When Does Pregnancy Line on Stomach Disappear?

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When Does Pregnancy Line on Stomach Disappear?

Some of the changes which women undergo during pregnancy also follow along for a certain duration post pregnancy. Squishy skin, stretch marks, and linea nigra, commonly known as pregnancy line, are counted among these changes which stay for some period, even after postpartum.

What is linea nigra? Linea nigra or the pregnancy line is a dark line that runs down the abdomen, passing through the belly button. Almost all the pregnant ladies have this linea nigra, which is basically a kind of scar which happens because of the over stretching of the abdomen skin.

When can the linea nigra be expected to start fading? Post-pregnancy, the body needs a certain amount of time for complete recovery in which the uterus will contract back to its pre-pregnancy state by constant shrinking. It is completely a natural process of healing in which the stretch marks and pregnancy line gradually fades away. But it is possible that the pregnancy line might endure for a longer period. The color intensity of the pregnancy line differs in women with different skin tones. Â Usually, it takes around 6 to 12 months postpartum, in which the pigmentation of the pregnancy line starts fading away.

There’s no way this natural phenomenon of linea nigra can be avoided. It took 9 months of constant body changes to give birth to a life; the body would definitely take at least that amount of duration to get back to its pre-pregnancy state.

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