Quinque Stellae Volume III Issue 1

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For those of you who don't know already, my name is Nicholas Chang, and last year I restarted the Quinque Stellae, the BAJCL's own local publication. This past year has been insane. So many things have changed. However, one thing that remains steadfast is my pride in the BAJCL. The 2019 NJCL Convention has done nothing but solidify this for me. Seeing our 8th graders and Freshmen dominate and work with their fellow WJCLers has been truly inspiring. Our organization's numbers may be decreasing as a whole, but you all give me hope that we can survive. As a rising Senior, this will unfortunately be my last year as a member of the BAJCL and the Editor of the Quinque Stellae. As such, if you are interested in learning how to edit a publication and taking the helm when I depart, please feel free to contact me. If you're a delegate from a "rival" school looking into creating a newsletter, I'm always willing to offer some advice.

from the


Note: The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Brookfield Academy Latin Club, its officers, sponsors, chaperones, or Brookfield Academy.

PRESIDENT Amanda Roessler CH





HISTORIANS Emma Canga Bella Toledo

SPIRIT OFFICERS Eddie Kustner Sam Simic


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TREASURERS Ali Warraich Ronit Gupta

Congratulations to Kyle Jain on his election to the office of WJCL Secretary! Amanda Roessler has assumed the position of president in his stead, and Noah abuhajir was elected to the position of vice president. We have a new website! Find club information by visiting us at BAJCL.org. The 1st BAJCL Board Meeting of the 2019-2020 school year took place on 24 August. The minutes from that meeting are available at bajcl.org The October wjcl board meeting will take place on october 20th at brookfield central high school. Not an officer, but want to get involved in club leadership? Apply to be a member of the academics committee by contacting kyle jain.



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Local Chapter Website


Traditional Scrapboook


Local Chapter Publication

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While NJCL Convention was awesome last year, 2019 was definitely the year to attend! This year, I had the opportunity to run the WJCL's Agora booth for a night. I not so humbly convinced a bunch of people to purchase kazoos (an “instrument” I thoroughly despise), and struck up a lot of conversations with people from other states. Shopping is always a blast, but when it’s for Latin merch it’s a whole other story!” -Bella Cicero, HHS

Aside from dominating Ludi (as usual) and succeeding in Art, our delegation also did extremely well in the Academics portion of convention. For this conven-tion, the state chairs required each dele-gate to take a minimum of six tests, but not in vain. Many of our delegates placed in the top five and several took first and /or second, which is very impressive on the national level. Besides the primary 16 tests, there is an additional test called the Academic Decathlon which combines ten subjects into one very difficult test. The unique part about the Decathlon is that the top five places each earn corresponding cash prizes. I personally have not taken this test but this year our very own Kyle Jain placed third! I took 13 of the 16 (17, including Decathlon) tests and actually found them kind of fun to take. For me, the stress disapp-eared when I sat down with my papers and the guy proctoring the tests started reciting the classic speech about how the "testing session has not begun" followed by instructions to "place your tests face down." It is weird to say, but the FARGODOME made test-taking fun for some reason. Overall, our delegation saw amazing academic results this year and I hope we can continue the success in years to follow! -Emma Canga, BA


To those outside of the JCL, Spirit must seem quite odd. A large group of teens wearing cow bandanas with togas bouncing on the balls of their feet and screaming in Latin until their throats are scratchy? Doesn’t seem very normal. But Spirit means something special to all the Wisconsin delegates. Why else would we all lose our voices for an inflatable donut? It’s the sense of community and family we feel when looking around at the unwavering crowd. It's the pride when Michaela Phan (NJCL 2VP) announces that we have won first place, knowing that each one of us contributed. In the “large state” category, Wisconsin is certainly not as gargantuan as Texas, Georgia, or Virginia, but this disad-vantage made the judges’ expressions, as they held up their decibel meters up to our group, all the more worth it. Although this year was the first for some, and the last for others, I am sure we can all agree that this year’s spirit was unforgettable. -Ruthie Yu, BA

BAJCL President Amanda Roessler Poses in a cow costume



This convention’s service project was really fun and creative! We brought folders and notebooks to convention to give to a school near the NDSU campus. We then wrote notes on pieces of paper spreading the JCLove and wishing students a great school year. The notes were placed within the notebooks, so that when students opened them, they got cheerful message. The NJCL collected an impressive amount of supplies which formed a pretty tall stack in the corner of the room. It was amazing how many people showed up to each service session. The NJCL officer kept track of how many people from each state attended the service colloquia since high attendance would earn a delegation extra spirit points. The goal of the WJCL was for everyone to attend at least one service colloquia and we definitely reached that goal. My friends and I enjoyed the first session so much that we came back again for the second! -Emma Canga, BA

I participated in Impromptu Art for the first time this year, and while it was quite stressful, I loved the event. I, along with a bunch of other participants, was given dollar store craft materials and instructed to make something pretty out of them - in 45 minutes, with no prior knowledge of the materials or prompt. I’m not sure why, but the energy in that room made it a favorite competition of mine. I made friends with the people sitting next to me and across from me because we were all collectively freaking out together. And at the end of it all, some of what these folks can create in 45 minutes is downright impressive. Nationals is full of people with insane passion and talent, and it shows. -Dustin Laufenberg, BEHS


Unfortunately, our draw wasn’t the best. Playing Virginia, Texas, Florida, and Massachusetts all in one? It seemed impo-ssible to make semis. My team-mates; Maggie, Nathaniel, and Daniel; all eye each other and nod. We trudge through the preliminary rounds, trying to keep our chins up after some of the toughest rou-nds we’ve ever played. Somehow, we make it. We joyously stride into semis trailed by our coaches and friends. We smile at each other and sit down to play novice Certamen for the last time. I try in vain to quell my anxiety as the Aurelia passage echoes through the room. Before I know it, tossup after tossup flies by. We start to rack up points, but Virginia was right on our tails. By tossup 15, we’re down by a lot. The pressure is on. Tossup 20 arrives. We've already lost. The grins of the Virginia team fill my mind, but I try to brush them away. My grip on the buzzer stays firm. The moderator hands us a visual—Roman ruins. He begins reading. I score. Although our team had gotten the question right, the overall defeat still stings. I drag myself out of my chair to go shake New Hampshire’s and Virginia’s hands. Keeping my head down and picking up my bag, I walk silently out of the room. My head feels blank. My friends, teammates, and coach walk with me, repeating how well my team had played. They were right. It was one of our best rounds, whether we won or lost. I just hoped I had left my legacy. -Riya Singh, BA

With the number of hours we had spent studying and practicing throughout the summer, we knew that we were very prepared for the competition. Our team had four solid players, each of whom excelled in a specific category of study. As a result, each member of our team brought crucial information to every round. As a team, we played three great preliminary rounds. Each person on the team was able to utilize their preparation and help the team score points. We had accumulated 415 points after the three rounds, propelling us to 7th seed. In the semifinals, we played the 1st and 6th seed teams: Florida and Texas, respectively.Playing these teams was a really great experience because I got to witness how some of the best teams play. In the end, we played a great round as a team and worked well together, but we were not able to beat the outstanding team from Florida.

After all of our practices, study sessions, and rounds of play, I’ve found that I’ve grown close to my teammates, and I’m thankful for their hard work, dedication, and support. My main goal for the competition was to set aside all of my jitters and focus on doing well and having fun with my team. I made sure not to let my nerves get in the way of enjoying this year’s amazing experiences: playing with my friends, competing against other teams, and captaining a national certamen team. Certamen has helped me improve my communication skills and collaborate with some of the best teammates I could ever ask for. It’s also given me the chance to meet fellow players and make friends from other states. This year’s National Certamen was an amazing opportunity for me to dedicate myself to doing something that I love with my amazing team. -Patrick Walsh, MUHS


This year at nationals, I had the privilege of playing on the WJCL inter-mediate certamen team, alongside my amazing teammates Chloe Anderson (TosaEast), Sam Simic (BA), and Emma Canga (BA). In preparation for the competition, we practiced six hours a week. We were extremely lucky to have Dr. Roessler dedicate his time to instructing us on what study materials to use and reading us 20+ Certamen rounds that he had written specifically for us.


The week or so after convention is always hard; post-con depression is so real. Personally, I went back to work and raved to my coworkers about the time I spent in Fargo, North Dakota - an otherwise horribly boring place, but the NJCL makes it work. There’s far too many details about Convention for me to share all of them in this blurb, so I’ll provide a run-down of my personal highlights. Convention offers activities for all types of people, from the artist to the academic to the athlete. I fall into the first two categories myself, and thus spent much of my time in the FARGODOME taking tests and putting together artwork. Always be sure to check out the gallery of art submissions at any Latin convention you may attend, because I guarantee that you’ll be blown away by the talent and skill that people exhibit. When I picked up my artwork at the end of the week, I ended up wandering through the displays, just amazed by the variety of incredible pieces. This year’s colloquia were interesting as always, with plenty of unique topics to discover. My own favorites included Prophecy, Oracles, and Divination in the Ancient World and the Gender in the Ancient World . Colloquia, while technically optional but highly encouraged, are a great chance to learn about topics that may not be discussed in a typical Latin class. With talks on everything from ancient warfare to ways to teach yourself Greek, there’s always something that will capture your attention. To top off the week, Wisconsin’s own Elizabeth Foster was elected to the NJCL Board as Editor. I was lucky enough to work with her on her campaign - totally unexpectedly, might I add. I had planned to attempt the Academic Decathlon, but instead found myself wrapped up in planning a platform and frantically following JCLers from a new campaign Instagram. An unorthodox way to spend an evening, but definitely a favorite memory from convention. Hearing Liz announced as the victorious candidate at the end of the week made it even sweeter.While I love everything that I’ve listed here, I think my favorite thing about convention is the people. I have friends from Kentucky, Maine, Virginia, and more, all thanks to the JCL. And I’ve made so many friends even within Wisconsin that I never would have without having gone to Nationals. You don’t always get the chance to befriend people from other schools at state convention, but you’re all thrown together in a single delegation at Nationals. Some of my closest friends that take Latin go to Madison West or Brookfield Academy, even though I go to Brookfield East. The JCL has become an incredible community of people that I love, which is why I spend a week out of my summer each year to come back to them. -Dustin Laufenberg, BEHS


Editor-in-Chief: Nicholas Chang Deputy Editor: Emma Canga


Brookfield Academy Emma Canga, Riya Singh, Ruthie Yu Brookfield East dustin Laufenberg

Homestead bella cicero Marquette Patrick Walsh


Brookfield Academy Homestead high School Emma Canga Bella Cicero Bella Toledo






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