Power to the people!
Pádraig Smith, managing director of UPS specialist PSE Power, takes on the fiendish challenge that is the new NCN Q&A.
What are you up to today? Doing my job as managing director of PSE Power, which includes attending internal meetings as well as customer meetings and visits, and driving the sales and business development. In the evening I spend time with my wife and four daughters aged from three to eight.
How and why did you pursue a career in the Data/Comms industry? P S E P o w e r w a s e s ta b l i s h e d b y m y fa t h e r 3 3 y e a r s a g o a n d w a s i nvo l ve d i n U P S f ro m ve r y e a r l y o n , s o I fe l t c o m fo r ta b l e e n te r i n g t h e b u s i n e s s h av i n g g ro w n u p a l o n g s i d e t h e te c h n o l o g y o f U P S s y s te m s .
What project/work achievement are you most proud of in your career and why? Developing and growing the business in recent years and also par tnering with Riello UPS, who we have admired from afar for many years.
What is the worst thing (outside of your control) that has ever gone wrong on a work project? Having a customer go out of business mid project with all the kit delivered.
What is one thing you’re tired of hearing either at work or about your job? I am tired of hearing anyone complaining about the government or the economy. We make our own opportunities and successes.
What is your favourite piece of technology right now? Active cruise control in my car.
What product/s or concepts do you think will be the next big thing in the industry? Battery storage & CHP.
You can invite three people living or dead out for a pint or over for dinner (not including family and friends!) Who are they and why? Bill Clinton for his company and charm, James Corden for his fun and Conor McGregor because he is Conor McGregor.
Do you have any hidden talents? I make a mean beans on toast.
“I am tired of hearing anyone complaining about the government or the economy. We make our own opportunities and successes.”
F o r t h e p a s t t h re e d e c a d e s , P S E Powe r h a s b u i l t a s t ro n g re p u tat i o n a s a s u p p l i e r of p owe r p rote ct i o n a n d e n e rg y m a n a ge m e nt s o l u t i o n s to m u l t i n at i o n a l b l u e c h i p c l i e nt s f ro m t h e I CT, p h a r m a c e u t i c a l , m e d te c h a n d m a n u fa ct u r i n g i n d u s t r i e s , a s we l l a s f ro m t h e fa c i l i t y m a n a ge m e nt , s tate b o d i e s , av i at i o n , e n g i n e e r i n g , financial services and h o s p i ta l i t y s e cto r s t h ro u g h o u t I re l a n d . The company delivers power protection solutions underpinned by service excellence. PSE Power provides tailored strategic power management solutions to clients to meet diverse needs. By combining a comprehensive product range – standby generators, UPS systems, CHP systems – and broad range of ser vices with technical exper tise and superior delivery, the company provides solutions to meet our customers’ specific requirements. From initial contact through installation, ser vice and maintenance, PSE Power provides customers with an unrivalled single source for complete power management, delivering continuing significant energy cost savings. Based in Dublin and Limerick, with nationwide service and 24/ 7 availability, all PSE Power services are delivered by a dedicated and extensive network of skilled service engineers and service support staff to ensure lifelong and reliable operation of the power protection and energy management solutions provided. Specialist knowledge and engineering skills enables the company to partner with leading consulting engineering firms to deliver critical power projects in Ireland, the UK, Europe and the Middle East. PSE Power + 353 (0)1 4600596
November 2017 | 33