication with vendors.

It will support up to 250 users and has storage capacity for one-year plus.

Circle No. 803

Below The Surface

A residing underlayment from Tenneco Building Products is designed with a new "cut and fold" hinge that allows the underlayment to lay flatter to create a more solid, level foundation for hanging new siding.

Designed to be finely adjusted for smooth closure with a screwdriver, Tru-Close hinges are reportedly ideal for swimming pool gates, toddler corrals, pet enclosures and front yards. The hinges are said to resist rust, corrosion, binding, wear and sag.

Circle N0.805

Treated SYP Fencing

Southern yellow pine fencing coated with Ultrawood water repellent is new from Sunbelt Forest hoducts. Available in a variety of picket styles and sizes as well as rails and pre-assembled panels, Tropical fencing products are pressure treated to .40 retention for ground contact. The fencing products are covered by a 5O-year warranty.

Circle No. 806

Purchasing Powel

An enhanced purchase order module in Version 7 .2 series of RealWorld Accounting and Business Software has been released.

Upgrades to the module include an interface to serialized inventory control, cost tracking to five decimal places, and six different cost components.

The l/4" fanfold exrruded polystyrene underlayment has an enhanced plastic coating. The new plastic capsheets reinforce AmocorXPl4 against cracking, denting or tearing and offer increased flexibility.

Circle No. 804

The line includes accounts payable, accounts receivable, check reconciliation, general ledger, inventory control, IQ report writer, job cost, order entry, payroll, sales analysis and the system manager.

Circle No.807

Aucusr 1997
42 Burr-ornc Pnooucrs Drcrsr

Ergonomic Lift Truck

An ergonomically designed lift truck from Hyster features a standard two-brake system and back-up lights.

The E-Z Nail-on Door Guide installs using a hammer and fumished template and reportedly will adjust to fit any door size. No measuring, screws or shims are required.

Circle N0.810

Where's Waldo?

A directory of over 100 million published U.S. residential and business phone listings is new from ProCD.

Phonebook America comes in a two-disc set divided up by East and West.

Said to be stronger than sawn lumber, Open Joist 2000 is an openwebbed truss system that is plateless and trimmable. The tongue-andgroove flooring, which uses 357o less wood fiber than solid lumber joists, is reinforced with waterproof adhesive.

Circle No. 812

The H45-65XM is pre-wired for added driving or flashing lights, and is equipped with "soft touch" hydraulic levers thar will mold to fit any size hand for a perfect fit.

Circle No. 808

Side Out

A new line of siding and exterior products has been introduced by Louisiana-Pacific.

The SmartStart line includes premium Smartlap lap siding, high-end SmartPanel panel siding, Smartsoffit soffit panels andBZ Panel siding for outbuildings and d-i-y projects.

Featuring an edge coating to make the siding more water-resistant, give it elasticity and cut down on moisture swell, the siding and exterior products are treated with Composibor wood preservative. The exterior grade, primed resin saturated overlay provides a crisp, embossed cedar texture and acts as an additional barrier to moisture.

Circle No. 809

Closet Door Guide

A door guide for keeping sliding closet doors from swinging and banging into each other is available from Solve-It!

Streetmap America enables users to map the entire U.S. down to street level on CD-ROM.

Designed to pinpoint searches of every street in America by state, city, zip code, area code or address, it has a zoom feature that powers viewers down through ten levels of magnification, from macro national level to micro street detail.

Circle No. 811

All-Wood Floor Joist System

An engineered all-wood floor joist system from Atlantic Structures, Inc. reportedly can be used in place of solid lumber joists, I-joists or floor trusses with metal plates.

Screening Process

A line of screening products for use on doors, windows, porches, patios or vents is available from Hanover Wire Cloth.

Designed not to rust or mildew, Bright Aluminum 18x16 mesh comes in7',25'or 100'rolls.

Available in 7'-, 25'- or 100'-rolls, a lightweight, flexible fiberglass mesh comes in gray or charcoal.

Bronze, a wider 18x14 mesh made of 907o copper and lOVo zinc, comes in 100'rolls.

An Electro-Alodized mesh with a baked acrylic finish that reduces glare and offers "see-through" visibility has been introduced. Offered in 7'-, 25'and 100'-rolls, the l8xl6 mesh comes in charcoal and black.

For vent and louver applications, rust and mildew resistant Vent Screen is made of white fiberglass and comes in 100'rolls.

Circle No. 813

Auousr 1997 BulllrucPnooucrsDrcnsr 43

Clever Caddy

A new Ladder Caddy from Surloc, Inc. offers increased mobility and safety when moving ladders.

Made of durable, lightweight steel, the caddy features 20" inflatable tires which balance the weight of the ladder, thus lightening the load by 75Vo.

Classic Wood Paneling

A raised panel system from New England Classic Interiors offers the look of custom paneling.

Designed with three standard sizes of raised panels rvith pre-machined rails and stiles, the raised panels come in heights of 32" and 36" and reportedly can be easily stacked to make full room heights possible. The panels, rails and stiles are available in oak, maple and a paintable finish.

Circle No. 815

Shear Joy

Handy Construction Epoxy

Lorv-viscosity construction epoxy for maintenance repair and concrete reconstruction is available from W.R. Meadorvs, Inc.

Sealtight Rezi-Weld LV epoxy is a clear adhesive that mixes with sand or aggregates to create an epoxy mort.f for patching or grouting defects in concrete substrates requiring highimpact resistance.

The caddy can be mounted in five to l0 seconds and remain on the ladder while in use.

It is available in a one- or twowheeled model.

Circle N0.814

Manual grass shears rvith a selfsharpening radius cutting edge design are new from Fiskars Inc.

The Model 921I Powerlever grass shears feature a safety lock, zinc diecast handles and 5" cutting blades.

Circle No. 816

It comes rvith two components combined in one-quart, one-gallon or l5-gallon units. The components are packaged in a single-unit container with a handy mixing paddle.

Circle No. 817

Manufacturers of Southern Yellow Pine aa 2X4a ?F^3F+ !! zxor 2x4#2& Btr., including #1,2x4#3,2x4#4,2x4 #4 & Btr. ZxB #2 & Btr., includins %1i3i[ft, 2x6 #4,2x6 #4 & Btr. ln accordance with the Alabama Deot. HC 65, Box 470, Houston, Al. 35572 (205) 292-3227 FAX2o5-2e2-35e7 44 Circle No. 121 on D. 54 Burr,prNc Pnonucrs Drcnsr Aucusr 1997 ROC|SarI|@S HEAVY-DUTY COMMERCIAL |.Ww '|toxct )raagc FUallGt. rc. xrfimrc,oiGod gtzo$3rrr tm$ Circle No. 1?2ono.54

Ceiling Medallions

A new retail display program and product packaging for ceiling medallion products are available from Style-Mark Inc.

to clean paint brushes and rollers.

The new Handy-Spin brush and roller cleaner works with most electric drills and reportedly can spin paint-saturated brushes or rollers clean and dry in less than a minute.

Able to spin 1,800 to 2,500 rpm, the attachment comes bubble packed and can be hung on J-hooks.

Circle N0.819

Harnessing Energy

Die-cast metal weatherproof receptacle covers that safeguard outdoor electrical equipment are new from Intermatic Inc.

Featuring a free-standing carousel display that holds nine medallions with 18 additional products available by special order, rhe Style Solutions carousel occupies 3 sq. ft. of floor space, stands 91" high and has a diameter of 24".

Circle No. 818

Merry Go'Round

A drill attachment from New West Products, Inc. uses centrifugal force

The new lockable covers, said to completely enclose the plug and receptacle, are 3-1/8" deep for large and small plugs. Two power cords can be inserted into the cover at one time; the cords exit from the bottom.

The covers come in four styles: single-gang vertical, single-gang horizontal, double-gang vertical or horizontal, or jumbo for transformers or larger plugs. The double-gang models have a rotating insert to protect horizontally or vertically mounted receptacles, as well as left-hand- or righrhand-mounted receptacles.

Circle No. 820

Any Style. Any Wood. Smith Deliv ne CUSTOMMILLWORK DOORANDWINDOW COMPONENTS CALL SMITII FOR QUALITY Smith employees take prid.e in carrying on thc Smith tradition ;*,;O MILLWORK P.O. Drawer T 920 Robbins St. Lexington, N.C.27293 Phone: 910-249-8171 WATS: 800-222-8498 FAX 910-243-2688^Jbta,r{ :-;tCircle No. 123 on p. 54 Auousr 1997 BurlortcPnolucrsDrcrsr 45


Profiting from Pre-Finished Options

Oak. Primed . Embossed

SIMPLIFY with one buy

Fast and easy to install, pre-finished mouldings save builders tremendous amounts of time and money. Prefinished mouldings have meant more work. however. for lumber dealers who have had to source embossed, pre-finished and paint-primed products from three different vendors.

Fed up with quality control problems, raw material restrictions, west coast or foreign delivery delays, plus coordinating separate shipments, savvy lumber dealers are now turning to a single domestic supplier for all their pre-finished millwork needs. Namely, Glen Oak Lumber & Milling.

Glen Oak Lumber & Milling is the only U.S. hardwood millwork manufacturer to offer a complete prefinished mouldings programincluding pre-finished oak, Glen Oak Embossed Poplar@ and Prime Poplaf Always consistent in quality and appearance, Glen Oak's mouldings are made from readily available domestic substrate and feature environmentally-safe waterborne finishes. Matching door and window jambs are also available. All of Glen Oak's pre-finished products are as convenient for builders to use as thev are for you to purchase.

A new high temperature air/gas torch from Guilbert-Express operates on liquid petroleum gas, propane, butane or Mapp gases.

1-800-242-8272 en.237

Designed for 50,000 ignitions. Model 365 torch. which measures 13" long and weighs 1.3 lbs., features a flame envelope that produces the equivalent of 4,350tF using gas and air, thus eliminating oxygen cylinders and supply lines.

Circle No. 821

Automatic Folding Doors

An automatic foldins door from Nervman Tonks utilizes-srvinp door technology with adjustable ofening and closing speeds.

Each section of the Astro-Fold automatic folding door parts and closes at the same time and is porvered by a heavy-duty door operator. It reportedly offers the same pedestrian opening as a 14'opening needed for typical sliding doors. When the doors are open there is a clear-span entryway of 6'in an 8'masonry opening. The door also eliminates the need for sidewalkmounted guard rails and is equipped with trvo separate safety scanning systems.

Circle No. 822

Solid MDF Doors

A solid l-3l8"+hick MDF interior door has been introduced by Nerv Door Inc.

The vinyl wrapped door that comes in sizes up to 43'x92' is also available unrvrapped in paint grade smooth MDF.

The finished door reportedly does not peel. crack or change when exposed to moisture or sunlight. Vinyl-rvrapped moldings that match the door are also available.

Circle No.823

Stucco-Bonded Wall Panels

A 20-gauge rvall panel rvith a permanently bonded stucco finish is nerv from TransAmerican Strukturoc. Factory-finished and available in hundreds of colors, the panels reportedly do not crack, chip or peel and can be installed year-round.

Building Materids Software

For IBM @mputels

Designed for buildlng materials retailers and wholesalers. this complete system includes point of sale. order processlng, biltlng, sophisticated pricing (markup, markdown, contracl quan0ty breaks, etc.) accounts receivable and credit, inventory control. purchase order control, sales analysis, accounts payable, general ledger. Easy to use, completely integrateda single transactlon updates all relevant data. Call or write:

Get it all with one call
Get the ELEI{ hff edge
Light My Fire
Circle No. 124 on p. 54 Burlorxc Pnonucrs DIcnsr
Circle No. 824
nfis8 Mass Systems Co., fnc. 14 Douglas Rd., Lexington, MA 02173 6t7-674-t055 local Support Available Circle No. 132 on o. 54 46 Aucusr 1 997
Your Order's Readv A high-lift order picking-truck from Atlet, Inc. is designed for operator comfort and safety. Designed with protective rails and gates for the cab area, the Ergolift has a folding seat for comfortable driving and an indicator light that displays the position of the guide wheel for entering narrow aisles. Circle No. 824 Mut r, WtNoow Urulrs? WooDWARE Is TsB SoFTwARE Circle No. 127 on D. 54 Aueusr 1997 BurlurxcPnooucrsDrcBsr 47 PnBDo You Heuc DooRS On See what's new from Champion What is MEL? llachine &aluated Lumber is the new generation of machine graded lumber, X-ray scanned for strength and stiffness. Why use MEL? MEL provides structural consistency and reliability, is specifically designed for engineered applications, and is comparatively priced to visual grades. Why Champion lnternationa I ? We've been a leader in supplying lumber to tre truss industry since 1978, have the productquality and availability you demand, and are committed to managing sustainable forests. Callto let Champion and MEL relieve your tension. 1-800-874-3240 E-mil: @f *s"m#m Circle No. 125 on o. 54 $rornq Nailso No Staining . No Streaking Hlgh6t quallty nalls for cedar, redwood and other flne wood materlals, r Slender shank and blunt diamond point Diamond pattern head blends with wood texture. Small head diameter oermits face nailing and blind nailing o Annular ring threads preclude nail head popping and cupping of siding boards . AlSl Grade 30zl nickel/chromium alloy. SWANEZE ll{ood Screws II -m EK EK Self-counter sinking bugle and trim heads r Square drive recess eliminates driver bit cam-out. Sharp point for quick penetration with minimal oressure r Self-tapping coarse threads. Coated with non-stick, dry lubricating film o Solid nickel/ chrome stainless steel for superior corrosion resistance o 6 lengths: l" through 3" Swcrn Secure Products, lnc. 7525 Perryman Court, Baltimore,MD 21.?2:6 41G36G9100 FAx: (410) 360-2288 http ://www.swa nsecu m Fon You!! Circle No. 126 on D. 54


Up The Ladder

A ladder stabilizer brochure is free from W. Taylor Products Co., Inc., Box 3402, Windsor Locks, Ct. 06096; (888) '748-7366.

Lumber Yard lnnovations

The 24-p. "Lumber Yard Owner's Manual: Converting to a State-of-the-Art Computer Solution" is available from Triad Systems Corp., 3055 Triad Dr., Livermore, Ca. 94550; (800) 488-7423.

Redwood Sales 101

A l2-minute "Selling Redwood" educational video with a companion 40-p. "Redwood-Frequently Asked Questions" booklet are new from the California Redwood Association, 405 Enfrente Dr., Ste. 200, Novato, Ca.94949; (415) 3820662

Keeping Warm

A 4-p. oil-fired unit heater pamphlet is free from Sterling, 260 N. Elm St., Westfield, Ma. 01085; (4 t 3) 568-952 t

All Power To The People

A 193-p. power tools and accessories catalog is available from S-B Power Tool Co., 4300 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, Il. 60646: (773) 286-7330.

In Control

A 52-p. energy control product catalog is available from Intermatic. Inc.. Intermatic Plaza, Spring Grove, Il. 60081; (8t5') 67s-232r.

Certified For Quality

The 6th annual Certified Products Directory for doors, windows and sky- lights is $25 from the Narional Fenestration Rating Council, l30O Spring St., Ste. 120, Silver Spring, Md. 20910; (301 ) 589-6372.

Hardwood Plywood Buyers

Vinyl Fencing Selling Tips

Tips on how to sell vinyl fences are in a brochure from Kroy Building Products, Box 309, York, Ne. 68467: (800) 9335769.

Cabinet Hardware Guide

A l6-p. cabinet hardware catalog is free from Amerock Corp., 4000 Auburn St., Rockford, ll.6ll25: (8 l5) 969-6308.

A 156-p. hardwood plywood and veneer buyer's guide is $5 from the Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association, Box 2789. Reston. Va. 20195 (703\ 43s-2900.

Foaming Around The Mouth

A 6-p. extruded polysryrcne rigid foam insulation brochure is free from Owens Corning, One Owens Corning Pkwy., Toledo, Oh. 43659; (800) 438-7465.

Doors, Transoms & Sidelites

A 68-p. 1997 fiberglass and steel entry door catalog is available from ThermaTru, Box 8780, Maumee. Oh. 4353'l; (4t9) 891-7400.

Power-Packed Lift Trucks

A l4-p. lift truck brochure is free from Hyster Co., Box 847, Danville, Il. 6183; (217\ 443-7136.

BOWIE.SIMS.PRANGE TREATING CORP. Manutacfitrerc of Pressure Treated Wood Products P.O. Box 819089, Dallas, Tx. 75381 (800) 822-9315 48 BunuxcPnooucrsDrcBsr Aucusr1997 Circle No. 128 on p. 54
Leader in Treated Wood Producfs

Ilire an Estimator BIIYONE tae-%d

The Buildingr Material Estirnator for Single Farnily Hornes

' Eil-Maleil simpb and you &nl lnve to hsrn rcw procedures or omplicated hadwarc. fire ol-lhe lreh is relative to your $nent task ald very idormalive.

'Elininales tire mnsuning ad orphr calolalioru inrnlved with had wdtlen bke{&. Efr-tr[alCs Or screen cahdahr rolrr your nalh problen ad irseffi rcgulb into the takeofi data screen"

' ftrtomalically onverls takeofi squarc foobges urd lineal fmtages tom blueprinls into wasb hdord shb Waldffee

'ftint qslomized undaheets for eachplan type. Er - I St slab plan needs onty 12 rrasurcmerls, anolher 7 are opliorul

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tEsd-Ithte is Promoted by the National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association and several other associations.

*Special introductory pricing anilable for a limited time, so ACT NOW and get a Free Demo by calling toll free - (800) 2tM-6945.



Anthmy Foresl Producls Co.

Lltmber Co.. Curl .......1

Lumbor Sales (Maonr

Hixson Lumber Sales

Hoover Treated

Kino & Co..........

c0... Weverhaeuser Co. }tlllite River Hardrvmds........


Omanrnbl lilnJ<lros

Pery &ildes.........-

Plmle[Wsbde(, Inc

Pnroerlil ati*il uab'iab F;ddili

?rudsdbl tlabri.tb (Adte\rts)...

Be$nAn Ea$, kd.................:...................

Riven*te lladlilo Slahfu

Wet€fiasrser (Orarhtb) ...(m) $2{BA9 weyefiaerse. Co. (Greendiml...-......-......

V$fans tuber Co. d Nortt C,rcfta, hc

Wrenn Handng...................(8m) $6&2

Cedar Crc* tYhdesale



Co. (Fon Lauder&lel Co. Oampa) alisb Inc....................... Wood Products. Inc..... Matsriab (Odando)....... Matedab (Mianl)..........


Cameron Ashlev...... Coner & Co. (True Value)..............-.-..........

CSD-Computer System ovnamics...............

Dixie Plwbod & [umber Co.........................

Geo4ia:Padf ic........

Hlison Com. Nolman)

Hoover Treaied Wood Producb...................

Lanoboard. lnc.


Melton Classics Inc.

Moultrie llanulacluring Co.

TEXAS & LorisbnaPeift CoD. ........:.....-................

Lucas Ce&r & Rsduaod

Lufi$or Tag Sgocialies Co. (8ml TnHn/t

Hqrdtssernwq|(hc....(8Ol nf,68

Sinfdi Sfc|qFTn............-..........................gnawfu-Prodrcls

$Ait c::.:..-:-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Slerarl & S:lars,rsdt MaHid tlan(l{.......

(c) 1997, Southern Softurare Technologies And Research
Prudenlial Prudenthl Robbins 289624s 8f92$3 {97<r|6 lr:t-?gs 2/F-817.| g}7{800 18+5518 @-p11 167€176 357-3291 3t5€547 668{S1 &-21'' 58&lm
(oHahcrE Otvl ......(mO Cr$dps Cethr Ccdr ltltdesate, ItE. (Tuba) .............1m01 SSt0 Van Keppel tjftn d (ofthnmi OV}.............k051 €sffi Van Keppel tiftrud fiuba)............................{9tBl ffi{SSt soulHcARouilA Cq Wmd fteseilhg Co..............................-(ml {7S4101 Nery Souh Inc. ........:...........(8m) g6.S't5 afol 3t7{28f wrenn Han(I.ry...................(8(n) BSt{'166 {ml zSZm
CoO., J.M. tncana tuh'riiinpii i{tuat hs;il; :::::: VIRGINUT &ned:n lvod Pre3enE|s lrElitib Ctpsapeake HanM Prc HoverTeaEd Wood fu Potdnac Supdy Co............ 52G2m0 m-327 63375ip $1-7m0 867{r}1 60G99€ {4,14109 82$91q) n7-m7 381-3550 21-2pti 42-2$2 ru7W Sl$1/l:16 35+1503 &p-9663 754-6Gn 27G2ffi 6431515 558{119 67V7m 544{667 623{7m 962-1518 731.4550 78&1m3 nw6 5836551 622{$0 88&9GX) 25&7818 13c-2337 (p-7966 971-3CKX) 75712fn $1-m11 f8F2572 5398325 517-920 1?s-11/-1 7t9l1S 'lg€1713
Dataline Dixie Ph Dhie Pli :P16846 81S1600 6'r&1531 35$9219 717-5855 99$0658 asf,$ 95S7m0 80r6600 &p-9663 26989€ 86&141/t s$3ffi0 ssl312 28-Ug s38CB 87&1,10/t 47S45S) 367-1 547 587-5SXt 482{135 str66 35S5971 s7-7666 KENTUCKY Ksntudry c€da] Products, Inc........................(wl 87*2718 Laminated Imber... ......(606186+5134 Weyerhaeuss Co................(800) 7e€0ip (SOZI fe33}r $1-72fit il>l855 91&7Cp 2'|&AIF 321{816 @{}r5 {r2{x0 11$2385 7254SF 2$ffi 72$95S 71W11 725€662 3F-5G5 z$$88 2$9766 7A'95E6 212S6I 18$3261 25e9525 3+1gl 52Sgrr n16l 0a+2m1 @6220 '!l9l(I'l 253dxt 2n-nn 90+t3tit 38flI8 112<s 2?:I'n31 1607930 $$ilrts 88S57'11 g,9s(B9 342{199 23l€916 6|t{218 85G1586 al€60 &-m 144INn 833{pr T&'7Ql 3F2g,{ +t&8162 & 1t12-&l Circle No. 129 on p. 54 BurlorNc Pnopucrs Drcrsr
Lumber sales lPin6 t
L0ulstAt{A NORTTI CAROUNA Cameron Ashley...... ......(701) 392-8356 Chemical Spedalties, lnc. ................._...........h011 522.0825 Crumpler Plastic Pipe, lnc.............._...._._.....19001 g+5071 Dyts Induslries........ ......h041 5S&3635 East Coast Millwoft 0istributors.....................18001 3SS-3263 Faslening Specialists Inc................................(900) 245-8S26 50 AUGUST 1997 Co. Rocky Top Wixid Preservers, Inc......... Weyerhaeuser Co................(800) 552.

Classifi Advertis

PAN PACIHC Forest Products, a growth company celebrating its l0th anniversary, is seeking professionals to join our sales force. Establish your exclusive customer base from one of our three offices in Oregon or one in Florida and enjoy one of the industry's best compensation packages. If you have professional sales experience and are interested in joining our respected team, send your resunre to: Pan Pacific Forest Products, Inc., P.O. Box 1507, Bend, Or. 97709, Attention: Sales Manager, or call Ron Hanson, (800) 776-8131.

Twenty-five (25) words for $23. Each additional word 709. Phone number counts as one word. Address counts as six words. Headlines and centered copy ea. line, $6. Box numbers and special borders, $6 ea. Col. inch rate: $45 camera-ready, $55 ifwe set the type. Names of advertisers using a box number cannot be released. Address replies to box number shown in ad in care of Building Products Digest, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca.92660-1E72. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing, Inc. Mail copy to above address, FAX to 714-852-0231 or call (714) 852-1990. Deadline for copy is the 20th of the month. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPA|{Y COPY unless vou have established credit with us.

VINTAGE DOUGLAS FIR DECKING. 3"x4" 3'to 20'T&G DF floor deck. Grade is equivalent to D Clear. Stock is over 100 years old and is in excellent condition. Manufactured to lay up as 4" thick floor. Price is $375/m F.O.B. Bend, Or. Deschutes Pine Sales, Inc., (800) 547-5660.

MERANTI PLYWOOD, LFE glue, waterstains on face, smoke on edges. $85/M for 2.8mm, $100/.lv1 for 3.6mm. All 4x8. 10 T/Ls available. (904) 388-1501.

WANTED: Plywood/OSB strips, drops; sound, square, uniform, dry, thickness l/4 through 23132. Prefened width. 3-112. 5-ll2 or wider. Length 32 to 96 inches or longer. Mixed or truckload. Send price and availability to FAX #901-682-8501, or mail to: Lumber Source, 4746 Spottswood, Memphis, Tn. 38117. Phone (888) s76-8723 (LSOURCE).

WCr,Hanq:aJ Bnybrs for Lumberyards ming :o*oi $3 :Mtllton,ln,Sl$:,,4|5o,foi sa|g;; severalrwholcstta: ilbtrilutors: of : :

i , building natdiab.

Dillon Schramm Associites Ltd.

(913) SSS-S001

, F.LEXXEI.fuL(N:tl! .l,l1I,GS,, SEEKS ; R EPRE SE NTA.TI A N. ,NA*!p, AUE,;iB.n ,,b.,.pdgl rOR INFORMAdIdN CEU.: ZAGO MFG. CO. 2AI-M3-6700
Name Address City Phone COPY Send to: Building Products Digest, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660-1872 . (714) 852-1990 . FAX 714-852-0231
bug dlscontlnued bqgbqek & inegularc in doors, windows, iarnbs, rnoulding, spindles, treated lurnber snd all building rnaterials CLASSI FI ED ADVERTISING Order Blank $23.00 (25 word minimum)..... ................$23.00 .70 each additional word 6.00 headline, centered copy, border or private box TOTAL ($45 per column inch for camera ready copy; $55 if we set type) TO RUN:_TIMES _TILL FORBIDDEN State _ ZiF 40 x 60 xlz s7,10'23 I t0,m0 Sla, All All Stxl For A Prl6 Ouot And A Br@hu6. HERITAGE BUILDING SYSTEMS aoo-643-5555 L------Aueusr 1997 Burr,orxc Pnonucm Drcpsr 51

Home Center's Side Business Cleans Up

Although located on a busy street, Builders Do-it Center, Ruston, La., couldn't find a buyer for an adjacent quarter-acre lot due to its triangular shape. So, with a daily traffic count of 16,000 cars, owner Bill Hogan turned the site into a five-bay car wash.

He employs just one part-time worker to maintain the facility, but creates plenty of add-on sales from his main store. Customers can

receive a discount on a car wash when they purchase a certain dollar amount at the store. He also includes coupons for the car wash in his monthly circulars.

"The car wash stops traffic and generates money from a piece of property that was just sitting there," Hogan says. "If I was building another hardware store in a high-traffic area, I'd definitely include another car wash."

IHPA Lauds Mahogany Pact

IHPA-The International Wood Products Association applauded an agreement on mahogany reached at the recent meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), and called on environmental groups to make positive contributions to a newly created Mahogany Working Group.

"This action makes sense and is good for the future of the species," said IHPA president Carl Gade. "Although (big-leaf mahogany) doesn't belong on the 'international endangered species list,' the parties to CITES do recognize that there is work to be done, and have made the commitrnent to get it done."

Despite the agreement, some extremist groups renewed their call for a boycon after the convention voted not to add the species to the endangered list.

High Marks For Graders

More than l0O people attended the recent third annual Timber Products Inspection grader contest at Jasper Lumber Co., Jasper, Al.

STAYING AFLOAT is easier since Builders Do-it Center, Ruston, La., added a car wash incorporating a Do-it Center facade.
'. a-. :- :' .,a.'::.:= .a ::4 52 Buu,prxcPnooucrsDlcEsr Auousr 1997

Lumber, Lal'ayette, La., was a-eain named best overall grader among -5 I participants. Hc took first place in the 2" dimension written tcst and hcavy dimension visual test. In thc latter cornpetition, runners-up were Mike Roell, Jiisper Lumber, and Josh Duncan, Vance Lumber Co.. Vance. Al.

Dale Todcl, Union Camp, Meldrim. Ga., won thc wide dimension visual cornpetition, followed bv Scott Ray. Union Camp, and Lee Gossett, Inland Containcr. Rontc. Ga. Todcl was also runner-up with Dalc Karrh. GcurqiaPne il'rc, Belk. AI.. in the writren test.

Randy Roberts, Weyerhaeuser, Philaclclphra. Ms., ',von the narro',v dimension visual tcst, {irllowcd by Richard Wilburn, Inland Container, and Roy Gril-l'in, Wcvcrhacuscr.



I enjoyed your articlc on tinrhcr ccrtilrcation rn the May issue of Building Produt'ts Di,qcst (p. 1.1- l5). It is cncouraging to read how much progress is bcrng nrade. Ho'"vever, our address was very out of datc. Scrcntific Ccrtification Systcms is currcntly at 1939 Harrison St., Stc.400, Oakland, Ca. 94612.

A recluest lirr inlormation will bring a list of products rctailers or consumcrs can lccl good about using. In fact. storc display shclving is now availablc madc from certificd rvood.

Sydney G. Brown

Scicntific Ccrtification Systems

Park Plaza Building, 1939 Harrison St., Ste. 400 Oakland. Ca.94612

Too Thll. : Since 1948, Shuqualak Lumber has provided customers from across '' "1ili't'H'U'd'oniinent and around the world with Southern \ .,, Yellow Pine. ."E ShUqtralak Lumber ' 'P.O. Box 68 Shuqualak, MS 39361 601-7$3-4528 . FAX 60T-793-4568 Circle No. 137 on p. 54 @d€tft'i!" _j ll t. {. | | lfrf,;,;:-t tFEffiffil r gr,l.f'-r[,t'x Ft ,,-'.f.r f;ifi,'l I I t 53 r t.l Circle No. 130 on p. 54 Auousr 1997 Rrrrr.nrr(; Pnonucrs Drcnsr

Ad Index

EAX to 714-852-0231

or call (714) 852-1990 or mail to Building Producs Digest, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca.926ffi-1872.

Building Products Digest - August 1997

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Articles inside


page 55

Classifi Advertis

pages 51-53


pages 48-50


page 46


pages 42-45

Sampling Treated Lumber Just Got Easier!

pages 41-42

Builders Square Merging With Hechinger's

pages 40-41

Decking Alternative that Really Makes

page 39


pages 38-39

Smrt Millwoil( Ghoice

pages 34-37

suN 6 N RAIN* .,u LEXAhI"

page 34

f nin-r ')[] 11 , ))'l 'l)-t''1',-r+ltTECHNOLOGIES, INC.

pages 32-34

Producls on Disploy: Whql's new qt the Expo

page 31

llew Home of the bgo

page 26

llqtionol Building Products Expo

pages 24-25


pages 19-23


page 18


pages 16-17

Technology key to tre

page 15

cl ye tiaR offi on

page 14

Tool rent or not tool rent

pages 12-14

Millwork producers take long look at southern pine

page 11

Merchandising wood mouldings and millwork

page 10

Taking short cuts to moulding profits

page 9


page 8

A Computer lndustry First...

page 7


pages 4-6


pages 3-4
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