Be Beautiful Magazine September 2015

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ummer has come to an end and fall is on the doorstep. This is my favourite time of the year! However, sometimes it is sad as the summer that we have waited for so long has gone. ---Fall is beautiful and amusing. Observing the

scenery and appreciating the bursts of colour, you realize that this cycle of nature is the cycle of our lives. Every year, every September, is a step forward.

us as well. We teach them how to love life and be positive, just like they teach us. Some learn patience but my children taught me to love bruised knees and ripped pants.

when they start forming their own families. During this wonderful time of the year, I wish you to find patience and love. Love everything that surrounds you as these are the very things that our life is composed of.

---Every time I am called to the principal’s

---Be beautiful and happy!

---We become older and our children grow with

--Life is so beautiful!!

office, I do not know how to behave towards my son; whether I should punish him for his act or defend him. Regardless, when we leave, I always tell him how much I love him.

Galina Wolf

---Our children must know that we love them

no matter what; obedient or not, young or older Published by RG Publishing House Publisher - Galina Wolf Designer - Lisa Surkes Editor - Sofia Marhevka Proof editor - Sofia Marhevka Advertising - Dina Ivanina, Irena Stoun, Eugenya Gutman, Irina Dvoinos


691 Petrolia Rd., Toronto, ON, M3J 2N6 Tel: 416-477-6107, 647-476-4682


The redaction is not responsible for the context of the material provided by its authors, in addition for any material used by authors violating any copy rights. Personal views of the redaction may not coincide with the one of the authors. Celebrity pictures are provided by Personastars. Photo illustrations provided by: Bigstockphoto, Ingimage, Shutterstock and Dreamstime.


8 Astrology Beauty Tip. 10 Evening make-up VS Daytime make-up. 14 Eat for Beauty. 16 Heat bathing. Saunas and steam rooms. 18 Nefertiti - beauty from within. 20 Inject Romance into Your Relationship. 22 Have unwanted hair? Think ÂŤLASERÂť! 24 Dine like Royalty. 28 What to wear with Marsala? 30 Eggplant Involtini.





arina Vashkevich, a member of the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine, licensed dermatologist in Belarus. Her expertise enables her to answer the questions of our readers concerning health and beauty. Her MedVSpa clinics successfully operate not only in Canada, but also in the US and Belarus. Equipped with the latest technologies and unique treatment programs, every customer’s demands are met. In addition to being an outstanding businesswoman, Marina conducts lectures at numerous seminars about aesthetic medicine in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The scope of her specialization includes a combination of technologies and injections, as well as the treatment of acne. ---

---Over the summer, I usually gain weight. Why? ---In most cases, the increase in weight can be explained by the accumulation of toxins in the body. In the summer we don’t only swim and tan, but also spend more time at parties and inevitably consume not healthy food. The humidity during the day makes the idea of eating less appealing; hence, a hefty portion of our daily food intake is consumed in the evening, often accompanied by alcohol. Eliminating toxins from the body is essential for weight loss. ---Is it possible to rapidly lose weight and get rid of belly fat? ---Of course it is! Removing toxins and changing body metabolic processes. However, the body needs help. It is necessary to stimulate the venous and lymphatic systems as a must have start for toxins removal.

---Will a hand lymphatic massage help remove belly fat quickly? ---The answer to this question is no. Considering the physiology of the body you cannot rely on a fast result with the manual lymphatic massage. You will get better results if the massage is performed by modern experts-machines. STARVAC is a new technology that has entered Canada’s market which can help quickly. ---How soon will the result be noticeable after using STARVAC? ---Immediately following the first treatment, 90% of customers see the change. STARVAC eliminates toxins and unnecessary fluids from the body using high-intensity (hi tech rollers), «smart jars» and vacuum with the intensity up to 1000 BAR. ---Is STARVAC only used to reduce the volume? ---STARVAC reduces the volume, stimulates weight loss, provides a solution for adipose, aqueous and fibrous cellulite, helps to obtain «easy legs» and is used as a main slimming treatment. ---How many treatments is recommended? ---Usually, 10-15 treatments. ---What is STARVAC treatment schedule? ---Weight loss program - 3 times per week Heavy legs and main slimming - 2 times per week. Cellulite treatment t- 1 time per week.

Please ask me your questions on my website or by email: Marina Vashkevich MD MedVSpa, 416 922 2227



--igs had been used for ages. They signified the status within the society, granted good looks to those who lack them, and enhanced the beauty of those who were looking for a fresh look or different hair style. Only human hair can be coloured, styled, permed, highlighted. Human hair wigs last longer than synthetic ones.


--works only with the highest quality products and has provided wigs to TV celebrities and politicians. Those who suffer from thin hair or hair loss can tremendously benefit from the natural hair wigs, because they do not harm scalp as the synthetic ones do. Many people suffer hair loss due to medical treatments, medications, partial or total Alopecia and other medical hair loss conditions. ---All wigs are suitable for medical purposes but some options are more popular than others for temporary hair loss due to medical treatments. We offer a wide selection of affordable human hair wig styles in an amazing variety of colours and offer empathetic, professional assistance. Our company mission is to offer the biggest selection of the finest quality wigs at the best prices. Purchasing a wig is a very personal experience and “settling” for something you don’t really like is not what we encourage our customers to do. We offer a huge selection of affordable wigs without sacrificing quality or service. ---Please call us for appointment at (647) 300 7438


Astrology Beauty Tip he bout t l sign a t h g u er tho r astrologica e v e e v ’ som you you --- f on between have we got er th cti e, conne r appearanc or you! Whe or just u e sf and yo y beauty tip ur horoscop ere o g th astrolo tedly read y en for fun, r th tips fo vo e y d t d n u a u a o e w y b o read n resting e t n i y il ke to tt me pre o s e r a signs.



-----February 19 -March 20 ---The beauty horoscope for free-spirited Pisces

the Aquarius sign like to keep their beauty routines all natural. Aquariusgals like no fuss when it comes to beauty, but they’re also known for being experimental with their appearance. So don’t be afraid to add a little more girly and colorful touches to your already beautiful face!


ladies recommends that you flaunt your creative side by incorporating a lot of vibrant colors in your makeup and adding complementary colors to your hair! There also appears to be a strong connection between Pisces and their feet so pedicures are no longer a luxury, they’re a must!



-----January 20 -February 18 ---This astrology beauty tip for ladies born under

-----March 21 - April 19 ---Aries ladies have naturally beautiful faces so your beauty tip by your horoscope asks that you find a great haircut and style and keep makeup simple to accentuate your natural born beauty. Since you were born under the fire sign, astrologists say you look really hot in clothing and makeup in reds and oranges!



-----April 20 - May 20 ---This next astrology beauty tip suggests that

Taurus ladies look best in neutral colors. Think copper and tan colors for eyes and peaches for blush. This sign is ruled by Venus which is the planet of beauty so you’re blessed with great skin that you should be careful to protect and preserve!


-----June 21 - July 22 ---The astrology beauty tip for Cancers is to

accentuate their womanly side with shimmery moisturizers. Cancers are famed for having hot bodies regardless of their body type so wearing a sexy dress with lotion that gives off a subtle glow will really turns heads!


-----August 23 - September 22 ---Virgos are known to be the more innocent sign

of the bunch so your beauty horoscope urges you to let your natural beauty show. Avoid going overboard with concealers and foundation and rock a sheerer look for every day. Although some Virgos are known to be virginal, don’t be afraid to break out your inner self like fellow Virgo Beyonce sometimes and show off your bold side too.


-----October 23 - November 21 ---Scorpios are innately seductive and mysterious so

your beauty tip by your horoscope is to sport alluring looks like a sexy cat eye or smoky eye. Scorpios are also known to have fabulous figures so keep up your womanly shape with regular exercise and leave the boys drooling.


-----December 22 - January 19 ---Capricorns are no-nonsense beauties and their

beauty horoscope recommends to allow yourself to stray from you strict beauty and workout regimen and experiment! Add some fun colors to your makeup and try out some different techniques. Capricorns are also notorious shoe lovers so feel free to try out new styles and colors in shoes too!


-----DecemMay 21 - June 20 ---Geminis really love a good fragrance so your beauty

horoscope says to indulge in perfumes, oils and scented lotions. The Gemini sign is known as the double-sided personality so mix up your makeup with light and dark colors. Geminis are also known for having great arms and shoulders so feel free to show off!


-----July 23 - August 22 ---The Leo symbol of beauty is their hair so this beauty tip by your horoscope advises that you pay special attention to your mane and treat it with care. Don’t be afraid to toil over your tresses and give it lots of love. Have you noticed that many celebrity Leos like Jennifer Lopez, Iman and Hayden Panettiere all have gorgeous hair?


-----September 23 - October 22 ---The astrology beauty tip for Libras is to accentuate

their lovely eyes with complementary colors and high quality eye makeup. Many Libras look younger than their age so keep people guessing about your age and take good care of your skin!


-----November 22 - December 21 ---Ladies born under the Sagittarius sign can pull off

just about any look so astrology beauty tips for them would be to take risks with their appearance. Include bright, dazzling colors in your clothing and makeup to emphasize your carefree attitude and never settle for neutrals!

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Evening make-up VS Daytime make-up When it comes to the


beauty of the face – with the desire to look beautiful and special, women often go to the extreme, a large number of them do not know the main difference between daytime make-up and evening make-up.

---If you pay the attention

you’ll notice that, for example, some girls wear strong make-up in the middle of the day, or girls


in a nightclub look like they were in a hurry and forgot to apply.

---The one and only rule for

your daytime make-up is to keep it simple. Daytime makeup is exactly how it sounds - it should be suitable for wherever we are: work, lunch or shopping, so it must look completely natural.


---Daylight doesn’t tolerate

heavy make-up like strong liquid foundation, compact powder, fake eyelashes or dark lipstick. What you need is make-up that, while only applying a small amount, makes a huge difference to your skin. The purpose is to highlight the natural advantages of your face, and hide the small imperfections.

Evening make-up should


When you wake up you


should: ---- Firstly apply moisturizer, this will prevent the absorption of powder and prevent it from disappearing throughout the day. ---- Then cover dark circles, scars, blemishes and similar irregularities with a concealer and wait a few minutes. ---- Use a thin layer of stone powder (or BB cream) all over the face and neck using a soft cushion applicator. ---- Apply apricot or pink blush to the cheekbones and apply a translucent eye shadow with a thin layer of mascara, either black or brown.---- For the lips use a revitalizing lip balm, soft caramel or sheer shimmer lipstick. Now your daytime make-up is ready.

definitely be more intense than the daytime make-up. It should look shiny and impressive while making your face look young, modern and fresh. ---One common mistake is to apply unnecessary layers to the face, but less is more, you should be brief, precise and aim to highlight the best attributes of your face. ---If your best feature are your lips then apply an intense shade of lipstick, and if your eyes are your best feature then have a go at the well-known technique of ‘smoky eyes’, or ‘cat eyes’ eyeliner with a little bit of sparkly eye shadow. ---You will look like a lady with style instead of a girl going to masquerade party.

your lips you should paint on a strong shade and line just your upper lashes with a couple of strokes of mascara to finish your eyes. If your eyelids have bluish lines you can mask this easily with face powder or concealer, but stay away from colored shadows – the lighter, better. ---- For the perfect, mysterious look, ‘cat eyes’ are the best choice, and it’s fashionable. It’s very flattering for almost every eye shape; all you need is black eyeliner.

---No matter if it’s daytime or

nighttime, proudly wear your make-up and remember that less is more. Have in mind that the natural look, with a little bit more drama for the evening will never go out of fashion.

---Here are some useful tips:

- Choose to highlight the eyes or the mouth, but never both. ---- If you choose your eyes, you can be as dramatic as you want with eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara. Then stick to transparent gloss or a light lipstick shade for your lips, a nude shade would be best. You want your eyes to shine, don’t make them compete with your lips. ---- If you want to accentuate




Eat for Beauty The foundation of your beauty is pretty

grassroots—it’s your diet. The health of every organ affects our appearance. Just as eating well can keep our heart in tip-top shape, we can shave years off our looks if we chew the right things.

---Fewer Wrinkles ---Lines on your face are serious buzz kills. Sure, they’re a sign we’ve enjoyed a lifetime of


laughter, but maybe we don’t want people to know exactly how much time we’ve spent on this earth—laughing or otherwise. Botox isn’t the only way to erase expression lines. Try eating soy. Research shows that estrogenlike chemicals called isoflavones, of which soy is a rich source, help keep the skin furrow-free.


---Superfood picks: ---It pops up in all sorts of forms. You’ll get beauty benefits from it in its whole forms: Tofu, soybeans, tempeh and edamame. Aim for one to two servings of soy a day.

---A Healthy Glow ---You don’t have to sunbathe— or mess with sunless tanners— to achieve a healthy glow. Phytochemicals (geek-speak for

chemical compounds in plants) called carotenoids, which give red, yellow and orange produce their color, can give you golden hue as well.

---Superfood picks: ---Get your glow on with a healthy dose of red peppers, pumpkin and carrots, which boast high levels of carotenoids. Other good sources include apricots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, broccoli and leafy greens. No, that wasn’t a typo— the orange pigment hides out in many green veggies beneath green-tinted chlorophyll.

---Less Puffy Eyes ---Being described as puffy is never flattering. If you have under-eye bags, downsize them by stripping excess salt from your diet. You may associate fluid retention with a bloated belly, but our faces also swell from too much sodium.

sized cheese cube after your meal (four of those add up to about half an ounce).

---Whiter Teeth ---Say cheese! We’re just saying that you can keep your pearly whites bright with this dairy digestif. Highly acidic foods like citrus, soda and berries leave your teeth vulnerable to stains. To keep your teeth untarnished, eat a piece of cheese after you indulge. Studies suggest that its higher pH level may neutralize the acid and safeguard your smile.

---Superfood picks: ---You might say Camembert is the, ahem, big cheese when it comes to annihilating acid. It has the highest pH levels of all of fromage. Because cheese is so high in fat, treat yourself to a dice-

---Age-Spot-Free Skin ---They might be called age spots, but those irksome brown blemishes have less to do with the candles on your cake and more to do with the amount of sun damage you’ve incurred. Your first line of defense is sunscreen, but you can boost your skin’s natural SPF by eating lycopene, a type of carotenoid found in red and pink produce. ---Superfood picks: ---Tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit and red peppers all contain lycopene. Your body absorbs the most from cooked products like tomato paste, sauce and soup. A splash of olive oil will help your body suck up the nutrient.


Health, beauty and heat bathing

Saunas and steam rooms are often confused as being the same thing, but they are quite different ---Sauna ---A true sauna experience, according to traditional Finnish standards, involves a heater and stones. If the stones are dry, you have what’s called a dry sauna experience; if you ladle a small amount of water onto the heated stones, it creates a burst of steam, adding humidity to the air, and you then have what’s called a wet sauna experience. The temperature in a sauna typically ranges from 160-200 degrees Fahrenheit with a low level of humidity (ranging from 5-30 percent).


---Steam Room ---A steam room has hot mist that is created by a steam generator and sprayed through nozzles located throughout the room. The room is tiled and is often used in conjunction with a shower. Saunas and steam rooms are heat rooms that people use for relaxation or to relieve some medical conditions like congestion or arthritis. But what is the difference between the two? ---Saunas provide dry heat in a wood-paneled room from a wood or electric stove. Generally the stove heats rocks, which radiate


heat throughout the room. A sauna may have small amount of steam if water is poured over the hot rocks, however a sauna overall provides dry heat ---Steam rooms provide moist heat from a water-filled generator pumping steam into the enclosed room. The temperature in a steam room typically ranges from 110114 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity level of 100 percent. Neither one is necessarily better than the other; so go ahead and try them both out and decide which one you prefer.

---Infrared ---While an infrared room is often called a sauna, it is not an accurate description in the true sense of the word. Since neither hot stones nor water are used, an infrared room does not meet the definition of a sauna. Instead an infrared room generates heat from the infrared portion of the light spectrum. The whole point of an infrared room is that it delivers heat therapy without getting extremely hot. Rather than the room getting hot from a central heat, the infrared rays penetrate the body and are delivered from several heaters located throughout the room. ---Cautions ---There is a risk of dehydrating in the dry heat of a sauna, so be sure to drink plenty of water before and after using a sauna.

Try limiting your bathing time to 15-20 minutes the first few times using these rooms to get used to the experience.

---Benefits of heat bathing

---Also, beware that steam rooms provide ideal breeding conditions for various infection-producing microbes. For example, athletes’ foot or other fungal infections can be better avoided if you wear a towel and shower shoes or flip flops in the steam room (and in the sauna, for that matter).

- Skin cleansing:

---Finally, because of the extreme heat — especially in saunas — people who are pregnant, have heart disease, high or very low blood pressure shouldn’t use saunas or steam rooms. As always, you can talk to your health care provider to make sure using a sauna or steam room is safe for you.

- Improved blood circulation: The sauna increases and improves the rate of blood circulation and breathing. A profuse sauna-induced sweat followed by a shower cleanses your skin far more thoroughly than just taking a shower. It makes it soft and healthy with immediately noticeable effects.

- Body relaxation:

Stress build-up creates tension in the body manifesting in various aches and pains. The heat and humidity of the sauna diffuses the pain and relaxes tired muscles. A sauna in the evening will leave tense muscles and sore limbs totally relaxed. Sauna also temporarily relieves arthritic pain.

- Mind relaxation:

The sauna is essentially a place to relax. Regular sauna adepts all agree that it effectively helps relieve physical and mental fatigue and stress.

Most importantly, when heat bathing RELAX and ENJOY!


Nefertiti beauty from within


--- n the windswept, hot, sandy Egyptian desert in 1912, a German archaeological team headed by Ludwig Borchardt was excavating a long-forgotten city that had a mysterious history. Borchardt unearthed a stunning bust that had been buried in the rubble for more than 3,300 years, a face that would soon become famous worldwide: Nefertiti. In Egypt’s history, there have been other powerful female leaders, but what is it about Nefertiti that captures the public imagination? ---You see the graceful curve of her neck, her thinly arched brows, cheekbones so rigid they could cut you. She could be a supermodel today. The ideals of beauty haven’t changed. She is compelling. You look into her face and you are arrested by beauty. Her name says it all translating from ancient Egyptian as “the beautiful one has come”.


---An important figure in this new artistic era the queen lived in was the Egyptian royal sculptor Thutmose. It was in the excavation of his studio that the famous bust of Nefertiti was found. And after the queen had captivated the public with her perfect beauty for nearly 100 years, advances in technology finally showed “the real” Nefertiti. ---In 2009, the bust was studied with sophisticated CT scanning technology, which revealed that Thutmose had placed layers of stucco on top of a limestone core. This “hidden” face of Nefertiti appears more realistic, with wrinkles, less-defined cheekbones and a bump on the nose. It was in the final stucco layer that Thutmose smoothed the edges and perfected the features. It was the ancient-day version of photoshopping…


Rejuvenate with

Rufina Kraychik

---Clients wonder what the most important and crucial factor is when choosing a cosmetologist that they can fully trust with their face and body. In reality, there is not an unambiguous answer to this question. One may consider experience to be of upmost importance whereas for someone else, enhanced knowledge and education function as the decisive factor. Other clients make their choice based on the personality of the cosmetologist, looking for a pleasant companion who will enable them to relax and appreciate the procedure. Furthermore, it is common for dexterity to be a focal point; some clients even pay attention to the specialist’s hands. All of these factors are valid and evidently, there are ample of them to consider. Every client has specific expectations and as such, a cosmetologist suitable for one client may not satisfy another. However, imagine that you are told that there is a cosmetologist in Toronto that possesses all of the mentioned characteristics. This specialist is Rufina Kraychik, a cosmetologist with a universal status who has already dedicated over 35 years to making us more beautiful and young. Rufina is a true expert in the field of cosmetology. Her knowledge and expertise in combination with her magical hands deliver the best experience possible. Unlike traditional clinics in which the cosmetologist relies on technology, with Rufina, the technology relies on her proficiency and wisdom to deliver the best treatment. Rufina is truly a gifted cosmetologist. ---Rufina Kraychik is known worldwide as an exceptional physiotherapist and cosmetologist. Throughout her career, she has had the opportunity

to work with the legendary Christian Dior, Nina Ricci, and Estee Lauder. She is the author of two popular books on cosmetology and brought up generations of students. Besides worldwide recognition, Rufina has received numerous premiums, including the nomination for the “Woman of the Year” award in Vancouver. Furthermore, Rufina is on the executive team of the Canadian Aesthetician Association. Amongst her clients are celebrities such as Al Pacino, Halle Berry, Svetlana Toma, Inna Churikova, Nadejda Cepraga, Eugen Doga, and many more. ---Rufina is a strong supporter of clean and natural ingredients as well as combining wise, traditional methods with new technologies that effectively make the face and body look younger. Having a European outlook on caring for the face and body, Rufina was able to develop a unique program based on thorough knowledge of physiotherapy and the use of modern technologies. Her belief is that the face should be touched as little as possible; this is where modern science and technology steps in. ---The list of the procedures that Rufina performs is extensive. It includes nonsurgical lifting of the face and body, anti-cellulite programs, laser hair removal, oxygen applications, stimulation of collagen, treatment of problematic skin, and much, much more. Visit Rufina for a free consultation and she will be able to immediately tell your age solely based on your skin and choose an appropriate program for you that will enable your skin to look ten years younger. ---In addition, Rufina is a wonderful and kind person with whom it is easy to communicate. She is beautiful like a celebrity and caring like a mother. She is the recipient of countless awards and recognitions, yet with her, you feel like the most important person in the world. Rufina is the definition of a true businesswoman as she has operated many successful businesses and her hands work magic as they put you into a pleasant doze.

---I have personally experienced the skilfulness of her hands during a procedure. After an hour and a half of relaxation, music, modern technology, and natural cosmetics, the result was complete rejuvenation, release from stress, and a new desire to feel your fresh, “baby skin”. ---Try it out for yourself as the feeling of beauty and confidence is the key to overcoming hardships. You deserve it. Furthermore, Rufina not only practices cosmetology, but also helps others obtain the secrets of her profession and open new med-spa salons. As the president of “Formula Life” and principal of a school in Vancouver, Rufina teaches theory and puts it into practice.

For men only

Inject Romance into Your Relationship In most love relationships, there comes a time when the romance fades away. While the love grows stronger with each year we spend with our beloved partner, romance often dies. Perhaps it is the drudgery of everyday life that kills the romantic aspects of love, or the fact that most people rush through life and totally forget to enjoy each other’s company.


--hatever it is, it might become an issue if one partner feels neglected. Therefore, when romance disappears from your relationship it could be the make or break of your bond. ---This could also be one reason why so many marriages break up after some time. We need to re-ignite our feelings of courtship, the heat of passion. Missing out on those feelings can turn a healthy marriage into a stale one and ruin a strong bond over time by grinding it down.


---Even so, not all is lost if that happened to you. There are things you can do to inject some more romance into your relationship to revive those old feelings of being alive and wanted. ---Eye gazing: Do you remember when you first met the love of your life? If you do, then you will also remember how exciting it was just to gaze into each other’s eye as this often lead to more passionate encounters altogether. ---Unfortunately, we tend to forget to acknowledge one


another after we have been in a relationship for some time. There are always more pressing matters we deal with on a day to day basis. We stress about the dirty kitchen sink, the garden, and the kids. This is enough to kill all feelings of romance and before we know it, another day has gone by and we

fall into bed exhausted, too tired to think of anything else but sleep. ---• Book a romantic surprise getaway: If your relationship has become stale in the romance department, why not book a getaway for you and your partner. Pack your bags and indulge into the full works of being spoiled. Order champagne when you arrive, book massages for both of you, ensure that the beds are made in heaven, use candle light, soak in a hot tub and enjoy each other’s company. ---Whether your getaway is for one night, one week or a full blown romantic trip to Italy, Paris or Tahiti doesn’t matter. What matters is the renewed feeling of romance you both experience along the way. ---• Touch your partner more often: To touch one another with awareness is very sensuous. Make an effort to touch your partner, showing him/her that you love them. Whether you hug, cuddle, stroke or simply hold your partner often, it’s all good and will help to further the emotional bond that initially attracted you to one another. ---By showing your partner that you are attracted to them, he or she will respond with similar behavior and bingo, there is instant romance for you.

---• Play romantic games: I think I do not really have to go into detail here. If you lack inspiration to play a romantic game, you ought to buy a relationship book or watch a naughty film together. There are many ways you can interact with your partner, but games tend to relax us and make us feel content. They can help us to get rid of inhibitions and connect on a deeper emotional level. ---• Write a love letter: If you feel neglected in your relationship you might want to write a love letter or poem to your partner. Get inspiration from the reminiscent feelings of when you first met your partner. Be daring, be seductive

without being cheesy and be honest about your feelings of neglect. Once you are happy with your letter, post it in the mail.

you can do this at a local hotel, followed by a romantic getaway for the night. Use your imagination and enjoy whatever happens. ---• Spend more time together: A common cause for drudgery in a relationship is the fact that we disconnect. We seem to place importance on the unimportant aspects in life and therefore lose touch on the deeper levels. One thing leads to another, and before we know it, our relationship has become staler than one week old bread. ---Even if that happens, you can still act now, before it is too late. To make a relationship work, both partners need to give equally. If you feel stressed about the lack of romance in your relationship, then you need to talk to your partner. If he/she doesn’t know how you feel, they will not be able to understand why you suddenly act angry, frustrated or hurt. ---So, what do you do about the lack of romance in your life? Is this something that bothers you a lot, a little or not at all?

---• Surprise your partner with a romantic dinner: Love is where the heart is – right – so get cooking. Plan a romantic dinner and cook your partner’s favorite meal. However, do not just concentrate on the meal itself. Plan each aspect of the meal as if it was the last thing you ever did. This includes the perfect table setting with relaxing music, wine, flowers and ambient lighting. ---If you have children you might want to have them sleep over at a friend’s place. Alternatively,


Have unwanted hair? is adjusted for power, size, and pulse frequency to optimize the treatment for the patient's comfort. ---The laser energy is then focused on the hair follicles using a hand-held laser. Most laser hair removal patients report little or no discomfort during the procedure, which ranges in length based on the size of the laser hair removal treatment areas.

After Laser Hair Removal Treatment ---

Although patients can return to

During Laser Hair Removal Treatment

normal activities immediately

effective way to permanently

Usually, the areas to be treated

reduce unwanted hair from

are shaved a few days prior to the

occur. These side effects of laser

virtually any area of the body.

laser hair removal treatment. A



--aser hair removal is an

cool laser tip, spray, or gel can be

Laser Hair Removal Procedure ---

used to make the treatment feel more comfortable, depending on the type of laser that is to be used.

Laser hair removal is most

Both the patient and the laser

effective when hair is in the

hair removal technician need

growth stage. Because hair grows

to wear special glasses that are

in cycles, laser hair removal

designed to filter out harmful light

patients typically require a series

during the treatment. Based on

of four to six sessions spaced

a evaluation, the hair removal

approximately one month apart

technician will properly adjust

for maximum results.

the laser and may use the laser on various test spots. The laser



after laser hair removal treatment, some swelling and redness may hair removal treatment typically go away within 24 hours. Ice, anti-inflammatory creams, or aloe gels or lotions may also be applied to the treated area to minimize discomfort and the risk of complications. The majority of patients are scheduled for subsequent treatments four to six weeks after the initial procedure. Treatments will continue until the growth of hair has been eliminated. After multiple laser hair removal


sessions, the results of your treatment will be evident. Most patients enjoy an 80 to 90 percent reduction in hair growth. Although the laser hair removal results are permanent, some patients may need occasional touch-up sessions to treat individual hairs. --Patients enjoy a permanent reduction in unwanted hair and smooth, soft skin after laser hair removal treatments. While results can, in some instances, slowly fade and a patient might need a touch up session which normally done only once a year or less. However, most patients experience long-lasting, beautiful results.

Latest Laser Hair Removal Technology

Laser Hair Removal Cost and Financing



The latest laser hair removal

The cost of undergoing any of

systems and technologies have

the latest laser hair removal

proven to be great improvements

procedures is consistently one of

over older, more conventional

the highest concerns for potential

methods of hair removal. All

patients. The cost of laser hair

laser hair removal systems carry

removal will vary from clinic

their own sets of advantages

to clinic. However, there are a

and disadvantages. While each

number of financing options

laser hair removal clinic typically

available for those who wish

has a preferred hair removal

to undergo laser hair removal

system, some clinics may offer

but can’t afford to pay for the

patients multiple hair removal

whole procedure up front. Best


way to evaluate your options is to schedule a consultation in a reputable clinic.


How to Set a Formal Dinner Table?

Dine like Royalty


--here are many different options when it comes to setting a dinner table, but most importantly it depends on the situation or the occasion. Here is a fairly simple set-up that follows a few basic guidelines that help you to easily set an attractive elegant dinner table.


---Picking your tablecloth, napkin, centerpiece, and dinnerware colors should be planned around what type of dinner you are having. ---If it is for Thanksgiving an obvious centerpiece would be something centered on the idea of Thanksgiving, the same goes for Christmas, and after that color patterns will follow.


Step 1: Plates

-----The first step is to set down the dinner plates. They should be remotely centered in front of each chair, and each dinner plate should line up with the one across from it. Each dinner plate should be place a thumb knuckles' length from the edge of the table. ---Place your thumb knuckle on the edge of the table and then

place the dinner plate at the end of your thumb. This should be done for all dinner plates.

move the salad plate to a different location when they are ready to use their dinner plate.

---The second part to this step is to place the salad plate inside the middle of the dinner plate. This should be done at all place settings. It might seem strange to put one plate on top of the other, but this is done because the salad course is served before the dinner course; therefore, the salad plate will be used and finished with before the dinner plate is used.

-----The next step is the silverware, here we are using the basic four types of silverware needed for a formal dinner. If the dinner you plan to serve is more formal than this then you simply add the types of silverware you will need for that occasion.

---The last two types of silverware are the salad fork and the table spoon. The salad fork should be placed to the left of the dinner fork. Try to keep a nice even distance between the two forks. Just make sure you can see the whole utensil and that none of it is hiding under the dinner plate.

---Working from the inside moving out helps to keep everything in line. To keep things spaced out evenly use your thumb and be sure to eyeball what looks good for correct spacing. Therefore

---The table spoon is then placed to the right of the table knife, again eyeballing for spacing between the two utensils and using your thumb for placement from the edge of the table. When

---If the salad is going to be served at the same time as the main course the table can still be set this way and the guest can

Step 2: Silverware

starting with the forks that go on the left, the dinner fork will be placed first.


using the silverware at the table, a rule of thumb is to work from outside in; therefore, the soup spoon is placed on the outside.

Step 3: Napkins

-----Cloth napkins really help to keep the dinner table looking formal. There are many ways to fold a napkin. Instead of folded in a rectangle you can fold the cloth napkin into a triangle and place the napkin in the same spot with the top point, pointing outwards to the left.

---One other way to fold a napkin is to buy napkin rings and put the napkin up through the ring. When done this way the napkin can be placed in the same spot or laid vertically on top of the dinner and salad plates. There are also many different colors of napkins that can be used depending on the color of your tablecloth and plates.

Step 4: Glasses

-----Glasses are the final things that are needed on the table. The water glass should be placed first. Using one without a stem is completely acceptable for drinks that are nonalcoholic. A glass can be used for water, punch, soda, or whatever else the guest would like. Typically water will be served with some sort of wine at a formal dinner. This water glass should be placed straight above the table knife.. ---The second glass needed is the wine lass, as this type of glass has a foot and a stem as opposed to the water glass that does not have either. If you are serving red and white wine you may have two separate glasses, one for each wine. A red wine glass typically has a rounder, wider bowl. A white wine glass has a smaller bowl with a smaller rim than a red wine glass. The third type of glass used in this set-up is the cup and



saucer. It is used if tea or coffee are going to be served during or after dinner. The cup and saucer should be place to the right of the spoon directly out from the middle of the dinner plate. There is no real way to measure this, just make sure to eyeball what seems to look right. This table setting is complete after all of the glasses are set.

Bon Appetite!



What to Wear with Marsala? Y mig ou might be thinking, "What to wear with marsala? Can't I wear anything I want while drinking my Sicilian wine?" And off course you can. But the "marsala" we're talking about here is a lovely shade of dusty burgundy-red that Pantone has selected to be 2015's color of the year. If you're still scratching your head, here's the deal: Pantone is a company that mainly works with graphic designers to create standardized colors that are used industry-wide. migHowever, in 1999 some clever Pantone execs decided to horn in on the fashion game, and ever since then they've been selecting and declaring a color of the year. Each year's color is

selected in a secret meeting of representatives from various nations' color standards groups who discuss what's been shown on the runways for the coming seasons, but also the cultural and emotional temperature of the world. migFor 2015, Pantone selected Marsala. Much like the fortified wine that gives Marsala its name, this tasteful hue embodies the satisfying richness of a fulfilling meal, while its grounding red-brown roots emanate a sophisticated, natural earthiness. This hearty, yet stylish tone is universally appealing and translates easily to fashion, beauty, industrial design, home furnishings and interiors.

Marsala, Black, & White mig

Marsala & Orange mig

migMarsala itself is a subdued red, but you can bring out its fiery undertones by pairing it with bold orange. Soften the combination with cognac accessories or tan accents. Or create an outfit that includes solid Marsala garments and add pops of orange with shoes, belts, or bags.

migBlack and white are both very strong and tend to suck the life out of other colors that aren't either neutral or equal in strength and saturation. Marsala is dusty and almost a jewel tone, so it generally pairs well with other rich colors. However, this trio has been an It-girl favorite for several seasons now, and is both chic and easy to create. If the solid blocks of color turn you off, incorporate a printed scarf or blouse that includes at least two of the three to create visual unity.

Marsala & Chartreuse mig

migChartreuse carried a bad reputation as a 70s-throwback color for many years, but recent appearances on the runway have brought it back into favor. This bold yellow-y green is an unexpected pairing with subtle Marsala, but they bring out the best in each other: The green is toned down, and the red is amped up.


Marsala & Pale Pink

migIf bold, bright colors aren't your speed, try pairing Marsala with dusty or pale pink. Grouping various shades of red generally works quite well, and pink is a red derivative. For this pairing, make pink the main event and add Marsala accessories, or opt for a pretty print that includes both.

Marsala & Mustard Yellow mig

Marsala & Gray


migThis combination may feel a little dark to wear, but it's certainly a timeless, elegant way to work Marsala into your outfits. Both dark and light heathered grays make great partners.


migMore earthy than chartreuse, mustard yellow is a wonderfully warm alternative if you love yellows but can't do green undertones. This pairing works beautifully with browns, but if you don't want to get too autumnal with your palette, try gray instead.

mig olor trends are wonderful things: Women of all shapes, sizes, ages, and styles can wear them and needn't spend a fortune to participate. Marsala can be worn in clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry, and accessories, bought at all price points both new and used. Hope you'll consider working some into your own wardrobe this year.

Eggplant Involtini ---1 eggplant, kosher salt, olive oil for frying or canola oil, 1 can or jar of your favorite storebought tomato sause, heavy cream, freshly grated Asiago cheese or Parmigiano Reggiano. ---Stuffing ---Bread crumbs, about 1/2 cup, made from about 3 slices day-old bread, 1 cup whole milk ricotta, grated zest of 1 lemon, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp. fresh thyme leaves, minced, 1/4 tsp. kosher salt. ---1. Trim the stem end of each eggplant. Use


mandolin or sharp knife to cut the eggplant lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick slices. You should have about 12 slices. Sprinkle the eggplant on both sides with kosher salt, layer them in a colander, and let stand for 1 hour. Press the moisture from the eggplant and blot them dry with paper towels.

cook until the slices take on some color, 3 to 4 minutes. Using tongs, transfer the slices to a colander (or paper-towel lined plate) to drain. Repeat with remaining slices.

---Pour olive (or canola) oil to a depth of 1 inch in a deep, heavy saucepan or large skillet and heat to 360ยบF on a deepfrying thermometer. Place 3 to 4 eggplant slices in the hot oil and

---2. Meanwhile, make the stuffing. In a bowl, stir together the bread crumbs, ricotta, lemon zest, juice, thyme and salt. ---3. Preheat the oven to 425ยบF. Spoon tomato sauce into a mediumsized baking dish till bottom of dish is covered in a thin layer.


Place a spoonful of filling at one end of each of the eggplant slices. Roll the slice around the filling and place it seam-side down in the dish on top of the tomato sauce. ---Spoon a tablespoon of cream (or less) over each roll to moisten. Bake until the edges of sauce around the sides of the dish are dark and the rolls are nicely caramelized, 20 to 25 minutes. Garnish with the Asiago (or parm) before serving.


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