July 2017 Digital Issue

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BRONZE on Trina Braxt the Braxton Family Values star talks reality fame, family, and her greatest accomplishment

3 STEPS to Reclaiming

5 TIPS to Creating Self-Love by Coach Flo

Your Purpose

Female rapper

Lex Dime empowers

young girls with new campaign "Lost Girls"

JULY 2017






July 2017 Editor’s Note Happy July Bronze Beauties! I hope you’re all enjoying your summer. Whether you’re traveling or enjoying a staycation, we’ve got an exciting issue for you to read this month! The lovely Trina Braxton of the reality hit TV series, Braxton Family Values is our cover star for this issue edition. Trina is a veteran in the music business, and it is such an honor to have her featured. In our intimate interview with her she talks about growing up in a family filled with strong women, the family’s reality series, her business ventures and her greatest accomplishment of all, being a mother. Other great features include three rising actresses who you need to know about: Annie Ilonzeh (All Eyez on Me), Ciera Payton (General Hospital, Ballers), and Desiree Ross (Greenleaf). Adding to all this inspiration is female rapper Lex Dime, who has a powerful new campaign called Lost Girls, where she encourages young girls to love and respect themselves. And speaking of self-love and self-respect, we have several articles that help to improve your body, mind, and spirit. I just want to take this time to thank each one of you for supporting Bronze Magazine and our mission of inspiring women of color over the years. If you would like to comment about this issue, ask a question, or provide any other type of feedback about Bronze we’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to email us at info@bronzemagonline.com. Happy reading!


Shawn Stuldivant

BRONZE Cover Credits: Photographer/Creative Director:​Amina Touray @aminatphoto Wardrobe Stylist:​Chandra Dyani @chandradyanistyling Makeup Artist:​Niehla O @niehlao Hair Stylist:​Marva Stokes @_marstar Black Dress​- Tale For Esther @ taleforesther


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Co-Owner/Editor In Chief

Shawn Stuldivant Co-Owner

Barry Stuldivant Cover Photographer

Amina Touray

Issue Design/Layout

Cheyenne Coston

Writers(This Issue)

Sheron M. Brown, PhD Florence Edwards Jamie Joseph Tanasia Patterson Aisha Powell Amina Touray Nathan Vinson Editor/proofreader Farheen Nahvi






Lex Dime


5 Secret Tips to Creating Self-Love

Feature Interview


Steps to 18 3Reclaiming Purpose Health/Fitness

Ilonzeh 20 Annie Feature Interview Ross 30 Desiree Feature Interview Payton 42 Ciera Feature Interview

Q&A with Lex dime

Alexis Forth, also known as “Lex Dime,” is a powerful MC, musical artist, and songwriter who just this past spring launched a campaign titled Lost Girls, around her hip-hop release of the same name, to encourage girls to love themselves and find their identities. In a culture that constantly promotes sex, the Philadelphia native wanted to use her talents to show our young girls today to see beyond that and embrace who they are. Having been mentored herself by the likes of iconic female rapper MC Lyte, Lex wants to use her music to guide our young girls and steer them in the right direction. Was it hard finding yourself when you were younger? Because of my mom being incarcerated and the hard upbringing I had, it was hard. Once my mom came home, between my mom and dad it was really difficult for me to find myself, but I always knew I had a gift for music, and I knew what I wanted out of life. How did you stay on the right track growing up, and escape falling into the streets? Nobody’s perfect, and I’ve had my fair share of the streets, but with the prayers, love, and support of my grandparents, and always taking me to church, I made it through. My nana and I would take long walks and she would tell me that I was beautiful and a child of God, and I could do anything I put my mind to. You originally started as a singer, what made you really want to get into rapping? The freedom in speaking on a track and just being able to write what was in my heart and mind, and the form of expression that rapping created. As a singer, I was no Whitney Houston, so I felt as though by mixing both singing and rapping, I would be better at expressing myself. I was told by many that I had a really good rapping voice. Calvin Childs Photography

How did you get the name, Lex Dime? I was a solo act, but I had a team I rocked with called “The Factz.” At the time, Fast Buckz, who is now my husband, changed my singing name, which was Lex Diamond, to Lex Dime.



JULY 2017

Was it hard for you to branch out and change your direction of music when it came to “Lost Girls”? Storytelling and creating music to inspire has always been a part of who I am. When I was 17 years old, I wrote a record titled “Love Yourself” and in the song I shared a message about self-love and the importance of protected sex. Did your song “take Control” help others when it came to sexual behaviors? My “Take Control” record about HIV/AIDS awareness was very influential on my college campus (LivingStone College in Salisbury NC). It created so much awareness for college students that my nurse had me perform the record at workshops and seminaries all around the Carolinas. I feel those moments have shaped and prepared me for this moment I’m stepping into right now. What made you want to use your talent to help others? I believe its our job on earth to service others. As an artist my goal was to always inspire. I believe right now at this moment through The Lost Girls Campaign I am truly doing just that.

Photo Credit: J-Tech

What advice do you give to our young girls today? Don’t be afraid to share your story. Be yourself always. Look to inspire others, and remember to put God first. Who were some of your idols that you looked up to growing up? Margaret DeRamus, “my nana,” and MC Lyte as a MC and business women. What advice can you give others when it comes to staying positive? Always pray, focus on the good things in life, count your blessings, and each day just strive to be a better you. How can our young ladies today stay on track in their everyday lives? Through the Lost Girls campaign we teach our girls to write down a weekly plan with their goals, the things they want to accomplish. We encourage them to work on that goal everyday, surround themselves with positive people, and do something everyday to help someone else no matter how big or small. Today’s youth look up to rappers. What message can you give them about getting to where they want to be in life? Work on the things you are most passionate about, have faith in yourself, set small goals, and most of all, stay consistent. If there is something you want to do, speak it to god, speak it to the universe and just continue to work hard at it. The key is never giving up. What other campaigns aside from “Lost Girls” do you have in the works? The Lost Girls campaign consists of so much, so everything we do will be surrounded around the brand of Lost Girls. We will branch out to do more music, more workshops, books, and bring the campaign not just to the city of Philadelphia, but all around the world. Our mission is to change the world through this campaign. I would like to thank the Lost Girls team, our campaign manager Janeq Campbell, Carvin Haggins for his vision for the record, and Suzann Christine for breathing life into the Lost Girls song.


JULY 2017


Is Low Self-Esteem Ruining Your Life? Coach Flo Reveals 5 Secret Tips to Creating Self-Love By Florence "Coach Flo" Edwards When you look into a mirror, do you love the woman looking back at you? Do you feel like your worth goes beyond your bank account, career, or your appearance? Do you feel valuable and attractive, even when no one validates you? If not, you could be suffering from low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can wreak havoc on your career, relationships, and overall happiness. It can also lead to other mental health issues such as depression and sadness. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Lars Madsen, self-esteem is a key factor in both the development and maintenance of depression. According to statistics, Black women have high rates of sadness and depression. BlackDoctor.org recently reported that Black women are twice as likely as Black men to be diagnosed with depression, and are more likely to experience feelings of guilt and anxiety, sleep excessively, have an increased appetite and gain weight. It was also reported by Psychcentral.com, that African American women reported feeling sad more than 1.6 times more than Non-Hispanic and White women.



JULY 2017

If you are suffering from sadness or depression, excessive stress can impact every area of your life. An article in The Root.com, reported that stress accelerates the aging of Black female bodies, and Black women between the ages of 45 and 55 are “biologically 7.5 years older than White women” of the same age. Besides break-ups, divorces, and the loss of a loved one, depression and long-term sadness can stem from unresolved sexual abuse and other traumas. Author and journalist Robin D. Stone stated that Black women report being more severely abused with greater force. They also report “more upset, greater longterm effects and more negative life experiences” from sexual abuse than white women. Among the effects: post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse (drug abuse), selfmutilation and more. If you’re suffering from depression or low-self-worth, here are some powerful tips to healing from the inside out:

1) Change Your Questions: Your thoughts and the questions you ask yourself on a regular basis determines your self-esteem and your overall happiness. When you start to think negative thoughts such as, “I’m not good enough,” immediately ask yourself an empowering question, such as, “What can I choose to think right now that will help me feel good about myself?” The key is to challenge each negative thought and replace it with a question that will strengthen your self-esteem. 2)Become Your Own Hero: If you’re struggling with self-esteem, and you don’t have positive people in your life, make the decision to be your biggest fan, not your own worst enemy. This means telling yourself that you are an overcomer, and you are worthy of success. This means looking at yourself in the mirror each day and claiming your dreams, even through your tears. It means when you are full of doubt, you will decide to press forward and conquer your fear. Be the best friend you’ve always wanted, and your life will begin to shift in a positive direction. 3) Run Towards Your Pain: If you’re going through any painful life experience, it’s easy to want to escape. Sex, shopping, food, or other distractions can stop us from feeling our true feelings. The quickest way to heal pain is to face it. If you’re sad, really feel your sadness. Schedule time each day in the morning or at night before bedtime to connect with your heart. If you’re struggling with emotional pain, don’t deny that it’s there, be real about what you feel. To release it, determine the source of your pain, then write a letter, scream, hit a pillow, pray, meditate, or do something positive to let it out. Feeling your pain and releasing the toxic emotions every day for at least 30 days, can heal your heart, and help you cultivate self-love. 4.) Give Yourself Some Love: As women, we’re taught to love others, but we can’t truly love someone else if we are depleted and are abusive to ourselves. Examine the relationship you have with yourself. If you mistreat yourself, or always put others first, your self-esteem will be greatly diminished. If you have a difficult time feeling love for yourself, start small by looking for things that you like about yourself. Write and repeat simple affirmations such as, “What I like about me is my sense of humor,” etc. Do this every morning and every night before bed for 21 days.

Also, have self-love sessions throughout the week. This means engaging in one action per day that will make you feel special. This can be cooking for yourself, writing yourself love notes, or getting a mini-massage. You’ll be amazed by the way you feel when you take time to nurture yourself. 5.) Connect with Your Higher Power If you struggle with having a relationship with yourself, creating a strong connection with your higher power will always give you access to pure love, and when you have love, you can truly conquer anything. Besides going to church, reading the Bible and other spiritual books, connecting with God throughout the day can be as simple as meditating, saying a short gratitude prayer, or practicing random acts of kindness. Staying in a state of love, forgiveness, acceptance and trust, is crucial to healing from the inside out.

Q & A With Coach Flo Bronze Magazine: You’ve been able to overcome a lot of challenges in your life. What advice would you give to women who have been sexually abused, bullied, or had a tragic childhood? Coach Flo: My advice for women who have been sexually abused, bullied, or suffered from any tragic life experience is for them to ask themselves one important question: who do you want to become as a result of this experience? We usually react to our pain, rather than decide, from a conscious level, how we want to heal it. Write down 5 positive things you can choose to be as the result of your experience. Choose to do things that will make you feel strong, happy and at peace. The events in our lives cannot change who we truly are. They can cause us tremendous pain, but they can’t take away our power. Although it’s important to feel your pain, you also need to see yourself as you really are. You are not a victim. You are powerful. True self-esteem comes from acknowledging who you really are, honoring yourself through your pain, and choosing who you want to become in any situation life throws at you. Continued>>


JULY 2017


Bronze Magazine: In your opinion, what keeps people stuck in their lives and unable to move toward success? Coach Flo: I believe that what truly keeps people stuck is that they often use the same mindset they had in the past in order to try to create a different outcome. If you want to get unstuck, you must ask yourself empowering questions, question your dominant beliefs, develop new beliefs, and transform your dominant, self-destructive thoughts. When you have a different mindset, you will see yourself and your current experience with new eyes. You will make better choices that will help you create a new life. Bronze Magazine: Some people who have been abused, suffer from low self-esteem. Besides therapy, what is the first thing they can do to empower themselves?

The advice I would give to any woman who is struggling is to become conscious of where you are in your life, and who you want to become. Make a list of what you truly dislike about yourself and why. Choose 3 things you want to improve immediately, and set an intention to work on those 3 things for at least 60 days. For example, if you feel like you don’t love yourself because of your appearance, make a list of what you can do that will make you feel more attractive. Make a commitment to make one small change each day, and the transformation will begin to take place. Practicing self- forgiveness and connecting with a higher power are other essential tools that can help women create and maintain self-love and find true happiness.

Coach Flo: In my professional opinion, seeing a therapist or even a life coach who specializes in healing abuse is a very important step towards becoming whole. The first thing I would recommend to a client dealing with abuse is to reconnect with themselves through prayer, meditation, visualization or self-love techniques in order for true transformation to take place. I have found that some women tend to disassociate with their bodies after abuse because being present is too painful for them. Reconnection is the key to becoming more empowered. Bronze Magazine: As a certified holistic life coach, what do you see as the biggest obstacle women struggle with the most? What is your best advice to women who are struggling? Coach Flo: Many women from all walks of life seem to be battling with self-love. I see it in the eyes of women in corporate America, celebrities, and in everyday women who pretend they are content with their lives. They are all suffering in silence from a deep emptiness caused by a lack of self-love due to unresolved trauma. Unresolved trauma shows up in many different ways: toxic relationships, perfectionism, overeating, workaholism, drug abuse, and overspending are just a few examples.



JULY 2017

Florence Edwards, also known as ‘Coach Flo’, is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, PR and communications consultant, and published author. Flo earned her Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Communications from California State University, and holds a Diploma in Mental Health Studies. Coach Flo has written two selfhelps books, Heal Your Anxiety Now!, and The Trauma Breakthrough Guide & Workbook. Her work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Essence Magazine, Ebony Magazine, Heart & Soul Magazine, BET Centric, Foster Focus Magazine, and many others. Find out more about Coach Flo by visiting www.CoachFloEnterprises.com.

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She's Every Woman...


Interview by Tanasia Patterson Photographer/Creative Director:​Amina Touray @aminatphoto Wardrobe Stylist:​Chandra Dyani @chandradyanistyling Makeup Artist:​Niehla O @niehlao Hair Stylist:​Marva Stokes @_marstar Sparkle Top​- Patty Ang @pattyang_ Hoop Earrings​-Joey Galon @joeygalon Black Dress​- Tale For Esther @taleforesther 12


JULY 2017


Evette Braxton, the fifth child of the Braxton family, wears many hats including that of a singer, an actress, a reality television personality, a business woman, and a mother. Her first break in music happened in 1992 as a member of The Braxtons, a group she formed with her sisters Toni, Tamar, Towanda, and Traci. Since entering the spotlight, Trina has gone on to appear in Tyler Perry’s play Meet the Browns as Tracey Stevens. She has also been a part of the play Rise, played Deena Jones in the off-Broadway production of Dreamgirls, and appeared in The Walk. She was also a backup singer/dancer during sister Toni’s Libra Tour in 2006, and the lead vocalist of “Simply Irresistible,” a wedding band. In 2011, the Braxton women were reunited and entered the reality television world with their show, Braxton Family Values on WE tv. Trina began her career as a solo artist with her first single, “Party or Go Home,” released in 2012. She went on to star in a tv movie, Where’s the Love, in 2014, and in 2015, she and her sisters released a Christmas album titled, “Braxton Family Christmas.” On top of all of that, she founded the production company “Soltri-Entertainment” and owns the bar/restaurant “Bar Chix,” all while being a mother. In an intimate interview with our cover star, here’s what she had to say about family, career success, and motherhood:

What is it like growing up/being in a big family?

How do you keep yourself from getting lost in a family with so many strong women?

Hmm, I think the best way to keep yourself from getting lost, not only in a large family but in a large pool of successful people in the same industry, is to set yourself apart by trying hard. But not trying so hard to stand out that you become weird or disingenuous.

In what ways does being on a reality television show make it harder to handle fame?

Being on a reality show makes it difficult because many people feel as if they have the right to chime in on your life based on one hour a week of your life. The whole story is never always told. There is just not enough time anyway.

What do you like best about being on Braxton Family Values with your family?

The best thing about doing a reality show with your family is that we get to work together and spend time together. The worst thing about it was that we get to work together and spend time together. We always take it home. The fun and the not-so fun.

Were there ever moments where you wished you weren’t in the spotlight?

Regret is a moot emotion. My sisters and I started out doing this show to help people. To let them know that we identify with and struggle with the same tumultuous times as everyone else. Both individually, and as a family.

Growing up in a big family is all I’ve ever known. I can’t and couldn’t imagine my life any other way. The great thing is, there was always someone to play with and talk to.

As the founder of Soltri Entertainment and owner of Bar-Chix, how important are these two ventures to you?

In your opinion what is your biggest accomplishment?

It is clear you have a lot that you like to do, but what is your greatest passion?

Being a restaurateur is very liberating for me. I found something in my life that I never thought would be a You wear many hats: singer, actress, reality tv career for me. “Bar Chix” has been and continues to personality, and businesswoman. How do you be one of the most rewarding ventures I have ever balance them all? delved in. I love it a LOT! “Soltri Entertainment” has When you make it sound that way, it seems tiresome. allowed me to hone in on the creative side of my But I chose things that I love to do. Prioritizing by entertainment career, and taught me how to be my dates helps. own boss and sign my own checks!

In my opinion, my biggest accomplishment is being a mother. I have raised my sons to be respectful and honorable young men. That is something you just can’t pay for.



JULY 2017

My greatest passion is to succeed in all that I dare to dream!



JULY 2017


JULY 2017


By Sheron M. Brown, Ph.d. Stuck. That is how I imagine that the 81% of the American employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs must feel. Like the many I see at the start of a coaching relationship, they probably are stressed, ill, frazzled and dream of ways to leave their job. They want out! But why? Perhaps it is because they feel a lack of purpose and are frustrated about not knowing how to live with joy, independent of their job. I have three steps to help with reclaiming purpose, but first, a little theory about how the “eighty-one percenters” end up dissatisfied.

The Story of the Eighty-One Percenter An innocent child, full of creativity and ready to explore her world enters the public school system. In her early years, school is fun. Self-expression is allowed, play is encouraged and collaboration is applauded. However, as the child grows older and progresses through school, self-expression is suppressed with rules of conformity, play is replaced by endless worksheets, and collaboration is trumped by competition. Buried in the demands of conformity and repetition, she increasingly loses opportunities to discover her core and explore her purpose. By the time she graduates High School, she’s on a track that’s been informed by her educational career, rather than guided by her intuition. Fast-forward about twenty years (give or take a few) and she finds herself in a well-paid position, doing work she doesn’t love and plagued by the desire to pursue her passion. Unfortunately, she cannot figure out how her passion will pay for her lifestyle. She feels stuck. There are different versions of this story, but the general plot is the same: creativity is “taught out” of the child, conformity is deeply instilled and a life-draining career is the result. Your soul’s independence and unique qualities are stifled and you end up eventually coming to the end of a work day asking yourself, “is this all there is?”



JULY 2017

Familiar story? If yes, know this: the story doesn’t have to end there. You have the power to change your story. The process will take perseverance, and is worth it for your spiritual, mental and physical well-being. By following these three steps you will reclaim your purpose and transform your life.

1. Commit to Your Spiritual Practice When you allow yourself to go inward, amazing things happen. You calm your nervous system, and reduce the negative voice in your head. You also receive divine inspiration and you contact who you really are—your strengths, your values and how you desire to show up in the world. Your spiritual practice can look a variety of ways. It could be reading a sacred text, journaling, meditating, yoga, a combination of these, etc. Regardless, one thing remains consistent: engaging every day is key. It takes discipline to commit, and this can be challenging, but the joy you desire depends on it. You may say, I don’t have time for that every day, but I would challenge you and say that you do. There’s something you do daily that can be substituted with a spiritual practice. It could be 30 minutes of T.V. or phone time, or some other time consuming activity that distracts you from purpose. Whatever it may be for you, prioritize your time to go inward daily so that you can “hear” your inner guidance system.

2. Prioritize Your Well-Being Your well-being includes your physical, emotional and mental health. A commitment to your spiritual practice begins the work of prioritizing your well-being, and engaging in physical routine continues your progress. Unfortunately, I’ve heard people say things like, “I’m too busy on my job, so I can’t really find the time to work out.” This is a heart-breaking statement because: (a) if you drop dead tomorrow, you are replaceable; (b) you’re putting a job you hate before your wellness; and (c) if you don’t decide to take care of your temple, then who will? It doesn’t have to be difficult. Alter your route to work so that you can park further away, or get off a train a stop or two earlier to create an opportunity to increase your walking. Or maybe you purchase a grocery cart so you can walk to the supermarket. Even still, perhaps start with a basic but fun DVD routine in your living room. Again, examine your time to discover the hidden opportunities to focus on your physical health. The better it is, the more energy you have to become the awesome self you were created to be.

Surround yourself with people who genuinely encourage your growth, find groups that align with your vision, and stay deeply connected to your source—something that Step 1 can support. Climbing your purpose mountain may feel defeating, but know that you will win if you don’t quit. Your purpose is deeply connected to your selfcare. Ignoring either of these three areas will result in physical, emotional and/or mental dis-ease. This does not have to be your story. Ultimately, my hope for you is that you make yourself number one by committing, prioritizing and surrendering so you can declare your independence and reclaim your soul’s purpose.

3. Surrender to Your Purpose Recently, a profound analogy was shared with me in relation to reinventing yourself. Life is not a single mountain but a series of mountains, and as you climb a mountain you’ll reach the peak. You will spend time there, but eventually you are drawn to the next mountain peak. The thing is though, that you are not a bird—you can’t fly to the next peak, so you must go down, spend time in the valley then begin a new climb. It is in going down and the valley time that you are faced with letting go of old ideas, beliefs and habits that formed your identity. This can be a painful and/or scary thing to face, but a necessary step in the journey toward your purpose. Your surrender to the process might be tough, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. ¹Adams, S. (2012, May 18). New survey: Majority of employees dissatisfied. Retrieved June 10, 2017, from Forbes website: https://www.forbes. com/sites/susanadams/2012/05/18/new-survey-majority-of-employeesdissatisfied/#31e248954663 Sheron Brown, Ph.D. is the owner of Sweet Eden by Sheron, a wellness education company. She is also the author of The Wellness-Purpose Connection™: The Ultimate Guide for Maximizing Your Life Experience. Sheron helps people relieve stress and related conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, anxiety, obesity and cardiovascular disease through individual and group coaching, courses and seminars. As a yoga instructor and certified health coach, she also teaches mindful practices that helps you improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being so you can live and work with increased joy and purpose. Connect with her online on Facebook and Twitter @sheronbrownphd or Instagram @iamagirlfrombrooklyn. You can also email Sheron for help with your organization’s or individual wellness goals at info@sweetedenbysheron.com. BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

JULY 2017


The Many Faces of

ANNIE ILONZEH Interview by Nathan Vinson Photographer Amina Touray @aminatphoto MUA Niehla O @niehlao Stylist Janel Styles @janelstyles77 Hairstylist Marva Stokes @_marstar 20


JULY 2017


hether it’s a soap opera, drama, or biopic, actress Annie Ilonzeh can handle any roleand she’s just getting started.

On a fateful vacation to LA during her college matriculation, Annie Ilonzeh met her now manager, Vincent Cirrincione, for the first time through a loose connect from MySpace. Filled with excitement and a desire to pursue a career in Hollywood, Cirrincione bluntly tells her “Look kid, I don’t work with beginners, but if you want to do this, you got to move [to LA.] That’s the best advice I can give you.” So, what did Ilonzeh do? She moved to LA just a few, short months later. She called Cirrincione and told him “I’m here, and I’m ready to work.” And she’s been doing just that. Ilonzeh has held a multitude of recurring roles, including one on the long-standing soap opera General Hospital. Recently, she played the role of Kidada Jones in the Benny Boomdirected Tupac biopic All Eyez On Me. With the support of her biological family (which includes her four younger sisters and her parents) and her LA family of co-stars, colleagues, and best friend Claudia Jordan, the sky is the limit for this emerging star, who’s first main role for the film ‘Til Death Do Us Part is just upon the horizon. In an interview with Bronze, the 33-year old actress discusses her experiences with some of television’s most recognizable shows and even provides insight on some of the characters she’s played. These are the many faces of Annie Ilonzeh: 22


JULY 2017

Black sleeveless tank design:​by Baruni @baruni_fashion Black pant w/ slits at both side, design by S​ teph Audino @ stephaudinocouture Strappy sandals with multi color: JF London @jflondon_official Provided by prb_public_relations Bracelet design: NMD @N.M.designs Clothing & jewelry provided by @ nowprla BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

JULY 2017




JULY 2017

General Hospital

Network: ABC Year(s) on the show: 2010-2011 Role: Maya Ward On the fast-paced world of soaps: “At the most, you have four days to learn your lines. You have to learn the lines and actually do something with them. The experience taught me to be ready, because you don’t have that many takes. Maybe you’ll block it once, have one rehearsal, and one take; two at best. It’s like the saying ‘if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.’ It’s a lot of preparation, but it’s all for a cause.”

Charlie’s Angels

Network: ABC Year(s) on the show: 2011 Role: Kate Prince On what she learned from the quickly-cancelled series: “I was a lot younger back then, in age and experience. That was my first primetime, series regular job. I didn’t really understand numbers and possible cancellation at the time. The first time I tested [as Kate], I booked it. I had this “glass completely full” mentality, my thoughts were so pure and not jaded whatsoever. When it happened, it was a let down, but that has to happen. I’ve learned now that you’ve got to go through the peaks and valleys, so that you can get the lesson and be way better the next time.”

Switched At Birth

Network: Freeform (formerly ABC Family) Year(s) on the show: 2012-2013 Role: Lana Bracelet On her Switched At Birth experience: “Well, [my character] was pregnant and it was by one of the sexiest guys on the show. I kind of wrote a script in my head about actually having the baby, what [the character’s] life would be like. I like the fact that the show was shot in LA, so I could just be home instead of travelling. But, I must say that wearing that baby bump was one of those things where I was like ‘oh, my God I think I could do th- nope, nope can’t do this.’ I found so much appreciation for my mother and just mothers in general. Women are superheroes.”

Drop Dead Diva

Network: Lifetime Year(s) on the show: 2013 Role: Nicole Hamill On her character, Nicole: I went in to audition for producers and just really connected to the character. She was this sassy, unapologetic yet imperfect woman that would voice her opinion but, sometimes get in trouble for it. She was seeking this vulnerability and wanted be able to embrace more parts of herself. I can totally relate to that. Being the oldest [of my siblings] having to be the alpha type and pave my own way, but wanting to get in touch with my vulnerability too. When I got the part, I was like ‘I get it. Now let’s just go in here and play.’ BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

JULY 2017



Network: The CW Year(s) on the show: 2012-2014 Role: Joanna De La Vega On her friendship with actress Katie Cassidy: “Arrow was a little bit of a darker moment, but I learned a lot about myself. When I first got it, I was coming off the job at Charlie’s [Angels] and it was a big blow. It almost felt like mourning a death. Luckily, Katie Cassidy and I became very close and that was cool. We both needed a bond and sisterhood that we could both trust each other and be safe around. I got a really good friend out of that gig.”

Person of Interest

Network: CBS Year(s) on the show: 2015-2016 Role: Harper Rose On her character, Harper: “I enjoyed playing Harper. She was this badass rebel that just wouldn’t deal with conflict. She would just get over the conflict and win. She had this competitive mentality that I really loved, and have within myself too. And like myself, it was to a fault sometimes. She was savvy in weaponry and martial arts, which I thought was really cool. Anytime you can combine the physical aspect of acting and also be the thespian, sign me up!”


Network: FOX Year(s) on the show: 2016 Role: Harper Scott On her Empire experience: “I have some good memories from my time there. I consider Andre Royal, who plays “Thirsty,” family. He always had my back, and he just kept it real, which you don’t always find. He’s so talented. Some of the best jokes and laughs I had were from him. Also, seeing Taraji and Terrance act again was incredible. Seeing them in person just had me like ‘wow.’ It was cool connecting with Terrence too. You would never know that he was super smart. He’s like a mad scientist.” 26


JULY 2017

Black jacket with mesh design by baruni @baruni_fashion Black jacket provided by @nowprla Green ring design: NMD N.M.designs provided by @nowprla BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

JULY 2017


‘Til Death Do Us Part

To Be Released (2017) Madison Roland On ‘Til Death Do Us Part being her most impactful role: “I play two different versions of myself [in the film.] It’s about re-identifying who you are, going internal, and figuring out yourself. Being at the lowest of lows and then being at the highest of highs and then going back to your lows- all of those emotions swirling into one body? I’ve never done that before. It’s changed me forever, the connection with myself and with people. There was a lot of learning happening on that set, and I’m grateful that I got to be apart of it.” You can connect with Annie on all social media platforms @AnnieIlonzeh, and for more information on her upcoming film ‘Til Death Do Us Part, co-starring Taye Diggs and Stephen Bishop, visit the movie’s website at www.tildeathdouspart-movie.com.

White sweat top w/black design: Konus @konusbrand Provided by mediaplaypr Denim skirt w zipper Designer Res denim @resdenim Provided by mediaplaypr

All Eyez On Me

Released: 2017 Role: Kidada Jones On meeting actor Demetrius Shipp Jr. for the first time: “A few months after my initial audition, [the casting directors] wanted me to do a chemistry read with someone that was playing the role of ‘Pac, but hadn’t been hired yet. When I walked in, it was Demetrius, who we now know played ‘Pac [in the biopic]. I walk in and he looks exactly like ‘Pac and he was so sweet and quiet. In that moment I thought ‘what would Kidada do?’ She would grab him and say ‘hey!’ with a big hug. And I remember we kissed, which is what the scene called for, but when we finished the scene, [the directors] told me most girls didn’t do it. It wasn’t anything crazy, but it was in the moment. [The directors] said once they saw the love between us and our connect, L.T. [Sutton] said he knew we were right [for the part.]”



JULY 2017

Gold loops earrings design Joey Galon @joeygalon Gold bracelet design joey galon @joeygalon Provided @nowprla High top multi color tennis Design JF London @jflondon_official Provided by Prb_public _relations

Red jacket design: Res denim @resdenim Resden.com Provided by @mediaplaypr BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

JULY 2017


An Interview with...

Desiree Ross



JULY 2017

Interview By Jamie Joseph

Photographer: Amina Touray, @aminatphoto Stylist: Brittany Diego @brittanydiego Makeup artist: Niehla O @niehlao Model: Desiree Ross @desireeross Top: Fulani @fulanifashion Skirt: Fulani @fulanifashion Shoes: BCBGeneration @bcbgeneration Earrings: Jewelry Bar @jewelrybar.usa Bracelets: NMD @NOWPRLA

It’s not every day an actress lands a role with public figures like Oprah Winfrey, Keith David, or Lynn Whitfield. But for this young actress, she’s anything but lucky. She’s worked hard to break into the industry. You may or may not have heard the name Desiree Ross before, but she’s the type of role model for any Bronze reader regardless of age. Ross has been acting since the age of three, and has landed a few notable roles since then, including a movie with Dolly Parton. The 18-year-old values her family and God, and tributes them for her strong work ethic and ability to pursue her dreams. She currently stars on OWN Network’s Greenleaf as Sophia, a character she closely relates to. From a small town in South Carolina to the movie capital of the world, Ross has adjusted to life in L.A. just fine! Keep reading to discover what we all can learn from a true lady boss and Bronze inspiration in our exclusive interview with Ross. When did you know you wanted to be an actor? What do you like best about acting? I knew I wanted to be an actress when I was 3 years old. I was watching a show on TV and asked my mom how the people did the same exact thing over and over again. I thought there were little people in the TV that kept repeating themselves. From the moment my mom explained it to me, I knew that that was my dream. To me, acting feels right - like what I’m supposed to be doing. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I think the best thing about acting is that you have to put yourself in another person’s position, and really try to feel how they would feel in certain situations. If you really believe the role that you’re playing, to me it feels like you’re living multiple lives. It puts a lot of stuff into perspective and keeps you open minded because you really don’t know what’s going on in everyone else’s personal lives, and you get a taste of that through acting.

Top: Lotuz @lotuz_jakarta Skirt: OTT Dubai @OTTdubai Shoes: JF London @jflondon_official Earrings: Joey Galon @joeygalon Headwrap: Stylist’s own Bracelets: Stylist’s own 32


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What was it like being raised in South Carolina and then making that transition to acting? Being raised in South Carolina was interesting. My mom is from Los Angeles, so my family and I would always visit. I knew LA was where I wanted to be. I’ve never been into the small town-southern lifestyle/ mentality, but my city gave me my start and a certain advantage. I learned a lot from living there about myself and who I wanted to be and who I didn’t want to be. I’m just thankful God blessed me with the parents that he did. My parents made stuff happen for me. No matter where I am, as long as my family is with me, I think I will be okay. Making the transition was easy because it was what I wanted and had been waiting for. I wanted to act, I wanted to live in a bigger city, I wanted to work even while in school. I’m incredibly fortunate and blessed. What role did your family play in this transition? They made it easy. They prepared my head and my heart from day one for the trials and tribulations that came with acting. My parents gave a lot of time, money, and energy for me to be where I am. Whatever circumstances I got put into with working, they made things work however they needed to. I started living out of the house to work, away from them, when I was 14 years old. Most parents probably won’t let their 14-year-old daughter live in Canada for four months to work without them, but my parents let me because they knew I was following my dreams. They always did their best to make sure I was safe and happy. I owe everything to my parents, honestly-they are hands down the absolute best. They are the only reason I am where I am and have what I have.


JULY 2017


How did you prepare for, and perfect your craft? Well, I started acting when I was 9, and then professionally started acting when I was 11. From there, it took 4 years and over 150 auditions to get my first real role. I would take classes, do private training, and spent hours or days working on a single audition to get it perfect. My mom and my manager taught me the most because they would always critique my auditions and then I would have to redo them over and over till they were perfect. They helped guide me so with all that practice over and over, I started getting better little by little. Describe the experience of getting your first Hollywood break and working with Dolly Parton. I started crying when I booked my first role, and then asked my family to pray with me. I was in shock, but super excited, so I just jumped and ran around the house screaming with the biggest smile. Working with Dolly was amazing. She is the sweetest, most humble woman. I told her while filming, the sweet tea in LA sucked, and the next day she brought me sweet tea in a Dollywood souvenir cup to set. There was one full day of filming, so none of the cast had time to go see her amusement park. So one night after we wrapped, she kept a few employees around so all of us could ride some rides together and experience the park. I have so much respect for Dolly, I want to be like her. How do you decide which roles you will pursue? My agents and my manager know what I like so they try to submit accordingly, but sometimes certain things come through that I turn down because I don’t think it’s a good look for me. I spend the most time on auditions when it’s for a bigger project or when it really speaks to me.



JULY 2017

What has acting taught you about yourself? If I’m going to be super honest, it’s taught me what insecurities I have about myself, because I have to be really aware of how I carry myself on screen. But I like being aware so can I work on those things and be my most confident me. It’s helped me to evolve. What type of support system do you rely on in terms of keeping you focused and motivated? My family and my team! My family is constantly encouraging me. My mom helps me with new auditions, scheduling, social media and all that, plus she would stay on top of me about school work. My dad is always making sure my heart is in a good place. He is super supportive and always bragging about me (which I get super embarrassed about but secretly enjoy). My brother, Des, is always telling me who’s who, because I’m out of touch with who’s in Young Hollywood. He always pushes me to do my best. My team always encourages me too. They give me honest feedback with auditions so I can be my best, and always tell me that the next thing is coming, but it has to be right, and they work their butts off for me. I love all of them. How did you land your role as ‘Sophia’ on OWN’s Greenleaf and how did you prepare for her character? Being ‘Sophia’ is easy. She and I are practically the same person, so when I auditioned, it wasn’t too hard. I did a three minute video audition with my mom the same morning they released the sides, and that evening, casting called and said they loved me. The next day, I was supposed to sign test deal contracts, but I put that off, even though I hadn’t heard anything yet. The day after that (2 days after auditioning) my agents told me that Oprah loved my tape. OWN and Lionsgate offered me a straight deal and sent me contracts the next day. It took four days total for my audition process. I was one of the first people cast along with Lynn and Merle. I was crying so much that week because I was feeling incredibly blessed. The week before, I was about to quit acting to follow a more realistic dream, but I said a prayer, and then all this craziness went down.

Shirt: Paradise Ranch @Paradiseranchdesigns Tank Top: H&M @hm Shorts: OTT Dubai @OTTdubai Bracelets: Hammerhead Designs Earrings: Joey Galon @joeygalon Shoes: JustFab @justfabonline Hat: Zara @zara BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

JULY 2017


What is it like working with such veterans as Oprah Winfrey, Lynn Whitfield, and Keith David? They are so much fun to work with. I love watching them and learning from them. I ask so many questions. At first, it was intimidating working with them because they are so talented and experienced, but now they all feel like family to me so I just try to take everything in and watch carefully. What can we expect to see from ‘Sophia’s’ character when the show returns in August? You’ll see how her relationships evolve mostly-with Grace, Darius, Roberto, and with Zora. Sophia is watching her mom spiral downward because of Mac, so you see Sophia trying to grow up even more to watch over her mom. In a way, she’s kind of parenting Grace. She is seeing whether Darius is a good enough guy for Grace, and whether he will put Grace on a good path and help her on her path with God. You also see Sophia pulling away from Zora, not by choice, but Zora has her boyfriend now (the one Sophia liked first). Do you have any other aspirations besides acting (for example, directing, producing, etc.)? If so, what are they? I would love to produce and direct. When I am able to go to college, I would like to attend a school with a great film program so I can direct. I’ve also talked to my director/ executive producer Clement, and if there is a season 3, I’m going to shadow him now that I’ve graduated high school.

Top: Fulani @fulanifashion Skirt: Fulani @fulanifashion Shoes: BCBGeneration @bcbgeneration Earrings: Jewelry Bar @jewelrybar.usa Bracelets: NMD @NOWPRLA 36


JULY 2017

How do you unwind when you are not on the Greenleaf set? I love to eat (I’m a foodie for sure), watch movies, read, hang with friends, and do makeup. I like retail therapy, but that gets expensive to do. I also love traveling-I’m into adventurous nature-type stuff. I want to start a YouTube channel eventually - so stay on the lookout. Since I graduated in May, I have more free time.

Tell us about your passion for helping others. What type of volunteer/charity projects are you involved in? I used to volunteer at home in South Carolina feeding the homeless on Sundays and volunteering at a local food bank preparing bags of food. I went on a mission trip in 2015 to Nicaragua with my church and after that, I got super excited about giving my time to help the people around me - on a local and worldwide scale. One of the things I am really passionate about though, is clean water because it’s something not everyone has. That is a necessity that a lot of people take for granted. I have been wanting to visit Togo in Africa to plant wells and help build schools and churches, so I’m going to try and make that happen soon, or at least start raising money to help with the projects. Are there any upcoming projects that you can share with us? Nothing so far that I can say. Everything I have coming up is still in pre-production. Once finished, though, I’ll share! If you had to say something inspirational to Bronze readers about pursuing their dreams, what would you say? If there is something you’re passionate about, or something you consider your dream, you should pursue it at all costs. Even if it’s some crazy dream, I say shoot for the stars because anything is possible. The biggest things that have helped me so far-stay persistent, don’t give up on yourself, put in a lot of effort regardless of the circumstances, keep your eyes open for opportunity, pray, and keep the right people around you . I almost gave up on my dream so many times but I persevered and it was SO worth it. I want everyone to get that same experience. Whatever you want to do may not be easy, but it WILL be worth it. Envision where you want to be; manifest it.


JULY 2017




JULY 2017


JULY 2017


Top: Lotuz @lotuz_jakarta Skirt: OTT Dubai @OTTdubai Shoes: JF London @jflondon_official Earrings: Joey Galon @joeygalon Headwrap: Stylist’s own Bracelets: Stylist’s own 40


JULY 2017


JULY 2017


Photographer/Writer: Amina Touray @aminatphoto Makeup artist: Niehla O @niehao Stylist: Brittany Diego @brittanydiego Actress: Ciera Payton @cierapayton Crop Top: Baruni @baruni_fashion Pants: Patty Ang @atelierpattyang Necklace: Afrogenic Collections Bracelet: Joey Galon @joeygalon Shoes: JF London @jflondon_official

New Orleans born actress, writer, and entrepreneur, Ciera Payton, knew her calling early on in life. Growing up in an artistic and creative environment allowed Payton to experience art in all forms, which reflects in her career today. Read on to learn what motivates her, how she stays in shape, and what’s next for Ms. Payton. Amina Touray: Ciera, you are truly an inspirational one-woman show with a full schedule, who does it all! You act, you have your own makeup line, you volunteer, and you do voice-overs. Tell us about the foundation to your drive, and never ending creativity that allows you to constantly be part of new and exciting projects? Ciera Payton: Thank you for those kind words. I’ve always been a driven person. Ever since I was a child, I kept myself busy. It was more of a coping mechanism for me-to kind of take me out of the world that I was living in at the time. It could be unhealthy at times, like overwhelming myself so much that I don’t have time to do fun things, but I rather that than engaging in anything that isn’t productive. However, the foundation of all of what I do is both my spirituality and fear. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but I know that my time on this earth isn’t forever and there are so many goals I want to accomplish before I leave this planet. Fear of not accomplishing those things keeps me going. My faith and the purpose placed in me keeps me going and thriving to be a better person each day. AT: What motivates you? CP: I love watching other people’s stories, especially those I want to be like and admire. They motivate me. Listening to how they remained resilient in the face of adversity. That is definitely enough to motivate me each day. How they kept going and kept aiming for their goal or passion. And how they didn't give up! Hearing the stories of Taraji P Henson, Sophia Loren, Diane Carroll, Jennifer Lopez, Padma Lakshmi and Morgan Freeman, is so empowering. Continued>>

"I was so blessed to have spent time with my former teacher Dr. Maya Angelou and listen to her stories, and learn about her life and how she survived it all."


JULY 2017


I was so blessed to have spent time with my former teacher Dr. Maya Angelou and listen to her stories, and learn about her life and how she survived it all. I also keep notes and framed affirmations all over my apartment to keep me uplifted and motivated. Sometimes it’s hard, you know. It’s funny too, because sometimes I don’t notice that I have those things hanging up and then I realize, “oh my head is down,” and then I look up and there’s something positive and motivating posted on my wall as a lovely reminder. So I use tools like that, and also my mother and father and my older brother are constantly cheering me on and motivating me. AT: In a tough city like Los Angeles, you constantly have to prove yourself, be the best of the best, and stand out. How do you stay focused and balanced in a competitive city like this? CP: It’s all about staying in your lane and on your path. I can’t compare myself to what others are doing or I’d be a total wreck. It’s like cooking some great dish on your stove and peeking out the window to see what your neighbor is cooking, and then next thing you know, your food is burnt or didn’t turn out how it was supposed to because you were worried about someone else. I keep myself focused on my goals, my dreams, and my aspirations. Yes they may mirror what most people here in LA are, but for me, my ‘why’ is more important than my ‘what,’ and I know not everyone has that! Because that is unique and personal to me, and it keeps me going, grounded, and focused.

“It’s like cooking some great dish on your stove and peeking out the window to see what your neighbor is cooking and then next thing you know your food is burnt or didn’t turn out how it was supposed to because you were worried about someone else.”



JULY 2017

AT: I love that answer. So very true! You look like you’re in great shape! Please share some beauty secrets with us? CP: Oh goodness! Thank you! I’m a work in progress and that’s mentally, spiritually, and most importantly, physically. My friend Beatriz and I, we’ve been taking these boxing classes at World Championship Boxing and it’s an awesome workout! I’ve also taken up Muay Thai which is an intense workout and skill set, but I absolutely enjoy it. However, I’m a sucker for long walks. I love hiking and walking, while listening to an audio book or some good music; this all seems to keep me in shape. I’m allergic to certain foods and ingredients so that’s my best excuse to eat healthy and monitor my food. Although there are some awesome gluten-free desserts out there that I LOVE, and am so grateful they aren’t available everywhere or anytime, otherwise that’s all I’d eat! But for the most part, I’m a veggies and protein type of gal! AT: You have so many amazing things coming your way this year. If you look back 5 years, could you have imagined being where you are right now? CP: Oh my goodness, 5 years ago I felt like I was just getting started in life. And to be honest, I still feel that way now. I’m constantly amazed at the many opportunities coming into my life, the knowledge I’m gaining from lessons learned, and all the many things that are shaping me to be the woman I desire to be. Did I think I’d be working on the amount of projects and doing the things I’m doing now? No, but I prayed for them and worked for those opportunities and told myself to remain positive no matter what obstacle came my way. And lo and behold! Things have manifested and I’m just grateful to be where I am now. I look forward to the many amazing things that are to come in the next 5 years! AT: This month of July, we’ll be able to see you in Ballers with the legendary Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Tell us about the role you play and what we can expect from the show? CP: I wish I could tell you about the role however, I’m not at liberty to at this point. But, I will say that it’s going to be a great season with some interesting plot twists that will make you love the show even more. Fans are in for a real treat! BRONZEMAGONLINE.COM

JULY 2017


Dress: Fulani @fulanifashion @jflondon_official Earrings: Stylist’s Own Ring: Kat Ong @katongers 46


JULY 2017

AT: And we can’t wait to watch it! What was it like to work with The Rock? CP: Dwayne is so cool! Speaking of motivators, he is truly a positive role model and motivator to so many. When he walks in the room, he’s just a big ball of light and so nice. But he’s direct: looks you in the eye. He knows how to tell a joke, but is very professional. That’s the joy I get out of doing what I do as an actor. I love watching the pros who have been around for a while, and how they take space and interact with people. He’s one of the great guys and I look forward to working more with him. AT: Recently you were spotted in a few episodes of the popular soap General Hospital. Please describe the character you played, and a little about the episodes? CP: I’m the temptress that comes to General Hospital to tempt, and perhaps distract, Curtis (played by Donnell Turner) from his “dinner companion.” It’s a lot of fun and I’m taking pleasure in being the bad girl for once. Ha! Fans love it! And it’s great to work with another awesome guy such as Donnell. In the last episode, his shirt was off the whole time and he’s just walking around like it’s no big deal! Meanwhile, all of these women are messaging me asking me about his six pack abs! Acting, it’s a lot fun! HA! But I love working on General Hospital. It’s the oldest soap opera, and the fans are so great and committed to the show. I was named after a character on As the World Turns, so to be on a soap now is really cool! It’s really all full circle and I’m loving it! AT: This summer you’ll be going back to your roots in New Orleans to work. Can you tell us about what you’ll be doing? CP: I’m constantly being asked for my advice and guidance by people who are curious about the industry and how to get in. A few years back, I did a seminar, breaking down all that I know about how to get started. This year I’m doing the same, and really taking it a step further. We all want things to be a certain in our lives, but I’m more interested in the how to get those and the what.


JULY 2017


So my seminar So You Wanna Be An Actor will not only walk people through the minor details of getting started, but will also explore how people can really manifest the life and career they want. I’ll be launching an online accountability group along with monthly check-ins with people. It’s really exciting and so many people are amped up to join me on this journey! AT: Wow, that sounds amazing! What a great opportunity for so many people. And talking about opportunities, we’re super excited to know that you’ll be part of an upcoming Tyler Perry project. What can you share with us so far about that? CP: This upcoming project is truly going to be one of the best Tyler Perry productions. It was truly a blessing to get to work with him again! Years ago, I was an extra in one of his movies and now I’m not. There’s so much I want to say about this top secret project-but I can’t! I will say this: Tyler Perry is truly an under-rated class act! People give him so much flack for this and that, but he is one the most hardworking men and men of color in this industry. I mean he owns his own studio! Every day he begins the production with a prayer of gratitude and encouragement. He loves actors and is so giving. I can’t say it enough-how much I admire him and how it’s been a blessing to be a part of his work! Stay tuned! AT: What does this year have in store for you? CP: As mentioned, I have a few projects coming out, and I launched my cosmetic company Sincerely Cosmetics back in December. I’m working towards gaining more influential and prominent roles in films and TV series, all while finding my bliss in everything I do. This summer, I’m also teaching my annual summer camp, the Michael’s Daughter Project, where my students will be creating short films based on stories told to them by senior mentors. I’m expanding Sincerely Cosmetics to boutiques and stores in New York, LA, and Atlanta. I’m developing some projects of my own. I’m staying busy and will continue to be grateful as all of these things unfold!



JULY 2017


JULY 2017


HIIT for Health:

The Easiest Most Effective Workout Method by Aisha Powell

HIIt or high intensity interval training is one of the most intensive workouts that burns calories even after the workout is done (yes you read the right!) In addition to its easiness, HIIT can also be done in less than 10 minutes with the same effect of an hour workout in the gym. 1For busy black women or even just a person who has limited free-time, HIIT can be the 10-minute difference of getting healthier and fit. Here is why you should try HIIT!



You wake, quickly shove breakfast down your throat, commute to work, barely make it on time, go home, do more work, eat dinner and watch TV and go to bed late. Your day is packed with things and you barely have time for yourself, let alone a workout. Luckily, as stated before, HIIT is the perfect addition to your day as it can be fit in anywhere. How HIIT works is, it is short intervals of intense exercise, then a short rest or break followed by another session of intense exercise. 50


The timed sessions can be anywhere from 30-60 seconds of exercise with 10-30 sec rest. Usually to get a good burn you should do interval training for at least 10 minutes up to 30 minutes. Going over 30 minutes, however, can result in injury and won’t be as effective as the shorter times. This small workout time frame can be squeezed into even the busiest schedule and works better for those who can’t dedicate hours into the gym


JULY 2017

One of the biggest benefits of interval training is that while it burns calories during the actual workout, it has an after-burn effect for almost 24 hours post workout. Meaning, even when you finish, your body is still burning fat and your metabolism is working. 3This is more beneficial than walking or running on the treadmill for an hour. Who wouldn’t want a workout that works all day?

No Gym:

As it also will decrease your fat and plaque build-up in arteries and veins (increased with improved diet), incorporating HIIT into your daily routine could help prevent heartattacks, strokes, high cholesterol and other heart related diseases. To try HIIT today there are many workout plans and tips in the market that is as easy as a Google search. Improve your health, life and heart by trying HIIT now! As always, consult your physician before starting any fitness program.

HIIT training has amazing benefits and seems like the perfect way to fit exercise in any day. HIIT is time-efficient, low cost, burns fat and maintains muscles and it burns calories for an entire day. HIIT also helps heart health, which most African Americans have problems/diseases with. By its pace and ability to push people to their anaerobic zone, HIIT improves blood flow to the heart and keeps your heart pumping.

1.http://www.bodiedbyscorp.com/singlepost/2016/12/12/How-Does-the-ProgramWork 2.http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/the-best-time-saving-workout 3.http://www.mensfitness.com/training/protips/3-tips-maxing-out-hiit-workout 4.http://www.jetmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Ab-workout.jpg

A workout plan that saves you money and burns fat seems like a fairy tale, but HIIT does not cease to amaze in that it does just that. It does not require any equipment and can be done all at home. This will save you money from a gym membership and you will feel more comfortable at home. You can always buy equipment like dumbbells or ankle weights to intensify your workout, but it is not necessary.


JULY 2017




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