February Connection

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RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Low interest rates are driving the market Pg. 8

MEMBER PROFILE Longhorn Steakhouse Pg. 12

ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Thursday, April 1 Pg. 21

Connection FEBRUARY 2021





Val Weigel ........................................................................ Chair Kevin Strege ...............................................................Vice-Chair Wendy Van Duyne ........................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Brian Eiseman ............................................................ Past Chair


Evan Anderson ...........................................................Gizmonics Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Andrea Birst ...............................................Glance Spa & Salon Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Amber Larson.....................................................City of Mandan Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Becky Matthews ................................................Burleigh County Marnie Piehl ...........................................Bismarck State College Mike Remboldt ................................................................HIT Inc. Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Nate Boehm ........................................................Morton County Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Credit Foundations Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Christine Nelson .........................Program & Marketing Director Rebecca Pelkey .................................Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Lyndsey Scheurer .........................Creative Marketing Specialist Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Josie Smyle ...........................................................Events Intern Cathryn Sprynczynatyk .....................Communications Specialist

1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 • www.bismarckmandan.com

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Pelkey rpelkey@bmcedc.com

Advertising Christine Nelson cnelson@bmcedc.com

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2 4 Connection


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CONNECTION | CHAIR'S CORNER ebruary is the shortest month of the year, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be productive. I know that’s the attitude we’re taking at the Chamber EDC.

The most notable example of course is the ongoing 2021 Legislative Session. For the past few months, we’ve been sharing the progress made towards developing our 2021 Legislative Agenda and now we’re advocating that agenda. We’re fortunate to have a great team helping us including our Government Affairs Committee leadership, the Greater North Dakota Chamber (GNDC) and of course the Bismarck-Mandan Legislative Delegation. The Legislative Session is a marathon, not a sprint, so make sure to keep reading the Connection for updates on our progress these next few months. That same approach is happening in economic development as well. Our team is kicking off efforts in entrepreneurial development, business retention and expansion, new business attraction, talent attraction and workforce development. 2020 was a challenging year for our community, but also one that saw continued growth. We can’t take that continued growth for granted though, so we’re going to make sure that we remain proactive in all of these areas. And of course, we have continued offerings for members as well. For example, there are opportunities for professional development through our ongoing Business Development Series available to not only you but your entire team. We’ll have another great information-based event on April 1 at this year’s Economic Outlook Forum. Plus, we’re still working towards a very exciting Chamber EDC Annual Dinner on April 29 with keynote speaker Matthew Luhn; former Pixar Animation Studios Writer & consultant. We’re fortunate to have such a great team leading all of these efforts both in the office and on our Board of Directors, where the new year has brought some new faces. I’m pleased to welcome Evan Anderson from Gizmonics, Mike Remboldt from HIT, Inc. and Andrea Birst from Glance Spa & Salon to the Chamber EDC’s Board of Directors! This is an incredibly dynamic group of individuals who are going to contribute a great deal to the organization. They replace three outgoing Board Members in Heather Fried, Chris Jones and Molly Herrington who, during their terms, have contributed a great deal, contributions which are very much appreciated. Again, February is the shortest month of the year and it can sometimes feel like the coldest. That shouldn’t stop us from pressing forward though and I can promise you, it won’t here at the Chamber EDC. Thank you for your continued support!

Valerie Weigel Chair, Board of Directors

twitter.com/bismancedc facebook.com/bismancedc @bismancedc

Connection 3 3


BUILDING BOOM IN NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk New home construction is booming in Bismarck-Mandan again. Many remember the recent oil boom years when housing couldn’t be built fast enough. Greg Meidinger, Owner of Aspire Homes, is President of the Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association. Meidinger said that in 2011-2015 home building was extremely busy. As the oil boom cooled off, new home construction normalized. Starting in 2016, Meidinger said construction slowed down through 2019. “2020 was surprisingly very good,” Meidinger said.

New home construction is booming in Bismarck-Mandan again.

The 2020 boom in new home construction can in some ways be tied directly to COVID-19. Jeff Sattler is Co-Owner of Sattler Homes and Past-President of the Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association. He said January and February of 2020 started out slowly. “With COVID-19 setting in, not a lot of us thought it would be busy,” Sattler said. When the federal government dropped interest rates in an effort to stimulate the economy, everything kicked into high gear. “We were all surprised,” Sattler said. “All of the sudden it got really busy.” If home buyers had been sitting on the fence before, they suddenly jumped into the market when interest rates plummeted.

“When I started selling houses in 2006, everybody was running to lock in their 30-year interest rate at 6 percent,” Sattler said. “This year you could have locked in a 15-year interest rate at 2.5 percent. That increases buying power or makes your current home more affordable by refinancing.” Rock-bottom interest rates helped some people build more house than they could have afforded before. For other people, low interest rates helped them qualify for a loan when they couldn’t before. Of course, COVID-19 had negative impacts as well. Sattler didn’t want to jinx himself, but he said he counts himself lucky that none of his employees have tested positive for COVID-19. Some subcontractors weren’t so lucky. “One plumber’s employees had it, and they weren’t on any job site for two weeks,” Sattler said. Meidinger said they made it through August before they started to experience supply chain problems. Prices on lumber increased 50 to 70 percent. The lead time on cabinets doubled. At the worst, appliances needed five months of lead time.

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BEN EHRETH, Bismarck Community Development Director

ELLEN HUBER Mandan Business Development & Communications Director

“I ordered siding for every house we have in the ground through next spring,” Sattler said. “When people pick out their house, I have a list right away and let them know we need this info ASAP so that it doesn’t slow production on your house. That’s how we get around it.” In Mandan, new home construction is happening primarily south in Lakewood Addition.

GREG MEIDINGER Owner, Aspire Homes

SHAWN OURADNICK Building Official, City of Mandan

City of Mandan, North Dakota

“When Lakewood gets an elementary school, that will make it a more complete neighborhood,” Huber said.



200 180

Number of Residential Dwelling Units for Permits Issued*

160 140

79 0


January 1, 2017-December 31, 2019


100 80 60





20 0 2017



37th St. NW

“The largest growth is in Lakewood additions, many of which are off manmade inlets and bays off the Missouri River,” said Ellen Huber, Mandan’s Business Development and Communications Director. “A lot of single-family home growth in that area across the past decade.” Huber said Lakewood is popular with people buying their second or third home — they can afford everything they want. By contrast, firsttime home buyers are building in northwest Mandan around Red Trail Elementary. Mandan Public School District owns land in Lakewood, and Huber said the school district recently surveyed Mandan residents on their appetite to fund a new school. Most Lakewood children go to Ft. Lincoln Elementary. It’s close to Lakewood as the crow flies, but it’s a far drive because parents have to drive north all the way to Main Street before they can turn around and head south to the school.

JEFF SATTLER Co-Owner, Sattler Homes

Eagle Ridge Estates Meadow Ridge


BNSF Railroad

Lower Heart River

19th St. SE

Extra-territorial Area - 2 January 1, 2017-December 31, 2019 Total Number of Residential Dwelling Units for Permits Issued - 498*




2 Miles

*Data does not include new mobile homes in owned or rented lots

Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community

Connection 3 5

FEATURE | CONNECTION Huber said they are hearing that some people are seeking a retirement patio home in Mandan such as a single-level condo.

Photo Credit: City of Bismarck

“It’s something we’re interested in exploring with the building community,” Huber said. “Are there obstacles to fulfill that demand?” People working from during COVID-19 have been motivated to improve or remodel their homes. “We are seeing everybody stay put and invest in their community and invest in their own homes,” said Shawn Ouradnick, Building Official for City of Mandan. “It’s nice to see they are adding onto older homes and rehabbing older home. It’s nice to see that in the core of Mandan.” Ben Ehreth, Bismarck’s Community Development Director, said new home construction tends to occur on the edge of the city’s corporate limits, since that’s were available, platted, zoned land is.

Residential building permit activity in the City of Bismarck's jurisdiction for the last 2 years.

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6 4 Connection


Data not collected for the ETA in 2015 and 2016.

SINGLE FAMILY BISMARCK PERMITS BISMARCK ETA MANDAN PERMITS MONTH YEAR 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 JANUARY 0 9 1 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 FEBRUARY 3 4 5 2 0 10 0 0 0 1 1 2 6 5 0 0 MARCH 21 22 14 2 9 32 2 2 1 4 11 6 4 8 2 8 APRIL 52 29 40 27 26 23 4 3 6 8 14 12 8 16 11 5 MAY 31 46 29 16 28 23 5 6 4 9 26 13 11 15 11 4 JUNE 31 43 48 24 18 40 10 2 2 3 21 20 13 13 4 6 JULY 40 16 60 22 17 34 3 3 2 7 9 13 6 11 12 14 AUGUST 20 48 16 27 19 29 6 1 7 2 17 7 13 20 10 16 SEPTEMBER 28 44 26 22 23 43 8 3 10 9 16 14 26 11 10 22 OCTOBER 54 14 22 15 36 43 4 7 3 10 9 29 20 9 9 7 NOVEMBER 16 11 9 11 14 12 3 0 1 0 7 7 7 6 2 6 DECEMBER 1 0 0 1 1 21 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 TOTAL 297 286 270 169 201 312 45 27 36 54 132 123 114 116 71 90 YTD TOTAL 297 286 270 169 201 312 0 0 45 27 36 54 132 123 114 116 71 90 Source: Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Assoc.

Right now, most new home construction is happening northwest and northeast, particularly in the Silver Ranch and Sunrise additions. Water developments are always popular, including South Bay in Bismarck. Although Meidinger said the number of available lots in water developments is dwindling.

Both Mandan and Bismarck would need new interstate interchanges to facilitate more residential growth to the west and east. Although new interchanges are in longrange plans, nothing is planned immediately, and officials from both cities cautioned there is a lot of federal red tape involved before new interchanges would be built.

“In the past few years, we’ve seen a bit of a trend of new housing in the core part of our community,” Ehreth said. “A few multi-family developments are near completion or about to begin construction.”

To the east of Bismarck, there are manmade barriers such as the landfill and North Dakota trust lands. To the south, Bismarck also faces issues with the flood plain.

Ehreth said that’s partially market-driven. “There is certainly a market interested in living close to work and the variety of services that the downtown has to offer — perhaps offering more of a car-light lifestyle for individuals. The highest concentration employment in Bismarck-Mandan is in downtown Bismarck. There are a lot of jobs, retail, service, entertainment, that individuals can walk to or bike to.” Simply put, new home construction in Bismarck-Mandan happens where lots are available. There are both manmade and natural barriers around the cities. Topography is one factor. West of Mandan the topography gets hilly. “When you start to get into the hills, there is an additional cost to the builders to develop those areas,” Ouradnick said. When you go south of Lakewood and Marina Bay in Mandan, you start to get into floodplain issues. Northwest Mandan is seeing single-family home growth around Red Trail Elementary. To the north, Marathon Refinery is a manmade barrier, but residential home growth is happening directly west of the refinery.

Like many industries in Bismarck-Mandan, home builders are slowed down by an inability to recruit and retain workforce. “I’ve been trying to hire people for our crews nonstop in the last two years,” Sattler said. “We are always looking for employees. It is better than at the height of the oil boom.” Meidinger said that COVID-19 stimulus money kept some employees out of the workforce. “Some subcontractors had a hard time hiring labors with the extra stimulus and unemployment money,” Meidinger said. “There were some people that could make more money at home than going out in the workforce.” Meidinger said that the outlook for 2021 is good. He said based on the last few weeks of December and the first few weeks of January, interest in new home building is high. Sattler has already presold homes to start construction in the spring. “I anticipate we will see a year much like 2020,” Meidinger said.

Connection 3 7


RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE HAS BEEN ON A WILD RIDE By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Real estate agents in Bismarck-Mandan have seen a wild decade. During the flood in spring and summer of 2011, real estate housing inventory tightened up and stayed tight. An oil boom and a booming state economy helped drive up prices. Oil prices fell and then stabilized, which was reflected in the residential housing market. Then, in 2020 real estate heated up in response to low interest rates brought on by COVID-19. “The residential market was surprisingly really, really busy,” said Nancy Deichert, CEO of Bismarck-Mandan Board of Realtors, “except for about two weeks when restrictions were put in place with COVID-19 ... After two weeks, everyone realized everything is okay. The interest rates fell lower than anyone ever thought they would fall, and then the race was on.” If buyers were sitting on the fence before, Deichert said low interest rates brought a lot of buyers into the housing market. “There was a bit of pent up desire to make those purchases,” Deichert said.

8 4 Connection

For people who have worked in the industry for decades, Deichert said interest rates below 3 percent are shockingly low. “In 1983, the reduced interest rate was 13.65 percent,” Deichert said. “That was the reduced rate. When I hear stories of people needing it to go below 3 percent, it just makes me laugh inside. You can buy so much more house now for your money.” Of course every action can cause an opposite reaction. With the number of interested buyers skyrocketing, inventory becomes a problem and prices go up. But that wasn’t enough to negatively offset the appeal of low interest rates. When COVID-19 arrived in North Dakota, real estate agents had to respond the wishes of sellers and buyers. Realtors learned new technology to provide virtual home showings. Some sellers might only allow the agent inside. Some only wanted serious buyers. Open houses became more controlled so that multiple families weren’t inside a home at the same time. Some home owners would open all cabinets, doors and closets to reduce touchpoints.

CONNECTION | FEATURE “It started with a fear factor both for the consumers and our realtor members,” said Jill Beck, CEO for North Dakota Association of Realtors. “Were they going to be able to continue? They were cautious, but they were aware they still had a job to do.” The average sale price of a single-family home jumped to $271,707 in 2020. Popular price ranges included $200,000-$250,000 and $250,000-$300,000. Deichert said there was also activity in the $140,000-$180,000 price range, which included houses that could be flipped. Mobile home sales were up as well. Homes over $500,000 tend to stay on the market longer, and that trend is unchanged.

Sales in Bismarck, Mandan, and Lincoln Includes single family, condos, duplexes, townhomes, twin homes.

UNITS SOLD 1643 1468












“It was a good market for both sellers and buyers,” Beck said. “Sellers wanted to move up or move down. There were a lot more younger buyers coming into home ownership due to the low interest rates. People were relocating who wanted to get out of big cities and come to a more rural area.” Last year also saw an increase in the number of licensed real estate agents. Bismarck-Mandan Board of Realtors had 50 new agents come into the association in 2020. One reasons could be a change in licensing requirements that took effect on Jan. 1, 2021. The pre-licensing education requirement was 45 hours of classroom education through 2020. On Jan. 1, the number of pre-licensing education hours doubled to 90.








With an increase in licensed agents, Deichert also saw an increase in the number of new agencies last year. “I will be really curious to see what happens in 2021,” Deichert said.



249,875 253,692




227,393 201,357 177,877

No one has a crystal ball for 2021, but Deichert said she is feeling “pretty good” about the new year. “Hopefully they don’t get scared off if (interest rates) go over 3 percent,” Deichert said.











Source: Bismarck-Mandan Board of Realtors

Connection 3 9


Be a part of Bismarck-Mandan’s premier event where the Chamber EDC will celebrate our accomplishments of 2020, moving up and onward! We will also give our members a look toward what the coming year will bring to the Bismarck-Mandan business community. This prestigious evening is full of fun, socializing, awards, and recognition. Come and enjoy spending the evening with over 1,000 of you fellow Chamber EDC Members. It’s a night to remember!

FEATURED KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Matthew Luhn With over 25 years' experience creating stories and characters at Pixar Animation Studios, The Simpsons, and beyond, Matthew Luhn’s story credits include Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc., Monsters University, Finding Nemo, UP, Cars, and Ratatouille. Alongside his story work in Hollywood, Matthew also trains companies, organizations, and other professionals how to craft and tell stories to bridge the gap between heart and business to build better brands and business communication. Some of his clients include Adidas, Target, Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, BMW, Warner Brothers, Sony, and Google.

Reserve your table




Tickets may be reserved until Aptil 1, 2021 Reservations are required prior to the event. 10 4 Connection





SILVER SPONSORS: Dakota Community Bank & Trust Eide Bailly Environmental Services Huck Financial Group

Indigo Signs Knife River Corporation MDU Resource Group

TABLE SPONSORS: Amy Hullet: Century 21 Morrison Realty Bank of North Dakota Bartlett & West Basin Electric Power Cooperative Baymont Inn & Suites Bismarck Cancer Center Bismarck Event Center Bismarck State College Bremer Bank Capital City Construction Capital Credit Union Capital Electric Cooperative CHI St. Alexius Health Cloverdale Foods Consolidated Construction CornerStone Bank Crowley Fleck Dakota Appraisal & Consulting Dakota Credit Union Foundation

EMC Insurance First International Bank & Trust First Western Bank & Trust Gate City Bank ICON Architectural Group KFYR-TV Kirkwood Bank & Trust Kraus-Anderson Construction Company KX News Leadership Bismarck Mandan Alumni Association MIDCO Moore Engineering, Inc. National Information Solution Cooperative Odney Plains Commerce Bank Schmitz Holmstrom CPA Starion Bank United Tribes Technical College University of Mary

Connection 3 11


Longhorn Steakhouse has been a member since 2016.

Rosa David LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. A: ​I have been with Longhorn Steakhouse 7.5 years, as well as a Managing Partner in Bismarck for 1.5 years. I started off as a server in Milwaukee, WI. I love working for a company that doesn't just care about the numbers, but also for their team members. Longhorn Steakhouse goes above and beyond to insure everyone that walks through our doors are treated like family. I make sure I carry those same values to my team and our guests.

12 4 Connection


Briefly tell us the history behind Longhorn Steakhouse. ​A: Longhorn Steakhouse first opened its doors in Atlanta, GA in 1981 and it almost did not survive. It wasn't until a snowstorm hit when a guest dined with us seeking shelter, then the word got out about our great steaks and hospitality! We continue to welcome our visitors into a warm, relaxing atmosphere with a resemblance of a Western rancher's home, all while offering great service and delicious food.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Longhorn Steakhouse? ​A: As Bismarck-Mandan continues to grow, we have the opportunity to serve new guests and spread the word of mouth of our tasty food and great service that once saved Longhorn Steakhouse in the beginning. What trends are taking place in your industry? A: ​Even through the pandemic, we continue to bring in new guests every day. To make certain that we are providing a safe environment, we have set extra precautions and safety standards to ensure our guests are happy and healthy. With the increase in Takeout orders, we are continuing to look for new ways to give our guests a great experience. Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: The year of 2020 has been a challenge for all restaurants. We adjusted from takeout only to fully opening our doors for dine-in, all while making sure we are providing a safe environment for our team and guests.

What does the future of Longhorn Steakhouse look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: We will continue to push forward and make all the necessary changes needed to keep our guests satisfied when they dine in or order takeout from us. Longhorn Steakhouse became a member in 2016, why do you continue to renew each year? ​A: We continue to renew our membership because it gives us good way to connect with the community and other local businesses in the Bismarck Mandan area. What should other Chamber EDC members know about Longhorn Steakhouse that may assist them? A: Our doors will continue to remain open during these hard times, whether you choose to order takeout or dine in, you are guaranteed a safe and pleasant experience with us. For more information, visit www.longhornsteakhouse.com.

Accessible Business Expertise

www.cornerstonebanks.net | 701-751-4030 Connection 3 13


CHAMBER EDC WRAPS UP TALENT ATTRACTION CAMPAIGN On January 8th the Chamber EDC wrapped up a nearly two-month long talent attraction campaign (TAC). The TAC was done in partnership with Chamber EDC members KK Bold, who assisted in ad development and placement, and Quantum Productions, who developed a series of videos featuring Bismarck-Mandan residents talking about what they enjoy most about the community. The campaign, like others before it, was completely digital and focused on three platforms: Facebook, You Tube, and ad placement on Google. The Facebook ads, posted to the Chamber EDC’s Make Your Mark Facebook page, generated 1,590,181 total impressions and 96,785 post engagements. Impressions are any time our post or page enters someone screen and engagements are any time someone interacts with our page or post. The Facebook posts generated 2,677 website conversions where the user clicked on the Chamber EDC website link on the post. Of the conversions that were able to be measured, a majority of them were female age 45-54.

New Users

New Followers

YouTube Views

4,046 new users to the Chamber EDC website

Nearly 100 new Facebook users

15,374 video views on YouTube


100 50%



Time Spent


50% increase in time spent on Chamber EDC website

1,150,291 Facebook Impressions

Top States Reached: Colorado



Google display ads were also a major part of the TAC. The ads placed generated over 2.6 million impressions, which means the ad appeared on the user’s screen. Those impressions led to 1,469 click throughs to the Chamber EDC website with a majority of those clicks coming from men aged 45-54. The videos produced by Quantum Productions were placed on the Chamber EDC’s You Tube channel and shared through the other digital platforms used in the campaign. The four videos had 210,339 impressions and over 15,000 views. The videos can now be viewed on the Chamber EDC website (www.bismarckmandan.com) and are available to the general membership to utilize in your talent attraction efforts. To get the video files please contact Aasta Eggert at aeggert@bmcedc.com. The Chamber EDC worked with KK Bold to target specific states across the country, however, the states that consistently showed the most interactions across all platforms were Washington, Colorado, and Minnesota. The information learned throughout the campaign, including the states where the most interactions came from, will be used by Chamber EDC staff as we look to our ongoing talent attraction efforts in 2021.

14 4 Connection



One of the tools in the Chamber EDC’s business development efforts are business incentives such as the North Dakota New Jobs Training Program. This program offers incentives to primary sector businesses that are creating new Full Time employment opportunities through business expansion, creation and/or relocation to North Dakota. Job Service North Dakota, Workforce Services Director Phil Davis adds, “It is an easy online application process that captures the state income tax of perspective new employees that is brought back into the company and can be used for such items as employee training, career development, and other training needs of the employer. Job Service North Dakota would like to see more regional employers take advantage of this unique program to upskill the workforce of the Bismarck/Mandan Metro Area.” To help offset the cost of training new employees, the Program offers businesses funding in the form of a loan, a reimbursement grant, or under a self-financing option. State income tax withholding from the new positions created are matched for up to ten years, until the maximum reimbursement is reached, or until the loan is repaid, whichever comes first. A North Dakota New Jobs Training Preliminary Agreement establishes the effective date for a project and must be signed and in place prior to the start date of any new employee. To qualify, the business must agree that all the new jobs created will be paying a minimum of $10 per hour plus benefits within the first 12 months of employment. In addition, the Program is limited to primary sector businesses which are businesses who add value to a product, process or service and generate a majority of their revenue from outside the State of North Dakota. Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Vice President Nathan Schneider adds, “Primary sector businesses are those that we’re trying to attract and retain here in Bismarck-Mandan. The New Jobs Training Program gives us another tool to help do so as well as a tremendous benefit to any company that qualifies.” For more information or to see if your business is eligible, contact Chamber EDC Vice President Nathan Schneider at 701-223-5660 or visit Job Service North Dakota’s website at www.jobsnd.com/employer-resources/north-dakota-newjobs-training-program

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DakotaCarrier.com Connection 3 15



BUSINESS LEADERS: Cheers to YOU, your team, and entire BisMan community for persevering through an unprecedented time. Just like you, the Larks had to adapt last summer and we’re proud to say Larks Nation helped us pull off the impossible. By reducing ballpark capacity to 35% and adhering to ND Smart ReStart guidelines, the Larks were the first organized sports team in the country to safely play games with fans in the stands. While many of you had to sacrifice company picnics, Christmas parties, and office gatherings for public health this Fall and Winter, the promise of Summer is right around the corner. As we Spring into 2021, our team invites you to leave Zoom Happy Hours in 2020 and learn more about how you can safely CELEBRATE the employees and customers who make your organization run by joining the Larks in bringing back summer FUN!

Please consider joining our Flock and becoming a Larks Corporate Member today!








“The American Bank Center Suite Seats offer a wonderful, safe, and worry-free experience for our employees at H.A. Thompson & Sons and their families. Suite Seats are the total package with a great view of Larks baseball, easy access to the all-inclusive food and drinks, and vouchers for the kids to enjoy the YMCA Family Fun Zone. There is something for everyone. We look forward to supporting Larks baseball and taking advantage of all the Suite Seats have to offer for years to come.” - Tracy Kindem, H.A. Thompson & Sons




We understand. This season we’ve added a COVID-19 Opt Out Clause for all Flock Memberships and Group Outings. If not comfortable with public health conditions or the Larks Safety Plan by April 23, you can move your group outing or ticket package to 2022. We only have 100 Corporate Memberships remaining for the 2021 season. Please join us in having FUN again and safely bringing our community back together! Reserve your Corporate Membership today with a 25% deposit by emailing Aaron Guerrero (aaron@larksbaseball.com) or Matt White (matt.white@larksbasball.com) or call 701-557-7600.


LEARNING IN A SWEET WAY ON LEMONADE DAY Lemonade day is back! The Chamber EDC is hosting the 5th annual Bismarck-Mandan Lemonade Day on June 19th, 2021. It’s time to start thinking refreshing thoughts as we look forward to this great event! Lemonade Day will be setting up shop with several Lemonade stands throughout the Bismarck-Mandan area. This free, projectbased learning experience shows kids how to start, own and operate their very own business with the guidance and support of a responsible mentor. The mission of Lemonade Day is to help today’s youth become the business leaders, social advocates, community volunteers and forward-thinking citizens of the future…one lemonade stand at a time! Children who register will receive a free Lemonade Day backpack and Entrepreneur Workbook that will teach them to: • Set a goal • Create a budget • Advertise their business • Create a business plan • Find an investor • Build a lemonade stand • Provide customer service • Make spending decisions Youth then keep all the money they earn, after they pay their investor or mentor back! Kids are also encouraged to spend, save and/or share some of their earnings with a local charity, non-profit or someone in need. When the young entrepreneurs end their day, all who participate will walk away with a better idea of leadership, confidence, creativity and overall financial literacy! Lemonade day is for everyone, though the program is geared towards 3rd – 8th graders, anyone can participate! Young entrepreneurs can also use support through mentors, investors, business partners, great locations and customers. To make Lemonade Day a success, sponsors and volunteers are also needed! If you or your organization are interested in helping Lemonade Day squeeze its way to success, please consider becoming a sponsor! Reach out to Christine Nelson or Josie Smyle at the Chamber EDC for more information on how to become a Lemon Head!!

18 4 Connection

Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan will be June 19th, 2021! Registration opens in February with backpacks available in April. You can learn more at https://lemonadeday.org/ Bismarck-mandan; call the Chamber EDC at 701-2235660, or email Christine Nelson, cnelson@bmcedc.com or Josie Smyle, jsmyle@bmcedc.com. A special thanks to the following sweet sponsors! Main Squeeze Sponsor: Lime-Light Sponsors: Fresh Squeeze Sponsors:

Lemon Head: ABRA Auto Body & Glass, American Bank Center, Bartlett & West, Every Eye, P.C., First Western Bank & Trust, Gary Tharaldson School of Business – University of Mary, Gizmonics, LLC., Grand Junction Grilled Subs, Haga Kommer, Mr. Squeegee Window Cleaning, Scheels, Subway, Terry’s Health Products, Tires Plus, Vue Community Credit Union



It’s almost that time of year again… the season for Awards! OUTSTANDING The Bismarck Mandan Teacher of the Year Chamber EDC is getting ready to open nominations for the 2021 Outstanding Teacher of the Year! From Monday, January 25th to Saturday, February 13th please nominate the educators you think have exemplified the Crystal Apple Award. Each year, the Chamber EDC honors each of the following educators from both Mandan and Bismarck: Primary Educator, Secondary Educator and Higher Ed. Educator. To submit a nomination for an excellent teacher, follow www.bismarckmandan.com/committees, and either fill out an electronic form and email to Christine Nelson, cneslon@bmcedc.com, or print, fill out and mail to the Chamber EDC’s office:

Attn: Christine Nelson Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Dr. Bismarck, ND 58503

The deadline to submit a nomination is February 13th. For any questions about the award process or nominations, call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660. Presenting Sponsor:


SOLVING YOUR MOST COMPLEX CHALLENGES. With SEH, you are a true partner and collaborator.

Award Sponsor:

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Connection 3 19



HEALTH DAY Health Day kicked off with a panel of hospital system Presidents: Dr. Michael LeBeau, Sanford Health Bismarck; Kurt Schley, CHI St. Alexius Health; and Marvin Lein, Mid Dakota Clinic. LeBeau said masks are working in our community – not just for the novel coronavirus. COVID-19 infection rates have gone down. Transmission of RSV has gone down. Infections of seasonal flu have been very low. Schley said that if someone had asked him years ago if hospitals could increase their capacity 30-40 percent, he would have said no. Hospitals have innovated during this pandemic. Hospitals across the state have a daily touchpoint when they discuss how many hospital and ICU beds they have open. One year ago, this communication was conceptual. Now, hospitals know daily how many beds are open in the state. Lein answered questions on when the COVID-19 vaccine might be available to the general public. He estimated that by summer of 2021, the vaccine will be available on a retail basis (i.e. available at pharmacies) as opposed to only through healthcare providers. Right now, hospitals and clinics are vaccinating frontline healthcare workers and focusing on ensuring no waste of the COVID vaccine. Lein said, “There is a reason COVID is called a ‘communicable disease.’ It is a community disease.” EDUCATION DAY The Leadership Bismarck-Mandan cohort convened in the new year at Bismarck Public Schools Hughes Education Center. The day included topics from elementary schools to higher education and from behavioral health to English language learners.

A panel on "Mental Health and Addiction” speaks to the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class during Health Day hosted at the downtown Sanford Auditorium.

OUR MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsor: Program Sponsors:

BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®

The day closed with a superintendents panel including Dr. Michael Bitz, Mandan Public Schools; and Dr. Jason Hornbacher, Bismarck Public Schools. Mandan Public Schools returned to in-person learning for all grades K-12 after the new year. Bitz said it has brought vibrancy back to the high school and middle school buildings. Both superintendents addressed a question on whether allvirtual school in spring 2020 has had a long-term impact on student test scores. Hornbacher said local elementary data is similar to national elementary data. Elementary students showed more negative impacts than middle and high school students. High school students are on par compared to test scores prior to the pandemic. Ultimately, Hornbacher said kids are resilient.

20 4 Connection

Health Day co-chairs: Kilee Harmon - Rockstad Foundation Marnie Walth – Sanford Health Education Day co-chairs: Joyce Hinman - Retired Educator Alicia Uhde – Bismarck State College Lunch Sponsors: Sanford Health (Health Day) Kilee Harmon (Health Day) Joyce Hinman (Education Day) Alicia Uhde (Education Day)


HOSPITALITY PANEL NEW AT 2021 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Every year the Chamber EDC distributes the annual Economic Outlook Survey to members throughout the region to obtain their feedback on the economic performance of their organization throughout the year. With the results of this detailed survey, we are able to provide our members with insight on the Bismarck-Mandan economic climate and prepare them for what is to come in the year ahead. This information is then presented to our members at the annual Economic Outlook Forum. The Chamber EDC and Starion Bank are excited to host Dr. Karel Sovak, Dean of the Gary Tharaldson School of Business, University of Mary, as he shares the results of this year’s Economic Outlook Survey. On Thursday, April 1st at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, the Economic Outlook Forum will feature perspectives from multiple industries through two panel discussions and an outstanding, local keynote. Throughout this morning, guests will receive a local, regional and national economic outlook.

The agenda this year includes: KEYNOTE: North Dakota Economic Outlook: Where are we, and where are we going? • Jeremy Jackson Director, NDSU Center for the Study of Public Choice and Private Enterprise (PCPE)

Jeremy Jackson

Jeremy Jackson teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of microeconomics, public economics, To reserve a table for $425, please contact Christine and game theory and strategy. His research covers diverse Nelson, cnelson@bmcedc.com, Josie Smyle, jsmyle@ topics, including public choice and the political economy; bmcedc.com, or call the Chamber EDC office at the social consequences of economic freedom; happiness 701-223-5660. and well-being; and philanthropy and nonprofits. His research has been published in Applied Economics, European Cost to attend the Economic Outlook Forum is $40 for Journal of Political Economy, Public Choice, Contemporary Chamber EDC members (Virtual or In-Person) and $50 Economic Policy, Journal of Happiness Studies, and other for General Admission. refereed and non-refereed sources. He is also the author of a quarterly North Dakota Economic Outlook Report which REGISTER ONLINE AT BISMARCKMANDAN.COM provides a forecast of economic conditions of the nation, North Dakota and its major metropolitan areas. He is a memPresenting ber of several economics’ associations and honor societies. Sponsor: ECONOMIC SURVEY RESULTS • Dr. Karel Sovak - Associate Professor of Business, Gold Sponsors:

University of Mary

BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®

Table Sponsors: American Bank Center, Amy Hullet: Century 21 Morrison Realty, Bank of North Dakota Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck Mandan Home Builders Association, Bismarck State College, Capital Credit Union, Dakota Carrier Network, Eide Bailly, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, MDU Resource Group, National Information Solutions Cooperative, Sanford Health, University of Mary, United Tribes Technical College


Moderator – Jillian Lagasse Vice President of Marketing, Capital Credit Union

• Dr. Mike LeBeau - President, Sanford Health Bismarck • Brenda Nagel - Vice President for Public Affairs, University of Mary • Ron Ness - President, North Dakota Petroleum Council HOSPITALITY PANEL DISCUSSION

Moderator – Dot Frank Executive Director, Mandan Progress Organization

• Tyler Gangl - General Manager, Baymont Inn & Suites • Tyler Halm - Store Lead/Partner, Scheels • Curt Miller - Owner, Old Ten Bar & Grill

Connection 3 21


MEMBERSHIP MIXER: INDOOR GOLF BAYMONT INN & SUITES TOURNAMENT Date: Thursday, March 11, 2021 Location: Baymont Inn & Suites 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend

Baymont Inn & Suites will be hosting the March Membership Mixer on Thursday, March 11th at their location at 2611 Old Red Trail in Mandan from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Join fellow Chamber EDC members for this Membership Mixer while we enjoy hors d’oeuvres along with an open bar provided by the Baymont Inn & Suites! This fun event will have a cornhole tournament that will be giving away prizes to those who place 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the tournament! Mixers are FREE for Chamber EDC members to attend. Please consider attending and bringing colleagues from your workplace! RSVP’s are appreciated and can be made by registering online at www.bismarckmandan. com/events or by contacting Josie Smyle, jsmyle@ bmcedc.com.

22 4 Connection

Date: Friday, March 19, 2021 Location: Golf Ect 511 Airport Rd, Bismarck Time: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Admission: $75 for Individuals $175 for Team of Two You don’t want to miss out on the Chamber EDC’s newest event, the Chamber EDC Indoor Golf Tournament! This brand new addition is scheduled for Friday, March 19 at Golf, Etc. where two-person teams will compete in a 9-hole scramble over three flights at 10:00am, 12:00pm and 2:00pm. There will be snacks, pizza and drinks at the event along with prizes for the top 3 teams and most fairways hit. Registration is $150 / team or $75 / individual and will be online at www.bismarckmandan.com.


ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2021 Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck Time: 7:45AM - 11:30AM Admission: $40.00 for Chamber EDC Members (Virtually or In-Person) $50.00 for General Admission (Virtually or In-Person) Presented By:

Join us and fellow Chamber EDC members on Thursday, April 1st, from 7:45am to 11:30am as we hear firsthand from various industry experts and local professionals on what challenges we faced in 2020 and looking forward to what is to come in 2021. Cost to attend the event is $40 for Chamber EDC members (Virtual or In-Person) and $50 for General Admission. You can register online at https://business. bismarckmandan.com/events.


Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021 Location: Bismarck Events Center, Hall B Time: 5:30PM - 8:30PM Admission: $75.00 for Chamber EDC Members $85.00 for General Admission Presented By: CHRYSLER I DODGE I JEEP I RAM

This year’s keynote speaker, Matthew Luhn, comes with quite a lineup of experience creating stories and characters at Pixar Animation Studios, The Simpsons, and beyond, Luhn also works to bridge the gap between heart and business for clients such as Adidas, Target, Coca-Cola, Proctor and Gamble, BMW, Warner Brothers, Sony and Google. Call 701-223-5660 to reserve your table and start planning your evening! Tickets can also be purchased at https://www.business.bismarckmandan.com/events.

Please contact Christine Nelson, cnelson@bmcedc.com, Josie Smyle, jsmyle@bmcedc.com, or call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660 to find out more details about this informative event.

Connection 3 23


SCHMITZ-HOLMSTROM CPA JOINS THE BDO ALLIANCE USA Schmitz-Holmstrom CPA has joined the BDO Alliance USA, a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting and service firms with similar client service goals. It is the only accounting firm in the state selected to be a part of the group.

“Our client base here in Bismarck, Mandan, Hazen and surrounding area is increasingly exploring business opportunities in other domestic markets and foreign countries. Through membership with BDO Alliance USA, we can better serve these clients as they expand regionally, nationally and globally,” said Mike Schmitz, Managing Partner of Schmitz-Holmstrom CPA. “It allows us to provide excellent local service with our 30 employees, but with access to a worldwide network of technical expertise we can call upon as needed.” The BDO Alliance USA enhances Member firm capabilities through the availability of supplementary professional services, comprehensive management consulting services, focused industry knowledge, customized state-of-the-art computer systems, and internal training programs. “We believe the professionals of Schmitz-Holmstrom CPA share BDO’s commitment to exemplary client service and we want to welcome them into the BDO Alliance USA,” said Michael Horwitz, BDO USA, LLP Partner and Executive Director of Alliance Services.


Essentia Health and CommonSpirit Health have signed a Letter of Intent for CommonSpirit-owned facilities operating under the CHI brand in North Dakota and Minnesota to join Essentia Health. This includes CHI St. Alexius Health in Bismarck, a full-service tertiary hospital and 13 critical access hospitals, along with associated clinics and living communities currently operated by CommonSpirit and CHI Health at Home home health and hospice agencies. Leaders from Essentia and CommonSpirit look forward to continuing their strategic discussions, building on their mutually held commitment to the health and vitality of this region. “This is an exciting opportunity to extend our passion for excellence in rural health care to additional communities,” says Essentia CEO David C. Herman, MD. “We’re grateful that our shared Benedictine heritage and values form a strong foundation for our ongoing discussions. It would be an honor to carry on the rich tradition of high-quality Catholic health care evident today in these CHI facilities.” “CommonSpirit wants patients in this region to have access to a strong network of rural and tertiary hospitals, primary and specialty care, and telehealth services,” said Cliff Robertson, MD, senior vice president for CommonSpirit’s Midwest division. “Essentia Health is well-positioned to integrate these facilities into a continuum of care, while carrying on the Catholic heritage and mission of these facilities. We look forward to continuing our conversations.” Both organizations recognize the important role that health care plays in keeping rural communities vibrant. This shared understanding will help ensure the long-term success of these facilities should an agreement move forward. Essentia has a proven track record of providing access to comprehensive, integrated care in rural communities across North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin. CommonSpirit, which was formed when Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) combined with Dignity Health in 2019, also operates facilities in Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Signing a Letter of Intent is the first step in the process of reaching a formal agreement to transfer ownership of these facilities. It is the hope of both organizations that the due diligence process moves forward smoothly, and the CHI facilities could join Essentia by summer 2021.

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BSC LAUNCHES NEW CDL TRAINING PROGRAM Bismarck State College’s (BSC) Continuing Education Department has launched a new, short-term, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) training program that will train individuals for positions as heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers. Startup funding for this program came from a grant through the North Dakota Department of Commerce’s Smart Restart Technical Skills Training Grant and matching funding from NextEra Energy Resources, LLC. The ND Department of Commerce received CARES Act funding to provide grants for workforce training programs for displaced workers seeking to develop the technical skills necessary to make a career change and remain gainfully employed in North Dakota. A donation of $100,000 from NextEra Energy Resources will be used as match for a $100,000 grant from the ND Department of Commerce. This $200,000 investment allows BSC to provide the equipment, materials and curriculum needed to launch the training program. “Technical training programs have extensive start-up costs, and we are grateful to the ND Department of Commerce and NextEra Energy for their contributions to get this program off the ground,” said BSC President Douglas J. Jensen. “Without their support, we would not have been able to offer this high-demand program.” NextEra Energy Resources is the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and the sun. The company’s subsidiaries currently own and operate 15 wind energy centers in North Dakota, with an additional wind project currently under construction, as well as investments in midstream pipelines supporting Bakken fuels transportation. The CDL job training program will support heavy haul and tractor-trailer jobs in renewable energy, including deliveries of wind turbine components.

“Since 2003, NextEra Energy Resources has been investing in North Dakota. We are committed to continuing our investments in the state and supporting the communities we serve,” said John Di Donato, NextEra Energy Resources vice president of development and origination. “The CDL training program will help provide new job opportunities and retraining options for the hard-working people of North Dakota during this unprecedented time.” Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers are in high demand throughout North Dakota, and drivers typically earn annual wages of more than $50,000. Training takes place over the course of four weeks with students using an advanced driving simulator as well as behind-the-wheel drive time with faculty. Course completers are eligible to take the North Dakota Department of Transportation CDL road test to achieve licensure. “At BSC, we are focused on providing affordable and flexible options for working adults to come back to school,” said Jensen. “Whether they want to finish their degree or get a short-term training credential, we work with all of our students to achieve their goals and land a career that helps them provide for themselves and their families.” The first CDL training program is underway with additional training schedules available later this spring. Multiple courses will be offered in upcoming months at various times and dates to provide options for potential students. Registration information and requirements are available at www.bismarckstate.edu/drive.

Connection 3 25




1661 Capitol Way, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-250-9400

500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100



A: We have been getting an increased

number of questions like this and requests for blue light filters. Research has emerged correlating the exposure of short-wave blue light to the suppression of melatonin production. Some researchers consider blue light blocking products gimmicky and believe they only produce a placebo effect where people think their eye strain issues are reduced. We are not medical professionals and there has not been enough research either way, however, there has been an increased market for blue light reducing products. If you are interested in reducing your blue light exposure, physical filters can be placed on the display. Or any number of apps that reduce the blue light on your digital screen, whether that’s a phone, tablet, or monitor. Turn on a “Night Light” with the built-in feature of Windows 10: Settings > System > Display. Or use “Night Shift” on iOS devices: Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift. Amazon Fire tablet owners: Notifications menu > Settings > Display > Blue Shade.

to help prevent cervical cancer is to have regular screening tests starting at age 21. The Pap test looks for precancers or cell changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not treated appropriately and the HPV test looks for the virus (human papillomavirus) that can cause these cell changes. These tests can be done in a doctor’s office or clinic. Cervical cancer can take 10-15 years to develop into cancer. This is why your yearly checkups are essential and it’s important to realize precancerous conditions are very treatable. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. You are more likely to get HPV if you or your partner have had multiple sexual partners. Cervical cancer can be prevented through the HPV vaccine, which is given in a series of two or three shots and is recommended for boys and girls older than 11. Other safety precautions: don’t smoke, use condoms during sex, and limit your number of sexual partners.


204 W Thayer Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-255-0042

Q: IS NOW A GOOD TIME TO REFINANCE MY MORTGAGE? A: Refinancing your mortgage means

paying off your existing loan and replacing it with a new one. When interest rates are low, as they currently are, it’s a great time to think about refinancing. If you can reduce your interest rate by at least 1%, it is often a good option. Depending on your situation, refinancing may allow you to lower your monthly mortgage payment, take advantage of a lower interest rate, convert from an adjustable-rate to a fixed-rate mortgage, or vice versa, unlock your home equity and gain access to cash, shorten your mortgage term or eliminate Private Mortgage Insurance. Before you decide to refinance, take a careful look at your financial situation. Refinancing with Capital Credit Union can cost between 2% and 3% of your loan's principal and requires an appraisal (if applicable), title search and application fees. So, if you aren’t planning on staying in your home more than a few more years, the cost of refinancing may negate the potential savings. For more info or to contact a mortgage loan officer, visit capcu.org. Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity. NMLS# 630548.

26 4 Connection





4204 Boulder Ridge Rd, #100, Bismarck, ND 58503

2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: CAN A PHYSICAL THERAPIST Q: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE HELP ME PREVENT HEART BETWEEN A CHIP AND A PITCH? DISEASE? A: Knowing when to chip and when to pitch can sometimes be challenging. When A: YES! Don’t wait any longer to make the

Q: WHY IS IT SAFE TO GET A COVID-19 VACCINE? A: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration

3400 Burnt Creek Loop, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-355-0995

you have a short shot to the green, you're going to hit either a chip or a pitch. Here’s the difference…

1. A chip shot stays low and runs along the ground, and a pitch flies higher and doesn't roll as much. Use a chip when you don't have to carry the ball over an obstacle, like deep rough or a bunker, and you have a lot of green between you and the hole. 2. Use a pitch when you have to carry over something or need to stop the ball faster. The extra height on a pitch shot causes the ball to land softer and stop faster.

How to play a chip: (Right-handed golfer) Position the ball back in your stance, put more weight on your left foot, and swing equal lengths back and through without hinging your wrists on either side. Once you get a feel for the chip, swing a little longer by hinging the club upward with your wrists and letting your weight shift back and through. In no time you'll build a feel for the full swing.

Lost your way with a full swing? Go back to chipping. When you feel frustrated, go back to hitting short chip shots. The chipping swing is the basis of the entire swing; it's the full swing in miniature. And with the chipping motion being so short and slow, you can more easily understand what's happening.


necessary changes for an active lifestyle, your heart depends on it. Most forms of heart disease are preventable, and a physical therapist can work with you to create a progressive program to implement lifestyle changes, especially if you have any physical impairments or mobility issues. Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to prevent heart disease. Move more, sit less, is a physical therapist’s mantra! The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute suggests engaging in physical activity 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day to help protect your heart health. Lifestyle changes won’t take place overnight but small steps add up to big changes overtime. Contact Optimum Therapies today to get moving safely again so you can begin your journey to a healthy heart. There is no referral needed to access quality physical therapy.

(FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have approved two COVID-19 vaccines. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were found to be 95% effective against COVID-19. Both require two doses from the same manufacturer. These vaccines are safe, even though they were approved quickly. When development of these vaccines started, scientists had already completed years of research on SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, which are similar viruses to the one that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). As a result, the scientists already had a lot of the information they needed to create the vaccines we need now. After development, all three phases of clinical trials for the vaccines were closely reviewed by the FDA, ensuring both the safety and effectiveness of each vaccine.

See your Movement Specialist today! Visit Optimum Therapies at www.optimumtherapies.com.

Connection 3 27

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION UNIVERSITY OF MARY PROMOTES PILLING AS NEW DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING University of Mary announced it has Dr. Terry Pilling appointed Dr. Terry Pilling as dean of the School of Engineering. Pilling brings nearly 25 years of engineering, research, and higher education experience to the position — including the last five years at the University of Mary as associate professor, and most recently as chair of the School of Engineering. Pilling becomes the first dean of the new School of Engineering. He obtained his master’s degree in theoretical and experimental nuclear physics from the Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory following a bachelor’s degree, with honors, in physics and engineering physics from the University of Saskatchewan.

BELL JOINS CORNERSTONE BANK AS AN AVP/CASH MANAGEMENT SALES OFFICER With over 10 years of experience in the financial Katie Bell industry Katie Bell has joined Cornerstone Bank as a Cash Management Sales Officer in Bismarck. Originally from Bismarck, ND, Katie graduated from the University of Mary with a degree in Business Administration. She currently lives in Lincoln, ND with her husband, Jason, and their two children. MEISSNER JOINS BISMARCK AERO CENTER Drew Meissner joins the Bismarck Aero Center FBO Team as Flightline Technician for the morning shift. Prior to BAC, Drew has been working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at CHI St. Alexius and before that was a Flightline Technician. Even though he found CNA work to be very rewarding, there was something about the airport that kept calling him back.

DAKOTA CARRIER NETWORK HIRES FORSETH DCN (Dakota Carrier Network) has hired Logan Forseth as a sales support representative Logan Forseth at its Fargo office. In this role he provides support to the sales team in Fargo and Bismarck, preparing paperwork for new and existing customers’ broadband needs, monitoring pending service orders, maintaining records, and processing billing summaries. Forseth, a Hillsboro native, earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of North Dakota. His work experience includes being a technician at Halstad (Minn.) Telephone and internships with Boll Farms of Crookston, Minn.; UND Athletics; and The Idea Shop of Hillsboro.

AMERICAN BANK CENTER WELCOMES NEW BUSINESS BANKING OFFICERS PULVERMACHER JOINS DAKCU ADVOCACY Chad Hasche and STAFF ShaLee Huntley have joined American Bank The Dakota Credit WATSON NAMED CHIEF Chad Hashce Center as business Union Association EXECUTIVE OFFICER banking officers. They (DakCU) is pleased to FOR THE BISMARCKhelp their customers announce an exciting MANDAN HOME Kayla Pulvermacher reach their business goals expansion for our BUILDERS ASSOCIATION by connecting them with advocacy team with the The Bismarcklocal financing as well as addition of Kayla Pulvermacher as the new Mandan Home Builders effective banking tools State Legislative Director. Dawn Watson Association has hired and resources. Pulvermacher joins the association Dawn Watson as the new Hasche has been with a vast amount of legislative and ShaLee Huntley Chief Executive Officer. working in the financial government relations experience, as Dawn comes to the Bismarck-Mandan industry since 1990. He well as a degree in Political Science from Home Builders Association with over 25 earned a Bachelor of Science degree in North Dakota State University. Most years of experience in communications, finance from Minnesota State University recently, she served as a policy advisory sales, marketing, advertising, networking, Moorhead. Early on, he learned about and account executive for Clearwater special event planning, membership, what it takes to run a small business from Communications where she assisted advocacy and management. his father. Hasche’s father, who in addition clients with government relations, policy Her previous roles include to being a college instructor and coach, strategy, and served as lead lobbyist for Communications & Membership ran several small family businesses, some several nonprofit organizations. Director for the ND Association of that continue to this day. In her new role at DakCU, Kayla REALTORS®, small business owner for Huntley has 13 years of experience Pulvermacher will represent member in the financial industry. She earned credit unions in legislative matters, provide years with BalanceDiet and SlimSpa Weight Loss & Wellness, Executive a Bachelor of Science in Business updates to the ND Governmental Affairs Director for the U.S. Durum Growers Administration from the University of Committee (GAC) and assist with political Association, Communications Director Nebraska in Lincoln with a major in fundraising objectives. In addition, she for the ND Grain Growers Association, international business. She also earned will serve as the Executive Director of Business Development Director for Kat a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the Dakota Credit Union Foundation, Communications and several Civil Service St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minn. overseeing fundraising and marketing Marketing Director positions that she held Huntley also learned about business strategies in coordination with the with the Department of Defense while her operations from her father as he ran a Foundation Board of Directors. and her husband, Bill, served in the U.S. successful small business in Bismarck for Army. 40 years. Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at rpelkey@bmcedc.com.

28 4 Connection

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS DALE CARNEGIE GRADUATES RECEIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AWARDS The following individuals have received Sommer Hunke awards from Dale Carnegie of ND & MN for The Dale Carnegie Course in Bismarck, ND. • Sommer Hunke, Salty Grace Health & Wellness: Highest Award for Shelley Gramling Achievement • Shelley Gramling, Eide Bailly LLP: Business Application Project Award The course is presented so participants can discover how to form closer, more rewarding relationships built on trust and respect. Graduates of the course will be able to increase their confidence and competence in interacting with others, which will gain the influence needed to reach new heights in personally and professionally.

KLJ TRANSITIONS LEADERSHIP The KLJ Solutions Holding Co. Board of Directors has announced the appointment of interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Barry Schuchard, effective January 1, 2021. The appointment follows the resignation of KLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ) CEO, Dean Anagnost effective December 31, 2020. Schuchard has been with the company since 1983 and served in multiple projectrelated and leadership roles over the years, including Chief Production Officer for a number of years and most recently as the company’s Chief Value Officer. “It is my privilege to step into this interim role and support the company as we transition our leadership. With more than 80 years in business our growth across our footprint has been exciting, and we continue to pursue our mission of improving the lives of people and communities by engineering progressive infrastructure across the nation,” said Schuchard. Anagnost began his career with KLJ in 1991 where he was responsible for the formation of the company’s Telecommunications practice, which remains a key component of KLJ’s business portfolio.

FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK AND TRUST WELCOMES CHAD JOHNSON, COMMERCIAL LENDER First International Bank & Trust (FIBT) is proud to Chad Johnson welcome Chad Johnson to our commercial lending team. Chad is a leader in banking community and an active member of the Bismarck Mandan-area community. Chad comes to FIB&T with 20 years of experience. Chad’s local, responsible, and forward-thinking approach to banking aligns with First International Bank & Trust. Chad’s commercial lending experience is diverse, having worked successfully with energy companies, manufacturers, retail and commercial real estate clients in past roles. “I’m excited to work at FIBT and provide my clients with an elevated experience. I appreciate FIBT’s communityfirst approach to banking and quick decision-making, and feel my customers will too,” Johnson says.


Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at www.freetv.org.

Mon, 1st

5:00 pm 5:30 pm

Burleigh County Commission Mandan School Board*

Wed, 17th

3:30 pm 5:00 pm

Historic Preservation Commission Burleigh County Commission

Tues, 2nd

5:30 pm

Mandan City Commission

5:15 pm

Bismarck Park Board

Thurs, 4th

5:00 pm

Bismarck Board of Adjustment

Mon, 8th Tues, 9th

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck School Board Mandan Park Board*

Thurs, 18th Mon, 22nd

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck School Board Mandan Planning Commission*

5:15 pm

Bismarck City Commission

Tues, 23rd

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck City Commission Morton County Commission*

Wed, 24th

5:00 pm

Bismarck Planning Commission

Thurs, 25th

5:30 pm

ITG (Political Subdivisions)

Wed, 10th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Thurs, 11th 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Tues, 16th 10:00 am 1:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

Bismarck Parking Authority Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority Morton County Commission*

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at www.freetv.org. * Delayed Playback

Metropolitan Planning Org. Technical Advisory Committee Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Mandan City Commission Mandan School Board

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RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.

DYKSHOORN PARK City of Mandan and city officials break ground on the Morton Mandan Public Library and Dykshoorn Park improvement. Member.

WALMART - SOUTH Tim Morris, store manager, and team celebrate the remodel of their location at 2717 Rock Island Place in Bismarck. Phone: 701-223-3066. Member.

PAPERWORK PASSION YOU KNOW YOUR BUSINESS. WE KNOW THE NUMBERS. Outsourcing business functions like payroll, management advisory and even your CFO role can free up your time to focus your energy where it matters most.

701.255.1091 | eidebailly.com 30 4 Connection

CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at www.bismarckmandan.com. Sunshine Family Dentistry 3001 Yorktown Dr., Suite 4 Bismarck, ND 58503 Sarah Mertz (701) 390-9676 Sunshine Family Dentistry offers a variety of dental services in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Come join us for a little laughter and lots of smiles! Nodak Insurance – Ryan House 1686 Capitol Way Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 223-4605 Insurance agency that specializes in home, auto, business and life insurance. Fix It All 2716 Memorial Hwy. Mandan, ND 58554 Casey Bernard (701) 989-0695 Offering construction and repair services including: decks, sheds, drywall, basement finish, kitchen & bathroom remodels and more. Williquors 3025 Yorktown Dr. Bismarck, ND 58503 Brent Skjerseth (701) 751-7373 Golly Williquors, That's a lot of Spirits! Beer, wine, spirits and everything liquid and delicious in Bismarck.

Sitting Bull College 9299 ND-24 Fort Yates, ND 58538 Gariella Arellano (701) 712-1158 LAVENTURE LLC 400 E. Broadway Ave., Suite 501 Bismarck, ND 58501 Robert Lindberg (701) 989-5432 Public affairs firm specialized in advocacy, engagement, government affairs and digital marketing. Schindler & Stewart Family Dentistry 210 W Century Ave. Bismarck, ND 58503 Katie Stewart (701) 223-3694 Full-service general dentistry. Colliers Securities 120 N 3rd St., Suite 150 Bismarck, ND 58501 Gage Gunderson (701) 222-4411 Every day, Colliers experts deliver commercial property services that drive exceptional results and enduring value for our clients. Your success is our success - we’re dedicated to creating customized solutions that work for your unique needs and exceed your expectations.

Connection 3 31

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS MEMBERSHIP MIXER: BAYMONT INN & SUITES Date: March 11, 2021 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Baymont Inn & Suites – 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan CHAMBER EDC INDOOR GOLF TOURNAMENT Date: March 19, 2021 • Time: 10:00am - 4:30pm Location: Golf Etc – 511 Airport Rd, Bismarck ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: April 1, 2021 • Time: 7:45am - 11:30am Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center – 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck

CHAMBER EDC ANNUAL DINNER Date: April 29, 2021 • Time: 5:30pm - 8:30pm Location: Bismarck Event Center, Hall B – 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck

MEMBERSHIP MIXER: ANYLEAKS Date: April 22, 2021 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Anyleaks – 140 Riverwood Ave SE, Mandan

MEMBERSHIP MIXER: HOLIDAY INN Date: May 13, 2021 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Holiday Inn – 3903 State Street, Bismarck


On this day, Thursday, February 11, we encourage you to donate to the Bismarck Cancer Center Foundation. Help us provide transportation and lodging for individuals traveling for cancer treatment. 11



To make a secure online contribution to he Bismarck Cancer Center Foundation, simply go to www.givingheartsday.org on February 11 and click on the Giving Hearts Day “Donate� button.

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