How to deal with constipation during pregnancy!

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How to deal With Constipation during Pregnancy!

How Common Constipation Is During Pregnancy! Generally, the pregnant females take iron supplements during this period which is the main cause for constipation. The increment of in the hormone progesterone makes the food passes through the intestines more slowly, leading to constipation. It occurs mostly during the early stage of pregnancy.

Signs of constipation:    

Abdominal Discomfort Bloating Nausea Hematochezia (blood in the stool) - in some cases

Reasons for Constipation during Pregnancy: 

Eat high-fiber foods, including whole grain cereals and breads, brown rice, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

Drink plenty of water. Try to have 10 8-ounce cups of water or other beverages daily. (Or sip throughout the day until your urine is clear or pale yellow in color – a sign of adequate hydration)

Exercise regularly. Walking, swimming, riding a stationary bike, and yoga can all ease constipation and leave you feeling more fit and healthy.

Listen to your body. Your bowels are most likely to be active after meals, so make time to use the bathroom after you eat if you need to.

Try another prenatal vitamin. If you’re prenatal multivitamin contains a large dose of iron (and you're not anemic), ask your healthcare provider about switching to a supplement with less iron.

Is constipation during pregnancy ever serious? Well, it is not that serious problem but yes, it can be a symptom of another problem. The severe constipation generally leads to symptoms like abdominal pain or you may witness mucus or blood in your stool. In such case, connect to your doctor immediately.

Want to know more about the problems that you can face during Pregnancy Visit and enjoy this period of life to fullest.

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