ASID OC Design Spring Issue 2020

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Contents P.5 Presidents Message P.6 Board of Directors

P. 8 Lightopia Pop Up P.11 New Members P.13 Monthly Mingles

Outside The Box ASID CA OC Chapter Magazine

P.17 Five 3 Gallery Pop Up

Winter 19/20

P.20 Committee Chairs

Angela Eason, Allied ASID Kasey Sterling


Cover :Refreshing! 18″ x 24″ typographic map of the cities within Orange County, California Mingle Photos Courtesy of Hugh Mobley Photography ASID CA OC Office 23807 Aliso Creek Rd. Suite 205 Laguna Niguel CA 92677






ear Valued Members, Students, and Industry Partners,

Thank you all so very much for your continued support of ASID OC. During these unprecedented times, we at ASID OC want to assure you that we are here to help you navigate through questions you all must have about your future business success. ASID National is working diligently to provide insightful resources online to you and your business. On Monday, March 23rd they presented a live webinar on “ Business as Usual: Navigating through Covid-19”. It consisted of a panel of esteemed professionals discussing how to safe guard your business and arm you for future preparedness and success. In the upcoming weeks ASID National will be offering a series of informative webinars, such as the one above, articles, virtual town halls and tips on Social Media to help all ASID Members get through this crisis. ASID OC is also here as to our Design Community to help prepare you and your business now and in the future. This is one of the many Benefits of being an ASID Member. You have your Design Community of fellow Designers, Students and Industry Partners to help you. A Community of Professionals who will help you to continue to succeed and thrive. You are not alone. You have sources at your fingertips to help you. Thank you again for allowing me to be your President. William Elson, Allied ASID President 2019-2020


Board of Directors President William C. Elson Allied ASID

Communications Director Angela Eason Allied ASID

Finance Director Julia Alt Allied ASID

Membership Director Raad Ghantous Allied ASID

At-Large Director Derek Fisher Industry Partner

Student Rep to the Board Jayne Jacobson Student ASID

Professional Development Director Alix Flamm Allied ASID


Keeping Socially Sane During the Pandemic


s the Communications Director for the Orange County chapter of ASID, I feel an obligation to myself to take the time to reflect on how I can keep sane while sheltered at home and what changes I can make when we as a society pull through this pandemic era. It is hard to keep a positive outlook on one’s business when most efforts are geared toward survival, but maybe taking note of building a strategy to survive is the same strategy that will be needed to rebuild post-pandemic: · Remember when finishing your degree (s), you formed hope and goals and objectives of what you wanted to be when you grow up? · What plans did you put in place to accomplish your achievements “pre-pandemic”? · How has the pandemic changed the way you approach your business today and interact with you’re your clients and colleagues? · What essential basic needs are needed to survive this pandemic? Research what resources are needed and available. · What role does communications play in recovery efforts? These are just a few questions to ponder and begin to build a post-pandemic strategy re-build your business, family relationships, and your state of mind. The first step is to take an inventory of what makes you happy and feel good about yourself. Whatever that is, find a way to get to your happy place. Suggested ways to get to your happy place: 1. Reach out to family, friends, and clients (former and/or current) to let them know that you are thinking of them and ask if there is something they need that you can provide for them. 2. Make a meal date with yourself and get your favorite food to cook or takeout from your favorite restaurant 3. Take a nice long walk every other day (keeping social distancing of course) 4. Schedule a social media happy hour with friends (even if you drink water) 5. Rent your favorite comedy movie/programs and laugh out loud 6. Discard old paperwork and unneeded household items. Donate! Remember, we are all in the same boat and this is a chance to clean the slate and rebuild ourselves for a successful post-pandemic future! Angela Eason, Allied ASID Communications Director 2019-2021 7

Lightopia Pop Up


n Tuesday, February, 11th 2020, we had our February ASID OC Pop-Up Event at the beautiful Lightopia Showroom located in the heart of SOCO in Costa Mesa. Guests were treated to light bites like bruschetta, a variety of cheeses and exquisite chardonnay. It was a great event and with a fabulous turnout with 40+ guests in attendance. Amongst them where designers and industry partners. All were so inspired, engaged and learning about the " 20 Hot Lighting Fixtures for 2020 " presented by showroom Owner and Principal Ken Vick; followed by a CEU presentation on "Title 24 for Lighting and Controls: Update and Applications “, which made the event a huge success. Great raffle prizes like a rose gold fan and a desk LED lamp with the latest lighting technology where raffled during the event. Designers, along with industry partners where pleased with the event, excited to have learned so much as well as having a chance to network with one another. We thank, Ken Vick, Owner and Principal of Lightopia, along with his amazing team of studio representatives; for hosting such a wonderful afternoon of learning, networking and cocktail delight. We also want to thank, Jessica Afjari; designer and studio representative; for being so cooperative and helpful with us, as we organized the event and throughout the process. Mari Garcia Pop Up Co-Chair


Tips for the Times


e are in unprecedented times. The economy is cyclical with ups and downs, that we know is normal. But this event, the corona virus, is something completely different. It caught us by surprise, and it is altering drastically how we engage in business. Some of our favorite industry professionals offer some great advice on getting through this.

Molly Wood of Molly Wood Garden Design suggests reminding clients that “having an environment that makes you feel comforted is priceless.” Molly says, “you could help them move things around and suggest a few simple changes or affordable purchases that could make a big difference.” Beth Whitlinger, ASID, CID of Beth Whitlinger Interior Design and The Interior Design Coach, had a slew of good tips. She says the most recession proof action you should do is “focus your marketing efforts on the ultra-high-end client” by using “highly targeted geo-fencing advertising” to a very specific audience. Another tip Beth gives, is to “ask for referrals” from your existing client base. “See if they will do an introductory by email” and then “send them a thank you for taking the time to do you the favor.” “Make sure your website is the best it can be.” She mentions “people are online right now, and you can’t afford to look sloppy or unprofessional.” And, a very important tip, “if you have employees inquire at your bank branch about the small business bridge loans.” Jonathan Mayer, Brand and Marketing Consultant, has some great advice of his own to share. He suggests “creating a sales funnel, or at least the start of one” by doing the following tasks. Create “the one liner” tell people how you solve a problem not your job title. Do you have a “home page” people can immediately understand what you do, how it makes their life better and how to buy it? Have a “value add PDF” offer something of value that speaks to the problem you solve for them. You’ll position yourself as the helpful expert and in turn, gain some credibility and trust. Make sure you have a “follow up system” reach out and follow up. Be real and have a human conversation and get to a place where you and your audience can help each other. And finally, “the bonus material.” Use a simplified version of your one liner everywhere such as your email signature, on your landing page and on social media profiles. Shaun Ayala, Industry Partner and Marketing Manager of Best Buy, has some good social media tips. Leverage video, Shaun says it is “the perfect opportunity to get comfortable with getting in front of the camera with your peers, clients and potential clients via Zoom, Facetime, Social Media and more.” Create content. He explains that “you can educate, inspire or entertain through email or social media.” Use this to build your brand and stay top of mind. Consistency. He recommends “getting in a rhythm, take time to create a schedule to send that email or go online. Always start with ‘what value will they take away from this’ but make it happen at least once a week.” Continued on P.21


Administrators Note


here is an old tale, “Chicken Little,” where an acorn drops from a tree and hits Chicken Little on the head; panic-stricken, they mistakenly believe the sky is falling and the world is coming to an end. The acorn is real, but the world is not coming to an end and the sky is not actually falling.

The coronavirus is real, and in addition to having caused a pandemic, it has brought uncertainty and fear. But, just like the world did not end for Chicken Little, testing will continue and expand, and we will develop new methodology to deal with the virus. Even as media reports continue to darken our screens, there is good news to share. ASID OC has hosted some fabulous events, we’ve got exciting programs in the works for the future, and we have increased chapter membership during the last Quarter! We appreciate all our members, both new and returning. Thank you for choosing our chapter, we look forward to watching you build your business, expand your mind with our programs, and ad your own twist to our vibrant chapter. During this coronavirus pandemic we are fortunate to be part of the Interior Design Industry. As design professionals we work on projects requiring creativity and ingenuity that directly affect the health and well-being of our clients and their families and friends. Let’s use our skills and talents to help combat the coronavirus and other yet unknown infectious diseases by leading the discussion for antimicrobial paints, flooring, countertop choices and non-porous, bleachable fabrics. Please share with us your solutions, anecdotes, sketches and pictures that display your forward-thinking creativity and problem-solving skills on social media, #asidocc. The ASID Code of Ethics mandates we consider the health, safety and welfare of the public. Our chapter has been taking precautions by working remote, postponing events, and planning some “Virtual” events in the meantime. We are communicating at both the Chapter and National levels by phone, email, and social media and will continue to be a resource for our Design Community. Stay positive, stay informed, and keep designing, Kasey Sterling Chapter Administrator 10

Welcome New Members ALLIED MEMBERS

Ola Banna, Student ASID

Cindy Uhrik, Allied ASID

Jeanine Rothenhaus, Student ASID



Suphitchaya Juntaradarapun, Student ASID

Nalle Fine Art

Jennifer Chung, Student ASID

Thomas Lavin

Melissa Mohlman, Student ASID

My Flooring Guy

Patricia A Maxham, Student ASID

Westminster Teak, Inc

Jeanette Marie Mustafa, Student ASID

Calligaris OC

Isabele Dargel, Student ASID Andrew David Tapia, Student ASID Michelle N Flores, Student ASID

Terra Outdoor Room & Board Gensun


Professional Development Director


(Fear Of Missing Out)

OC ASID members are you attending Monthly Mingles and Pop-Ups? If not you might be missing out. First, as a OC ASID member you want to be in the know on the latest information regarding your design business. Monthly Mingles and Pop-Ups are arranged by OC ASID volunteers of this chapter. These individuals take time out of their busy schedules to meet with Industry Partners to plan the most educational and fun experience for your benefit. By attending Monthly Mingles and Pop-Ups at top of the line showrooms, warehouses, factories, galleries and workshops you are getting exposed to the latest information these businesses have to offer. Our chair people are your cohorts who are passionate about learning and sharing as much as they can about products, services and CEUs with you. Education that helps you make smart and effective decisions for your business.

Networking happens at these events. Collaboration of ideas with fellow designers and industry partners. Go to a new showroom or a showroom you haven’t been to in a while. It gets you out of your comfort zone, and you might meet people who can expand your knowledge and sphere of influence. Overall, our OC ASID Chapter depends on your support by attending Monthly Mingles and Pop-Ups. They’re a fundraiser for our chapter to continue to operate to provide education. In addition, supports our industry partners who in turn are instrumental in your success as a designer. It’s kind of like going to the gym. You don’t feel like going, but you’re sure glad you did. Thank you, Alix Flamm, Allied ASID Professional Development Director 20192021 12


January Mingle hat a wonderful way to start the new year with a clear 20/20 Vision for our ASIDOC Designers with a fabulous January progressive mingle at Kenneth McDonalds showroom!

The evening started with delicious appetizers amongst the beautiful fabrics, trims & wall coverings as guests reconnected after the long Holiday break! Alix Flamm kicked off the event by thanking everyone for coming and introducing the ASIDOC President Bill Elson. Bill excited the members and guests with a layout of the events of the upcoming year with fun mingles, pop-ups and the Expo! He then introduced the chair of programs Jessica Jones. Jessica thanked her co chair Pamela Barthold, Kenneth McDonald & DRC showroom owner Pamela Kellogg and manager Tara Gentry for hosting the evening! Tara spoke about Kenneth McDonald’s showroom and the changes it is undertaking this year such as a van guard furniture display! Gina Villasenor presented, “wonder of wallpaper” demonstrating new fun ways to use wallpapers, trends & how Kenneth McDonald’s showroom can make it easy for designers! The guest then moved to DRC for a healthy and delicious chicken, broccoli & salad dinner keeping with our New Years resolutions, as well as a dynamic one on one Q&A between Bill Elson & showroom owner Pamela Kellogg regarding, “how to utilize the multi line showroom to maximize a designers profit, save time and how they protect them!“ Time for dessert! We then moved to the final room, the Studio, where fine linens are sold for a fabulous talk by showroom Principal Natasha Minasian on using accessories to make a designers project Instaworthy while maximizing profitability! Pam Barthold Co-Chair Mingles



February Mingle Wow what an epic mingle! Thank you Josiah Lilly and your team for hosting our February mingle at your high tech stone and fabrication studio Epic stone! It was awesome to learn a high tech way to cut stone & porcelain slabs with C&C machines. With the computers and high tech manufacturing it allows designers to be more creative, and our clients to see the finished design before the slab is even cut! The evening was kicked off with the chair of Programs Jessica Jones introducing the President of ASIDOC Bill Elson! Bill welcomed everyone and got them excited for the upcoming expo then introduced Josiah the owner of Epic stone, the stone studio, and Famosa tile. Josiah led the designers and IP’s on an informative tour of his facilities starting with his high tech computer system, C&C machines and slab yard. We then were treated to a delicious Italian dinner, drinks and raffle prizes of custom made marble Love statues.

Pamela Barthold , Associate ASID Mingles Co-Chair



Five 3 Gallery Pop Up


he Pop Up Event at Five 3 Gallery on March 12 was a success and big win for us in spite of the Coronavirus fear and the rainy weather. ASID OC and Five 3 drew a nice crowd interested in Art and Storytelling. Everyone seemed grateful and appreciative of what Brigitte had to show and offer. Art can add so much to your projects and working with a gallery can provide customized opportunities to bring your ideas to life. While we enjoyed all the gallery had to offer, we sipped wine and feasted on small bites. The event ended with several lucky raffle winners taking home special prizes to remember the evening by. Thank you to the Five 3 Gallery for keeping our spirits up, we can’t wait to get together again soon! Mari Garcia, Allied ASID Pop Up Co-Chair


Director At Large Hello ASID OC! Great news! It looks like this year’s Dining by Design will be at the new Spanish Tappas restaurant “Sevilla” that just opened in March. Sevilla is spectacular in both design and cuisine. The owner and his wife have extended a very special welcome to our chapter and are excited to introduce us to the amazing designer responsible for the creative interior design of their establishment. We will have a chance to hear about the challenges and obstacles that were overcome in the layout and design of this beautiful restaurant. I’m planning a panel discussion with other commercial designers and architects to find out just what it takes to be a top commercial/restaurant designer. Come enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow ASID members while dining on some of the finest Spanish paella and tapas outside Madrid! If last year is any indication, this event is guaranteed to sell out. We will plan this event for August, hopefully after the craziness of COVID-19 is behind us. As soon as we have a date confirmed, we will make the announcement. Stay tuned! Derek Fisher, Industry partner

At Large Director 2017-2020


Student Rep to the Board Hi Designers, Students, and Industry Partners, I may be a Design Student right now but I’m also a CPA! I have found in my career that Money Management is the most important factor in any successful business. The number one reason small (privately held) businesses fail is poor money management. What does this mean to Interior Designers? EVERYTHING!! A few tips: Hire a CPA who understands who understands your industry. There are two reasons you hire someone else: You don’t know how or You don’t want to Be sure your organizational structure is appropriate—an attorney or CPA can help you with this. This is particularly important when going into business with others. Ask the difficult questions, what happens when one of you divorces, dies or becomes incapacitated? It is much easier to have these difficult decisions before they happen. Once your organizational structure is established, decide which software is for you. If you are not maintaining inventory, Quickbooks will probably suffice. There are Interior Design specific applications that will “talk” to your QuickBooks. Have a professional CPA or bookkeeper set up your chart of accounts if you plan to handle the accounting yourself. Set up an account called “call CPA” so that any expenses that you don’t know how to categorize are in one spot, this will save you money down the road. Reconcile your checkbook monthly—if you don’t know how—hire someone. Send your accounting records to your CPA monthly. Particularly if your income has an uptick. This could change your tax situation and nobody likes to get a big tax bill on April 15! If you plan to buy products for resale, this gets tricky. Talk to your CPA about how to track, pay and report Sales and/or Use tax. This is important, when charging Sales Tax you are a conduit—a pass-through. This is not your money! You must pass it on to the government. The government doesn’t mess around if you get behind on Sales Tax. Continued on page 21 19

Committee Chairs Mingles Chair & Co-Chair

Emerging Professionals Chair

Jessica Jones, Allied ASID Angela Blake Pamela Barthold, Associate ASID

Gala and Design Awards Chair & Co-Chair

Pop Up Events Chair & Co-Chair

John Henry Kaufman, Allied ASID

Mari Garcia, Allied ASID

Angela Blake

Betty Lang, Allied ASID

Technology Chair Steve Huang, IP

Industry Partner Liaison James Schaefer


Zara Estakhr, Allied ASID

Holiday Party Chair

Historical Design Tour

Sue Rexroth, Allied ASID

Zoya Mirzai, Allied ASID

Calendar Until further notice, due to COVID-19 we are postponing all of our currently scheduled events. ASID OC wants to assure all our members that we are committed to the health, safety, and livelihood of our members. We are striving to find ways to connect our chapter during these unusual times and will be updating our members by email as move forward.

Thank you for your continued support. 20

Continued from Page 9: Shannon Ratcliffe, Managing Director Blue Door Magazine, recommends to “pivot, it’s the best thing designers can do.” She advises that “spring is in the air, focus on outdoor design and bringing the kitchen outside. Your local clients are going to be spending a lot of time in their homes this summer, as travel may be limited. Learn design trends that you can do virtually from your home, with your clients.” During this down time, while quarantined, take these tips and keep your business moving forward. This is an opportunity to hone your skills, learn new technology, build you audience, and clarify your message. Julia Alt, Allied ASID Finance Director 2019-2021 Continued from Page 19: When hiring employees, have an employee handbook. There are a variety of ways to buy a “pro-forma” handbook that you can simply modify to suit your needs. It is critical to have the handbook, very specific job descriptions and to delineate expectations. Always maintain an employee file. Things might be glorious in the beginning, but you may need to let that employee go at some point. Having the handbook, job description, quarterly reviews and good communication will save you a lot of future headaches. Use a payroll service it’s cheap and easy. They will take care of paying the withholdings timely. This is another critical point. A lot of small businesses fail because they don’t remit their Federal & State withholdings in a timely manner or not at all. This is another case of “it’s not your money.” Payroll taxes are the employee’s money which you are passing through to the government. If you are using Sub-Contractors have a sub-contractor agreement specific to expectations. If you are not sure whether someone is an employee or a subcontractor, check the IRS website or call your CPA. Issue 1099’s to anyone you have paid $600 in any year.

There are a variety of contracts available via the ASID website for both commercial and residential projects! Hopefully these tips help, Jayne Jacobson, Student ASID Student Rep to the Board 2019-2020



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