Covered Spring 2023

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COVERED Spring 2023 BCF celebrates double win at the 2023 Trade Association Forum Awards
02 Covered Spring 2023 Associate
01 British Coatings Federation Ltd Spectra House, Westwood Way Westwood Business Park Coventry, CV4 8HS Email: Website: Telephone: 02476 935 390 Registered in England 745398 Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication, and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers and the promoters will not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. Reproduction of any part of this publication without permission is strictly forbidden. BCF make no recommendation in respect of any of the advertisers, and no recommendation may be implied by way of the presence of their advertisements. Editorial 03 Survey confirms continued high member satisfaction 04 2022 in numbers 07 Rising prices and inflation: Have we reached the peak? 08 Regulation lobbying update 10 Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility 11 BCF Annual Conference 2023 12 BCF celebrates double win at the 2023 Trade Association Forum awards 14 Young Leader of the Year 2022Emma Porter 16 BCF Awards 2023 18 PaintCare: The final push 20 BCF Board of Directors to support ED&I commitment for UK Coatings industry 22 Two-way engagement with CEPE 23 BCF’s Charity Cycle: Ride Warwickshire 24 New members 26 Upcoming events and meetings 27 This publication has been produced with due consideration to the environment, and has been printed by a carbon balanced printer. Paper used for this publication has been recycled - please recycle again after reading. Covered Spring 2023 CONTENTS 04 08 14 18
02 Covered Autumn 2022

The first few months of the year are always pretty depressing, with the cold weather and dull, dark nights, but reflecting on the first quarter, it feels more depressing than most when I look at the state of industry sales, and some of the challenges facing the sector.

However, in the continued spirit of positivity, there are some positives to reflect on. We cover two exceptional young leaders in this edition – you can learn more about Emma Porter from hubergroup UK, winner of BCF’s award last November (pages 16 and 17) and I was really thrilled when our own Amy White won the Trade Association 2023 Rising Star award at the recent Trade Association Forum Awards evening. We also picked up the Good Governance Award, for the board’s long-term strategy to manage and finally eradicate BCF’s pension deficit.

I’m also really pleased with the latest member survey results – we have had some really useful feedback as always on how we can continue to improve – and it is incremental improvements as we were working from a strong base in terms of member engagement. The headline number is 96% of members being satisfied with BCF’s service and support, which is 2% higher than the 2021 survey. We also share your view on BCF’s strengths and weaknesses, and where we should be focussing our lobbying efforts.

I’m also pleased to announce that at the most recent BCF Board meeting in February, our Board of Directors put their full support behind a commitment statement on ED&I, acting as champions of the work of BCF’s ED&I Committee in order to drive change in this area – read the full commitment statement on page 22.

David Park gives an update on raw material prices and inflation, both of which I hope have passed their peaks, and on our lobbying progress on some key topics like UK REACH. I have a meeting with DEFRA’s Chemicals Minister, Rebecca Pow MP at the end of March, where I will put over some of the sector’s concerns on where UK chemical regulations are heading. Wouldn’t it be great if we could build on the Windsor Agreement achieved in Northern Ireland, to get closer and more pragmatic cooperation with the EU on chemicals management? We also cover the new Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility law, which is another major topic that members are going to be hit with in the future.

I’m excited that we are getting closer with our PaintCare plans – now into the final push to get members and retailers to sign up to the PaintCare prospectus, which we are publishing in April, and will outline in detail how PaintCare will work. Steve Snaith shares more details on page 20.

We’ve got lots of events coming up where you can get involved with the BCF. In April you can sign up to join the growing band of Coatings Ambassadors, and learn the skills and tools you’ll need to engage with local schools and colleges. It’s free to take part, so do get involved – see page 21.

We have also just opened the BCF 2023 Awards – members have until early June to enter. You’ll see on page 18 that we have a new award in our Race to Net Zero category, and up to five awards will have dedicated SME entry categories, provided we get enough SME entries. This is to help make a more level playing field, given SMEs cannot always compete with the resources of the major global players.

Our Annual Conference on May 25th is selling out fast, so hurry to secure your place – Full members have a great offer of one heavily discounted place, so do get your tickets now (see page 12).

We’ve also got our charity bike ride on June 23rd, raising money for the Community Heartbeat Trust, our phone box defibrillator charity partner – read all about it on page 24, and get training – it’s a great way to let off steam, given the tough environment we are all facing! I hope to see you at at least one of these great events this year, and do consider entering our awards if you haven’t before.

03 Covered Spring 2023


This year’s BCF member satisfaction survey showed an impressive level of member satisfaction at 96%, up from 94% in our 2021 survey. This means that our overall satisfaction score continues to stay above 90% for the sixth consecutive survey.

The highest satisfaction rating related to our communications to members, closely followed by our lobbying efforts, our engagement work with CEPE and statistics programmes. This tied in well with members’ most valued services with the same top four services.

Crucially, the responses enabled us to see what the priorities are for BCF members, which helps focus our activities

in the coming years. Our continuing communications and support on regulations was by far the most important for members, with lobbying on regulations and our work on sustainability and Net Zero also high up on the agenda

of our members. Networking was clearly a priority for our Associate members and it’s great that we’re back to face to face meetings this year – a welcome relief all round.

04 Covered Spring 2023 SURVEY CONFIRMS
Really great, knowledgeable and dedicated team at BCF across media, events, PA and regulatory affairs.
Just keep on doing what you're doing.

New BCF Website

Our last two surveys highlighted the need for a revamped website. This was needed to improve our proposition to external stakeholders, with clearer information about BCF’s sectors and activities, and a more modern design with additional functionalities to make the website more engaging. This was a priority for 2022, with implementation of a new CMS and linked CRM in October. We asked members how they rated the website and we’ve already started addressing some of the issues raised.

05 Covered Spring 2023
The personal relationship is the most powerful attitude you have.
member of BCF adds additional creditability for our business, and the communication, support, guidance and stats that we receive from being a member is exceptional.

Our members perceived the biggest threats to the BCF being consolidation in the industry, loss of membership due to increased costs, diminishing influence in the EU and shrinking manufacturing output in the UK. An ageing workforce was also seen as a big threat and is certainly one that the BCF is addressing with focused effort on promoting a career in coatings to Schools and Universities through our Ambassador programmes. Sustainability and the drive to Net Zero was listed as both an opportunity and a threat and again – something that is being addressed by the BCF with the recruitment of a dedicated Sustainability Manager in Q2.

We’d like to thank all members who participated in this year’s survey - your feedback is vital to us delivering what is important to you.

BCF members’ SWOT analysis


REGULATORY INFORMATION are our top 3 strengths



51% of respondents reported that BCF has no weaknesses


CHANGING REGULATION AND LEGISLATION is our biggest percieved threat

06 Covered Spring 2023

We held 39 in-person meetings

27 virtual meetings were held

970 member communications

610 jobs posted on our jobs board

165 CTI training modules sold

257,114 views on the BCF website

7 meetings with UK Government Ministers

1,509 attendees at 62 BCF committee/ board meetings and events

96% BCF Full membership renewal

240 BCF mentions in the media

32 meetings with UK Government departments/ officials

226,506 social media impressions

90% increase in BCF website logins over 2021

10 BCF mentions in national press

80 meetings with UK-based trade assocations

07 Covered Spring 2023

The ongoing Russian war in Ukraine has impacted heavily on gas supply, and therefore prices, across Europe. In the UK, this has also meant electricity costs being raised substantially too, as we are extremely reliant on gas for electricity generation. We know that members have been struggling with increased energy costs over the past year, not just in terms of direct bills but also as consumers’ cost of living has increased, leading to a lessening of demand for many non-essential household purchases.

Last October, the Government introduced two energy support packages: one for consumers,

and one businesses. The former capped unit costs and offered payments to households: the latter capped the unit cost of gas and electricity for all businesses until the end of March 2023. However, energy prices did not, in the end, rise as much as forecasts had initially suggested and so most businesses seem not to have benefitted from the terms of the scheme.

The Government had been clear that any further support beyond March 2023 would be more limited. The Business Department carried out a survey of companies at the end of last year to try to refine what any new post-


March package – if one was to be created at all – would look like. Thank you to those BCF members who took part in that survey at what was very short notice – that data helped shape the new scheme announced earlier this year by the Chancellor.

However, the new scheme does not measure up to its predecessor. While it will last for twelve months, it is capped at £5.5bn. The support is less than that available over the last six months and is largely confined to sectors previously deemed to be ‘energy-intensive.’ So, whilst BCF wallpaper manufacturers qualify for this energyintensive support, other BCF members seem unlikely to benefit beyond the basic scheme which, again, offers little with the present support rate caps.

The glimmer of hope is that wholesale gas prices have now fallen to levels just before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and have almost halved since the current scheme was announced. We can but hope that this trend continues but energy price costs, and possible large fluctuations, will no doubt continue to

expected tax income receipts in January, this means the Chancellor of the Exchequer may have some room for manoeuvre come the Budget on 15th March.

The last year has seen a hokey-kokey approach to Government financial and fiscal measures. Johnson and Sunak raised NI contributions and Corporation Tax in the Spring (right leg in). Truss and Kwarteng cut them in October (right leg out), only for Sunak and Hunt to raise them again (in) last November. Given the possibility of financial headroom we may see the right leg out again, possibly with a reduction to planned Corporation Tax increases. We shall have to see. In terms of other possible Budget measures, BCF has added its voice to that of Make UK and CBI calling for some sort of package to reward capital investment. We have been promised something along these lines for the past three years in previous Budgets and fiscal statements and, hopefully, we might finally see something delivered.

Regulation lobbying update

At the end of January, BCF hosted some of the senior HSE chemicals team officials at our Spectra House HQ to discuss the development of UK Biocides policy. Together with other trade association representatives of the Alliance of Chemicals Associations (ACA) we had a detailed and productive discussion about priorities for us as a sector and what they as regulators wanted to see. Conversations at meetings like this are extremely helpful in terms of saving time later on, having to amend draft regulations or legislation. And the fact the HSE are willing to engage with us at such a senior level, and to be pragmatic in their general approach is something we have been grateful for thus far.

At that meeting we also touched on the UK’s future approach for CLP. The HSE confirmed that it had attended the December meeting of the United Nation GHS. HSE has said it will consult with a range of policy and technical experts to assist in the development of UK views on the issues as they are raised at the forum. However, they also confirmed to us that there are no plans to establish additional hazard classes in the GB CLP Regulation without consensus at the UN GHS. With the EU looking to move ahead on its own in this area, this suggests there may well be increased divergence between the EU and UK on CLP in future.

Finally, we continue to work behind the scenes in order to try to find a practicable solution to UK REACH.

BCF’s CEO, Tom Bowtell, sits on a Defra Steering Group on the subject, while we are also represented on the technical working group. The aim is still to find a compromise whereby Defra and the regulator feel

they have enough information to manage a stand-alone UK chemicals regime, but one built on foundations that does not include wholesale re-registration of all chemical substances with full data dossiers, and all the cost that implies to industry. We have been keen to link BCF companies with the new consultants Defra have engaged to help them work through the implications of a possible alternative REACH registration model. This is because we want Defra to properly understand the impact on formulators and downstream users of chemicals, as well as SMEs, of any future scheme. Thank you to those who responded positively.

10 Covered Spring 2023

Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility

We have known for a couple of years that Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging was coming, built on the ‘polluter pays’ principal. The EU had already mandated that EPR schemes be introduced across its own area, with individual Member States initiating their own, different schemes. It has been delayed in the UK once but its arrival is now imminent.

The aim of the scheme is twofold: firstly to change behaviour and either reduce the amount of packaging used, or drive a shift to more recyclable materials; but, secondly, to make producers cover the entire cost of collecting UK household waste (and bin waste from streets), with the Government saying it is right that the businesses who produce the packaging pay for its disposal. The collection of trade waste will be introduced to the scheme at a later date.

Manufacturers have differing degrees of responsibility and cost associated under the scheme, depending upon their turnover and the amount of packaging they use. While some BCF members may fall into the ‘de minimis’ threshold that will not require even registering, it is likely most will be required to at least register with the scheme and report the amount of packaging they use. Larger members will fall into the bracket where they not only record and report their packaging use but will have to pay the new EPR fees, which will be on top of the PRN system already in use. The new fee will cover the cost of househould waste collection while the PRN income will continue to feed development of recycling infrastructure across the country.

BCF has been updating members on all the requirements being sent out from Defra, from formal guidance to FAQs and tips. However, as with the Plastic Packaging Tax, much of the detail, and indeed the reporting systems, have still not been finalised, making a bureaucratic system even more difficult to get to grips with. And, of course, the added costs come at an extremely difficult time in the midst of a cost of living crisis.

In theory, any business that rank above the ‘de minimis’ threshold should have been collecting their packaging data from 1st January 2023, ready for the first reporting deadlines later this year. If members have not yet checked whether they need to register with the EPR scheme, or how they need to collect data, they should urgently look at the Defra website where guidance is given. David Park at BCF can offer support should there be any queries and he can be contacted via

Covered Spring 2023


SPONSORED BY Lead Sponsor Thursday 25th May Radisson Blu East Midlands Airport Package Member price (exc accommodation) Member price (inc accommodation) Package 1: There is a special offer for each BCF Full member company to have one heavily discounted place at the 2023 Conference. £60 (+ VAT) £199 (+ VAT) Package 2: Standard BCF Annual Conference £435 (+ VAT) £549 (+ VAT) 12 Covered Spring 2023 View our full programme and book here:

Keynote speaker

Stacey Copeland, Boxer & Commonwealth Champion

Stacey Copeland has represented her country in two sports, football and boxing. As a footballer Stacey represented England U18’s, played in the English women’s premier league, and also played abroad in America, Brazil and Sweden. As a boxer Stacey won a European silver medal before turning professional and making history in 2018 when she became the first ever British woman to win the Commonwealth title. In 2017 she founded Pave The Way, a charity which aims to lift barriers to human potential by challenging gender stereotypes of boys, girls, men and women . Stacey delivers talks in schools, communities, and businesses, and has spoken at European Parliament and the United Nations. She is a broadcaster on BBC Radio Manchester and recently won the ‘Emerging Talent’ award at the O2 media awards for presenting the ‘Paving The Way’ television series on Granada Reports.

Andrea Boltho, Oxford Economics

Global political and economic outlook

Graeme Chaplin, Bank of England

Economic outlook for the UK economy

Steve Elliott, CIA

Dr Ioana Colfescu, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, (NCAS)

The scientific reality of climate change and its impact

Liam Hardy, Green Alliance Net Zero and the chemicals sector: an NGO perspective

Conference speakers Evening entertainment

How the chemical supply chain is building a sustainable foundation for the sector’s journey to Net Zero

Tom Bowtell, CEO, BCF BCF review and outlook for the year

Discussion Panel - Why create a more diverse workforce in the UK coatings and printing ink sector?

Daliso Chaponda is a versatile writer and comedian who regularly performs across Africa and in the UK. He is a versatile comedian and in one week performed a set in silhouettes strip club in Birmingham and then, two days later did an all-ages one hour show about faith and family at the 2007 Greenbelt Christian Festival. ‘Everything is funny’ he told a reporter from iafrica. com. ‘why restrict yourself?’

Daliso has also been known to jump on planes and tell jokes anywhere on the globe (even on the planes - whether the passenger next to him wants to listen or not). He has been part of the Melbourne, Edinburgh and Cape town festivals.

In 2011 Daliso began a project called ‘laughrica’, a one man show in Malawi and followed it up with appearances in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Nigeria. Daliso has performed in countries as diverse as Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka to Jordan, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Romania and the Czech Republic. Daliso continues to dominate the African comedy scene. He recently performed in front of over two thousand people at the Standup Africa concert in Johannesburg, South Africa as well as also performing at the sell-out presidents of Laughrica shows in Malawi.

Daliso Chaponda, 2017 Britain’s Got Talent Finalist & Golden Buzzer winner Lisa Kelly, BASF Sharon Harte, Dacrylate Paints Emma Stark, Sherwin Williams Consumer Brands Group Shaun Vyfhuis, Pearn Kandola Justine Fosh, Cogent Skills
13 Covered Spring 2023
Jack Painter, WISE

BCF celebrates double win at the 2023 Trade Association Forum Awards

The British Coatings Federation (BCF) achieved a double win in both of their shortlisted categories, Good Governance and Rising Star, at the 2023 Trade Association Forum (TAF) Awards in front of over 300 delegates.

BCF picked up the award for Good Governance at the prestigious Trade Association Forum Awards for their work to reduce their pension deficit, which was the major financial issue facing BCF in the past 10 years. Through the delivery of a clear strategy and long-term prudent financial management by the BCF Board of Directors –combined with leadership from BCF to grow membership and commercial income –the BCF Pension Scheme Trustees were finally able to sell the pension scheme without any additional investment from the BCF’s reserves in 2022.

BCF Senior Marketing and Design Executive, Amy White, was also named the sector’s Rising Star.

Covered Spring 2023

“At just 24 years old, Amy has outstanding creativity and design skills, and has created fantastic in-house marketing outputs for the Federation, together with her colleague Sophie Dunham – which have delivered significant growth in BCF’s press coverage and social media statistics. I am thrilled for Amy for this much deserved recognition so early in her career.” commented Tom Bowtell, BCF’s CEO.

Now in its 20th year, the Trade Association Forum Awards 2023 are supported by the Department of Business and Trade, and recognise excellence, innovation and best practice amongst Trade Associations in the UK.

Emily Wallace, Chief Executive of the Trade Association Forum and Chair of the judging panel commented;

Covered Spring 2023
“Through good governance and a clear strategy, the BCF have dealt with their pensions deficit and strengthened the financial position of the association in an impressive and impactful way. Amy impressed the judges with her professional approach and commitment to take on more responsibility and develop her skills and is definitely one to watch.”
BCF Senior Marketing & Design Executive Amy White winning the Rising Star Award

Young Leader of the Year 2022Emma Porter

We caught up with our most recent winner of BCF’s Young Leader of the Year Award, Emma Porter of hubergroup UK, to find out more about her role and career to date.

Tell us about the role you have at hubergroup UK

My role as Health and Safety, Quality and Environmental Systems Manager requires me to oversee the Integrated Management Systems for the company. I have to have an understanding of the regulatory and legal requirements, industry best practice, ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and EuPIA GMP standards. This is to ensure that they are implemented and that there is an efficient management system that supports the company objectives and also providing a safe place of work.

Explain your background and how your career has progressed so far

I started my career with hubergroup UK as an assistant to the HSQE Manager in 2015 with no prior knowledge of the role, I then focused on taking in as much information, learning and studying and through hard work and dedication throughout the years I was promoted to HSQE Systems Manager in 2019.

How would you describe your leadership style?

I would describe my leadership style as a combination of affiliative,

I will use the transformational style of leadership to inspire and motivate employees towards implementing the changes required.

The affiliative & democratic style of leadership for example, I would use for the follow-up on investigations of incidents in the workplace to encourage employees to work in harmony, to acquire their input, to help solve any conflict and to promote a happy, safe, effective and positive working environment.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome to date?

democratic and transformational, I use these three different styles based on the needs of the organisation or task at hand. For example, when the company is going through a period of change,

The biggest yet rewarding challenge has been digitalising system processes, I did this by studying and learning the use of PowerApps and PowerAutomate and took action to design the applications, implement and issue them out to the workforce to test drive. Feedback and suggestions from my colleagues helped improve these systems to enable the applications to be user-friendly. These are now part of day-to-day use for our company.

16 Covered Spring 2023

What is your biggest career achievement to date?

My biggest career achievement was when I managed to help the company to significantly reduce costs by evaluating the environmental systems and statistics on where the company could improve, and reviewing current rates and usages to evaluate and identify the areas to set improvements and objectives. Another great achievement is successfully obtaining certification for the external audits ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001 for hubergroup UK with zero nonconformances for 4 years in a row.

How did it feel to be nominated by your colleagues and to then win the BCF Young Leader of the Year Award in October?

I was thrilled to be nominated by my colleagues for the award, it is always wonderful to be recognised for what you do. Hearing and reading about the talented Young Leaders that were up for nomination was inspiring, I felt honoured to win the BCF Young Leader of the Year Award and to be recognised for the hard work and dedication I have put into my role at hubergroup UK. I felt inspired to

continue my journey to further my knowledge not only for myself but to also pass it along to others to inspire them.

Finally, what advice would you give to other aspiring young leaders in the sector?

Never stop learning whether that is from studying, being mentored or improving your own personal growth.

“Strive not to be a success, but rathertobeofvalue”–AlbertEinstein.

We’d like to thank Emma for her time in speaking to us about her Award win, and congratulate her once again!

for the 2023 Young Leader of the

What are your aspirations for your future career in the industry?

I aspire to continue to evolve my skills and knowledge to aid the integrated management systems and continue to provide efficient solutions not only for hubergroup UK but also for other sister companies.

Year Award are now open! If you think your colleague should be our next Young Leader of the Year, please visit our webpage below to enter:

The 2023 BCF Awards are now open for entries!

Many thanks to our sponsors, Stort Chemicals, BASF, The Paint Foundation, Verlingue, Synthomer, Xyntra, Fenton Packaging, Tronox, GDB International and Crusader Vehicle Leasing who make the event possible. Thanks also to all our independent award judges.

This year’s award categories are as follows:

Sustainable Innovation Award

Sponsored by: The Sustainable Innovation Award recognises and celebrates commitment to the BCF Sustainability Policy through the launch of innovative and sustainable products, processes or services.


Race to Net Zero Award

Sponsored by:The Sustainable Innovation Award recognises and celebrates commitment to the BCF Sustainability Policy through the launch of innovative and sustainable products, processes or services.

Student of the Year Award

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This award is presented to the CTI student who, in the opinion of the tutors of BCF’s Coatings Training Institute, has consistently demonstrated the highest level of understanding and achieved outstanding scores in examinations and practical work when completing their training modules. There is no entry process for these awards.

Young Leader of the Year Award

Sponsored by:

Thursday 19th The Grand Hotel,

Diversity and Inclusion Award

Now in its fifth year, the BCF’s Young Leader of the Year Award will recognise an exceptional individual under the age of 35 working within a BCF member company who has proved to be an effective, innovative and impactful leader.

Sponsored by: The Diversity and Inclusion Award will be awarded to a BCF member company that best demonstrates an effective programme across a broad range of diversity and inclusion elements.

Covered Spring

Excellence in Training Award

The BCF Excellence in Training Award is presented for a company initiative rather than individual (which is recognised through the Student of the Year Award). Now in its fifth year, entries for both BCF training and non BCF initiatives will be considered.

Marketing Campaign of the Year Award

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19th October

Hotel, Birmingham

Corporate Social Responsibility Award

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award will be given to a BCF member company which, in the opinion of the judges, has clearly demonstrated an outstanding and successful charity or CSR campaign across any aspect of social responsibility.

The Marketing Campaign of the Year will be awarded to a BCF member company that has produced and delivered an innovative and effective marketing campaign that clearly meets organisational goals.

Coatings Care Overall Best Performer Award

The Coatings Care Overall Best Performer Award is presented to the company that has demonstrated best in class performance across a range of key performance indicators, including VOC emissions, energy consumption, waste and recycling, and accident and incident statistics.

Coatings Care Progress Award

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The Coatings Care Progress Award is presented to the company that has made the most significant year on year improvement in its performance on the same health, safety and environmental criteria as above.

Apprentice of the Year Award

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Customer Service Award

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Apprentice of the Year will be awarded to an apprentice currently employed at a BCF member company who best demonstrates how they’ve used their apprenticeship to achieve great personal and professional development. The judges will also consider how the apprentice has added value to the workplace and to the industry through their hard work and dedication.

BCF’s Customer Service Award recognises the growing importance of customer service as a differentiator in the paints, coatings, inks and wallcovering industries.

Deadline for entries is Friday 5th May.

To enter, please visit:

Covered Spring 2023


The focus this period has been on the identification of suitable routes for treatment of leftover paint after collection to allow startup of the programme at scale. Work has also started on the development of a detailed operational plan for PaintCare which will take the high level PaintCare vision, strategy and targets into a fully detailed plan for the operation and delivery of the programme.

Treatment of leftover paint and packaging

Recognising the shortage of capacity to remanufacture leftover paint in the UK in the short term, a range of routes used across the world has been evaluated and opportunities identified to start up the programme at scale in the UK. This shortage of leftover paint reprocessing capacity in the UK will mean that routes used to treat leftover paint at the launch of the programme may need to be very different to the final desired state. The PaintCare target to remanufacture 75% of leftover paint in the UK by 2030 remains unchanged.

A visit was made to see GDB International’s facilities in the USA and to share the PaintCare UK vision with them. GDB is the largest paint remanufacturer in the USA and works closely with PaintCare USA, remanufacturing millions of gallons of leftover paint each year. They have expressed an interest in engaging with the PaintCare programme in the UK and this is being followed up.

Routes and operators have now been identified for recycling of the packaging collected through PaintCare with metal containers being sent for recycling and plastic paint containers being sent for recycling back into new plastic paint containers.

Carbon footprint

Work with Resource Futures on estimating the carbon footprint of the options under consideration for treatment of leftover paint including that of the current outcomes for leftover paint is nearing completion. The work also includes the carbon footprint of the collection process and separately the impact of metal and plastic packaging and its recycling. The production and use of remanufactured paint and recycled packaging shows significant reductions in carbon emissions compared to ‘virgin’ production even after collection of the leftover paint and associated packaging.


There is now a frequent and increasing dialogue with local authorities and HWRCs who want to start up with PaintCare now, and work is underway to develop the implementation plan with appropriate sites. There is also continued high interest from retailers.

Operating plan

Having developed a costed higher level vision, strategy, and operating model, there is now a need to develop a detailed operating plan for PaintCare to record the details of how PaintCare will operate in practice. We have engaged Valpak who have significant experience of developing and managing recycling schemes similar in principle to PaintCare to help develop this detailed operating plan. Valpak have experience in packaging recycling schemes, battery recycling schemes and the national cup recycling scheme for paper cups.

This plan will detail how the scheme will operate, the responsibilities of all parties involved in the programme from HWRCS, paint retailers and distributors, manufacturers, haulage contractors and remanufacturers. It will provide model contract templates for discussion with each party. Finally, it will identify the necessary data, data collection methods, analysis and reporting needs together with the necessary auditing methods and processes to ensure an efficient scheme delivering the agreed objectives with a fully transparent process. This operating plan and report will be available by the end of March 2023.

Next steps

• Continued stakeholder engagement

• Development of detailed operating plan - March 2023

• Consult with paint manufacturers and retailers to formally agree to PaintCare plan – End Q2 2023

• Consult with other stakeholders (Government, local authorities, waste sector) - End Q2 2023

• Decision to launch based on industry commitmentBCF Board Meeting, end Q2 2023

• Phase 1 rollout early 2024

Visit the PaintCare website:
Covered Spring 2023

Coatings Ambassadors

Date: 25th April 2023, 10am – 3pm (with breaks and lunch provided)

Venue: British Coatings Federation Ltd

Spectra House, Westwood Way

Westwood Business Park

Coventry CV4 8HS

We are pleased to announce that we will once again be running our Coatings Ambassador training workshop. BCF has partnered with the Surface Coatings Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, PRA and OCCA to create a national network of ambassadors for the coatings industry.

The coatings industry is exciting and varied, at the heart of several advanced manufacturing technologies in the UK and worldwide. Our industry contributes £200 billion to UK GDP and is essential to everyday life, from protecting our cars from rust to the paint in our homes. However, with an ageing workforce, we need to inspire the next generation to see the world of opportunities that the coatings industry can provide.

Through our programme, we hope to show the younger generation the many benefits of working in coatings and create a national network of ambassadors. The training, delivered by Cogent Skills, is designed to equip these ambassadors with the skills and materials to run their own sessions at schools and universities.

We only have 20 places available for the workshop. If you have attended one of our previous workshops and have colleagues who would also benefit from becoming an ambassador, please pass on these details and ask them to get in touch.

21 Covered Spring 2023
Partnered with

BCF Board of Directors to support ED&I Commitment for UK Coatings industry

In the latest BCF Board of Directors meeting held in February, senior representatives of the UK Coatings and printing inks industries unanimously agreed to support a commitment statement drafted by BCF’s ED&I Committee. This marks the first step in a collective commitment to work towards a more inclusive industry and will underpin the work of the committee moving forward.

ED&I will also be a key topic at the upcoming BCF Annual Conference in May, with representatives from the BCF Board and the ED&I Committee taking part in a panel discussion on creating a more diverse workforce in the UK coatings and printing ink sector.

The Board agreed with the following commitments:

We commit to supporting our members to make the UK coatings industry successful in utilising the key principles of ED&I and driving change.

We commit to embedding culture and learning throughout the industry by sharing best practices with our peers and learning from those who have made a positive impact.

We will support BCF members to create a truly inclusive culture representative of the local community.

BCF Board of Directors will act as champions of this commitment as senior representatives of the UK coatings industry.

Covered Spring 2023

Two-way engagement with CEPE

Now that the UK is no longer a part of the EU our engagement with our sister coatings association in Europe – The European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist’s Colours Industry (CEPE) - is more important than ever. In addition to taking part in the usual various technical groups and committees we are also pleased to play a role in the new public affairs group and various other new working groups across a range of topics. The CEPE monthly regulatory update is a key date in our technical teams’ diaries, giving us an opportunity to keep up to speed with upcoming changes in chemical and other relevant regulations in the EU. If members’ in-house regulatory teams would like to join those calls, please get in touch for details.

Of course, it is not all one-way traffic - EU companies also now need to keep abreast of what the UK is doing now it has its own independent chemicals regime. Back in January, David Park and Ciara Dempsey, BCF’s Public Affairs and Regulatory Affairs Managers respectively, hosted a webinar for EU-based companies on ‘UK chemicals regulations post-Brexit.’ It summarised the UK’s approach to REACH, CLP and Biocides policy, as well as looking at how the UK’s own chemicals strategy was developing. Where we still do not know a lot of detail, e.g. on transitional substance registration models for UK REACH, it is clear that there will be an increasing amount of divergence between the two systems, if only because the UK is taking time to decide on what to do, normally looking at what the EU is doing first. This type of update will become a regular feature of our cooperation with CEPE in future.

Covered Spring 2023

BCF’s Charity Cycle: Ride Warwickshire

In support of Sponsored by: Registration is now open! BCF's Charity Cycle is back for another year! The ride is taking place on Friday 23rd June starting at the BCF's offices in Coventry. Covered Spring 2023
Friday 23rd June 2023

What are the routes?

The route will start at the BCF office, Spectra House in Coventry, and take in the scenic countryside and villages through Warwickshire. There will be three distances available - 100km, 52km & 35km. The 100km & 52km rides will require grit and endurance to get to the finish line, whilst the 35km is a nice gentle ride that will challenge the novice. We’re hopeful that with this choice of level, you and a team of colleagues will be able to participate.

Who can ride?

The entry fee is £50 (+VAT) per rider, which includes your cycle jersey and goodie bag. To be guaranteed the jersey size of your choice, you need to enter by 7th April 2023. Entries are open to individuals or teams, and members can register on our website.

The event is not limited to BCF members though so please share the invite with your contacts outside of BCF membership, family and friends! Any non-members can register via Belle Lake at who will be pleased to help with any queries.

Not riding, but would still like to help?

To make our Charity Cycle event possible, we need the help of volunteers to help us run the day smoothly.

If you could help us, we have a number of opportunities available. Please contact Belle Lake at

Thank you to ASFP for volunteering to help run the day and the broom van, and to Community Heartbeat Trust for first aid support on the day.

Enter here and guarantee your jersey size by 7th April: 25 Covered Spring 2023

New members

We are proud to announce that despite a challenging year, the BCF has achieved 96% retention of its Full members. If you would like to find out more about the opportunities available to our members, and the support we provide, please contact Ali Brown at:

Associate members

Friedheim International Ltd

‘WAB Mixers & Millers are represented in the UK by Friedheim International for all equipment, spares, consumables, & servicing requirements. Our Service & Spares team have been supplying the Print industries & manufacturing sectors since 1884 - we have experienced engineers, expert partners and a trusted reputation. WAB is the global leader for Agitator Bead-Mills & 3D ShakerMixers through state-of-the-art manufacturing and a second-to-none application knowledge, with wellestablished products DYNO-MILL®, TURBULA®, and DynaMIX®’

Bluewater Training & Consultancy Ltd

At Bluewater, we believe your people are your greatest asset. We take pride in seeing them reach their full potential through our leadership development programmes, soft skills, coaching and Health and Safety training.

We take the time to understand your unique requirements, designing and delivering online and inperson training for all levels within your organisation – leaders, managers and individual contributors. Our consultancy approach means our services suit your needs both now and in the future.

Vibro-Mac Srl

Vibro-Mac S.r.l. is an Italian family business established in 1968, specialized in planning and designing machinery and turn-key plants for various industrial fields, such as paints and varnishes, inks, putties, sealants and adhesives, pesticides, semi-finished products for coating with rubber, PVC, polyurethanes, chemical products. Basket mills, dissolvers, mixers and production plants are tailor-made according to our customers’ specific requests and supplied with detailed engineering and automatic systems to control production quality in each single stage.

Crusader Vehicle Leasing

Since 2004, Crusader Vehicle Leasing have been providing time-saving and affordable van leasing solutions for small and large companies alike. Crusader has partnerships with leading asset finance and contract hire providers, guaranteeing the best choice of finance options. Combining this with our relationships with all the major vehicle manufacturers, Crusader gets you the right van for your business, coupled with the correct finance option. With dedicated account management, all your vehicle needs are in safe hands.

26 Covered Spring 2023

Upcoming events and meetings

All BCF meeting are now face-to-face at our offices in Coventry unless otherwise stated.

March Visit our website to keep up to date with latests meetings, events and to register.

April May

27 Covered Spring 2023

Coatings Puzzler


2. A component added to paint (6)

6. A type of boat treatment (8)

8. A type of paint finish (5)

9. A coloured material that is completely or nearly insoluble in water (7)


1. A toxic substance used in Victorian wallpaper (7)

3. A type of coating applied to metal (4)

4. In which century was wallpaper invented (10)

5. A _____ -borne products typically contain high levels of Volatile Organic Compound (7)

7. When the paint fails to form a continuous film on the surface (7)


Made in Solingen / Germany




Colour Wheel

Silk Coatings


Antifoul Inks




Printing Conference


Why join the BCF?

1 Regulatory support and advice

2 Influence regulatory issues

5Access to comprehensive statistics

3 Information on UK/EU regulations

4 Take part in the Coatings Care sustainability programme

8 Manage reputation risk

6 Raising your profile in the industry

7 Networkbe part of the UK coatings industry

9 BCF badge adds credibility

10 Discounts on training/ partnerships

29 Covered Spring 2023
+ + + +
COATINGS CAREERS HUB A single point solution for the recruitment, employment and upskilling of your Apprentices Industry relevant qualifications that will incorporate BCF Product Knowledge Modules Integrating work and education in a cost-effective way to invest in your future
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