Austin Prep Journey Spring 2018

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JOURNEY Spr i ng 20 1 8

Women of Austin

“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” – Augustine of Hippo

Reading about public, private and parochial education these days, at both the collegiate and secondary school levels, one can’t ignore the focus on Diversity.

My question to them would have been “What about E Pluribus Unum?” out of many, one; or to say it another way, one nation out of many.

In the tradition of St. Augustine, let me suggest that the goal of education should not be to merely create a diverse student body.

Fortunately, at Austin Prep we have a vibrant community located on 50 acres, made up of 750 young men and women, from 55 communities throughout Northeast Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, including international students from China, Korea, Italy and Vietnam, who travel with more than 100 faculty and staff in the footsteps of St. Augustine. We also have more than 50 years of alumni numbering more than 6,000 strong who help marshal that heritage.

Rather it should be to create Universality. The task should not be merely to assemble a group comprised of different genders, races, nationalities and religions. It should be a collaborative endeavor to build bridges between individuals so that they can share experiences and learn from one another. New York Times columnist David Brooks recently wrote that, while on a tour of several colleges in the United States, the subject of our shared history came up. Brooks wrote:

All share a single mission to inspire hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve.

“The large theme (we discussed) was the loss of faith in the American idea. I told them that when I went to public school the American history curriculum was certainly liberal, but the primary emotion was gratitude. We were the lucky inheritors of Jefferson and Madison, Whitman and Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Kennedy and King. Our ancestors left oppression, crossed a wilderness and are trying to build a promised land. They looked at me like I was from Mars. ‘That’s the way powerful white males talk about America,’ one student said. When I asked how they were taught American history, a few said they weren’t taught much of it.”

Although it’s a noble idea I’m increasingly realizing is difficult, but not impossible, to achieve, I’m more optimistic than ever as I travel with this community on the Austin Prep Journey in pursuit of veritas, unitas, and caritas. Sincerely,

James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22, ’23, ’24 Headmaster

Spring 2018


HEARTS, MINDS and HANDS As we say at Austin Prep, we Inspire Hearts to Unite, Minds to Inquire, and Hands to Serve. Meet three young alumnae who are living this motto passionately. Eliana (Nader) Griffith ’02 is an immigration lawyer with Magaletta & McCarthy. She recently won an award for excellence in the practice of law. When asked which of her cases had been recognized for the honor, she had to admit she wasn’t sure. “In 2005, I went as a volunteer to a prison in Texas,” she recalls. “They keep women and children there; I was trying to get them out. It might have had something to do with that.” How did she happen to become an immigration lawyer? “Well, she says, “I’m the child of immigrants and I’ve done internships in that area. One major factor was being fluent in Spanish, and that came about as the result of an exchange program in Argentina the summer of my sophomore year (at Austin Prep). We attended classes in a high school in Buenos Aires. Speaking and writing Spanish is a skill I use in my work every day. If you want to know how what I learned at Austin is helping me now, start right there.”


Eliana (Nader) Griffith ’02 on her weekly radio segment.

When asked what she thinks about people’s attitudes toward immigration, Eliana shows a flash of impatience. “It’s not the people who are dead set against immigrants,” she says, “it’s the ones who say ‘Oh, I have no problem with undocumented immigrants staying. I just wish they would get in line and do it legally.’ “The fact is there is no line. As the law is written now, there’s no path forward.” Eliana believes high school students should definitely get involved in the issue of immigrants’ rights. “Who better?” she asks. “If anything is going to get fixed, it will be kids who fix it. To them, immigrants are just people. She quotes activist Gloria Steinem in support of her position: ‘Sometimes you’ve got to put your body where your beliefs are.’ ” One of Eliana’s ambitions is to argue a case before the First Circuit Court of Appeals. “I’ve never done that,” she says. “My clients run out of money or hope before we get there.” On the subject of what it was like to be a woman at Austin Prep: “It was uniformly positive and supportive. And I realize that isn’t the case everywhere else for women.”

Spring 2018

“These are some of the most hardcore professional women you’ve ever met,” she says. “Austin must be doing something right.” Eliana (Nader) Griffith ’02

On the right is Ashley Herendeen ’05.

Mary Kate Costello ’07 addresses the United Nations General Assembly, photo courtesy of The Hunger Project.

Like so many alumnae, she cites dance teacher Marla Pascucci-Byrne as her role model. “I spent a lot of time after school with her. She was incredibly encouraging.”

Even so, she insists advocacy should not be left to specialists. As she puts it, “All of us must decide what our role will be in creating peace and security for everyone.”

To summarize, Eliana says just look at the success of Austin’s female graduates.

And she is ready to offer her hard-earned, sometimes counter-intuitive advice on how to advocate effectively.

“These are some of the most hardcore professional women you’ve ever met,” she says. “Austin must be doing something right.”

• “Overseas trips are often not the best way to help,” she says. “The best global action is local action. Start from where you are.”

Mary Kate Costello ’07 is Senior Policy Analyst and United Nations Representative at The Hunger Project, an organization that takes a different approach to solving the seemingly intractable problems of hunger, poverty, and human rights.

• “Use social media to get out of the bubble you live in. Connect with people worldwide. Expose yourself to new ideas.”

Unlike relief agencies that see the poor as “beneficiaries” and focus narrowly on specific kinds of aid, The Hunger Project pursues holistic strategies that address many aspects of hunger and poverty. The objective is to seed sustainable, grassroots capabilities that enable people to become the agents of their own development. Advocating for the widespread adoption of these strategies in countries throughout the world is Mary Kate’s responsibility, and she has learned a great deal about how to get results.

• “Many of the world’s worst problems are the result of bad leadership. Solutions will come from effective leadership. Develop your leadership skills and get field experience.” • “You can make leaders of other people by having humility and aiming to see the situation through many different points of view.” • “The Parkland model shows how effectively youth can mobilize. But you don’t need a national cause. See what you can do where you are. If you can’t make progress locally, take it to your congressperson. Just advocate.”

Spring 2018


Ghanian women, photos courtesy of The Hunger Project.

• “We can use Christian values and integrity to support human rights for everyone.” Mary Kate confesses she didn’t appreciate the wisdom of St. Augustine while she was at Austin, but her experiences with The Hunger Project have led her to think hard about his teachings. Especially those related to balancing the obligations of leadership with the need for humility. Speaking at a recent National Honor Society induction ceremony, she observed that successful leaders don’t always fit the typical pattern. In her words: “I attribute much of my career success to being communicative about what I don’t know. Instead, I let another person, with greater abilities in an area, teach me. I don’t monopolize a project for glory or to satisfy myself.” At the same event, Mary Kate shared a thought related to her experiences in Africa. It has special meaning for anyone who is unselfconfident about their qualifications for advocacy work. “To be an expert in youth development in Sub-Saharan Africa does not mean I am African or can fully understand the context in which I work. 4

“It helps, but my best results came when I delegated leadership to others and thought of my own leadership as being a vehicle for empowering others.” Ashley Herendeen ’05 joined KIND as Director of Integrated Communications because she wanted to work for a mission-driven organization. “I love the products,” she says, “and feel personally connected to KIND’s values. Each of our 75 products has a nutritionally-rich tree nut, fruit, or whole grain as its predominant ingredient. Helping people eat more healthfully, without making them sacrifice taste, guides innovation here and always will.” Ashley is just as committed to advancing the KIND Movement, which not only encourages interpersonal kindness, but provides creative resources. She is particularly enthusiastic about Empatico, an online learning tool incubated by the KIND Foundation. “Empatico connects elementary school students worldwide and enables them to explore their similarities and differences through interactive technology and research-based activities,” she says. “Currently 46 U.S. states and more than 50 countries have registered to use it, from Azerbaijan to New Zealand.”

Spring 2018

Ashley Herendeen ’05 continues her journey with KIND.

Ashley adds that she would appreciate it if Austin students would help spread the word about Empatico.

“The pace, coupled with the fact that KIND has an entrepreneurial culture, means very busy days. Not much time to be ‘off.’ ”

Another KIND initiative is Feed the Truth. “Last year, our founder, Daniel Lubetzky, pledged $25 million to create an organization which aims to improve public health by making truth, transparency and integrity the foremost values in our food system. Helping people make better decisions about what they eat, what’s more important than that?”

She credits lessons learned at Austin Prep with giving her the skills and outlook to succeed in a highly demanding environment. “Austin taught me to respect people, to be open to different ways of seeing the world. Austin’s commitment to community undoubtedly shaped me into the person I am today.

On a more personal but equally game-changing level, Ashley points to How Kind of You as a good way for Austin students to get involved in the KIND Movement. “Just visit,” she says, “and send a complimentary KIND bar to someone who has done something nice for you. It could be a teacher, friend, coach, guidance counselor. In addition to a bar, the recipient will get a #kindawesome card, which he or she can pass along to someone who has been kind to them. This is part of our #kindawesome program, which celebrates everyday acts of kindness. “Our founder likes to say that kindness is a ‘net happiness aggregator,’ it lifts everybody up. I’ve definitely found that to be true.” Ashley relishes her work – and there’s lots of it.

“My time at Austin also taught me not to take things at face value and that hard work pays off. Staying dedicated to your work and consistent in your commitment to getting it done and done well are important. “Kindness has become top of mind for me,” Ashley admits.“When traveling, I am more inclined to observe people being good to others. In the most unlikely situations – crowded airplanes, a long taxi line, etc. – I’ve observed many small acts of kindness between strangers. These moments do serve as reminders that people are inherently good.” Hearts, Minds, and Hands. The careers of these three alumnae are vivid proof of what practical and spiritual purposes an Austin education can be put to.

Spring 2018


Iron Ladies.

Victoria Cataldo ’18 (on the cover and above left) and Grace Choma’18 (above right).

For Victoria and Grace, AP means Artistic Perseverance. Victoria Cataldo ’18 remembers it clearly. “We were in an eight-hour practice on the top floor of a castle in France. It was December, I was jet-lagged, I had the flu, and the windows were wide open. The artistic director was screaming at us. My mother couldn’t take it, she had to leave. But this was exactly where I wanted to be.” Splitting her time between studying at Austin Prep and dancing with the Training School of the New England Ballet Conservatory, Victoria maintains a schedule that is almost unbelievable in its intensity. “We train five hours a day,” she says. “Starting with a two-hour technique class. We are instructed in French. This is followed by one hour of Pilates or some other kind of strengthening drills. Then there’s a one-and-a-half-hour rehearsal.”


“Huge credit to Victoria that she can do this,” says Jessica Foster, one of Victoria’s English teachers. “She has to operate independently. I post the assignments online, but she has to do extra reading on her own to get the material that we cover in class.” Does Victoria feel she’s missing the high school experience? Not really, even though she rarely gets to go on school trips. “I’m a lifer,” she says, “Austin is my second home. When I come into a classroom after being gone for up to a week, everyone’s glad to see me, although sometimes people say they thought I’d transferred.” How did Dr. Hickey react when he heard of the plan? “To be honest, I never thought he’d go for it,” says Victoria’s mother Kristin P’17, P’18, “but he was completely unfazed. ‘There are some details to iron out,’ he said. ‘But we’ll make it work.’ ”

Spring 2018

Victoria’s performances have taken her across the globe. Her mother, Kristin P’17, P’18, usually accompanies her on the trips.

And Victoria is passionate, enough to overcome the loneliness and vigors of endless training. When asked for an insight into the hidden world of ballet, Victoria replies, “It’s hard and it’s ugly. That’s something few outsiders understand.

“There’s more appreciation for the arts in Europe,” she says. “When the kids came up on stage after our performance, they were awestruck. To them, we were like Tom Bradys, the people they aspired to be.”

“As demanding as it is physically, the mental challenge is harder. In ballet, you don’t have the usual forms of team support. You’re getting yelled at and corrected constantly. No compliments. You do it because you love it. That’s the only way.”

As for Victoria’s own aspirations, she hopes to dance for the Paris Opera Ballet or the Kirov. Dream role? Odette from Swan Lake.

Of course, Victoria has also had transcendent experiences as a ballerina. The best came on her trip to France. Her last performance before returning home was for local schoolchildren and their families.

Spring 2018


Grace’s final project at Oxbow was creating a life-size illustrated book of her poetry.

Something Natural Before she left for the Oxbow School in Napa, California last fall, Grace Choma ’18 was leading what she called a “normal New England life.” She played varsity soccer and took pictures at Austin games, but, somewhere along the line, she began to see photography differently. She moved to portraits and then, drawn to storytelling, documentary work. Her influences include Alexey Titarenko, a Russian photographer famous for his City of Shadows series of urban landscapes. But also, Chema Madoz, a totally different kind of photographer, a minimalist specializing in witty juxtapositions and optical illusions. One way or another, Grace believes, “the role of the artist is to show what society is uncomfortable talking about.”


Ultimately, it was writing, not photography, that would motivate her to look for a semester school at which she could explore poetry intensively. Oxbow, whose motto is A School Like No Other, fit the bill. It combines immersive art education with enough academic work to keep students on track for college. “It was bold of Grace to go,” her mother, Laura P’18, P’20, recalls. Beside spending three months away from home and missing a soccer season, she found herself in an alien setting. “Carefree California,” Grace says. “They’re not as intense about things like careers.” But it wasn’t just the prevailing attitude that was unusual. “I asked her where she stood as an artist among the other students,” her mother says. “She told me that she was among the bottom two or three. That must have been so difficult. She’s used to being at the top.”

Spring 2018

Her mother, Laura P’18, P’20, flew out to California for the final presentation.

“I thought I’d leave,” Grace says, “but, by the end of the semester, it was just wonderful, so great to be there.” She had written a book of poems at Oxbow titled Something Natural. For her final project, she painted the poems on large canvases, each dedicated to a family member.

Foster says that other kids aren’t rushing forward with their own ideas for outside study. They still tend to see Victoria and Grace as outliers. “But there will be more,” she says. “There will be more.”

Looking back, Grace says the experience had unexpected benefits. “I have a better head on my shoulders. Things don’t bother me as much.” English teacher Jessica Foster has noticed the change too. “Grace has a stronger personal voice now. Unfettered. Confident. Willing to explore. She puts more effort than required into certain projects because she sees something in them that will help her grow as a human being.”

Spring 2018


Food, Glorious, Food.


“More than half an education comes not in the classroom, but in the dining room.” – Woodrow Wilson

Austin Prep and Sage Dining hosted “Dinner at Lunchtime” sessions this winter so parents could taste sample menus, with chefs in attendance preparing the meals.

While still a young professor at Wesleyan, Woodrow Wilson, who went on to become President of Princeton and, still later, the United States, is said to have this insight about the importance of college meals. “More than half an education comes not in the classroom, but in the dining room.” While it is well known that strong bodies lead to strong minds, it is the lively conversation and debate in the company of friends and classmates while at table that often leads to real learning. Augustinian friars took part in this tradition with readings over meals contributing to their education of mind and spirit. Community, or unitas, is central to the Augustinian tradition. And the dinner table has been the center of community, if not civilization itself, for thousands of years. At Austin Prep, that table will be in its new dining room.

With the recent announcement of a new dining hall, the school is pleased to add to this rich stew. Starting in the 2018-2019 academic year, Austin Prep’s kitchen and dining hall – a focal point of the community – will be completely renovated. As part of the $4 million transformation of the dining hall, Austin Prep is also changing the dining experience. A new lunch program will model the finest dining offered in independent schools and the approach is different. The focus of the dining program will be on nutrition education, a wellness oriented approach to eating, and environmental sustainability. As Dr. Hickey wrote to families earlier this year, “We know 21st century eaters can be finicky. We also know that many students have allergies. The new dining program will address all of these challenges and offer healthy and allergy-safe choices. The new dining service program will promote a philosophy of educating students about variety, balance, and moderation.”

Spring 2018


Stir Fry

“The new dining service program will promote a philosophy of educating students about variety, balance, and moderation.”

Much like students experience in a college dining atmosphere, the Austin Prep lunch program will be “all you care to eat.” Under the direction of an executive chef, the menu will change every day and there will be many options that include greens, proteins, deli, soups, fresh fruit, and dessert. Designed to efficiently accommodate 850 people who will be eating lunch every day next year, the new dining hall and food service program will eliminate long lunch lines and make better use of time. The program also includes an after school snack program.Vending machines will no longer be the source of nutrition. Light snacks will be available for students who are on campus after school for study, extracurricular activities, athletics, or those just simply waiting for a ride. Additionally, coaches and moderators will be able to preorder snacks for students traveling to away athletic competitions or extracurricular activities.

To accomplish that goal, the school has partnered with a new food service vendor, Sage Dining Services. Sage counts among its clientele some of the best Catholic schools, independent day schools, and boarding schools in the nation, including Choate Rosemary Hall (CT), La Jolla Country Day (CA), Ransom Everglades (FL), The Episcopal School of Dallas (TX), Loyola Blakefield (MD), and Gonzaga College High School (Washington, DC). Like all spaces at Austin Prep the new dining hall will be yet another place where learning takes place every day. Bon appetit!!

Salad Bar


Spring 2018

Homemade Potato Chips

From Scratch Fajitas

Freshly Made Sandwiches Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad

Refreshing Drinks 13 19

C O U N S E L I N G f o r TO

A new space for the Office of College Advisement and Counseling was created two years ago.

In its’ efforts to best prepare students for the road ahead, Austin Prep provides counseling in two important areas. One, perhaps necessary program for a “Prep” school, is in college counseling. Here students starting as early as middle school begin a process designed to match the right student with the right school, with a minimum of the drama and angst so often reported these days in the admission race. The second area may be more unexpected but is equally important. Austin Prep employs two professional counselors in the area of Health and Wellness. While College Counseling addresses students’ future needs, Health and Wellness focuses on the immediate needs of students today. Under the leadership of Austin Prep’s Director of College Counseling Brian J. Ford and the counseling team, students go through a thoughtful examination of goal setting, and of what schools and opportunities will best help them reach their goals.


A former assistant director of college admissions at Boston University, Ford enjoys being on the other side of the table, helping students discover all the possibilities available to them. “Fortunately, 100% of our graduates go on to college,” Ford says. “Despite all the opportunities that exist in Greater Boston today, our students enroll all over the world.” A look at current alumni still in college shows that 21% attend school out of New England, with an estimate of 30% for the Class of 2018. Austin Prep grads are enrolled at colleges and universities in 28 different states, with six outside the United States, including the London School of Economics, McGill in Montreal, Trinity College in Dublin, and others. Ford and the counseling staff of three aim at an application process more about discovery than stress. “We want to empower the students and their families to be thoughtful consumers. There are colleges out there right for everyone.” The Class of 2018 has had good success so far this year, with students accepted to Notre Dame, U.C. Berkeley and the Universities of Alabama and Georgia as well as traditional New England favorites Harvard, Bowdoin, Colby, Boston College, Holy Cross and Boston U.

Spring 2018


Health and Wellness has a beautiful and relaxing new space.

“We start in the eighth and ninth grades offering preparation for the testing process,” Ford explains. “In sophomore year we begin surveying students in career interests. Junior year brings matching the interests and curriculums at different schools in a series of face-to-face meetings. “By the time the summer before their senior year arrives, students and their families are already focusing on school options and preparing essays and setting up faculty recommendation letters.”

“With social media and mobile phones today everything happens much faster,” Rupley says. “Our job is to help students recognize signs of stress in themselves and among their friends before anxiety turns into a problem impacting their happiness and health.” While focused more on individual student needs, Rupley also frequently visits classrooms and works with the faculty to discuss her program of talks about anxiety, and counseling options.

The goal is to go into the final year at Austin with a realistic plan and not to be scrambling and distracted. “So far it seems to be working out,” reports Ford.

“Our goal is to make students and faculty self aware, mindful and comfortable talking about their feelings, and looking out for one another.”

Reducing stress and anxiety is the day-to-day focus of Hope Rupley and Jessica Lenci who provide Health and Wellness Counseling to the Upper and Middle Schools, respectively.

Rupley and Lenci are also available to talk to parents as well, to help insure the entire Austin experience is as positive as possible.

Rupley joined Austin this fall after spending nine years at Milton Academy as a dean with similar responsibilities, and prior to that at the Fay School. Today it is more common than not for competitive schools to provide support that reduces the stress and anxiety of modern teenage life.

Counseling for today and tomorrow. It’s the best way to prepare students to embark on their educational journeys with confidence.

Spring 2018



off for


Chris Frommelt P’07, P’11 (far right) golfs every year in the Austin Open Golf Tournam

On May 21st, foursomes made up of 128 alumni, parents and friends of Austin Prep will enjoy a shotgun start for what has become an annual ritual combining good times and good works. The 31st Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament will once again raise funds for important causes not covered in the operating budget. More than a million dollars has been raised over the years, supporting everything from needed facility improvements to new construction to scholarship programs and more. Last year’s event raised more than $65,000 to help renovate the David Nelson ’81 Fitness Center. This year hopes to generate even more to augment the Austin Scholars Program - Inner-City Scholarship Fund founded in 2011 through the generosity of a parent-to-parent matching gift challenge, and supported over the years by individual benefactors, foundations, our administration, and Board of Trustees.


Spring 2018

ment. He is shown with his foursome of Bob Pendergast, Alex Frommelt, and John Prendergast.

Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover will provide both a superb playing course, to be followed by a wonderful post-match dinner and fundraising auctions. Pimentel Construction Company is the lead sponsor of this year’s Open. Many other area businesses will join them. North Reading’s Frommelt Equipment Company President Chris Frommelt is one. Proud parent of daughter Sarah ’07, and son Sam ’11, Chris believes in the mission of Austin Prep. “My wife and I are big believers in Catholic education. We wanted the ideals that we impress at home reinforced in school every day. Austin Prep does a great job at that,” Chris says. A volunteer since his children were students, Chris has continued supporting the Open with sponsorships and auction donations. This year he is contributing tickets to a Patriots game and he’ll invite customers to play.

Andy Tucker P’19 poses with volunteer and state golf champion Nick Hampoian ’18.

Andy Tucker of North Reading and parent of Christopher ’19 has made volunteering part of the tradition since 2008. “Supplementing the annual operating budget with the Open is important and makes a big difference in maintaining Austin as a top Catholic independent day school. “It makes the difference in the extra things over the years that keep Austin competitive, like the field house and football stadium, and improvements to the science lab and robotics program,” said Tucker, who owns a contract manufacturing business in Methuen. This truly will be a day that inspires hearts to unite, minds to inquire and golf handicaps to serve! Many thanks to all those who take part. Fore!

Spring 2018


Green and White Celebrates Blue

Austin Prep honored first responders from Reading, as well as parent first responders, during the annual Blue Mass in December. Fr. Patrick Armano, School Chaplain, blessed the vehicles Mass and Bagpipers from Westford District Firefighters Pipes & Drum were also part of the event.

Tragically there is much talk these days about the role of first responders protecting communities, and specifically schools. Fortunately, Austin Prep is a safe campus, but we give thanks for the people, some of who are Austin Prep parents, who watch over us all. At our Annual Blue Mass, we honor firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical technicians. As Dr. Hickey remarked, “We honor the dedication, heroism and sacrifice of the men and women here today and those who are not here today. It takes a special kind of person to do their work.” Among those in attendance were several Austin Prep parent first responders, as well as numerous police officers and firefighters from Reading. Massport Assistant Fire Chief Michael Beeley of Methuen attended for the second time. Father of Zachary ’17 and Molly ’21, he spoke for all the first responders when he said, “the recognition and admiration was an honor. “ He captured the spirit of the day when he was chosen to read Ephesians 1:3-6. 11-12:

who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him. In love he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will, for the praise of the glory of his grace that he granted us in the beloved. In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ. School Chaplain Fr. Patrick Armano celebrated the Mass and thanked those who are truly men and women for others and their lives of service. He later blessed cars and trucks and other service vehicles, which Beeley said was a highlight. “You can’t do what we do without some kind of faith,” Beeley said. “This was a great way to get involved and a great feeling to see the respect of the students.”

Brothers and sisters: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 18

Spring 2018

The St. Augustine L E C T U R E

S E R I E S included Major General Charles W. Whittington, Jr. of the United States Army, Dr. Steven DiSalvo, President of Saint Anselm College, and the Honorable Brian Montgomery, Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Housing and Urban Development Administrator. These annual speakers share perspectives and experiences students won’t find in any classroom.

Grace Cotter picture

The first female President of Boston College High School, Regan is the epitome of the Arrupe ideal. A graduate of Boston College and holder of several advanced degrees, Regan told students that she sees her current position as the fulfillment of her professional vocation, literally what she was called to do.

Grace Cotter Regan is pictured with Student Body President Mitch Kennedy ’18 and Dr. James Hickey, Headmaster.

A Woman For Others Named in 1965 as the 28th Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Pedro Arrupe SJ was the first Basque to lead the order since St. Ignatius founded the Jesuits in 1540. A missionary in Japan, imprisoned during World War II but freed to minister to victims after the Hiroshima devastation, Arrupe led the Jesuits until 1968. He is perhaps best remembered for his definition of the role of education: Today our prime educational objective must be to form men-andwomen-for-others; men and women who will live not for themselves but for God and his Christ — for the God-human who lived and died for all the world; men and women who cannot even conceive of love of God which does not include love for the least of their neighbors.* In that spirit, Austin Prep was fortunate to host Grace Cotter Regan as this year’s speaker in the Annual St. Augustine Lecture series. Established by Dr. Hickey in 2015 to advance the intellectual life of Austin Prep, previous speakers at the St. Augustine Lecture

In furtherance of Austin Prep’s efforts to celebrate the important role of women in education, Mrs. Regan delivered the 2018 St. Augustine Lecture. She was appointed the 28th President of Boston College High School in the fall, breaking the glass ceiling as the school’s first female president since its founding in 1863. The Magazine of Boston College High School said it this way: “When Boston College High School began the search for a new president almost two years ago, the school’s search committee set out to find a leader with a proven track record of success in Jesuit institutions. Someone who could steward institutional traditions and work collaboratively with stakeholders to affect necessary change. Someone who could direct fundraising and tell an authentic story. Someone who could lead BC High into the future while honoring its past. Only one person checked all the boxes: Grace Cotter Regan P’12.” On April 10th Mrs. Regan urged Austin students to discover their own vocations in life, to take risks, to try new things, and not to fear making mistakes. She suggested a mindful process and intentional map to follow on their journeys. Regan shared examples of five mystics she looks to for guidance: St. Benedict, St. Theresa of Avilla, Mother Theresa, Ignatius, and St. Augustine. All helped her find her path. *(Pedro Arrupe: Essential Writings, Kevin Burke, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books 2004, p. 173)

Spring 2018


Class Notes

Send us an update on your life, your work, your Journey.

Al Letizio Jr. ’77 reports he is now

the President & CEO of A.J. Letizio Sales & Marketing Inc. in Windham, NH. He resides in Windham with his wife, Patti, and they have three adult children - Adam, Samantha, and Nick.

Richard Messina ’86 reports that after graduating from Austin Prep, “I graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1991, then served a 22-plus-year career as a pilot in the U.S. Air Force with assignments throughout the world. After being stationed in Japan, followed by Norway, my last assignment was at Offutt AFB, NE. Having retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2014, instead of becoming an airline pilot, I chose to remain in Omaha and open a Play It Again Sports store. This new venture as an entrepreneur and business owner has been extremely demanding but very rewarding. The store has enjoyed unprecedented growth and we’re currently expanding to include an indoor training facility.” He lives in Omaha with his wife, Cyndi, and they have three children - Joseph, Timothy, and Lily. Elizabeth Leahy ’02 was appointed by

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination Advisory Board. She is an attorney at the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans.

in Cambridge. Thank you to fellow alumnus and wedding guest Joey Carregal ’05 for the photo.

Danielle (Orlandella) ’05 and Daniel Sherr ’05 welcomed Penelope Ann Sherr,

7 pounds, 3 ounces, at 3:43 am on November 28, 2017.

Phillip Dowd ’05 married his wife, Carolyn, on December 9, 2017. In attendance were his mother, Susan, father Jay Dowd ’69, a current Austin Prep English teacher, and his sister, Libby (Dowd) Basile ’01. Many alumni from the Class of 2005 also attended. Pictured, from left, are Doug Bouvier, Joey


at the Harvard-Yale football game last fall. Matt currently attends Harvard, Isabella is a Yale alumna, and Luke is a Brown University graduate.

Carregal, Phil Dowd, Sammy Hilario, Bianca Camasso, and Brian Coffey.

Stay in touch.

Ashley Herendeen ’05 married Ben

Phillips on October 28, 2017. The couple met at Boston College and were married at St. Ignatius of Loyola Church on the BC campus. The reception was at Catalyst Restaurant

Matthew ’15, Isabella ’10, and Luke ’14 Bouchard had a sibling reunion

Courtney Welch ’05 and Rob Coppola ’05 became reacquainted at their 10-Year

Class Reunion a few years ago and are now engaged! Spring 2018

Email Jennifer Hodgdon Director of Alumni Relations and Giving, at

AUSTIN PREPARATORY SCHOOL 101 Willow Street Reading, MA 01867-1599

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Share your JOURNEY Your Austin Prep Journey didn’t end at Commencement. In fact, it was really just the beginning. During your time here, you met many people – friends, teachers, coaches, mentors - who would love to know what you are up to now. Whether it’s an academic or sports honor, career milestone, marriage, birth of a child, or any of life’s other big announcements, share the news with your Austin Prep classmates. Send a Class Note now or update your information so you may continue to receive updates.

Socially CONNECTED We have many options to help you network, maintain friendships and connect with the school where your Journey started.You’ll find news on current students, faculty and alumni, announcements about the school, and much more. LinkedIn The connections you made at Austin Prep will serve you well as you navigate your way in the professional world. Our alumni group is more than 650 strong. The group is titled Austin Prep Alumni. Facebook Twitter Instagram

Alumni EVENTS April 28, 2018: Five individuals and one team were inducted into the 2018 Athletic Hall of Fame at Café Escadrille in Burlington, MA. Congratulations to the following: Charles “Chuck” Gaudet ’76 1988-1989 Men’s Ice Hockey Team Erica (Barry) Geyer ’02 Paul Bimmler ’09 Paige Christie ’11 Tom Enright, retired faculty Look for a story and photos in the Fall 2018 issue of Journey.

May 14, 2018: Retirement Party for Mr. Jay Dowd ’69 at the Lanam Club in Andover, MA.

May 19, 2018: Class of 1968 50th Class Reunion at the Lanam Club in Andover, MA.

May 21, 2018: The 31st Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament at Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover, MA. Learn more:

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