Bodies Ability to Heal Itself

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The Fourth Element Originally we talked about there being three parts to the body’s healing but the truth is there’s a fourth component - US! We are a factor in our own healing. We feed ourselves, make ourselves go to the gym or walk outside for sunshine. We shape our own reality. It’s true and yet we tend to forget it sometimes. Helping our bodies and keeping them healthy and strong requires work and dedication. There are even times where it takes effort from outside sources, a true community support system. We are designed to be social beings, and that can include the healing journey of one turning into a network of supporters.

We can support one another emotionally by being there and listening. Physically helping someone could be as easy as sharing recipes or making foods and juices together. Finding people who can help bridge the gap and uplift you in areas of your health that need extra work is just as important as keeping yourself focused on a goal. At Avena, we do our best to aid our clients through more than just supplements. Yes, we do have fantastic products that assist the body in many things, but greater health occurs when products aren’t the only thing changed. It’s a LIFESTYLE, so it’s foods, emotions, time, energy and environment. Health and healing are possible, our bodies can do amazing things. We just need to do what we can to create an environment that will help. It is achievable! Let’s see exactly what our bodies are capable of!

11| Fall 2019 Edition

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