Ap journey spring 2016 pdf

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JOURNEY Spr i ng 20 1 6

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Different Driver, Different Course Field of Dreams

Life is An Endurance Event

True Grit Parents: The Heart of AP

Paige Christie ’11 crossing the English Channel

The Annual Report of Giving 2014-2015



“At Austin Prep, we are on a journey that is life-changing and important.” The Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Campaign has achieved its first stage fundraising goal of $1 million thanks to the generosity of many members of the Austin Prep community. This is a great beginning to our long-term campaign to fund capital renovation, to grow the endowment to expand tuition assistance, and to keep our technology in the vanguard.

This new stadium is a spectacular new “front porch” to the extensive remodeling that we are undertaking in the rest of the school, and may have inspired Austin Prep athletes to achieve a truly impressive year in league and statewide competition – winning championships, titles and awards across the full range of team sports.

With the help of our donors, this has been a year of great progress at Austin Prep.

Austin Prep parents are key participants in the Austin Journey, and this year we expanded their opportunities for involvement. The new Parents Association of Austin Prep responded by organizing a sold-out fundraising and community-building Signature Event.

Our new division heads have already upgraded the learning experience at both the middle and upper schools, and we have recruited a new Dean of Students to complete the realignment of Austin Prep’s leadership team to reflect the best practices in independent education. We continue to expand faculty professional development opportunities to uphold the tradition of teaching excellence that is the hallmark of an Austin Prep academic experience. Our expanded arts curriculum now offers video production classes for both middle and upper school students. We also implemented a new Learning Management System (LMS) to connect students, faculty, and parents in and out of the classroom. We inaugurated the Saint Augustine Lecture Series to expose our students to the life experience of accomplished individuals. Strong student-faculty bonds have always been a hallmark of the Austin Prep Journey. Through the new Student Advisory program, students develop meaningful relationships with trusted mentors who guide them during their Austin Prep years. This year we also established a Center for Teaching and Learning to support teachers to best challenge, affirm and motivate each Austin Prep student. The center assesses and supports all types of learners – from students who progress at a quickened pace to those whose learning style is not mainstream. Strengthening the academics at Austin Prep requires significant resources, and we count on your expanded financial support to enrich each student’s journey.

This fall, Austin Prep was formally admitted to the Augustinian Secondary Education Association (ASEA) – a global organization of secondary schools committed to advancing the charism of St. Augustine and the Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas. We are already participating in a number of events as part of this spiritual community. Fr. Patrick Armano was also appointed to our faculty as Chaplain to shepherd our spiritual growth. Part of the charism of St. Augustine, caritas, means serving those in need. As part of their Austin Journey, more than 25 students volunteered a day of their summer vacation to assist in the Order of Malta’s prison ministry; over February break, another group of students completed a service trip to the Augustinian missions in Peru. More locally, the entire student body participated in our first school-wide day of service on November 13th – St. Augustine’s birthday – in stewardship of the environment. At Austin Prep, we are on a journey that is life-changing and important. With the expanded support of our donors and the continued intercession of St. Augustine, we will continue to meet the challenge of preparing our students for a “life of service in the spirit of Jesus Christ.” Sincerely, James Hickey, Ph.D., P’22, P‘23 Headmaster

We completed the renovation of our stadium and outdoor athletic facility in time for our homecoming game in November. 3 Spring 2016


When Paige Christie, ’11 stepped ashore at Wissant, France on August 24, 2014, she had completed 25 of the most daunting miles of her Augustinian journey to date, becoming the first Austin alumna (and sixth Smithie) to swim the English Channel. Her time: 12 hours, 55 minutes. Her attitude: “Never had a point where I doubted myself.” Between June 23rd and July 3rd of this year, Paige will be wading into another challenge: the 8 Bridges Hudson River Swim. At 120 miles, 8 Bridges is the world’s longest marathon swim, down the Hudson from the Catskills to New York Harbor. For an endurance swimmer, this seven-day seven-stage event is the ultimate test. If Paige finishes — and she will — she will be the youngest competitor ever to do so. According to Paige, her journey began years ago with stories her brother Cameron told her about the people, teams, and clubs he was involved with at Austin Prep. When Paige enrolled, she filled long days with the school newspaper, student government, community service, swimming, and enough studying to get her an early acceptance to Smith College, where she majored in philosophy and exercise science.

“Austin Prep gave me confidence,” Paige said recently. “And you don’t get far without that. Austin has a positive culture few schools can match. The competition there is healthy and never cutthroat.” Another source of confidence for Paige were the opportunities she found at Austin to acquire new skills. “You have to move outside your comfort zone,” she said. “Early on, I recognized student government as a chance to develop skills in leadership and public speaking. After what I learned at Austin, I can express myself in any setting.”

“Augustinian thinking is embedded in every class at Austin; both sides of a question are always considered. It centers you. You develop a strong sense of who you are.” Paige’s advice to new students is this: “Don’t stick with what you’re good at. The community is supportive. It’s perfectly OK and usually a lot of fun to try something new, even if it seems dangerous. I took Miss Bishop’s class in forensics, knowing nothing about the subject beyond what I’d seen on TV. We did crime labs and studied things like the different ways blood sprays and spatters. It was not your typical class, but I loved it.”

4 Spring 2016


Her view of Augustinian ethics is equally progressive: “It’s my personal compass. My Augustinian training enables me to hear a new point of view in an open-minded way, analyze it, and decide how it accords with what I know and believe. Augustinian thinking is embedded in every class at Austin; both sides of a question are always considered. It centers you. You develop a strong sense of who you are.” Law school is next. Paige is interested in public health law, but she hasn’t ruled out a career in government; it’s just too early to say. One thing that won’t be changing is her connection to Austin Prep. “I’m still in touch with several of my teachers, sharing victories and the occasional defeat,” she said. Paige hopes to see more alums take advantage of opportunities now and in the future to return to campus and support AP with their time, talent and treasure. Austin Prep, she believes, should be a lifelong relationship.

5 Spring 2016

DIFFERENT Driver, DIFFERENT Course. “I never fit the mold.” That’s what Frank Capone, Jr. ’85 said when we asked him to be interviewed for Journey. Granted, he drag-races modified motorcycles on the pro circuit. That isn’t exactly typical. But talk to him for more than sixty seconds and you realize that Frank is Austin all the way. He’s a self-directed, self-motivated, self-made man who never forgets the people around him. He has followed his own path from the beginning. “When my classmates were heading off to four-year colleges, I entered a twoyear program and came away with certifications in horticulture and landscaping.” Frank then joined the family landscaping business, but they didn’t make it easy for him. “I had to work my way up the ladder — literally. I was a climber for years.” His grandfather founded the business in 1946. Then his father took over. In 2001, it was Frank’s turn. His most treasured client? Austin Prep, of course. It was Capone Landscape, Inc. that meticulously installed more than 10,000 square feet of blue grass around the approaches to the new stadium. How does someone like Frank relax? At about 215 mph, strapped into a highly modified Harley Davidson that’s burning nitro-methane fuel. Motorcycle drag racing is mainly a Southern sport, but that never stopped Frank. Backed by his close-knit crew at Capone Racing Enterprises, he competes from April to October on


never fit the mold.”

tracks as far afield as Orlando, Edmonton, San Antonio and Rockingham, North Carolina. His involvement in racing started almost casually 15 years ago, with a couple of friends. “That’s when I found out just how competitive I am,” he said. After a successful amateur career, he turned pro — and was voted All Harley Drag Racing Association Pro Rookie of the Year for 2010. Frank has broken a fair number of speed records in his time, and plans to break a few more this year when he launches a two-bike team.

6 Spring 2016

For a serial entrepreneur and champion driver, Frank Capone, Jr. is remarkably humble. Whether talking about his company, his racing team, or his years at Austin Prep, he is quick to name the people who have helped, inspired, and supported him. Looking back at AP, he remembers “Mr. Mackiewicz, Mr. Gramling, Mr. Hoffses and the late Mr. McCarthy.” According to Frank, “there was no hiding; they insisted you take responsibility, you learned, period. I’m fortunate I had that kind of rigor in my life. I might have fallen by the wayside anywhere else.” Frank’s niece, Emily Oneschuk, graduated in 2013, and he remains close to the school. He believes Austin Prep now offers students a richer, more varied experience than was available in his day. “Academics have always been a strength at Austin Prep, but the new focus on the arts is an important addition. I see Dr. Hickey breathing new life into the school in many ways. I support the changes he’s making.”

When asked the inevitable bucket list question, Frank can only shrug. He’s already having the kinds of adventures most people dream about. But characteristic of the man he is, Frank wants to help others by sharing what he has learned. “Someday I’d like to teach a class at Austin Prep. It would deal with finding your own path and succeeding at what you set out to do.” That’s a course everyone should take in high school. And who better to teach it than Frank Capone?

7 Spring 2016


Varsity Football takes to the new turf field for the first official game.

Thanksgiving Eve 2015 was literally a game-changer at Austin Prep. On that night, the Cougar varsity football team took to the new Fr. Seymour turf field under the lights. Fifty years in the making, the $3.7 million dollar stadium welcomed more than 1,500 fans in the largest crowd in school history to watch a convincing opening night victory over Lynn Tech. As senior quarterback Dan Monagle recalls, “Austin Prep deserves a field as special as this one, and it was a special opportunity to be the first team to play and win on that field. It was a night we’ll never forget.” His coach agrees. The winningest coach in Massachusetts Catholic High School history, and three-time Super Bowl champion, Bill Maradei remembers it was a thrill just looking at his players’ faces. “From dust bowl to mud bowl to this.”

“We’re not a big school, but we play big,” Maradei said. “This stadium will help us recruit more student-athletes for all our boys and girls teams. It shows we take sports seriously.” Girl’s varsity lacrosse coach Liz Richards supports that view: “The whole atmosphere is different. The new stadium at AP is going to have such an amazing vibe to it. I believe that it will attract more prospective student-athletes to our school for sure.” Junior girls lacrosse player Lauren Joyce added, “Last year we had to overcome the adversity of different practice locations. We travelled to neighboring middle schools and basically any turf that would have us. Moving from grass to turf to gym floor wasn’t ideal but the team adapted. We were 19-1 and made it all the way to the Division 2 North State Final. With the new stadium this year, we are excited to be able to have home games on campus in front of big crowds.” The new stadium also boasts state-of-the-art track and field facilities. Sophomore middle- and long-distance runner Stephanie Casaletto is enthusiastic:

8 Spring 2016

Fr. Patrick Armano, Chaplain, blesses Fr. Seymour Field before the game begins.

Boston Herald sports columnist Steve Buckley serves as the guest game commentator.

“We’re not a big school, but we play big,” Maradei said. “This stadium will help us recruit more student-athletes for all our boys and girls teams. It shows we take sports seriously.”

The Varsity Cheerleaders are super psyched for the first game under the lights!

“The old track was made out of pavement and had many cracks with weeds growing out of them. Not only was it hard to practice, it was not even a full regulation length track. For the past few years, our team has never been able to host a home meet.” She continues: “I am so excited to be able to finish my running career at AP in such a great facility, to finally be able to host home meets and run in front of my fellow students. “ Competing in the always tough Catholic Central League, from middle school to varsity, Austin Prep athletes and their coaches work extremely hard to fulfill their potential as individuals and as teams. The new stadium is an arena that is as impressive as their efforts. It is a visible symbol in which all Cougar fans and families can take pride.

9 Spring 2016

True Grit As a school in the Augustinian tradition, it will not seem unusual that words like “Truth,” “Unity,” and “Love” are part of the Austin Prep vocabulary, and are encouraged every day in our students’ behavior. But everywhere today you read of a disturbing new emotional development in high school and college students.

All our teachers, coaches, and staff encourage developing habits of grit. Grit means coming to school on a day when not all your homework is done and pushing yourself through, doing the best you can and not making excuses.

Experts claim students today are overly sensitive.They don’t handle stress well. They suffer from anxiety that prevents them from completing their work and reaching goals.They are unusually sensitive to micro-aggressions or even well-intentioned constructive criticism. For many students, pressure seems to come from a variety of sources, ranging from troubling global current events to typical age-cohort social issues. It might stem from fear of failure, or competition, or getting into “the right” college, or the “perfect job.” It may come from genuine home or health issues. But the bottom line is that both educational and child development leaders have noticed that today’s generation is not very “resilient.” These students are not flexible, or fluid, or able to “go with the flow.” Fortunately at Austin Prep, we also encourage the development of another four-letter word in our students ready made to battle this condition and to strengthen individual resilience.

“I would not have developed the strong work ethic and love for learning that I currently possess if it was not for the amazing teachers who shaped and encouraged me.” Jenna Laidley ’15

Grit. 10 Spring 2016

Jenna Laidley, Colby College The positive attributes I brought to college were shaped throughout my years at Austin Prep. I have always had a tenacious personality, but this was supported by the Austin Prep community. Austin taught me to always strive for more inside and outside of the classroom. I would not have developed the strong work ethic and love for learning that I currently possess if it was not for the amazing teachers who shaped and encouraged me. My AP Biology teacher, Dr. Vanegas saw potential Maureen DiPerna, Foreign Language Faculty, administers a test.

before I even realized that science was my passion. He believed in my ability to reach whatever aspirations I possess and I now have courage to reach.

Grit means excellence – as defined by the ongoing quest for improvement. We encourage our students to strive for excellence – not perfection – and to be satisfied with knowing that they gave it their best. Grit means sticking to it. It’s about not becoming discouraged when you don’t get enough playing time but you stick it out for the team, and you continue to practice hard both to help your teammates and yourself. Grit means tenacity. You have to practice. You have to work at things. It’s about pushing yourself right through senior year, and not wanting to drop out of a tough course once you have been accepted by a college. It’s about learning how to manage fear of failure. Grit is firmness of character and an indomitable spirit. Grit is perseverance and a passion for striving to achieve longterm goals.

Another influential teacher is Ms. Barletta. I was able to spend my last two years learning from Ms. Barletta in Spanish class. I was inspired by her passion for educating and guiding students. Even in times where I would struggle, her motivation gave me the determination and drive to improve. These are only a mere glimpse of the exceptional teachers who have shaped me. At Colby College I feel confident in my abilities in the classroom and as a community member. As a Presidential Scholar at Colby I am able to conduct research with a professor as a freshman. As a result of the challenging courses I took in high school, I was able to adjust to the even more demanding workload of a college student. Because of the study habits and important teacher-stu-

Put simply, grit is strength of character and Austin Prep wants each of our students to be gritty and to follow through on commitments with joy and enthusiasm.

dent relationships I learned in high school I was never

And our approach seems to be working. Here is a recent graduate now in college ...

4.0 and Dean’s List my first semester at Colby.

intimidated to go to my professor’s office hours to gain a better grasp of the subjects, leading to my earning a


Parents: The Heart of Austin Prep Over the years, the parents of Austin Prep have ensured the success of the school with their unwavering support. This tradition continues today, spearheaded by the Austin Prep Parents Association.

“The friendships made with other parents have been so important,” she said. “We are able to share stories (and sometimes commiserate about living with teenagers) and really share the Austin experience.”

The Parents Association helps promote the ideals and values of Austin Prep, and the group’s members are results-oriented and pay close attention to detail.

Susan is also excited about helping others along their journeys.

Parent volunteers serve the school by calling upon the skills they have, and discovering along the way useful skills they never knew they possessed: such as how to make hot chocolate for more than 1,000 people ­— which they did at two different events this year. Like their children, parents are also on a journey at Austin Prep. Here are some of their stories.

Susan Ardizzoni P’19 President Susan and her family began their Austin Journeys just as the school began another chapter in its journey with a new Headmaster. Susan’s strong belief in the school’s mission and evolving vision prompted her to seek a leadership role in the newly formed Parents Association. “There is always a need to rely upon parents, friends and alumni to help spread the word about the wonderful experience available at Austin,” Susan said. “Having been a part of other parent associations, I know they can add to the mission and sensed that would be the case here.”


“I’ve been so pleased to be a part of Dr. Hickey’s vision for Austin Prep,” she said. “His vision for the student experience inclusive of what happens both in and outside the classroom and how that experience is being created has been exciting to witness.”

Jim Burns P’18, P’20 Vice President When it comes to participation at Austin Prep, Jim took the advice he gave his two children. “Get involved in some way in the school,” he told them, which is also his advice to all parents. “Whether that is serving on a committee or volunteering for an event, it will make you feel part of the school.You’ll experience some of the things your children see and do on a daily basis.” “I truly like working with and admire the people on this team,” Jim said. “When I first met the other members, I realized it was an engaging and smart group, so I knew it would be a terrific experience.” Involvement has also allowed him to watch his children’s journeys unfold. “These are key ages for our kids. They spend a lot of time at school, surrounded by their peer groups and the faculty. Social, academic and life skills are developed over time with exposure to influences and influencers. I like the influencers at Austin.”

Spring 2016

Michelle Walsh P’19 P’21 Chair, Signature Event A corporate event planner, Michelle donated her immense talent and countless hours to the Parents Association, organizing a committee to host the school’s first-ever Signature Event in the fall. The gala – open only to parents – was sold out three weeks before the event and raised $20,000 for the school. What is most impressive is that those in attendance are still talking about how much fun they had. “It was important that we host this event to give parents the opportunity to get together outside of school, without kids, and socialize,” she said. “It really was a great way to build community. There were so many returning parents and new parents mixing together. It created a very social and fun evening.” Michelle joined the Parents Association because she wanted to meet other parents – which gets difficult the older children get, especially at a regional school. “My favorite part of volunteering for this group is definitely the people I’ve met and the connections I’ve made,” she said. I’ve met so many interesting individuals that I never would have interacted with because their children were in other grades or other sports. It’s really fantastic.”

“I have volunteered at other places and had great experiences when I was busy, and other experiences when I was bored with nothing to do. I wanted Austin Prep parent volunteers to have a good experience so that they will volunteer in the future,” she said. The busier the task, the more fun it is for the volunteers. Other schools limit parent participation, but Austin Prep always welcomes its parents to campus. “I have been able to meet a lot of good people who are hard-working and have huge hearts,” Michele said. “(Volunteering) is a good way to catch up with my Austin Prep ‘mom friends’ since we sign up to work the Concessions Stand together.”

Kerry Allard P’21 Chair, Concessions The night of November 25, 2015 was an important night in Austin Prep’s history – it was the night the new Stadium Athletic Complex opened, hosting the final football game of the year. Every one of the more than 1,500 current and past parents, students, alumni, friends and community officials was excited. One person, however, was very worried – the Chair of Concessions. “I had no idea how to try and sell food to that many people,” Kerry said. “I’d never been in the new (Concession Stand) building and I knew the crowd was going to be enormous and hungry.”

“We all pitch in and help each other out,” Kerry said. “I can’t imagine not being part of this group.”

Up to that point, Kerry had been working with a small group of parents to operate the Concessions Stand in the MultiPurpose Facility after school. The Stadium Opening event required far more planning, supplies and volunteers than ever. Her new friends in the Parents Association stepped up en masse to assist, and more than 20 parents turned out to help. The chilly night’s big seller was hot chocolate, and the volunteers orchestrated a plan that involved assembly lines, multiple oversize pots of boiling water, countless paper cups and two trips to the grocery store for more hot chocolate mix.

Michele Williams P’19 Coordinator, Signature Event Volunteers Volunteering has never been a chore for Michele. “It’s the people that make it fun and enjoyable,” she said. “Everyone wants to make Austin Prep even better than it is. I have found that this group is very willing to give back to the Austin community and have fun at the same time.” When asked to help with the Signature Event, Michele welcomed the opportunity to rally volunteers, to coordinate assignments, and to ensure everyone who wanted to help was able to contribute. She enlisted the help of Lin Chabra P’19, P’20 and together they recruited 32 volunteers for the event.

“It was one of the most fun nights I’ve ever had,” Kerry said. “I was so relieved. We all just laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and kept making hot chocolate.” That skill came in handy again a month later, when Lessons and Carols Event Chair Brenda Boyle P’16 enlisted the same group’s help to serve hot chocolate to 1,000 current parents and students. “We all pitch in and help each other out,” Kerry said. “I can’t imagine not being part of this group.”

Spring 2016


Class Notes

Send us an update on your life, your work, your journey.

Michael Rioux ’67 writes, “I retired last

Christopher Cornetta ’01 is now a

August as a Cybersecurity Manager for the US Air Force at Hanscom AFB.”

partner at the law firm of Cornetta Babine, LLC located in Danvers, MA.

Charles Takesian ’70 was recently elect-

Sara Mandell ’05 has recently been

Matthew Martino ’95 is the founder and Executive Director of SVG Productions based out of Somerville, MA. His company recently produced and debuted the feature-length motion picture Chainsaw Maidens this past fall. His company also runs the largest Halloween event in the Boston area - The Armory of Horror. He is currently refurbishing an abandoned building into a movie production studio in his hometown of Somerville. Check him out online at ArmoryofHorror.com.

Thomas Hospod ’07 was admitted as an attorney to the Massachusetts Bar Association this past November, after graduating from the University of Miami School of Law in Coral Gables, FL. Tom lived in South Florida for three years, and is now relocating back to the Boston area after accepting a position as a tax research associate with Sovos Compliance, a Wilmington-based software company.

Danielle (Angiolillo) Thompson ’00

Jaclyn Riley ’07 ran in her fourth Boston

ed to the Salisbury (MA) Board of Selectmen.

writes, “For the 2nd year in a row, Danielle has accepted the Chair position for the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress Buddy Walk. It is the organization’s largest fundraising platform of the year, and is one of the largest in the country. Each October, families and loved ones with Down syndrome gather in Wakefield, MA to participate in the MDSC Buddy Walk. With over 4,000 walkers and a fundraising goal of $500,000 it’s an amazing day raising awareness and promoting inclusion for all individuals with Down syndrome. Danielle’s son, Drew, is 3 years old and has Down syndrome. Danielle, with the help of Drew’s Crew and family, has raised over $80,000 in the last three years for the MDSC. She’s honored to hold the Chair position again in 2016, and support a vital organization in the Down syndrome community.”

accepted into the United States Army Post Graduate Education Program in Comprehensive Dentistry.

Nicholas Bailey ’12 writes, “I graduated

from New York University in December with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Television Production, with a second major in Political Science. Since leaving Austin, I have worked on many feature films such as Time Out of Mind, starring Richard Gere, for which I attended the world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, as well as Ten Thousand Saints, starring Ethan Hawke. I am currently working in the production department at The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Comedy Central.”

Alessandra Sorrentino ’12 writes, “I

Marathon and sixth overall marathon on April 18, 2016 in support of the Goodwill’s Running for Great Kids team.

am a senior at the University of San Diego, double majoring in International Relations and Communication Studies, with a minor in French. I am a certified yoga instructor and am also beginning a development internship with the ARC of San Diego shortly. I will be studying abroad during my final undergrad semester, fall 2016, in Aix-en-Provence, France!

Rima Shah ’07 will graduate from Boston

Holly Robinson ’13 is currently a junior

University School of Medicine in May 2016. She has been awarded the BUSM Family Medicine Leadership Award and will be joining the Class of 2019 Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center Family Medicine Residency.

Brenna McDuffie ’11 writes, “I’m having a

great start to post-college life and am loving New York. I graduated from Harvard in May, and am now working as an editorial assistant for two senior editors at Knopf, an imprint of Penguin Random House publishing. I owe a lot of my success to Austin Prep, I’d say. (Especially having taken an intense six years of Latin with Roger Stone!)”

14 Spring 2016

at Yale University, double majoring in Russian and medical anthropology. She has recently been accepted to the five-year select BA-BS/ MPH at the Yale School of Public Health. She will graduate in 2017 with her bachelor’s degree and will graduate from YSPH in 2018 with her master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in social and behavioral sciences!

Stay in touch. Share your news. Email Cara Kennedy, Coordinator of Alumni Engagement, at cakennedy@austinprep.org.

L to R: Paul Scola ’05; Doug Bouvier ’05; Joe Pino, III ’05; and Joe Carregal ’05.

Alumni Networking event in Boston

Frank Durant ’82 with his nephew Ken Richer ’13.

Renee Dudley ’03; and Gary Mackiewicz, Foreign Language Faculty.

Local alumni gathered in March for a Boston Networking Evening. The event was hosted at the Boston Herald by Joe Sciacca ’75. After, everyone headed across the street to MJ O’Connor’s for more socializing.


Patrick and Brenda Boyle P’16 pose for a photo at the 2015 Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament.

Parents Association Vice President Jim Burns P’18, P’20 was the winning bidder on several auction items at the Parents Association Signature Event.

Former Board Chair Tony Pimentel P’99, P’01 cuts the ribbon on the new field during the Athletic Stadium Grand Opening.

16 Spring 2016

The 2014-2015 Annual Fund Your gift makes a difference. The Austin Prep Annual Fund The Austin Prep Annual Fund supports academics, arts, athletics, student activities, and improvements to campus. The Annual Fund is crucial to our growth and is pivotal in sustaining our success as an academic institution. Every gift is important and is an investment in the lives of all our students. Each dollar raised helps bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost to educate a student.

The Memorial Scholarships at Austin Prep The Memorial Scholarships at Austin Prep have been established by family and friends to honor the lives of individuals who have been part of the Austin Journey. If you would like more information on establishing a Memorial Scholarship, please contact Susan Belanger, Assistant Headmaster for External Affairs, at 781.944.4900 x817 or sbelanger@austinprep.org.

2014-2015 ANNUAL FUND $149,985 RESTRICTED (scholarships) $129,085


Total Giving $388,461.00 17 Spring 2016

Honor Roll of Donors Austin Prep is grateful to the following benefactors for making a contribution to the Annual Fund during the 2014-2015 fiscal year (July 1, 2014-August 31, 2015). The Lumen Society $10,000.00 + Quirk Construction Corp. Mr. David D. Quirk ’84

The Austin Patrons $5,000 to $9,999

Anonymous (2) Blanch M. Walsh Charity Trust Atty. & Mrs. John J. Burke, III P’16 Daniel F. & Margaret MacAdam Loughry Charitable Foundation Trust Mr. & Mrs. William C. Geary, Esq. ‘75

The Austin Society $1,000 to $4,999

Anonymous Academic Consulting LLC Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Alger, III P’21 Mr. Michael J. Barry ’79, Trustee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Benson, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. James Bloise Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20 Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Brain ’68 Atty. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77, Trustee Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh, Jr. P’96, P’97, P’98, P’01, P’03, Trustee Mr. Woojin Cho & Mrs. Hyewon Lee P’18 Atty. R. Jack Cinquegrana ’70 Mr. Paul M. Dradransky ’86 Fidelity Foundation Mr. John F. Flynn, Jr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Freeman P’15, P’18, P’20 Mr. Michael J. Grealish ’90 Mr. William F. Handley ’74 Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey, Ph.D., P’22, P’23 Dr. John C. Hoell, DDS ’67 Mr. Chan W. Jeong & Mrs. Myung J. Kang P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Kelly P’19 Dr. David J. Kuter & Dr. Irene Kuter P’19 Atty. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall, Esq. ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mastrocola P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. McKie P’16, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mone GP’18 Major & Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy, MD ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rivotto P’09, P’12, P’16 Mr. Richard W. Robbins ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Westervelt P’11, P’14


The Headmaster’s Circle $500 to $999

Bank of America Ms. Celia A. Barletta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph X. Bruno, CPA ’75 Mr. & Mrs.Terence M. Burke ’75, P’06, P’07, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Cahill ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Callahan ’87 Mr. Frank A. Capone, Jr. ’85 Capone Landscaping, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Chouinard P’18 Ms. Monica Chung Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clarke P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Conley, III P’14, P’21 Mr. Lawrence P. Connolly & Mrs. Eileen P. Kavanagh P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Costa P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cronin ’72 Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeMarco P’95 Mr. Richard P. Donovan ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Dunn ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69, Trustee Guard Up Fencing Inc. GW&K Investment Management Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Hajjar Mr. Edmund E. Hoell, Jr. ’70, Trustee & Ms. Carole E. Center Dr. Thomas J. Hynes, Jr. ’67 Mr. Timothy B. Igo ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Roland K. Jacobson P’95 Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Kazmer P’18, P’20 Mr. Kevin M. Kerrigan ’89, Trustee Mr. & Mrs. William G. MacKenzie P’03, P’99 Mr. John F. McCarthy ’69 Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Meaney P’14 Mr. John R. Meaney ’14 Atty. & Mrs. Michael E. Mone P’18 Mr. Gary J. Pare & Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P’17 Mr. Aaron P. Price ’91 Raytheon Company Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Robertie ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheehy P’08 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Spanks ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Tanner, Sr. P’01, P’03 Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Teague ’76, P’07, P’10 Mr. Michael J. White ’71

The Century Club $100 to $499

Anonymous (3) America’s Charities Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Andrews P’16 Atty. & Mrs. Konstantinos Andrikopoulos P’19 Applied Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Fund Mr. & Mrs. John Ardizzoni P’19 Mr.Thomas C. Baillie & Ms. Ann L. Domigan P’11, P’13, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bancroft P’15, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Barr P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Barrett ’74 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas W. Barry P’12, P’13, P’15, P’17, P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bartley ’78, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becker P’21 Mr. & Mrs. P. Stephan Bedrosian P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Beeley P’17 Ms. Susan E. Belanger Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Bennett ’94 Mr. James A. Betses ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W. Bimmler P’04, P’09 Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Blodgett P’17, P’18 Mr. John B. Blottman, III ’78 Mr. Peter F. Blottman ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Borsetti ’72 Boston Board of Officials Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Boyle P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Briggs, Jr. ’92 Mrs. Lisa Bruce P’10, P’11, P’17 Mr. Paul D. Bruce, Jr. P’10, P’11, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Bruno, CPA ’72 Mr. Kenneth F. Bryant ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Burns P’08 Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Campbell P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann, Jr. P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 Caras & Shulman, PC Mr. Brian D. Carr ’97 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Carr, Jr. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Caruso P’90, P’93, P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Casper P’12, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chase P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Chris P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Clifford, Sr. P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Colello P’12 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Collins P’18 Mr. Paul W. Collins, Jr. ’69 Dr. Richard W. Conron ‘84 & Mrs. Kristin Abbruzzi Construction Planning & Mgt., Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Cornetta ’01 Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Correia P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent X. Costello P’07 Mr. Pierce O. Cray & Dr. Catherine A. Sheils P’17 Ms. Michelle L. Cross P’15 Mr. & Mrs. James V. D’Agostino P’86 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. de Garavilla ’00 Atty. & Atty. Blaine DeFreitas P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Derrah P’84, P’85, P’87 Dr. & Mrs. George A. DeVito, Jr. ‘68 Dr. & Mrs. Louis DeVito, Jr. P’02, P’05 Mr. & Mrs. A. J. DiBiase ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14 Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A., Trustee Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Doherty ’72 Mr. John H. Donnell, Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Donnelly P’21 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Donohoe ’77 Mr. William C. Donovan, III ’93 Mr. Alfred T. Doughty, Jr. ’75 Mr. John M. Driscoll ’70 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Drislane P’92 Ms. Renee I. Dudley ’03 Mr. & Mrs. George R. Dumas GP’18 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Ellis P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Elwell, Jr. ’69 Dr. Paul F. Fallon ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Farrell, Jr. P’16, P’19 Mr. Sean Fennessy & Ms. Mary Riotte P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Fernando M. Fernandes P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Floramo P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Flynn P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83, Trustee Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fothergill P’06, P’09 Mr. & Mrs. David C. French Mr. John R. Furey ’73 Mr. Robert C. Ganem Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Gautreau P’87, P’89, P’95 GE Foundation - Institute of International Education Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Giuliano P’82, GP’07, GP’09, GP’11 Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Glynn ’89 Mr. & Mrs. David S. Gonsiorowski ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Gordon, Jr. ’72 Rev. Peter G. Gori, O.S.A. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. David J. Gorman P’17, P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Gorman P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Gray P’18, P’19 Dr. & Mrs. Himanshu Gupta P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Haggerty P’86 Mr. Michael A. Hamel ’75 & Mrs. Virginia Mayo-Hamel Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hatem, Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hazel P’82 Mr. Robert P. Hennessy Mrs. Mildred L. Hoell P’67, P’69, P’79 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hoffman P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Hubbell ’95 Hurley Shah LLP Mr. R. J. Igo ’67 Mrs. Rosette Jacobson, Trustee & Mr. Parsegh Nalbandian P’12 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jaena P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jandrisevits P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jasinski P’08 Mr. Anthony J. Joseph & Mrs. Judith J. Templer P’00, P’03 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, P’18, P’20 Mr. Edward Kelley & Mrs. Patricia Corrigan P’18

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly ’69 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kent, II P’01, P’03, P’05, P’07 Dr. & Mrs. Jacob J. Kim P’14, P’17 Mr. Anantha Kondalraj & Mrs. Geetha Raju P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. LaMonica P’14, P’18 Mr. Ernest J. Landry P’94 Mr. Timothy Lane Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Lanning P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Layman P’09, P’11 Atty. & Mrs. David J. Leavitt ’88 Mr. Alex J. Lehmann ’06 Mr. Joseph B. Lehmann & Dr. Jeanne Velde, P ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Lembidakis P’21 Mr. Edward F. Lohoski, Jr. ’69 Mr. John E. Lonergtan ’84 & Mrs. Deborah May P’19 Hon. & Mrs. Daniel F. Loughry, III ’69 Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Luther, III ’79 Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz Rev. Iain G. MacLellan, OSB ’74 MacMillan Law Offices Atty. & Mrs. Thomas K. MacMillan ’73 Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, P’12 Mr. James W. Martin ’70 Dr. Joseph M. Massaro, Ph.D. ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Matos P’04, P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mayer P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McAuliffe ’78 Atty. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy, Jr. P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Brent L. McKenelley P’16, P’18, P’21 Mr. David E. McKenzie ’67 Rev. John J. Mericantante, III ’67 Mrs. Anne M. Merrill P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mesmer P’13 Atty. & Mrs. John S. Miele Mr. Paul R. Mirabella ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Monagle, Jr. P’16 Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle, Jr. P’01 Mr. Michael D. Morgan & Atty. Christine Morgan P’14, P’15 Mr. John A. Morley & Ms. Jennifer Karp P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mozzicato P’18 Ms. Janet M. Murphy P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. James K. Noonan ’71 Mr. & Mrs. John M. O’Donnell ’77 Lt. Col. James P. Ogonowski, USAF ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. O’Toole P’03, P’07 Mr. Ken D. Ottariano ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Owirka P’21 P.F. Bruno & Co. Ms. M. Margaret Palmer P’99, P’09, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Palmisano ’86, P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Andre Paquette P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Parrella ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Parrella Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pendergast, III ’70 Mr. Robert B. Percival, II ’90 Atty. James M. Peterson ’76 & Atty. Kimberly M. Peterson P’19, P’21 Atty. & Mrs. Robert G. Peterson, Sr. ’75, P’04, P’06, P’08, P’17 Mr. Joseph A. Pingaro & Mrs. Christine S. Scola-Pingaro P’16 Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. Previte P’96 Mr. Michael V. Pytlinski ’82 & Ms. Sharon Kieffer Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Ragucci, III P’16

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P’14, P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Venkata Reddivari P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Venkata Reddivari P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’18, P’20 Mr. Donald J. Restiano & Ms. Lorene E. Jones P’15 Mr. & Mrs. James D. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Peter I. Richmond P’16 Dr. Gregory S. Robinson & Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Roche, Jr. P’15 Mr. Michael P. Rollins ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Roscillo P’07, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Russell P’12, P’14, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sacco P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saindon P’17 Mrs. Virginia M. Samalis P’99 Dr. & Mrs. Russell C. Scaduto, Jr. ‘73 Ms. Shivani V. Shah ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Sim P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Sarabjit Singh P’17 Mr. Mark A. Siraco ’92 & Mrs. Isabel Nunes-Siraco Dr. & Mrs. Peter L. Skeirik P’03 Mrs. Jill M. (Pimentel) Slye ’99 & Mr. Jason Slye Mr. & Mrs. James W. Small P’94 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Smith P’19 Mr. Frank J. Sorrenti Mr. & Mrs. Vijayakum Srinivasan P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Sullivan P’15, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tapscott P’19 Dr. Joseph B. Taylor ’71 & Mrs. Marie C. Brennan-Taylor, P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Thiel ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Thornton ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Tina P’11, P’16 Mr. & Mrs. George J. Toscano, Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Tower, III P’09, P’11 Mr. Alfred G. Trani ’67 Ms. Susan M. Vacanti Mr. Toine Van Doremalen & Mrs. Nathalie Van Doremalen-Raes P’20, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Verner ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Wadzinski P’87 Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Walkenstein ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Walsh P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Widzinski P’07, P’11 Mr. Stephen L. Willett ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Williams P’96 Mr. & Mrs. James D. Worden P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Wortman P’13 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zerfas ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Zonderman P’20

Benefactors $1 to $99

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Steven Albanese P’20 Mr. & Mrs. John Allard, Jr. P’21 Mr. Robert E. Anderson, Jr. ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Arnold P’03, P’09


Mr. Michael L. Baccari ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. John Barletta P’15, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Barrall P’18 Mr. Robert A. Bencale & Dr. Maureen A. Bencale P’19 Atty. Thomas F. Birmingham ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Biscardi ’88 Ms. Julianne Bloise Mr. Luke D. Bouchard ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boudreau P’18 Mr. James L. Breau P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Brennan P’16 Ms. Eleana T. Brennan & Ms. Patricia Dartley Mr. Matthew J. Bryan ’12 Mr. Timothy M. Bryan ’13 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Buckley, Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Burke P’71, P’75, P’77, P’79, P’81 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Burke, Jr. P’17 Mr. & Mrs. James Burnham P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Burns P’16 Mr. John L. Carew ’67 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Mr. Gerard A. Caruso ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P’11 Mr. Steven J. Caruso, Jr. ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Casaletto P’18 Ms. Felicia L. Cenca ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20 Mrs. Marjorie C. Chiafery Ms. Paige M. Christie ’11 Sr. Marie Cleary, OP Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cobb P’17 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Connelly P ‘12, P ‘14 Mr. Timothy J. Connelly ’14 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connolly P’80, P’83 Ms. Katherine L. Connolly ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Covino P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Crones P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Cronin ’69 Mrs. Mary T. Cummings P’73, P’79 Ms. Caitlyn R. Curley ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Bassam Dagher P’19 Ms. Alexandra M. Dell’Anno ’12 Mr. Damian C. Dell’Anno ’14 Mr. Peter DeLuca Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Dolan, III ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Dowling P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Dragone P’17 Mr. William H. Drugan ’71 & Mrs. Colleen Collins-Drugan Mr. Matthew T. Dube ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dunlavey ’74 Mr. Allen R. Emmons ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Enright Mr. Kenneth G. Eulie ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Noel A. Farah P’05, P’06, P1’11 Mr. Domingo Farias & Mrs. Massiel Guttierrez P’17 Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. John C. Flynn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Foulds P’18, P’19 Mr. & Atty. Joseph A. Francoeur P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Ganem


Dr. Stephen J. Gaudet ’80 & Mrs. Melissa Tagliamonte P’18 Dr. Matteo L. Giamarco & Dr. Christine McKenna-Giamarco P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Girardi Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Giroux P’18 Mr. John Goodwin & Mrs. Jennifer Silver P’21 Ms. Sydney P. Gorman ’13 Mrs. Karen Gratiano P’20 Mr. Donald B. Greenlaw, Jr. ’76 Mr. Sean R. Haggerty ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hartel P’86 Mr. Douglas H. Hayman ’67 Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Healy ’66 Mr. Daniel C. Hemme ’12 Ms. Nicole R. Hemme ’14 Mrs. Catherine L. Hersey ’00 Mrs. Mildred L. Hoell P’67, P’69, P’79 Mr. David I. Hoffses Mr. & Mrs. Craig Horgan P’19 Mrs. Karen G. Kaliris P’07, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Kass P’16 Mr. Timothy J. Kelley, Esq. ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kochocki P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kouyoumjian P’19, P’22 Mrs. Lori Lambert-Osburn Dr. & Mrs. Brian L. Leahy, DC P’11 Mr. Tyler P. LeBlanc ’11 Mr. Robert J. Lee ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Leighton, Jr. ’82, P’11 Ms. Kelly M. Lenehan ’08 Mrs. Kelly K. Lepley ’03 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Letourneau ’88, P’17, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Liberacki P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Longo ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Losano P’09, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lowe P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Macdonald ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Macione P’91 Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. MacKenzie ’99 Ms. Janelle E. Macone ’13 Ms. Janet R. Major Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mandell P’03, P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Massaro P’79, P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mastrocola P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mastrocola P’18 Mr. Brett C. Mazza ’14 Mr. & Mrs. John P. McAnespie, II ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. McCarthy ’78 Ms. Haley E. McCormack ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Shaun P. McCormack P’14, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. McGettigan Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McGloughlin ’70 Mr. John L. McKee, Esq. ’91 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan, Sr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Melanson P’11, P’14 Mr. Clifton W. Moore & Ms. Carol A. Marsh P’19 Mr. Matthew T. Moran ’10 Ms. Christina A. Morganti ’14 Mr. Philip Mothon ’66 Mr. & Mrs. David M. O’Brien ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Francis O’Hearn P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Parr ’99 Mr. Brian A. Pitts ’79

Mr. Michael Powers & Ms. Angela Mellon P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Valentine K. Rajaratnam P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Randolph P’09, P’12, P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Raphael P’15 Mr. Andrew N. Reusch, Jr. Mr. Eduardo Rosado & Mrs. Wanda Rivera-Rosado P’18 Ms. Faith A. Rose P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Rubino P’18, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Sablone, III P’18, P’20 Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Sandler Mr. James A. Santagate ’86 Ms. Diane Scoffone Mr. Edmund Silva Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Sullivan P’06 Mr. Prisco Tammaro P’17, P’22 Ms. Michelle E. Teague ’10 Mr. Luke S. Tetrault ’13 Mr. Patrick Tiernan Mr. & Mrs. James B. Tobio P’16 Mr. Joseph F. Tower, IV ’11 Ms. Mary K. Tower ’09 Mr. Justin M. Tylus ’14 Ms. Erin C. Waldman ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Zerfas P’71, P’75, P’79

Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to remember a loved one or celebrate a milestone. The following people had contributions made in their name.

Tribute(s) for John Boland Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin, P’82

Tribute for Rev. James J. Cain, O.S.A. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05

Tribute for Bernard Foley Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin, P’82

Tributes for George Heseltine Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Amante Andover Police Patrolmen’s Union The Andover Shop Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Awtrey Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Bartle Mr. & Mrs. William H. Batchelder P’97 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Batts Mr. & Mrs. John Beatty Mr. & Mrs. Don Bessey Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bibeau Mr. & Mrs. William P. Buckley Ms. Eleanor M. Byrne Ms. Victoria A. Chapin Mr. John A. Chiodo Mr. & Mrs. David B. Colman Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Coneeny Danvers Garage Sunshine Fund Mr. Richard W. Devarney Ms. Kathryn Durso Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fountain Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Froburg K. M. Gianopoulos Mr. & Mrs. David K. Gramling Mr. Robert Guerin Vaughn L. Gushee Mr. & Mrs. Joel B. Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jessup Mr. Kevin Kane Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Kelley Mr. John J. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. LaFortune Dr. Jayan M. Landry Mr. & Mrs. Pierre LeMieux Mr. & Mrs. William F. Lucey Mr. Michael B. Mansfield Ms. Loretta C. Marcello

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marjerison Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Matton Ms. Christine B. McCarthy Ms. Alice McNamara & Ms. Jane Soloman Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Neaves Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Neil Ms. Lorraine F. Peck Ms. Elaine G. Reilly Mr. Michael D. Roberge Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Sarkisian Mr. & Mrs. David A. Shnidman Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stamas Mr. Louis Stella, Jr. Joseph Talty Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tetreault P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Toland Mr. & Mrs. James K. Turcotte Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace, Jr.

Tributes for John C. Hoell

Mrs. Marjorie C. Chiafery Mrs. Mary T. Cummings P’73, P’79 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Flynn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David C. French/The Sunshine Fund Mr. Edmund E. Hoell, Jr. ’70, Trustee & Ms. Carole E. Center Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. McGettigan Ms. Diane Scoffone

Tribute for Laurence Klimas

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05

Tribute for George “Matt” Miller Rev. Iain G. MacLellan, OSB ’74

Tribute for Mary E. Mullin Dr. Kevin M. Miller ’84

Tribute for John B. Pacino Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Duff, Jr.


Scholarships Gifts to scholarships contribute to the growing strength of the Austin Prep Scholarship Endowment. We are grateful to all who have donated. The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship

The Jeremiah J. Cronin Memorial Scholarship

Established by the Alameddine Family and named for their son and brother, Ross, who will be remembered for his kind and caring nature, his rich sense of humor and his love of music and performance. The scholarship recognizes a student achieving in language and technology.

Established by the Cronin Family, John ’72 and Timothy ’79, to honor their father’s service to Austin.

The Francis J. Cummings ’73 Memorial Scholarship

Ms. Lynnette R. Alameddine P’02, P’05 Ms. Tiffany Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Lavita Ms. Emma C. Swift ’05

Established by the family in memory of Francis J. Cummings, father of two Austin graduates, grandfather of one graduate and grandfather of two current Austin students. Francis Cummings believed deeply in the value of Catholic education, encouraging all his children to attend Catholic schools.

The John V. Aliberti ’70 Memorial Scholarship

The Austin Scholars Program – Inner City

Established by the Class of 1970 in memory of their classmate, Dr. John V. Aliberti, who will be remembered for his kindness, friendship, and his ability to make everyone smile.

Scholarship Fund

The Paula C. Barraza ’94 Memorial Scholarship Established by the Barraza Family in memory of Paula C. Barraza ’94, one of the first female students at Austin. She is fondly remembered for her cheerful spirit, her sense of camaraderie, and her love of life.

The Austin Scholars Program is made possible due in part to the commitment of individual benefactors, foundations, our administration and Board of Trustees. We rely on the generosity of a number of benefactors whose support of The Austin Scholars Program helps to provide scholarships to deserving inner city students who otherwise would not be able to benefit from the Austin experience. Anonymous Mrs. Margaret B. (Blake) Barreto ’97 Mr. Thomas W. Dingman ’13 Mr. Edmund E. Hoell, Jr. ’70, Trustee & Ms. Carole E. Center Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kent, II P’01, P’03, P’05, P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Moran

The Michael R. Darwin ’82 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Michael R. Darwin ’82. During his time at Austin, Michael was a National Honor Society member, class officer, and football player. Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin P’82 Mrs. Janet A. Darwin Mr. & Mrs. John C. Darwin Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stephens

22 Spring 2016

The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship

The Scott J. Heseltine ’82 Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends in memory of Francis T. Duggan, father of three Austin graduates and a longtime, devoted supporter of the school. Mr. Duggan was involved in the early years of Austin’s athletic program.

Established by the family and friends of Scott J. Heseltine ’82, who served as a class officer.

The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather Memorial Scholarship Established by the Gilfeather Family in memory of their parents who embodied the ultimate Christian expression of friendship in their displays of compassion and offers of support for those in need. Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69,Trustee

The Margot E. Girodet Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Margot E. Girodet. Mrs. Girodet was revered in the community for her compassion, strength, intelligence, and dedication both inside and outside the classroom.The scholarship hopes to honor her memory by acknowledging those students who strive for academic excellence and community service.

The Marguerite Greenwood Hennessy Memorial Scholarship Established by an Austin Family to recognize students who have demonstrated serious academic commitment to the study of the Russian language, and plan to continue their studies. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kent, II P’01, P’03, P’05, P’07 Dr. Kevin M. Miller ’84

Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Amante Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Awtrey Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Bartle Mr. & Mrs. John Beatty Mr. & Mrs. Don Bessey Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bibeau Mr. & Mrs.William P. Buckley Ms. Eleanor M. Byrne Ms.Victoria A. Chapin Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Coneeny Mr. Richard W. Devarney Ms. Kathryn Durso Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fountain Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Froburg K. M. Gianopoulos Mr. Robert Guerin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jessup Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Kelley Mr. John J. Kennedy Dr. Jayan M. Landry Mr. & Mrs. Pierre LeMieux Mr. & Mrs.William F. Lucey Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Marjerison Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Matton Ms. Christine B. McCarthy Ms. Alice McNamara Ms. Jane Soloman Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Neaves Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Neil Ms. Elaine G. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. David A. Shnidman Mr. Joseph Talty Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tetreault P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Richard G.Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John P.Toland Mr. & Mrs. James K.Turcotte Mr. & Mrs.William J.Wallace, Jr. Andover Hockey Association Andover Police Patrolmen’s Union Danvers Garage Sunshine Fund The Andover Shop


The Library Fund

The Mary E. Mullin Memorial Scholarship

Established by the faculty at Austin Prep, contributions to this fund go toward the Fr. Arthur F. Smith Library & Media Center.

Established by the Friends of Austin to honor Mary Miller, longstanding member of the Friends, and made in memory of her mother, Mrs. Mullin. As a college graduate, Mary Mullin was a member of that elite class of women in her day. She preached the value of education to her sons and daughters who in turn transferred that value to their own children. Four of Mrs. Mullin’s grandsons are graduates of Austin: Peter ’81, Mark ’83, Kevin ’84, and Geoffrey ’90.

Mr. Brian E. Chenery Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Enright Mr. Robert P. Hennessy Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz Atty. & Mrs. John S. Miele Mr. Roger F. Stone Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96

The Francis G. McCarthy Memorial Fund Established by friends, family members and Austin Prep faculty in memory of Frank McCarthy, a beloved faculty member at Austin Prep. He was instrumental in the implementation of process writing and peer editing in Austin’s curriculum.The Francis G. McCarthy Writing Center, named in his memory, allows students to share, discuss and critique each other’s work on any type of written assignment with ease. Contributions to the fund go toward improvements and updates to the Writing Center. Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P’97, P’00

The James M. McGonagle, II ’01 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Jim McGonagle, a beloved member of the Class of 2001 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates, and teammates.

The Azniv and Adrineh Nalbandian Scholarship This scholarship has been established by Azniv and Adrineh Nalbandian and the Nalbandian Family to provide scholarship assistance to deserving students enrolled at Austin Preparatory School. Scholarships will be awarded annually to an incoming freshman (ninth grade) student of Austin Preparatory School based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need.

The Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family of Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08. Alyssa, a beloved member of the Class of 2008, is remembered for the love she had for her family, friends, and community. During her seven years at Austin, where she never missed a day of school, Alyssa was involved in Big Sister and was inducted into the National Honor Society during her sophomore year. She also participated in Service Club, Latin Honor Society and served as a Senior Leader. This scholarship honors Alyssa’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated academic merit, active service, and financial need.

Mrs. Carol L. Burrows & Mr.William C. Elliott P’02

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Phillip E.Touchette P’05 Mr. Michael Xifaras

The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship

The Don Nealon Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship has been established by Linsey and Matthew Pimentel ’01 in honor of longtime faculty member George “Matt” Miller and his decades of teaching service to Austin Prep and its students.This scholarship seeks to provide assistance to deserving students based on academic merit and need. It also recognizes students who have demonstrated leadership abilities and a commitment to their community.

Established by friends, family members and Austin Prep faculty in memory of Don Nealon, who taught theology, worked closely with Campus Ministry to design and support the Senior Service Program, and coached skiing and tennis during his 15 years at Austin Prep. Contributions to this scholarship go toward a deserving student of economic need.

Mr. Mark Costello ’75 Mr. John P. Cummings ’79 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, P’05 Mr. Sean R. Farrell ’73 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Green P’10, P’12, P’13, P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Griffin ’94 Alumni Men’s Hockey Charity Challenge


The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship

The Paul Sullivan ’75 Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family and friends of David E. Nelson ’81, a gifted athlete and positive student leader who was always proud to wear the green and white. He was the youngest of three Austin graduates, preceded by Fred ’73 and Ron ’75. The scholarship seeks to honor David’s memory.

Established by the Sullivan Family and the Class of 1975 and named in memory of Paul H. Sullivan ’75, who will be remembered as a loving and caring husband, father and friend. A longtime Boston media personality, Paul was both the class clown and Class President during his days at Austin.The scholarship will recognize a freshman (ninth grade) student of Austin Preparatory School who has demonstrated academic merit and financial need, and who has an eagerness to learn, and to participate in activities such as class leadership and/or journalism/writing.

Mr. Gerald Ciarcia Mr. Brendan Densmore Mr. Mario Dorio Mr. Brad Duffin Ms. Katherine Horgan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lombardi Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Nelson, Jr. P’73, P’75, P’81 Ms. Shelly Pratt Mr.Thomas M. Rines Mr. Alex Shishkoff Mr. Donald Skinner Mr. Chris Spear Mr. Brian Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Ian Wood A/D Sales Alumni Men’s Hockey Charity Challenge Silicon Valley Community Foundation

William H. Turner Scholarship Award This award has been established by Mrs. Lillian Turner and her family in honor of her husband, Mr. William H.Turner. Mr.Turner and his wife saw four sons graduate from Austin Prep. He nurtured family life by co-creating a loving and supportive environment. He fostered academics, religion, dignity, service, athletics and good moral character.This award recognizes a deserving current student who shows strong academic discipline and demonstrates a good work ethic. Mrs. Lillian M.Turner P’72, P’73, P’81, P’83

The Barbara Zarella Memorial Scholarship The Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. and Claire M. Peterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship This scholarship has been established by the Peterson Family, including; Cynthia A. (Peterson) Kilday, Nancy E. (Peterson) Devlin, Stephen P. ’73, Robert G. ’75, James M. ’76, and Michael T. Peterson ’79 to honor their parents who believed in and encouraged Catholic education for all of their children and fostered the beliefs in hard work, commitment and family.

Established in loving memory of his mother by Joseph Zarella ’77 to honor the role every mother has in her child’s successful completion of high school.The award is presented to a senior with four years of perfect attendance at Austin. Mr. Joseph P. Zarella ’77

Atty. James M. Peterson ’76 & Atty. Kimberly M. Peterson P’19, P’21 Mr. Michael T. Peterson ’79 Atty. & Mrs. Robert G. Peterson, Sr. ’75, P’04, P’06, P’08, P’17 Atty. Stephen P. Peterson ’73 Rotary Club Of Wilmington Scholarship Fund Trust

The Aristides (Artie) C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Artie Speros ’85. Artie was a beloved member of the Class of 1985 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates and teammates. During his time at Austin, Artie was the Class President, while also involved with the Ski Team and French Club.The scholarship seeks to honor Artie’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated leadership abilities and financial need. Mr.Thomas P. Donohoe ’85 Ms. Elizabeth House Mr. John F. Martin ’85 & Ms. Stacey L.Turner Mr. Edward J.Veno ’85


Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Campaign is a capital campaign that will fulfill the school’s designated priorities in a phased approach. The focus of our campaign is to improve campus infrastructure, enrich academic programs, increase tuition assistance and scholarships to keep an Austin Prep education accessible, and expand our energy-saving techniques. The donor list within the annual report represents those who have donated or pledged as of May 6, 2016.

Campaign Cabinet General Chairman Mr. Gary Ruping ’80, P’16, P’18

Vice Chairs Mrs. Maria Blewitt Science Faculty Special Gifts Mr. Bill Maradei P’11, P’12 Science Faculty & Head Football Coach Faculty/Staff Gifts

Ms. Sheila May P’19 Leadership Gifts

Mr. Matthew Pimentel ’01 Alumni & Class Key Leader

Ms. Rebekah McKie P’16, P’17 Parent Gifts

Mr. Joseph A. Sciacca, Jr. ’75, P’13 Trustee Communications

Mr. Anthony J. Pimentel P’99, P’01 Board of Trustees Chairman Emeritus Trustee Gifts

Mr. David D. Quirk ’84 Leadership Gifts

Campaign Class Key Leaders & Volunteers Mr. Michael J. Barry, Ph.D. ’79, Trustee Mr. Ryan Burke ’13 Mr. Terence Burke ’75, P’06, P’07, P’10 Mr. Michael Caggiano ’84 Mr. Joseph Carregal ’05 Mr. Mark Connolly ’83, P’15, P’20


Mr. Damian Dell’Anno P’10, P’12, P’14 Mr. Louis DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14 Mr. John Douglass, Jr. P’19 Mrs. Jennifer (Throp) Fantozzi ’97, Trustee Mr. William Geary, Esq. ’75 Mr. Edmund E. Hoell, Jr. ’70, Trustee Mr. Edward MacKenzie ’99, History Faculty

Mr. William Maradei ’11 Mr. John Martin ’85 Ms. Bridget Monagle ’01 Atty. James Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21 Mr. Edward L. Quinn ’72 Mr. Steven Swanson ’73

Donors Anonymous (5) The Ardizzoni Family P’19 Dr. Paul G. Arrigg P’12, P’14, P’19 Mr. Christopher Ayers The Bancroft Family P’15, P’18 Ms. Celia A. Barletta Dr. Mike Barry ’79, Trustee Ms. Susan E. Belanger Charlie & Maureen Bennett P’94, P’97, Past Trustee Mr. Paul Bimmler ’09 Biogen Idec Mr. Tony Biscardi ’88 Mrs. Leeann Blais Stephen and Maria Blewitt Ms. Julianne Bloise Mr. John B. Blottman II ’78 The Bodette Family P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, P’14, P’15 The Brewer Family Mr. Nelson S. Burbank Steven ’77 and Katie Burke The Burke Family ’75, P’06, P’07, P’10 The Capone Family ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh, Jr. P’96, P’97, P’98, P’01, P’03, Trustee The Choma Family P’18, P’20 Ms. Paige M. Christie ’11 Ms. Claudia A. Colannino Mr. Mark A. Connolly ’83 & Family P’15, P’20 The Cortese Family P’91 Mrs. Maureen A. Crowley The Dell’Anno Family P’10, P’12, P’14 Mr. Peter DeLuca The DeLuca Family P’00, P’04, P’08, P’12 Mrs. Nancy Der Sarkisian Mr. Matthew P. Diapella ’98 The DiPerna Family The DiRupo Family ’82, P’11, P’14 Ms. Samantha DiVito Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A., Trustee Mr. & Dr. John Douglass, Jr. P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72, Trustee Mrs. Jennifer L. (Throp) Fantozzi ’97, Trustee Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell The Filadoro Family Mr. Sean Finn Ms. Alison Fish Mr. & Mrs. John P. Flynn P’08, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83, Trustee Ms. Jessica Foster Frank & Patty Fothergill P’06, P’09 Ms. Alexandra A. Garcia-Mata Mr. Douglas H. Hayman ’67 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Geary, Esq. ’75 Eugenia and Tom Georges The Gerety Family P’16, P’19, P’22 Mr. Aaron M. Giard Fred and Rose Gilfeather ’69, Trustee Ms. Stephanie Grace Mr. Charles D. Gracy

Ms. Deborah J. Gray Ms. Kayla Greenwood GW&K Investment Management Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hartel ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Sue Hajjar The Hampoian Family P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins Dr. Paul F. Healy ’66 Mrs. Erica T. Hedrick Mr. Robert P. Hennessy Mrs. Kelly Herrity Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey, Ph.D., P’22, P’23 Mr. Edmund E. Hoell, Jr. ’70, Trustee & Ms. Carole E. Center Mr. Edward G. Igo ‘69, P’94, P’95, P’04 Mrs. Allyson Jaena & Family P’19 The Jeong Family P’18 JNB & Associates Ms. Heather Jones The Joyce Family P’17, P’18, P’20 Ms. Cara M. Kennedy Mr. Kevin M. Kerrigan ’89, Trustee Mr. Steven E. Kintigos Mrs. Lori Lambert-Osburn Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lane Mr. Alex J. Lehmann ’06 Mrs. Nicole C. Luongo Mr. Edward G. MacKenzie ’99 Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz Ms. Sally A. Maijenski Mr. George C. Malvey P’05, P’10 Coach Maradei P’11, P’12 Mr. Billy Maradei ’11 The Marchetti Family P’17 Ms. Jeanne Y. Maurand Alec and Sheila May P’19 Mr. Paul W. Mayo P’01 The McCadden Family P’16, P’19 The McCarthy Family P’16 The McKie Family P’16, P’17 Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin Ms. Briana N. McLellan ’12 Mrs. Sarah P. Meier P’20 Mrs. Doreen P. Miele Mr. Matthew Milliken Mr. Nicholas J. Mulcahy ’14 The Christopher J. Murphy Memorial Fund Mr. Daniel Niles ’85 Jim and Marcia Noga P’12, Trustee The Park Family P’19 Mr. Vincent Parrella Ms. Marla C. Pascucci-Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Petrillo P’10 The Petrillo Family P’10 Nathan ’93 and Nicole Piccini Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P’99, P’01, Past Trustee, Chair Pimentel Construction Company Mr. Derek Piper Ms. Cynthia Pitta Mr. Jonathan J. Pollard ’97 Mr. Aaron P. Price ’91 The Putney Family Mr. Edward L. Quinn, Jr. ’72 Mr. David D. Quirk ’84

The Rakers Family P’14, P’16 Terri & Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mrs. Maryjane Restuccia GP’19 The Reusch Family Judy & Jim Reynolds Ms. Holly M. Robinson ’13 The Rubino Family P’18, P’19 Mr. Gary H. Ruping ’80, P’16, P’18 SalemFive Charitable Foundation Mr. Duane R. Sandler Sanitrol Building & Maintenance The Sciacca Family ’75, P’13, Trustee Ms. Meg K. Shannon Mr. Nathan F. Sherr ’07 Mrs. Linda M. Sherry Ms. Nicole A. Siciliano Mr. Edmund Silva The Smith Family P’19 Ms. Christie S. Spadafora ’02 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spengler The Strazzere Family P’19 Mr. Steven M. Swanson ’73 Ms. Jessica C. Swindell Mr. Robert Taylor The Theriault Family P’15, P’17, P’19, P’22 Andrew and Martha Tucker P’19 The Urick Family P’19 Ms. Susan M. Vacanti Dr. Ricardo A. Vanegas Mr. Eric P. Verner ’90 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96 Mark and Jeanne Westervelt P’11, P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19 The Xing Family P’18


Parents Association Signature Event The Parents Association Signature Event, which took place on November 7, 2015 at the Lanam Club in Andover, MA, was the inaugural fundraising event for the Austin Prep Parents Association and will take place annually. Members of the AP parent community were invited to attend this social event which featured a cocktail reception, dinner, and a silent auction. The monies raised at this successful and popular event support the Annual Fund. The 2016 event is Friday, November 4th. Be sure to save the date! Parents Association President Susan and husband Jack Ardizzoni P’19.

Event Chair


Mrs. Michelle Walsh P’19, P’21

A Small Creation Alantra Spa Altitude Trampoline Park American Textile History Museum Andover Gulf Angeli Hair Studio Anthony David Salon Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ardizzoni P’19 As Good As It Gets Café Atlantic Parking Services Austin Prep Boys Soccer Team Austin Prep Boys Hockey Team Austin Prep Girls Hockey Team Austin Prep Girls Tennis Team Austin Prep Girls Varsity Basketball Team Austin Prep Girls Varsity Lacrosse Team Austin Prep Girls Varsity Soccer Team Austin Prep Girls Volleyball Team Austin Prep Golf Team Austin Prep Swim Team Austin Prep Varsity Baseball Team Austin Prep Varsity Football Team Bay State Wine & Spirits Ms. Susan Belanger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bianchi P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John Bodette P’16 Boston Chowda Co. Boston Flower Market and Galleria Boston Marriott Long Wharf Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Boyle P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Bramante P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bravo P’18 Mr. & Mrs. John Brzezenski P’16, P’19 Burbank YMCA Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Burke ’81, P’13, P’17 Mr. Robert Burke & Ms. Eileen McAnneny P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James Burnham P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. James Burns P’18, P’20 Calareso’s Farm Stand and Garden Center Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cann P’19 Capt. Bill & Sons Whale Watch Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Caturello P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Centrella ’82, P’15, P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David Cerveny P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20

Volunteer Chair Mrs. Michele Williams P’19

Volunteers Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ardizzoni P’19 Mrs. Brenda Boyle P’16 Mrs. Tina Brzezenski P’16, P’19 Mrs. Dana Burnham P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. James Burns P’18, P’20 Mrs. Mary Beth Caturello P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20 Mrs. Laura Choma P’18, P’20 Mrs. Sheila Clarke P’21 Mrs. Charlene DeRoche P’14, P’16, P’18 Mr. & Dr. John Douglas, Jr. P’19 Mrs. Mary Beth Freeman P’15, P’18, P’20 Mrs. Ruth Hoffman P’18 Mrs. Carrie Horan P’20 Mrs. Ann Hueston P’21 Mrs. Allyson Jaena P’19 Mrs. Deb Maffeo P’18 Atty. & Atty. James Peterson ’73, P’19, P’21 Mrs. Laurene Polignone P’17 Mrs. Gloria Reddivari P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rose P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schiff P’19 Mrs. Jennifer Smith P’19 Ms.Veronica Tucker P’19 Mr. Nathaniel Williams P’19


Chama Grill China Cuisine Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Christopher P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clarke P’21 Classic Faces Day Spa & Boutique Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Clemente P’15, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cochran P’20 Mr. & Mrs. John Collins P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Collins P’14, P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Connolly P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Connolly ’83, P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Corrente P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Courtney P’18 Cranmore Mountain Resort CrossFit Andover MA Cupcake City Mr. & Mrs. Paul D’Ambrosio P’18 Dave & Busters Ms. Melissa Demakes Mr. Mark DeMarco Mr. & Mrs. William DeRoche P’14, P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. John DiFranco P’22 Mr. & Dr. John Douglas, Jr. P’19 Dresscode Eastgate Liquors Elizabeth Grady Salon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Elkins P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Enos P’13, P’17 Essex River Cruises & Charters Eva Nails & Spa Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Fazzolari P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ferri P’14, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Jay Flynn P’08, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Flynn P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Freeman P’15, P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. William Freeman P’16 Ms. Meghan Frey P’19 Friends of Post Office Square Fuddruckers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gallagher P’22 Ms. Yvonne Garcia P’19 Mr. Todd Gerety & Mrs. Kristen D’Eramo-Gerety P’16, P’19 Mr. Matteo Giamarco & Mrs. Christine McKenna-Giamarco P’17

L to R: Signature Event Volunteer Coordinator Michele Williams P’19; Signature Event Chair Michelle Walsh P’19, P’21; Sheila Clarke P’21; and Brenda Boyle P’16.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Giardina P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Goddard P’20 Golden Ginger Mr. & Mrs. William F. Green P’10, P’12, P’13, P’17, P’20 Mr. Gregory Gryllakis & Mrs. Sarah Meier P’20 Dr. & Mrs. Himanshu Gupta P’21 Hago Harrington’s Miniature Golf Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20 Ms. Julie Happeny P’19 Harrow’s Chicken Pies Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heffernan P’20 Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hickey P’16, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. John Hoffman P’18 Mr. & Mrs. William Horan P’20 Mr. Craig Horgan P’19 Mrs. Ann Hueston P’21 Isabella Stewart Gardner Musuem Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jaena P’19 Ms. Mary Kamelle P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John Karafilidis P’21 Kathleen Ivy Photography Mr. & Mrs. James Kazmer P’18, P’20 Mr. Edward Kelley & Mrs. Patricia Corrigan P’18 Kitty’s Restaurant Lanam Club Laser Quest The Lawson Team at Re/Max Leading Edge Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leavis P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Levine, Esq. P’20 Ms. Patricia Liberacki P’16 Lumina Salon Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Lundy P’16, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Maffeo P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mahoney P’18 Mr. Thomas Mannion & Mrs. Mary Lewis-Mannion P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Vito Marchetti P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mastrocola P’19 Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Shaun McCormack P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Paul McKie P’16, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. James Medugno Men’s Warehouse and Tux

Middleton Golf Course Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning Mr. & Mrs. Paul Monagle P’16 Mr. Thomas Mooney & Mrs. Andrea Heil P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Morrison P’19 Mortgage Equity Partners Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mozzicato P’18 Mrs. Gail Richmond P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Napolitano P’22 Nashoba Valley New England Aquarium Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Nickerson P’17, P’19 Ms. Judy Nolan P’18 North Shore Music Theatre Mr. & Mrs. Victor Paone P’18 Peg Raciti Photography Mr. & Mrs Joseph Peppe P’22 Atty. & Atty. James Peterson ’73, P’19, P’21 Mr. Anthony Pimentel P’99, P’01, Trustee Ms. Christine Pingaro P’16 Pizza Goddess Plimouth Plantation Poland Springs Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Polignone P’17 Powers & Sullivan, LLC Stearns and Hills Bistro Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Ragucci P’16 JBug Images Ms. Olivia Raza ’18 Red Heat Tavern Mrs. Gloria Reddivari P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reddy P’17, P’19 Mrs. Terry Reddy P’16, P’18 Reebok Rejuvelate: Energy Healing & Massage/Aromatherapy Ms. Maryjane Restuccia GP’19 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rose P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Derek Russell P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sablone P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sacco P’18 Salon Laura Michaels Salon Maya Santa’s Village Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schiff P’19 Seaport Grille

L to R: Laura Choma P’18, P’20; Deb Maffeo P’18; and Ann Hueston P’21.

Shaban’s of Andover Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simonelli P’19 Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Smith P’19 Sole Amour Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Spencer ’81, P’19 Ms. Kathi Spurr St. Killian Importing Company Starbucks of North Andover Mr. & Mrs. John Stenson P’17 Stoneham Theater Mr. & Mrs. Guy Strazzere P’19 Sunset Limosine Svc Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeney P’19 Sweet Mimi’s Chocolates Mr. & Mrs. Khalid Syed P’16, P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Boris Tabenkin P’17, P’19 The Energy Barre The Law Office of James M. Peterson The Priestley’s Fine Art Photography The Ultimate Thomson Country Club Tremezzo Restaurant Ms. Veronica Tucker P’19 Turner’s Seafood Tuxedo by Giblees Mrs. Michele Urick P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Vounessea P’18 W.B. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walsh P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walsh P’19, P’21 Walt Disney World Wenhan Museum Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19 Wilmington Farmers Market Wine ConneXtion Woodman’s of Essex Mr. & Mrs. James Worden P’17 WOW Nails & Spa Mr. & Mrs. David Wyman P’16 Zulu Nyala Group


2015 Golf Outing The Austin Prep Golf Tournament is the school’s largest fundraiser. Each year the net proceeds support a different fundraising goal. The money raised from the May 17, 2015 Golf Tournament, which took place at Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover, MA, helped purchase a new sound system for the MPF in support of Student Life and the Arts.

Committee & Volunteers


Mrs. Susan Ardizzoni P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James Burns P’18, P’20 Mrs. Lin Chabra P’19, P’20 Mrs. Laura Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. Nicholas Hampoian P’18 Mrs. Carrie Horan P’20 Mr. Alexander Maffeo P’18 Mrs. Elizabeth Orphanos P’18 Mrs. Kimberly Mahoney P’18 Mr. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69, Trustee Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20 Mr. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mr. Andrew N. Tucker P’19

Mr. Patrick Annese Mr. George Antonakos Mr. & Mrs. John Ardizzoni P’19 Armor Door & Lock, Inc. Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Co., Inc. Atlantic Framing Austin Prep Girls Varsity Lacrosse Austin Prep Teachers Association Mr. Mike Bailey Baillie & Company Mr. & Mrs. Virgilio Bancarotta P’97, P’00, P’02 Mr. Pasquale Bancarotta ’97 Mr. Virgilio Bancarotta, Jr. ’00 Mr. Michael Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Beeley P’17 Ms. Susan Belanger Mr. Justin M. Bishop ’02 Ms. Maria Blewitt Mr. Christopher Bloise Mr. James Bloise Ms. Maria Bonanno Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Boyle P’16 Bradford Ski Area Ms. Patricia Brady Mr. Steve Bucci Mr. David Buffum Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Burkett P’10, P’17 Mr. Patrick Burkett Mr. & Mrs. James W. Burns P’18, P’20 Mr. Marc Cammarata Ms. Jackie Candelino P’20 Capone Landscaping, Inc. Caras & Shulman, PC Mr. Robert Carleo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Casper P’12, P’15 Ms. Lorayne Chapman Mr. Mark A. Chaykovsky & Dr. Bonner N. Chaykovsky P’13, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Chris P. Choma P’18, P’20 Ms. Monica Chung City Drywall Mr. Philip & Mrs. Sheila Clarke P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony B. Clemente P’15, P’18


Mr. Michael Clenbik Columbo’s Pizza Café Comak Brothers, Inc. Ms. Lorene Comeau Mr. Mark Connelly ’83, P’15, P’20 Cornerstone Architects, Inc. Mr. Edward Kelley & Mrs. Patricia Corrigan P’18 Mr. Michael A. Costa ’05 Country 102.5 Mr. Leo Creegan Crystal Motor Express Mr. Garry J. Cuneo ’04 Mr. Jay Czarnecki Mr. Kevin Czarnecki Mr. Joe Daly Mr. Joe DeGrace Mr. Lou Dell’Anno DeMoulas Foundation Mr. Don Dewitt Mr. Joseph DiMare Mr. Shawn Doherty Dougie Duchesne Plumbing & Heating Dr. Mickey Kids, DMD Mr. & Mrs. George R. Dumas GP’18 Enterprise Bank Essential Planning ExecuSpace Construction Corp Fidelis Facility Service Group Five-O-Promo Mr. Ken Fluet Mr. Peter N. Flynn ’77 Mr. Aiden Ford Mr. & Mrs. Dean Freeman P’15, P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Frommelt P’07, P’11 Mr. Alex Frommelt Frommelt Dock & Door, Inc. Mr. Paul G. Gagne ’88 Mr. Jim Galipeau Mr. Greg Gallias Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69, Trustee Mr. Kevin F. Gill ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Giuliano ’82 P’07, P’09, P’11 gphomestay Mr. Russell Grant Grasshopper Irrigation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Gray P’18, P’19 Dr. & Mrs. Himanshu Gupta P’21

L to R: Russ Grant; Joe Ruscio; Brian Souza ’05; and Joe Pino, III ’05.

Mr. Peter Hajjar Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20 Mr. Nicholas Hampoian ’18 Mr. Garret Harker Mr. John Hassan Haverhill Golf & Country Club Mr. John Hennessey Mr. Dale Hevy Hillside Florist & Gifts, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Horan P’20 Ms. Janice Houghton Indian Ridge Country Club Ms. Linda Isner J. G. MacLellan Concrete Co., Inc. J.Hilburn Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jaena P’19 JNB & Associates Joe’s Welding, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly ’69 Mr. Steve King Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Klucznik P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Koutsogiannopoulos P’17, P’18, P’22 La Plume & Sons Printing Co., Inc. Mr. Edward Laflore Mr. David Lanci Lands’ End Latham Law Office Law Office of John S. Miele Law Office of William F. Crowley Mr. Wayne Lawson Mr. Steve Lentine Love Is A Shore Thing Mr. Alexander A. Maffeo ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Maffeo, Jr. P’18 Mr. William Maher Mr. Tom Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mahoney P’18 Mann Orchards Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19 Mr. Bob McDonald McGladrey LLP Mr. & Mrs. Brent L. McKenelley P’16, P’18, P’21 Mr. Jake W. McKenelley ’16 Mr. Zachary R. McKenelley ’21 Mr. Blaine McKenelley McKenna & Partners

L to R: Jason Slye; Past Board Chair Tony Pimentel P’99, P’01; Mark Connolly ’83, P’15, P’20; and Matt Pimentel ’01.

McLane Law Firm Mr. Matt McPhail Mr. & Mrs. Ken Meharg Merrimack College Metalcrafters, Inc. Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning Mr. Arthur Miner Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, & Popeo Mr. Charles Miraslia Mr. Tom Modika Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle, Jr., P’01 Murphy & King Mr. Frank Muzio Nashoba Valley NexDine, LLC Mr. Michael E. Rickley & Atty. M. Daria Niewenhous P’13, P’15 Northern Business Machines Mr. Matt. O’Doherty Mr. Tyler Palmieri Mr. David Palmisano Party Connection Mr. David Pearce Atty. & Mrs. John T. Phelan, Esq. P’14 Mr. Dave Pilleri Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P’99, P’01, PastTrustee Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Pimentel ’01 Pimentel Construction Company Mr. Joseph F. Pino, III ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Poe P’16 Poland Springs Mr. John Prendergast Mr. Mike Prisco Protector Group Insurance Agency A Marsh & McLellan Company Mr. David D. Quirk ’84 Quirk Construction Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Ragucci, III P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P’14, P’16 Mr. Graham Ranks Mr. & Mrs. Venkata Reddivari P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mr. Gene Richard Mr. & Mrs. Rick R. Rosania P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Rubino P’18, P’19 Mr. Joseph Ruscio

Mr. Cole Rushford Mr. Paul Sabella Saint Robert Bellarmine SalemFive Sanitrol Building Maintenance Corp. Santander Bank Dr. Alicia Modestino P’21 Scott E. Chapman Foundation Mr. John Seale Shea Concrete Products, Inc. Simply Elegant Catering Mr. Gerry Sirignano Mrs. Jill M. (Pimentel) Slye ’99 & Mr. Jason Slye Smart Tuition Mr. Gregory Smith Solution IT, Inc. Mr. Brian J. Souza ’05 Specialized Roofing Co., Inc. Ms. Joia Spooner-Fleming St. Augustine School, Andover St. Theresa Parish Stoneham Bank Mr. & Mrs. Guy Strazzere P’19 Mr. Ryan D. Sullivan ’97 Teri Lynn Photography Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Throp P’97 Mr. Steve Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Ian Tinkler P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Tucker P’19 Mr. Marty Tucker Mr. Jim Veglas Mr. Chris Veglas Mr. Lillo Veruto W.B. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Walsh P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19 Winn Street Equipment Sales Mr. Mark Winthrop Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wyman P’16 Mr. Art Zonghetti


AUSTIN PREPARATORY SCHOOL 101 Willow Street Reading, MA 01867-1599

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