November 2020 Issue

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5 Ways to enhance your self-care

keep that bronze skin supple this winter


healing inner hurts & brokenness

LOVE YOUR GLOW! take our skincare Q&A

Judith Jacques: The Media Maven Behind Black Women in Media Talks bwim awards + Creating spaces For Black men and women from every industry

“If you don’t know what your passion is, realize that one reason for your existence on earth is to find it.” - Oprah Winfrey


november 2020

Editor’s note Dear Bronze beauties, I hope that this note finds each of you and your loved ones well and safe. Election Day is almost here, marking one of the most important days in the history of this country. Many of you have already cast your votes during early voting and if you have not done so yet please do! Your vote and your voice counts.

Cover Credits: Cover Model: judith jacques Cover Photography: Gabrielle Revere

FOUNDER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Shawn Stuldivant CO-OWNER Barry Stuldivant ISSUE DESIGN BY shawn stuldivant WRITERS nsi amah priyanka hardikar amber johnson chelsea young BRAND PARTNERSHIPS Yaya Rey

With COVID still spreading dangerously among us, it’s crucial that we each do our part in making sure that we are protecting ourselves and our loved ones by wearing our masks, washing our hands and practicing social distancing. My thoughts and prayers go out to you if you’ve lost someone to this virus. And I offer words of comfort to anyone who is struggling or having a hard time coping during these times. It may not seem like it now, but you will get through this. I hope that this month’s issue provides you with even just a bit of inspiration and encouragement. Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving later this month. May we each find something to be grateful and thankful for in our lives.

xoxo, Shawn

5 WAYS TO ENHANCE YOUR SELF-CARE Tips to ease your anxiety about returning back to the workplace.

SHEENA STEWARD The Lifestyle Blogger on how she creates a safe space to talk about mental health.

HOW INNER HURTS AND BROKENNESS AFFECTS YOUR IDENTITY AND LIFE DECISIONS Guest contributor Amber Johnson sheds light on walking in your true purpose authentically .

COVER FEATURE: JUDITH JACQUES The media mogul discusses her passion for storytelling, her greatest professional accomplishment, and Black Women in Media

ANTOINETTE MOORE How the owner of Glam Me More LLC overcame obstacles to create a successful fashion and accessories brand.

KEEP THAT BRONZE SKIN SUPPLE THIS WINTER Small steps you can take with your skincare to beat the cold.


By Nsi Amah

Hey Bronze beauties! Although unemployment remains high, many people have returned to work from furlough. It will take some time for workers to get back in the swing of things after being home for months, so don’t beat yourself up if you are feeling anxious or scared about being around the public again. You are not alone! Here are some tips to help ease your anxiety.

Get out to nature Before getting back to work, start venturing out into nature. Take a hike with friends before it gets too cold or take a walk at your local park. Remember to listen to nature and breathe in the fresh air. Nature is known for soothing the soul and lowering blood pressure. A nice hike is recommended because you will be away from people and you will have enough time to gather your thoughts.

Meditation If you haven’t done so already, meditation should be incorporated in your daily routine. Whether you do it at night or in the morning, meditation can help to enhance your inner awareness, especially on how you are really feeling right now. It will also make you feel grounded, help you stay focused on what’s important, and keep the negative thoughts in check. Remember, this is a practice so it will take time to get into the groove of things. Start small by taking 15 minutes to mediate, then slowly gravitate to a half hour. Some people have been practicing meditation for years and will meditate for an hour, so be patient with yourself!



novEMBER 2020

Taking self care days from work The pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health, especially if there are toxic people around you. Getting back to work can be super overwhelming and you may feel a little unsafe working with the public again. Before getting back to work, it is best to let your manager know about your concerns for your safety. By now, most companies have a safe plan of action for Covid-19. But if you are still feeling overwhelmed, take the necessary steps to arrange some time off. Depending on your employer, you may need to refer to your company’s time-off policy prior to making your request. Once you have the approval, take the much needed time to unwind and get yourself together.

Therapy Now more than ever is the best time to consider seeing a therapist who is professionally trained to assist you with your anxiety and depression. Find someone you can trust and stick to that person. Supportive friends are good to have, however, they are not equipped to deal with mental health issues, so you don’t want to drop everything on them. A licensed therapist will give you the support you need and can even recommend anxiety medication to help you cope with the pandemic. Please don’t be afraid to find a qualified professional you can talk to.

Create a comfy spot at home Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary; make sure it is that. Try cleaning and re-organizing it a bit. Redecorating your home can really help to ease your mind after a hard day, and you will wake up the next morning even more refreshed as well. Create a comfy corner in your home where you can either do yoga or read a book to be at peace. Make it cute and maybe place a small table where you can put a plant or a couple of candles. Any spot will be good to wind down or feel refreshed when you wake up. The key here is to find support and create a safe mental space for you during these challenging times.

Lifestyle Blogger Sheena Steward creates a safe space to talk about mental health

In one of her posts, lifestyle blogger and mental health advocate Sheena Steward shared notes from her first therapy session ten years ago – showing the world the most intimate parts of her past self. Instead of hiding her feelings out of shame, she released them, hoping her journey could help others navigate their own challenges, and heal. Coming from a career in IT recruitment, Sheena initially created her blog “Love At Any Stage” as an extension of her weekly “Date Night” posts, which had gained popularity over Instagram. But it bothered her that the “Date Night” posts only revealed the happy, fun moments in her life, the moments wrapped in a perfect bow. She wanted to tell her full, unfiltered story, so she came up with the sections “Truth Tuesday” and “Public Speaking and Community Service”– her two loves after her marriage. Eventually, she wants to start a podcast that creates a safe space for other people to share their truths as well as a culture where mental health is discussed more openly.



novEMBER 2020

“Truth Tuesday” is Sheena’s safe place to be vulnerable, to address mental health issues and other topics that aren’t always easy to talk about or face. She describes vulnerability as her superpower: as being open to who you genuinely are and being able to express that. Vulnerability – which once felt like weakness to Sheena – has shifted into an act of true courage. Now when Sheena feels shame about something she is writing, it doesn’t overpower her. “Now it’s just another day,” she says, and thinks: I’m going to post it and see what happens. For Sheena, therapy played a key role in her shift from shame to acceptance. Ten years ago, she remembers how anger consumed her when she couldn’t find her car keys – how she could tell something wasn’t right and the source of her anger stemmed from somewhere much deeper. Through therapy, she came to understand that her anger derived from unresolved issues from childhood trauma. She learned that with anxiety and depression and other forms of mental illness, it feels like “your body is at war with your mind, and your mind is against you,” Sheena explains. With anxiety, Sheena likes to use the analogy of a flight attendant – going through each point on the flight safety checklist and asking yourself: “Can I do everything that’s needed? It’s okay to say I’m not equipped to do this,” she says. The list includes safety checks like putting the mask on and breathing, knowing where the emergency exits are, and being honest with yourself about where you are emotionally. She describes it like a temperature check – taking baby steps, dipping the pinky toe inside the water and seeing where you are and how you feel in this moment. It is also remembering that just because you don’t instantly see the change doesn’t mean what you’re doing isn’t working, Sheena says. In one of her “Truth Tuesday” posts, she reminds her readers, “There is love after trauma.” For Sheena, that love turned into raising her twin daughters with her husband and giving back to the community in creative ways. In the days leading up to her October birthday, she started mailing her friends or family members five dollars, a date and the task to do a good deed on that date. Starting in 2014, it became a fun birthday tradition and #snsbdaygooddeed. This year, the good deed just must involve an African American woman or girl, Sheena says. Through her actions, Sheena reminds us to be bold and vulnerable today – and always. We never have to fit in a template or hide who we are. Follow Sheena on Instagram @love_at_any_stage Blog:

“There is love after trauma.”

HOW INNER HURTS AND BROKENNESS AFFECTS YOUR IDENTITY AND LIFE DECISIONS By Amber Johnson Many women are going through a hamster wheel trying to figure out why they cannot seem to get ahead in their career, personal life, finances, or life in general. It all comes down to one question? Have you dealt with that inner hurt or that traumatic situation that seems to keep holding you back? Often, in these situations you have experienced, it is easy to suppress what you do not want to confront. As the clique goes, you cannot heal what you do not reveal. A lot of times women develop what I like to call a false identity to cope with what is really going on with them. And in return it affects their life decisions in major ways. You begin to make decisions from an instant reaction mode instead of a sound mind. You choose people and situations that brings chaos, anxiety, and stress instead of peace, love, and positivity. For example you choose a certain type of guy because you think being with him will make you feel good about yourself, give you the love you’ve been longing for or either that attention or status you have always wanted for yourself, and in actuality you choose him because he’s really a direct reflection of what is going on within you. A lot of times you choose a career path because of the title or amount of money thinking this is what is going to finally define your self-worth and you choose this move with the wrong intentions and motive.



novEMBER 2020

Unhealthy thoughts and behaviors will begin to be broken and you will recognize that a healthy love will never have you compromising your standards or self-worth, or have you comparing yourself to others. A healthy love will help you recognize that hurt, trauma and brokenness is only what happened to you, and you no longer feel trapped by it anymore; you truly feel complete on your own. Selfcare, Self-love, and Self-worth starts inwardly and shows outwardly, effortlessly.

What you choose to do, say, or how you choose to act daily reflects what is taking place on the inside of you. Your identity cannot be birthed, nor can you walk in your true purpose authentically until you have completely healed from your past. The longer you allow the hurt, broken and traumatic issues to lie dormant in you the longer you stay at a standstill or a stagnant place in your life, and you continue to be blinded from your true purpose and identity. When you are in this state of mind, negative characteristic traits begin to develop such as depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, rejection, inferiority, jealousy, and competitiveness. This type of behavior shows on your outward appearance no matter how much you try to hide it. You will know when you begin to heal because your decisions begin to reflect your healed self - you will begin to strive for a balanced life emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially, and you will begin to have healthy boundaries.

"YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU BEGIN TO HEAL BECAUSE YOUR DECISIONS BEGIN TO REFLECT YOUR HEALED SELF." Amber Johnson is a Beauty Coach, Columnist and Speaker. She is passionate about helping women over come hurtful, traumatic areas in their life and help them discover their true beauty from within. For more information visit Amber at website Instagram: TheeBeautyCoach Twitter: TheeBeautyCoach Facebook: Official.AmberJ Public Figure (Facebook): OfficialAmberKrystal

By Chelsea Young

What inspired your drive for entrepreneurship?

How did the media become a major focus in your business?



novEMBER 2020

Why did you create BWIM?

How has COVID impacted your business?

What advice would you give to women looking to break into the media industry or interested in starting their own media business?

How are you practicing self-care during these times? As a media and communications professional, how are you using your power to influence how we as black people perceive one another and the world around us? What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment and why?

What can we expect from this year’s first ever virtual BWIM Con and Awards?

Who inspires you and why?

Complete this sentence: My Bronze is beautiful because....

"I strive to create spaces in which we recognize Black men and women from every industry.."

Antoinette Moore: Founder of Glam Me More LLC

By Chelsea Young Antoinette Moore wanted to work in fashion her entire life. In grade school when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she told her teachers she wanted to be a fashion designer, but like so many others, Antoinette was forced to put her dreams on the backburner to provide for her family. Working as a dental assistant, raising three kids, going to school on and off, getting divorced and remarried, moving to a different state. Antoinette has had a busy life, but none of this stopped her from giving up on working in fashion. In 2016 Antoinette launched her clothing line for the first time under the name Couture Me More. Sadly, the company did not do very well. “The business didn’t really take off how I wanted.” Antoinette explained. “I found it hard to focus while working, raising kids, and attending online classes.” After closing the boutique Antoinette continued to work as a dental assistant. In 2017 she became a certified lash extension stylist and opened “Lash Me More.” In 2019, with a new found faith and more experience behind her, Antoinette launched Glam Me More. Unlike the first company, the name ‘Glam Me More’ allowed me to sell more than clothes.” Antoinette explained. “I combined the new company with ‘Lash Me More’ to sell lashes, shoes, and accessories, in addition to clothes.’ While working to get Glam Me More off the ground, Antoinette was still working as a dental assistant and juggling a household of three kids. However, in March of 2020, COVID-19 hit the U.S. in full force and quarantine protocols forced businesses everywhere to close and millions of jobs lost. Antoinette was among the surge of Americans that found themselves furloughed and applying for unemployment benefits. “I was told that I would hear back from the office in a month or two, back when they didn’t realize how long this would last.” Antoinette stated. With her kids switching to remote learning, an extra $600 in unemployment benefits, and a national quarantine, Antoinette recognized an opportunity to jump into her company and give it her all.



novEMBER 2020

I took advantage of COVID. I really did.” Antoinette explained. “People were saying, ‘You should save your money.’ and I was like, ‘I’ve been saving!’ I wanted to invest in myself.” Antoinette took to social media for promotion and recruited her daughter to help conduct photo shoots of Glam Me More’s products. Their efforts were rewarded, as the company began to gather a following and attract customers. “My husband and daughter could see the results of my hard work and their faith in me encouraged me to keep going.” she said. In July of 2020, Antoinette was officially laid off, and committing to the company became even more vital. Glam Me More is the beginning of a long-awaited career. Antoinette suddenly has the opportunity to focus on the company, her Bachelors in Communications (on track to be completed winter of 2021), and her family.

More than just a variety of products, Glam Me More represents a lifestyle Antoinette wants her company to represent. "I want to inspire women to go after what they want.” Antoinette stated. “I feel like the black community can often shame the idea of asking for or needing help. I believe helping each other is the only way to really grow.” Sharing the powers of manifestation, helping other brands take off, and changing the stigma of asking for help are a few ways Antoinette hopes to touch the hearts and minds of black women. “One of the most powerful things is a made up mind, and whatever you set your mind to, you can do.” Antoinette shares. “In order to get different results you have to do something different.” Stop by “Glam Me More” to see the latest products. For daily inspiration and affirmations follow Glam Me More and Antoinette Moore on Instagram.

Keep that Bronze Skin Supple this Winter By Nsi Amah



novEMBER 2020


Your most common skin concern?

How often do you exfoliate?

Cleanser or soap?

Top 3 fave skincare brands:

Your daily skincare regimen:

“Don’t apologize. Don’t explain. Don’t ever feel less than. When you feel the need to apologize or explain who you are, it means the voice in your head is telling you the wrong story. Wipe the slate clean. And rewrite it.” - Shonda Rhimes

BRONZE @bronzemag

@bronzemagazine website:

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