Clermont 2013

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B i s h op L oug h l i n C l e r m o n t Fa l l 2 0 1 3 S ervice and C ommunity

C on n ect i ng A lu m n i Bishop Loughlin Memorial H igh School St. Augustine Diocesan H igh School

The Clermont Administration Brother Dennis Cronin, FSC, President Edward A. Bolan ’78, Principal

Fall 2013 Clermont Letter from the President and Chairman of the Board............................. 2-3 Around Loughlin ........................................................................................ 4-11 Ms. Nancy McKeever......................................................................................6-7 Sports Corner.................................................................................................. 8-9 Class Notes and In Memoriam..................................................................18-23

Bishop Loughlin Alumni Loughlin Alumni Reunion .............................................................................12 Loughlin Luncheon..........................................................................................13 Athletic Hall of Fame...................................................................................... 14

St. Augustine Alumni St. Augustine Reunion .................................................................................... 18 Lion-Lancer Golf Outing ............................................................................... 17

Photos Front Cover Photo: Vintage Bishop Loughlin and St. Augustine Memorabilia Index Photo: Loughlin Students at the beginning of the school year Back Cover Photo: Top: Loughlin 1st Annual Family Day Bottom: Lacrosse Team Member

Note from the Director of Development Please enjoy the Fall 2013 issue of The Clermont. We have sent it only in an electronic format. This is to save money that can be better used for program development, scholarships, endowment and capital improvements. Thanks to your support we continue to offer a quality education that keeps Loughlin a strong force in today’s world. You should have received the 2013-2014 Annual Appeal and I hope you will continue to support your alma mater to the best of your ability. Thanks for all you do to make it happen. Good health and best regards, John E. Klemm’65 Director of Development

Board of Governors 2013-2014 Robert K. Conry ’70, Board Chair Russell Broome ’63 Brian K. Chabrunn’74 Brian C. Connolly ’73 Brother Dennis Cronin, FSC, President- ex officio Rev. Edward Doran PhD Brendan J. Dugan ’64, St. Augustine Joseph P. Dunne ’65 Ernesto Ferran Jr., M.D. ’68 James P. Flaherty ’65, St. Augustine Mary Macchiarola ’58, Bishop McDonnell John J. McCabe ’61, St. Augustine Rev. Clinton M. Miller ’85 Michael W. Murray ’63 Gerard J .Quinn ’69 James T. Reynolds ’63 Pamela M. Sloan’73, Bishop McDonnell Brother Thomas J. Scanlan, FSC, Ph.D Thomas Van Buskirk ’70, St. Augustine Department of Development & Alumni Relations John E. Klemm ’65, Director of Development Andrew Leary, Director of Individual Giving Sonya Wells, Communications & Marketing Coordinator Tara Zoltek, Alumni Relations and Events Coordinator Joan Hotaling-Cramer, Gift & Data Entry Coordinator Rita Monaghan-Maloney ’59, Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Coordinator Charles O’Donnell ’59, St. Augustine Alumni Coordinator Edward Bowes ’60, Alumni Associate Photo Credits Sonya Wells Graphic Designer Creative Geers, LLC The Clermont is published by the Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Development Office. Correspondence and address changes should be mailed to: Development Office Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 357 Clermont Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238 Phone: 718-857-2700 x2250 • Fax:718-857-2833 E-mail: Visit our website:

n Dear Alumni and Friends of Bishop Loughlin Recently I attended a conference of Chief Administrators of our Lasallian schools. The topic was “Sustainability and Viability.” The conference participants reflected the strength of the network across the country. This report that you are receiving speaks of the vitality of one very significant support for long term viability – alumni support. The three schools that reflect our diocesan heritage – Loughlin, McDonnell, and Augustine –provided access to opportunity. A quality education defined by competence, clearly articulated objectives and mutual accountability was the key to unlock boundless potential in a diverse student population. In this educational setting, it makes no difference whether you are boy or girl, black or white, from Brooklyn or Queens, rich or poor. What matters is that you are created in the image and likeness of God and that you are entrusted to educators for whom you were their means of salvation. Wow, with those stakes you deserved the best and for the most part you got it!

Bro. Dennis Cronin, FSC President

“to provide a Christian and human education… especially to the poor”


Fall 2013

Today, students are admitted to Loughlin based on an entrance test and Junior High report cards. The schools in Brooklyn and in Queens to a lesser extent are struggling to respond to shifting demographics. Loughlin, implementing its strategic plan, assigned additional personnel resources to admissions. That decision is bearing fruit and we have experienced a 28% increase in registrations over last year. Admissions are the primary support for long-term viability. I am sharing this with you to confirm your decision to support Loughlin. As a school community along with our Board of Governors we are prepared to adapt to challenging times with appropriate action. Together we continue to provide a quality education providing a wide range of opportunities for students. For the third consecutive year we have produced a recipient of the Horatio Alger Scholarship. We were able to send our debaters to specialized summer camp where they honed their skills for national competition. The students in our music program, both voice and instrumental, receive master classes from members of the Brooklyn

Philharmonic. Our varsity boy’s basketball team is competing in the playoff rounds of the city finals. The CHSAA league remains one of the most competitive in the nation. Our new Lacrosse team completed its inaugural season in high spirits and will acquitted itself well. A new coaching staff invigorates the baseball team, while the track team has grown stronger under the direction of its current coach and alumnus. One of the most successful programs for opening the eyes of students to their potential is the” Breakfast With…” program which allows alums and friends to share their personal career stories with a small group of students over breakfast. This invites students to see themselves in roles they may not have envisioned for themselves or encourages them to pursue their choices with vigor or maybe reconsider some of their choices. How exciting it is to think that more students will benefit from this experience. Yet we are challenged to grow programs to respond to a changing learning environment. Loughlin will need to integrate technology into its curriculum at a higher level due to the implementation of the common core standards. We are studying ways to initiate a one-to-one program (one student to one electronic device). The building façade will need some repair. The bleachers are sagging, not bad for 80 years of students’ trodding but nonetheless replacement is inevitable. Every day at Loughlin has its challenges. Thank you for providing the support, which allows us to meet those challenges. Loughlin remains true to its mission to provide a Christian and human education to the young and especially to those in need.

n Meet our New Principal, Edward Bolan, ‘78 We are proud to announce that Mr. Edward A. Bolan, Class of 1978, has been named our new Principal. He brings over 30 years of experience as an educator. He is committed to building on the high level of success our current students have achieved. Ed followed his two older brothers Tom Bolan Class of ‘69 and Tim Bolan Class of ‘76 to Loughlin. Ed’s uncle, Thomas Bolan graduated from Loughlin in 1941. All found their experience at Loughlin to be invaluable in preparing them for the future. Ed began his teaching career at Martin DePorres in Springfield Gardens, Queens. This was his first experience working with special needs students. The challenges were overwhelming at times. The range of needs covered a wide spectrum. Some students could not read or write and some would not even speak. However, the successes were extremely rewarding. After Martin DePorres, he taught at St. Cecilia’s Parochial School in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. St. Cecilia’s is his home parish. He taught Social Studies and Reading, coached basketball, and ran the intramural touch football and hockey league. He did an excellent job creating an environment where students prepared themselves for the rigors of high school.

He spent the next 18 years at Christ the King Regional High School in Middle Village, Queens. He taught Math and Drivers Education, was the Dean of Discipline, Director of Student Personnel and Assistant Principal for Discipline and Academics. He also coached bowling, handball, and baseball. In 2004, he was Assistant Principal and then Principal at Tappan Zee High School in 2006. During his tenure as Principal, the school was able to expand course offerings, increase enrollment and improve the results on all AP courses. In 2009 the school had its highest AP results and college acceptances in the school’s history. For the past 2 years Ed has worked as Assistant Principal at The Robert Van Wyck Middle School in Briarwood, Queens. He supervised the English and ESL Departments, School Safety, and was Test Coordinator. During this period, he had been immersed in the new Common Core learning standards and the Danielson Framework for improving instruction. Ed attended St. John’s University for both his undergrad and master degrees. He is a lifelong resident of Brooklyn. He and his wife have raised four wonderful children all of whom attended St. Cecilia’s Parochial School and a Catholic High School afterwards.

Live Jesus in our hearts…Forever. Sincerely,

Bro. Dennis Cronin,FSC


around loughlin

n E.J.J. Bowes Track/Field Facility &

Antonio Benjamin Fitness Room The Loughlin “Track Room” is legendary and has contributed to earning many championships and trophies. Unfortunately, the room has fallen into disrepair through the years with aging equipment and a deteriorating infrastructure. We are incredibly proud to say that we have completed the first phase of construction for the new Antonio Benjamin fitness room. For the first time, Bishop Loughlin will have treadmills, elliptical machines and other equipment found in first class fitness centers. Although we are unable to complete all phases at this time, already we have a much safer and more impressive facility for our students. We are grateful to an anonymous donor from the class of 1960, the Loughlin Alumni Foundation and the Brooklyn Nets for extraordinary generosity. The Foundation and our anonymous donor funded Phase I which included demolition and basic reconstruction of the space, rubber flooring and electric work. Our new neighbors, The Brooklyn Nets, have graciously donated more than $100,000 worth of equipment from their previous training facility in New Jersey. We are currently approaching the last phase to complete the Antonio Benjamin Fitness center. We are raising additional funds to add needed mirrors, HVAC, new doors, renovate the locker room and put up signage. The estimated costs for this renovation is approximately $40,000. To date we have collected $6,500 from alumni of the 1980’s and 1990’s. If anyone would like to contribute, please contact John Klemm@718-857-2700 x2254 or email

Construction Phase One 4

Fall 2013


n Meet Tara Zoltek

n tito Puente and the Mitch Frohman Quartet at Loughlin! The Mitch Frohman Quartet performed at Bishop Loughlin, on Friday, February 15, 2013. Mitch Frohman toured with the Tito Puente Orchestra for over 25 years. The Mambo Legends Orchestra is the surviving member of the Tito Puente band and the band he is in was just nominated for a Latino Grammy. Mr. Frohman held a workshop in the school with Loughlin’s Senior Band prior to the school wide performance. The students were truly inspired by him, his music and his spirit.





In January, Bishop Loughlin welcomed a new member to the Alumni and Development team. Tara has four and a half years of experience working in non-profit, with the past two and a half years spent in development. Originally from Dallas, Texas, Tara has spent the past five and a half years living in the New York area and is proud to be working at a high school with ties to Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York, the non-profit that brought her to New York to begin with as an Americorps volunteer.

event work. She is excited to be a part of our team and focus on planning and implementing the successful Alumni events.

As the Alumni Relations and Special Event Coordinator, Tara will be working with the Director of Development and the Development Team to fundraise through the reunions and special events for Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School, Bishop McDonnell Memorial High School, and St. Augustine Diocesan High School. Objectives include growing the alumni involvement for all schools, whether through event Tara’s previous experiences at the participation, service events, or Capuchin Franciscan Friars in New financial support. Tara is excited to Jersey and the Catholic Charities of be a part of the Development Team the Archdiocese of New York had and further the growth of Bishop her working extensively with direct mail and marketing along with special Loughlin Memorial High School.


around loughlin

n Ms. Nancy McKeever

35 Years of Service

35 Years of Service

Thirty-two years ago when I first walked into the building I was feeling shy and unsure. The first person to spot me was Nancy McKeever. She gave me a warm welcome and invited me to sit and chat before the first bell. After meeting Nancy, I was confident that I was going to like being at Bishop Loughlin. Nancy is a very special person. Her door and her heart are always open to all of us— students, staff and faculty. Her generosity of spirit, time, talent and resources seem limitless.

her productivity and the devotion that all who call or stop into the office feel for her, whether they be grads, parents, colleagues, students and even vendors that have worked with her over the years. I will always be indebted to Nancy for the mentoring and love that she so good-naturedly offers me. Saint La Salle loved the gospel passage of the Good Shepherd. He encouraged his brothers to be that shepherd for their students. Nancy has been that shepherd for all of us at Loughlin. She knows us by our names and will go any distance to help and support us.

Over these past months of her so-called retirement, she has been Nancy is a blessing and a treasure. working tirelessly with me to get She is a loyal daughter of Loughlin. me up to speed. I am in awe of her vast knowledge, her wise counsel,

Nancy McKeever has created many miracles over 35 years working with young people and their families and their challenges. She and I have worked as closely together as two people can in very emotional and stressful situations in order to help young people grow well. As I said at her retirement dinner “the magnitude of the warmth and love that she brought to Bishop Loughlin every day for 35 years is indescribable.” As a result, words fail when it comes to attempting to convey it. St. John Baptist de La Salle uses a phrase that I will repeat. Nancy has “touched the hearts” of approximately 11,000 young people and their mothers, fathers, grandparents and on and on. Godspeed, Nancy James Dorney

N a n c y M c K e eve r S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d I. Statement of Intent Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School hereby establishes, on this date of February 15th 2013, the Nancy McKeever Scholarship Fund on the occasion of her retirement.

Nancy McKeever retired after 35 dedicated years (1977-2012) at Bishop Loughlin as teacher and Assistant Principal. She was honored at her retirement party on February 15, 2013, at Michael’s Restaurant in Brooklyn, attended by 70 faculty members and friends. Brother Dennis Lee began the celebration by saying grace and Brother Peter Bonventre offered the opening toast. The Principal, Jim Dorney gave the introduction speech and touched on the many years they have worked together, recounting many stories of the students, faculty and


Fall 2013

events they shared in the 35 years as a team. Brother Dennis Cronin, President of Bishop Loughlin, honored Nancy with gifts for her valued years and notified all that he had established the Nancy McKeever Scholarship Fund. This was the gift that Nancy appreciated most and she was so honored. The language on the plaque, from the writings of St. John Baptist De La Salle, describes what Nancy has meant to Loughlin: “One of the main concerns of those who instruct others: to be able to understand their students and

to discern the right way to guide them.” Her vital leadership, profound loyalty and dedicated service to the young men and women of Loughlin is what makes Nancy special and sets her apart. Those of us who have come in contact with “Miss McKeever” will agree that she is special. Thank you Nancy. Donations can be made to the Nancy McKeever Scholarship on-line or by sending a check to the Development Department at Bishop Loughlin MHS.

This fund has been established within Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School and funded with an initial payment of $4,000 from faculty contributions. Future contributions will be solicited from faculty and alumni. II. Established Fund Type Temporary Restricted Scholarship Fund III. Awarding Criteria The purpose of this scholarship is to support an award to a qualified student or students with demonstrated financial need and solid academic performance. The following are the criteria for the Nancy McKeever Scholarship: • Solely for students at Bishop Loughlin • Academic and need based • Student candidate selection is made through the administration of Bishop Loughlin • The scholarship will continue each academic year providing it’s recipient maintains academic and need based qualification • Each scholarship will be funded at an amount determined by the administration annually


around loughlin n How to Achieve Greatness with Kobe Bryant

n Lacrosse by Br endan Rooney, Lacrosse C oach

On Monday, February 4, 2013, Bishop Loughlin Memorial H.S Men’s varsity basketball players were lacing up their Nikes for practice. Then the unexpected happened. Kobe Bryant from the Lakers walked into Bishop Loughlin’s gym and took the team by surprise.

“It was inspirational” still can’t believe that he took the time out of his day to talk to us… it still feels unbelievable.”

Kobe Bryant was in BrooklynY to play “This is not an everyday experience that the Brooklyn Nets on Tuesday, February a NBA star comes into a high school and 5th at the Barclays Center, which is I think this is something they will always located around the corner from Bishop remember.” Says Coach Chez, of the Loughlin High School. He took a special Women’s Varsity Basketball Team. trip to speak with our students, with a Kobe touched on many issues: from message on how to achieve greatness. nutrition, training and conditioning to “I couldn’t help but be struck by the the overall spirit and the nature of sports, reaction of the students when Kobe not just basketball. He took the time to Bryant entered the gymnasium. They answer questions and extended himself were ecstatic, filled with admiration, to take team and individual photos with genuinely engaged and attentive. Any the Loughlin players. teacher would be envious.” Commented “Our partnership with Nike provided Brother Dennis, President of BLMHS. this unique opportunity of having Kobe Kobe captivated the Loughlin Varsity Bryant speak to our student athletes. Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams. Their initial reaction was priceless. I was They sat in awe listening to the NBA most moved by their excellent questions living legend, as he passed out pointers and Kobe’s interaction with the students. and advice on Loughlin’s home court. It was inspirational.” Commented Men’s Varsity Basketball, Head Coach, Ed Daquan Miller, junior at BLMHS Gonzalez. explains, “This was the best experience I ever had. His words made me feel that there is room for me to reach his level. I


Fall 2013

The Bishop Loughlin Lions had a tremendous first year of varsity lacrosse. The support from top to bottom was unbelievable. We had Brother Dennis, who gave me a chance to make Loughlin proud, come to practices and games. The kids loved seeing him along with other faculty and staff watching them practice or play games. The heart and dedication that this team showed was amazing. To try to learn a varsity full contact sport in a competitive league with teams who have years of experience, and COMPETE at an exceptional level in a month is unreal, but the kids did it and never complained. We ended the season with 36 Loughlinites who accepted the challenge to represent the schools first full contact and lacrosse team in Loughlin HISTORY. I’m sure any alumni who saw or will see the purple and gold at a lacrosse game or practice will be proud. Integrity, loyalty, family, and pride is what our lacrosse team is about. Teamwork, and accountability for ones actions was necessary for our team to succeed, and these kids went over and beyond. Our season wasn’t about the score, at the end of the game it was about improving ourselves. We even almost won two games losing 7-6, and 8-7 in overtime. I was showered with thanks and praise all year from fellow coaches, players, parents, college coaches,

fellow lacrosse players, teachers and alumni, for teaching these kids life lessons along with lacrosse, Americas oldest and fastest growing sport. Javier Morales, a junior attackman, scored 13 goals and earned First team all league. Senior defenseman Kevyn Crooks, earned 2nd Team All League due to his stellar takeaway skills with 32 takeaways. Loughlin’s first lacrosse captain, David Lemons, a midfielder, garnered a very prestigious award. He received the Bob Scott Award given annually to one senior in the whole conference. This award is given to someone who represents lacrosse and all of its ideals to the fullest. This award is presented on behalf of US Lacrosse. The award recognizes a student-athlete who gave 100% to the team no matter what, and dedicated himself to promoting lacrosse and teamwork. Dave organized captain practices, made sure freshman were adapting well to school and even organized tutoring sessions among teammates. He worked so hard to make lacrosse a success at Loughlin, along with his 35 teammates ranging from 9th-12th grade. I am so thankful to have had the support from many in the school. The alumni development staff always helpful, passing along great ideas as well as kind words. Ed Fogarty, a St. Augustine alumnus helped get practice shorts and shirts to my team, which was a huge, help.

A former alumnus, who doesn’t realize how much I value his opinion, and words of wisdom, also helped me tremendously. His name is Charlie O’Donnell. He reminds me of my father. His encouragement along with advice has been priceless, and he even had the Loyola head coach and UMBC head coach write letters of encouragement to the team and me. I would like to acknowledge my father, who passed away last year. He instilled a will and drive to succeed in me that has carried me to where I am. Also, my high school coach, who passed away this fall. Chris Deeks is a hall of fame coach who was my coaching mentor, and friend. He helped me get lacrosse off the ground here at Loughlin with a tremendous donation of equipment and contacts. My wife was tremendous being our teams’ athletic trainer. My wife has allowed me the chance to pursue my dream in making Bishop Loughlin a great lacrosse program, but more importantly, giving our kids a great opportunity. I was so happy to have some good friends help volunteer coach. Coach Brendan Morgan who is a 2x All American and Player of the Year. Coach Pete Horsham who was an All County goalie and played college as well. My family and friends have supported me by donating time and resources to make lacrosse successful here. I am blessed to have been given an opportunity to start a new tradition here at Bishop Loughlin. Thank you to my entire fellow Loughlinites for all the love and support this past season.


around loughlin

n Green Roof Project

at Bishop Loughlin Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is nestled in one of the most rapidly growing neighborhoods, the Fort Greene-Clinton Hill area of Brooklyn. Loughlin was chosen by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection as the site for an ambitious Green Roof project. The green project

is primarily funded through the Green Infrastructure Grant Program and will have a significant impact for both Bishop Loughlin and the Fort Greene-Clinton Hill community. The Green Roof is marked as the second largest Green Roof in Brooklyn with construction underway.

LaSallian n During the first semester,


Loughlinites totaled over 640 service hours giving back to the local community. Serving at places such as St. Francis Xavier Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen in Manhattan, as well as Mercy Home, a center for youth with physical and mental disabilities, the students learned a lot about what it means to give back, and the joy that can come from serving. We are excited for another full semester of volunteering and community service.

n Horatio Alger


after 10

Fall 2013

Senior, Ebony Cadet, was one of only 25 high school seniors recognized as a Horatio Alger New York Scholar. She will receive a college scholarship totaling $5,000 that will be disbursed throughout her college career. This scholarship is funded through the generosity of Association Member Paul Anthony Novelly.� Ebony graduated as the number one senior academically with a 96 average. 11

Loughlin Alumni

n30th Annual

Loughlin Reunion

nCouncil Luncheon On Saturday, October 20, 2012, 250 alumni gathered for the 30th Annual Reunion. The classes ending in 2 and 7 gathered to renew old friendships connect with the faculty and visit the school. The highlight was the new Cozzi-Murray Performing Arts Center. The 50th Reunion class of 1962, under the leadership of George Cappiello’62 (Class President), presented Br. Dennis Cronin with a check in the amount of $220,000 for their class gift. This is the 2nd largest 50th anniversary class gift. Thanks to the 54 members of the class who attended and their generous support. The 2013 Reunion will be highlighted in the next issue of The Clermont 2014.


Fall 2013

The 2012 Bishop John Loughlin Council Luncheon was held on Saturday, December 1st, 2012, at Giando on the Water in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The luncheon is one of our favorite ways to say “thank you” to those who support us. We were blessed with more than 90 graduates from Bishop Loughlin, St. Augustine and Bishop McDonnell along with other friends. We enjoyed an extraordinary choral performance from several students as well as meaningful words from President Bro. Dennis Cronin, FSC, Board Chair, Bob Conry ‘70, and Loughlin senior, Jesus Cepin‘13. Board member, development committee chair, and emcee, Brian Connolly ‘73, shared stories of the nine students in attendance and led a great day for the Loughlin community.

I invite you to please view the photo slide show on our website. Although the luncheon is not a fundraiser, we do invite the Loughlin community to consider the “save-a-student” program which provides emergency tuition support to the families of students who have experienced unexpected financial difficulties. Hurricane Sandy affected many Loughlin families this past year, but job loss continues to be the primary cause of hardship. Gifts of $500, $1000 or $2000 will enable a student the opportunity to continue their Loughlin dream. If you would like to provide support for the program, please contact or call 718-857-2700 x2251 for more information. 13

Loughlin Alumni


The 2013 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Athletic Hall of Fame Mark Alvarez ’91- (Baseball) - was a standout Varsity Baseball player at Loughlin. He played both Shortstop and Pitcher for the Lions and was named to numerous All Star teams. He has the rare distinction of pitching both ends of a double header in League playoffs (winning both games).

Mark Alvarez

John Klemm ’65- (Administration Contribution)presently is the Director of Development for Bishop Loughlin High School. He is responsible for hands-on fund raising for many capital projects for improvement of athletic facilities and equipment at Loughlin. While at Loughlin he was a member of the Varsity Baseball team.

St. Augustine Diocesan High School, a sixty-yearold Lasallian school for boys, was founded in 1909 and closed in 1969. Once close rivals – in both academics and athletics – St. Augustine’s and Bishop Loughlin are united under one roof at 357 Clermont Avenue and the Christian

John Klemm

Brothers influence continued to thrive in Brooklyn.

Carlyne Pradieu ’01-(Track)-was a great anchor runner on numerous CHSAA Intersectional City Championships. She also has several CHSAA individual championships and was winner of the Bonilla Award in her junior year and the Nugent Brothers Award in her Senior Year. She accepted an athletic scholarship to Tulane University. At present she is a teacher in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia.

Carlyne Pradieu

Tom Pellinger ’70-(Swimming &Water Polo)- Bishop Loughlin, under legendary coach, Harry Benvenuto was one of the strongest Swimming programs in New York City and unquestionably the strongest water Polo program. Tom, the “Bucket Man “was described as one of the best scorers in water polo school history. He had 11 goals competing against Villanova University in a tournament game. He joins many from that era in the Hall of Fame.

Tom Pellinger

Angela Proce-(Coach & Administrator) - The energetic Ms. Proce is the Director of Athletics at Loughlin and the first female to hold that position. She presently coaches Softball and Volleyball and formerly coached Bowling. She is a member of the Physical Education Department. She has taught Phys. Ed at Loughlin for the last 19 years.

Angela Proce

Jim Reynolds ’63- (Track)-Bishop Loughlin High School, “the Notre Dame of High School Track,” honors another of its great runners with Hall of Fame honors. Jim is on the list of great milers the Lions have produced. He ran a 4:21 mile. He accepted an athletic scholarship to St. John’s University where he ran for four years. Jim is an attorney and currently serves on Bishop Loughlin’s Board of Governors.

Jim Reynolds

Curtis Sumpter ’02-(Basketball)-was the high scorer and Most Valuable player in the Catholic High School Athletic Association in his senior year at Loughlin. He was AllCity Basketball selection in every major newspaper in New York City. He accepted a basketball scholarship to Villanova University where he starred for four years. He played professional basketball before becoming a present member of Villanova’s basketball staff.

Curtis Sumpter 14

Fall 2013

Corey Thomas ’01-(Track) - is one of the greatest middle distance runners in Loughlin’s history. He was a (1:52–800m) runner and a (2:28-1000m) runner. He set both the CHSAA and Armory records in these events. He was the National Indoor Champ in the 1000m run in his senior year. He accepted a scholarship to the Ohio State University. At present he teaches English and is the Head Track Coach at LaSalle Academy in Manhattan.

Corey Thomas 15


n St. Augustine Alumni Reunion

nLion-Lancer Golf Outing

On Saturday,September 29, 2012, the St. Augustine DHS Alumni Association celebrated their annual alumni reunion. The event was held at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School. The Reunion celebrated the anniversary classes of the 1930’s, 1942, 1947, 1952, 1957, 1962, & 1967.

Help Make The St. Augustine 2013 Reunion Memorable!

St. Augustine Reunion Saturday, November 16TH, 2013

WINNERS Please join us in celebrating the 2013 St. Augustine Honorees:

Longest Drive - Alan Gabel Closest to the Pin - Bruce Lamarca 1st Place Score 66 Vito D’Amelio | Jason D’Amelio

Join us as we induct our 2013 Lancer Hall of Fame Honorees.

Joe Kearney ‘63

Bret Blomberg | Joe Pannachio

The day will include an Introduction Ceremony, Cocktail Reception Mass, and Dinner.

Ray Longobardi

2nd Place Score 67

Contact Charlie O’Donnell at 718-857-2700 x2255 or codonnell@ for more details


Pat Smith | Kyle Smith

James J. Murphy Ph.D ’58 Vincent Visco ‘68 John J. Walsh Esq. ‘47

Scott Conry | Grey Harris

3rd Place Score 69 John J. Zarzicki ‘63 | Michael Zarzicki, Henry A Zarzicki ‘60 | Alan Gabel


Fall 2013

We would like to thank all our golfers and sponsors who help raise over $96,000 for the scholarship fund. The 17th Annual Lion/Lancer Golf outing was held on Monday, May 20th at The Inwood Country Club on Long Island. This was a new venue and the staff at Inwood were excellent in welcoming 134 golfers and staff to their facility. Registration began at 9am and a full breakfast was served before the 11:30am shotgun start time. The weather broke beautifully and the course was fair for all levels of playing ability. A tasty barbeque lunch was provided at the 9th hole and all golfers returned for the cocktail reception, followed by a hearty dinner of everything from ribs to grilled swordfish. It was a successful day for all. Hope to see all again next year at the Inwood Country Club which is being planned for Thursday, June 30th, 2014. 17

Class Notes 1941 BLMHS: Jerome P. Hendel is so thrilled that the fighting Irish made the championship game. He graduated from Notre Dame in 1947, experienced two national championships in 1943 and 1946, and is proud of the team, as Notre Dame graduates 99% of the students in all sports. GO IRISH!. STA: Thomas Goss retired from teaching Economics & Government & Coaching. Married to Mary C. Connolly for 54 years (graduate Bishop McDonnell ’52) retiring from teaching elementary school in Phoenix. One really great daughter – Patty who is married to Scott. They gave us 3 grandchildren. My best friend at St. A’s was Pat Rohan RIP. Thank you for what you do for our young people at BLMHS. God Bless! 1942 BLMHS: Lawrence Schmidt is still kicking at 89, married to Ruth for 67 yrs. and they have 8 children, 32 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren – 80 in all. Retired and living in CT. he is grateful for his wonderful BLMHS education – sends blessings to all our educators, alumni and students. STA: Stephen Eich has a B.S. (Chem) Queens College ’48; M.S. (Chem) Fordham U ’50; Ph.D. (Biochem) Fordham ’55. Research Associate/ Instructor Cornell Med. College ’54‘57; U.S. Army (‘43’-‘46) England, France, Germany, Philippines, Japan. Employed by G.D. Searle & Co. ’57‘83 Research. He is married with 2 children and 3 grandchildren. 1943 BLMHS: Urban Ambrose still works one day a week. He will always remember his wonderful four years at BLMHS as a learning student. His favorite teacher was Br. Cornelius who instilled great wisdom in him. They corresponded regularly when he was on active duty in the U.S. Navy during World War II. “Go Purple and Gold!” Mark McGowan remembers his


Fall 2013

Catholic Grammar School as very good. His years at Manhattan College, although interrupted by army service in 1946, were excellent. His years at BLMHS are most memorable. Robert Tierney RIP passed away Sept 3, 2012. His wife shares that he was the second of 4 brothers graduating BLMHS (John, Robert (both deceased), and Arthur and Peter). He loved BLMHS and spoke of his years with great enthusiasm. Alumnus of Syracuse Univ. and after served in WWII and Korea as a Lieutenant. His career was as engineer in the space program. Married for 62 years with 5 children. 1944 BLMHS: Gabriel Liegey Jr. has just completed 15 years as an ordained Deacon in the Archdiocese of New York. He is working now in Vermont at both St. Patrick’s Parish in Fairfield and Holy Angels Parish in St. Albans. “What a wonderful education I received from BLMHS” he writes. The day after graduation he was off to the U.S. Navy and served until June ’46. Donald Murphy Donald Murphy’s dad taught at BLMHS in the 30’s & 40’s. He was known as “spats” Murphy – a real “dapper Dan”. Donald never had him as a teacher, for which he was most grateful. Harry Seidell could never forget Christian Brothers teaching religion and justice. 1946 BLMHS: Thomas Fisher says after 20 years of Coast Guard Auxiliary rescue and safety patrols, he is “dropping anchor.” His nautical activities will be limited to “just fishing.” Eugene Klausman is reminded that his acceptance at Loughlin was announced via a penny postcard. That is literally $0.01 and an “El” train ride was $0.05. It was a great four years. It is truly difficult for him to believe that was 70 years ago. 1947

STA: Michael McGowan sends kudos on the article re: “Tottie” O’Brien. We spent 4 years in the same class (different rows); he kept a low profile and never boasted of his accomplishments. Also in his senior year he was the leader of “Baptiste De LaSalle” congregations on the 25th of each month which was not mentioned. 1948 BLMHS: Michael P. Halford is forever grateful for his four years at BLMHS. “Live Jesus in our hearts – Forever.” John Hyland has fond memories of playing in the BLMHS orchestra; since retirement, he plays the trombone in two community bands on Long Island. He attended the May 2013 graduation at BLMHS and was happy to experience the ongoing musical tradition. Music is for him a lifetime reward. 1949 BLMHS: Gerald W. Buetow M.D. always reminisces about “Loughlin” with his grandchildren who now number 18. It was a great education – “Keep up the good work and God Bless.” Carmine LoBosco having retired from NY Supreme Court, App. Div. 1st Dept. several years ago, has been enjoying his five children and their spouses and eleven grandchildren in Chappaqua, NY and at Pt. Lookout, NY in the summer. He speaks to fellow graduate Gene Cahill on a regular basis. Henry Miller performed off-Broadway a few years ago in a one-man show about Clarence Darrow which he wrote. It was entitled All Too Human. He is celebrating his 53rd year as an attorney and still gives a one day seminar for the New York State Bar Association called The Trial. He is enjoying his five children and ten grandchildren.” STA: Paul Moscatt retired from Maryland Institute College of Art in 2000. He keeps active in his art studio where he paints & teaches art classes in the Alber’s Color Class, Figure & Portrait Painting & Landscape Painting. 1950 BLMHS: Joseph Donohue sends best

wishes and appreciation for the work which continues to be done at Bishop Loughlin.

months more chemotherapy and it is difficult to keep up-to-date. He sends regards to all at BLMHS.

Leonard Marino is now enrolled as a student in the Veterinary Science Technology program at Suffolk County Community College – even as an MD. One must be a vet tech to assist in the O.R., “so I’m a student again at 80!” he writes.


1951 BLMHS: Charles Frydenborg contributes in memory of Brother Boniface Joseph, aka “Bonnie Joe”, a great Brother and a great man!”

BLMHS: Noel Krebs writes “See you 2013 – 60th!” Robert Maher sends congratulations to the class of ’62, his first class. Thomas Myers is looking forward to his 60th reunion in 2013. He plans to attend and hopes to see a number of classmates.

STA: Joseph Koehler RIP – his family said he spoke with pride of his youth at St. Augustine’s, and remembers him reciting the names of all the kids in his class, and was still in touch with some of them before he passed. Joseph Nunziata and his wife Ann (Soprano) will celebrate their 50th anniversary on August 5, 2012. “Please pray for us,” he asks. 1955

BLMHS: Charles (Tom) Mallet has been retired for 11 years and lives Donald F. Ryan RIP. His son Michael 20 miles south of Atlanta, Ga. His sent a contribution to BLMHS in his children are all college graduates and memory and shares that his father was Paul Glynn says as always – “Live Jesus very proud of being a BLMHS graduate they gave them five grandchildren and of course they are all brilliant, in our hearts Forever!” and one of the strongest proponents of beautiful and the best thing in their Michael Kucklinca retired from quality education. lives. He writes, “My wife and I have NYNEX in 1988 as District Manager. been married 55 years and are still 1954 was the Assistant Umpire-in-Chief of going strong although she is still on BLMHS: Arthur Birke does golf, Nassau County Umpires Assn. and a ‘probation’.” His career in corporate fishing, “God and 21 grandchildren – member for 52 years. He is a Referee America was good with its up and in LIAFO doing high school officiating what’s better than that?” downs and allowed him to travel the for 40 years! He has a wonderful wife Philipp Bischoff asks for prayers world. He lived in Brazil for three and has been married for 57 years, has 3 for his son and daughter – and his years and visited six of the seven children and 3 grandchildren.” grandchildren. continents. For their 50th wedding anniversary they went back “home”. Robert McEvily turned 80 in March George Hammerbacher has They visited Bed Sty for him and Hell’s 2013. If he had known he’d live that significantly increased his donation Kitchen for her. It was strange to see long, he would have taken better care of this year so that students from his old their old neighborhoods after 53 years. himself. neighborhood in Brooklyn such as His journey back to BLMHS was Julimarie Colon and Kiaralis Abreu can STA: Francis Rodriguez has a something. Not much has changed from continue their studies at Loughlin. M.S., CPhT - appointed to Board of the physical point but really “girls in the Governors of the Ramapo College Thomas Maloney is grateful for the hall ways.”!!! Foundation, Mahway, NJ. Presently lessons he learned at BLMHS that did STA: Robert Guinan sends Associate Director, RCC Consultants, not come from text books. congratulations to Br. Dennis Cronin Inc., a telecommunications consulting Joseph Staszak hopes to be back for the on the great work he and his staff firm, Woodbridge, NJ. 60th! are doing! The numbers are very 1952 Richard Trabert was appointed to the impressive. BLMHS: Gene Caiafa asks God Board of Trustees at Kean University in 1956 to Bless the Loughlin’52 class -the New Jersey. This university is the major best academic and athletic 4 years source of certified teachers in the state. BLMHS: Peter Amaya is still a semiretired lawyer. He sends best regards to – culminating in the ’52 baseball Bernard Welsh is fully retired since all Loughlinites. championship at Ebbets field!! June 2005, having served in NYC John McCarthy is Professor Emeritus Richard Outcault continues to work at Police Dept. for 44 yrs., was a member of History, Fordham University, has Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium in of the Federal Bureau of Investigation published a new book, Twenty-First Centerport, L.I., N.Y. as a tour guide in as Special Agent for 21 years, and Century Ireland: A View from America the Spanish revival. then worked for Chemical Bank as (Palo Alto: Academica Press, 2012) VP in Fraud Prevention for 8 years. Robert Puppa scored 6th lifetime hole ISBN 978-1-936320-4903.” in one 5/24/13 – Colts Neck Golf Club – Then in 1994, he was appointed Police Commissioner for Lloyd Harbor Police 10th hole – 165 yds. club – driver. Dept. in Huntington, NY for eleven Louis Ryf has liver cancer with 6 years and fully retired in 2005. 19

Class Notes 1957 BLMHS: Kevin Casey visited his son and family in Colorado and got to ski 2 days in June at A-Basin before it closed. His wife Trish and he will be married 50 years on September 29th. They have had more fun than they ever imagined and it continues on. Harold Martin asks us to please remember him in our prayers. He is fighting a tough battle with cancer at this time and is grateful for prayers. “BLMHS is a wonderful school” he writes and he had a wonderful education. He went on to College and Law schools. Also, he received his Teachers credentials. He sends God’s blessing to us all. Robert Nahman has been Justice of Supreme Court N.Y.S. Nov. 22, 2010 – Present. Surrogate of Queens County, NY Jan 1, 1992 – Nov. 21, 2010. Justice of Supreme Court State of N.Y. Jan. 1 1988 – Dec. 31, 1991. Judge of Civil Court NYC Jan. 1, 1982 – Dec. 31, 1987.” Edmond O’Donnell attended the reunion luncheon as a guest of John Higgins. He was very impressed by the students and will do what he can to help in the future. Florian Sisavic plays senior softball throughout the U.S. He asks others to contact him if they also play the game “ Anthony Sparacio would love to hear from any of his old classmates. John Volk has a brother who is 8 years older than he is who also went to BLMHS – his name is Alfred Volk. They both remember with fondness their years there. It was great preparation for college and his business career!” Sal Ferreri asks God’s blessings on everyone connected to BLMHS in educating our leaders of tomorrow. 1958 BLMHS: James T. Curran was designated Professor Emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York in October


Fall 2013

2011 after forty years as Professor and Dean. Thomas Billings retired from FEDEX in 2001. Since 2003 he has been recruiting for College of St. Elizabeth in Morristown, NJ. He hopes some Loughlin alumna will consider CSE. John Magel retired as a Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Sciences from Queens College, CUNY, and as Professor of Physical Therapy in the school of Health Sciences at Touro College after 50 years of teaching! He is now coordinator of Research and Development in the Health Sciences at the School of Health Sciences, Touro College, Bay Shore, NY. Francis Muldoon is gratified to read about how wonderfully BLMHS is evolving. Gerald Summers has many fond memories of the positive influence of the Christian Brothers especially Bro. Richard (Chemistry) and Br. Imar Raphael (Religion). He especially remembers Bro. Raphael singing “Danny Boy” to the class. Lee Wilson is fully retired in 2009, enjoying his 4 grandchildren, the sun, traveling and what little free time they have. He is still flying (sail planes) and is on the air as WI7L. He sends his best to the rest of ’58 and 4B 108. It’s fun to see the old school on “Blue Bloods.” 1959 BLMHS: Joseph Salanitro has often reflected on his 3.5 years at BLMHS and is thankful for the experience of being taught by Christian Brothers and lay faculty. It contributed to his future success. He retired from Shell Oil Co. 11 years ago as an Environmental Research Scientist and currently teaches Environmental Engineering and Environmental Chemistry at the University of Houston. In some small way he hopes to give back to students those good qualities of knowledge, understanding and respect which he learned at BLMHS.”

1960 BLMHS: George Dissler has a second grandson who was born in 2012. His wife, Joan and he are truly blessed with a wonderful family. His 50th reunion at Loughlin in 2010 was one of the best days of his life. Patrick Farley writes that it is always an honor to give back to an institution that “we all owe so much.” He is looking forward to travel with his wife of 47 years and his grandchildren.” Vincent Goodwin is enjoying his 3rd year of retirement. His wife Cathy and he are babysitting their first grandchild – “Kennedy Evelyn.” Ronald Gonella travelled back to the UK in May and is taking a great adventure to Machu Picchu in Peru in October 2013?? He will also visit Florida, Chicago, &?? William Lundquist is currently retired. He is enjoying 5 grandchildren and doing volunteer work for a number of local organizations. Mike Raha is teaching ESOL; he is a Stephen ministry leader, does jail and prison ministry; missionary in India, does 3 weeks to 3 months annual mission trips to Tamil Nadu, India; “God is great!!” he writes. He has eleven grandkids and considers himself very blessed. STA: Joseph Rienecker retired from US Airways in 2002 after 32 years. Employed by Delta Airlines 20022003 and currently working for Fed Ex Express since 2004 at the Indianapolis International Airport. 1961 BLMHS: James McLoughlin shares that after graduating from Loughlin he and his fellow classmate, Anthony Markert were accepted into City College of New York thanks to the great education they got at Clermont Ave. He has fond memories of Tom McVann and Billy McGuiness. He is presently retired and living on social security and pensions from AT&T and IRS. His favorite teacher at Loughlin was Mr. Wallace who taught him Latin

for two years. His sarcasm, wit and intellect made an indelible impression on him. He was doing poorly in English grammar and the structures of Latin helped him immeasurably in understanding his own language.

time at Port Jefferson sporting goods (Sept – June). He is in the summer run recreation program at Brookhaven National Laboratory (great summer job – but too many hours). He sends a hello to all his classmates and the 1963 class on their upcoming 50th anniversary. John had a great time in the class of 62 and sends his best to all at the best school in the city.

Joseph Ryan transitioned his medical career from Clinician to Clinical Educator. Now he is back to Clinical Geriatric. He started in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and has Thomas Lopresto retired to KY in 2002 after practicing law in NY for 33 years. spent the last two decades focusing on He now lives on a 76 acre horse farm geriatric care. with his wife. They will be married 46 Leonard Schnappauf retired Aug years in August. Tom travels to NY 31, 2011 after 45 years in education as teacher, coach, vice principal, principal, twice a year to visit his mom and family and also goes to Palm Beach Gardens, and superintendent.” Fl. John Witkowski and his wife, (Minerva Joseph Roach is a VP/CFO at Moises) are both retired over 10 years Astralease Associates, Inc., Hauppauge, from the NYC Board of Education. NY 11702. Now they have become snowbirds, Frank Vertucci thanks Loughlin for staying in Florida during the winter shaping and enriching an important months and coming back during the warm months to Greenponit, Brooklyn part of his life. The school will always and the Jersey Shore. He sends regards remain in his thoughts and prayers. to all! “Loughlin fight for victory! Live 1963 Jesus in our Hearts.” BLMHS: Nicholas Estavillo After 1962 BLMHS Nicholas served 3 years in BLMHS: Raymond Baechler is looking U.S. Marine Corps including one year back fondly from the perspective of fifty in Vietnam as a Force Recon Sergeant. years, and he can appreciate why his In 2007 he retired from NYC Police contemporaries from their generation Dept. as Chief of Patrol after 39 years were able to develop proficient writing of service. He is enjoying family life skills. He salutes his English teachers, with four grown children and six Brothers Aloysius Kevin and Benilde grandchildren. Patrick, for the countless hours he Michael Della Croce says this year knows they devoted to reading students’ marks the 50th anniversary of Michael’s book reports and offering detailed, graduation from BLMHS. He can’t constructive criticism. For whatever wait to see his classmates at the reunion success he has had in his career as on October 19th of this year.” a scientist and college professor, he Stephen Laruccia is retired and living would acknowledge the inspiration the good life in Santa Rosa, CA. and confidence provided by his math Loughlin provided him an excellent teacher, Brother Christian Jones, preparation for college and life. and his chemistry teacher, Brother Stephen recently joined the Board of Corbinian Joseph. the Santa Rosa Symphony. Steve Chmela says he just took up golf Richard Rothschild is still active as again after 42 years. I was just elected a consultant with AFLAC. Gilroy, president of my Lions club in Lake Clinton, Reynolds, Zarzicki, Albies, Grove. great times! He golfs in Garden City John DeBiase is still playing softball and Bonita Springs, FL. on both a local team and traveling STA: Louis Anemone retired as to different states. He works part-

Chief of Dept. from the NYPD 19951999, also served as Deputy Director, NY State Office of Public Security 2001; Former Deputy Director/ Director Security MTA 2001-2003. He is currently Principal, Anemone Consulting, Inc. providing law enforcement consulting services, nationally and internationally. Joseph DiTommaso says his career in law enforcement has to be attributed to the excellent rudimentary education he received at St Augustine. The courses were diversified and challenging, but, it prepared him for college (St Francis College) and for his life’s work as a federal agent with the Criminal Division of the Internal Revenue Service. Good luck to all. 1964 BLMHS: John Gasparino says “Thanks for an education that has never failed me.” James Clarke is getting ready for 50th celebration which is coming soon. He asks that all his classmates search out all their memorabilia from the good old days. Robert Giurlando just retired after a 44 year career at AT&T (29 yrs.) and United Way (15 yrs.) He lives in Branchburg, NJ, father of 4 sons and 3 grandchildren who live nearby. He is looking forward to the 50 year reunion for ’64 class. Kenneth Lanfear retirement job is Editor of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association. His wife Kathy and he will celebrate their 40th anniversary this June. Richard A. DiLorenzo is semi-retired, lives in Naples, Florida and Beavereck, Ohio. He is married, the father of three and grandfather of two. Jack Mercica is a member of the cenal committee for the 41st State Assembly District of the California Republican party. He urges fellow Loughlin alumnae not to vote democratic or republican or independent. “Vote with a catholic conscience instead.” 21

Class Notes


1965 BLMHS: Michael McEvery says that at age 65 he is in the wonderful position of looking down at the ground and not up at it. He writes, “Vivat Jesu!” John F. Pinto retired from Con Ed and now lives in the Poconos, PA. STA: Joseph McTighe is Executive Director – Council for American Private Education (CAPE) since 1996. 1966 BLMHS: Matthew Bromme and his wife, Maria were recently honored by St. John’s School of Education Alumni Association. They have also created their own consulting firm, Bromme Associates LLC. Their expertise is in School Law & Labor Relations. George Fullhardt writes “Thanks for the memories and a fine education.” Kenneth Karchinski and his wife Jodie celebrated the birth of their first grandchild, Sarah Anne Karchinski on May 15,2012. William Kiley writes that life continues to be good. Many, many blessings in his life, the newest of which is their fourth granddaughter.” 1967 BLMHS: John Cusimano is sorry to see that the guys from his years ’63 to ’67 are poor in all areas of supporting BLMHS. He finds this sad.” If an average Johnny like me can give something more every year, what must the guys who graduated with honors and went on to successful careers give? I give just because of the great penmanship and spelling ability I acquired in my catholic education. A humble but proud son of old St. James. He will keep giving more every year.”

37 years in the investment insurance business. “God Bless our school, its students and teachers,” he writes 1968

in 1965. The brothers and teachers were unparalleled in their dedication. “God Bless all staff and students past and present.”

BLMHS: Raymond Geoghegan sends kudos to Gerry Meagher BLMHS ’70 for sponsoring a mini-reunion at the Old Towne Bar for 60 – 70s alumni.”

Leo Santiago retired after 30 years as a Federal Law Enforcement agent. His retirement life consists of traveling and playing golf.

Frank Mignone offers a thank you of gratitude that is 40 years past due. He attended BLMHS 1964-1968, and with what he calls his limited intelligence, Loughlin was able to do great thing for him, and for that he is truly grateful. He has a need to pay a debt that is long overdue (owed in 1964-1965), his freshman year at the school. Frank writes that he came from the incubator of the 8 grades of Catholic School at the Holy Child of Jesus School. He was insistent that he needed to go to a Catholic High School but his father said “No we could not afford to pay tuition”; however his mother said she would somehow pay the tuition of $165.00 and she did. The next three years of school Frank got a job after school and paid his own tuition, subway and lunch. He hated that; he thought, “Why should my money go for things that I should not have to pay for?” Now he looks back on paying his way through high school with a sense of great accomplishment and pride. That same work ethic that was developed in those years has served him well. His mother has been gone a long time, so Frank wants to pay his tuition of $165 in honor of his mother Carmela Ann Mignone, “who loved me and gave me the gift of Faith and work.” 1969

BLMHS: James Cregg daughter Dianna had a 2nd granddaughter in Feb ‘13. His daughter Rachel will marry Nate in May ‘13. James is thrilled to Joseph Fennessy will be retiring in June see BLMHS campus on his favorite TV after 41 years at Deloitte & Touche. He show, “Blue Bloods”. He retired after has been elected Chairman of the Board 32 years of chiropractic practice in San of South Nassau Communities Hospital. Diego.” Richard Panarella says that attending Peter Scarlato recently became part of BLMHS continues to be one of the best Barnum Financial Group, celebrating decisions he and his parents made back


In Memoriam

Fall 2013

1925 - 2013 Born Patrick F. Clifford in New York, NY, on February 17, 1925 Died at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft, NJ, on July 23, 2013 Entered the Barrytown, NY, Junior Novitiate on September 1, 1939 and Novitiate in June, 1943 Received the Religious Habit and Name, Brother Peter Chrysostom, on September 7, 1943 Pronounced Perpetual Vows in Barrytown, NY, on September 1, 1950


STA: Jerome Hoffman has just completed 25 years as an attorney/ litigator for the Travelers Indemnity Company.

1947-1952 New York, NY Good Shepherd School: teacher and sub-director 1952-1954 New York, NY Immaculate Conception School: principal and sub-director 1954-1957 Brooklyn, NY St. Cecilia’s School: principal and director 1957-1962 Manila, PHILIPPINES De La Salle College: academic dean


1962-1962 Brooklyn, NY St. Augustine High School: teacher

BLMHS: John Albert prays that the Annual Appeal will be a good one. He sends beste regards from a loyal son of old St. James.”

1962-1965 Brooklyn, NY Bishop Loughlin High School: assistant principal 1965-1966 Waltham, MA St. Mary’s High School: teacher 1966-1968 Manchester, NH Bishop Bradley High School: acting principal and director 1968-1971 Brooklyn, NY Catholic Schools Office: asst. superintendent (high schools)

Frank Geary speaks of his years at Loughlin as some of the best years of his life!!

1971-1974 Washington, D.C. National Catholic Educational Assn: exec. sec., secondary


1976-1984 Winona, MN St. Mary’s College: president

BLMHS: Luke Monaghan is very sorry he missed his 40th reunion. He writes that lives are more complex as we get more mature. The foundation of his high school years enabled him to reach his goals in life. “Now is the time to pass it on to the ones behind us.”

1984-1987 Narragansett, RI Christian Brothers Center: visitor (LI-NE District)

1981 BLMHS: Valerie Wright writes “Thanks for my education! Be blessed.”

1974-1976 Jamaica, NY St. John’s University: assistant dean

1987-1989 Washington, D.C. U. S. Catholic Conference: assistant (higher education) 1989-1994 Leavenworth, KS St. Mary’s College: president 1994-1999 Narragansett, RI Christian Brothers Center: director of finance (LI-NE District) 1999-2002 Winona, MN The Metanoia Group: vice-president 2002-2013 Narragansett, RI The Ocean Tides School: assistant to the president

Bishop Loughlin expresses sympathy to the families and friends of these individuals. BISHOP LOUGHLIN

James K. McNicholas ‘50

Editorial Notes:

Erwin Bayer ’31

Alvin E. Waskiewicz ‘51

You Are Our Best Advertisement

Vincent W. Norako ‘39,

Joseph C. Sabourin ‘52

If you meet other Bishop’s grads please tell them about us, the Bishop McDonnell Scholarship Fund and The Memorial newsletter. Send us their information or have them send their name, year of grad, address, phone no., e-mail address so we can add them to our expanding database.

John A. Ferrara ‘40

Herbert A. Renz ‘54

Francis J. Peisel ‘41

Patrick E. McMahon ‘55

Patrick V. Conneely ‘43

John J. Conley ‘59

Harold J. Thompson ‘43

John R. Fehling ‘60

Leonard J. Bummolo ‘44

Gerard J. Collins ‘63

Kenneth F. Davis ‘44

John J. McCabe ‘64

Richard P. Donohue ‘44

Joseph J. Fazio ‘65

Angelo Maltaghati ‘44

William F. Jackson ‘66

Your Suggestions For Future Articles Please contact us with any suggestions for future articles or let us know any Bishop’s grads whose story deserves to be in our newsletter.

Former Faculty and Relatives of Alumni & Faculty Brenda Holford Mother of Earland Holford ‘89 Br. Joseph Miggins, FSC aka Br. Cletus Joseph 1953-1956 BLMHS teacher and dean of freshman Br. John J. Nolan FSC aka Br. Anslem of Jesus former faculty 1954-1960 BLMHS Br. Antony O’Connor FSC former faculty 19451946 BLMHS and 1947-1950 St. Augustine Manuel Peña-Diaz Father of Julio Peña BLMHS Technology Br. Christopher V. Dardis FSC Former Faculty St. Augustine

John E. Carroll ‘46 Jim L. Hussey ‘47


Damian Peter Gregg

Thomas E. Murphy ‘48

Alfred M. Lindenfelser ’40

Frank J. Soldano ‘49

Son of Kate and Michael Gregg ’61 St. Augustine

Joan Murphy-Baldwin ‘43

Anthony J. Sullivan ‘49

James A. Young ‘54

Edward A. Zebrowski ‘49

Richard S. Witkowski ‘60

Brother Adalbert John aka John James Sullivan Former Faculty St. Augustine 23

First Annual Loughlin Family Day

St. Augustine D.H.S. Alumni Reunion Bishop McDonnell Alumni Reunion

2 01 3 -14 C a l e n da r o f E v e n t s

November 16, 2013 April 12, 2014

Bishop Loughlin Alumni Reunion Lion/Lancer Open Golf Outing

October 19, 2013 June 30, 2014

Donor Recognition Event TBD

December 3, 2013 TBD

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