Bees for Development Journal Edition 32 - September 1994

Page 16


Each subscription payment needs to cover the costs of: printing the journal: bank charges on each subscription payment (even payments by giro and credit card incur significant costs

to Bees for Development); overseas postage, and packing.

All of these costs have increased during the past year and Bees for Development needs to increase the subscription rates to cover them.

August 1994 will therefore be (USS35) for four issues over 12 months. The rate for local (UK) subscribers will be 12.

The new rate from



One way for you to save on time and postage is by paying your subscription for two or more years at a time. In this way Bees for Development (and perhaps you also) can make savings in ever-escalating bank charges, and you will avoid future subscription increases!

Rates for paying by Beeswax Barter and Candle Currency remain unchanged for the time being. We understand that there are many beekeepers in developing countries who already struggle to pay the current subscription and for whom the higher subscription will be difficult.

yourself in this situation then please let us know at Bees for Development. If you find

Beeswax One subscription Ten subscriptions to one address






25 kg



10 kg

Beekeepers in developing countries (only!) may pay their subscription in pure beeswax or with beeswax candles. We accept candles in payment, and since they are of higher

value than beeswax, only 2 kg of candles are needed to buy one subscription. The lower weight of candles will also give savings in postage costs.

BEESWAX BARTER AND CANDLE CURRENCY Conditions for paying in beeswax or candles: Beeswax must be reasonably clean and of good quality. It must be presented in solid form and not as scraps of wax or pieces of comb. 2. Candies must be of saleable quality 3. Beeswax from any species of Apis wil! be accepted as long as the name of the species from which it is collected is stated. 4. Inside the parcel state your name and address, the weight and origin of the beeswax, and the number of subscriptions you are paying. On the outside of the parcel state "BEESWAX RAW (OR CANDLES) FOR BEES FOR DEVELOPMENT’ and the weight in kilograms. 5. Any parcel containing comb, very dirty wax or otherwise unusable wax will have to be destroyed on arrival at Bees for Development. It cannot be returned and cannot be accepted for barter. Payment in beeswax or candles is only available for subscriptions for Beekeeping & Development to developing countries. Arrangements for costs of carriage of beeswax or candles to Bees for Development are the responsibility of the sender and Bees for Development will not be responsible for any postage or other costs. |.

INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Topical, well-informed, wide-ranging, comprehensive above all, interesting and readable! International Agricultural Development has established itself as a unique magazine that brings you the latest news of issues which affect the developing world. The magazine serves as a lively forum of debate on agricultural development matters; it is a channel though which people can talk to each other across national boundaries about how to increase food output, improve distribution, and create the conditions under which hunger can be overcome.

Regular sections include “Briefing”, with its up-todate news, “Chronicle” which brings you details of the latest agricultural technologies and “Inprint” surveying recently printed books. International Agricultural Development is published bi-monthly, and is available only on subscription, price 30 a year, including postage. To subscribe, complete the slip and send with your remittance to the UK address below.

Editor: John Madeley

Subscription rate: 30 Visa card accepted.

a year, including postage.

Back copies, as available, are including postage.


per copy,

wish to subscribe to International Agricultural {or Development and enclose remittance for 30 $60). Or state Visa card number and card expiry date. |

Name Address


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Send remittance, payable to

“International Agricultural Development”, to: 19 Woodford Close, Caversham, Reading, UK, RG4 7HN.

Beekeeping & Development is published quarterly by Bees for Development, Troy, Monmouth, NP5 4AB, United Kingdom. Bees fer Development Telephone: 44 (0)1600 713648 Fax: 44 (0)1600 716167 Electronic Mail: 100410.2631@CompuServe.COM

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