Beachborough Newsletter 08.04.23

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1 Newsletter FRIDAY 8TH MARCH 2024 Follow the adventure Beachborough, Westbury, Nr. Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 5LB CHEMISTRY AT ST OWE... FV YORKTRI ORLDBOOK D AY... VISITFROM T A LK EDUCATIO

Head’s Blog

‘The best moments in reading are when you come across something — a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things — that you’d thought special, particular to you. And here it is, set down by someone else, a person you’ve never met, maybe even someone long dead. And it’s as if a hand has come out and taken yours.’ Alan Bennett (through his creation Hector in the play, the History Boys)

On Wednesday, we welcomed back our intrepid Form V tourists from York, the children had a fabulous trip and demonstrated the three key skills that as a Year Group they have been working on: cooperation, mutual respect and selflessness. They visited some amazing and varied sights and created lasting memories. My thanks go to Mr Sanders, Mrs Lorimer, Mrs Gross, Mr Knowles, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Riley and Mr Hallett for organising and facilitating the trip.

Yesterday was World Book Day, a day on which schools all over the county are celebrating the power of the written word, the wonder of books, and the pleasure that reading can offer. In an age where technology provides exciting visual alternatives, and social media consumes more of our attention each day, it can sometimes feel as though it is a losing battle to ask young people to read more, but it is a battle that is worth fighting! This is not to say that for some people it is entirely right that they should use the technology to enhance the experience of reading, whether through e-readers, audio books or other means, but all the research shows that some regular engagement with reading is good for academic progress, wellbeing and creative thinking. It is also fun.

‘Listen you little wise acre: I’m big, you’re little, I’m right, you’re wrong, and there’s nothing you can do about it.’ So says the father in the film adaptation of Roald Dahl’s best-selling story, Matilda. Matilda is one of my favourite books to read to children and my own boys loved it too! Those of you who have read the book will know that Dahl’s Matilda is ‘an extraordinary genius with really stupid parents.’ The first chapter of the book is especially good and tells us how Matilda copes with her family: by reading novels from a very young age. Through Dickens, Hardy and Austen, Matilda escapes into a different time and place.

The first book that I can remember really loving was The Ghost of Thomas Kempe, by Penelope Lively. It centres on James whose problems begin when a new message is chalked onto the blackboard his father has put outside their cottage to advertise the sale of apples. It reads: "Sorcerie, Astrologie, Geomancie, Alchemie, Recoverie of Goodes Lost, Physicke." Soon ornaments are being smashed, doors are being slammed and almost everyone assumes it's James's fault. However, responsibility lies with the ghost of one "Thos. Kempe Esquire. Sorceror" who has re-emerged from the 17th century and is convinced that James is his apprentice. I re-read the story a few years ago, and reading it again transported me back to an earlier life! Books provide a platform from which your imagination can explore.

At Beachborough, we celebrated World Book Day with a visit from Steve Cole, a best-selling author for children and young adults. He has written over 150 books including his hugely successful Astrosaurs series. He has also succeeded Charlie Higson as the writer for Young Bond, a series which follows the adventures of the teenage James Bond.

Following on from the Astrosaurs series and the book of the week, “Tyrannosaurus Drip” the Boardman welcomed some very special visitors on Thursday; take a look at this link:

“Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success, more than their family circumstances, parents’ educational background or their income.” Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development:

Have a very good day, and why not start a new book this weekend? Simone


IAPS Netball regionals

Last Friday, we set off for our rescheduled IAPS in somewhat treacherous weather on the journey to Bilton Grange, not knowing how much netball we would actually play. Luckily, the rain held off for the majority of the day and much netball was enjoyed.

We started our morning playing Highgate Junior School, which was a close game resulting in a 3-2 win to Highgate - well done to Tilly E & Stella M for scoring our goals. We then had a short break to regroup and reset our gameplan, before heading out against the hosts, Bilton Grange. We came away with a fantastic 4-0 win with Evie CB and Eva M both sinking 2 goals each. A special mention also to Emilie S, for her availability in the centre third which facilitated progression down the court. Then it was straight back on against Repton Prep - our closest match of the day! We matched up similarly in skill and shooting as the game ended 1-1 courtesy of Kitty G-S.

Then came lunch and a chance to reset again, before finding out we had finished 2nd in our pool meaning we were through to the Cup Competition and due to face local rivals, MK Prep; a tough match ahead! Although losing 11-2, special mention must go to Erin K and Julia M for their resilience in defence and Jenna S's stamina finishing the day in C.

All of the girls must be commended for their positivity, collaboration and communication throughout the day. Thank you also to the parents who were able to come and support.

Mrs Gross & Miss Cheshire

IAPs squad: Kitty G-S, Erin K, Julia M, Jenna S, Evie CB, Eva M, Stella M, Emilie S, Tilly E

Stowe Chemistry Afternoon

On Friday, we spent the afternoon in the science labs at Stowe School. The pupils were treated to one of Mr Tearle's Science Shows, which involved flashes of light and small explosions, and we witnessed the magic of chemistry at its best. The pupils went on to carry out a neutralisation investigation using burettes, glass pipettes, and a sensitive indicator solution, with a focus on precision and accuracy. More than 6 groups secured a neutral solution through their care and attention to detail, with all becoming far more aware of the need for accuracy. The children had a fantastic afternoon with endless squeals of delight and a huge amount of chemistry theory covered, giving their revision for the upcoming mock exams a well deserved boost.


Scholarship Success!

We would like to say a huge congratulations to Bethany D (FVIII), who recently received an Academic Scholarship to St Edward's, Oxford.

This takes our scholarship total to 22! A fantastic achievement.

TheL i n k

The next link meeting is on:

Monday 18th March Monday 18th March

8.15am - 9.00am 8.15am - 9.00am

In the Manor House Library

In the Manor House Library

Come and join us for a coffee and a chat! and a chat!

Come and join us for a coffee

6 Chappell Carder Sprawson Boardman Club Children Credits AVERAGE CLUB CREDITS 93 87 90 91 906 914 874 978 9.74 10.51 9.71 10.75

FV trip to York...

On Monday morning, Form V set off to York for their annual residential which is based on their History Curriculum for the year. The children were excited by what was to come, and the journey went ahead as planned, but with the added excitement of watching the Police in action, when we stopped at a service station for Ghab (Beachburians cannot survive without Ghab twice a day!). We arrived in York for lunch in a small park by the River Ouse, then went on to Clifford’s Tower to explore a medieval stone Keep, and to learn about the events of March 1190 and the significance of the daffodils that cover the Motte. This was followed by a trip to the Shambles, where the children were able to see and reflect on what a medieval street was like (with modern shops not the medieval butcher’s stalls they were asked to imagine).

Both evenings were spent in York Youth Hostel. The evenings were cold, so they were spent indoors and enjoying the excellent evening meals which were only surpassed by the “all you can eat” breakfasts. When asked to reflect on their experiences on the trip, some children said the best bit was the food!

On Tuesday, the children went to the Jorvik centre to see what life was like in early medieval (Viking) York, and to the DIG for some practical archaeology. Lunch was in the park between the York Museum and the ruins of St Mary’s Monastery. In the afternoon, they visited York Minster and looked around the fine medieval tower and most of the children took up the challenge to climb the central tower (all 275 steps!). Then back to the YHA and a small birthday celebration.

Wednesday morning, we packed our bags and said goodbye to York and travelled to Rievaulx Abbey, which is nestled in a valley in the North York Moors. The weather was cold and misty, and I challenged the children to imagine what it would have been like to have been a Cistercian monk as we explored the ruins on a cool, misty morning. After lunch, we started the long journey home and the children arrived back at Beachborough (after a few delays due to road works) tired but enthusiastic, to share all that they had learned about the medieval world.

All these activities done at York were to enhance the learning they have done (or will shortly do) in their History classes. However, as with all residentials, the children learned much more than the history that was on offer to them and excelled in reflection, collaboration and perseverance, and resilience.

As with all residential trips, it is the staff who accompany the children who make it a success, and my personal thanks go to Neeru Lorimer, Sally Gross, Tom Knowles, Sue Franklin, Paula Riley and Sam Hallett. For some, it was their first ‘Sanders Tour’, but some had been through one before and yet were willing to come back and help again! Together, we truly made a magnificent 7!

Michael Sanders
All of the photos can be found on our Flickr page: here

Tuesday 5th March


The results are in...

U9 Rovers Football St Hugh's Festival 3rd Overall Seb C

U9 City Football St Hugh's Festival Runners Up Krystian B

U9 United Football St Hugh's Festival Runners Up Jacob S

Girls U9A Netball St Hugh's Festival 3rd Overall George D-H

U9B Netball St Hugh's Festival WINNERS Imogen P

U9C Netball St Hugh's Festival Runners Up Naomi B

U8 Netball - Team 1

Wednesday 6th March


Won 9-2 Isla L / Lily R

U8 Netball - Team 2 Ashfold Lost 0-16 Elodie G / Poppy S

U8 Netball - Team 3 Ashfold Lots 1-8 Rosalie B / Millie P

1st XI Football Ashfold Won 9-0 Gabriel F / Gethin P

2nd XI Football Ashfold Won 5-1 Rhys G

Colts A Hockey

Colts B Hockey

Colts C Hockey

Colts D Hockey

Girls U13A Netball

U13 Cavaliers Netball

Colts A Netball

Colts B Netball

Colts Cavaliers

Colts Tigers Netball

Won 1-0 Alex H

Won 1-0 Arlo W

Won 3-0 Will B

Drew 0-0 Drew M

Lost 4-26 Evelyn C / Lyla S-H

Won 15-9 Kitty G-S / Erin K

Won 14-2 Poppy R / Emilie S

Won 8-2 Eliza B/ Cesca W

10-3 Annabelle K / Olivia W

Congratulations to our U9B team, for winning their category at the St Hugh’s Netball Festival on Tuesday!

Team Opposition Result
of the
Won 26-18 Tilly G
U13B Netball Ashfold Lost 2-9 Isabella G

U11 Hockey Success!

It was another incredibly successful day on Monday for the boys U11 hockey team, who took part in the Stowe School hockey tournament. With seven other schools taking part (who have been playing hockey for the whole term), the Beachborough team played brilliantly against strong opposition. It was a round robin format and our results were as follows:

v NSB won 3-0

v The Beacon won 1-0

v The Dragon drew 0-0

v Moulsford won 2-0

v Winchester House School drew 0-0

v Spratton Hall won 3-0

v Swanbourne won 3-0

The team came top of the group on goal difference, which put us into the final against Winchester House School. In a tightly contested final, Beachborough were on top for last parts of the game, but some excellent saves from the Winchester House goalkeeper ultimately made the difference. Winchester House produced one very good passage of play and manged to sneak a goal, winning the match 1-0. It was a magnificent effort from the team, made even more impressive as they had only had four hockey sessions before the tournament. Every member of the squad played their part. It was a real pleasure to watch the boys grow in confidence with every game.

Mr Stoop

A Staff Update...

I am writing with an update on staffing for September 2024.

After 35 years as part of the Beachborough family, Michael and Verity Sanders have decided to retire so that they can spend more time with their family, friends and on their narrowboat.

During their time at Beachborough, they have had many roles. Michael has been an outstanding Head of History, Housemaster, and Sports Coach, whilst Verity has been a Chef, Assistant Matron, Forest School Lead, Co-curricular Lead, member of SLT and of course, an excellent and much-loved Pre-Prep Teacher.

We will miss their enthusiasm, passion for teaching and care of your children. We will of course say our formal farewells at the end of the Summer Term, but I am sure you will join me in wishing them every happiness for the future and thanking them for their dedication to Beachborough.

We will start the process of recruiting their successors in the next couple of weeks.

With best wishes,


Four fabulous wins for the U11 girls, in their last home match of the season against Ashfold. They were a joy to watch!


Talk Education Visit...

Last week, we welcomed Nicky Youngs and Cazzie Haigh, from Talk Education, to conduct an in-person review for our online listing.

Our visitors had a full tour of the school and its facilities, and met with Mrs Mitchell and our children, for an informal conversation about life at Beachborough.

A huge thank you to Arthur, Tami, Molly, Henry, Max, Evie, and Gethin, for representing the school in such a wonderful way. Our visitors were highly impressed with their confidence and ability to articulate their answers.

You can read all about the exciting day that took place, here!


World Book Day...

A strange Jurassic sighting occurred on Wednesday. Through the mist of the early morning, a large raptor and two pteranodons were seen scampering across the front lawn before disappearing into the woods. Why were they there? What were they doing? Perhaps looking for a new home?

A brighter Thursday dawned, and word of the dinosaur sighting spread. They were spotted deep in the woods, grazing and foraging and making a bit of a mess! Whilst they slept, the area was cordoned off with hazard warning tape and the woods put out of bounds.

The Boardman children gathered for Assembly and the excitement grew, as one of the dinosaurs strolled into assembly to invite the children to investigate the dinosaurs. So off we set, EYFS to Form IV, ready to face the magnificent beasts. At first, they were shy but it wasn't long before they were charging towards the screaming children and fighting with each other. What an adventure and hilarious sight it was!

Inspired by their Dinosaur Day, the children WOWED us with their creativity at home. They've been painting, drawing, modelling, building, and baking, and it was so hard to choose our winners of the World Book Day competition. A huge well done to all those children who contributed to our huge dinosaur display in the Boardman Foyer. Congratulations to Genevieve S-D for a Highly Commended piece of work, and to our winners in each year group, who win a Dinosaur book for their amazing entries:

Naomi B - Form IV

Hermione S - Form III

Josiah M - Pre-Prep 2

Penny M - Pre-Prep 1

Laura T - Reception

Miya G - Kindergarten

George J - Nursery

It's been so much fun in school sharing dinosaur stories and looking at all the wonderful dinosaur artwork. Holding Jack S's incredible REAL dinosaur bone, was an unbelievable privilege! Thank you Jack for sharing this special treasure.

Mrs Sanders

Steve Cole visits Beachborough!

As part of World Book Day, we had visiting author, Steve Cole, join us for the day!

Steve is a best-selling children's author, who is known for book series such as: Young Bond, Astrosaurs, Slime Squad, Hero Academy, and his more recent series of environmental impact themed storylines. Steve has also worked with Tim Peake on the Swarm Rising book, based on space-age science and technology, and was in charge of BBC's worldwide merchandising, of the television series Doctor Who. In total, he has written over 150 books, of which he has sold over 3 million copies; it was a pleasure to welcome him to Beachborough!

Steve delivered insightful talks to children in Reception-FVIII, sharing original copies of stories that he wrote and illustrated, as a young child. Steve also shared his tips and tricks on how to gain inspiration for a new story, suggesting that looking at a still image could spark creativity!

We extend a huge thank you to Steve, for sharing his expertise on writing and story-telling. His talks were funny, engaging, and informative, and the children had a great time learning all about him.


Your task is to create a map of Beachborough School!

Perhaps you’d like to junk model, paint, draw, bake, or clay model - it is entirely up to you and your imagination.

The competition is open to children in: Reception - FVIII

The deadline is: Monday 11th March 2024

Boardman children, please give your entries to your class teachers. Manor House children, please take your entries to the Geography Room.

All entries must include your name and club.


C ll u u b b G e o g r a p h y G e o g r a p h y


by emailing:

F V I P R E S E N T T H U R S D A Y 1 4 T H & F R I D A Y 1 5 T H M A R C H 2 0 2 4 6 P M - 7 . 3 0 P M W H Y B R O W T H E A T R E M . P H B O W




It’s time to get your thinking caps on, and prepare for another of Beachborough’s memorable whole-school fundraising events.


On Friday 22nd March, your headwear can be as big or as bold as you wish. Be creative, stylish, and originalready for our hat parade!

The charity ‘Brain Tumour Research’ is passionately committed to raising both awareness, and funding for research. Their vision is to find a cure for all types of brain tumours, and their mission is to increase the UK investment in brain tumour research. h llectable P e

sale or £2 ea

greatly welcom nd there elicious CAKE SALE at collection time.

Club Geography deadline is on Monday 11th


Violin and Cello Concert: Monday 11th March, 6pm, Whybrow Theatre

FIII & FIV Parents’ Evening: Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th

FVII Parents’ Evening: Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th

FVI Chitty Chitty Bang Bang production on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th @ 6pm

FVII & FVIII Boarders Formal Dinner on Friday 15th


treat for any occasion



N o m a t t e r i f y o u n e e d a s m a l l c a k e o r a

b i g C e l e b r a t i o n C a k e , w e c a t e r f o r

d i f f e r e n t o c c a s i o n s a n d d i f f e r e n t s i z e s

F O R W H E N I T D O E S N ’ T N E E D


M a r n i e ’ s c a k e s o f f e r s C u p c a k e s i n

o r d e r s o f 6 o r 1 2 , b e a u t i f u l l y

d e c o r a t e d f o r a n y o c c a s i o n



N e e d o n l y a s m a l l b u t b e a u t i f u l a n d

d e l i c i o u s t r e a t ? C a k e P o p s a r e i d e a l

i n t h i s c a s e , s i m p l e b u t s o b e a u t i f u l a t t h e s a m e t i m e

M A R N I E ’S CA K E S B E A C H B O R O U G H P A R E N T S G E T 1 0 % O F F F O R B O O K I N G S M A D E B E F O R E T H E 3 1 S T M A Y E N Q U I R E A B O U T Y O U R B A K E D T R E A T T O D A Y B Y C O N T A C T I N G M . M O O N L I T C A K E S @ O U T L O O K . C O M , S P E A K T O M R S . M O O N E Y O R H A V E A L O O K A T M A R N I E ’ S C A K E S S O C I A L S

Open to players of all abilities. Girls & Boys

Stowe School. 2nd – 4th April.

8-10 yrs (9.30am – 12.30pm)

11-13 yrs (1.30 – 4.30pm)

£35 per day or £90 for all 3 days

Proudly Supported by

In 2024, Ultimate Activity Camps will again be hosting their exciting holiday programmes at Beachborough School.

2024 DATES:


• Easter – Tuesday 8th to Friday 12th April 2024

• Summer – Monday 22nd July to Friday 23rd August 2024


• Summer - Monday 22nd July - Friday 23rd August

. Simply visit to book your preferred dates, whether it's for a single day or an entire week. Plus, should you need to change your dates, you can do so free of charge up to 14 days before your camp's start date, subject to availability. For added convenience, we accept ALL childcare vouchers.

Don't forget to follow them on social media to stay up to date with their news and offers throughout the year.


We invite you to join us for an evening of

Scottish Reeling

Saturday 20th April, 7-11pm

The Whybrow Theatre, Beachborough

What: With the guidance of a caller, we will all learn how to dance several traditional, Scottish reels

Who: Open to all parents and staff, and pupils in years 3-8

Bring: your own picnic supper or purchase one in advance from Westbury café (details to follow).

Drinks: refreshments will be available to purchase on the night

Dress: dress for a party with comfortable shoes!

Tickets: Adult Ticket £10/ Child Ticket £5

Reeling is great fun and the perfect multi-generational activity. Don’t panic if you don’t know your Dashing White from your Eightsome Reel, no previous experience is necessary! Have a look at for some helpful videos.


Purchase tickets here; beachboroughfriends/index.cfm?event=event&eventId=75547

Mary’s Meals will benefit from any profits raised by this event.


What's on next week?

Monday 11th

All day – Digital Strategy Filming Forms Rec – VIII – Club Geography Deadline

9.00am – 11.00am & 11.30am – 1.00pm – Form VI Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tech Rehearsal.

6.00pm – 6.45pm – Violin & Cello Concert for the pupils of Mrs Rafter & Mrs Turnock (The Whybrow Theatre)*

Tuesday 12th

All day – Digital Strategy Filming Tutor Team Meeting

9.00am – 11.00am & 11.30am – 1.00pm – Form VI Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Dress Rehearsal

2.30pm – Girls’ Netball – U9s (all girls) v St Hugh’s (H)*

5.30pm – 8.00pm – Form VII Parents’ Evening (online via SchoolCloud)*

Wednesday 13th

Club Assembly

9.00am – 4.00pm – Form VII & VIII Keyboard Festival Day @ Stowe

2.30pm - Boys’ Football – 1st XI v Swanbourne House (H)*

2.30pm - Boys’ Football – 2nd & 3rd XI v Swanbourne House (A)*

2.30pm – Boys’ Football - Colts A at the Bruern Abbey Tournament (A)*

2.00pm – Boys’ Hockey – Colts C v St Hugh’s (H)*

2.30pm – Boys’ Hockey – Colts E v St Hugh’s (H)*

3.00pm – Boys’ Hockey – Colts D v St Hugh’s (H)*

3.30pm – Boys’ Hockey – Colts F v St Hugh’s (H)*

2.30pm – Girls’ Netball – U13A & B v Maidwell Hall (H)*

2.30pm – Girls’ Football – Colts (all U11 & U10 girls) at the Chandlings Festival (A)*

5.00pm – 7.00pm – Form III & IV Parents’ Evening (Boardman Classrooms)*

5.30pm – 8.00pm – Form VII Parents’ Evening (online via SchoolCloud)*

Thursday 14th

First Lego League Challenge

8.40am – 10.00am – Spring Prize Giving

5.00pm – 7.00pm – Form III & IV Parents’ Evening (Boardman Classrooms)*

6.00 – 7.30pm - Form VI Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Performance (The Whybrow Theatre)*

Friday 15th

9.00am – 1.30pm – Bentley Team Photos

2.30pm – Maidwell Chase Cross Country (A)*

6.00 – 7.30pm - Form VI Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Performance (The Whybrow Theatre)*

7.00pm – Kites – Form VII & VII Regular Boarders’ Formal Dinner

Saturday 16th

10.30am – Boarders Collected

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