Stages of pregnancy

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Stages of Pregnancy • Your future baby is classified as an embryo during the first month • Changes and symptoms you can expect during the first month include: nausea, morning sickness, tender breasts, fatigue, missed period • Changes to the embryo will include: cellular division, implantation of the embryo on the lining of the uterus.

2 Months Pregnant • Fetus at 2 months pregnant • Symptoms you will experience and can be extreme at times will include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, breast tenderness, sensitivity to smells • Changes to the fetus will include taking on a more human appearance including the formation of human limbs such as arms and legs

3 Months Pregnant • Baby at 3 months pregnant • The 3rd month marks the end of the first trimester in pregnancy • Your symptoms as far as nausea, vomiting and breast tenderness will start to subside • You will start to see your tummy growing by this time • Your baby’s organs are formed by this stage in your pregnancy and you can clearly make out fingers and toes

4 Months Pregnant • Baby at 4 months pregnant • By this stage you can start to feel slight movements of your baby • You will probably start to feel some heartburn at this time as your uterus pushes upward • Your baby’s heart and face are fully developed by this stage

5 Months Pregnant • Baby at 5 months pregnant • You will really start to feel your weight gaining at this stage and your appetite will definitely be increasing to provide nutrients for both you and you baby • Your baby has developed his or her fingerprints by this stage and will start feeling the need to start sucking on their thumb

6 Months Pregnant • Baby at 6 months pregnant • You will feel an increase in constipation, bleeding gums, cramps and heartburn at this stage • You should be experiencing a weight gain of about 1 pound per week at this stage • Your baby will be more active by this stage and you will start feeling him or her kick • Your baby will start experiencing hiccups at this stage also

7 Months Pregnant • Baby at 7 months pregnant • You will more than likely start having Braxton Hicks contractions during the seventh month, but don’t be alarmed they are not a sign of labor • You will feel your baby moving more often and stronger moves at this stage

8 Months Pregnant • Baby at 8 months pregnant • You will feel more discomfort during the 8 month as your baby is pushing harder against your ribcage as he or she moves • Heartburn and indigestion can be intense during this stage • Your baby’s movements will decrease during this stage as they have grown to a size that takes up most of the space in your uterus

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