Newsletter 17.05.24

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1 Newsletter FRIDAY 17TH MAY 2024 Follow the adventure Beachborough, Westbury, Nr. Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 5LB THEOUNDLETRIAT H LON!... FI V GO TOLON GE . CRIC KET SUCCESS HEPIANO CO N CERT!

Head’s Blog

"Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." –

Nelson Mandela suggests that resilience helps us to endure and grow stronger through the challenges that life throws our way. I would go further and state that it enables us to recover from setbacks, and it supports our perseverance towards attaining our goals in the face of obstacles and difficulties, as it is only by being resilient that we can fulfil many of the aims we set ourselves.

So, what is resilience? I like to think of it as the ability to cope with change. We are constantly facing change and resilience is being able to understand, deal with, and adapt to uncertain events. It’s about understanding that even if we can’t always thrive, we are equipped to survive, and sometimes that’s more than good enough.

But why is resilience important in education? Put simply, everyone needs this quality to lead a flourishing life. All of us at some point will face a problem we have to overcome. Job applications and interviews; career setbacks and challenges; being a victim of crime or discrimination; enduring bereavement; the sale of a house, and so on. These are just some of the many areas of life where we can face difficulties and we need the skill to resist being knocked down and the ability to bounce back.

The issue with resilience is that it rarely comes naturally. When we are feeling low or uncertain, the last thing we want to do is adapt. It’s very much the same for children. It’s far easier to let your unhappiness envelop you, rather than to fight back for what you want or for what you believe in. Yet, at its best, humanity refuses to give up. Earthquakes, floods, accidents, wars. The news is filled with events where it is clear it would be much easier to give up…but we don’t.

Perhaps one of the most difficult things for a parent and teacher alike, is letting a child struggle. It is natural for us to want to step in and ‘save’ our children, as we fear they will not be able to save themselves. However, to grow resilience, children need to learn how to resolve their struggles, so that they feel confident that they can do this, independently and consistently. It is hard to step back. As a mother, I know this. But…as long as the situation is safe, then we do our children a disservice if we act for them. They will never be able to stand on their own if we continually offer them a hand.

At Beachborough, we value resilience; it’s one of our learning characteristics and we look for opportunities to foster, reinforce, and develop this quality by positively rewarding live instances inside and outside school. But is this enough?

During this term, Form IV will be working on their resilience, they will be supported by Henny Taylor from iheart, as the children follow a programme that will help them uncover their innate resilience and wellbeing, so that they may be better equipped to face future challenges and school transitions with confidence.

Finally, it is important to remember, we choose the person we want to be. This is true of resilience. We can choose to give up or we can choose to keep going. We can choose to make excuses, or we can choose to find a way. It may not be an easy choice, but it is our choice.

Have a wonderful weekend.



Jasmine's Racing Success!

Last weekend, Jasmine (PP2) competed in the Global Karting League Bambino karting competition, at Shennington Kart Racing Circuit. GKL is the world's first electric karting championship, launched by Ferrari F1 Engineer, Rob Smedley.

The Rookie Bambino Championship is made up of male and female drivers, from the age of six, up until the end of the year of their ninth birthday.

What an amazing race day Jasmine had! This was only Jasmine’s second ever race and she managed to secure a podium finish in 2nd place. Jasmine drove with huge confidence, consistently, every lap and showed brilliant race craft and technique.

Jasmine will be racing again in June at the final of the Spring Championship. Congratulations, Jasmine!


U9 Girls' at St Hugh's Festival

On Tuesday 14th May, Beachborough U9 Girls A&B teams played the St. Hughes Cricket Festival. It was a lovely afternoon with lots of brilliant cricket played. The U9 A girls were commended for their excellent bowling throughout the afternoon and St. Hughes felt that Beachborough should have been the overall winners. Beachborough A finished 2nd overall. Player of the tournament, Leila Y.

The U9 B team were the overall winners and again demonstrated very strong bowling throughout. Player of the tournament, Tilly B.

Well done to all the girls who played!!

Miss Mulcahy

Oundle Triathlon...

On Sunday 12th May, over 850 7-13 year olds from local schools, came together for the Oundle Triathlon. This event took place with the purpose of raising money for the charity Restless Development.

In the Year 3-4 category, the 'Daring Dudes' did exceptionally well, coming 6th place out of 111 teams.

In the Year 5-6 category, the 'Rainbow Swifties' finished in 23rd place, with a time of 29:35, out of 109 teams.

In the Year 7-8 category, the 'Beachborough Bullets' came 9th place, out of a total 26 teams.

A huge well done and congratulations, to all of our other Beachborough teams who competed. You represented the school fantastically, and we are very proud of your efforts!

6 Chappell Carder Sprawson Boardman Club Children Credits AVERAGE
CREDITS 94 86 91 91 991 902 901 1075 10.54 10.49 9.90 11.81

Last week, FIV went to Longridge Activity Centre for an exciting residential trip!

The children took part in an array of thrilling activities, both land and water based, alongside many team-building challenges. Throughout their time away, they participated in activities such as laser tag, paddle boarding, rafting, and the Jacob's ladder.

There was plenty of fresh air and sunshine to be enjoyed, and this adventure boosted their confidence, resilience, and independence. The children continuously encouraged and supported one another, particularly throughout the activities that they found more challenging, and memories were made that they can cherish forever.

Well done on another successful residential, FIV!

FIV go to Longridge!


Colts A XI v Swanbourne House...

Match report written on: 15th May 2024 by

A gloriously warm sunny afternoon greeted us as we arrived at Swanbourne to play cricket this afternoon.

We lost the toss and were put into bat on a ‘Flicx’ pitch, a first for us all. Ben and Freddie started well with the former hitting two fours in the first over. The pair lasted almost six overs when Freddie was run out for a solitary run off fifteen balls, a testament to how freely Ben was scoring. In came Ralf and the pair soon set about the Swanbourne bowling. Extras were soon becoming one of the highest scorers despite the boundaries that ensued. Ben was retired when he had scored 50* off 40 balls hitting nine fours. A tremendous effort! Sam was next in and started with some nice strokes. Ralf managed to score 51* off 37 in doing so he hit ten fours and was retired to make way for Arlo. A quick fire 11 off 8 and he was out missing a straight ball, although he did hit two lovely fours. Next in was Ollie, a very frantic couple of early deliveries with some rather hazardous calling between him and Sam lead to confusion and nearly two or three run out possibilities! Fortunately, the pair stuck around and were not out come the end of the innings. Sam scored 7 off 9 and Ollie amassed 10 off 11. Our final total was 211 for 2 form 20 overs a remarkable scoring rate of 10.55 an over. Ralf and Ben batted exceptionally well for their fifty’s hitting nineteen fours between them!

Ian and Arlo opened the bowling and both boys bowled beautifully although they did concede a few extras they managed well on the new surface. Next to bowl was Bertie who kept things tight with some accurate deliveries. He gave way to Alex who got the breakthrough with his second ball, a terrific flighted delivery that had the batsman totally flummoxed, tremendous! That was 14/1 and our tails were up. 211 was now a long way away with an opener removed. This joy was short lived however, as we toiled in the sun and did not get another wicket for another six overs. By this time, the hosts had lurched onto seventy runs. It took a superbly straight ball from Ian to dislodge the other opener and smiles reappeared on our faces. On came Alex again and he had the Midas touch, a wicket with the first ball of his second spell combining with the wicket keeper Sam to snare the third


wicket and the hosts were now wobbling at 78/3. More was to come from Alex’s magic spinning fingers and with his fourth delivery he scooped his third wicket, bowling the batsman out for a duck! Raff re-entered the attack and bowled a beautiful away swinger which the batsman edged into the gaping hands of the grateful Sam behind the stumps. Two run outs followed soon after, with fine fielding from Raff and Arlo. Both boys exemplifying accurate, sharp throwing into the stumps. The final wicket of Swanbourne’s innings fell on the very last ball of the match when Ralf bowled a beauty, accurate and straight. Swanbourne lost five wickets for only twenty-six runs and we had won by 105 runs! I have chosen three ‘chaps of the match’ as I felt all deserved acknowledgement – Ralf, Ben, and Alex, well done all!

The jubilant Colts A team after their victory at Swanbourne.

L to R – Will, Ollie, Raff, Ian, Ben, Sam, Alex, Bertie, Arlo, Freddie and Ralf ©.

Stowe U10 Cricket Festival

On a gloriously sunny day, the U10A team went across to Stowe School to play in a 10/10 cricket festival. On arrival, the team were given bespoke coloured cricket shirts which caused great excitement. The format was slightly different to our usual cricket matches, because bowlers could bowl a maximum of 2 overs and the batting team had the opportunity to have a ‘super over’, which meant any runs off the bat counted as double. The first match was against Spratton Hall. We won the toss and elected to field. Some very accurate bowling from Henry L, Fergus T, Leo S, Jamie S and Isabella B kept the score to a very respectable 39-4 off 10 overs, with Leo S and Fergus T taking wickets. Jamie S and Arthur P opened the batting and looked very comfortable indeed and within 5 overs, we had reached 40-0, winning the game comfortably by 6 wickets. An excellent start!

Our second game was a tough affair against a strong Ludgrove team. We lost the toss and were put into bat. I said to the team that 70 was a good score and this needed to be our target. It was a steady start from the opening pair, as we reached 25 from the first 3 overs. Ludgrove bowled well and soon got the breakthrough. Fergus T then came to the wicket and played a very classy innings hitting a fast 17 from 21 balls, before being caught. Further contributions from Henry L, Leo S and Max G got the team to 62-4, which was a very competitive total. Ludgrove came out to bat and started quickly. Both openers were aggressive and made sure they punished any bad ball that was bowled. Just as the game was getting away from us, Isabella B came on to bowl and the momentum shifted. She slowed the run rate with some excellent bowling and then got the key wicket, which was aided by a superb catch from Henry L. With one over left, Ludgrove were 56-1 and needed 7 to win. With 2 balls remaining of the match, Ludgrove snuck a quick single to win the game. It was a terrific match that could have gone either way.

After a delicious lunch, our final group game was against Summerfields who were unbeaten. We won the toss and elected to field. Again, some excellent bowling (especially in the super over) kept the runs to a minimum, but the heat of the day began to get to the team and on occasions, we fell asleep in the field and allowed Summerfields to steal too many easy singles. They finished on a very respectable 70-1 from their 10 overs. We knew it was going to be a real test, but the team were definitely up for the challenge.


A tremendous innings from Arthur P (23) and devastating ‘super over’ (we scored 18 runs) put us in the driving seat at 56-1 from 4 overs. Victory was in sight… but we needed to stay calm. Summerfields dug deep and never gave up, and 2 very quick wickets turned the table. With 2 overs left, we needed 15 runs. With 1 over left, we needed 8 runs and with 2 balls remaining, we needed 5 runs. Sadly, we fell just short and lost the game by 4 runs. It was a fantastic game of prep school cricket and both teams played very well indeed.

Our final game of a long day was against Swanbourne. We batted first but looked very tired indeed. We never really got into the game and a steady stream of wickets prevented us from scoring. Thanks to Fergus T (17), and William G (12), and Max G (11), we stuttered our way to 61-5. We knew 70 was the magic number, so our bowling needed to be on point. Once again, the team rose to the challenge and were superb. Tight bowling from Arthur K, Henry L ,and Fergus T meant that Swanbourne were 14-2 from 5 overs. The Swanbourne captain controversially decided to retire the opening pair, as they were just not scoring enough runs. A blistering spell from captain Jamie S, which included 2 wickets in 2 balls and another awesome super over from Henry L, meant the total was out of reach for Swanbourne. A fine performance from the whole team restricted Swanbourne to 34 from their 10 overs, ensuring a comfortable final win for the Beachborough U10A.

Thank you to all the parents that came and supported throughout the day, and many congratulations to the team for an excellent day of cricket.

Mr Stoop


The results are in...


Tuesday 14th May




U9 Cricket - Mr Usher's Team

U9 Cricket - Mr Knowles' Team

U9 Cricket - Mr Hallett's Team

U9 Cricket - Mrs Howkins' Team

U9 Cricket - Ms Mulcahy's Team

U8 Cricket - Mr Stoop's Team

U8 Cricket - Monsieur Perronnet's Team

St Hugh's Festival Lost 3 games Thomas V

St Hugh's Festival Lost 3 games Colt M

St Hugh's Festival Won 2, Lost 1 William K

St Hugh's Festival Won 2, Lost 1 Leila Y

St Hugh's Festival WINNERS Matilda B

New College School Won by 15 runs Winston C

New College School Lost by 18 runs Petr C

Wednesday 15th




1st XI Cricket

2nd XI Cricket

3rd XI Cricket

Colts A Cricket

Colts B Cricket

Colts C Cricket

U10A Cricket

U13A Cricket

U13B Cricket

Colts A Cricket

Colts B Cricket

Colts Tigers Cricket

Swanbourne House Won by 7 wickets Thomas W

Swanbourne House Won by 9 wickets Lucas C

Swanbourne House Won by 10 wickets Lucas G

Swanbourne House Won by 105 runs Ralf B / Alex H / Ben S

Swanbourne House Won by 36 runs Felix C / Rory C

Swanbourne House Won by 213 runs Monty L / Drew M

Stowe Festival Finished 5th overall See Report

Swanbourne House Lost by 3 runs Mary P

Swanbourne House Lost by 36 runs Evelyn C / Bethany D / Lyla S-H

Wellingborough Lost by 26 runs Eva M / Eva P

Wellingborough Won by 16 runs Megan M

Wellingborough Lost by 25 runs Ayla O / Thea R

Team Opposition Result
of the Match

Stowe Prep Schools Meeting

Beachborough’s athletics team competed in the annual Stowe Prep Schools meeting on Monday against 8 other schools – Ashfold, Caldicott, Spratton Hall, St John’s College, Summerfields, Swanbourne House, The Dragon, and Winchester House. This was the first inter-schools meeting of the term, after the bad weather put pay to the planned Spratton Hall meeting at the end of April. A team of 30 boys and girls all ran, jumped, threw and competed to the best of their ability amongst some stiff competition. Special mention must be made of Josh S’ standout performances in the 800 metres (in a new PB of 2 minutes 22 seconds) and the Long Jump (also with a PB of 4.35 metres), as well Bella G’s impressive display in the High Jump, clearing 1.35 metres, which earnt both victory in their respective age group events. We now look forward to the Winchester House meeting next Tuesday 21st May.

Mr Usher


TheL i n k

The next link meeting is on:

Monday 17th June Monday 17th June 8.15am - 9.15am 8.15am - 9.15am In the Boardman Foyer In the Boardman Foyer

Is your child part of the Learning Zone? Please do come along to the next Link Meeting.

We're excited to extend an invitation to our next Link meeting, where you'll have the opportunity to connect with parents whose children are at the end of their Learning Zone journey.

Join us for a friendly and insightful session where you can ask questions, hear about their experiences, and gain valuable top tips from parents who have navigated the Learning Zone journey before you. It's a fantastic opportunity to connect, share stories, and build a supportive community together.

We can't wait to see you there!


FIV visit Cadbury World...

On Wednesday, our Year 4 students enjoyed an exciting trip to Cadbury World, where they discovered the magical world of chocolate-making! The children learned about the history of chocolate, saw how Cadbury’s delicious treats are made, and even got to sample some freshly made chocolate. The interactive exhibits and the fun chocolate-themed activities, like writing their names in chocolate and experiencing a 4D chocolate adventure, made it a memorable day full of learning and laughter. The trip not only sweetened their knowledge of history but also left everyone with big smiles and a few extra treats for the journey home!

Mr Plowright, Mrs McNamara, Mrs Johnson


On Monday evening, children in Reception-FVII performed beautifully in our piano concert!

The pupils of Mrs Lear, Mrs Sharam, and Miss Griffiths played an array of songs to their friends and families in the audience, and it was clear to see that all of their hard work has paid off.

Well done, all! You were

Mondays Piano Concert


Dear parents,

Ultimate Activity Camps are back this summer, offering a wide range of engaging activities designed to inspire. We are thrilled to partner again, using our excellent facilities for these high-quality camps that ensure a memorable summer of adventure!

Their Ofsted registered holiday camps welcome children aged 4-14 to explore over 40 exciting sports, games, and creative activities weekly. Delivered by enthusiastic staff, these camps foster new skills, friendships, and fun for every participant.


• Summer: Monday 22nd July - Friday 23rd August 2024 (Ultimate Survival: Monday 22nd July - Friday 23rd August 2024)

• Book by the day or week

• Drop off 8:30 - 9:30

• Collect 16:30 - 17:15

• Move dates for FREE up until 14 days before

Summer Saver Available now!

• £53 per day | Saving £4 off the standard rate of £57

• £235 per week | Saving £25 off the standard rate of £260

• Offer available until Tuesday 4th June 2024

Refer A Friend – Get a Free Camp Day!

Invite a friend to join your child at camp and earn a free day for every booking at Ultimate Activity Camps or Ultimate Survival. It is that easy! Learn more and claim your free day here.

Booking Information:

Book your dates at Ultimate Activity for any duration, from a single day to a full week. You can change your dates without charge up to 14 days before the camp starts, depending on availability. They accept all childcare vouchers for added convenience.


Nicholas is a cardiologist and scientist working in clinical research. He was educated at Christ’s Hospital School, studied at London, Cambridge and Oxford Universities, and after a 20 year career as an academic cardiologist at Oxford, has for the last 13 years led medical teams in Clinical Research Organisations bringing new drugs to market. He is currently Chief Medical Officer of a health technology company. Nicholas will discuss how to discover a new medicine, test it to prove it is safe and effective, and make it available for doctors and their patients.

Come and join us for an informative talk!

May Half Term Multi Sports Camp.

Date: Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th May 2024

Time: 10am-3pm. Wraparound care available from 9-10am and 3-4pm (£10 per session)

Venue: Beachborough School, Westbury, Brackley. NN13 5LB

Cost: £90 for 2 days, £45 for 1 day. 10% discount for 2 days if paid before Friday 3rd May 2024

Incrediball CricketBoys & Girls (Years 2-4):

Two days of highquality coaching looking at the key fundamentals of batting, bowling & fielding for junior cricketers through drills, skills and game play.

Rugby - Boys & Girls (Years 5-8):

Two days of intensive coaching with a specific focus on the skills and fitness aspect of rugby and rugby 7s. As we are out of season this will be ‘non-contact’.

Hockey - Boys & Girls (Years 5-8):

Two days of bespoke coaching focusing on the key skills required for the 7 a side game of hockey through skills, drills & game play . This will also include goalkeeping coaching .

For more information or to book your child(ren) onto the camp please email us at:

21 SJS

Triathlon England South Central Region Club of the Year 2023

Hester Pollock, Junior Coach of the Year 2023

Childrens Event of the Year 2023

22 BEACHBOROUGH & BRACKLEY Triathlon Club Our main ethos is to have FUN make FRIENDS and IMPROVE our SWIMMING, CYCLING and RUNNING skills. Want to find out more? Find us on social media OR SCAN HERE Multiple Training Options Swim or Land Training only or both! Day Time Disipline Monday 7-8 pm Swimming, Brackley Leisure Centre Friday 7-8 pm Swimming, Brackley Leisure Centre Saturday 9-10:30 am Land Training (including bike session) Term time only, Beachborough School, Westbury Sunday 4-6 pm Swimming, Brackley Leisure Centre Come & Tri l RUN SWIM BIKE l BASED AT BRACKLEY LEISURE CENTRE AND BEACHBOROUGH SCHOOL WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS AGED 8+ Join our Award Winning Club
l BIKE l RUN l SWIM l BIKE l RUN SCAN TO FIND OUT MORE & ENTER Find us on social media : 16 JUNE 2024 BEACHBOROUGH & BRACKLEY TRIATHLON @ Individual & 4X Mixed Relay Events
part of
Central Triathlon Series.
The Beachborough & Brackley Triathlon Stowe School MK18 5EH
Buckingham) JUNIOR TRIATHLON CHILDREN AGED 8 - 16 Come & Tri
Beachborough & Brackley Triathlon is
to Triathlon
and is
the South
Online entries are now
for both
the QR
Places are limited so book early to avoid
Enter here:


THURSDAY 23RD MAY V WINCHESTER HOUSE ((venue tbc) venue tbc)


RIDAY 7TH JUNE V SWANBOURNE HOUSE ((venue tbc) venue tbc)


SUNDAY 23RD JUNE V BEACHBOROUGH STAFF Beachborough School Beachborough School


THURSDAY 27TH JUNE V STOWE PARENTS (venue tbc) (venue tbc)

n t e n t


We are very excited to welcome Mr. Christopher Powell, Head of Faculty – Performing and Creative Arts & Director of Music at Akeley Wood, as our adjudicator for the CLUB MUSIC and CLUB SHOUT finals on Thursday 23rd May. The performances are as follows:

9.30am - 11am FIII & IV


Edith A (IV)

Charlotte B (IV)

Hannah F (IV)

Belle T (III)

Woodwind & Brass

Isla L (III - Clarinet)

Nick H (IV - Cornet)

Katie J (IV - Flute)


Leila Y (IV)

Zach C (III)

Seb C (III)

Jude R (III)

Nate C (IV)


Bella I (IV)

Jude R (III)

Alice G (III)

Cressie L-W (III)


Ava B (III - Guitar)

Eddie W (IV - Violin)

Olivia H (IV - Ukulele)


Zane, Winston, Zac & Jack (Chilly Dogs)

Tona & Tami ( Duet)

Naomi, Jacob & George (Believer)

11.30am - 1pm FV & FVI


Thea R (V)

Eva M (VI)

Isla R (V)

Gracie R (VI)

Isla R (VI)

Woodwind & Brass

Dougy H (VI - Trumpet)

Isla R (V - Flute)


Drew M (VI)

Sam H (VI)

Zach L-W (V)


Grace C (V)

Megan M (V)

Erin K (VI)

Max W (VI)


Morris W (V- Guitar)

Freddie W (V- Guitar)

Harry L (V - Violin)

Freddie J (VI - Guitar)


Sam H & Freddie J (Duet)

Evie C-B & Erin K (Vocal Duet)

Isla R & Zach L-W (Duet)

Tami & Tona (Duet)

Megan M & Zach L-W (Duet)

2.15pm - 4pm FVII & FVIII


Tobey V (VII)

Kit S (VII)

Tilly G (VIII)

Ellie S (VIII)


Kit S (VII - Clarinet)

Isabella W (VII - Alto Sax)

Tilly G (VIII - Flute)

Ellie S (VIII - Flute)


Kitty M (VII)

Tilly G (VIII)

Jackie M (VIII)

Isla C-B (VIII)


Ben H (VII - Guitar)

Bethany D (VIII - Cello)


Jack J (VII)

Ensemble - FVII

Kitty M, Emily A, Sienna W, Mary P, Grace T, Beth J, Bella G

4.15pm - 5pm CLUB SHOUT!

M u s i c F i n a l s & C l u b S H o u t ! B

Piano Concert for pupils of Mr Wilson, Mrs Thurman and Mrs Purefoy

Monday 20th May, 6pm in the Whybrow

Clementine PP2

Rosalie III


Eloise III

Belle III

Scarlett III

Henry III

Jack III

Elliott III

Elodie III

Lucia III

Jasmine III

Jude IV

Thomas IV

Hannah IV

Chloe V

Sophie V

Ana V

Leo V

Darcey V

Grace V

Isla V

Olivia VI

Isla VI

Henry VI

Poppy VI

Gracie VI

William VI

Ian VI

Gethin VII


Tobey VII

Tilly VIII

Ellie VIII



The Art Department are embarking on an exciting project and are looking for donations of any unwanted/old pencils and colouring pencils. No matter how small, any length, any shape or size! We need shades of Greens, Blues, Greys, Browns, Yellows, Whites, and Blacks please.

Please send them in with your children to the collection box in the Manor House Front Hall.

Thank you!


What's on next week?

Monday 20th

Form V Exams

8.30am – 9.00am – Club Shout rehearsals

2.00pm – 3.00pm – Nursery and Kindergarten Grandparents Tea Party *

6.00pm – 7.00pm – Piano Concert for pupils of Mr Wilson, Mrs Thurman, and Mrs Purefoy*

6.00pm – Governors Meeting (Education)

Tuesday 21st

All Day – Marketing (site-wide) photoshoot

Form V Exams

8.00am – 8.45am – PP1 & PP2 Show & Share*

8.05am – Whole School Pastoral Meeting

10.00am – 4.00pm – Rock & Pop Recording Day at Stowe (selected children)

2.00pm – 3.00pm – Nursery and Kindergarten Grandparents Tea Party *

2.00pm – Winchester House Athletics Meeting (select Forms V, VI, VII and VIII pupils)*

2.30pm – Mixed Boys’ and Girls' Cricket: U9 Jets, Spitfires and Concordes v Ashfold (A)*

2.30pm – Mixed Boys’ and Girls' Cricket: U8 Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Cyclones v Ashfold (H)*

4.30pm – Governors Meeting (B&E)

5.30pm – 6.30pm – TED Talk – Dr Nicholas Alp*

Wednesday 22nd

Form V Exams

8.30am – 9.00am – Forms III – VIII Club Shout rehearsals

2.00pm – 3.00pm – Nursery and Kindergarten Grandparents Tea Party *

2.30pm – Mixed Cricket: 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI and 4th XI v Spratton Hall (A)*

2.30pm – Mixed Cricket: 5ths and 6ths v Spratton Hall (H)*

2.30pm – Girls' Cricket: Colts A and B v Spratton Hall (H)*

2.30pm – Girls' Cricket: Colts Cavaliers and Tigers v Spratton Hall (A)*

2.30pm – Boys' Cricket: Colts D and E v Spratton Hall (A)*

2.30pm – Boys' Cricket: Colts A, B and C v Spratton Hall (H)*

Thursday 23rd

Form V Exams

8.00am – 8.45am – PP1 & PP2 Show & Share*

9.00am – 5.00pm – Forms III-VIII Club Shout & Club Music (Club shout 4.15pm – 5.00pm)

10.00am – Boys' Cricket: 1st XI at the Bloxham Festival (Bloxham School)*

2.00pm – 3.00pm – Nursery and Kindergarten Grandparents Tea Party *

5.00pm – Tennis – Select U11 Boys’ & Girls’ v Winchester House School (H)*

Friday 24th

8.35am – Celebration assembly

8.45am – 4.00pm – Whole School Photo/Leavers Form VIII/Boarders/Classes & TEAMS

2.00pm – 3.00pm – Nursery and Kindergarten Grandparents Tea Party *

3.30pm Half term holiday begins for pupils in Nursery – Pre-Prep 2

4.30pm Half term holiday begins for pupils in Forms III-IV

5.05pm Half term holiday begins for pupils in Form V-VIII Aftercare until 6pm, tea served. 5.30pm – Staff Cricket v Bruern Abbey



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