2023 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

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3 Contents Message from the President.................................................................................................4 Executive Committee ..........................................................................................................6 Executive Members .............................................................................................................6 2022 Review of the Year ....................................................................................................7 Tournaments / Course Rating ...........................................................................................9 Ayrshire Junior Golf League / Press & Publicity ................................................................10 In Memorium.......................................................................................................................11 Club Directory.....................................................................................................................12 Tournamets & Competitions 2022......................................................................................13 Other Notable Performances..............................................................................................23 The Junior Golf League......................................................................................................24 2023 Fixtures................................................................................................................26-27 Roll Of Honour....................................................................................................................28

A Message from the President

It gives me great pleasure in introducing the 20th edi on of the Ayrshire Golf Associa on Yearbook.

I can honestly say my first year as President has been extremely enjoyable, a ending all the tournaments, championships, and team matches as well as the West of Scotland County prizegivings. All the clubs in Ayrshire that hosted events in 2022 were very welcoming and suppor ve of the events. Each event was fantas c in its own way, and I’d like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to these clubs. I am very proud to be involved in such a great organisa on as President.

There were various highlights throughout the year both individually and on a team basis, notably Steven McEwan (Caprington) and Harvey Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck) on the individual front.

Steven would win three Doc Thom coun ng events on his way to the Order of Merit tle. This achievement was added to when Steven posted the lowest score of the day at Ravenspark (69) to help his home club, Caprington, li the Ayrshire Club Championship (R.L. Crawford Trophy) alongside Marc Smith and Robbie McFarlane.

In the Junior sec on Harvey Broadfoot maintained a stronghold over the county tles, winning both the Strokeplay and Matchplay championships for a second consecu ve year. All four of the major county championship trophies will be engraved this year with new names upon them.

The inaugural Seniors Matchplay event was a great success, with Robbie Fulker (Kilmarnock Barassie) and Alistair Belford (Prestwick St Nicholas) compe ng for the new Ian Harvey Trophy. The match was very kindly refereed by Ayrshire Honorary President Ian Harvey himself. This year’s Championship would go to Alistair with a 2 & 1 victory.

In the team events, Irvine GC remained the top scratch team in Ayrshire a er retaining their tle from 2021 in Scratch division 1 and Moorpark GC would be the strongest team in the handicap league and knock out event winning both tles.

Na onally, Ayrshire saw our Men’s Area Team successfully progress out the group stages to reach a Semi­finals e at Powfoot GC against Perth and Kinross. Unfortunately, the gents would be knocked out at this stage, but it should s ll be regarded as a successful season overall.

On the Interna onal front, Royal Troon members Paul Moultrie & Robert Jenkins helped the Scotland Womans’ and Mens’ Senior team to victory in the inaugural Combined Senior Home Interna onals matches, held at Pyle & Kenfig GC in Wales.

As we look ahead to 2023, it is full of excitement and posi vity a er our member clubs voted to include all golfers as part of the Ayrshire Golf Associa on.

There are 6 compe ons to start the Lady sec on off and the hope that this will grow from strength to strength. The hope is that these compe ons will be well supported and that we can develop this sec on the way other events and sec ons have in the past.

As the interclub events gain more and more interest, I would encourage all Ayrshire members and clubs to get involved. These compe ons are posi ve for the clubs and allow the members of various clubs to become friends and compete against each other.

Finally, I would like to give a sincere thank you to all the amazing courses, clubs and hardworking execu ve and club commi ees who help to facilitate and support our brilliant county.

Ayrshire Golf Associa on will con nue do all we can to support all golfers within Ayrshire.

I wish you all a very happy and successful 2023 golfing season.

Sco Gilchrist


Honorary Life Presidents

R. Leslie Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)

Iain Harvey (Kilmarnock Barassie)

President Sco Gilchrist (Loudoun)

Vice President Andrew Gilligan (Royal Troon)

Immediate Past President John W. Wa (Prestwick St Cuthbert)


Alasdair J. Malcolm (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)


Mike Hazlewood (Golf South Ayrshire), Barry O’Rourke (Caprington), John Rushbury (Royal Troon), Robert Wilson (Ballochmyle), Liz Keohone (Loudoun), James McGhee (Loudoun), Kirk Ramsay (Redburn), Andrew Reid (Irvine), William Fleming (Ballochmyle), Paul Kennedy (Irvine), John Shanks (Irvine), Debbie Wa (Belleisle Ladies).

Ayrshire Junior League Rep. Andrew Reid (Irvine), Paul Kennedy (Irvine).


2000­2002Morgan Hall (West Kilbride)

2002­2004Robin G. Baker (Troon Portland)

2004­2006J.F. (Ian) Guthrie (Ballochmyle)

2006­2008Ricky Magee (Caprington)

2008­2010Alasdair J. Malcolm (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)

2010­2012David J Miller (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2012­2014Milton Murray (Irvine)

2014­2016James McMurdo (Ballochmyle)

2016­2018John Rushbury (Royal Troon)

2018­2021John W. Wa (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)


2023 Review of the Year


The coaching scheme returned to normality in 2022 a er COVID, under the direc on of Sandy Walker, to enhance squad development for the Ayrshire County teams.

Prestwick golf club con nued to provide excep onal support in 2022 for the coaching scheme, allowing use of their facili es throughout the programme.

Club coaching grants, to support individual coaching schemes within member clubs, were again available to develop ‘in house’ coaching schemes for member clubs and will be in place again in 2023.

Richard Gordon (Ayr Belleisle) and David Fleming (Prestwick), and fitness instructor Brian Milligan, enthusias cally con nue to deliver and develop the coaching scheme along with The Associa on each year.

New execu ve members Andy Reid & Paul Kennedy will take over the coaching por olio in 2023, with some further enhancement to the coaching programme already planned, in conjunc on with Sco sh Golf, and inten ons to further enhance the coaching programme for younger golfers, aided by generous dona ons, from the winding up of the Strathclyde commi ee of Fields in Trust, and an individual member of one of Ayrshire’s member clubs.

Youth Team

Robert Wilson and Sandy Walker managed the youth team again in 2022, and Robert will con nue in his role in 2023, assisted by Barry O’Rourke and William Fleming.

In the West of Scotland Inter County League, the first match of the season, at home to S rlingshire at Rowallan Castle, resulted in a 7.5­0.5 win. Defeat to Lanarkshire by 5.5­2.5 at Strathaven in the second match was followed by a 5­3 win away to Renfrewshire at Erskine, but a 1.5 – 6.5 defeat at home to Dumbartonshire at Prestwick St Cuthbert in the penul mate fixture, and a 6­2 defeat to Glasgow in the final match of the series at Haggs Castle saw the Ayrshire team finish in fi h place in the league, behind the 2023 winners from Lanarkshire.

TEAM FOR THE MATCH Vs South of Scotland

Boys Team

Sandy Walker led the boy’s team in 2022, assisted by Sco Gilchrist and Liz Keohone, and in 2023 responsibility for the boy’s team will pass to Paul Kennedy and Andy Reid.

Ayrshire’s bid to retain the Sco sh Boys’ Area Team Championship was washed out at an extremely wet Gleddoch golf course in September. The Ayrshire team of Harvey Broadfoot, Connor Wills, Jack Broadfoot and Ryan Kennedy lay second a er the morning foursomes, but in the a ernoon singles that draw saw the Ayrshire players out in the worst weather of the day, the torren al a ernoon rain taking its toll and ul mately leaving Ayrshire in eighth place overall on 384, 20 shots behind the winners from the North east area.

In the West of Scotland league, Ayrshire’s bid to regain the boys’ league tle fell short, with the team finishing in second place overall, behind the winners from Lanarkshire.

S rlingshire dropped out of the league in 2022, leaving the five other area associa ons to contest the tle. Ayrshire opened with a 5­3 home win over Renfrewshire at Turnberry but a crucial 5­3 defeat to Lanarkshire at Easter Moffat dented Ayrshire’s tle hopes. A 6.5­1.5 home win over Dumbartonshire at Ayr Seafield in the penul mate fixture revived Ayrshire’s hopes, though ul mately defeat by 4.5­3.5 against Glasgow in their final fixture at Sandyhills ended any tle hopes.

County A Team

John Rushbury, assisted by Andrew Gilligan, Steven Wallace, and Barry O’Rourke administered the A team in 2022. In 2023 there will be changes in the administra on of the A team, with John Rushbury standing down as team manager a er several years in post, as he enters his second year as manager of the Scotland Men’s Team. In 2023 Andrew Gilligan will manage the team and will be assisted by John Shanks.

The Sco sh Area Team Championships returned to its original format in 2022, with qualifying sec on matches being played throughout the season, culmina ng in the finals weekend in Early September at Powfoot, involving the four qualifying sec on winners.

Ayrshire opened their qualifying campaign with a 6­3 win over South of Scotland at Royal Troon, winning the morning foursomes 3­0 and sharing the a ernoon singles 3­3. The second fixture, away to Angus at Downfield, resulted in a 7­2 defeat, Ayrshire losing the foursomes 3­0 and the singles 42. The final fixture of the qualifying sec on was a home match against Dumbartonshire at Kilmarnock Barassie, where a 5­4 win, coupled with a draw in the other sec onal fixture, saw Ayrshire win the qualifying sec on and progressing to the semi­finals.


In the semi­finals at Powfoot, Ayrshire were drawn to play Perth & Kinross. The team of Sco Brown, Craig Telfer, John Shanks, Steven McEwan, Michael Smyth and Blair Morton lost out at the semi­final stage, losing the morning foursomes 3­0 and falling just short a er taking the a ernoon singles 3.52.5 for a 5.5­3.5 defeat overall. In the final Perth & Kinross lost to the 2022 winners from the North East area.

In the Seniors Area team Championship at Monifieth Links in September, the team of Paul Moultrie, Robert Jenkins, Alistair Belford, Paul Ferguson, Stevie McKnight and Stuart Miller recorded a team total of 378 to finish in eighth place behind the winners from Lanarkshire.

In the West of Scotland league Ayrshire finished as runners up to Renfrewshire, despite opening with a 5­3 defeat against S rlingshire at Dunblane New. The opening defeat was followed by a 6.5­1.5 home win over Lanarkshire at Troon Lochgreen and a 4.5­3.5 defeat at home to Renfrewshire at Royal Troon, followed by successive wins, by 4.5­3.5 away to Dumbartonshire at Cardross, and at home by 5.5­2.5 against Glasgow at Western Gailes.


1n 2022 Barry O’Rourke, along with Jimmy McGhee, oversaw the various Ayrshire County tournaments, which enjoyed a good level of entries.

During the year, nominated Ayrshire Execu ve members take on the task of the ongoing administra on of extended compe ons, including the Champion of Champions, Fourball, Handicap League Championship, Scratch Leagues, President’s Pu er and Gary Bryden Memorial Salver compe ons, to ensure their smooth and successful conclusion.

With changes made to the cons tu on at the 2022 AGM, and in consulta on with women’s representa ves of member clubs, The Associa on are developing a programme of addi onal compe ons for woman members of member clubs during 2023. Ini al compe ons being introduced in the coming season include a woman’s Champion of Champions event, a Mixed Greensomes Knockout compe on, a woman’s handicap league and woman’s strokeplay and matchplay championships, with further events likely to be developed in future years.

Course Ra ng

Mike Hazlewood, assisted by Kirk Ramsay, Ricky Magee and John Rutherford implemented the course ra ng programme in Ayrshire in 2022 and Mike and Kirk will con nue to oversee this in 2023. The Ayrshire course ra ng team is at the forefront of the development and delivery of course ra ng in Scotland and is one of the strongest ra ng teams in the country, with several new raters being recruite to the Ayrshire team in 2022, to assist in an extensive programme of re­ra ng of Ayrshire courses in 2023.

The Ayrshire Junior Golf League

Sandy Walker served as the AJGL representa ve on the county Execu ve in 2022, with Andy Reid and Paul Kennedy jointly taking over the role in 2023.

Membership and Administra on

The membership of The Associa on remains healthy with 65 member clubs, represen ng over 13,000 Ayrshire golfers.

At the 2022 AGM of The Associa on member clubs approved changes to the cons tu on to develop the Ayrshire Golf Associa on into a body representa ve of members of all genders within member clubs, which has both brought The Associa on into line with the same model as the na onal governing body, Sco sh Golf, and gives the opportunity to develop playing and representa ve opportuni es of players from member clubs, regardless of gender.

Following the AGM decision, Belleisle Ladies GC became the first club with an exclusively woman’s membership to join The Ayrshire Golf Associa on.

The 2023 AGM saw several changes to the Execu ve commi ee membership, with several stepping down, including Steven Wallace, Sandy Walker and Ross Caddis. The most notable re ree at the 2022 AGM was past president Ricky Magee who served in many posts within The Associa on since joining The Execu ve in the early 1990’s, culmina ng in his term of presidency from 2006 to 2008.

New execu ve members recruited for 2023 include Kirk Ramsay (Redburn), Andrew Reid (Irvine), Paul Kennedy (Irvine), William Fleming (Ballochmyle), John Shanks (Irvine) and Debbie Wa (Belleisle Ladies).

In 2022 The execu ve agreed to iden fy a preferred charity for the dura on of each President’s term of office, and the charity selected for 2023 was Whiteleys Retreat, a local charity that provides therapeu c short breaks for children, young people and their families with cancer and other life altering illnesses in the UK, and it is intended collect dona ons for the charity at various AGA events throughout the year.

Press and Publicity

The Ayrshire Golf Associa on web page was established in 2004 and con nues to be an important vehicle for championship and other Associa on news. Associa on Secretary Alasdair Malcolm has administered the web page since its establishment and will again be assisted in publicity ma ers in 2023 by Sco Gilchrist and Barry O’Rourke.

Fixture lists, compe on results and entry forms are all made available on the web page, which also features links to member clubs’ own websites and other useful golf links.

The web page is also used by local press as a source for ar cles, which are regularly reproduced in local papers and on golf related websites, enhancing wider publicity.

Clubs are encouraged to forward anything of interest to Alasdair Malcolm at ayrshire.golf@b nternet.com for possible inclusion on the web page.

A Facebook page and Twi er were added in 2015 and further enhance publicity.


The Ayrshire Golf Associa on Yearbook was produced again in 2022, its nineteenth successive year. The Associa on are pleased that Ayrshire Media Services, Troon, have again produced a quality yearbook in 2023, in its landmark 20th year.

Adver sing opportuni es in the yearbook are available each year by contac ng Ayrshire media Services direct at info@ayrshiremedia.com

The Ayrshire Golf weblog can be accessed at www.ayrshiregolf.blogspot.com

The Associa on Secretary, Alasdair Malcolm, can be contacted at:Post – 17 Auchincruive Avenue, Prestwick, KA9 2DT E­Mail – ayrshire.golf@b nternet.com Telephone – 01292 477657 Mobile ­ 07912 026341

In Memorium

As we look back over 2023 we remember friends and golfing colleagues who are no longer with us.

former Ayrshire golf champion Murray Rae passed away on the 29th of August 2022, at the age of 83.

A na ve of Irvine, Murray played out of the Irvine Ravenspark club when he won the three major county tles in Ayrshire. His first victory was in the 1973 Ayrshire Matchplay Championship, followed the next year by success in the Ayrshire Strokeplay Championship, and in 1980 he added the Champion of Champions tle when he beat defending champion Allan Thomson of Ayr Belleisle in the final at Royal Troon.

Murray later became a member of the Irvine Golf Club.

Murray was a regular member of the Ayrshire golf team and also served as team manager for the county side for several years in the early 1990's.

Though ill health in recent years prevented Murray circula ng amongst the golfing fraternity in the county to any great extent, his name remained very respected in the county and beyond as an accomplished golfer and a thoroughly decent individual.





Ailsa Craig



Annanhill(East Ayrshire Leisure


Auchenharvie 88






Ayr Belleisle www.ayrbelleislegolfclub.com

Ayr Carrick

Ayr Dalmilling

Ayr Neptune


Ayr Seafield www.ayrseafield.golf-club.website



Beith www.beithgolfclub.co.uk

Belleisle Ladies




Carrick Speakers



Doon Valley


Dundonald Links



Golf South Ayrshire


Irvine Ravenspark




Machrie Bay www.machriebay.com





New Cumnock

NB Parkstone




Prestwick www.prestwickgc.co.uk

Prestwick Centre www.pcgolf.club

Prestwick St Cuthbert www.stcuthbert.co.uk

Prestwick St Nicholas www.prestwickstnicholas.com

Redburn www.redburngc.com

Routenburn www.routenburngolfclub.co.uk

Rowallan Castle www.rowallancastle.com

Royal Troon www.royaltroon.com

Shiskine www.shiskinegolf.com

Skelmorlie www.skelmorliegolf.co.uk


Tam O Shanter

The Chase

Troon Merchants







Kilbirnie Place www.kilbirnieplacegc.co.uk

Kilmarnock (Barassie) www.kbgc.co.uk

Lamlash www.lamlashgolfclub.com



Loudoun www.loudoungowfclub.co.uk

Troon Portland

Troon St Meddans www.troonstmeddansgolfclub.com

Troon Welbeck www.troonwelbeckgolfclub.com

Turnberry www.turnberrygolfclub.net

Turnberry Staff


West Kilbride


Western Gailes www.westerngailes.com

Whiting Bay www.whitingbaygolf.com



The 2022 championship returned to its tradi onal spot in the schedule, being held at West Kilbride on Sunday the 17th of April. Eight member clubs took part in the compe on, and it was the Troon Welbeck team of Harvey Broadfoot (71), Noah O’Brien (76), Jack Broadfoot (80), and Harris Fleming (85) returning a team score of 227 that took the Ma Lygate Trophy ahead of the Ayr Belleisle team of Max Barclay (68), Jamie Hay (79), Connor McMillan (83), and Euan Walker (103) with a team total of 230.

The Turnberry team of Gregor Hay (65), Hugh Dunlop (68), Quin n Dunlop (74), and Harry Dixon (nr) combined for a ne team total of 207 to win the Andrew D. Nimmo Trophy.

The Prestwick Circuits Trophy for best individual scratch score was won by Max Barclay (Ayr Belleisle) with a 3 under par total of 68, whilst the Carrick Trophy for the best ne score of the day was won by Gregor hay of Turnberry with a ne score of 65.

Hugh Dunlop (Turnberry) won the ne voucher for the 10+ handicap category with a ne 68, whilst the 0 ­ 9 handicap category was won by Liam Moran (Irvine) with a ne 69.

The final team placings were – Scratch (ne )

227 ­ Troon Welbeck (219)

230 ­ Ayr Belleisle (219)

238 ­ Irvine (215)

251 ­ Prestwick St Nicholas (213)

251 ­ Royal Troon (223)

252 ­ West Kilbride (223)

264 ­ Turnberry (207)

297 ­ Caprington (252)

Troon Welbeck Turnberry Max Barclay Hugh Dunlop


Sco Brown (Turnberry) led from start to finish at Prestwick St. Nicholas Golf Club on Sunday the 24th of April to take the 2022 Ayrshire Strokeplay Championship tle and complete a unique record in Ayrshire county events.

Out in the first group of the day, Sco Brown posted the lead in the first round with a one under par total of 68, leaving him a single shot ahead of former winner Craig Hamilton (Ballochmyle) and Adam Sweeney (Prestwick St Cuthbert) on 69.

In the second round, Sco Brown repeated his morning effort with a second successive 68 for a two under par total of 136 for the 36 holes, and a six shot victory, ahead of runner up Iain Brown (Largs) who followed a morning 73 with a fine 69 in the a ernoon for a 142 total overall.

Craig Hamilton added a second round 74 to his morning score of 69 to take third place, one shot further back on 143, whilst Max Barclay (Ayr Belleisle) returned rounds of 74 and 71 for a 145 total and fourth place.

Adam Sweeney finished in fi h place, a second round 7 7 giving him a total of 146, and Keith Hamilton (Royal Troon) who returned rounds of 73 and 74 for a 147 total finished sixth.

Sco Brown's win gave him the Ayrshire Strokeplay tle for the first me and completed a unique county tle record in winning the strokeplay, matchplay and Champion of Champions tles in Ayrshire at both boys' and men's level, having won the boys strokeplay in 2008, the two matchplay tles in 2008 and 2009 respec vely, and the two Champion of Champions tles in 2009 and 2011. Having won the Junior Order of Merit tle in 2008, he only needs to add the Doc Thom Ayrshire Order of Merit tle in the future to extend his unique record in county events.

Leading scores:­

136 – Sco Brown (Turnberry) 68/68

142 – Iain Brown (Largs) 73/69

143 – Craig Hamilton (Ballochmyle) 69/74

145 – Max Barclay (Turnberry) 74/71

146 – Adam Sweeney (Prestwick St Cuthbert) 69/77

147 – Keith Hamilton (Royal Troon) 73/74

148 – Steven Stamper (Turnberry) 76/72

148 – Shaun Hedger (West Kilbride) 74/74

149 – Steven Wallace (Prestwick St Cuthbert) 73/76


Shaun Hedger (West Kilbride) won the 2022 Ayrshire Matchplay Championship, with a victory over Blair Morton (Royal Troon) in extra holes in the final, held at Ayr Belleisle on Thursday the 5th of May.

Hedger had previously lost in the final of the event at Rowallan Castle in 2018 and his 2022 win was his first county tle triumph. Birdies at the opening two holes gave Hedger a two hole advantage early

Sco Brown

on, and extended his lead to three holes a er seven, before Blair Morton took successive holes before the turn to reduce Shaun Hedger’s lead to a single hole.

Blair Morton levelled the match with a birdie at the eleventh and also took the twel h hole to lead in the match for the first me, but the match was squared again when Shaun Hedger won the short fourteenth with a par three.

A concession at the sixteenth, a er Blair Morton found water from the tee, saw Shaun Hedger take a one hole lead to the penul mate hole, but Blair Morton produced a great tee shot to set up a winning birdie two and the match went to the final hole all square.

The players matched each other at the final hole and the match went into extra holes to decide the tle des na on.

The first extra hole was halved in birdie fours, and another birdie four at the 20th hole was enough for Shaun Hedger to win the hole and the Ayrshire Matchplay tle for 2022.

In the semi­finals, Hedger beat Max Barclay (Ayr Belleisle) by a single hole and Morton beat Adam Sweeney (Prestwick St Cuthbert) by 2&1.

In the quarter final matches, Morton beat Sco Brown (Turnberry) by 3&2, Sweeney beat Craig Telfer (Turnberry) by1 hole, Hedger beat Daniel Forbes (Irvine) by 2&1 and Barclay beat Steven Stamper (Turnberry) by 2&1.


The Caprington GC team of Steven McEwan, Robbie McFarlane and Marc Smith won the Ayrshire Club Championship for the first me in the 22 year history of the event, when the 2022 compe on took place at Irvine Ravenspark on Sunday the 3rd of July.

Fourteen member clubs contested the championship, f or the R.L. Crawford Trophy, where the best two scores from three cons tuted the team score for the compe ng clubs.

The Irvine GC team of George Robertson (79), John Shanks (70) and Gareth Lamb (74) posted the early leading team total of 144, which ul mately gave them second place in the tournament.

Steven McEwan laid the founda on for the Caprington victory with a two under par return of 69, the best individual score, and alongside Robbie McFarlane (74) and Marc Smith (83), the Caprington team total of 143 took the tle by a single shot from Irvine.

Shaun Hedger Caprington


In very tes ng, breezy, condi ons, none of the remaining clubs got closer than five strokes adri of the Caprington winning score.

The final placings were:­

143 – Caprington

144 – Irvine

148 – Turnberry

150 – Loudoun

151 – Royal Troon

152 – Prestwick St Cuthbert

153 – Irvine Ravenspark

157 – Ballochmyle, Kilmarnock Barassie, Troon St Meddans

158 – Troon Welbeck

160 – Largs, Rowallan Castle

161 – Troon Portland


Derek Joliffe (Ayr Dalmilling)won the 2022 Ayrshire Senior Men's Championship, finishing at the top of a bumper field and taking the Sandy Provan Trophy at Irvine Golf Club on Tuesday the 19th of July.

The 70 year old, a veteran member of the Ayr Dalmilling club, posted a superb ne score of 61 off his 25 handicap, to win the tle by a full four shots from his nearest rival, Steven Browning (Troon St Meddans).

There was drama during the compe on, with around an hour and three quarters of play remaining when play was suspended and players came off the course following a localised thunder storm, before play later resumed.

The best scratch score of the day was posted by Alistair Belford (Prestwick St Nicholas) with a superb round of 69.

In the 50 ­ 59 age group category, Steven McCreadie (Ayr Belleisle) took first place with 70 (3) 67, by virtue of the be er inward half, over Allan Morrison (Annanhill) 87 (20) 67, with Allan Kimme (Prestwick St Cuthbert) in third place with 77 (9) 68.

Robin Goodall (Largs) won the 60 – 69 age group with 80 (13) 67, ahead of James McGhee (Loudoun) with 76 (6) 70 and William Stewart (Largs) with 85 (15) 70.

The 70 and over age category was won by John Gordon (Largs) with 82 (15) 67, ahead of Robbie Fulker (Kilmarnock Barassie) with 74 (4) 70 and Kenneth W Smith (Ardeer) with 89 (14) 75.

The nearest the hole prizes, at the eighth and sixteenth holes, were both won by David Brown (Irvine Ravenspark).


Alistair Belford (Prestwick St Nicholas) won the inaugural Ayrshire Seniors Matchplay Championship for the Iain Harvey Trophy, bea ng Robbie Fulker (Kilmarnock Barassie) in the final at Royal Troon on Friday the 12th of August.

Derek Joliffe Alistair Belford

The event involved the players who returned the eig ht best scratch scores in the Ayrshire Seniors Championship in early July and culminated in the final, played on the same evening as the Champion of Champions Trophy final.

Belford and Fulker matched each other over the opening five holes before Alistair took the lead for the first me with a par three at the fi h hole. A birdie four at the sixth extended Alistair's lead to two holes but pars at the seventh and ninth holes from Robbie Fulker was sufficient for him to square the match at the turn.

Once again Alistair took the lead with a par four at the eleventh, only for Robbie to level the match at the twel h with a birdie three.

Robbie struggled with his pu er throughout the match, par cularly in the back nine, as Alistair took the lead at the fourteenth with a winning par three, and a par at the sixteenth extended Alistair’s lead to two holes. A half at the penul mate hole was enough to give Alistair Belford the match and the Ayrshire Senior matchplay tle.

In the semi­finals Belford beat George Robertson (Irvine) by 3&2 and Fulker beat David Brown (Irvine Ravenspark) by 4&3.

In the quarter finals Belford beat Jim Mackinson (Irvine) by 5&4, Robertson beat Brian Fisher (Largs) by 5&4, Brown had a walkover against Steven McCreadie (Ayr Belleisle), and Fulker beat Sco Moore (Irvine) by 1 hole.


Harvey Broadfoot (Royal Troon) retained the Ayrshire Boys Championship at Loudoun Gowf Club on Thursday the 4th of August.

An opening round of 67 set Harvey up for a second successive tle, and in the a ernoon he added a level par score of 68 for a two round scratch total of 135, one under par, to win the tle by a full five shots from his nearest challenger Max Barclay (Ayr Belleisle) on 140.

Jack Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck), Jack Ramsay (Kilmarnock Barassie) and Connor Wills (Royal Troon) were next best scratch on 145.

The best handicap score of the day was returned by Lewis Trundle (Irvine) with rounds of 71 and 64 off his handicap of 13, for a135 total.

The best scores in the championship were:­

135 – Harvey Broadfoot (Royal Troon) 67/68

140 – Max Barclay (Ayr Belleisle) 68/72

145 – Jack Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck) 75/70

145 – Jack Ramsay (Kilmarnock Barassie) 74/71

145 – Connor Wills (Royal Troon) 74/71


135 – Lewis Trundle (Irvine) (13) 71/64

139 – Finlay Wa (West Kilbride) (7) 74/65

140 – Liam Moran (Irvine) (9) 71/69

140 – Luke Jones (Prestwick St Nicholas) (8) 68/72

Harvey Broadfoot


Harvey Broadfoot (Royal Troon) secured a unique place in Ayrshire golf history on Thursday the 11th of July, when he beat his brother Jack Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck) in the final of the Ayrshire Boys Matchplay Championship at Prestwick Golf Club.

With a 2 & 1 victory in the final, Harvey completed a 'Double Double' having successfully retained this and the Ayrshire Strokeplay tles in 2022, a er winning both in 2021.

Both brothers produced some excellent golf in perfect condi ons over the Prestwick links in the final, with a combined be er ball score of three under par for the seventeen holes played.

The younger brother, 15 year old Jack, took the lead at the fourth with a winning birdie three, but the defending champion squared the match at the fourth before winning the eighth hole to take a slender lead as the players turned for home.

Jack took the tenth to square the match and by the thirteenth hole, which proved to be pivotal, the players remained ed. A par four by Jack at the thirteenth looked likely to secure another half, but Harvey holed an excellent put for a winning birdie three to take a single hole lead again, which he extended to two holes by winning the fi eenth.

At the sixteenth Jack holed a brave par pu to keep the game alive, with Harvey going to the penul mate hole dormie two, and a good recovery from the back of the green at the seventeenth for a par, coupled with Jack’s missed birdie pu was enough for Harvey to close out the final with a 2&1 victory

In the semi­finals Harvey Broadfoot beat Jamie Hay (Ayr Belleisle) by 5&4 and Jack Broadfoot beat Jack Ramsay (Kilmarnock Barassie) by 1 hole.

In the quarter finals, Harvey Broadfoot beat Finlay Wa (West Kilbride) by 3&2, Jamie Hay beat Connor Wills (Royal Troon) by 1 hole, Jack Broadfoot beat Oliver Long (Kilmarnock Barassie) by 4&2, and Jack Ramsay beat Drew Cleaver (Ayr Belleisle) by 8&6.


Blair Morton (Royal Troon) won the 2022 Ayrshire Champion of Champions Trophy with a single hole victory in the final, over his home course at Royal Troon, on Friday the 12th of August.

The final was between two Royal Troon members, with Blair's good friend Keith Hamilton (Ayr Belleisle), the beaten finalist, also being a member of the host club.

Blair took the lead with a par three at the fi h hole, but was pegged back at the sixth before restoring his lead at the eight, The Postage Stamp, with a par three, and extending his lead to two at the turn a er winning the ninth hole too.

Blair Morton Harvey Broadfoot

Despite the best efforts of both players Blair’s two hole advantage remained with two holes to play. Keith ensured the match would go to the eighteenth hole, with a winning birdie two at the seventeenth, and despite some worries at the last when a search was required for his ball, Blair Morton did enough to half the hole and take the tle with a single hole victory.

A total of 44 began the quest for the 2022 tle. In the semi­finals, Morton beat Steven Stamper (Turnberry) by 3&2 whilst Hamilton beat Aidan Long (Prestwick Centre) by 3&1.


A field of 43 pairs took part in the 2022 Ayrshire Fourball Championship, with es being played throughout the summer, culmina ng in the final at Largs on Sunday the 4th of September.

The final brought together Stuart & Sean Thorburn of Ayr Dalmilling, and George & Grant Gemmell (Prestwick St Cuthbert). With Sean Thorburn the back marker off a handicap of 7, he gave five shots to George Gemmell, four to his playing partner and two to Grant Gemmell.

The Dalmilling pairing got off to a great start, taking the opening two holes with pars before winning the fourth with a birdie two to establish a three hole lead, which was extended to four by the turn.

By the thirteenth hole the lead had been reduced to two holes but the fightback stalled, and the Ayr Dalmilling pair won the thirteenth and fourteenth holes to record a 4&3 win and take the compe on back to Ayr Dalmilling for the first me in the history of the compe on.


The scratch club team knockout compe on final for The Gary Bryden Memorial Salver, between Largs and Ballochmyle took place at Largs on Sunday the 4th of September, during Finals day.

The foursomes e, between William Fleming and Neil Clapperton of Ballochmyle and Brian Fisher and Kevin Walker of Largs, finishing 3 & 1 in favour of Largs, and the lead singles between Craig Hamilton of Ballochmyle and Sco Davidson of Largs was won 4 & 3 by Davidson. With the des na on of the trophy and tle assured, the final e, between Tommy Loy of Ballochmyle and John Robertson of Largs, was agreed as a half to give a final match score of 2.5 ­ 0.5 in favour of Largs, who won the tle for the first me since the championship was inaugurated in 2016.

23 clubs entered the 2022 event, an increasingly popular addi on to the list of county championships.

Stuart & Sean Thorburn Largs


Moorpark GC completed a county tle double on Sunday the 11th of September at Loudoun Gowf Club with victory in the President's Pu er final, which had been postponed from its original date, the previous week at Largs, as Moorpark featured in both handicap event finals.

In the final Moorpark faced West Kilbride, recording a 3­0 win to take the trophy.

The Moorpark team received several shots in each of the three es. In the singles es Andrew Armstrong beat Sam Crozier by 5&4, Jamie Ralston beat Jason Crozier by 6&5, and the foursomes e between Moorpark’s Alan Burns & John Becke and Brian Banks & Jim Hendry of West Kilbride also went in favour of Moorpark with a 2&1 win to complete a decisive result.

35 clubs entered the handicap club team compe on in 2022 as the popularity of the event con nues to grow.


With a total of 20 clubs entering the Ayrshire Scratch Leagues in 2022, it was decided to have leagues one and two of six and teams, with the remaining teams in league three playing in two sec ons, the winners of both sec ons playing off for the Division 3 tle and automa c pro place. Before the league started Ayr

Dalmilling withdrew, leaving the Division 3a and 3b sec ons with 3 and 4 clubs respec vely.

Irvine retained the Division 1 tle in 2022, ahead of newly promoted Royal Troon, whilst 2018 winners Prestwick St Cuthbert were relegated to Division 2.

Final placings in Division 1 were: ­


Irvine 1071236251130

Royal Troon106133426826

Largs 105053327620


Kilmarnock Barassie 104153229318

Prestwick St Cuthbert 100372041­216

In Division 2, Ballochmyle won the tle and promo on back to the top league, a year a er suffering relega on, whilst Rowallan Castle were relegated.


Final placings in Division 2 were:­

In Division 3, Ayr Belleisle and Ardeer won their respec ve sec ons and in the tle play­off Ayr Belleisle narrowly edged out Ardeer for the tle, winning 35­34 on the countback over the individual es, a er both legs of the final were drawn 3­3 for a 6­6 result overall.

Final placings in the two Division 3 sec ons were: ­

In the play off matches at the end of the season, Kilmarnock Barassie retained their Division 1 status for 2023 with a 7 – 5 win over Turnberry, whilst West Kilbride ensured Division 2 safety for 2023 with a 6.5 – 5.5 win over Ardeer.


Moorpark retained the Ayrshire Handicap League Championship in 2022 with victory by virtue of a countback over the individual es, against Rowallan Castle, in a rerun of the 2021 final, which was drawn 3­3.

Decisive wins by Andrew Armstrong and Alan Burns over Neil Whyte and Kevin Hamilton respec vely, gave the trophy holders a 2­0 lead, but Rowallan Castle fought back and wins by Willie Syme over David Marwick and Jim Heaney over James McGill squared the match.

The penul mate e on the course saw Jamie Ralston beat Graeme Telfer to give Moorpark a crucial third point. A two hole victory in the anchor e by Craig Hutchison over Bill Bell squared the match 3 ­ 3 for Rowallan Castle but Moorpark retained the tle by virtue of a 32 ­ 18 countback score.

A total of 25 clubs entered the compe on in 2022, with seven sec ons in opera on, the winners of each sec on and best overall runner up progressing to th e quarter finals.

DIVISION 2 GPWDLGFGAGDPTS Ballochmyle1071238221630 Turnberry1062237231428 Troon Portland103432833­520 Caprington104153130118 West Kilbride104152832­418 Rowallan Castle101181941­226
DIVISION 3 GPWDLGFGAGDPTS Ayr Belleisle4211159610 Troon St Meddans42111410410 Redburn4022717­104 Ardeer 64022116516 Prestwick St Nicholas 62221917212 Girvan 63031918112 Irvine Ravenspark61231422­88

The Qualifying sec ons were: ­

Sec on A – Portmann, Tam O Shanter, Kilmarnock Barassie, Ayr Belleisle, Royal Troon.

Sec on B – Alton, Auchenharvie 88, Kilbirnie Place, Moorpark, Prestwick St Nicholas

Sec on C – Annanhill, Ardeer, Irvine Ravenspark, Troon St Meddans, West Kilbride

Sec on D – Loudoun, Prestwick St Cuthbert, Stewarton, Troon Merchants

Sec on E – Ayr Seafield, Rowallan Castle, Troon Portland, Troon Welbeck

Sec on F – Ayr Dalmilling, Ballochmyle, Caprington, Redburn

Following comple on of the sec ons, the quarter­final results, played over two legs, were Rowallan Castle 7 Stewarton 5, Moorpark 8.5 Caprington 3.5, Irvine Ravenspark 6.5 Tam O Shanter 5.5, Auchenharvie 88 10.5 Prestwick St Cuthbert 1.5.

In the semi­finals Moorpark beat Auchenharvie 88 by 7­5 and Rowallan Castle beat Irvine Ravenspark by 6.5 ­ 5.5


Steven McEwan (Caprington ) won the Doc Thom Salver and Ayrshire Order of Merit tle for the first me in 2022, taking points in seven of the twenty qualifying events including maximum points with wins in the Viking Krus at Largs and the Ballochmyle Rosebowl.

His points total of 461.5 secured him the tle before the final qualifying event was played, ahead of Steven Stamper (Turnberry) in second place.

Leading final places were:­

461.50 – Steven McEwan (Caprington)

410.00 – Steven Stamper (Turnberry)

365.00 – Sco brown (Turnberry)

250.00 – Craig Hamilton (Ballochmyle)

222.50 – Jack Broun (Turnberry)

212.50 – Shaun Hedger (West Kilbride)


Jack Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck) was the clear winner of the 2022 Ayrshire Junior Order of Merit, securing the tle with two events remaining to be played.

With points collected in eleven of the twenty coun ng events, including full points at the Troon Welbeck and Prestwick St Cuthbert junior opens, he finished on 625 points, 120 points ahead of Ryan Kennedy (Irvine) and Jamie Hay (Ayr Belleisle) in joint second place.

The leading final places were: ­

625.00 – Jack Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck)

505.00 – Ryan Kennedy (Irvine), Jamie Hay (Ayr Belleisle)

235.00 – Quin n Dunlop (Royal Troon)

225.00 – Harvey Broadfoot (Royal Troon), Drew Cleaver (Ayr Belleisle)

Steven McEwan Jack Broadfoot


Ayrshire players had several notable performances at a na onal level during 2022, with the county also being represented in various interna onal squads during the year.

Louise Duncan (West Kilbride) reached the pinnacle of amateur representa ve golf in June 2022 when she played for Great Britain & Ireland against the United States of America in the Cur s Cup matches at Merion Golf Club in the U.S.A.

Following the Cur s Cup, Louise turned professional and, with a birdie at the final hole of a gruelling qualifying process in December, ensured an exci ng season ahead by securing her LET European Tour card for 2023.

Royal Troon members Paul Moultrie and Robert Jenkins both represented Scotland at senior interna onal level during 2022, enjoying a historic Home Interna onals win at Pyle & Kenfig GC in Wales in the first combined male and female playing of the championship. In addi on both Paul and Robert were in the Sco sh senior men’s team that finished in fourth place at the 2022 European Senior Men’s Championship in Estonia.

In junior golf, Freya Russell (Royal Troon) was a member of the Scotland Girls’ team that contested the Home interna onals at Downfield GC in September.

Ayrshire Golf Associa on Past President John Rushbury (Royal Troon) was selected as Sco sh men’s team Manager in 2022, and will con nue in this roll in 2023.

At the 2022 World Golf Awards, Prestwick Golf Club were awarded the tle of Scotland’s best golf course, in a year that saw the club marking the playing of the 150th Open Championship by recrea ng the original 12 hole Tom Morris designed course for a few weeks in October, allowing members and the wider golfing community a rare chance to follow in the footsteps of the early pioneers who laid the founda on of the greatest golf championship of them all.

Louise Duncan Robert Jenkins & Paul Moultrie Freya Russell John Rushbury Prestwick GC


Seven member clubs contested the 2022 Ayrshire Junior Golf League Championship, with the two qualifying sec ons being won by Irvine and West Kilbride.

In the final, played at Loudoun Gowf Club on the 18th of September, a closely contested match finished in a 3­3 draw, with West Kilbride winning the tle for the first me since 2009 by virtue of a countback score of 22­10 over the individual es.

Troon Welbeck retained the Wallace Thornton Trophy, drawing the final 2­2 against Kilmarnock (Barasssie) at Prestwick St Cuthbert GC in late September but winning on the countback over the individual es, whilst Irvine recorded a third successive win in the Under 16 Knockout Trophy, bea ng Troon Welbeck 3­1 in the final at Prestwick St Cuthbert GC in early October.

The Champion of Champions trophy was won by Sam Crozier (West Kilbride) who beat Ayrshire Boys Champion Harvey Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck) by 2&1 at Prestwick St Cuthbert GC in the final.

Since 1989, The MacRobert Thistle Junior Golfer of the Year Trophy has been presented to a junior boy golfer in Ayrshire, considered by a selec on subcommi ee as the most deserving of nominees from a short list submi ed for considera on. An iden cal award for girls was introduced in 2013.

In 2022 the boys’ award was won by Jack Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck) who performances throughout the season included wins in three open events and a runner up spot in the Ayrshire Boys Matchplay Championship, which led to him securing the Junior Order of Merit trophy for 2022. In addi on he was Junior Captain of his home club, impressing with his courteous manners and support for younger members of his club.

The 2022 girls’ award was won by Louise Milligan (Irvine) who is also a member of Loudoun. A valuable member of the Irvine junior team since 2018, she was one of the first girl members of the club and supported and encouraged all the girls who have followed. Her support of younger girls included by assis ng in the delivery of coaching at the Irvine driving range. A winner of several club events and open compe ons in Ayrshire and an ever present in the Irvine junior team, the award was well deserved recogni on for her efforts in 2022.


Ayrshire Golf Associa on Fixture List 2023 Ayrshire Golf Associa on Fixture List 2023

* Doc Thom Ayrshire Order OF Merit Coun ng Event

** Woman’s & girls’ events

***Ayrshire Junior Order Of Merit Event






– 23rd

Vs South of Scotland

Sco sh Boys Open Strokeplay

sh Girls Open Strokeplay

Helen Holm Sco sh Open Strokeplay

Junior Team Championship

Team Championship V Argyll & Bute

sh Seniors Championship

Dinner and Presenta on Royal Troon
26th Ayrshire
Lundin 12th
Royal Troon 23rd Ayrshire
Caprington 30th
Western Gailes
* Ayrshire Strokeplay Championship
Loudoun 14th *
Royal Troon 21st
Largs 26th
Ladybank 27th *
Prestwick St Cuthbert 28th *
West Kilbride
8th – 11th
Ayrshire Matchplay Championship
Hillhouse Cup
* West of Scotland Strokeplay
– 28th
Sco sh Women's Championship
St Cuthbert Open
West Kilbride Men’s Open
Meldrum House 3rd *
Ayr Seafield 4th Area Team Championship V Dumbartonshire Dundonald Links 4th * Belleisle Cup Ayr Belleisle TBC **Ayrshire Woman’s Strokeplay Championship TBC 10th *** Golf South Ayrshire Junior Open Strokeplay Ayr Seafield 11th Ayrshire U18 Vs Lanarkshire U18 Rowallan Castle 13th – 18th **Woman’s Amateur Championship Princes 17th * The McGilchrist Cup Ardeer 19th – 24th * The Amateur Championship Hillside/Southport & Ainsdale 21st – 23rdSco
25th ***
Royal Troon TBC ***West
TBC 29th ***Largs
2nd *
Loudoun 7th ***
Troon Welbeck 9th Area
Away ­ TBC 10th ***
Loudoun 16th Ayrshire
Prestwick 18th Ayrshire
Championship Ayr Seafield 18th ***
West Kilbride 19th
Lanark 21st
Cardrona 25th ***
30th Ayrshire
– 4th
Sco sh Men’s Open Strokeplay
Ayr Seafield Open
Byrne Howard Trophy
of Scotland Boys Strokeplay
West of Scotland Boys Matchplay
Junior Open
The Gowf Cup
Troon Welbeck Junior Open
Team Championship V North
Loudoun Junior Open
Club Championship
Harris Junior Open & Girls Open
– 23rd
Sco sh Boys Championship
– 23rd
sh Girls Championship
Kilmarnock Barassie Junior Open
U18 Vs Dumbartonshire U18

Ayrshire Golf Associa on Fixture List 2023 Ayrshire Golf Associa on Fixture List 2023

* Doc Thom Ayrshire Order OF Merit Coun ng Event

** Woman’s & girls’ events

***Ayrshire Junior Order Of Merit Event

DATE EVENT VENUE AUGUST AUGUST 1st – 5th * Sco sh Amateur Championship Royal Dornoch/Tain 3rd *** Ayrshire Boys Strokeplay Championship Largs 3rd **Ayrshire Girls’ Strokeplay Championship Largs 4th Champion of Champions Semi Finals Royal Troon 5th * Stevenson Trophy Girvan 6th * Viking Krus Largs 7th *** Turnberry Junior Open Turnberry, King Robert the Bruce 7th ­ 10th *** Ayrshire Boys Matchplay Prestwick 10th *** Ayr Belleisle Junior Open Ayr Seafield 11th Men’s Champion of Champions Final Royal Troon 11th Senior Men’s Matchplay Championship Final Royal Troon 11th Woman’s Champion of Champions Final Royal Troon 13th AJGL Under 16 Trophy final Ayr Belleisle/Seafield 13th AJGL Wallace Thornton Trophy final Ayr Belleisle/Seafield 14th *** Ballochmyle Junior Open Ballochmyle 15th *** Prestwick Junior Open Prestwick St Cuthbert 15th ­ 20th **Girls Amateur Championship Ganton/Fulford 15th ­ 20th *** Boys Amateur Championship Ganton/Fulford 19th * Troon St Meddans Open Troon Municipal 20th * Mainholm Cup Ayr Dalmilling 20th Ayrshire U 18 Vs Glasgow U18 Irvine Ravenspark 26th * Ballochmyle Rosebowl Ballochmyle 27th *** Tom Lehman Junior Open Troon Municipal 27th AJGL Champion of Champions Final Ayr Belleisle/Seafield 27th AJGL Junior League Championship Final Ayr Belleisle/Seafield SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 1st – 3rd ** Sco sh Woman’s County Finals Hilton Park 3rd Ayrshire Finals Day Prestwick St Cuthbert 9th – 10thSco sh Men’s Area Team Championship Finals Paisley TBC Ayrshire U18 vs Renfrewshire U18 Away ­ TBC 10th *** Prestwick St Nicholas Junior Open Prestwick St Nicholas 16th * Arrol Cup Prestwick St Nicholas 17th Sco sh Boys Area Team Championship Forrester Park 17th Ayrshire A Vs Lanarkshire A Kirkhill 17th Ayrshire Youths Vs Lanarkshire Loudoun 18th ***Irvine Junior Open Irvine 22nd Sco sh Senior Men’s Area Team Champs. Monifieth 24th Ayrshire A Vs Renfrewshire A Away ­ TBC 24th Ayrshire Youths Vs Renfrewshire Youths Irvine OCTOBER OCTOBER 1st Ayrshire A Vs Dumbartonshire A Kilmarnock Barassie (1215) 1st Ayrshire Youths Vs Dumbartonshire Youths Away ­ TBC 8th Ayrshire A Vs Glasgow A Pollok 8th Ayrshire Youths Vs Glasgow Youths Troon Darley 15th Ayrshire A Vs S rlingshire A Prestwick St Nicholas 15th Ayrshire Youths Vs S rlingshire Youths Away ­ TBC NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 6th Ayrshire Junior Golf League Dinner TBC



2011J. Mackay (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2012D. Wilson (Troon Welbeck)

2013S. Robin (Prestwick St Nicholas)

2014J. Shanks (Irvine)

2015T. McInally (Loudoun)

2016G. Telfer (Prestwick St Cuthbert)

2017A. Connery (Irvine)

2018J Johnston (Ayr Belleisle)

2019M. Smyth (Royal Troon)

2020No Compe on

2021J. Broun (Turnberry)

2022S Brown (Turnberry)


2011M. Smyth (Royal Troon)

2012D. Wilson (Troon Welbeck)

2013M. Smyth (Royal Troon)

2014C. Hamilton (Ballochmyle)

2015M. Smyth (Royal Troon)

2016J. Shanks (Irvine)

2017C. Hamilton (Ballochmyle)

2018M Smyth (Royal Troon)

2019M Smyth (Royal Troon)

2020No Compe on

2021C. Telfer (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)

2022S Hedger (West Kilbride)


2011Michael Smyth (Royal Troon)

2012D. Wilson (Troon Welbeck)

2013Stuart Robin (Prestwick St Nicholas)

2014John Shanks (Irvine)

2015John Shanks (Irvine)

2016Steven Stamper (Turnberry)

2017Michael Smyth (Royal Troon)

2018 Jim Johnston (Ayr Belleisle)

2019Michael Smyth (Royal Troon)

2020No Winner

2021Michael Smyth (Royal Troon)

2022Steven McEwan (Caprington)


2011S. Brown (Turnberry)

2012S. McEwan (Caprington)

2013S. McEwan (Loudoun)

2014G. Bryden (Girvan)

2015P. Moultrie (Royal Troon)

2016J. Sloan (Doon Valley)

2017M. Smyth (Royal Troon)

2018P. Denim (Loudoun)

2019C. Hamilton (Ballochmyle)

2020No Compe on

2021S. McEwan (Caprington)

2022Blair Morton (Royal Troon)


2011Kilbirnie Place

2012Brunston Castle


2014Brunston Castle

2015Brunston Castle



2017Troon Welbeck

2018 Brunston Castle

2019NB Parkstone

2020No Compe on

2021Prestwick Centre

2022Ayr Dalmilling







2016Prestwick St. Cuthbert


2018Troon Welbeck


2020No Compe on

2021Prestwick St. Cuthbert



Prestwick St. Cuthbert Largs

Prestwick St. Cuthbert

Prestwick St. Cuthbert

Prestwick St Cuthbert


Prestwick St Cuthbert


West Kilbride Irvine Ravenspark




2011Tom McKay (Annanhill)

2012Billy Moore (Loudoun)

2013 Andy Gilchrist (Loudoun)

2014 Allan J Merry (West Kilbride)

2015Iain McKenzie (Annanhill)

2016Allan J Merry (West Kilbride)

2017Alex MacNeil (Rowallan Castle)

2018John Paterson (Louodun)

2019Stephen Lucas (Ayr Belleisle)

2020No Compe on

2021Alastair Travers (Irvine Ravenspark)

2022Derek Joliffe (Ayr Dalmilling)


2017 Ayr Dalmilling


2019Kilbirnie Place

2020No Compe on


2022 Moorpark

GARY BRYDEN MEMORIAL SALVER ­ Scratch Club Team Knockout Compe on

2016 Loudoun

2017 Prestwick St Cuthbert

2018Royal Troon

2019 Royal Troon

2020 No Compe on

2021 Prestwick St. Cuthbert

2022 Largs

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5
Loudoun Loudoun Irvine Irvine
Loudoun No Compe on Irvine Irvine
Ballochmyle West Kilbride
Compe on Royal
Troon Portland Ballochmyle No
Troon Ballochmylr
No Compe on Rowallan Castle
Turnberry Troon St Meddans Largs Troon Portland Largs Royal Troon
Ayr Belleisle
Prestwick St. Nicholas Girvan
Troon Prestwick St Nicholas No Compe on No Compe on No Compe on Girvan Rowallan Castle
Valley Brunston Castle No Compe on Moorpark No Compe on No Compe on No Compe on No Compe on No Compe on No Compe on 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Troon St Meddans Rowallan Castle Troon Portland Largs Routenburn Royal


2022 Alastair Belford (Prestwick St Nicholas)

PRESIDENT’S PUTTER ­ Handicap Club Team Knockout Compe on 2016 Brunston Castle

2020 No Compe on 2017 Ballochmyle

2018Brunston Castle

2019 Alton

2021Auchenharvie 88



2010Charlie Macneal (Troon Welbeck)

2011Callum Beveridge (Troon Welbeck)

2012Euan Walker (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2013 Louis Murray (Troon Welbeck)

2014Jack Thomas (Irvine)

2015Craig McKenzie (Troon Welbeck)

2016Jack Broun (Ayr Belleisle)

2017Jack Broun (Ayr Belleisle)

2018Sean Addie (Ayr Belleisle)

2019Kerr Brooks (Irvine)

2020No Compe on

2021Harvey Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck)

2022Harvey Broadfoot (Royal Troon)


2011Callum Beveridge (Troon Welbeck)

2012Greg Telfer (Prestwick St Cuthbert)

2013 Louis Murray (Troon Welbeck)

2014Jack Thomas (Irvine)

2015Robbie Muir (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2016Euan Ferguson (Turnberry)

2017Euan Ferguson (Turnberry)

2018Euan Ferguson (Turnberry)

2019Ross McDonald (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2020No Compe on

2021Harvey Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck)

2022Harvey Broadfoot (Royal Troon)


2011David Wilson (Troon Welbeck)

2012Greg Telfer (Prestwick St Cuthbert)

2013 Conor McKay (Loudoun)

2014Jack Thomas (Irvine)

2015Euan Ferguson (Turnberry)

2016Jack Broun (Ayr Belleisle)

2017Ewan Milligan (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2018John McCracken (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2019Ross McDonald (Kilmarnock Barassie)

2020No Compe on

2021Harvey Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck)

2022Jack Broadfoot (Troon Welbeck)


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