BHHSCP Ventura eMag volume 24

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STAY Informed 2021 December/January | Volume #24

Lyle Elliott

Hard to imagine another 12 months has flown by and we are approaching 2022! A year ago, we were unclear about our business continuing at record pace, vaccinations, a new COVID variant, gathering for the Holidays with family and friends plus a host of questions of how to move about the world. Many of these questions were answered in the past twelve months. Business achieved new heights, vaccinations are available to children and adults, and we understand the Delta variant and many travel routinely to visit family and friends. Regardless of circumstances, the Holiday Season generates reflective thoughts of those who touch our lives, successes and challenges during the year and energize planning for a New Year. What’s a New Year’s Eve without a resolution? What’s a resolution without committing to lose weight? No matter what occurs in the world the Season is a brief pause to celebrate and perhaps be more generous to others in thought and actions. Reflecting on 2021 it is impressive the care and concern you show clients. You are resolute regardless of circumstances to serve them to the best of your ability. You helped them purchase homes (sometimes writing a ton of offers), share how you personally struggle with the pandemic, placing them in rental properties if necessary, staged homes, cleaned homes, assisted in packing, arranging movers, babysitting, painting, entertaining, calming nerves, counseling, educating…and the list goes on. All of this has taken a LOT of time and energy! Take time this Holiday Season to catch up with those you lost contact with during the pandemic, rest (turn off your cell phone!), visit with those you love, be confident you did everything possible in 2021, and most importantly nourish your heart and soul with important matters and people. There will be questions about what is to come in 2022 but you have evidence of your success to conquer the challenges. I wish each of you a joyous Holiday Season. Wear the ugly sweater your Mother in Law gave you. Celebrate in your faith, family and friends. Eat that fudge. Toast to a New Year. I wish each of you and your family the healthiest, happiest and successful 2022 possible. Bring it on!

THE 12 DAYS OF BUSINESS BUILDING It’s near year end! Hard to believe we are nearing the end of 2021 and readying for 2022….here are the 12 DAYS OF BUSINESS BUILDING to end 2021 with a BANG!!! G e t y o u r d at a b a s e i n s h a p e. Ed i t o u t o l d c o n t a c t s , a d d i n f o r m at i o n y o u m ay h av e a n d c ate go r i z e t h e t y p e o f c o n t a c t f ro m H I to L O. P u r ge t h e o n e s y o u n e v e r c o n t a c te d a n d s t r ate g i c a l l y t h i n k a b o u t t h e o n e s y o u re t a i n . Analy ze your business from both 2020 and 2021. 2021 has been an unusual business c ycle. W hat were your percentage of listings to b u y e r s a l e s ? Wa s i t 5 0 / 5 0 ? Wa s it 60/40? 2021 with pandemic issues constantly increasing listings w ill be the driver for a stable business. If your business was primarily buyer sales for 2020 and 2021 how do you reposition that to listings? The “perfect” balance would be a minimum of 60% listings and 40% buyer closings. If you do not have listings examine purchasing databases w ith phone numbers, contact information and download and scrub the data. After you download the database from D ay 4 i d e n t i f y f i r s t t h e o f f i c e l i s t i n g s and begin to call neighbors/home owners in that area. Statistics show if 1 home sells there are 3 more l i s t i n g s i n t h e a r e a w i t h i n 1 2 0 d ay s . Send a mailer to your database. Marketing materials can be lengthier and include more data t h a t h i s t o r i c a l l y p r o v i d e d . Pe o p l e are at home more, spending more time reading and looking for positive signs of economic recover y during the pandemic Compile a Year End Report of your sales, the office sales or ones in your farm area. Many agents market only the last 30-60 days. Use the entire 12 months of data to show the “ big picture”.

O f f e r c l e v e r a n d f u n w ay s f o r y o u to c o n n e c t w i t h y o u r c l i e n t s a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s . How a b o u t a Z o o m w i t h Sa n t a ? I c a n s e e a l l o f y o u w i t h a re d c a p a n d w h i te b ea rd ! K i d s w o u l d ge t a k i c k o u t o f i t (a n d s o w o u l d t h e pa re n t s . ) C o m p l e t e y o u r b u s i n e s s p l a n . Yo u w i l l not get your desired results if you do not know w hat they are. Call you clients and wish them HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Zoom if you like. Let them know you are thinking about them and you care. This is a BRANDING call…not a solicitation call for business. If you do not want to make BRANDING calls then make SOLICITATION calls be direct and ask “I’m building my listing inventory for 2022. W ho do you know whether it’s you, neighbor, coworker or other family member that may be interested in selling early in 2022?” This is a solicitation call asking directly for business. O K …y o u d i d n o t g e t t h e c a l l s m a d e b e f o r e Ne w Ye a r ’s . C a l l y o u r c l i ents “2021 was such a difficult year I did not stay in touch w ith you and others. I commit to being better at that this year and want to find out how you are doing. Also I am buildi n g m y l i s t i n g i n v e n t o r y f o r t h i s y e a r. Do you know anyone interested in l i s t i n g t h e i r h o m e , y o u , y o u r n e i g h b o r, fami ly member or coworker?” Day 12 is w hat some people call “the pink elephant” letter/ call. Making the calls is uncomfor table, you did not reach out during the year so admit it! Then get better!


DAN PATTERSON In college, I studied history, business, and music. All 3 of these courses of study have enhanced my life immensely and opened many doors of opportunity. As a younger man, I was not a very serious student, nearly always underperforming. But as time went by, I developed a deep love of learning, reading, studying, teaching, and presenting. God still works in mysterious ways


hen I was 13, my Dad purchased a trucking and warehousing company in Oxnard. Very shortly thereafter, I found myself doing odd jobs for the new family business for the remarkable wage of 50 cents an hour. Over the next 8 years, I worked for my Dad in different capacities. Then in 1978, I left town to attend a Christian Liberal Arts college in Fresno. After college, I married my amazing wife in 1981 and we lived in the Fresno area. In 1982, my Dad invited me to return to the family business to be groomed for succession so I took him up on it. Over the next 10 years, I was trained in basically every facet of the business from operations to warehousing to marketing to personnel to accounting and finally overall management. This offered me a wealth of very valuable knowledge and experience for which I am deeply grateful. There was just one small problem… my heart wasn’t in it. The trucking and warehousing business was my Dad’s passion but not mine, and no amount of training, experience, or even money could change that. So in 1992, I left the family business and I obtained my Real Estate license, and ventured into a career that I have thoroughly enjoyed for nearly 30 years. Incidentally, It came as no surprise to me that neither of my two children expressed an interest in a career in Real Estate. As they say, what goes around comes around.

My wife Debbie and I have been very happily married for over 40 years. We’re now at that point where we practically know what the other is going to say before it comes out of their mouth! It causes us to laugh a lot. We share so many of the same passions and pursuits, yet we each have unique passions and pursuits also, and that keeps things interesting. We are, and always have been, cat lovers. Dogs are cool but cats rule! 2021 has been a monumental year for our family. Our daughter Rachel who lives in Dallas, TX., married her husband John in April and our son Shawn and his wife Glenda, who has been married 7 years and live here in Ventura, gave us our first grandchild - Daniel Azariah Patterson!

What do you consider some of your personal major accomplishments? In 2008 I was asked to join the staff of a local Ventura church as a Pastor/Teacher. It’s something I never imagined I would ever do. But apart from my wife, my kids, and now my grandson, it was and still is the most meaningful investment of my life. I cannot imagine my life void of fulfilling this divine calling!

If you could go back in time and tell your 6-year-old selfimportant life information what would it be? 1). With the help of a parent or a mentor, identify something you find very fun and very rewarding and continue to pursue it until you master it. 2). In order to truly master something, you need to learn it, you need to do it and you need to teach it to others.

If you do this, you will live a life far more blessed than most. Grandson: Daniel Azariah Patterson Below: Daughter Rachel and Rachel's husband John What are some of your hobbies, special interests, recreation, etc? I was given my very first guitar in 1966. It was an acoustic guitar that was as big or bigger than I was. But that didn’t matter. Beatlemania and the British Invasion were in full swing and I wanted to somehow get in on it! I then got my first electric guitar 2 years later, and I’ve been playing mostly electric guitar ever since. I love playing venues of all types and sizes. I’ve been playing in a jazz/ fusion band for over 20 years. But my hands-down favorite place to play is in church on Sunday mornings. People ⅓ my age seem to get a kick out of watching an old-school rocker play some of their favorite songs. It makes me feel younger

From left to right: Son Shawn and Shawn's wife Glenda. Above to the right: My wife Debbie

than I am (for brief periods anyway). And my son, who is a very talented drummer, often plays right alongside me.

We are proud to provide you with a fantastic new online tool designed to accelerate learning and agent development. Designed for the modern agent, the Agent Development Center is powered by Percipio, an award-winning intelligent educational platform from Skillsoft. The Agent Development Center (Percipio for short) delivers an intuitive design and a Netflix™ style, immersive experience by offering highly engaging content, curated into hundreds of learning paths (channels) that are continuously updated to ensure you always have access to the latest information. We understand that accessing learning content on a mobile device is essential to agent development. Percipio’s simple interface allows you to find resources quickly, including micro-learning videos, courses, and channels. You can access learning content on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, as well as laptops and desktop, anytime. Content is available offline to continue your studies anywhere. It is truly the learning resource you can carry in your pocket, purse, or briefcase.

Inside our digital learning platform, you will find an array of pre-recorded videos with Seminars and Step-by-Step Tutorials on topics including: •

Company marketing tools/resources, for listings and personal branding

Social media tips and training

Real estate industry updates

Transaction-based training

& more

+ channels with various collections of videos curated by topic


WHAT IT IS: Percipio is an award-winning intelligent learning platform from Skillsoft. Designed for the modern REALTOR, Percipio delivers an intuitive design and a Netfl ix™ style, immersive experience to accelerate learning and Agent development. HOW IT WORKS: It leverages highly engaging content, curated into nearly hundreds of learning paths (channels) that are continuously updated to ensure BHHSCP Agents always have access to the latest information. BENEFITS TO AN AGENT: Access learning content on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, as well as laptops and desktop, anytime. You can download content to continue your studies anywhere, from a plane, train, or submarine – just upload and save your progress when you’re next online. ACCESS You should of received a welcome email from Percipio with instructions on how to Login. You can access the site by visiting bhhscal. or through MyConnect> Resources> Training> Percipio.






Dec 2th Happy Birthday Dan!

Dec 18th Happy Birthday Carolyn!

JAN. 7th Happy Birthday Lee!

JAN. 16th Happy Birthday Vicky!

JESSICA PURDY BERG LINDA WIGTON Dec 24th Happy Birthday Jessica!

JAN. 17th Happy Birthday Linda!







Dec 25th Happy Birthday Sharon!

Dec 29th Happy Birthday Kirsten!

Jan. 1st Happy Birthday Stella!

JOE KIRKLAND JAN. 3rd Happy Birthday Joe!

JAN. 19th Happy Birthday Grace!

JAN. 25th Happy Birthday Grace!

JAN. 30th Happy Birthday Adela!

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