LP: Evaluative writing - an example

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Evaluating the alignment of organisationalvalueswithactual practices


The alignment of organisational values with actual practices is a critical aspect of organisational effectiveness and sustainability. In this evaluative piece, I will assess the extent to which XYZ Company's stated values are reflected in its day-to-day operations and behaviours across various departments and levels of the organisation.

Criteria for Evaluation:

1. Clarity and consistency of stated values

2. Observable behaviours and actions in the workplace

3. Leadership role in promoting organisational values

4. Employee perception and engagement with organisational values


- Clarity and consistency of stated values:

- XYZ company has articulated its core values of integrity, collaboration and innovation through various communication channels, including the company website, employee handbooks and internal training materials. The values are clearly defined and consistently reiterated across different platforms.

- Observable behaviours and actions in the workplace:

- Despite the clarity of stated values, there are discrepancies in the translation of these values into everyday practices. While some departments demonstrate a strong commitment to collaboration and innovation, others prioritise individual achievements over teamwork. This inconsistency suggests a disconnect between adopted values and actual behaviours in certain areas of the organisation.

- Leadership role in promoting organisational values:

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- Leadership plays a pivotal role in reinforcing organisational values through their actions, decisions and communication. In areas where leadership actively promotes and models the values, employees are more likely to embrace and embody them in their work. However, instances of leadership inconsistency or neglect can undermine the credibility and impact of stated values.

- Employee perception and engagement with organisational values:

- Employee feedback surveys and informal discussions reveal a mixed perception of organisational values. While some employees feel a strong sense of alignment with the company's values and mission, others perceive a gap between rhetoric and reality. Factors such as organisational culture, departmental dynamics and individual experiences shape employees' engagement with organisational values.

Implications and opportunities:

- The alignment of organisational values with actual practices is not a static achievement but an ongoing process that requires continuous attention and reinforcement.

- Addressing inconsistencies in the application of values across departments and leadership levels can foster a more cohesive and purpose-driven organisational culture.

- Investing in leadership development programmes that emphasise the importance of role modelling and championing organisational values can enhance alignment and employee engagement.

- Creating mechanisms for transparent communication and feedback channels can facilitate a shared understanding of values and promote accountability at all levels of the organisation.


While XYZ company has made commendable efforts to articulate its core values, there exist opportunities for improvement in aligning these values with actual practices. By addressing the identified gaps and actively promoting a culture of integrity, collaboration, and innovation, XYZ company can strengthen its organisational identity and drive sustainable success in the long term.

This evaluative piece underscores the importance of critically assessing the alignment of organisational values with actual practices and leveraging insights to drive meaningful change and improvement within the organisation.

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