November Connection

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MEMBER PROFILE Signs & Wonders, Inc. Pg. 8


BISMARCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS New Innovation Pathway Program Pg. 12

2021 ANNUAL DINNER Keynote Speaker Announced Pg. 15



Brian Eiseman .....................................................................Chair Val Weigel ..................................................................Vice Chair Kevin Strege .................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Molly Herrington ....................................................... Past Chair


Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Heather Fried ....................State Farm - Fried Financial Services Molly Herrington .........................................................Individual Chris Jones ...................................ND Dept. of Human Services Amber Larson.....................................................City of Mandan Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Jim Peluso .........................................................Burleigh County Marnie Piehl ...........................................Bismarck State College Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Cody Schulz ........................................................Morton County Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Capital Credit Union Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Christine Nelson .........................Program & Marketing Director Ryan Parsons ........................................................Vice President Rebecca Rattei .................................Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Lyndsey Scheurer .........................Creative Marketing Specialist Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Josie Smyle ..............................Membership and Events Intern Cathryn Sprynczynatyk .....................Communications Specialist Joan Trygg ...........................Membership Engagement Director 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 •

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Rattei

Advertising Christine Nelson

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2 4 Connection

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ear Chamber EDC Members,

By the time you read this, the election(s) will be over or nearly over. And depending upon your political bent, that means you’re either very happy or very sad. That’s just the way elections go. Regardless of the outcome, rest assured the Chamber EDC will continue to advocate for business no matter who sits in office. Case and point. If you saw last month’s edition of the Connection, you saw our Legislative Candidate Profiles for those candidates seeking election in one of the Bismarck-Mandan area’s legislative districts. The Chamber EDC Team did a tremendous job of presenting the information in an unbiased fashion, giving each candidate the same opportunity to answer the same questions. I also want to point out that while the Chamber EDC may take a position on legislative issues, ballot measures, etc. we do NOT endorse individual candidates. Our Board of Directors took up this question again just last year and decided that we would still not endorse candidates. In that meeting, the message was clear: the Chamber EDC will work with anyone, regardless of party or political affiliation, to move Bismarck-Mandan forward. Staying on the topic of our advocacy work, at the state level, we will be holding discussions with the Bismarck-Mandan Legislative Delegation over the coming weeks to communicate our 2021 Legislative Agenda. You’ll recall that the Chamber EDC’s Board of Directors recently passed our 2021 Legislative Agenda that will focus on two main priorities; the ability to seek voter approval of a street utility tax as an alternative to special assessments and COVID-19 business assistance. There are certainly more items than that included in the Legislative Agenda which is why we need to work in partnership with the Legislative Delegation to ensure that they know exactly we’re advocating for and hopefully, where we can partner or seek their support. At the local level, this Election Day (November 3) is also the same day as the 2020 State of the Cities. Held from 7:30am – 9:00am, attendees will join the event virtually for an opportunity to hear from both Mayors Bakken and Helbling as to their outlooks for their respective cities. We’ll follow that up with panels that include leaders from Bismarck-Mandan schools and parks to talk about new developments in their areas. Head to to register if you haven’t already. We know we’ve got a big job in front of us as we look to boost our economic recovery. The Chamber EDC will lead our community’s efforts to do just that and these tools will allow all of you to help in that process as well. In order for us to be successful, we’ll need all hands on deck and we’re looking forward to working with all of you.

Brian Eiseman Chair, Board of Directors @bismancedc

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NEW BSC PRESIDENT LAYS OUT HIS VISION By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Dr. Doug Jensen became the seventh President of Bismarck State College in July. He sat down with Connection magazine to discuss how BSC is at the intersection of workforce development, economic development, and community development. Q: I UNDERSTAND YOU WENT TO A COMMUNITY COLLEGE. HOW DID A COMMUNITY COLLEGE EDUCATION IMPACT YOUR LIFE? A: I was born and raised in Pittsburgh. My father passed away when I was 12. He was a machinist. Shortly thereafter, my mother and I moved into public housing. She passed away shortly after I graduated from high school. My mom was a welfare mom. I grew up in public housing. I never really dreamed or thought about going to college. My goal was to graduate from high school and get a job at U.S. Steel. There was great quality of life for people who worked there and raised their families. The economy was starting to collapse, and the steel mills were starting to shut down ... Job opportunities were very sparse. I was struggling trying to keep a roof over my head and food in the refrigerator. I ran into a former high school teacher who taught also at the local community college. She kept encouraging me to come to the local community college, because they had dislocated workers program. I kept refusing because I didn’t see myself in college ... The college was only 11 miles away, but it was 2-hour bus ride. I had to take a bus from the housing projects where I live to the mall with all of its stops to the downtown with all of its stops to the college. I remember going to that local community college. I had this overwhelming sense of fear that I didn’t belong there ...

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Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick

Dr. Doug Jensen began his career at a community college, even though he never planned to go to college at all.

A community college is somewhere you go where people will believe in you before you are capable of believing in yourself. People saw a future in me that I was not able to see in myself… It was difficult. I had to face another set of realities. I was not prepared for college. The last thing I needed was another institution telling me I was not worthy ... When I graduated from that community college, I was actually able to be employed there — taking care of animals in biology lab all the way to becoming an assistant dean in charge of off-campus operations. The capstone toward the end of my career there, they wanted to open an off-campus operation in the community I was born in. I was given an opportunity to build that facility and design it to meet the needs of the community. On opening day I thought, “I am now standing on the other side of that door from years earlier.” I understand that fear that many people have. People ask me, “How do you see the college? Do you see it from an administrative perspective?” I see the college from the same set of scared eyes as that young man who walked through the door. It wasn’t that I was that student. I am that student.

CONNECTION | FEATURE Q: WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE? A: The operative word in a community college is that word community. Everyone knows Bismarck State College is a community college. More importantly, Bismarck State College is this community’s college. A friend told me about a college in North Dakota that wanted to be a polytechnic institution. I had been working to try to do that. Only approximately 3 percent of institutions in the United States have the designation of a polytechnic institution ...

Photo Credit: Bismarck State College

Dr. Doug Jensen said, “The operative word in a community college is that word community.”

I have spent a lot of my career focused on trying to change the conversation from “education is a public expense” to “education is an economic investment.” When you leverage the public resources of a community college with the private sector resources and assets to address needs, you can make a big economic impact in the area.

Infographic courtesy of Bismarck State College

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FEATURE | CONNECTION Q: WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE AS A POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION? A: My vision is to expand on the public-partnerships that exist. To build the education and training programs that are needed by this region. To build stronger K-12 relationships so we can start some of this education pathways while students are still in high school. To expand the polytechnic mission to further enhance our energy programs, cybersecurity, advanced manufacturing and automation, healthcare, traditional and precision agriculture techniques, and the digital economy. I think its 67 percent of the jobs of the future will require some type of coding. We need to start focusing on the digital skill sets that are needed to develop coders and digital skillsets like cloud computing, block chaining, big data analytics, logistics and supply chain, which all businesses are confronting. Very few businesses now are standalone silos without some type of integration, whether it’s the exchange of digital information or to become part of an ecosystem of a supply chain that basically unites businesses in terms of just-in-time inventory to shared product development and delivery.

Q: HOW CAN THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY PARTNER WITH BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE? A: We talk about the ratio of 7:2:1. You hire one physician; you need to hire two BSNs (Bachelor of Science Nursing); you need to hire seven nursing assistants. But it’s more dynamic than that. You may need to hire an office manager, a logistics expert, a nurse, a marketing person. Then you’re going to have to hire technical people, police officers, HVAC, cybersecurity, technical people. People say we need 5,000 nurses in state of North Dakota. That number doesn’t scare me. What number should scare me? The 35,000 highly skilled technical people that we need to support that ratio ... What do I need from business? I need to form those publicprivate partnerships so that we can leverage our resources. I need business to help communicate what are the high priority occupation needs in the region. I need business to participate in advisory councils to make sure that we are developing the appropriate skills sets and pathways. What I also need from business, we need help with instruction. We need business to help us find those subject matter experts who can teach in the college.

The bank we count on. There is a lot to consider when choosing a financial institution - such as convenience, technology, products and community involvement. We chose our bank for all these reasons. But more than anything, we wanted a bank with familiar, friendly people that we knew we could count on any time of the day. First Western Bank & Trust is all these things and so much more. Member FDIC

6 4 Connection

CONNECTION | FEATURE Q: WHAT IS BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE’S ROLE IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT? A: I think the college’s role in economic development is basically threefold. 1. To communicate that we have a mechanism to develop the highly-skilled talent that is needed for business retention expansion and attraction. 2. As businesses continue to evolve and technical skills elevate, that we are here to provide incumbent worker training, participate in upscaling the current workforce, and address the future workforce skill needs. 3. To be an active partner as the economic development community is attracting businesses to be part of that conversation to show that if a business chooses to work with the economic development structure in this area, that there is a partnership with the public sector education institution to address the talent and skill needs to relocate and expand to this region.


Q: WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE BSC’S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BISMARCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS CAREER ACADEMY? A: At this point we have a very strong partnership with the career academy that many parts of the state don’t enjoy. I kind of refer to that as “career academy 1.0.” As other parts of the state look at the benefit of having a career academy, I’m looking at what does career academy 3.0 or 4.0 look like? How does the career academy meet the needs of the region? I believe that is a digital career academy, where we focus on digital skills, coding, mobile app development, cybersecurity, computer hardware and infrastructure, artificial intelligence, block chaining, smart machines, vertical and horizontal integration of manufacturing processes, advanced manufacturing, material joining, industrial maintenance and operation, special mechatronics. Q: I UNDERSTAND ONE OF YOUR MAJOR CONCERNS IS STUDENT DEBT. HOW IS BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE AN ANTIDOTE TO THAT PROBLEM? A: A lot people ask me, “What keeps you up at night?” COVID-19 is on that list, but it’s not as high on that list as other things. One thing I am really concerned about as a working adult who has paid for that education is the amount of debt families are taking on in pursuit of education. Bismarck State College is very affordable. We have the ability to offer students certificates, associate degrees, baccalaureate degrees. We have a foundation that is very committed to scholarships. As students look at their educational path, a new pathway that is emerging is students are getting the skills they need to be employed. They are going to work for a business. That business has the ability to provide them with educational benefits that offset the cost of education. As Bismarck State College emerges as a polytechnic institution, we are forming relationships with businesses that are very interested in our graduates. They are providing them opportunities to stay local with a career, benefit package, and high wages. Q: HOW IS BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE ADAPTING TO COVID-19? A: People have a personal experience at Bismarck State College. COVID-19 is interrupting thar personal experience. In many ways we are robbing this generation of students from that personal experience in high education. What most people talk about is the experience in total — they got their degree, they talk about friendships they made, things they did. This is more than an educational experience. This is a life experience. We are trying very, very hard through that multi-level approach to keep the campus open through masking, sanitizing, social distancing. We have surveyed our students about what is important to them. The vast majority want to be on campus and have that full experience. Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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MEMBER PROFILE | CONNECTION Rick & Deanne Knodel have been Chamber EDC members since 1986.

Rick & Deanne Knodel SIGNS & WONDERS, INC. Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. A: We moved to the Bismarck area back in 1980 and both of us were involved in various management positions up until I started working at Signs & Wonders, Inc. in 1991. With my lifelong passion for art, music and pretty much anything creative, it was a perfect fit, so in 1997, I bought the company and became the second owner, along with my co-owner and wife, Dee. Together, we are the ones who mainly work with our clients throughout the daily operation.

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Briefly tell us the history behind Signs & Wonders, Inc. A: Signs & Wonders, Inc. was founded in 1986 with the idea of providing high quality, no frills signs and banners. From that humble beginning, we have continued to concentrate on providing a wide range of products for the local Bismarck-Mandan area, yet, our reach has grown over the years to include many communities from around the state. Even parts of South Dakota. We have always preferred working directly with our clients, rather than becoming just another internet based provider.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Signs & Wonders, Inc.? A: With the normal community activity and the addition of the oil industry, we have grown in many areas, especially in the trucking industry. Of course, this has also brought many new businesses to the Bismarck-Mandan area, both large and small, which has increased our client base tremendously as we strive to meet the growing demand.

What does the future of Signs & Wonders, Inc. look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: We see our industry continuing to evolve as more and more technological advances are made with production equipment and related processes. However, we have found that the biggest challenge is client satisfaction, which is where we give our greatest focus and attention.

What trends are taking place in your industry? A: Some of the newest trends in our industry have revolved around advances in computer driven equipment. There are many new developments in the areas of lasers and 3D printers, with a constant evolution in the more standard pieces of equipment like cutters, routers and printers. While some of this remains cost prohibitive to a smaller shop, like ours, we have those in the industry that we partner with, who we can call upon when the need arises. Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you've had to deal with? A: Probably the biggest challenge we face are the many internet providers who, due to reduced overhead, can often offer similar products at a slightly lower price. Regardless, we have remained true to providing our personal attention with all of our sign projects, which also gives us the advantage assuring our clients that their specific needs are met. So many times we hear that there was an issue with something purchased online with nobody to respond to problems if they arose.

with Joel

Signs & Wonders, Inc. became a member in 1986, why do you continue to renew each year? A: Both of us have realized how important it is to be a member since we understand the benefit of networking, connections with those in the area and keeping our local support strong. Being a part of such a special community has been the biggest honor and the Chamber helps keep us up to date on the local happenings. What should other Chamber EDC members know about Signs & Wonders, Inc. that may assist them? A: Besides the variety of signs, promotional banners and vehicle markings we offer, we also do many things outside the normal fair. Even custom decorative glass and mirror work with a vinyl that mimics acid etching, canvas prints from family or pet photos, along with large run decal production, including product markings, warning labels, security identification and specification labeling. Plus, during this pandemic, we have also provided wall, floor, and window graphics to businesses that instruct customers as to mask and distancing requirements in the effort to keep everyone safe.

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Be a part of Bismarck-Mandan’s premier event where the Chamber EDC will celebrate our accomplishments of 2020, moving up and onward! We will also give our members a look toward what the coming year will bring to the Bismarck-Mandan business community. This prestigious evening is full of fun, socializing, awards, and recognition. Come and enjoy spending the evening with over 1,000 of you fellow Chamber EDC Members. It’s a night to remember!

FEATURED KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Matthew Luhn With over 25 years' experience creating stories and characters at Pixar Animation Studios, The Simpsons, and beyond, Matthew Luhn’s story credits include Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc., Monsters University, Finding Nemo, UP, Cars, and Ratatouille. Alongside his story work in Hollywood, Matthew also trains companies, organizations, and other professionals how to craft and tell stories to bridge the gap between heart and business to build better brands and business communication. Some of his clients include Adidas, Target, Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, BMW, Warner Brothers, Sony, and Google.




SILVER SPONSORS: Dakota Community Bank & Trust Eide Bailly Environmental Services Huck Financial Group

Indigo Signs Knife River Corporation MDU Resource Group

TABLE SPONSORS: Amy Hullet: Century 21 Morrison Realty First International Bank & Trust Bank of North Dakota First Western Bank & Trust Bartlett & West Gate City Bank Basin Electric Power Cooperative ICON Architectural Group Baymont Inn & Suites KFYR-TV Bismarck Cancer Center Kirkwood Bank & Trust Bismarck Event Center Kraus-Anderson Construction Company Bismarck State College KX News Bremer Bank Leadership Bismarck Mandan Alumni Capital City Construction Association Capital Credit Union MIDCO Capital Electric Cooperative Moore Engineering, Inc. CHI St. Alexius Health National Information Solution Cooperative Cloverdale Foods Odney Consolidated Construction Schmitz Holmstrom CPA CornerStone Bank Starion Bank Dakota Appraisal & Consulting United Tribes Technical College EMC Insurance University of Mary


BISMARCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS LAUNCHES THE INNOVATION PATHWAY PROGRAM This year Bismarck Public Schools launched the Innovation Pathway program at the Career Academy. The Innovation Pathway is a personalized path to graduation based on who students are and how they learn best. Their goal is to give each student the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding while working on meaningful and authentic projects that add value and strengthen both the learners and the community. Earlier this year, Bismarck Public Schools (BPS) launched the Innovation Pathway program at the Career Academy, located on the campus of Bismarck State College. This represents a brand new Bismarck Public Schools recently launched the Innovation Pathway program at the Career Academy. approach to career and technical education here in the community “Math and English would be identified in those pathways, so and at the same time, a new students would be able to say this is why we got to learn this approach to workforce development. stuff, because we need it for my pathway that I am in," says Career Academy Principal Dale Hoerauf. The Innovation Pathway is a personalized path to graduation based on who students are and how they learn The benefit to the business community, in addition to BPS best. The goal is to give each student the opportunity to students receiving hands-on instruction in a number of gain knowledge and understanding while working on in-demand occupations, is the project component of the meaningful and authentic projects that both add value and Innovation Pathway program. Innovation Pathway projects strengthen the learners & community. are real projects wherein students complete projects for real “The Innovation Pathway program is all about learners doing audiences with real outcomes along with real expectations. So if a business, political subdivision or any other entity has the work they need to do for school in a school that works a project in mind, they can contact BPS who will then work for them,” shared Personalized Learning Facilitator David St. with that entity to determine if the project is viable. If it is, Peter. then they’ll assign a team and go to work just like when the Innovation Pathway partnered with the Lincoln Park District Innovation Pathway students are currently enrolled in a to improve their dog park. number of different programs, including: digital art & photography, welding, carpentry, framing and more. What’s BPS Systems Innovator Pat Phillips shared that successful more is that thanks to an innovation waiver approved projects will focus on “leveraging student capacity to help by the Bismarck School Board earlier this year, students local businesses implement projects below their resource will receive credit for core classes like math and English through their courses at the Career Academy and their work line.” in the Pathway. For example, a student in welding might For those interested in learning more or proposing a demonstrate mastery over some of their required math standards because they’re learning and practicing math that project, please contact David St. Peter at (701) 323-4340 ext. 3003 or email him at is required to be successful in that particular field.

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MIDWEST AG ENERGY BREAKS GROUND ON CO2 STORAGE WELL Blue Flint, a Midwest AgEnergy company based in Underwood, ND celebrated the commencement of drilling a stratigraphic test well to study the feasibility of underground storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) through a process known as carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS). The event also kicked-off Midwest AgEnergy’s larger initiative called Vision Carbon ZERO, multi-phased approach to reducing their carbon emissions to zero. The Blue Flint Ethanol Plant produces more that 200,000 tons per year of carbon dioxide (CO2), a byproduct of the fermentation process. Through a process typically referred to as geological sequestration of CO2, or “carbon capture and storage,” Blue Flint is exploring the feasibility of storing this byproduct underground, starting with drilling a geologic test well. In the winter of 2019-2020, a team working under a permit issued by the North Dakota Industrial Commission surveyed about 9 square miles surrounding the Blue Flint facility. They first ensured appropriate and safe setback distances could be achieved, notified landowners and took care to avoid or minimize any environmental impacts and maintain normal traffic flow. Small drilling rigs were used to set low level vibration sources about 60 feet below the surface. Vibrations reflected back to the surface were recorded by geophysicists who then created 3D mapping for an accurate picture of subsurface rock formations.

Blue Flint celebrated the commencement of drilling a stratigraphic test well to study the feasibility of underground storage of carbon dioxide (CO2).

The study has determined there is strong potential for safe and permanent CO2 sequestration within two distinct formations beneath nearby property. Midwest AgEnergy is planning additional information collection activities to further determine the volume of CO2 that can potentially be stored and, if appropriate, pursue a permit to inject CO2. This test well and future efforts to achieve Midwest AgEnergy’s Vision Carbon Zero initiative is important to the Bismarck-Mandan region and the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. First, innovative projects, like this, will provide stability to energy development in the region. Recent announcements including at Blue Flint’s neighbor, Coal Creek Station, has created some uncertainty locally and creating ways to lower carbon emissions on traditional energy production will alleviate that uncertainty. Second, this project has the potential to assist in the Chamber EDC’s long-term economic development efforts. One of the Chamber EDC’s target industry for business attraction is value-added energy and projects like this make our region even more attractive for those types of companies.

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CHAMBER EDC ANNOUNCES 2021 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Development of the 2021 legislative agenda was led by the Chamber EDC Government Affairs Committee and included collaboration with business members, industry representatives, community officials, Chamber EDC leadership, among others. The result is a focused, yet comprehensive legislative agenda, that represents business community priorities throughout our region. As the voice of business throughout our region, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC will advocate on behalf of members to encourage our region’s continued growth and to remain competitive. The agenda detailed below will provide our organization with identified priorities leading into the 2021 legislative session and position the Chamber EDC team to best serve our members.

2021 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES: Priority Classification Infrastructure

General Business


The Chamber EDC will continue to advocate for legislation that would allow communities the ability to implement a street utility fee for use in the funding of infrastructure maintenance and development. Advocate for legislation that supports the recovery and stabilization of the regional business community and workforce, including legislation providing employers access to relevant resources and opportunities for financial stability to aid in short-term relief and encourage long-term economic growth.


Support infrastructure legislation that provides improvements to the Highway 83 corridor, a primary business development area of Bismarck-Mandan.

Support infrastructure legislation that encourages regional economic development and the growth of Bismarck-Mandan, including HB 1066 (Operation Prairie Dog) and maintaining funding of the North Dakota State Water Commission.


Support legislation which refines industry licensing processes to improve our region’s ability to attract and retain qualified professionals.

Support workforce programs and initiatives that can effectively provide opportunities to address workforce skill gaps in high-demand occupations.

Support the development of internship experiences to encourage career readiness and address workforce needs, including opportunities to increase promotion and access to internship experiences.


Support efforts to sustain Medicaid Expansion to ensure access to services and to mitigate increased expense to businesses.


Support economic development programs and incentives that enhance the ability of North Dakota and Bismarck-Mandan to be competitive in the attraction and retention of talent and enterprise.

Support legislation that provides employers liability protection if they follow federal and state guidance for re-opening and establishing safety practices, including adverse employment actions.

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FORMER PIXAR STUDIO STORYTELLER KEYNOTES 2021 CHAMBER EDC ANNUAL DINNER We were all mesmerized by the desk lamp bouncing across the screen – the animation was revolutionary and caught everyone’s attention. Who knew a simple desk lamp could be the gateway to some of the most-watched movies by young and old alike?

Matthew Luhn is a top innovation speaker and former lead animator and storyteller at Pixar Studios.

The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC is thrilled to announce the 2021 Annual Dinner, Keynote Speaker: Matthew Luhn, Former Lead Storyteller and Animator at Pixar Studios. With over 25 years' experience creating stories and characters at Pixar Animation Studios, The Simpsons, and beyond, Luhn’s story credits include Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc., Monsters University, Finding Nemo, UP, Cars, and Ratatouille. Alongside his story work in Hollywood, he also trains companies, organizations, and other professionals how to craft and tell stories to bridge the gap between heart and business to build better brands and business communication. Some of his clients include Adidas, Target, Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, BMW, Warner Brothers, Sony, and Google.

Join us on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at the Bismarck Event Center for an elegant evening of mingling, dining and hearing from this highly recognized leader in the entertainment business. Listen as Luhn shares his process for creating new ideas, great stories, memorable characters, and how to make stronger connections with your audience. Reserve your table by contacting Joan Trygg at, or call 701-223-5660. Tickets are required prior to the event and can be purchased at Presenting Sponsors:


Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Eide Bailly, Environmental Services & Huck Financial Group, Indigo Signs, Knife River Corporation, MDU Resource Group Table Sponsors: Amy Hullet: Century 21 Morrison Realty, Bank of North Dakota, Bartlett & West, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Baymont Inn & Suites, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck Event Center, Bismarck State College, Bremer Bank, Capital City Construction, Capital Credit Union, Capital Electric Cooperative, CHI St. Alexius Health, Cloverdale Foods, Consolidated Construction, CornerStone Bank, Dakota Appraisal & Consulting, EMC Insurance, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, Gate City Bank, ICON Architectural Group, KFYR-TV, Kirkwood Bank & Trust, Kraus-Anderson Construction Company, KX News, Leadership Bismarck Mandan Alumni Association, MIDCO, Moore Engineering, Inc., National Information Solution Cooperative, Odney, Schmitz, Holmstrom CPA, Starion Bank, United Tribes Technical College, University of Mary

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Connection 3 15


LEADERSHIP BISMARCK-MANDAN KICKS OFF ORIENTATION Leadership Bismarck-Mandan convened the 2020-2021 session with Orientation Day on Sept. 23. To prepare the class for field projects, a panel of BismarckMandan leaders educated the class on how to engage with local government. Panelists were Julie Jeske, Bismarck Park Board; Keith Hunke, Bismarck City Administrator; Cody Schulz, Morton County Commissioner; and Caroline Kozojed, Mandan School Board. Chamber EDC President Brian Ritter spoke to the class on "The State of Bismarck-Mandan." Ritter said the cities have had rapid growth since 2005 when Bismarck-Mandan became a 100,000 population community. That resulted in an explosion of retail because that is the threshold when Bismarck-Mandan became a $1 billion economy.

The Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class listens to a panel on Civic Engagement 101 on Orientation Day.


Gold Sponsor:

Program Sponsors: KLJ Bartlett & West, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Liberty Business Systems


Orientation co-chairs: Brenda Nagel – University of Mary, Jason Sutheimer – Job Service North Dakota, Julie Jeske – American Bank Center Lunch Sponsor: Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association (Orientation) (701) 250-9400 local IT support • networking security & monitoring backup disaster recovery • managed services provider for 28 years

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COVIDSt opsH e

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BDS: FRAUD - IDENTIFY, Tuesday, November 3, 2020 PREVENT & PROTECT Virtual

Date: Location: Time: 7:30am - 9:00am Admission: $30.00 for Chamber EDC Members $40.00 for General Admission Presented By:

Virtually join Mandan Mayor Tim Helbling and Bismarck Mayor Steve Bakken for the 2020 State of the Cities event! In addition to receiving community insight from both mayors, the inclusion of the Parks & School Panel discussion will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn more of the parks, recreation, and school developments within their district. The Parks & School Panel includes: ¡ Marnie Piehl - Board Member, Mandan Public School Board ¡ Karl Lembke - Board Member, Bismarck Public School Board ¡ Julie Jeske - President, Bismarck Parks & Recreation Board ¡ Wade Meschke - President, Mandan Parks & Recreation Board

Questions? Contact Christine at, or call the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660.

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Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams Time: 9:30am - 11:30am Admission: Free to Attend Presented By:

As we all have continued to adjust to doing business in various forms during COVID, one thing is for certain‌ The hackers are working just as hard to make life difficult. A lot of times, the question is not “what ifâ€? but “whenâ€? our online systems will be faced with fraudulent situations‌ Brought to you by CornerStone Bank – join us for the Fraud: Identify, Prevent & Protect Business Development Series. Register at: Questions? Contact Joan at, 701-223-5660 or 701-400-2931.



Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Location: Virtually via Microsoft Teams Time: 9:30AM - 11:30AM Admission: $10.00 for Chamber EDC Members $20.00 for General Admission We’ve all been there… Whether calling a business or walking in, we’ve experienced less than stellar customer service. While as the customer, it can be incredibly frustrating, as the employer, it is disheartening. But with all of the changes in the last year regarding how business is done and challenges in staffing, it is tough enough to keep employees, let alone have time to keep the customer service at the expected level. Join us for the virtual Business Development Series: Customer Service – Define, Equip & Motivate and learn from these panelist members as they share how to establish a culture of customer service, train your team and keep motivation consistent in the workplace: • Shaneille Ulmer, Marketing Director, Bismarck Motor Company • Duane Boeder, Branch Manager, Advanced Business Methods


Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021 Location: Bismarck Events Center, Hall B Time: 5:30pm - 9:00pm Admission: $75.00 for Chamber EDC Members $85.00 for General Admission Presented By: CHRYSLER I DODGE I JEEP I RAM

It’s time to celebrate with Bismarck Mandan’s community business owners and leaders! Join us on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at the Bismarck Event Center. This event is a great way to network, enjoy an elegant evening and mingle! This year’s Keynote Speaker, Matthew Luhn, comes with quite a lineup of experience creating stories and characters at Pixar Animation Studios, The Simpsons, and beyond, Luhn also works to bridge the gap between heart and business for clients such as Adidas, Target, Coca-Cola, Proctor and Gamble, BMW, Warner Brothers, Sony and Google. Contact Joan at 701-223-5660, 701-400-2931 or to reserve your table and start planning your evening! Tickets can also be purchased at

Register at: Questions? Contact Joan at, 701-223-5660 or 701-400-2931.

Connection 3 19


NEW APPLICATION ROUND APPROVED TO AID COVID IMPACTED BUSINESSES Mandan businesses facing reduced revenues due to COVID-19 have a third chance to apply for “Mandan Strong Business Mini Match” funds. The application deadline for the new funding round is Nov. 30. Matching funds of up to $3,000 per entity are available to help businesses become more innovative, adaptive or diverse to better withstand crisis. The Mandan City Commission approved the additional application round earlier this week as the pandemic continues and negative impacts on businesses mount.


SOLVING YOUR MOST COMPLEX CHALLENGES. With SEH, you are a true partner and collaborator.

The program requires a 1:2 match from the applicant, or in other words, at least one-third of the project cost must be borne by the applicant. To receive the maximum $3,000, the applicant needs to commit to an investment of $1,500 toward a qualified $4,500 project. Example of eligible projects include: • e-commerce websites or social media channels tied to e-commerce, • the addition of technology or digital programs to broaden or otherwise enhance customer service and product delivery options, • creation of outdoor seating spaces, and • the addition of new products or services to attract more customers or generate more repeat business. Approximately $50,000 remains available in the Mandan Growth Fund from an original allotment of up to $75,000 for the program that sunsets at the end of 2020. Program details and the application are available at The local program is intended as a complement to the North Dakota Department of Commerce Economic Resiliency Grant Program providing up to $50,000 per business for improvements that reduce the spread of infection to inspire confidence to return to the market place. The Mandan program includes flexibility for start-up businesses that may not yet have reached profitability prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, but that can survive with assistance. It also allows use of funds for different purposes.

Engineers | Architects | Planners | Scientists 701.354.7121 |

20 4 Connection

Local matching dollars will not be awarded for duplicate purposes to any business project approved for a state grant unless the magnitude is sufficient to prevent any overlap in funding use.


CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION OF THE DAKOTAS NOW KNOWN AS DAKOTA CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION At their annual Summit meeting today in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the association officially announced that it is revising the organization’s name to the Dakota Credit Union Association.

During the opening session, the association shared a video message with its members explaining the impetus for the name change. The North Dakota and South Dakota Credit Union Leagues were formed in 1938 and 1939 respectively, beginning a long history of supporting and advocating for Dakota credit unions and their members.

In 2007, credit union leaders from both states got together and became the first in the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) League System to collaborate and successfully merge into one multi-state credit union trade association. The new league was launched as the MidAmerica Credit Union Association. A few years later, it was renamed Credit Union Association of the Dakotas. The combined history of the Dakotas is forever linked together. At one time, the two states were simply known as the Dakota Territory, until they split and became the 39th and 40th states on the same day in 1889. Credit unions have been located here throughout most of the states’ history, playing a major role in the growth and expansion of each individual state, as well as many local communities. Along with the name change, the Dakota Credit Union Association has also adopted an updated and modernized corporate brand and color personality.

3025 Yorktown Drive, Bismarck | 701.751.7373



RETURN TO SCHOOL SHOWING SUCCESS! Contributed by Superintendent Dr. Jason Hornbacher

The 2020-21 school year is starting to look more normal for BPS students, educators, and parents—expect for the masks!

- Brooke Kopp, Sunrise kindergarten teacher, talking about teaching from home due to being quarantined.

Bismarck Public Schools started a few days late this year to help staff prepare for Hybrid or Distance Learning (DL) choices in grades K-12. The first day of in-person A-B or DL school was August 31. By September 29, we brought K-5 students back full time, and planned to bring students in grades 6-9 went back October 19 but community COVID numbers continued to rise causing BPS to delay the return. We believe our “go slow” approach to school reentry with COVID has been a good strategy. On a regular school day in the past, our attendance was 96-96%. This year, as I write this article in mid-October, we typically have about 1% to 2% of our students or staff out on any given week.

“Sometimes we clean classrooms five times a day. We’re wiping high traffic areas, door handles, sinks, chairs and desks. It’s a lot of hard work but keeping kids safe is worth it!” - Matt Baker, Myhre Elementary School custodian.

Here are some colorful quotes from our staff on how they are pushing forward with education during these challenging times for the benefit of our students and community: “The majority of staff, students and families and thrilled to be back full-time! We are working together to make the most of our new safety procedures and protocols, which are running smoothly, and we actually have a few procedures that we like better than the beginning of the year!” - Sarah Jordan, Sunrise Elementary School principal “I feel a little left out being on the computer and they get to be together. I am definitely more empathetic to families dealing with COVID. I get it now.”

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“We have started a Wellness Initiative for our staff and students. We have added a calming, deep-breathing element to our morning announcements each morning where the entire school takes time to breathe and prepare for the day. We submitted a grant to update our staff room and create a calming, inviting environment. We have begun Hoofin’ It with Haugen – a 20-minute walk, 3 times a week, for staff to get exercise and feel refreshed. And we have started a traveling trophy entitled Grimsrud – Empowering Others to Thrive –allowing teachers to recognize one another for outstanding acts that help benefit and improve our students and school.” Haley Haugen, Grimsrud Elementary School principal. BPS is hopeful that we will have some quotable comments from 6th through 9th graders when they return full-time face to face. As always, if you ever have questions or concerns you want to share with me—COVID or non-COVID related—you can email me at or call 701-323-4054.


SANFORD OPENS NEW UNIT, ADDS 14 HOSPITAL BEDS As the demand for health care continues to rise in central and western North Dakota, Sanford Health in Bismarck continues to invest to meet the increased need. On Wednesday, Sept. 30, the health system is opening up a new hospital unit inside its medical center. The new unit, on the main floor of the medical center, will add 14 beds, including six intensive care beds. “An increasing number of people are coming to Sanford and trusting us for their care,” said Fred Fridley, vice president of operations at Sanford Health in Bismarck. “There is a need not only in central and western North Dakota but across the entire state for access to high quality health care. We’re committed to taking care of people and investing in the needs of those we serve.” With the addition of the new unit, the Sanford Bismarck Medical Center will have a total of 242 hospital beds.

Sanford Health is opening a new unit with 14 beds, including six intensive care beds.

The new unit is located in the space that was formerly adult physical, occupational and speech therapies. All adult outpatient therapies have moved to Sanford East Interstate Ave Clinic, and all inpatient therapies have moved to a different area on the main floor of the medical center.

Accessible Business Expertise | 701-751-4030 Connection 3 23


CORNERSTONE BANK BREAKS GROUND ON NEW BANK IN BISMARCK You’ve seen it before and you’ll see it again, another bank comes to town, gets out the gold shovels, and breaks ground on a new building. However, this isn’t just any other building and Cornerstone Bank isn’t just any other bank. “Cornerstone Bank has been located in Bismarck since 2007, and our bank has roots in North Dakota going back to 1936. Our new bank is a demonstration of our continued commitment to the Bismarck and Mandan communities, our customers, and our team members,” said Gary Petersen, Cornerstone Bank Chairman. Recently Cornerstone Bank held a ground breaking that was anything but generic. Bank leaders and team members came together, yet socially distancing, to commemorate this exciting moment in Cornerstone Bank history. Equipped with rakes, garden tools, chain saws, and even a couple Tonka Trucks, the team showed up ready to move some dirt and celebrate the start of this new chapter.

ARE YOU DOING THIS ONLINE? There are common mistakes people make that leave the door wide open to online intruders. You can defend your computer and accounts by learning some basic guidelines. Never overshare personal information, never click unexpected attachments and don’t reuse your passwords. To learn more visit DEFEND.ND.GOV

24 4 Connection

“It’s clear that our expertise is in banking, not excavating! However, we’re proud to reinvest in this great community. Our new bank will allow us to provide innovative customer service well into the future,” said Kristine Melby, Bismarck Market President. Cornerstone Bank currently has three separate locations in Bismarck including two bank locations and a third location for offices. The new bank will bring all team members together in one location and provide room for future growth. The new bank is located at 1806 North 12th Street, just a couple blocks south of the north Cornerstone Bank location in Bismarck. The building timeline is 12-14 months, with the Cornerstone team planning to be moved in and serving customers by the end of 2021.


NEW PUBLIC ART COMING TO THE NORTH DAKOTA CAPITOL GROUNDS On October 1, 2020, the North Dakota Capitol Grounds Planning Commission gave final approval for the Heritage Art Tunnel project, an initiative to establish public art within the existing pedestrian tunnel under US Highway 83/State Street connecting North Dakota Heritage Center to Myron Atkinson Park. Professional artist Melissa Gordon has led the art development and will lead the implementation process. The art approved by the North Dakota Capitol Grounds Planning Commission was developed based on the North Dakota Department of Public The Heritage Art Tunnel received approval from the North Dakota Capitol Grounds Planning Commission on Oct. 1. Instruction’s North Dakota Studies curriculum to depict the evolution of North Dakota’s two main industries: energy and agriculture. “The timelines will start on the eastern end of the tunnel with prehistoric time and end to the west with modern-day aspects.” artist Melissa Gordon states in her artist’s statement regarding the project. The approved art has been reviewed by the North Dakota Capitol Grounds Planning Commission, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, North Dakota Department of Agriculture, Bismarck State College Energy Center, and the North Dakota Historical Society. The Heritage Art Tunnel Project began in May of 2019 when a partnership between Dakota West Arts Council and Bismarck-Mandan Chamber EDC Leadership Program participants was established to develop the project. Further information on the project can be found at The project has received a $10,000 grant, and a capital campaign has begun for the project now that approval has been granted. The next step is to seek a permit from the North Dakota Department of Transportation and continue to raise funds for the project.

Connection 3 25







BAPTIST HEALTH CARE CENTER 701 E Rosser Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-751-9500

2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT Q: HOW DO I MAINTAIN MY ELEMENT OF EFFECTIVE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING MARKETING? WHILE WORKING FROM HOME A: Emotionally connecting content that DURING COVID-19? humanizes your brand is the best way to A: Right now, employees are facing new, market your product or service. This concept is built on the fact that “people like to do business with people they like.” One way to get people to like you and your organization is through storytelling, the oldest and most effective way to connect with others. Stories are powerful tools. By creating and sharing stories, you help others understand who you are in a relatable and authentic way. Your stories should focus on topics of interest that provide value to those you serve. Refrain from shining the spotlight directly on yourself and what your organization wants to communicate. Instead, your stories should involve others and showcase the success stories through the eyes of your customers and stakeholder. A shining example of such a story is the one we created recently in collaboration with the National Congress of American Indians. It’s called “Feather’s Story,” and it provides solutions to our troubled world from the perspective of a child. Her story was compelling, emotional and connecting. The message transcended to touch the hearts and minds of many. Storytelling builds knowledge, loyalty, trust and inspires your audience to act.

26 4 Connection

unique challenges, with many working from home. This disruption to daily routines and isolation from co-workers, friends and family can increase mental, physical and financial anxiety, stress and strain. Coping in a healthy way will help you and your co-workers, loved ones and community: • • • • • • • • • •

Know what to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19 Take care of your mental and emotional health first Take care of your body with relaxation techniques, healthy diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep Make time for activities you enjoy Stay connected with family and friends, especially if you need extra support Stay informed, but limit media consumption Set work schedule boundaries Implement daily work check ins Limit alcohol and avoid substance use Know where to find mental health and substance abuse support, resources and services

3400 Nebraska Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-3040

Q: WHAT DOES THERAPEUTIC RECREATION MEAN? A: At Baptist Health Care Center, we rec-

ognize that residents come to us with their own interests, wants and needs. Through our therapeutic recreation programming, we strive to meet our resident’s physical, mental, spiritual and social needs. By offering dynamic and engaging programming, we provide outlets for our resident’s interests that contribute to their overall well-being. •

Physical Wellness: One of the primary goals of our therapeutic recreation program is to involve residents in enjoyable and educational movement programs, thereby maintaining or enhancing their gross and fine motor skills as well as their muscle tone. Mental Wellness: Cognitive programs are also an important part of our therapeutic recreation programming. These programs engage our resident’s minds and memories, helping them to remain active and sharp. Spiritual Wellness: Our chaplains regularly visit our residents for one-to-one chats and also offer group activities like morning devotions, weekly Bible studies and Sunday morning worship services. Social Wellness: Participating in spiritual activities and special entertainment keep our residents active and involved.

For more information or to schedule a tour call us at (701) 223-3040.



4204 Boulder Ridge Rd, #100, Bismarck, ND 58503



500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100


1929 N Washington St, Ste GG, Bismarck, ND 58501


Q: IF I’M FEELING BETTER AFQ: WHAT IS OCCUPATIONAL THERQ: I AM A 38 YEAR OLD FEMALE TER ONE OR TWO PHYSICAL APY? WITH NO FAMILY HISTORY THERAPY APPOINTMENTS DO A: Occupational therapy (OT) allows OF BREAST CANCER. WHEN people across the lifespan to learn, regain, I REALLY NEED TO FINISH MY SHOULD I GET MY FIRST or maintain the skills needed for them PHYSICAL THERAPY COURSE OF MAMMOGRAM? to do the activities they want and need CARE? A: Regular mammograms can help find to do. Occupational therapists can work breast cancer at an early stage, when treat- in many different settings such as early A: Once you have begun your physical ment is most successful. These guidelines intervention, schools, hospitals, home therapy course of care it is important to communicate with your therapist before you make a decision to stop your therapy if you are feeling better. You and your physical therapist can review the goals that you established together at the beginning of your treatment in order to maximize the benefit from your treatment.

Commitment to your appointments and consistency with your home program is paramount to a successful outcome. Each appointment you have helps your physical therapist to identify changes throughout your course of care and allows for adjustments to that plan when you are ready. Sticking with your physical therapy and finishing it through to the end will help you avoid any setbacks, regain function sooner and prevent the injury/pain from returning in the future. We want to see you get back to doing the things in life that bring you joy! There is no referral needed to access quality physical therapy. See your Movement Specialist today! To learn more about Optimum Therapies visit or call (701)751-3064 to schedule.

are for women at average risk for breast cancer. For screening purposes, a woman is considered to be at average risk if she doesn’t have a personal history of breast cancer, a strong family history of breast cancer, or a genetic mutation known to increase risk of breast cancer (such as in a BRCA gene), and has not had chest radiation therapy before the age of 30: Women between 40 and 44 have the option to start screening with a mammogram every year. Women 45 to 54 should get mammograms every year.

Women 55 and older can switch to a mammogram every other year, or they can choose to continue yearly mammograms. Screening should continue as long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live at least 10 more years. A mammogram can often find breast changes that could be cancer years before physical symptoms develop. Call your healthcare provider for more information.

health, assisted living, skilled nursing facilities, and outpatient clinics. OTs focus goals and treatments on what is meaningful to the individual. They address areas such as activities of daily living (dressing, feeding, bathing, toileting, hygiene, etc.), instrumental activities of daily living (meal preparation, grocery shopping, pet care, etc.), fine motor skill development, sensory processing and self-regulation, visual perception and handwriting, upper body and core strengthening, assistive technology, adaptive equipment use, and environmental modifications. Bismarck’s Anne Carlsen therapy services, located within the Northbrook Mall, now offers pediatric occupational therapy. To learn more about Anne Carlsen’s occupational therapy services, please contact Lauren Wallin, Occupational Therapist, at 701-751-2315, ext. 3012 or by email at lauren.wallin@annecenter.or

Connection 3 27

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION CAPITAL CREDIT UNION ANNOUNCES VICE PRESIDENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES PATTY OLSON Capital Credit Union announced the Patty Olson hiring of Patty Olson as Vice President of Human Resources. Olson has 20 years of professional experience in human resources combined with 16 years of executive-level experience in multilocation and multi-state organizations. As VP of human resources and a member of the credit union’s senior management team, Olson will be responsible for all aspects of the human resources functions. Olson earned a Master of Business Administration with a Human Resource Management specialization from the University of Mary in 2013. She is an active member of Fargo Moorhead Human Resource Association (FMHRA) and Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Olson holds an SHRM-SCP certification and is a volunteer guest speaker for various human resources college associations.

EXTRAORDINARY AUCH JOINS BIANCO NURSE RECOGNIZED AT REALTY CHI ST. ALEXIUS HEALTH Bianco Realty is April Kautzman, a excited to announce the nurse at CHI St. Alexius newest REALTOR® to join Health, was honored with their professional Real The DAISY Award for Estate Team: Blayn Auch. Blayn Auch April Kautzman Extraordinary Nurses ®. Blayn looks forward The award is part of the to helping clients with their Real Estate DAISY Foundation's mission to recognize needs, achieving their dream of home the extraordinary, compassionate nursing ownership and providing a Tradition of care they provide patients and families Excellence! every day. The DAISY Award recipient, ANDERSON AND April, was recognized for her confidence, ASSOCIATES PC JOINS attentiveness, and knowledge in the Labor SCHMITZ-HOLMSTROM and Delivery unit at CHI St. Alexius Health. Anderson and The patient who nominated April said they Associates PC has joined couldn’t dream of having a better nurse the accounting firm of during the delivery of their baby. She Schmitz-Holmstrom answered every question with tact and Craig Anderson CPAs effective October kept the environment calm. 1, 2020. Owned by Craig To learn more about the DAISY Anderson, CPA, Anderson and his staff Foundation, visit provided tax and accounting services to the Bismarck-Mandan area for more than 30 years. The entire team will join the Schmitz-Holmstrom staff to provide a seamless transition for their clients.


Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at

Mon, 2nd

5:30 pm

Mandan School Board

Tues, 3rd

5:30 pm Mandan City Commission

Wed, 4th

5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment

Thurs, 5th

5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission

Mon, 9th 5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board* Tues, 10th 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission Thurs, 12th 9:00 am Bismarck Parking Authority 4:00 pm Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission* Mon, 16th 10:00 am Metropolitan Planning Org. Technical Advisory Committee 5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*

28 4 Connection

Tues, 17th 1:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm

Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Mandan City Commission ITG (Political Subdivisions Committee*

Wed, 18th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 3:30 pm Historic Preservation Commission 5:00 pm Bismarck Planning Commission Thurs, 19th 5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board Mon, 23rd 5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Planning Commission* Tues, 24th 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission* Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at * Delayed Playback


Videos for your brand. Easy as pie. We are D&N Cinematics.

Connection 3 29

RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.



Sam’s Club Manager Scott Brobst and team Celebrate their new renovation at their location at 2821 Rock Island Place Bismarck. Phone: 701-222-1101. Member.

University of Mary's Monsignor Shea and team celebrates the grand opening of the School of Engineering on their campus. Phone: (701) 355-3734. Member.


Many organizations are utilizing remote working arrangements to keep staff and customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, working remotely can open the door to new cybersecurity risks. Eide Bailly can ensure you have the proper safety measures in place, so you can rest easy knowing both your people and your data are safe.

30 4 Connection

What inspires you, inspires us.


What inspires you, inspires us. 208.383.4731

CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at Upper Cervical Health Centers 1830 E Century Ave Suite 7 Bismarck, ND Beth Lundby (701) 751-4848 Chiropractor Tj's Courier 3609 Palomino Dr N Mandan, ND Amanda McClure (701) 226-8962 We haul big or small, 24/7. Call us! Epic Companies 745 31st Ave East #105 West Fargo, ND Mckenzy Olson (701) 866-1006 EPIC Companies is an investment, development and management firm. Our main focus is taking underutilized spaces and turning them into mixed-use buildings. Our goal is to encourage a better community. Health Now Bismarck, ND McKenzie Peterson (701) 226-7586 Nurse practitioner owned and operated 24-hour virtual walk-in and primary care clinic. Telehealth focused on patient engagement, education, wellness and health promotion. Available to all ages.

H2M 320 5th St N, Ste 300 Fargo, ND Dawn Hedberg (701) 237-4180 With expertise in market research, video production, media planning, content development and social marketing, H2M becomes the steward of your brand as a trusted agency should. Costco Wholesale 1325 NE 57th Ave Bismarck, ND Nickllos Belluchi (701) 258-3045 Costco is a membership warehouse club, dedicated to bringing our members the best possible prices on quality, brand-name merchandise. Costco provides a wide selection of products and member benefits. Rusty’s Saloon and Grill 2331 County Road 136 St. Anthony, ND Randy Rhone (701) 445-2022 Old west style saloon & steakhouse. The CRA Group 3255 Greensboro Dr Suite 104 Bismarck, ND Kristyn Steckler (701) 527-0138 At The CRA Group, client relationships come first. in fact, they’re the foundation of our brokerage business.

Connection 3 31

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503



STATE OF THE CITIES Date: November 3, 2020 • Time: 7:30am - 9:00am Location: Virtually


BDS: FRAUD: IDENTIFY, PREVENT & PROTECT Date: November 17, 2020 • Time: 9:30am - 11:30am Location: Virtually LINK UP : VIRTUAL FAMILY FEUD Date: December 3, 2020 • ?????????? Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm Location: Virtually : VIRTUAL FAMILY FEUD

Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm

CUSTOMER SERVICE - DEFINE, EQUIP, & MOTIVATE BDS: FRAUD: IDENTIFY, PREVENT & PROTECT Date: December December 17, 8, 2020 2020 • Time: 9:30am - 11:30am Location: Virtually CUSTOMER SERVICE - DEFINE, EQUIP, & MOTIVATE

December 5, 2020

CHAMBER EDC ANNUAL DINNER 1 • Time: 5:30pm - 8:30pm Date: January 21, 2020 Location: Bismarck Event Center, Hall B – 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck


Contact Joan

701.223.5660 | JTRYGG@BMCEDC.COM

Remember someone special this holiday season with a gift that continues to give. All donations support an array of complimentary services to help patients through their cancer journeys.

Complimentary services include: Dietary Counseling • Lodging Assistance Support Groups • Physical Therapy • Massage Therapy Transportation Assistance • Emotional & Spiritual Counseling Provide help today at:|222-6100|500 N 8th St|Bismarck, ND 58501

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